path: root/lib/ansible/modules/extras/cloud/centurylink/
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/ansible/modules/extras/cloud/centurylink/')
1 files changed, 597 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/extras/cloud/centurylink/ b/lib/ansible/modules/extras/cloud/centurylink/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c26128a40b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ansible/modules/extras/cloud/centurylink/
@@ -0,0 +1,597 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2015 CenturyLink
+# This file is part of Ansible.
+# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Ansible. If not, see <>
+module: clc_firewall_policy
+short_description: Create/delete/update firewall policies
+ - Create or delete or update firewall polices on Centurylink Cloud
+version_added: "2.0"
+ location:
+ description:
+ - Target datacenter for the firewall policy
+ required: True
+ state:
+ description:
+ - Whether to create or delete the firewall policy
+ default: present
+ required: False
+ choices: ['present', 'absent']
+ source:
+ description:
+ - The list of source addresses for traffic on the originating firewall.
+ This is required when state is 'present"
+ default: None
+ required: False
+ destination:
+ description:
+ - The list of destination addresses for traffic on the terminating firewall.
+ This is required when state is 'present'
+ default: None
+ required: False
+ ports:
+ description:
+ - The list of ports associated with the policy.
+ TCP and UDP can take in single ports or port ranges.
+ default: None
+ required: False
+ choices: ['any', 'icmp', 'TCP/123', 'UDP/123', 'TCP/123-456', 'UDP/123-456']
+ firewall_policy_id:
+ description:
+ - Id of the firewall policy. This is required to update or delete an existing firewall policy
+ default: None
+ required: False
+ source_account_alias:
+ description:
+ - CLC alias for the source account
+ required: True
+ destination_account_alias:
+ description:
+ - CLC alias for the destination account
+ default: None
+ required: False
+ wait:
+ description:
+ - Whether to wait for the provisioning tasks to finish before returning.
+ default: True
+ required: False
+ choices: [True, False]
+ enabled:
+ description:
+ - Whether the firewall policy is enabled or disabled
+ default: True
+ required: False
+ choices: [True, False]
+ - python = 2.7
+ - requests >= 2.5.0
+ - clc-sdk
+author: "CLC Runner (@clc-runner)"
+ - To use this module, it is required to set the below environment variables which enables access to the
+ Centurylink Cloud
+ - CLC_V2_API_USERNAME, the account login id for the centurylink cloud
+ - CLC_V2_API_PASSWORD, the account password for the centurylink cloud
+ - Alternatively, the module accepts the API token and account alias. The API token can be generated using the
+ CLC account login and password via the HTTP api call @
+ - CLC_V2_API_TOKEN, the API token generated from
+ - CLC_ACCT_ALIAS, the account alias associated with the centurylink cloud
+ - Users can set CLC_V2_API_URL to specify an endpoint for pointing to a different CLC environment.
+- name: Create Firewall Policy
+ hosts: localhost
+ gather_facts: False
+ connection: local
+ tasks:
+ - name: Create / Verify an Firewall Policy at CenturyLink Cloud
+ clc_firewall:
+ source_account_alias: WFAD
+ location: VA1
+ state: present
+ source:
+ destination:
+ ports: Any
+ destination_account_alias: WFAD
+- name: Delete Firewall Policy
+ hosts: localhost
+ gather_facts: False
+ connection: local
+ tasks:
+ - name: Delete an Firewall Policy at CenturyLink Cloud
+ clc_firewall:
+ source_account_alias: WFAD
+ location: VA1
+ state: absent
+ firewall_policy_id: 'c62105233d7a4231bd2e91b9c791e43e1'
+RETURN = '''
+ description: The fire wall policy id
+ returned: success
+ type: string
+ sample: fc36f1bfd47242e488a9c44346438c05
+ description: The fire wall policy information
+ returned: success
+ type: dict
+ sample:
+ {
+ "destination":[
+ "",
+ ""
+ ],
+ "destinationAccount":"wfad",
+ "enabled":true,
+ "id":"fc36f1bfd47242e488a9c44346438c05",
+ "links":[
+ {
+ "href":"",
+ "rel":"self",
+ "verbs":[
+ "GET",
+ "PUT",
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "ports":[
+ "any"
+ ],
+ "source":[
+ "",
+ ""
+ ],
+ "status":"active"
+ }
+__version__ = '${version}'
+import urlparse
+from time import sleep
+from distutils.version import LooseVersion
+ import requests
+except ImportError:
+ import clc as clc_sdk
+ from clc import CLCException
+ from clc import APIFailedResponse
+except ImportError:
+ CLC_FOUND = False
+ clc_sdk = None
+ CLC_FOUND = True
+class ClcFirewallPolicy:
+ clc = None
+ def __init__(self, module):
+ """
+ Construct module
+ """
+ self.clc = clc_sdk
+ self.module = module
+ self.firewall_dict = {}
+ if not CLC_FOUND:
+ self.module.fail_json(
+ msg='clc-python-sdk required for this module')
+ self.module.fail_json(
+ msg='requests library is required for this module')
+ if requests.__version__ and LooseVersion(
+ requests.__version__) < LooseVersion('2.5.0'):
+ self.module.fail_json(
+ msg='requests library version should be >= 2.5.0')
+ self._set_user_agent(self.clc)
+ @staticmethod
+ def _define_module_argument_spec():
+ """
+ Define the argument spec for the ansible module
+ :return: argument spec dictionary
+ """
+ argument_spec = dict(
+ location=dict(required=True),
+ source_account_alias=dict(required=True, default=None),
+ destination_account_alias=dict(default=None),
+ firewall_policy_id=dict(default=None),
+ ports=dict(default=None, type='list'),
+ source=dict(defualt=None, type='list'),
+ destination=dict(defualt=None, type='list'),
+ wait=dict(default=True),
+ state=dict(default='present', choices=['present', 'absent']),
+ enabled=dict(defualt=True, choices=[True, False])
+ )
+ return argument_spec
+ def process_request(self):
+ """
+ Execute the main code path, and handle the request
+ :return: none
+ """
+ changed = False
+ firewall_policy = None
+ location = self.module.params.get('location')
+ source_account_alias = self.module.params.get('source_account_alias')
+ destination_account_alias = self.module.params.get(
+ 'destination_account_alias')
+ firewall_policy_id = self.module.params.get('firewall_policy_id')
+ ports = self.module.params.get('ports')
+ source = self.module.params.get('source')
+ destination = self.module.params.get('destination')
+ wait = self.module.params.get('wait')
+ state = self.module.params.get('state')
+ enabled = self.module.params.get('enabled')
+ self.firewall_dict = {
+ 'location': location,
+ 'source_account_alias': source_account_alias,
+ 'destination_account_alias': destination_account_alias,
+ 'firewall_policy_id': firewall_policy_id,
+ 'ports': ports,
+ 'source': source,
+ 'destination': destination,
+ 'wait': wait,
+ 'state': state,
+ 'enabled': enabled}
+ self._set_clc_credentials_from_env()
+ if state == 'absent':
+ changed, firewall_policy_id, firewall_policy = self._ensure_firewall_policy_is_absent(
+ source_account_alias, location, self.firewall_dict)
+ elif state == 'present':
+ changed, firewall_policy_id, firewall_policy = self._ensure_firewall_policy_is_present(
+ source_account_alias, location, self.firewall_dict)
+ return self.module.exit_json(
+ changed=changed,
+ firewall_policy_id=firewall_policy_id,
+ firewall_policy=firewall_policy)
+ @staticmethod
+ def _get_policy_id_from_response(response):
+ """
+ Method to parse out the policy id from creation response
+ :param response: response from firewall creation API call
+ :return: policy_id: firewall policy id from creation call
+ """
+ url = response.get('links')[0]['href']
+ path = urlparse.urlparse(url).path
+ path_list = os.path.split(path)
+ policy_id = path_list[-1]
+ return policy_id
+ def _set_clc_credentials_from_env(self):
+ """
+ Set the CLC Credentials on the sdk by reading environment variables
+ :return: none
+ """
+ env = os.environ
+ v2_api_token = env.get('CLC_V2_API_TOKEN', False)
+ v2_api_username = env.get('CLC_V2_API_USERNAME', False)
+ v2_api_passwd = env.get('CLC_V2_API_PASSWD', False)
+ clc_alias = env.get('CLC_ACCT_ALIAS', False)
+ api_url = env.get('CLC_V2_API_URL', False)
+ if api_url:
+ self.clc.defaults.ENDPOINT_URL_V2 = api_url
+ if v2_api_token and clc_alias:
+ self.clc._LOGIN_TOKEN_V2 = v2_api_token
+ self.clc._V2_ENABLED = True
+ self.clc.ALIAS = clc_alias
+ elif v2_api_username and v2_api_passwd:
+ self.clc.v2.SetCredentials(
+ api_username=v2_api_username,
+ api_passwd=v2_api_passwd)
+ else:
+ return self.module.fail_json(
+ msg="You must set the CLC_V2_API_USERNAME and CLC_V2_API_PASSWD "
+ "environment variables")
+ def _ensure_firewall_policy_is_present(
+ self,
+ source_account_alias,
+ location,
+ firewall_dict):
+ """
+ Ensures that a given firewall policy is present
+ :param source_account_alias: the source account alias for the firewall policy
+ :param location: datacenter of the firewall policy
+ :param firewall_dict: dictionary of request parameters for firewall policy
+ :return: (changed, firewall_policy_id, firewall_policy)
+ changed: flag for if a change occurred
+ firewall_policy_id: the firewall policy id that was created/updated
+ firewall_policy: The firewall_policy object
+ """
+ firewall_policy = None
+ firewall_policy_id = firewall_dict.get('firewall_policy_id')
+ if firewall_policy_id is None:
+ if not self.module.check_mode:
+ response = self._create_firewall_policy(
+ source_account_alias,
+ location,
+ firewall_dict)
+ firewall_policy_id = self._get_policy_id_from_response(
+ response)
+ changed = True
+ else:
+ firewall_policy = self._get_firewall_policy(
+ source_account_alias, location, firewall_policy_id)
+ if not firewall_policy:
+ return self.module.fail_json(
+ msg='Unable to find the firewall policy id : {0}'.format(
+ firewall_policy_id))
+ changed = self._compare_get_request_with_dict(
+ firewall_policy,
+ firewall_dict)
+ if not self.module.check_mode and changed:
+ self._update_firewall_policy(
+ source_account_alias,
+ location,
+ firewall_policy_id,
+ firewall_dict)
+ if changed and firewall_policy_id:
+ firewall_policy = self._wait_for_requests_to_complete(
+ source_account_alias,
+ location,
+ firewall_policy_id)
+ return changed, firewall_policy_id, firewall_policy
+ def _ensure_firewall_policy_is_absent(
+ self,
+ source_account_alias,
+ location,
+ firewall_dict):
+ """
+ Ensures that a given firewall policy is removed if present
+ :param source_account_alias: the source account alias for the firewall policy
+ :param location: datacenter of the firewall policy
+ :param firewall_dict: firewall policy to delete
+ :return: (changed, firewall_policy_id, response)
+ changed: flag for if a change occurred
+ firewall_policy_id: the firewall policy id that was deleted
+ response: response from CLC API call
+ """
+ changed = False
+ response = []
+ firewall_policy_id = firewall_dict.get('firewall_policy_id')
+ result = self._get_firewall_policy(
+ source_account_alias, location, firewall_policy_id)
+ if result:
+ if not self.module.check_mode:
+ response = self._delete_firewall_policy(
+ source_account_alias,
+ location,
+ firewall_policy_id)
+ changed = True
+ return changed, firewall_policy_id, response
+ def _create_firewall_policy(
+ self,
+ source_account_alias,
+ location,
+ firewall_dict):
+ """
+ Creates the firewall policy for the given account alias
+ :param source_account_alias: the source account alias for the firewall policy
+ :param location: datacenter of the firewall policy
+ :param firewall_dict: dictionary of request parameters for firewall policy
+ :return: response from CLC API call
+ """
+ payload = {
+ 'destinationAccount': firewall_dict.get('destination_account_alias'),
+ 'source': firewall_dict.get('source'),
+ 'destination': firewall_dict.get('destination'),
+ 'ports': firewall_dict.get('ports')}
+ try:
+ response = self.clc.v2.API.Call(
+ 'POST', '/v2-experimental/firewallPolicies/%s/%s' %
+ (source_account_alias, location), payload)
+ except APIFailedResponse as e:
+ return self.module.fail_json(
+ msg="Unable to create firewall policy. %s" %
+ str(e.response_text))
+ return response
+ def _delete_firewall_policy(
+ self,
+ source_account_alias,
+ location,
+ firewall_policy_id):
+ """
+ Deletes a given firewall policy for an account alias in a datacenter
+ :param source_account_alias: the source account alias for the firewall policy
+ :param location: datacenter of the firewall policy
+ :param firewall_policy_id: firewall policy id to delete
+ :return: response: response from CLC API call
+ """
+ try:
+ response = self.clc.v2.API.Call(
+ 'DELETE', '/v2-experimental/firewallPolicies/%s/%s/%s' %
+ (source_account_alias, location, firewall_policy_id))
+ except APIFailedResponse as e:
+ return self.module.fail_json(
+ msg="Unable to delete the firewall policy id : {0}. {1}".format(
+ firewall_policy_id, str(e.response_text)))
+ return response
+ def _update_firewall_policy(
+ self,
+ source_account_alias,
+ location,
+ firewall_policy_id,
+ firewall_dict):
+ """
+ Updates a firewall policy for a given datacenter and account alias
+ :param source_account_alias: the source account alias for the firewall policy
+ :param location: datacenter of the firewall policy
+ :param firewall_policy_id: firewall policy id to update
+ :param firewall_dict: dictionary of request parameters for firewall policy
+ :return: response: response from CLC API call
+ """
+ try:
+ response = self.clc.v2.API.Call(
+ 'PUT',
+ '/v2-experimental/firewallPolicies/%s/%s/%s' %
+ (source_account_alias,
+ location,
+ firewall_policy_id),
+ firewall_dict)
+ except APIFailedResponse as e:
+ return self.module.fail_json(
+ msg="Unable to update the firewall policy id : {0}. {1}".format(
+ firewall_policy_id, str(e.response_text)))
+ return response
+ @staticmethod
+ def _compare_get_request_with_dict(response, firewall_dict):
+ """
+ Helper method to compare the json response for getting the firewall policy with the request parameters
+ :param response: response from the get method
+ :param firewall_dict: dictionary of request parameters for firewall policy
+ :return: changed: Boolean that returns true if there are differences between
+ the response parameters and the playbook parameters
+ """
+ changed = False
+ response_dest_account_alias = response.get('destinationAccount')
+ response_enabled = response.get('enabled')
+ response_source = response.get('source')
+ response_dest = response.get('destination')
+ response_ports = response.get('ports')
+ request_dest_account_alias = firewall_dict.get(
+ 'destination_account_alias')
+ request_enabled = firewall_dict.get('enabled')
+ if request_enabled is None:
+ request_enabled = True
+ request_source = firewall_dict.get('source')
+ request_dest = firewall_dict.get('destination')
+ request_ports = firewall_dict.get('ports')
+ if (
+ response_dest_account_alias and str(response_dest_account_alias) != str(request_dest_account_alias)) or (
+ response_enabled != request_enabled) or (
+ response_source and response_source != request_source) or (
+ response_dest and response_dest != request_dest) or (
+ response_ports and response_ports != request_ports):
+ changed = True
+ return changed
+ def _get_firewall_policy(
+ self,
+ source_account_alias,
+ location,
+ firewall_policy_id):
+ """
+ Get back details for a particular firewall policy
+ :param source_account_alias: the source account alias for the firewall policy
+ :param location: datacenter of the firewall policy
+ :param firewall_policy_id: id of the firewall policy to get
+ :return: response - The response from CLC API call
+ """
+ response = None
+ try:
+ response = self.clc.v2.API.Call(
+ 'GET', '/v2-experimental/firewallPolicies/%s/%s/%s' %
+ (source_account_alias, location, firewall_policy_id))
+ except APIFailedResponse as e:
+ if e.response_status_code != 404:
+ self.module.fail_json(
+ msg="Unable to fetch the firewall policy with id : {0}. {1}".format(
+ firewall_policy_id, str(e.response_text)))
+ return response
+ def _wait_for_requests_to_complete(
+ self,
+ source_account_alias,
+ location,
+ firewall_policy_id,
+ wait_limit=50):
+ """
+ Waits until the CLC requests are complete if the wait argument is True
+ :param source_account_alias: The source account alias for the firewall policy
+ :param location: datacenter of the firewall policy
+ :param firewall_policy_id: The firewall policy id
+ :param wait_limit: The number of times to check the status for completion
+ :return: the firewall_policy object
+ """
+ wait = self.module.params.get('wait')
+ count = 0
+ firewall_policy = None
+ while wait:
+ count += 1
+ firewall_policy = self._get_firewall_policy(
+ source_account_alias, location, firewall_policy_id)
+ status = firewall_policy.get('status')
+ if status == 'active' or count > wait_limit:
+ wait = False
+ else:
+ # wait for 2 seconds
+ sleep(2)
+ return firewall_policy
+ @staticmethod
+ def _set_user_agent(clc):
+ if hasattr(clc, 'SetRequestsSession'):
+ agent_string = "ClcAnsibleModule/" + __version__
+ ses = requests.Session()
+ ses.headers.update({"Api-Client": agent_string})
+ ses.headers['User-Agent'] += " " + agent_string
+ clc.SetRequestsSession(ses)
+def main():
+ """
+ The main function. Instantiates the module and calls process_request.
+ :return: none
+ """
+ module = AnsibleModule(
+ argument_spec=ClcFirewallPolicy._define_module_argument_spec(),
+ supports_check_mode=True)
+ clc_firewall = ClcFirewallPolicy(module)
+ clc_firewall.process_request()
+from ansible.module_utils.basic import * # pylint: disable=W0614
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()