path: root/lib/ansible/cli/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/ansible/cli/')
1 files changed, 238 insertions, 32 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ansible/cli/ b/lib/ansible/cli/
index 31c21146fc..476a7d0f89 100644
--- a/lib/ansible/cli/
+++ b/lib/ansible/cli/
@@ -22,10 +22,10 @@
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
-import os
import os.path
import sys
import yaml
+import time
from collections import defaultdict
from jinja2 import Environment
@@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ from ansible.errors import AnsibleError, AnsibleOptionsError
from ansible.galaxy import Galaxy
from ansible.galaxy.api import GalaxyAPI
from ansible.galaxy.role import GalaxyRole
+from ansible.galaxy.login import GalaxyLogin
+from ansible.galaxy.token import GalaxyToken
from ansible.playbook.role.requirement import RoleRequirement
@@ -44,14 +46,12 @@ except ImportError:
from ansible.utils.display import Display
display = Display()
class GalaxyCLI(CLI):
- VALID_ACTIONS = ("init", "info", "install", "list", "remove", "search")
SKIP_INFO_KEYS = ("name", "description", "readme_html", "related", "summary_fields", "average_aw_composite", "average_aw_score", "url" )
+ VALID_ACTIONS = ("delete", "import", "info", "init", "install", "list", "login", "remove", "search", "setup")
def __init__(self, args):
self.api = None
self.galaxy = None
super(GalaxyCLI, self).__init__(args)
@@ -67,7 +67,17 @@ class GalaxyCLI(CLI):
# options specific to actions
- if self.action == "info":
+ if self.action == "delete":
+ self.parser.set_usage("usage: %prog delete [options] github_user github_repo")
+ elif self.action == "import":
+ self.parser.set_usage("usage: %prog import [options] github_user github_repo")
+ self.parser.add_option('--no-wait', dest='wait', action='store_false', default=True,
+ help='Don\'t wait for import results.')
+ self.parser.add_option('--branch', dest='reference',
+ help='The name of a branch to import. Defaults to the repository\'s default branch (usually master)')
+ self.parser.add_option('--status', dest='check_status', action='store_true', default=False,
+ help='Check the status of the most recent import request for given github_user/github_repo.')
+ elif self.action == "info":
self.parser.set_usage("usage: %prog info [options] role_name[,version]")
elif self.action == "init":
self.parser.set_usage("usage: %prog init [options] role_name")
@@ -88,31 +98,42 @@ class GalaxyCLI(CLI):
self.parser.set_usage("usage: %prog remove role1 role2 ...")
elif self.action == "list":
self.parser.set_usage("usage: %prog list [role_name]")
+ elif self.action == "login":
+ self.parser.set_usage("usage: %prog login [options]")
+ self.parser.add_option('--github-token', dest='token', default=None,
+ help='Identify with github token rather than username and password.')
elif self.action == "search":
self.parser.add_option('--platforms', dest='platforms',
help='list of OS platforms to filter by')
self.parser.add_option('--galaxy-tags', dest='tags',
help='list of galaxy tags to filter by')
- self.parser.set_usage("usage: %prog search [<search_term>] [--galaxy-tags <galaxy_tag1,galaxy_tag2>] [--platforms platform]")
+ self.parser.add_option('--author', dest='author',
+ help='GitHub username')
+ self.parser.set_usage("usage: %prog search [searchterm1 searchterm2] [--galaxy-tags galaxy_tag1,galaxy_tag2] [--platforms platform1,platform2] [--author username]")
+ elif self.action == "setup":
+ self.parser.set_usage("usage: %prog setup [options] source github_user github_repo secret")
+ self.parser.add_option('--remove', dest='remove_id', default=None,
+ help='Remove the integration matching the provided ID value. Use --list to see ID values.')
+ self.parser.add_option('--list', dest="setup_list", action='store_true', default=False,
+ help='List all of your integrations.')
# options that apply to more than one action
- if self.action != "init":
+ if not self.action in ("delete","import","init","login","setup"):
self.parser.add_option('-p', '--roles-path', dest='roles_path', default=C.DEFAULT_ROLES_PATH,
help='The path to the directory containing your roles. '
'The default is the roles_path configured in your '
'ansible.cfg file (/etc/ansible/roles if not configured)')
- if self.action in ("info","init","install","search"):
- self.parser.add_option('-s', '--server', dest='api_server', default="",
+ if self.action in ("import","info","init","install","login","search","setup","delete"):
+ self.parser.add_option('-s', '--server', dest='api_server', default=C.GALAXY_SERVER,
help='The API server destination')
- self.parser.add_option('-c', '--ignore-certs', action='store_false', dest='validate_certs', default=True,
+ self.parser.add_option('-c', '--ignore-certs', action='store_true', dest='ignore_certs', default=False,
help='Ignore SSL certificate validation errors.')
if self.action in ("init","install"):
self.parser.add_option('-f', '--force', dest='force', action='store_true', default=False,
help='Force overwriting an existing role')
- # get options, args and galaxy object
self.options, self.args =self.parser.parse_args()
display.verbosity = self.options.verbosity
self.galaxy = Galaxy(self.options)
@@ -120,15 +141,13 @@ class GalaxyCLI(CLI):
return True
def run(self):
super(GalaxyCLI, self).run()
# if not offline, get connect to galaxy api
- if self.action in ("info","install", "search") or (self.action == 'init' and not self.options.offline):
- api_server = self.options.api_server
- self.api = GalaxyAPI(self.galaxy, api_server)
- if not self.api:
- raise AnsibleError("The API server (%s) is not responding, please try again later." % api_server)
+ if self.action in ("import","info","install","search","login","setup","delete") or \
+ (self.action == 'init' and not self.options.offline):
+ self.api = GalaxyAPI(self.galaxy)
@@ -188,7 +207,7 @@ class GalaxyCLI(CLI):
"however it will reset any main.yml files that may have\n"
"been modified there already." % role_path)
- # create the default
+ # create default
if not os.path.exists(role_path):
readme_path = os.path.join(role_path, "")
@@ -196,9 +215,16 @@ class GalaxyCLI(CLI):
+ # create default .travis.yml
+ travis = Environment().from_string(self.galaxy.default_travis).render()
+ f = open(os.path.join(role_path, '.travis.yml'), 'w')
+ f.write(travis)
+ f.close()
for dir in GalaxyRole.ROLE_DIRS:
dir_path = os.path.join(init_path, role_name, dir)
main_yml_path = os.path.join(dir_path, 'main.yml')
# create the directory if it doesn't exist already
if not os.path.exists(dir_path):
@@ -234,6 +260,20 @@ class GalaxyCLI(CLI):
+ elif dir == "tests":
+ # create tests/test.yml
+ inject = dict(
+ role_name = role_name
+ )
+ playbook = Environment().from_string(self.galaxy.default_test).render(inject)
+ f = open(os.path.join(dir_path, 'test.yml'), 'w')
+ f.write(playbook)
+ f.close()
+ # create tests/inventory
+ f = open(os.path.join(dir_path, 'inventory'), 'w')
+ f.write('localhost')
+ f.close()
elif dir not in ('files','templates'):
# just write a (mostly) empty YAML file for main.yml
f = open(main_yml_path, 'w')
@@ -325,7 +365,7 @@ class GalaxyCLI(CLI):
for role in required_roles:
role = RoleRequirement.role_yaml_parse(role)
- display.debug('found role %s in yaml file' % str(role))
+ display.vvv('found role %s in yaml file' % str(role))
if 'name' not in role and 'scm' not in role:
raise AnsibleError("Must specify name or src for role")
roles_left.append(GalaxyRole(self.galaxy, **role))
@@ -348,7 +388,7 @@ class GalaxyCLI(CLI):
roles_left.append(GalaxyRole(self.galaxy, rname.strip()))
for role in roles_left:
- display.debug('Installing role %s ' %
+ display.vvv('Installing role %s ' %
# query the galaxy API for the role data
if role.install_info is not None and not force:
@@ -458,21 +498,187 @@ class GalaxyCLI(CLI):
return 0
def execute_search(self):
+ page_size = 1000
search = None
- if len(self.args) > 1:
- raise AnsibleOptionsError("At most a single search term is allowed.")
- elif len(self.args) == 1:
- search = self.args.pop()
- response = self.api.search_roles(search, self.options.platforms, self.options.tags)
+ if len(self.args):
+ terms = []
+ for i in range(len(self.args)):
+ terms.append(self.args.pop())
+ search = '+'.join(terms[::-1])
- if 'count' in response:
- display.display("Found %d roles matching your search:\n" % response['count'])
+ if not search and not self.options.platforms and not self.options.tags and not
+ raise AnsibleError("Invalid query. At least one search term, platform, galaxy tag or author must be provided.")
+ response = self.api.search_roles(search, platforms=self.options.platforms,
+ tags=self.options.tags,, page_size=page_size)
+ if response['count'] == 0:
+ display.display("No roles match your search.", color=C.COLOR_ERROR)
+ return True
data = ''
- if 'results' in response:
- for role in response['results']:
- data += self._display_role_info(role)
+ if response['count'] > page_size:
+ data += ("\nFound %d roles matching your search. Showing first %s.\n" % (response['count'], page_size))
+ else:
+ data += ("\nFound %d roles matching your search:\n" % response['count'])
+ max_len = []
+ for role in response['results']:
+ max_len.append(len(role['username'] + '.' + role['name']))
+ name_len = max(max_len)
+ format_str = " %%-%ds %%s\n" % name_len
+ data +='\n'
+ data += (format_str % ("Name", "Description"))
+ data += (format_str % ("----", "-----------"))
+ for role in response['results']:
+ data += (format_str % (role['username'] + '.' + role['name'],role['description']))
+ return True
+ def execute_login(self):
+ """
+ Verify user's identify via Github and retreive an auth token from Galaxy.
+ """
+ # Authenticate with github and retrieve a token
+ if self.options.token is None:
+ login = GalaxyLogin(self.galaxy)
+ github_token = login.create_github_token()
+ else:
+ github_token = self.options.token
+ galaxy_response = self.api.authenticate(github_token)
+ if self.options.token is None:
+ # Remove the token we created
+ login.remove_github_token()
+ # Store the Galaxy token
+ token = GalaxyToken()
+ token.set(galaxy_response['token'])
+ display.display("Succesfully logged into Galaxy as %s" % galaxy_response['username'])
+ return 0
+ def execute_import(self):
+ """
+ Import a role into Galaxy
+ """
+ colors = {
+ 'INFO': 'normal',
+ }
+ if len(self.args) < 2:
+ raise AnsibleError("Expected a github_username and github_repository. Use --help.")
+ github_repo = self.args.pop()
+ github_user = self.args.pop()
+ if self.options.check_status:
+ task = self.api.get_import_task(github_user=github_user, github_repo=github_repo)
+ else:
+ # Submit an import request
+ task = self.api.create_import_task(github_user, github_repo, reference=self.options.reference)
+ if len(task) > 1:
+ # found multiple roles associated with github_user/github_repo
+ display.display("WARNING: More than one Galaxy role associated with Github repo %s/%s." % (github_user,github_repo),
+ color='yellow')
+ display.display("The following Galaxy roles are being updated:" + u'\n', color=C.COLOR_CHANGED)
+ for t in task:
+ display.display('%s.%s' % (t['summary_fields']['role']['namespace'],t['summary_fields']['role']['name']), color=C.COLOR_CHANGED)
+ display.display(u'\n' + "To properly namespace this role, remove each of the above and re-import %s/%s from scratch" % (github_user,github_repo), color=C.COLOR_CHANGED)
+ return 0
+ # found a single role as expected
+ display.display("Successfully submitted import request %d" % task[0]['id'])
+ if not self.options.wait:
+ display.display("Role name: %s" % task[0]['summary_fields']['role']['name'])
+ display.display("Repo: %s/%s" % (task[0]['github_user'],task[0]['github_repo']))
+ if self.options.check_status or self.options.wait:
+ # Get the status of the import
+ msg_list = []
+ finished = False
+ while not finished:
+ task = self.api.get_import_task(task_id=task[0]['id'])
+ for msg in task[0]['summary_fields']['task_messages']:
+ if msg['id'] not in msg_list:
+ display.display(msg['message_text'], color=colors[msg['message_type']])
+ msg_list.append(msg['id'])
+ if task[0]['state'] in ['SUCCESS', 'FAILED']:
+ finished = True
+ else:
+ time.sleep(10)
+ return 0
+ def execute_setup(self):
+ """
+ Setup an integration from Github or Travis
+ """
+ if self.options.setup_list:
+ # List existing integration secrets
+ secrets = self.api.list_secrets()
+ if len(secrets) == 0:
+ # None found
+ display.display("No integrations found.")
+ return 0
+ display.display(u'\n' + "ID Source Repo", color=C.COLOR_OK)
+ display.display("---------- ---------- ----------", color=C.COLOR_OK)
+ for secret in secrets:
+ display.display("%-10s %-10s %s/%s" % (secret['id'], secret['source'], secret['github_user'],
+ secret['github_repo']),color=C.COLOR_OK)
+ return 0
+ if self.options.remove_id:
+ # Remove a secret
+ self.api.remove_secret(self.options.remove_id)
+ display.display("Secret removed. Integrations using this secret will not longer work.", color=C.COLOR_OK)
+ return 0
+ if len(self.args) < 4:
+ raise AnsibleError("Missing one or more arguments. Expecting: source github_user github_repo secret")
+ return 0
+ secret = self.args.pop()
+ github_repo = self.args.pop()
+ github_user = self.args.pop()
+ source = self.args.pop()
+ resp = self.api.add_secret(source, github_user, github_repo, secret)
+ display.display("Added integration for %s %s/%s" % (resp['source'], resp['github_user'], resp['github_repo']))
+ return 0
+ def execute_delete(self):
+ """
+ Delete a role from
+ """
+ if len(self.args) < 2:
+ raise AnsibleError("Missing one or more arguments. Expected: github_user github_repo")
+ github_repo = self.args.pop()
+ github_user = self.args.pop()
+ resp = self.api.delete_role(github_user, github_repo)
+ if len(resp['deleted_roles']) > 1:
+ display.display("Deleted the following roles:")
+ display.display("ID User Name")
+ display.display("------ --------------- ----------")
+ for role in resp['deleted_roles']:
+ display.display("%-8s %-15s %s" % (,role.namespace,
+ display.display(resp['status'])
+ return True