path: root/test/support/integration/plugins/module_utils/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/support/integration/plugins/module_utils/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1473 deletions
diff --git a/test/support/integration/plugins/module_utils/ b/test/support/integration/plugins/module_utils/
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index a7b55e972e..0000000000
--- a/test/support/integration/plugins/module_utils/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1473 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 Matt Davis, <>
-# Chris Houseknecht, <>
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-import os
-import re
-import types
-import copy
-import inspect
-import traceback
-import json
-from os.path import expanduser
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, missing_required_lib
- from ansible.module_utils.ansible_release import __version__ as ANSIBLE_VERSION
-except Exception:
- ANSIBLE_VERSION = 'unknown'
-from ansible.module_utils.six.moves import configparser
-import ansible.module_utils.six.moves.urllib.parse as urlparse
- auth_source=dict(
- type='str',
- choices=['auto', 'cli', 'env', 'credential_file', 'msi']
- ),
- profile=dict(type='str'),
- subscription_id=dict(type='str'),
- client_id=dict(type='str', no_log=True),
- secret=dict(type='str', no_log=True),
- tenant=dict(type='str', no_log=True),
- ad_user=dict(type='str', no_log=True),
- password=dict(type='str', no_log=True),
- cloud_environment=dict(type='str', default='AzureCloud'),
- cert_validation_mode=dict(type='str', choices=['validate', 'ignore']),
- api_profile=dict(type='str', default='latest'),
- adfs_authority_url=dict(type='str', default=None)
- profile='AZURE_PROFILE',
- subscription_id='AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID',
- client_id='AZURE_CLIENT_ID',
- secret='AZURE_SECRET',
- tenant='AZURE_TENANT',
- ad_user='AZURE_AD_USER',
- password='AZURE_PASSWORD',
- cloud_environment='AZURE_CLOUD_ENVIRONMENT',
- cert_validation_mode='AZURE_CERT_VALIDATION_MODE',
- adfs_authority_url='AZURE_ADFS_AUTHORITY_URL'
-class SDKProfile(object): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
- def __init__(self, default_api_version, profile=None):
- """Constructor.
- :param str default_api_version: Default API version if not overridden by a profile. Nullable.
- :param profile: A dict operation group name to API version.
- :type profile: dict[str, str]
- """
- self.profile = profile if profile is not None else {}
- self.profile[None] = default_api_version
- @property
- def default_api_version(self):
- return self.profile[None]
-# FUTURE: this should come from the SDK or an external location.
-# For now, we have to copy from azure-cli
- 'latest': {
- 'ContainerInstanceManagementClient': '2018-02-01-preview',
- 'ComputeManagementClient': dict(
- default_api_version='2018-10-01',
- resource_skus='2018-10-01',
- disks='2018-06-01',
- snapshots='2018-10-01',
- virtual_machine_run_commands='2018-10-01'
- ),
- 'NetworkManagementClient': '2018-08-01',
- 'ResourceManagementClient': '2017-05-10',
- 'StorageManagementClient': '2017-10-01',
- 'WebSiteManagementClient': '2018-02-01',
- 'PostgreSQLManagementClient': '2017-12-01',
- 'MySQLManagementClient': '2017-12-01',
- 'MariaDBManagementClient': '2019-03-01',
- 'ManagementLockClient': '2016-09-01'
- },
- '2019-03-01-hybrid': {
- 'StorageManagementClient': '2017-10-01',
- 'NetworkManagementClient': '2017-10-01',
- 'ComputeManagementClient': SDKProfile('2017-12-01', {
- 'resource_skus': '2017-09-01',
- 'disks': '2017-03-30',
- 'snapshots': '2017-03-30'
- }),
- 'ManagementLinkClient': '2016-09-01',
- 'ManagementLockClient': '2016-09-01',
- 'PolicyClient': '2016-12-01',
- 'ResourceManagementClient': '2018-05-01',
- 'SubscriptionClient': '2016-06-01',
- 'DnsManagementClient': '2016-04-01',
- 'KeyVaultManagementClient': '2016-10-01',
- 'AuthorizationManagementClient': SDKProfile('2015-07-01', {
- 'classic_administrators': '2015-06-01',
- 'policy_assignments': '2016-12-01',
- 'policy_definitions': '2016-12-01'
- }),
- 'KeyVaultClient': '2016-10-01',
- '': '2017-11-09',
- 'azure.multiapi.cosmosdb': '2017-04-17'
- },
- '2018-03-01-hybrid': {
- 'StorageManagementClient': '2016-01-01',
- 'NetworkManagementClient': '2017-10-01',
- 'ComputeManagementClient': SDKProfile('2017-03-30'),
- 'ManagementLinkClient': '2016-09-01',
- 'ManagementLockClient': '2016-09-01',
- 'PolicyClient': '2016-12-01',
- 'ResourceManagementClient': '2018-02-01',
- 'SubscriptionClient': '2016-06-01',
- 'DnsManagementClient': '2016-04-01',
- 'KeyVaultManagementClient': '2016-10-01',
- 'AuthorizationManagementClient': SDKProfile('2015-07-01', {
- 'classic_administrators': '2015-06-01'
- }),
- 'KeyVaultClient': '2016-10-01',
- '': '2017-04-17',
- 'azure.multiapi.cosmosdb': '2017-04-17'
- },
- '2017-03-09-profile': {
- 'StorageManagementClient': '2016-01-01',
- 'NetworkManagementClient': '2015-06-15',
- 'ComputeManagementClient': SDKProfile('2016-03-30'),
- 'ManagementLinkClient': '2016-09-01',
- 'ManagementLockClient': '2015-01-01',
- 'PolicyClient': '2015-10-01-preview',
- 'ResourceManagementClient': '2016-02-01',
- 'SubscriptionClient': '2016-06-01',
- 'DnsManagementClient': '2016-04-01',
- 'KeyVaultManagementClient': '2016-10-01',
- 'AuthorizationManagementClient': SDKProfile('2015-07-01', {
- 'classic_administrators': '2015-06-01'
- }),
- 'KeyVaultClient': '2016-10-01',
- '': '2015-04-05'
- }
- tags=dict(type='dict'),
- append_tags=dict(type='bool', default=True),
- ('log_mode', 'file', ['log_path'])
-CIDR_PATTERN = re.compile(r"(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1"
- r"[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(/([0-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-2]))")
- import importlib
-except ImportError:
- # This passes the sanity import test, but does not provide a user friendly error message.
- # Doing so would require catching Exception for all imports of Azure dependencies in modules and module_utils.
- importlib = None
- from packaging.version import Version
-except ImportError:
- Version = None
- HAS_PACKAGING_VERSION_EXC = traceback.format_exc()
-# NB: packaging issue sometimes cause msrestazure not to be installed, check it separately
- from msrest.serialization import Serializer
-except ImportError:
- HAS_MSRESTAZURE_EXC = traceback.format_exc()
- from enum import Enum
- from msrestazure.azure_active_directory import AADTokenCredentials
- from msrestazure.azure_exceptions import CloudError
- from msrestazure.azure_active_directory import MSIAuthentication
- from import parse_resource_id, resource_id, is_valid_resource_id
- from msrestazure import azure_cloud
- from azure.common.credentials import ServicePrincipalCredentials, UserPassCredentials
- from azure.mgmt.monitor.version import VERSION as monitor_client_version
- from import VERSION as network_client_version
- from import VERSION as storage_client_version
- from azure.mgmt.compute.version import VERSION as compute_client_version
- from azure.mgmt.resource.version import VERSION as resource_client_version
- from azure.mgmt.dns.version import VERSION as dns_client_version
- from azure.mgmt.web.version import VERSION as web_client_version
- from import NetworkManagementClient
- from azure.mgmt.resource.resources import ResourceManagementClient
- from azure.mgmt.resource.subscriptions import SubscriptionClient
- from import StorageManagementClient
- from azure.mgmt.compute import ComputeManagementClient
- from azure.mgmt.dns import DnsManagementClient
- from azure.mgmt.monitor import MonitorManagementClient
- from azure.mgmt.web import WebSiteManagementClient
- from azure.mgmt.containerservice import ContainerServiceClient
- from azure.mgmt.marketplaceordering import MarketplaceOrderingAgreements
- from azure.mgmt.trafficmanager import TrafficManagerManagementClient
- from import CloudStorageAccount
- from import PageBlobService, BlockBlobService
- from adal.authentication_context import AuthenticationContext
- from azure.mgmt.sql import SqlManagementClient
- from azure.mgmt.servicebus import ServiceBusManagementClient
- import azure.mgmt.servicebus.models as ServicebusModel
- from azure.mgmt.rdbms.postgresql import PostgreSQLManagementClient
- from azure.mgmt.rdbms.mysql import MySQLManagementClient
- from azure.mgmt.rdbms.mariadb import MariaDBManagementClient
- from azure.mgmt.containerregistry import ContainerRegistryManagementClient
- from azure.mgmt.containerinstance import ContainerInstanceManagementClient
- from azure.mgmt.loganalytics import LogAnalyticsManagementClient
- import azure.mgmt.loganalytics.models as LogAnalyticsModels
- from azure.mgmt.automation import AutomationClient
- import azure.mgmt.automation.models as AutomationModel
- from azure.mgmt.iothub import IotHubClient
- from azure.mgmt.iothub import models as IoTHubModels
- from msrest.service_client import ServiceClient
- from msrestazure import AzureConfiguration
- from msrest.authentication import Authentication
- from azure.mgmt.resource.locks import ManagementLockClient
-except ImportError as exc:
- Authentication = object
- HAS_AZURE_EXC = traceback.format_exc()
- HAS_AZURE = False
-from base64 import b64encode, b64decode
-from hashlib import sha256
-from hmac import HMAC
-from time import time
- from urllib import (urlencode, quote_plus)
-except ImportError:
- from urllib.parse import (urlencode, quote_plus)
- from azure.cli.core.util import CLIError
- from azure.common.credentials import get_azure_cli_credentials, get_cli_profile
- from import get_cli_active_cloud
-except ImportError:
- CLIError = Exception
-def azure_id_to_dict(id):
- pieces = re.sub(r'^\/', '', id).split('/')
- result = {}
- index = 0
- while index < len(pieces) - 1:
- result[pieces[index]] = pieces[index + 1]
- index += 1
- return result
-def format_resource_id(val, subscription_id, namespace, types, resource_group):
- return resource_id(name=val,
- resource_group=resource_group,
- namespace=namespace,
- type=types,
- subscription=subscription_id) if not is_valid_resource_id(val) else val
-def normalize_location_name(name):
- return name.replace(' ', '').lower()
-# FUTURE: either get this from the requirements file (if we can be sure it's always available at runtime)
-# or generate the requirements files from this so we only have one source of truth to maintain...
- 'StorageManagementClient': {
- 'package_name': 'storage',
- 'expected_version': '3.1.0'
- },
- 'ComputeManagementClient': {
- 'package_name': 'compute',
- 'expected_version': '4.4.0'
- },
- 'ContainerInstanceManagementClient': {
- 'package_name': 'containerinstance',
- 'expected_version': '0.4.0'
- },
- 'NetworkManagementClient': {
- 'package_name': 'network',
- 'expected_version': '2.3.0'
- },
- 'ResourceManagementClient': {
- 'package_name': 'resource',
- 'expected_version': '2.1.0'
- },
- 'DnsManagementClient': {
- 'package_name': 'dns',
- 'expected_version': '2.1.0'
- },
- 'WebSiteManagementClient': {
- 'package_name': 'web',
- 'expected_version': '0.41.0'
- },
- 'TrafficManagerManagementClient': {
- 'package_name': 'trafficmanager',
- 'expected_version': '0.50.0'
- },
-} if HAS_AZURE else {}
-class AzureRMModuleBase(object):
- def __init__(self, derived_arg_spec, bypass_checks=False, no_log=False,
- mutually_exclusive=None, required_together=None,
- required_one_of=None, add_file_common_args=False, supports_check_mode=False,
- required_if=None, supports_tags=True, facts_module=False, skip_exec=False):
- merged_arg_spec = dict()
- merged_arg_spec.update(AZURE_COMMON_ARGS)
- if supports_tags:
- merged_arg_spec.update(AZURE_TAG_ARGS)
- if derived_arg_spec:
- merged_arg_spec.update(derived_arg_spec)
- merged_required_if = list(AZURE_COMMON_REQUIRED_IF)
- if required_if:
- merged_required_if += required_if
- self.module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=merged_arg_spec,
- bypass_checks=bypass_checks,
- no_log=no_log,
- mutually_exclusive=mutually_exclusive,
- required_together=required_together,
- required_one_of=required_one_of,
- add_file_common_args=add_file_common_args,
- supports_check_mode=supports_check_mode,
- required_if=merged_required_if)
- if not HAS_AZURE:
-'ansible[azure] (azure >= {0})'.format(AZURE_MIN_RELEASE)),
- exception=HAS_AZURE_EXC)
- self._network_client = None
- self._storage_client = None
- self._resource_client = None
- self._compute_client = None
- self._dns_client = None
- self._web_client = None
- self._marketplace_client = None
- self._sql_client = None
- self._mysql_client = None
- self._mariadb_client = None
- self._postgresql_client = None
- self._containerregistry_client = None
- self._containerinstance_client = None
- self._containerservice_client = None
- self._managedcluster_client = None
- self._traffic_manager_management_client = None
- self._monitor_client = None
- self._resource = None
- self._log_analytics_client = None
- self._servicebus_client = None
- self._automation_client = None
- self._IoThub_client = None
- self._lock_client = None
- self.check_mode = self.module.check_mode
- self.api_profile = self.module.params.get('api_profile')
- self.facts_module = facts_module
- # self.debug = self.module.params.get('debug')
- # delegate auth to AzureRMAuth class (shared with all plugin types)
- self.azure_auth = AzureRMAuth(, **self.module.params)
- # common parameter validation
- if self.module.params.get('tags'):
- self.validate_tags(self.module.params['tags'])
- if not skip_exec:
- res = self.exec_module(**self.module.params)
- self.module.exit_json(**res)
- def check_client_version(self, client_type):
- # Ensure Azure modules are at least 2.0.0rc5.
- package_version = AZURE_PKG_VERSIONS.get(client_type.__name__, None)
- if package_version is not None:
- client_name = package_version.get('package_name')
- try:
- client_module = importlib.import_module(client_type.__module__)
- client_version = client_module.VERSION
- except (RuntimeError, AttributeError):
- # can't get at the module version for some reason, just fail silently...
- return
- expected_version = package_version.get('expected_version')
- if Version(client_version) < Version(expected_version):
-"Installed azure-mgmt-{0} client version is {1}. The minimum supported version is {2}. Try "
- "`pip install ansible[azure]`".format(client_name, client_version, expected_version))
- if Version(client_version) != Version(expected_version):
- self.module.warn("Installed azure-mgmt-{0} client version is {1}. The expected version is {2}. Try "
- "`pip install ansible[azure]`".format(client_name, client_version, expected_version))
- def exec_module(self, **kwargs):
-"Error: {0} failed to implement exec_module method.".format(self.__class__.__name__))
- def fail(self, msg, **kwargs):
- '''
- Shortcut for calling
- :param msg: Error message text.
- :param kwargs: Any key=value pairs
- :return: None
- '''
- self.module.fail_json(msg=msg, **kwargs)
- def deprecate(self, msg, version=None, collection_name=None):
- self.module.deprecate(msg, version, collection_name=collection_name)
- def log(self, msg, pretty_print=False):
- if pretty_print:
- self.module.debug(json.dumps(msg, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
- else:
- self.module.debug(msg)
- def validate_tags(self, tags):
- '''
- Check if tags dictionary contains string:string pairs.
- :param tags: dictionary of string:string pairs
- :return: None
- '''
- if not self.facts_module:
- if not isinstance(tags, dict):
-"Tags must be a dictionary of string:string values.")
- for key, value in tags.items():
- if not isinstance(value, str):
-"Tags values must be strings. Found {0}:{1}".format(str(key), str(value)))
- def update_tags(self, tags):
- '''
- Call from the module to update metadata tags. Returns tuple
- with bool indicating if there was a change and dict of new
- tags to assign to the object.
- :param tags: metadata tags from the object
- :return: bool, dict
- '''
- tags = tags or dict()
- new_tags = copy.copy(tags) if isinstance(tags, dict) else dict()
- param_tags = self.module.params.get('tags') if isinstance(self.module.params.get('tags'), dict) else dict()
- append_tags = self.module.params.get('append_tags') if self.module.params.get('append_tags') is not None else True
- changed = False
- # check add or update
- for key, value in param_tags.items():
- if not new_tags.get(key) or new_tags[key] != value:
- changed = True
- new_tags[key] = value
- # check remove
- if not append_tags:
- for key, value in tags.items():
- if not param_tags.get(key):
- new_tags.pop(key)
- changed = True
- return changed, new_tags
- def has_tags(self, obj_tags, tag_list):
- '''
- Used in fact modules to compare object tags to list of parameter tags. Return true if list of parameter tags
- exists in object tags.
- :param obj_tags: dictionary of tags from an Azure object.
- :param tag_list: list of tag keys or tag key:value pairs
- :return: bool
- '''
- if not obj_tags and tag_list:
- return False
- if not tag_list:
- return True
- matches = 0
- result = False
- for tag in tag_list:
- tag_key = tag
- tag_value = None
- if ':' in tag:
- tag_key, tag_value = tag.split(':')
- if tag_value and obj_tags.get(tag_key) == tag_value:
- matches += 1
- elif not tag_value and obj_tags.get(tag_key):
- matches += 1
- if matches == len(tag_list):
- result = True
- return result
- def get_resource_group(self, resource_group):
- '''
- Fetch a resource group.
- :param resource_group: name of a resource group
- :return: resource group object
- '''
- try:
- return self.rm_client.resource_groups.get(resource_group)
- except CloudError as cloud_error:
-"Error retrieving resource group {0} - {1}".format(resource_group, cloud_error.message))
- except Exception as exc:
-"Error retrieving resource group {0} - {1}".format(resource_group, str(exc)))
- def parse_resource_to_dict(self, resource):
- '''
- Return a dict of the give resource, which contains name and resource group.
- :param resource: It can be a resource name, id or a dict contains name and resource group.
- '''
- resource_dict = parse_resource_id(resource) if not isinstance(resource, dict) else resource
- resource_dict['resource_group'] = resource_dict.get('resource_group', self.resource_group)
- resource_dict['subscription_id'] = resource_dict.get('subscription_id', self.subscription_id)
- return resource_dict
- def serialize_obj(self, obj, class_name, enum_modules=None):
- '''
- Return a JSON representation of an Azure object.
- :param obj: Azure object
- :param class_name: Name of the object's class
- :param enum_modules: List of module names to build enum dependencies from.
- :return: serialized result
- '''
- enum_modules = [] if enum_modules is None else enum_modules
- dependencies = dict()
- if enum_modules:
- for module_name in enum_modules:
- mod = importlib.import_module(module_name)
- for mod_class_name, mod_class_obj in inspect.getmembers(mod, predicate=inspect.isclass):
- dependencies[mod_class_name] = mod_class_obj
- self.log("dependencies: ")
- self.log(str(dependencies))
- serializer = Serializer(classes=dependencies)
- return serializer.body(obj, class_name, keep_readonly=True)
- def get_poller_result(self, poller, wait=5):
- '''
- Consistent method of waiting on and retrieving results from Azure's long poller
- :param poller Azure poller object
- :return object resulting from the original request
- '''
- try:
- delay = wait
- while not poller.done():
- self.log("Waiting for {0} sec".format(delay))
- poller.wait(timeout=delay)
- return poller.result()
- except Exception as exc:
- self.log(str(exc))
- raise
- def check_provisioning_state(self, azure_object, requested_state='present'):
- '''
- Check an Azure object's provisioning state. If something did not complete the provisioning
- process, then we cannot operate on it.
- :param azure_object An object such as a subnet, storageaccount, etc. Must have provisioning_state
- and name attributes.
- :return None
- '''
- if hasattr(azure_object, 'properties') and hasattr(, 'provisioning_state') and \
- hasattr(azure_object, 'name'):
- # resource group object fits this model
- if isinstance(, Enum):
- requested_state != 'absent':
-"Error {0} has a provisioning state of {1}. Expecting state to be {2}.".format(
- return
- requested_state != 'absent':
-"Error {0} has a provisioning state of {1}. Expecting state to be {2}.".format(
- return
- if hasattr(azure_object, 'provisioning_state') or not hasattr(azure_object, 'name'):
- if isinstance(azure_object.provisioning_state, Enum):
- if azure_object.provisioning_state.value != AZURE_SUCCESS_STATE and requested_state != 'absent':
-"Error {0} has a provisioning state of {1}. Expecting state to be {2}.".format(
-, azure_object.provisioning_state, AZURE_SUCCESS_STATE))
- return
- if azure_object.provisioning_state != AZURE_SUCCESS_STATE and requested_state != 'absent':
-"Error {0} has a provisioning state of {1}. Expecting state to be {2}.".format(
-, azure_object.provisioning_state, AZURE_SUCCESS_STATE))
- def get_blob_client(self, resource_group_name, storage_account_name, storage_blob_type='block'):
- keys = dict()
- try:
- # Get keys from the storage account
- self.log('Getting keys')
- account_keys = self.storage_client.storage_accounts.list_keys(resource_group_name, storage_account_name)
- except Exception as exc:
-"Error getting keys for account {0} - {1}".format(storage_account_name, str(exc)))
- try:
- self.log('Create blob service')
- if storage_blob_type == 'page':
- return PageBlobService(endpoint_suffix=self._cloud_environment.suffixes.storage_endpoint,
- account_name=storage_account_name,
- account_key=account_keys.keys[0].value)
- elif storage_blob_type == 'block':
- return BlockBlobService(endpoint_suffix=self._cloud_environment.suffixes.storage_endpoint,
- account_name=storage_account_name,
- account_key=account_keys.keys[0].value)
- else:
- raise Exception("Invalid storage blob type defined.")
- except Exception as exc:
-"Error creating blob service client for storage account {0} - {1}".format(storage_account_name,
- str(exc)))
- def create_default_pip(self, resource_group, location, public_ip_name, allocation_method='Dynamic', sku=None):
- '''
- Create a default public IP address <public_ip_name> to associate with a network interface.
- If a PIP address matching <public_ip_name> exists, return it. Otherwise, create one.
- :param resource_group: name of an existing resource group
- :param location: a valid azure location
- :param public_ip_name: base name to assign the public IP address
- :param allocation_method: one of 'Static' or 'Dynamic'
- :param sku: sku
- :return: PIP object
- '''
- pip = None
- self.log("Starting create_default_pip {0}".format(public_ip_name))
- self.log("Check to see if public IP {0} exists".format(public_ip_name))
- try:
- pip = self.network_client.public_ip_addresses.get(resource_group, public_ip_name)
- except CloudError:
- pass
- if pip:
- self.log("Public ip {0} found.".format(public_ip_name))
- self.check_provisioning_state(pip)
- return pip
- params = self.network_models.PublicIPAddress(
- location=location,
- public_ip_allocation_method=allocation_method,
- sku=sku
- )
- self.log('Creating default public IP {0}'.format(public_ip_name))
- try:
- poller = self.network_client.public_ip_addresses.create_or_update(resource_group, public_ip_name, params)
- except Exception as exc:
-"Error creating {0} - {1}".format(public_ip_name, str(exc)))
- return self.get_poller_result(poller)
- def create_default_securitygroup(self, resource_group, location, security_group_name, os_type, open_ports):
- '''
- Create a default security group <security_group_name> to associate with a network interface. If a security group matching
- <security_group_name> exists, return it. Otherwise, create one.
- :param resource_group: Resource group name
- :param location: azure location name
- :param security_group_name: base name to use for the security group
- :param os_type: one of 'Windows' or 'Linux'. Determins any default rules added to the security group.
- :param ssh_port: for os_type 'Linux' port used in rule allowing SSH access.
- :param rdp_port: for os_type 'Windows' port used in rule allowing RDP access.
- :return: security_group object
- '''
- group = None
- self.log("Create security group {0}".format(security_group_name))
- self.log("Check to see if security group {0} exists".format(security_group_name))
- try:
- group = self.network_client.network_security_groups.get(resource_group, security_group_name)
- except CloudError:
- pass
- if group:
- self.log("Security group {0} found.".format(security_group_name))
- self.check_provisioning_state(group)
- return group
- parameters = self.network_models.NetworkSecurityGroup()
- parameters.location = location
- if not open_ports:
- # Open default ports based on OS type
- if os_type == 'Linux':
- # add an inbound SSH rule
- parameters.security_rules = [
- self.network_models.SecurityRule(protocol='Tcp',
- source_address_prefix='*',
- destination_address_prefix='*',
- access='Allow',
- direction='Inbound',
- description='Allow SSH Access',
- source_port_range='*',
- destination_port_range='22',
- priority=100,
- name='SSH')
- ]
- parameters.location = location
- else:
- # for windows add inbound RDP and WinRM rules
- parameters.security_rules = [
- self.network_models.SecurityRule(protocol='Tcp',
- source_address_prefix='*',
- destination_address_prefix='*',
- access='Allow',
- direction='Inbound',
- description='Allow RDP port 3389',
- source_port_range='*',
- destination_port_range='3389',
- priority=100,
- name='RDP01'),
- self.network_models.SecurityRule(protocol='Tcp',
- source_address_prefix='*',
- destination_address_prefix='*',
- access='Allow',
- direction='Inbound',
- description='Allow WinRM HTTPS port 5986',
- source_port_range='*',
- destination_port_range='5986',
- priority=101,
- name='WinRM01'),
- ]
- else:
- # Open custom ports
- parameters.security_rules = []
- priority = 100
- for port in open_ports:
- priority += 1
- rule_name = "Rule_{0}".format(priority)
- parameters.security_rules.append(
- self.network_models.SecurityRule(protocol='Tcp',
- source_address_prefix='*',
- destination_address_prefix='*',
- access='Allow',
- direction='Inbound',
- source_port_range='*',
- destination_port_range=str(port),
- priority=priority,
- name=rule_name)
- )
- self.log('Creating default security group {0}'.format(security_group_name))
- try:
- poller = self.network_client.network_security_groups.create_or_update(resource_group,
- security_group_name,
- parameters)
- except Exception as exc:
-"Error creating default security rule {0} - {1}".format(security_group_name, str(exc)))
- return self.get_poller_result(poller)
- @staticmethod
- def _validation_ignore_callback(session, global_config, local_config, **kwargs):
- session.verify = False
- def get_api_profile(self, client_type_name, api_profile_name):
- profile_all_clients = AZURE_API_PROFILES.get(api_profile_name)
- if not profile_all_clients:
- raise KeyError("unknown Azure API profile: {0}".format(api_profile_name))
- profile_raw = profile_all_clients.get(client_type_name, None)
- if not profile_raw:
- self.module.warn("Azure API profile {0} does not define an entry for {1}".format(api_profile_name, client_type_name))
- if isinstance(profile_raw, dict):
- if not profile_raw.get('default_api_version'):
- raise KeyError("Azure API profile {0} does not define 'default_api_version'".format(api_profile_name))
- return profile_raw
- # wrap basic strings in a dict that just defines the default
- return dict(default_api_version=profile_raw)
- def get_mgmt_svc_client(self, client_type, base_url=None, api_version=None):
- self.log('Getting management service client {0}'.format(client_type.__name__))
- self.check_client_version(client_type)
- client_argspec = inspect.getargspec(client_type.__init__)
- if not base_url:
- # most things are resource_manager, don't make everyone specify
- base_url = self.azure_auth._cloud_environment.endpoints.resource_manager
- client_kwargs = dict(credentials=self.azure_auth.azure_credentials, subscription_id=self.azure_auth.subscription_id, base_url=base_url)
- api_profile_dict = {}
- if self.api_profile:
- api_profile_dict = self.get_api_profile(client_type.__name__, self.api_profile)
- # unversioned clients won't accept profile; only send it if necessary
- # clients without a version specified in the profile will use the default
- if api_profile_dict and 'profile' in client_argspec.args:
- client_kwargs['profile'] = api_profile_dict
- # If the client doesn't accept api_version, it's unversioned.
- # If it does, favor explicitly-specified api_version, fall back to api_profile
- if 'api_version' in client_argspec.args:
- profile_default_version = api_profile_dict.get('default_api_version', None)
- if api_version or profile_default_version:
- client_kwargs['api_version'] = api_version or profile_default_version
- if 'profile' in client_kwargs:
- # remove profile; only pass API version if specified
- client_kwargs.pop('profile')
- client = client_type(**client_kwargs)
- # FUTURE: remove this once everything exposes models directly (eg, containerinstance)
- try:
- getattr(client, "models")
- except AttributeError:
- def _ansible_get_models(self, *arg, **kwarg):
- return self._ansible_models
- setattr(client, '_ansible_models', importlib.import_module(client_type.__module__).models)
- client.models = types.MethodType(_ansible_get_models, client)
- client.config = self.add_user_agent(client.config)
- if self.azure_auth._cert_validation_mode == 'ignore':
- client.config.session_configuration_callback = self._validation_ignore_callback
- return client
- def add_user_agent(self, config):
- # Add user agent for Ansible
- config.add_user_agent(ANSIBLE_USER_AGENT)
- # Add user agent when running from Cloud Shell
- if CLOUDSHELL_USER_AGENT_KEY in os.environ:
- config.add_user_agent(os.environ[CLOUDSHELL_USER_AGENT_KEY])
- # Add user agent when running from VSCode extension
- if VSCODEEXT_USER_AGENT_KEY in os.environ:
- config.add_user_agent(os.environ[VSCODEEXT_USER_AGENT_KEY])
- return config
- def generate_sas_token(self, **kwags):
- base_url = kwags.get('base_url', None)
- expiry = kwags.get('expiry', time() + 3600)
- key = kwags.get('key', None)
- policy = kwags.get('policy', None)
- url = quote_plus(base_url)
- ttl = int(expiry)
- sign_key = '{0}\n{1}'.format(url, ttl)
- signature = b64encode(HMAC(b64decode(key), sign_key.encode('utf-8'), sha256).digest())
- result = {
- 'sr': url,
- 'sig': signature,
- 'se': str(ttl),
- }
- if policy:
- result['skn'] = policy
- return 'SharedAccessSignature ' + urlencode(result)
- def get_data_svc_client(self, **kwags):
- url = kwags.get('base_url', None)
- config = AzureConfiguration(base_url='https://{0}'.format(url))
- config.credentials = AzureSASAuthentication(token=self.generate_sas_token(**kwags))
- config = self.add_user_agent(config)
- return ServiceClient(creds=config.credentials, config=config)
- # passthru methods to AzureAuth instance for backcompat
- @property
- def credentials(self):
- return self.azure_auth.credentials
- @property
- def _cloud_environment(self):
- return self.azure_auth._cloud_environment
- @property
- def subscription_id(self):
- return self.azure_auth.subscription_id
- @property
- def storage_client(self):
- self.log('Getting storage client...')
- if not self._storage_client:
- self._storage_client = self.get_mgmt_svc_client(StorageManagementClient,
- base_url=self._cloud_environment.endpoints.resource_manager,
- api_version='2018-07-01')
- return self._storage_client
- @property
- def storage_models(self):
- return StorageManagementClient.models("2018-07-01")
- @property
- def network_client(self):
- self.log('Getting network client')
- if not self._network_client:
- self._network_client = self.get_mgmt_svc_client(NetworkManagementClient,
- base_url=self._cloud_environment.endpoints.resource_manager,
- api_version='2019-06-01')
- return self._network_client
- @property
- def network_models(self):
- self.log("Getting network models...")
- return NetworkManagementClient.models("2018-08-01")
- @property
- def rm_client(self):
- self.log('Getting resource manager client')
- if not self._resource_client:
- self._resource_client = self.get_mgmt_svc_client(ResourceManagementClient,
- base_url=self._cloud_environment.endpoints.resource_manager,
- api_version='2017-05-10')
- return self._resource_client
- @property
- def rm_models(self):
- self.log("Getting resource manager models")
- return ResourceManagementClient.models("2017-05-10")
- @property
- def compute_client(self):
- self.log('Getting compute client')
- if not self._compute_client:
- self._compute_client = self.get_mgmt_svc_client(ComputeManagementClient,
- base_url=self._cloud_environment.endpoints.resource_manager,
- api_version='2019-07-01')
- return self._compute_client
- @property
- def compute_models(self):
- self.log("Getting compute models")
- return ComputeManagementClient.models("2019-07-01")
- @property
- def dns_client(self):
- self.log('Getting dns client')
- if not self._dns_client:
- self._dns_client = self.get_mgmt_svc_client(DnsManagementClient,
- base_url=self._cloud_environment.endpoints.resource_manager,
- api_version='2018-05-01')
- return self._dns_client
- @property
- def dns_models(self):
- self.log("Getting dns models...")
- return DnsManagementClient.models('2018-05-01')
- @property
- def web_client(self):
- self.log('Getting web client')
- if not self._web_client:
- self._web_client = self.get_mgmt_svc_client(WebSiteManagementClient,
- base_url=self._cloud_environment.endpoints.resource_manager,
- api_version='2018-02-01')
- return self._web_client
- @property
- def containerservice_client(self):
- self.log('Getting container service client')
- if not self._containerservice_client:
- self._containerservice_client = self.get_mgmt_svc_client(ContainerServiceClient,
- base_url=self._cloud_environment.endpoints.resource_manager,
- api_version='2017-07-01')
- return self._containerservice_client
- @property
- def managedcluster_models(self):
- self.log("Getting container service models")
- return ContainerServiceClient.models('2018-03-31')
- @property
- def managedcluster_client(self):
- self.log('Getting container service client')
- if not self._managedcluster_client:
- self._managedcluster_client = self.get_mgmt_svc_client(ContainerServiceClient,
- base_url=self._cloud_environment.endpoints.resource_manager,
- api_version='2018-03-31')
- return self._managedcluster_client
- @property
- def sql_client(self):
- self.log('Getting SQL client')
- if not self._sql_client:
- self._sql_client = self.get_mgmt_svc_client(SqlManagementClient,
- base_url=self._cloud_environment.endpoints.resource_manager)
- return self._sql_client
- @property
- def postgresql_client(self):
- self.log('Getting PostgreSQL client')
- if not self._postgresql_client:
- self._postgresql_client = self.get_mgmt_svc_client(PostgreSQLManagementClient,
- base_url=self._cloud_environment.endpoints.resource_manager)
- return self._postgresql_client
- @property
- def mysql_client(self):
- self.log('Getting MySQL client')
- if not self._mysql_client:
- self._mysql_client = self.get_mgmt_svc_client(MySQLManagementClient,
- base_url=self._cloud_environment.endpoints.resource_manager)
- return self._mysql_client
- @property
- def mariadb_client(self):
- self.log('Getting MariaDB client')
- if not self._mariadb_client:
- self._mariadb_client = self.get_mgmt_svc_client(MariaDBManagementClient,
- base_url=self._cloud_environment.endpoints.resource_manager)
- return self._mariadb_client
- @property
- def sql_client(self):
- self.log('Getting SQL client')
- if not self._sql_client:
- self._sql_client = self.get_mgmt_svc_client(SqlManagementClient,
- base_url=self._cloud_environment.endpoints.resource_manager)
- return self._sql_client
- @property
- def containerregistry_client(self):
- self.log('Getting container registry mgmt client')
- if not self._containerregistry_client:
- self._containerregistry_client = self.get_mgmt_svc_client(ContainerRegistryManagementClient,
- base_url=self._cloud_environment.endpoints.resource_manager,
- api_version='2017-10-01')
- return self._containerregistry_client
- @property
- def containerinstance_client(self):
- self.log('Getting container instance mgmt client')
- if not self._containerinstance_client:
- self._containerinstance_client = self.get_mgmt_svc_client(ContainerInstanceManagementClient,
- base_url=self._cloud_environment.endpoints.resource_manager,
- api_version='2018-06-01')
- return self._containerinstance_client
- @property
- def marketplace_client(self):
- self.log('Getting marketplace agreement client')
- if not self._marketplace_client:
- self._marketplace_client = self.get_mgmt_svc_client(MarketplaceOrderingAgreements,
- base_url=self._cloud_environment.endpoints.resource_manager)
- return self._marketplace_client
- @property
- def traffic_manager_management_client(self):
- self.log('Getting traffic manager client')
- if not self._traffic_manager_management_client:
- self._traffic_manager_management_client = self.get_mgmt_svc_client(TrafficManagerManagementClient,
- base_url=self._cloud_environment.endpoints.resource_manager)
- return self._traffic_manager_management_client
- @property
- def monitor_client(self):
- self.log('Getting monitor client')
- if not self._monitor_client:
- self._monitor_client = self.get_mgmt_svc_client(MonitorManagementClient,
- base_url=self._cloud_environment.endpoints.resource_manager)
- return self._monitor_client
- @property
- def log_analytics_client(self):
- self.log('Getting log analytics client')
- if not self._log_analytics_client:
- self._log_analytics_client = self.get_mgmt_svc_client(LogAnalyticsManagementClient,
- base_url=self._cloud_environment.endpoints.resource_manager)
- return self._log_analytics_client
- @property
- def log_analytics_models(self):
- self.log('Getting log analytics models')
- return LogAnalyticsModels
- @property
- def servicebus_client(self):
- self.log('Getting servicebus client')
- if not self._servicebus_client:
- self._servicebus_client = self.get_mgmt_svc_client(ServiceBusManagementClient,
- base_url=self._cloud_environment.endpoints.resource_manager)
- return self._servicebus_client
- @property
- def servicebus_models(self):
- return ServicebusModel
- @property
- def automation_client(self):
- self.log('Getting automation client')
- if not self._automation_client:
- self._automation_client = self.get_mgmt_svc_client(AutomationClient,
- base_url=self._cloud_environment.endpoints.resource_manager)
- return self._automation_client
- @property
- def automation_models(self):
- return AutomationModel
- @property
- def IoThub_client(self):
- self.log('Getting iothub client')
- if not self._IoThub_client:
- self._IoThub_client = self.get_mgmt_svc_client(IotHubClient,
- base_url=self._cloud_environment.endpoints.resource_manager)
- return self._IoThub_client
- @property
- def IoThub_models(self):
- return IoTHubModels
- @property
- def automation_client(self):
- self.log('Getting automation client')
- if not self._automation_client:
- self._automation_client = self.get_mgmt_svc_client(AutomationClient,
- base_url=self._cloud_environment.endpoints.resource_manager)
- return self._automation_client
- @property
- def automation_models(self):
- return AutomationModel
- @property
- def lock_client(self):
- self.log('Getting lock client')
- if not self._lock_client:
- self._lock_client = self.get_mgmt_svc_client(ManagementLockClient,
- base_url=self._cloud_environment.endpoints.resource_manager,
- api_version='2016-09-01')
- return self._lock_client
- @property
- def lock_models(self):
- self.log("Getting lock models")
- return ManagementLockClient.models('2016-09-01')
-class AzureSASAuthentication(Authentication):
- """Simple SAS Authentication.
- An implementation of Authentication in
- :param str token: SAS token
- """
- def __init__(self, token):
- self.token = token
- def signed_session(self):
- session = super(AzureSASAuthentication, self).signed_session()
- session.headers['Authorization'] = self.token
- return session
-class AzureRMAuthException(Exception):
- pass
-class AzureRMAuth(object):
- def __init__(self, auth_source='auto', profile=None, subscription_id=None, client_id=None, secret=None,
- tenant=None, ad_user=None, password=None, cloud_environment='AzureCloud', cert_validation_mode='validate',
- api_profile='latest', adfs_authority_url=None, fail_impl=None, **kwargs):
- if fail_impl:
- self._fail_impl = fail_impl
- else:
- self._fail_impl = self._default_fail_impl
- self._cloud_environment = None
- self._adfs_authority_url = None
- # authenticate
- self.credentials = self._get_credentials(
- dict(auth_source=auth_source, profile=profile, subscription_id=subscription_id, client_id=client_id, secret=secret,
- tenant=tenant, ad_user=ad_user, password=password, cloud_environment=cloud_environment,
- cert_validation_mode=cert_validation_mode, api_profile=api_profile, adfs_authority_url=adfs_authority_url))
- if not self.credentials:
-"Failed to get credentials. Either pass as parameters, set environment variables, "
- "define a profile in ~/.azure/credentials, or log in with Azure CLI (`az login`).")
- else:
-"Failed to get credentials. Either pass as parameters, set environment variables, "
- "define a profile in ~/.azure/credentials, or install Azure CLI and log in (`az login`).")
- # cert validation mode precedence: module-arg, credential profile, env, "validate"
- self._cert_validation_mode = cert_validation_mode or self.credentials.get('cert_validation_mode') or \
- os.environ.get('AZURE_CERT_VALIDATION_MODE') or 'validate'
- if self._cert_validation_mode not in ['validate', 'ignore']:
-'invalid cert_validation_mode: {0}'.format(self._cert_validation_mode))
- # if cloud_environment specified, look up/build Cloud object
- raw_cloud_env = self.credentials.get('cloud_environment')
- if self.credentials.get('credentials') is not None and raw_cloud_env is not None:
- self._cloud_environment = raw_cloud_env
- elif not raw_cloud_env:
- self._cloud_environment = azure_cloud.AZURE_PUBLIC_CLOUD # SDK default
- else:
- # try to look up "well-known" values via the name attribute on azure_cloud members
- all_clouds = [x[1] for x in inspect.getmembers(azure_cloud) if isinstance(x[1], azure_cloud.Cloud)]
- matched_clouds = [x for x in all_clouds if == raw_cloud_env]
- if len(matched_clouds) == 1:
- self._cloud_environment = matched_clouds[0]
- elif len(matched_clouds) > 1:
-"Azure SDK failure: more than one cloud matched for cloud_environment name '{0}'".format(raw_cloud_env))
- else:
- if not urlparse.urlparse(raw_cloud_env).scheme:
-"cloud_environment must be an endpoint discovery URL or one of {0}".format([ for x in all_clouds]))
- try:
- self._cloud_environment = azure_cloud.get_cloud_from_metadata_endpoint(raw_cloud_env)
- except Exception as e:
-"cloud_environment {0} could not be resolved: {1}".format(raw_cloud_env, e.message), exception=traceback.format_exc())
- if self.credentials.get('subscription_id', None) is None and self.credentials.get('credentials') is None:
-"Credentials did not include a subscription_id value.")
- self.log("setting subscription_id")
- self.subscription_id = self.credentials['subscription_id']
- # get authentication authority
- # for adfs, user could pass in authority or not.
- # for others, use default authority from cloud environment
- if self.credentials.get('adfs_authority_url') is None:
- self._adfs_authority_url = self._cloud_environment.endpoints.active_directory
- else:
- self._adfs_authority_url = self.credentials.get('adfs_authority_url')
- # get resource from cloud environment
- self._resource = self._cloud_environment.endpoints.active_directory_resource_id
- if self.credentials.get('credentials') is not None:
- # AzureCLI credentials
- self.azure_credentials = self.credentials['credentials']
- elif self.credentials.get('client_id') is not None and \
- self.credentials.get('secret') is not None and \
- self.credentials.get('tenant') is not None:
- self.azure_credentials = ServicePrincipalCredentials(client_id=self.credentials['client_id'],
- secret=self.credentials['secret'],
- tenant=self.credentials['tenant'],
- cloud_environment=self._cloud_environment,
- verify=self._cert_validation_mode == 'validate')
- elif self.credentials.get('ad_user') is not None and \
- self.credentials.get('password') is not None and \
- self.credentials.get('client_id') is not None and \
- self.credentials.get('tenant') is not None:
- self.azure_credentials = self.acquire_token_with_username_password(
- self._adfs_authority_url,
- self._resource,
- self.credentials['ad_user'],
- self.credentials['password'],
- self.credentials['client_id'],
- self.credentials['tenant'])
- elif self.credentials.get('ad_user') is not None and self.credentials.get('password') is not None:
- tenant = self.credentials.get('tenant')
- if not tenant:
- tenant = 'common' # SDK default
- self.azure_credentials = UserPassCredentials(self.credentials['ad_user'],
- self.credentials['password'],
- tenant=tenant,
- cloud_environment=self._cloud_environment,
- verify=self._cert_validation_mode == 'validate')
- else:
-"Failed to authenticate with provided credentials. Some attributes were missing. "
- "Credentials must include client_id, secret and tenant or ad_user and password, or "
- "ad_user, password, client_id, tenant and adfs_authority_url(optional) for ADFS authentication, or "
- "be logged in using AzureCLI.")
- def fail(self, msg, exception=None, **kwargs):
- self._fail_impl(msg)
- def _default_fail_impl(self, msg, exception=None, **kwargs):
- raise AzureRMAuthException(msg)
- def _get_profile(self, profile="default"):
- path = expanduser("~/.azure/credentials")
- try:
- config = configparser.ConfigParser()
- except Exception as exc:
-"Failed to access {0}. Check that the file exists and you have read "
- "access. {1}".format(path, str(exc)))
- credentials = dict()
- try:
- credentials[key] = config.get(profile, key, raw=True)
- except Exception:
- pass
- if credentials.get('subscription_id'):
- return credentials
- return None
- def _get_msi_credentials(self, subscription_id_param=None, **kwargs):
- client_id = kwargs.get('client_id', None)
- credentials = MSIAuthentication(client_id=client_id)
- subscription_id = subscription_id_param or os.environ.get(AZURE_CREDENTIAL_ENV_MAPPING['subscription_id'], None)
- if not subscription_id:
- try:
- # use the first subscription of the MSI
- subscription_client = SubscriptionClient(credentials)
- subscription = next(subscription_client.subscriptions.list())
- subscription_id = str(subscription.subscription_id)
- except Exception as exc:
-"Failed to get MSI token: {0}. "
- "Please check whether your machine enabled MSI or grant access to any subscription.".format(str(exc)))
- return {
- 'credentials': credentials,
- 'subscription_id': subscription_id
- }
- def _get_azure_cli_credentials(self):
- credentials, subscription_id = get_azure_cli_credentials()
- cloud_environment = get_cli_active_cloud()
- cli_credentials = {
- 'credentials': credentials,
- 'subscription_id': subscription_id,
- 'cloud_environment': cloud_environment
- }
- return cli_credentials
- def _get_env_credentials(self):
- env_credentials = dict()
- for attribute, env_variable in AZURE_CREDENTIAL_ENV_MAPPING.items():
- env_credentials[attribute] = os.environ.get(env_variable, None)
- if env_credentials['profile']:
- credentials = self._get_profile(env_credentials['profile'])
- return credentials
- if env_credentials.get('subscription_id') is not None:
- return env_credentials
- return None
- # TODO: use explicit kwargs instead of intermediate dict
- def _get_credentials(self, params):
- # Get authentication credentials.
- self.log('Getting credentials')
- arg_credentials = dict()
- for attribute, env_variable in AZURE_CREDENTIAL_ENV_MAPPING.items():
- arg_credentials[attribute] = params.get(attribute, None)
- auth_source = params.get('auth_source', None)
- if not auth_source:
- auth_source = os.environ.get('ANSIBLE_AZURE_AUTH_SOURCE', 'auto')
- if auth_source == 'msi':
- self.log('Retrieving credenitals from MSI')
- return self._get_msi_credentials(arg_credentials['subscription_id'], client_id=params.get('client_id', None))
- if auth_source == 'cli':
-'azure-cli', reason='for `cli` auth_source'),
- try:
- self.log('Retrieving credentials from Azure CLI profile')
- cli_credentials = self._get_azure_cli_credentials()
- return cli_credentials
- except CLIError as err:
-"Azure CLI profile cannot be loaded - {0}".format(err))
- if auth_source == 'env':
- self.log('Retrieving credentials from environment')
- env_credentials = self._get_env_credentials()
- return env_credentials
- if auth_source == 'credential_file':
- self.log("Retrieving credentials from credential file")
- profile = params.get('profile') or 'default'
- default_credentials = self._get_profile(profile)
- return default_credentials
- # auto, precedence: module parameters -> environment variables -> default profile in ~/.azure/credentials
- # try module params
- if arg_credentials['profile'] is not None:
- self.log('Retrieving credentials with profile parameter.')
- credentials = self._get_profile(arg_credentials['profile'])
- return credentials
- if arg_credentials['subscription_id']:
- self.log('Received credentials from parameters.')
- return arg_credentials
- # try environment
- env_credentials = self._get_env_credentials()
- if env_credentials:
- self.log('Received credentials from env.')
- return env_credentials
- # try default profile from ~./azure/credentials
- default_credentials = self._get_profile()
- if default_credentials:
- self.log('Retrieved default profile credentials from ~/.azure/credentials.')
- return default_credentials
- try:
- self.log('Retrieving credentials from AzureCLI profile')
- cli_credentials = self._get_azure_cli_credentials()
- return cli_credentials
- except CLIError as ce:
- self.log('Error getting AzureCLI profile credentials - {0}'.format(ce))
- return None
- def acquire_token_with_username_password(self, authority, resource, username, password, client_id, tenant):
- authority_uri = authority
- if tenant is not None:
- authority_uri = authority + '/' + tenant
- context = AuthenticationContext(authority_uri)
- token_response = context.acquire_token_with_username_password(resource, username, password, client_id)
- return AADTokenCredentials(token_response)
- def log(self, msg, pretty_print=False):
- pass
- # Use only during module development
- # if self.debug:
- # log_file = open('azure_rm.log', 'a')
- # if pretty_print:
- # log_file.write(json.dumps(msg, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
- # else:
- # log_file.write(msg + u'\n')