path: root/lib/ansible/modules/extras/clustering/
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1 files changed, 572 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/extras/clustering/ b/lib/ansible/modules/extras/clustering/
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index 0000000000..b9cdfb09d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ansible/modules/extras/clustering/
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+# (c) 2015, Steve Gargan <>
+# This file is part of Ansible
+# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Ansible. If not, see <>.
+module: consul
+short_description: "Add, modify & delete services within a consul cluster."
+ - Registers services and checks for an agent with a consul cluster.
+ A service is some process running on the agent node that should be advertised by
+ consul's discovery mechanism. It may optionally supply a check definition,
+ a periodic service test to notify the consul cluster of service's health.
+ - "Checks may also be registered per node e.g. disk usage, or cpu usage and
+ notify the health of the entire node to the cluster.
+ Service level checks do not require a check name or id as these are derived
+ by Consul from the Service name and id respectively by appending 'service:'
+ Node level checks require a check_name and optionally a check_id."
+ - Currently, there is no complete way to retrieve the script, interval or ttl
+ metadata for a registered check. Without this metadata it is not possible to
+ tell if the data supplied with ansible represents a change to a check. As a
+ result this does not attempt to determine changes and will always report a
+ changed occurred. An api method is planned to supply this metadata so at that
+ stage change management will be added.
+ - "See for more details."
+ - "python >= 2.6"
+ - python-consul
+ - requests
+version_added: "2.0"
+author: "Steve Gargan (@sgargan)"
+ state:
+ description:
+ - register or deregister the consul service, defaults to present
+ required: true
+ choices: ['present', 'absent']
+ service_name:
+ description:
+ - Unique name for the service on a node, must be unique per node,
+ required if registering a service. May be ommitted if registering
+ a node level check
+ required: false
+ service_id:
+ description:
+ - the ID for the service, must be unique per node, defaults to the
+ service name if the service name is supplied
+ required: false
+ default: service_name if supplied
+ host:
+ description:
+ - host of the consul agent defaults to localhost
+ required: false
+ default: localhost
+ port:
+ description:
+ - the port on which the consul agent is running
+ required: false
+ default: 8500
+ scheme:
+ description:
+ - the protocol scheme on which the consul agent is running
+ required: false
+ default: http
+ version_added: "2.1"
+ validate_certs:
+ description:
+ - whether to verify the tls certificate of the consul agent
+ required: false
+ default: True
+ version_added: "2.1"
+ notes:
+ description:
+ - Notes to attach to check when registering it.
+ required: false
+ default: None
+ service_port:
+ description:
+ - the port on which the service is listening required for
+ registration of a service, i.e. if service_name or service_id is set
+ required: false
+ service_address:
+ description:
+ - the address to advertise that the service will be listening on.
+ This value will be passed as the I(Address) parameter to Consul's
+ U(/v1/agent/service/register) API method, so refer to the Consul API
+ documentation for further details.
+ required: false
+ default: None
+ version_added: "2.1"
+ tags:
+ description:
+ - a list of tags that will be attached to the service registration.
+ required: false
+ default: None
+ script:
+ description:
+ - the script/command that will be run periodically to check the health
+ of the service. Scripts require an interval and vise versa
+ required: false
+ default: None
+ interval:
+ description:
+ - the interval at which the service check will be run. This is a number
+ with a s or m suffix to signify the units of seconds or minutes e.g
+ 15s or 1m. If no suffix is supplied, m will be used by default e.g.
+ 1 will be 1m. Required if the script param is specified.
+ required: false
+ default: None
+ check_id:
+ description:
+ - an ID for the service check, defaults to the check name, ignored if
+ part of a service definition.
+ required: false
+ default: None
+ check_name:
+ description:
+ - a name for the service check, defaults to the check id. required if
+ standalone, ignored if part of service definition.
+ required: false
+ default: None
+ ttl:
+ description:
+ - checks can be registered with a ttl instead of a script and interval
+ this means that the service will check in with the agent before the
+ ttl expires. If it doesn't the check will be considered failed.
+ Required if registering a check and the script an interval are missing
+ Similar to the interval this is a number with a s or m suffix to
+ signify the units of seconds or minutes e.g 15s or 1m. If no suffix
+ is supplied, m will be used by default e.g. 1 will be 1m
+ required: false
+ default: None
+ http:
+ description:
+ - checks can be registered with an http endpoint. This means that consul
+ will check that the http endpoint returns a successful http status.
+ Interval must also be provided with this option.
+ required: false
+ default: None
+ version_added: "2.0"
+ timeout:
+ description:
+ - A custom HTTP check timeout. The consul default is 10 seconds.
+ Similar to the interval this is a number with a s or m suffix to
+ signify the units of seconds or minutes, e.g. 15s or 1m.
+ required: false
+ default: None
+ version_added: "2.0"
+ token:
+ description:
+ - the token key indentifying an ACL rule set. May be required to register services.
+ required: false
+ default: None
+ - name: register nginx service with the local consul agent
+ consul:
+ service_name: nginx
+ service_port: 80
+ - name: register nginx service with curl check
+ consul:
+ service_name: nginx
+ service_port: 80
+ script: "curl http://localhost"
+ interval: 60s
+ - name: register nginx with an http check
+ consul:
+ service_name: nginx
+ service_port: 80
+ interval: 60s
+ http: /status
+ - name: register external service nginx available at
+ consul:
+ service_name: nginx
+ service_port: 80
+ service_address:
+ - name: register nginx with some service tags
+ consul:
+ service_name: nginx
+ service_port: 80
+ tags:
+ - prod
+ - webservers
+ - name: remove nginx service
+ consul:
+ service_name: nginx
+ state: absent
+ - name: create a node level check to test disk usage
+ consul:
+ check_name: Disk usage
+ check_id: disk_usage
+ script: "/opt/"
+ interval: 5m
+ import consul
+ from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError
+ python_consul_installed = True
+except ImportError, e:
+ python_consul_installed = False
+def register_with_consul(module):
+ state = module.params.get('state')
+ if state == 'present':
+ add(module)
+ else:
+ remove(module)
+def add(module):
+ ''' adds a service or a check depending on supplied configuration'''
+ check = parse_check(module)
+ service = parse_service(module)
+ if not service and not check:
+ module.fail_json(msg='a name and port are required to register a service')
+ if service:
+ if check:
+ service.add_check(check)
+ add_service(module, service)
+ elif check:
+ add_check(module, check)
+def remove(module):
+ ''' removes a service or a check '''
+ service_id = module.params.get('service_id') or module.params.get('service_name')
+ check_id = module.params.get('check_id') or module.params.get('check_name')
+ if not (service_id or check_id):
+ module.fail_json(msg='services and checks are removed by id or name. please supply a service id/name or a check id/name')
+ if service_id:
+ remove_service(module, service_id)
+ else:
+ remove_check(module, check_id)
+def add_check(module, check):
+ ''' registers a check with the given agent. currently there is no way
+ retrieve the full metadata of an existing check through the consul api.
+ Without this we can't compare to the supplied check and so we must assume
+ a change. '''
+ if not
+ module.fail_json(msg='a check name is required for a node level check, one not attached to a service')
+ consul_api = get_consul_api(module)
+ check.register(consul_api)
+ module.exit_json(changed=True,
+ check_id=check.check_id,
+ script=check.script,
+ interval=check.interval,
+ ttl=check.ttl,
+ http=check.http,
+ timeout=check.timeout)
+def remove_check(module, check_id):
+ ''' removes a check using its id '''
+ consul_api = get_consul_api(module)
+ if check_id in consul_api.agent.checks():
+ consul_api.agent.check.deregister(check_id)
+ module.exit_json(changed=True, id=check_id)
+ module.exit_json(changed=False, id=check_id)
+def add_service(module, service):
+ ''' registers a service with the the current agent '''
+ result = service
+ changed = False
+ consul_api = get_consul_api(module)
+ existing = get_service_by_id(consul_api,
+ # there is no way to retrieve the details of checks so if a check is present
+ # in the service it must be re-registered
+ if service.has_checks() or not existing or not existing == service:
+ service.register(consul_api)
+ # check that it registered correctly
+ registered = get_service_by_id(consul_api,
+ if registered:
+ result = registered
+ changed = True
+ module.exit_json(changed=changed,
+ service_port=result.port,
+ checks=[check.to_dict() for check in service.checks],
+ tags=result.tags)
+def remove_service(module, service_id):
+ ''' deregister a service from the given agent using its service id '''
+ consul_api = get_consul_api(module)
+ service = get_service_by_id(consul_api, service_id)
+ if service:
+ consul_api.agent.service.deregister(service_id)
+ module.exit_json(changed=True, id=service_id)
+ module.exit_json(changed=False, id=service_id)
+def get_consul_api(module, token=None):
+ return consul.Consul(host=module.params.get('host'),
+ port=module.params.get('port'),
+ scheme=module.params.get('scheme'),
+ verify=module.params.get('validate_certs'),
+ token=module.params.get('token'))
+def get_service_by_id(consul_api, service_id):
+ ''' iterate the registered services and find one with the given id '''
+ for name, service in
+ if service['ID'] == service_id:
+ return ConsulService(loaded=service)
+def parse_check(module):
+ if len(filter(None, [module.params.get('script'), module.params.get('ttl'), module.params.get('http')])) > 1:
+ module.fail_json(
+ msg='check are either script, http or ttl driven, supplying more than one does not make sense')
+ if module.params.get('check_id') or module.params.get('script') or module.params.get('ttl') or module.params.get('http'):
+ return ConsulCheck(
+ module.params.get('check_id'),
+ module.params.get('check_name'),
+ module.params.get('check_node'),
+ module.params.get('check_host'),
+ module.params.get('script'),
+ module.params.get('interval'),
+ module.params.get('ttl'),
+ module.params.get('notes'),
+ module.params.get('http'),
+ module.params.get('timeout')
+ )
+def parse_service(module):
+ if module.params.get('service_name') and module.params.get('service_port'):
+ return ConsulService(
+ module.params.get('service_id'),
+ module.params.get('service_name'),
+ module.params.get('service_address'),
+ module.params.get('service_port'),
+ module.params.get('tags'),
+ )
+ elif module.params.get('service_name') and not module.params.get('service_port'):
+ module.fail_json( msg="service_name supplied but no service_port, a port is required to configure a service. Did you configure the 'port' argument meaning 'service_port'?")
+class ConsulService():
+ def __init__(self, service_id=None, name=None, address=None, port=-1,
+ tags=None, loaded=None):
+ = = name
+ if service_id:
+ = service_id
+ self.address = address
+ self.port = port
+ self.tags = tags
+ self.checks = []
+ if loaded:
+ = loaded['ID']
+ = loaded['Service']
+ self.port = loaded['Port']
+ self.tags = loaded['Tags']
+ def register(self, consul_api):
+ if len(self.checks) > 0:
+ check = self.checks[0]
+ consul_api.agent.service.register(
+ address=self.address,
+ port=self.port,
+ tags=self.tags,
+ check=check.check)
+ else:
+ consul_api.agent.service.register(
+ address=self.address,
+ port=self.port,
+ tags=self.tags)
+ def add_check(self, check):
+ self.checks.append(check)
+ def checks(self):
+ return self.checks
+ def has_checks(self):
+ return len(self.checks) > 0
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return (isinstance(other, self.__class__)
+ and ==
+ and ==
+ and self.port == other.port
+ and self.tags == other.tags)
+ def __ne__(self, other):
+ return not self.__eq__(other)
+ def to_dict(self):
+ data = {'id':, "name":}
+ if self.port:
+ data['port'] = self.port
+ if self.tags and len(self.tags) > 0:
+ data['tags'] = self.tags
+ if len(self.checks) > 0:
+ data['check'] = self.checks[0].to_dict()
+ return data
+class ConsulCheck():
+ def __init__(self, check_id, name, node=None, host='localhost',
+ script=None, interval=None, ttl=None, notes=None, http=None, timeout=None):
+ self.check_id = = name
+ if check_id:
+ self.check_id = check_id
+ self.notes = notes
+ self.node = node
+ = host
+ self.interval = self.validate_duration('interval', interval)
+ self.ttl = self.validate_duration('ttl', ttl)
+ self.script = script
+ self.http = http
+ self.timeout = self.validate_duration('timeout', timeout)
+ self.check = None
+ if script:
+ self.check = consul.Check.script(script, self.interval)
+ if ttl:
+ self.check = consul.Check.ttl(self.ttl)
+ if http:
+ if interval is None:
+ raise Exception('http check must specify interval')
+ self.check = consul.Check.http(http, self.interval, self.timeout)
+ def validate_duration(self, name, duration):
+ if duration:
+ duration_units = ['ns', 'us', 'ms', 's', 'm', 'h']
+ if not any((duration.endswith(suffix) for suffix in duration_units)):
+ duration = "{}s".format(duration)
+ return duration
+ def register(self, consul_api):
+ consul_api.agent.check.register(, check_id=self.check_id,
+ notes=self.notes,
+ check=self.check)
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return (isinstance(other, self.__class__)
+ and self.check_id == other.check_id
+ and ==
+ and self.script == script
+ and self.interval == interval)
+ def __ne__(self, other):
+ return not self.__eq__(other)
+ def to_dict(self):
+ data = {}
+ self._add(data, 'id', attr='check_id')
+ self._add(data, 'name', attr='check_name')
+ self._add(data, 'script')
+ self._add(data, 'node')
+ self._add(data, 'notes')
+ self._add(data, 'host')
+ self._add(data, 'interval')
+ self._add(data, 'ttl')
+ self._add(data, 'http')
+ self._add(data, 'timeout')
+ return data
+ def _add(self, data, key, attr=None):
+ try:
+ if attr is None:
+ attr = key
+ data[key] = getattr(self, attr)
+ except:
+ pass
+def test_dependencies(module):
+ if not python_consul_installed:
+ module.fail_json(msg="python-consul required for this module. see")
+def main():
+ module = AnsibleModule(
+ argument_spec=dict(
+ host=dict(default='localhost'),
+ port=dict(default=8500, type='int'),
+ scheme=dict(required=False, default='http'),
+ validate_certs=dict(required=False, default=True, type='bool'),
+ check_id=dict(required=False),
+ check_name=dict(required=False),
+ check_node=dict(required=False),
+ check_host=dict(required=False),
+ notes=dict(required=False),
+ script=dict(required=False),
+ service_id=dict(required=False),
+ service_name=dict(required=False),
+ service_address=dict(required=False, type='str', default=None),
+ service_port=dict(required=False, type='int'),
+ state=dict(default='present', choices=['present', 'absent']),
+ interval=dict(required=False, type='str'),
+ ttl=dict(required=False, type='str'),
+ http=dict(required=False, type='str'),
+ timeout=dict(required=False, type='str'),
+ tags=dict(required=False, type='list'),
+ token=dict(required=False, no_log=True)
+ ),
+ supports_check_mode=False,
+ )
+ test_dependencies(module)
+ try:
+ register_with_consul(module)
+ except ConnectionError, e:
+ module.fail_json(msg='Could not connect to consul agent at %s:%s, error was %s' % (
+ module.params.get('host'), module.params.get('port'), str(e)))
+ except Exception, e:
+ module.fail_json(msg=str(e))
+# import module snippets
+from ansible.module_utils.basic import *
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()