# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2021 Ansible Project # Simplified BSD License (see licenses/simplified_bsd.txt or https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type class AnsibleFallbackNotFound(Exception): """Fallback validator was not found""" class AnsibleValidationError(Exception): """Single argument spec validation error""" def __init__(self, message): super(AnsibleValidationError, self).__init__(message) self.error_message = message """The error message passed in when the exception was raised.""" @property def msg(self): """The error message passed in when the exception was raised.""" return self.args[0] class AnsibleValidationErrorMultiple(AnsibleValidationError): """Multiple argument spec validation errors""" def __init__(self, errors=None): self.errors = errors[:] if errors else [] """:class:`list` of :class:`AnsibleValidationError` objects""" def __getitem__(self, key): return self.errors[key] def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.errors[key] = value def __delitem__(self, key): del self.errors[key] @property def msg(self): """The first message from the first error in ``errors``.""" return self.errors[0].args[0] @property def messages(self): """:class:`list` of each error message in ``errors``.""" return [err.msg for err in self.errors] def append(self, error): """Append a new error to ``self.errors``. Only :class:`AnsibleValidationError` should be added. """ self.errors.append(error) def extend(self, errors): """Append each item in ``errors`` to ``self.errors``. Only :class:`AnsibleValidationError` should be added.""" self.errors.extend(errors) class AliasError(AnsibleValidationError): """Error handling aliases""" class ArgumentTypeError(AnsibleValidationError): """Error with parameter type""" class ArgumentValueError(AnsibleValidationError): """Error with parameter value""" class ElementError(AnsibleValidationError): """Error when validating elements""" class MutuallyExclusiveError(AnsibleValidationError): """Mutually exclusive parameters were supplied""" class NoLogError(AnsibleValidationError): """Error converting no_log values""" class RequiredByError(AnsibleValidationError): """Error with parameters that are required by other parameters""" class RequiredDefaultError(AnsibleValidationError): """A required parameter was assigned a default value""" class RequiredError(AnsibleValidationError): """Missing a required parameter""" class RequiredIfError(AnsibleValidationError): """Error with conditionally required parameters""" class RequiredOneOfError(AnsibleValidationError): """Error with parameters where at least one is required""" class RequiredTogetherError(AnsibleValidationError): """Error with parameters that are required together""" class SubParameterTypeError(AnsibleValidationError): """Incorrect type for subparameter""" class UnsupportedError(AnsibleValidationError): """Unsupported parameters were supplied"""