path: root/hacking/build_library/build_ansible/command_plugins/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'hacking/build_library/build_ansible/command_plugins/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 807 deletions
diff --git a/hacking/build_library/build_ansible/command_plugins/ b/hacking/build_library/build_ansible/command_plugins/
deleted file mode 100644
index 475d86d97c..0000000000
--- a/hacking/build_library/build_ansible/command_plugins/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,807 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright: (c) 2012, Jan-Piet Mens <jpmens ()>
-# Copyright: (c) 2012-2014, Michael DeHaan <> and others
-# Copyright: (c) 2017, Ansible Project
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-import datetime
-import glob
-import json
-import os
-import re
-import sys
-import warnings
-from collections import defaultdict
-from copy import deepcopy
-from distutils.version import LooseVersion
-from functools import partial
-from pprint import PrettyPrinter
- from html import escape as html_escape
-except ImportError:
- # Python-3.2 or later
- import cgi
- def html_escape(text, quote=True):
- return cgi.escape(text, quote)
-import jinja2
-import yaml
-from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader
-from ansible.errors import AnsibleError
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_bytes
-from ansible.module_utils.common.collections import is_sequence
-from ansible.module_utils.parsing.convert_bool import boolean
-from ansible.module_utils.six import iteritems, string_types
-from ansible.plugins.loader import fragment_loader
-from ansible.utils import plugin_docs
-from ansible.utils.display import Display
-# Pylint doesn't understand Python3 namespace modules.
-from ..change_detection import update_file_if_different # pylint: disable=relative-beyond-top-level
-from ..commands import Command # pylint: disable=relative-beyond-top-level
-from ..jinja2.filters import do_max, documented_type, html_ify, rst_fmt, rst_ify, rst_xline # pylint: disable=relative-beyond-top-level
-# constants and paths
-# if a module is added in a version of Ansible older than this, don't print the version added information
-# in the module documentation because everyone is assumed to be running something newer than this already.
-# Get parent directory of the directory this script lives in
-MODULEDIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
- os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), os.pardir, 'lib', 'ansible', 'modules'
-# The name of the DOCUMENTATION template
-EXAMPLE_YAML = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
- os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), os.pardir, 'examples', 'DOCUMENTATION.yml'
-pp = PrettyPrinter()
-display = Display()
-# kludge_ns gives us a kludgey way to set variables inside of loops that need to be visible outside
-# the loop. We can get rid of this when we no longer need to build docs with less than Jinja-2.10
-# With Jinja-2.10 we can use jinja2's namespace feature, restoring the namespace template portion
-# of: fa5c0282a4816c4dd48e80b983ffc1e14506a1f5
-NS_MAP = {}
-def to_kludge_ns(key, value):
- NS_MAP[key] = value
- return ""
-def from_kludge_ns(key):
- return NS_MAP[key]
-test_list = partial(is_sequence, include_strings=False)
-def normalize_options(value):
- """Normalize boolean option value."""
- if value.get('type') == 'bool' and 'default' in value:
- try:
- value['default'] = boolean(value['default'], strict=True)
- except TypeError:
- pass
- return value
-def write_data(text, output_dir, outputname, module=None):
- ''' dumps module output to a file or the screen, as requested '''
- if output_dir is not None:
- if module:
- outputname = outputname % module
- if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
- os.makedirs(output_dir)
- fname = os.path.join(output_dir, outputname)
- fname = fname.replace(".py", "")
- try:
- updated = update_file_if_different(fname, to_bytes(text))
- except Exception as e:
- display.display("while rendering %s, an error occured: %s" % (module, e))
- raise
- if updated:
- display.display("rendering: %s" % module)
- else:
- print(text)
-IS_STDOUT_TTY = sys.stdout.isatty()
-def show_progress(progress):
- '''Show a little process indicator.'''
- sys.stdout.write('\r%s\r' % ("-/|\\"[progress % 4]))
- sys.stdout.flush()
-def get_plugin_info(module_dir, limit_to=None, verbose=False):
- '''
- Returns information about plugins and the categories that they belong to
- :arg module_dir: file system path to the top of the plugin directory
- :kwarg limit_to: If given, this is a list of plugin names to
- generate information for. All other plugins will be ignored.
- :returns: Tuple of two dicts containing module_info, categories, and
- aliases and a set listing deprecated modules:
- :module_info: mapping of module names to information about them. The fields of the dict are:
- :path: filesystem path to the module
- :deprecated: boolean. True means the module is deprecated otherwise not.
- :aliases: set of aliases to this module name
- :metadata: The modules metadata (as recorded in the module)
- :doc: The documentation structure for the module
- :seealso: The list of dictionaries with references to related subjects
- :examples: The module's examples
- :returndocs: The module's returndocs
- :categories: maps category names to a dict. The dict contains at
- least one key, '_modules' which contains a list of module names in
- that category. Any other keys in the dict are subcategories with
- the same structure.
- '''
- categories = dict()
- module_info = defaultdict(dict)
- # * windows powershell modules have documentation stubs in python docstring
- # format (they are not executed) so skip the ps1 format files
- # * One glob level for every module level that we're going to traverse
- files = (
- glob.glob("%s/*.py" % module_dir) +
- glob.glob("%s/*/*.py" % module_dir) +
- glob.glob("%s/*/*/*.py" % module_dir) +
- glob.glob("%s/*/*/*/*.py" % module_dir)
- )
- module_index = 0
- for module_path in files:
- # Do not list files
- if module_path.endswith(''):
- continue
- # Do not list blacklisted modules
- module = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(module_path))[0]
- if module in plugin_docs.BLACKLIST['MODULE'] or module == 'base':
- continue
- # If requested, limit module documentation building only to passed-in
- # modules.
- if limit_to is not None and module.lower() not in limit_to:
- continue
- deprecated = False
- if module.startswith("_"):
- if os.path.islink(module_path):
- # Handle aliases
- source = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(os.path.realpath(module_path)))[0]
- module = module.replace("_", "", 1)
- if source.startswith("_"):
- source = source.replace("_", "", 1)
- aliases = module_info[source].get('aliases', set())
- aliases.add(module)
- aliases_deprecated = module_info[source].get('aliases_deprecated', set())
- aliases_deprecated.add(module)
- # In case we just created this via get()'s fallback
- module_info[source]['aliases'] = aliases
- module_info[source]['aliases_deprecated'] = aliases_deprecated
- continue
- else:
- # Handle deprecations
- module = module.replace("_", "", 1)
- deprecated = True
- #
- # Regular module to process
- #
- module_index += 1
- show_progress(module_index)
- # use ansible core library to parse out doc metadata YAML and plaintext examples
- doc, examples, returndocs, metadata = plugin_docs.get_docstring(
- module_path, fragment_loader, verbose=verbose, collection_name='ansible.builtin')
- if metadata and 'removed' in metadata.get('status', []):
- continue
- category = categories
- # Start at the second directory because we don't want the "vendor"
- mod_path_only = os.path.dirname(module_path[len(module_dir):])
- # Find the subcategory for each module
- relative_dir = mod_path_only.split('/')[1]
- sub_category = mod_path_only[len(relative_dir) + 2:]
- primary_category = ''
- module_categories = []
- # build up the categories that this module belongs to
- for new_cat in mod_path_only.split('/')[1:]:
- if new_cat not in category:
- category[new_cat] = dict()
- category[new_cat]['_modules'] = []
- module_categories.append(new_cat)
- category = category[new_cat]
- category['_modules'].append(module)
- # the category we will use in links (so list_of_all_plugins can point to plugins/action_plugins/*'
- if module_categories:
- primary_category = module_categories[0]
- if not doc:
- display.error("*** ERROR: DOCUMENTATION section missing for %s. ***" % module_path)
- continue
- if 'options' in doc and doc['options'] is None:
- display.error("*** ERROR: DOCUMENTATION.options must be a dictionary/hash when used. ***")
- pos = getattr(doc, "ansible_pos", None)
- if pos is not None:
- display.error("Module position: %s, %d, %d" % doc.ansible_pos)
- doc['options'] = dict()
- for key, opt in doc.get('options', {}).items():
- doc['options'][key] = normalize_options(opt)
- # save all the information
- module_info[module] = {'path': module_path,
- 'source': os.path.relpath(module_path, module_dir),
- 'deprecated': deprecated,
- 'aliases': module_info[module].get('aliases', set()),
- 'aliases_deprecated': module_info[module].get('aliases_deprecated', set()),
- 'metadata': metadata,
- 'doc': doc,
- 'examples': examples,
- 'returndocs': returndocs,
- 'categories': module_categories,
- 'primary_category': primary_category,
- 'sub_category': sub_category,
- }
- # keep module tests out of becoming module docs
- if 'test' in categories:
- del categories['test']
- return module_info, categories
-def jinja2_environment(template_dir, typ, plugin_type):
- env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(template_dir),
- variable_start_string="@{",
- variable_end_string="}@",
- trim_blocks=True)
- env.globals['xline'] = rst_xline
- # Can be removed (and template switched to use namespace) when we no longer need to build
- # with <Jinja-2.10
- env.globals['to_kludge_ns'] = to_kludge_ns
- env.globals['from_kludge_ns'] = from_kludge_ns
- if 'max' not in env.filters:
- # Jinja < 2.10
- env.filters['max'] = do_max
- if 'tojson' not in env.filters:
- # Jinja < 2.9
- env.filters['tojson'] = json.dumps
- templates = {}
- if typ == 'rst':
- env.filters['rst_ify'] = rst_ify
- env.filters['html_ify'] = html_ify
- env.filters['fmt'] = rst_fmt
- env.filters['xline'] = rst_xline
- env.filters['documented_type'] = documented_type
- env.tests['list'] = test_list
- templates['plugin'] = env.get_template('plugin.rst.j2')
- templates['plugin_deprecation_stub'] = env.get_template('plugin_deprecation_stub.rst.j2')
- if plugin_type == 'module':
- name = 'modules'
- else:
- name = 'plugins'
- templates['category_list'] = env.get_template('%s_by_category.rst.j2' % name)
- templates['support_list'] = env.get_template('%s_by_support.rst.j2' % name)
- templates['list_of_CATEGORY_modules'] = env.get_template('list_of_CATEGORY_%s.rst.j2' % name)
- else:
- raise Exception("Unsupported format type: %s" % typ)
- return templates
-def process_version_added(version_added):
- if not isinstance(version_added, string_types):
- return version_added
- if ':' not in version_added:
- return version_added
- # Strip tag from version_added. It suffices to do this here since
- # this is only used for ansible-base, and there the only valid tag
- # is `ansible.builtin:`.
- return version_added[version_added.index(':') + 1:]
-def too_old(added):
- if not added:
- return False
- try:
- added_tokens = str(added).split(".")
- readded = added_tokens[0] + "." + added_tokens[1]
- added_float = float(readded)
- except ValueError as e:
- warnings.warn("Could not parse %s: %s" % (added, str(e)))
- return False
- return added_float < TOO_OLD_TO_BE_NOTABLE
-def process_options(module, options, full_key=None):
- option_names = []
- if full_key is None:
- full_key = []
- if options:
- for (k, v) in iteritems(options):
- # Make sure that "full key" is contained
- full_key_k = full_key + [k]
- v['full_key'] = full_key_k
- # Error out if there's no description
- if 'description' not in v:
- raise AnsibleError("Missing required description for parameter '%s' in '%s' " % (k, module))
- # Make sure description is a list of lines for later formatting
- if isinstance(v['description'], string_types):
- v['description'] = [v['description']]
- elif not isinstance(v['description'], (list, tuple)):
- raise AnsibleError("Invalid type for options['%s']['description']."
- " Must be string or list of strings. Got %s" %
- (k, type(v['description'])))
- # Error out if required isn't a boolean (people have been putting
- # information on when something is required in here. Those need
- # to go in the description instead).
- required_value = v.get('required', False)
- if not isinstance(required_value, bool):
- raise AnsibleError("Invalid required value '%s' for parameter '%s' in '%s' (must be truthy)" % (required_value, k, module))
- # Strip old version_added information for options
- if 'version_added' in v:
- v['version_added'] = process_version_added(v['version_added'])
- if too_old(v['version_added']):
- del v['version_added']
- if 'suboptions' in v and v['suboptions']:
- if isinstance(v['suboptions'], dict):
- process_options(module, v['suboptions'], full_key=full_key_k)
- elif isinstance(v['suboptions'][0], dict):
- process_options(module, v['suboptions'][0], full_key=full_key_k)
- option_names.append(k)
- option_names.sort()
- return option_names
-def process_returndocs(returndocs, full_key=None):
- if full_key is None:
- full_key = []
- if returndocs:
- for (k, v) in iteritems(returndocs):
- # Make sure that "full key" is contained
- full_key_k = full_key + [k]
- v['full_key'] = full_key_k
- # Strip old version_added information for options
- if 'version_added' in v:
- v['version_added'] = process_version_added(v['version_added'])
- if too_old(v['version_added']):
- del v['version_added']
- # Process suboptions
- suboptions = v.get('contains')
- if suboptions:
- if isinstance(suboptions, dict):
- process_returndocs(suboptions, full_key=full_key_k)
- elif is_sequence(suboptions):
- process_returndocs(suboptions[0], full_key=full_key_k)
-def process_plugins(module_map, templates, outputname, output_dir, ansible_version, plugin_type):
- for module_index, module in enumerate(module_map):
- show_progress(module_index)
- fname = module_map[module]['path']
- display.vvvvv(pp.pformat(('process_plugins info: ', module_map[module])))
- # crash if module is missing documentation and not explicitly hidden from docs index
- if module_map[module]['doc'] is None:
- display.error("%s MISSING DOCUMENTATION" % (fname,))
- _doc = {plugin_type: module,
- 'version_added': '2.4',
- 'filename': fname}
- module_map[module]['doc'] = _doc
- # continue
- # Going to reference this heavily so make a short name to reference it by
- doc = module_map[module]['doc']
- display.vvvvv(pp.pformat(('process_plugins doc: ', doc)))
- # add some defaults for plugins that dont have most of the info
- doc['module'] = doc.get('module', module)
- doc['version_added'] = process_version_added(doc.get('version_added', 'historical'))
- doc['plugin_type'] = plugin_type
- if module_map[module]['deprecated'] and 'deprecated' not in doc:
- display.warning("%s PLUGIN MISSING DEPRECATION DOCUMENTATION: %s" % (fname, 'deprecated'))
- required_fields = ('short_description',)
- for field in required_fields:
- if field not in doc:
- display.warning("%s PLUGIN MISSING field '%s'" % (fname, field))
- not_nullable_fields = ('short_description',)
- for field in not_nullable_fields:
- if field in doc and doc[field] in (None, ''):
- print("%s: WARNING: MODULE field '%s' DOCUMENTATION is null/empty value=%s" % (fname, field, doc[field]))
- if 'description' in doc:
- if isinstance(doc['description'], string_types):
- doc['description'] = [doc['description']]
- elif not isinstance(doc['description'], (list, tuple)):
- raise AnsibleError("Description must be a string or list of strings. Got %s"
- % type(doc['description']))
- else:
- doc['description'] = []
- if 'version_added' not in doc:
- # Will never happen, since it has been explicitly inserted above.
- raise AnsibleError("*** ERROR: missing version_added in: %s ***\n" % module)
- #
- # The present template gets everything from doc so we spend most of this
- # function moving data into doc for the template to reference
- #
- if module_map[module]['aliases']:
- doc['aliases'] = module_map[module]['aliases']
- # don't show version added information if it's too old to be called out
- added = 0
- if doc['version_added'] == 'historical':
- del doc['version_added']
- else:
- added = doc['version_added']
- # Strip old version_added for the module
- if too_old(added):
- del doc['version_added']
- doc['option_keys'] = process_options(module, doc.get('options'))
- doc['filename'] = fname
- doc['source'] = module_map[module]['source']
- doc['docuri'] = doc['module'].replace('_', '-')
- doc['now_date'] ='%Y-%m-%d')
- doc['ansible_version'] = ansible_version
- # check the 'deprecated' field in doc. We expect a dict potentially with 'why', 'version', and 'alternative' fields
- # examples = module_map[module]['examples']
- # print('\n\n%s: type of examples: %s\n' % (module, type(examples)))
- # if examples and not isinstance(examples, (str, unicode, list)):
- # raise TypeError('module %s examples is wrong type (%s): %s' % (module, type(examples), examples))
- # use 'examples' for 'plainexamples' if 'examples' is a string
- if isinstance(module_map[module]['examples'], string_types):
- doc['plainexamples'] = module_map[module]['examples'] # plain text
- else:
- doc['plainexamples'] = ''
- doc['metadata'] = module_map[module]['metadata']
- display.vvvvv(pp.pformat(module_map[module]))
- if module_map[module]['returndocs']:
- doc['returndocs'] = module_map[module]['returndocs']
- process_returndocs(doc['returndocs'])
- else:
- doc['returndocs'] = None
- doc['author'] = doc.get('author', ['UNKNOWN'])
- if isinstance(doc['author'], string_types):
- doc['author'] = [doc['author']]
- display.v('about to template %s' % module)
- display.vvvvv(pp.pformat(doc))
- try:
- text = templates['plugin'].render(doc)
- except Exception as e:
- display.warning(msg="Could not parse %s due to %s" % (module, e))
- continue
- if LooseVersion(jinja2.__version__) < LooseVersion('2.10'):
- # jinja2 < 2.10's indent filter indents blank lines. Cleanup
- text = re.sub(' +\n', '\n', text)
- write_data(text, output_dir, outputname, module)
- # Create deprecation stub pages for deprecated aliases
- if module_map[module]['aliases']:
- for alias in module_map[module]['aliases']:
- if alias in module_map[module]['aliases_deprecated']:
- doc['alias'] = alias
- display.v('about to template %s (deprecation alias %s)' % (module, alias))
- display.vvvvv(pp.pformat(doc))
- try:
- text = templates['plugin_deprecation_stub'].render(doc)
- except Exception as e:
- display.warning(msg="Could not parse %s (deprecation alias %s) due to %s" % (module, alias, e))
- continue
- if LooseVersion(jinja2.__version__) < LooseVersion('2.10'):
- # jinja2 < 2.10's indent filter indents blank lines. Cleanup
- text = re.sub(' +\n', '\n', text)
- write_data(text, output_dir, outputname, alias)
-def process_categories(plugin_info, categories, templates, output_dir, output_name, plugin_type):
- # For some reason, this line is changing plugin_info:
- # text = templates['list_of_CATEGORY_modules'].render(template_data)
- # To avoid that, make a deepcopy of the data.
- # We should track that down and fix it at some point in the future.
- plugin_info = deepcopy(plugin_info)
- for category in sorted(categories.keys()):
- module_map = categories[category]
- category_filename = output_name % category
- display.display("*** recording category %s in %s ***" % (category, category_filename))
- # start a new category file
- category_name = category.replace("_", " ")
- category_title = category_name.title()
- subcategories = dict((k, v) for k, v in module_map.items() if k != '_modules')
- template_data = {'title': category_title,
- 'category_name': category_name,
- 'category': module_map,
- 'subcategories': subcategories,
- 'module_info': plugin_info,
- 'plugin_type': plugin_type
- }
- text = templates['list_of_CATEGORY_modules'].render(template_data)
- write_data(text, output_dir, category_filename)
-def process_support_levels(plugin_info, categories, templates, output_dir, plugin_type):
- supported_by = {'Ansible Core Team': {'slug': 'core_supported',
- 'modules': [],
- 'output': 'core_maintained.rst',
- 'blurb': "These are :doc:`modules maintained by the"
- " Ansible Core Team<core_maintained>` and will always ship"
- " with Ansible itself."},
- 'Ansible Network Team': {'slug': 'network_supported',
- 'modules': [],
- 'output': 'network_maintained.rst',
- 'blurb': "These are :doc:`modules maintained by the"
- " Ansible Network Team<network_maintained>` in"
- " a relationship similar to how the Ansible Core Team"
- " maintains the Core modules."},
- 'Ansible Partners': {'slug': 'certified_supported',
- 'modules': [],
- 'output': 'partner_maintained.rst',
- 'blurb': """
-Some examples of :doc:`Certified Modules<partner_maintained>` are those submitted by other
-companies. Maintainers of these types of modules must watch for any issues reported or pull requests
-raised against the module.
-The Ansible Core Team will review all modules becoming certified. Core committers will review
-proposed changes to existing Certified Modules once the community maintainers of the module have
-approved the changes. Core committers will also ensure that any issues that arise due to Ansible
-engine changes will be remediated. Also, it is strongly recommended (but not presently required)
-for these types of modules to have unit tests.
-These modules are currently shipped with Ansible, but might be shipped separately in the future.
- 'Ansible Community': {'slug': 'community_supported',
- 'modules': [],
- 'output': 'community_maintained.rst',
- 'blurb': """
-These are :doc:`modules maintained by the Ansible Community<community_maintained>`. They **are
-not** supported by the Ansible Core Team or by companies/partners associated to the module.
-They are still fully usable, but the response rate to issues is purely up to the community. Best
-effort support will be provided but is not covered under any support contracts.
-These modules are currently shipped with Ansible, but will most likely be shipped separately in the future.
- """},
- }
- # only gen support pages for modules for now, need to split and namespace templates and generated docs
- if plugin_type == 'plugins':
- return
- # Separate the modules by support_level
- for module, info in plugin_info.items():
- if not info.get('metadata', None):
- display.warning('no metadata for %s' % module)
- continue
- if info['metadata']['supported_by'] == 'core':
- supported_by['Ansible Core Team']['modules'].append(module)
- elif info['metadata']['supported_by'] == 'network':
- supported_by['Ansible Network Team']['modules'].append(module)
- elif info['metadata']['supported_by'] == 'certified':
- supported_by['Ansible Partners']['modules'].append(module)
- elif info['metadata']['supported_by'] == 'community':
- supported_by['Ansible Community']['modules'].append(module)
- else:
- raise AnsibleError('Unknown supported_by value: %s' % info['metadata']['supported_by'])
- # Render the module lists based on category and subcategory
- for maintainers, data in supported_by.items():
- subcategories = {}
- subcategories[''] = {}
- for module in data['modules']:
- new_cat = plugin_info[module]['sub_category']
- category = plugin_info[module]['primary_category']
- if category not in subcategories:
- subcategories[category] = {}
- subcategories[category][''] = {}
- subcategories[category]['']['_modules'] = []
- if new_cat not in subcategories[category]:
- subcategories[category][new_cat] = {}
- subcategories[category][new_cat]['_modules'] = []
- subcategories[category][new_cat]['_modules'].append(module)
- template_data = {'maintainers': maintainers,
- 'subcategories': subcategories,
- 'modules': data['modules'],
- 'slug': data['slug'],
- 'module_info': plugin_info,
- 'plugin_type': plugin_type
- }
- text = templates['support_list'].render(template_data)
- write_data(text, output_dir, data['output'])
-def validate_options(options):
- ''' validate option parser options '''
- if not options.module_dir:
- sys.exit("--module-dir is required")
- if not os.path.exists(options.module_dir):
- sys.exit("--module-dir does not exist: %s" % options.module_dir)
- if not options.template_dir:
- sys.exit("--template-dir must be specified")
-class DocumentPlugins(Command):
- name = 'document-plugins'
- @classmethod
- def init_parser(cls, add_parser):
- parser = add_parser(, description='Generate module documentation from metadata')
- parser.add_argument("-A", "--ansible-version", action="store", dest="ansible_version",
- default="unknown", help="Ansible version number")
- parser.add_argument("-M", "--module-dir", action="store", dest="module_dir",
- default=MODULEDIR, help="Ansible library path")
- parser.add_argument("-P", "--plugin-type", action="store", dest="plugin_type",
- default='module', help="The type of plugin (module, lookup, etc)")
- parser.add_argument("-T", "--template-dir", action="append", dest="template_dir",
- help="directory containing Jinja2 templates")
- parser.add_argument("-t", "--type", action='store', dest='type', choices=['rst'],
- default='rst', help="Document type")
- parser.add_argument("-o", "--output-dir", action="store", dest="output_dir", default=None,
- help="Output directory for module files")
- parser.add_argument("-I", "--includes-file", action="store", dest="includes_file",
- default=None, help="Create a file containing list of processed modules")
- parser.add_argument("-l", "--limit-to-modules", '--limit-to', action="store",
- dest="limit_to", default=None, help="Limit building module documentation"
- " to comma-separated list of plugins. Specify non-existing plugin name"
- " for no plugins.")
- parser.add_argument('-V', action='version', help='Show version number and exit')
- parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', dest='verbosity', default=0, action="count",
- help="verbose mode (increase number of 'v's for more)")
- @staticmethod
- def main(args):
- if not args.template_dir:
- args.template_dir = ["hacking/templates"]
- validate_options(args)
- display.verbosity = args.verbosity
- plugin_type = args.plugin_type
- display.display("Evaluating %s files..." % plugin_type)
- # prep templating
- templates = jinja2_environment(args.template_dir, args.type, plugin_type)
- # set file/directory structure
- if plugin_type == 'module':
- # trim trailing s off of plugin_type for plugin_type=='modules'. ie 'copy_module.rst'
- outputname = '%s_' + '%s.rst' % plugin_type
- output_dir = args.output_dir
- else:
- # for plugins, just use 'ssh.rst' vs 'ssh_module.rst'
- outputname = '%s.rst'
- output_dir = '%s/plugins/%s' % (args.output_dir, plugin_type)
- display.vv('output name: %s' % outputname)
- display.vv('output dir: %s' % output_dir)
- # Convert passed-in limit_to to None or list of modules.
- if args.limit_to is not None:
- args.limit_to = [s.lower() for s in args.limit_to.split(",")]
- plugin_info, categories = get_plugin_info(args.module_dir, limit_to=args.limit_to, verbose=(args.verbosity > 0))
- categories['all'] = {'_modules': plugin_info.keys()}
- if display.verbosity >= 3:
- display.vvv(pp.pformat(categories))
- if display.verbosity >= 5:
- display.vvvvv(pp.pformat(plugin_info))
- # Transform the data
- if args.type == 'rst':
- display.v('Generating rst')
- for key, record in plugin_info.items():
- display.vv(key)
- if display.verbosity >= 5:
- display.vvvvv(pp.pformat(('record', record)))
- if record.get('doc', None):
- short_desc = record['doc']['short_description'].rstrip('.')
- if short_desc is None:
- display.warning('short_description for %s is None' % key)
- short_desc = ''
- record['doc']['short_description'] = rst_ify(short_desc)
- if plugin_type == 'module':
- display.v('Generating Categories')
- # Write module master category list
- category_list_text = templates['category_list'].render(categories=sorted(categories.keys()))
- category_index_name = '%ss_by_category.rst' % plugin_type
- write_data(category_list_text, output_dir, category_index_name)
- # Render all the individual plugin pages
- display.v('Generating plugin pages')
- process_plugins(plugin_info, templates, outputname, output_dir, args.ansible_version, plugin_type)
- # Render all the categories for modules
- if plugin_type == 'module':
- display.v('Generating Category lists')
- category_list_name_template = 'list_of_%s_' + '%ss.rst' % plugin_type
- process_categories(plugin_info, categories, templates, output_dir, category_list_name_template, plugin_type)
- # Render all the categories for modules
- process_support_levels(plugin_info, categories, templates, output_dir, plugin_type)
- return 0