path: root/docs/docsite/rst/community/how_can_I_help.rst
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+How To Help
+.. contents:: Topics
+There are many ways to help the Ansible project.
+Become a power user
+A great way to help the Ansible project is to become a power user:
+* Use Ansible everywhere you can
+* Take tutorials and classes
+* Read the `official documentation <>`_
+* Study some of the `many excellent books <>`_ about Ansible
+* `Get certified <>`_.
+When you become a power user, your ability and opportunities to help the Ansible project in other ways will multiply quickly.
+Ask and answer questions online
+There are many forums online where Ansible users ask and answer questions. Reach out and communicate with your fellow Ansible users.
+You can find the official :ref:`Ansible communication channels <communication>`.
+Participate in your local meetup
+There are Ansible meetups `all over the world <>`_. Join your local meetup. Attend regularly. Ask good questions. Volunteer to give a presentation about how you use Ansible.
+If there isn't a meetup near you, we'll be happy to help you `start one <>`_.
+File and verify issues
+All software has bugs, and Ansible is no exception. When you find a bug, you can help tremendously by :ref:`telling us about it <reporting_bugs_and_features>`.
+If you should discover that the bug you're trying to file already exists in an issue, you can help by verifying the behavior of the reported bug with a comment in that issue, or by reporting any additional information.
+Review and submit pull requests
+As you become more familiar with how Ansible works, you may be able to fix issues or develop new features yourself. If you think you've got a solution to a bug you've found in Ansible, or if you've got a new feature that you've written and would like to share with millions of Ansible users, read all about the `Ansible development process <>` to learn how to get your code accepted into Ansible.
+Another good way to help is to review pull requests that other Ansible users have submitted. The Ansible community keeps a full list of `open pull requests by file <>`_, so if there's a particular module or plug-in that particularly interests you, you can easily keep track of all the relevant new pull requests and provide testing or feedback.
+Become a module maintainer
+Once you've learned about the development process and have contributed code to a particular module, we encourage you to become a maintainer of that module. There are hundreds of different modules in Ansible, and the vast majority of them are written and maintained entirely by members of the Ansible community.
+To learn more about the responsibilities of being an Ansible module maintainer, please read our :ref:`module maintainer guidelines <maintainers>`.
+Join a working group
+Working groups are a way for Ansible community members to self-organize around particular topics of interest. We have working groups around various topics. To join or create a working group, please read the `Ansible working group guidelines <>`_.
+Teach Ansible to others
+We're working on a standardized Ansible workshop called `Lightbulb <>`_ that can provide a good hands-on introduction to Ansible usage and concepts.
+Social media
+If you like Ansible and just want to spread the good word, feel free to share on your social media platform of choice, and let us know by using ``@ansible`` or ``#ansible``. We'll be looking for you.