# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright: (c) 2012, Michael DeHaan , and others # Copyright: (c) 2016, Toshio Kuratomi # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = r''' --- module: command short_description: Execute commands on targets version_added: historical description: - The C(command) module takes the command name followed by a list of space-delimited arguments. - The given command will be executed on all selected nodes. - The command(s) will not be processed through the shell, so variables like C($HOSTNAME) and operations like C("*"), C("<"), C(">"), C("|"), C(";") and C("&") will not work. Use the M(ansible.builtin.shell) module if you need these features. - To create C(command) tasks that are easier to read than the ones using space-delimited arguments, pass parameters using the C(args) L(task keyword,../reference_appendices/playbooks_keywords.html#task) or use C(cmd) parameter. - Either a free form command or C(cmd) parameter is required, see the examples. - For Windows targets, use the M(ansible.windows.win_command) module instead. extends_documentation_fragment: - action_common_attributes - action_common_attributes.raw attributes: check_mode: details: while the command itself is arbitrary and cannot be subject to the check mode semantics it adds C(creates)/C(removes) options as a workaround support: partial diff_mode: support: none platform: support: full platforms: posix raw: support: full options: free_form: description: - The command module takes a free form string as a command to run. - There is no actual parameter named 'free form'. cmd: type: str description: - The command to run. argv: type: list elements: str description: - Passes the command as a list rather than a string. - Use C(argv) to avoid quoting values that would otherwise be interpreted incorrectly (for example "user name"). - Only the string (free form) or the list (argv) form can be provided, not both. One or the other must be provided. version_added: "2.6" creates: type: path description: - A filename or (since 2.0) glob pattern. If a matching file already exists, this step B(will not) be run. - This is checked before I(removes) is checked. removes: type: path description: - A filename or (since 2.0) glob pattern. If a matching file exists, this step B(will) be run. - This is checked after I(creates) is checked. version_added: "0.8" chdir: type: path description: - Change into this directory before running the command. version_added: "0.6" stdin: description: - Set the stdin of the command directly to the specified value. type: str version_added: "2.4" stdin_add_newline: type: bool default: yes description: - If set to C(true), append a newline to stdin data. version_added: "2.8" strip_empty_ends: description: - Strip empty lines from the end of stdout/stderr in result. version_added: "2.8" type: bool default: yes notes: - If you want to run a command through the shell (say you are using C(<), C(>), C(|), and so on), you actually want the M(ansible.builtin.shell) module instead. Parsing shell metacharacters can lead to unexpected commands being executed if quoting is not done correctly so it is more secure to use the C(command) module when possible. - C(creates), C(removes), and C(chdir) can be specified after the command. For instance, if you only want to run a command if a certain file does not exist, use this. - Check mode is supported when passing C(creates) or C(removes). If running in check mode and either of these are specified, the module will check for the existence of the file and report the correct changed status. If these are not supplied, the task will be skipped. - The C(executable) parameter is removed since version 2.4. If you have a need for this parameter, use the M(ansible.builtin.shell) module instead. - For Windows targets, use the M(ansible.windows.win_command) module instead. - For rebooting systems, use the M(ansible.builtin.reboot) or M(ansible.windows.win_reboot) module. seealso: - module: ansible.builtin.raw - module: ansible.builtin.script - module: ansible.builtin.shell - module: ansible.windows.win_command author: - Ansible Core Team - Michael DeHaan ''' EXAMPLES = r''' - name: Return motd to registered var ansible.builtin.command: cat /etc/motd register: mymotd # free-form (string) arguments, all arguments on one line - name: Run command if /path/to/database does not exist (without 'args') ansible.builtin.command: /usr/bin/make_database.sh db_user db_name creates=/path/to/database # free-form (string) arguments, some arguments on separate lines with the 'args' keyword # 'args' is a task keyword, passed at the same level as the module - name: Run command if /path/to/database does not exist (with 'args' keyword) ansible.builtin.command: /usr/bin/make_database.sh db_user db_name args: creates: /path/to/database # 'cmd' is module parameter - name: Run command if /path/to/database does not exist (with 'cmd' parameter) ansible.builtin.command: cmd: /usr/bin/make_database.sh db_user db_name creates: /path/to/database - name: Change the working directory to somedir/ and run the command as db_owner if /path/to/database does not exist ansible.builtin.command: /usr/bin/make_database.sh db_user db_name become: yes become_user: db_owner args: chdir: somedir/ creates: /path/to/database # argv (list) arguments, each argument on a separate line, 'args' keyword not necessary # 'argv' is a parameter, indented one level from the module - name: Use 'argv' to send a command as a list - leave 'command' empty ansible.builtin.command: argv: - /usr/bin/make_database.sh - Username with whitespace - dbname with whitespace creates: /path/to/database - name: Safely use templated variable to run command. Always use the quote filter to avoid injection issues ansible.builtin.command: cat {{ myfile|quote }} register: myoutput ''' RETURN = r''' msg: description: changed returned: always type: bool sample: True start: description: The command execution start time. returned: always type: str sample: '2017-09-29 22:03:48.083128' end: description: The command execution end time. returned: always type: str sample: '2017-09-29 22:03:48.084657' delta: description: The command execution delta time. returned: always type: str sample: '0:00:00.001529' stdout: description: The command standard output. returned: always type: str sample: 'Clustering node rabbit@slave1 with rabbit@master …' stderr: description: The command standard error. returned: always type: str sample: 'ls cannot access foo: No such file or directory' cmd: description: The command executed by the task. returned: always type: list sample: - echo - hello rc: description: The command return code (0 means success). returned: always type: int sample: 0 stdout_lines: description: The command standard output split in lines. returned: always type: list sample: [u'Clustering node rabbit@slave1 with rabbit@master …'] stderr_lines: description: The command standard error split in lines. returned: always type: list sample: [u'ls cannot access foo: No such file or directory', u'ls …'] ''' import datetime import glob import os import shlex from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native, to_bytes, to_text from ansible.module_utils.common.collections import is_iterable def main(): # the command module is the one ansible module that does not take key=value args # hence don't copy this one if you are looking to build others! # NOTE: ensure splitter.py is kept in sync for exceptions module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=dict( _raw_params=dict(), _uses_shell=dict(type='bool', default=False), argv=dict(type='list', elements='str'), chdir=dict(type='path'), executable=dict(), creates=dict(type='path'), removes=dict(type='path'), # The default for this really comes from the action plugin stdin=dict(required=False), stdin_add_newline=dict(type='bool', default=True), strip_empty_ends=dict(type='bool', default=True), ), supports_check_mode=True, ) shell = module.params['_uses_shell'] chdir = module.params['chdir'] executable = module.params['executable'] args = module.params['_raw_params'] argv = module.params['argv'] creates = module.params['creates'] removes = module.params['removes'] stdin = module.params['stdin'] stdin_add_newline = module.params['stdin_add_newline'] strip = module.params['strip_empty_ends'] # we promissed these in 'always' ( _lines get autoaded on action plugin) r = {'changed': False, 'stdout': '', 'stderr': '', 'rc': None, 'cmd': None, 'start': None, 'end': None, 'delta': None, 'msg': ''} if not shell and executable: module.warn("As of Ansible 2.4, the parameter 'executable' is no longer supported with the 'command' module. Not using '%s'." % executable) executable = None if (not args or args.strip() == '') and not argv: r['rc'] = 256 r['msg'] = "no command given" module.fail_json(**r) if args and argv: r['rc'] = 256 r['msg'] = "only command or argv can be given, not both" module.fail_json(**r) if not shell and args: args = shlex.split(args) args = args or argv # All args must be strings if is_iterable(args, include_strings=False): args = [to_native(arg, errors='surrogate_or_strict', nonstring='simplerepr') for arg in args] r['cmd'] = args if chdir: chdir = to_bytes(chdir, errors='surrogate_or_strict') try: os.chdir(chdir) except (IOError, OSError) as e: r['msg'] = 'Unable to change directory before execution: %s' % to_text(e) module.fail_json(**r) # check_mode partial support, since it only really works in checking creates/removes if module.check_mode: shoulda = "Would" else: shoulda = "Did" # special skips for idempotence if file exists (assumes command creates) if creates: if glob.glob(creates): r['msg'] = "%s not run command since '%s' exists" % (shoulda, creates) r['stdout'] = "skipped, since %s exists" % creates # TODO: deprecate r['rc'] = 0 # special skips for idempotence if file does not exist (assumes command removes) if not r['msg'] and removes: if not glob.glob(removes): r['msg'] = "%s not run command since '%s' does not exist" % (shoulda, removes) r['stdout'] = "skipped, since %s does not exist" % removes # TODO: deprecate r['rc'] = 0 if r['msg']: module.exit_json(**r) r['changed'] = True # actually executes command (or not ...) if not module.check_mode: r['start'] = datetime.datetime.now() r['rc'], r['stdout'], r['stderr'] = module.run_command(args, executable=executable, use_unsafe_shell=shell, encoding=None, data=stdin, binary_data=(not stdin_add_newline)) r['end'] = datetime.datetime.now() else: # this is partial check_mode support, since we end up skipping if we get here r['rc'] = 0 r['msg'] = "Command would have run if not in check mode" if creates is None and removes is None: r['skipped'] = True # skipped=True and changed=True are mutually exclusive r['changed'] = False # convert to text for jsonization and usability if r['start'] is not None and r['end'] is not None: # these are datetime objects, but need them as strings to pass back r['delta'] = to_text(r['end'] - r['start']) r['end'] = to_text(r['end']) r['start'] = to_text(r['start']) if strip: r['stdout'] = to_text(r['stdout']).rstrip("\r\n") r['stderr'] = to_text(r['stderr']).rstrip("\r\n") if r['rc'] != 0: r['msg'] = 'non-zero return code' module.fail_json(**r) module.exit_json(**r) if __name__ == '__main__': main()