#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright: (c) 2018, Dag Wieers (@dagwieers) # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = r''' --- module: read_csv version_added: '2.8' short_description: Read a CSV file description: - Read a CSV file and return a list or a dictionary, containing one dictionary per row. author: - Dag Wieers (@dagwieers) options: path: description: - The CSV filename to read data from. type: path required: yes aliases: [ filename ] key: description: - The column name used as a key for the resulting dictionary. - If C(key) is unset, the module returns a list of dictionaries, where each dictionary is a row in the CSV file. type: str dialect: description: - The CSV dialect to use when parsing the CSV file. - Possible values include C(excel), C(excel-tab) or C(unix). type: str default: excel fieldnames: description: - A list of field names for every column. - This is needed if the CSV does not have a header. type: list unique: description: - Whether the C(key) used is expected to be unique. type: bool default: yes delimiter: description: - A one-character string used to separate fields. - When using this parameter, you change the default value used by C(dialect). - The default value depends on the dialect used. type: str skipinitialspace: description: - Whether to ignore any whitespaces immediately following the delimiter. - When using this parameter, you change the default value used by C(dialect). - The default value depends on the dialect used. type: bool strict: description: - Whether to raise an exception on bad CSV input. - When using this parameter, you change the default value used by C(dialect). - The default value depends on the dialect used. type: bool notes: - Ansible also ships with the C(csvfile) lookup plugin, which can be used to do selective lookups in CSV files from Jinja. ''' EXAMPLES = r''' # Example CSV file with header # # name,uid,gid # dag,500,500 # jeroen,501,500 # Read a CSV file and access user 'dag' - name: Read users from CSV file and return a dictionary read_csv: path: users.csv key: name register: users delegate_to: localhost - debug: msg: 'User {{ users.dict.dag.name }} has UID {{ users.dict.dag.uid }} and GID {{ users.dict.dag.gid }}' # Read a CSV file and access the first item - name: Read users from CSV file and return a list read_csv: path: users.csv register: users delegate_to: localhost - debug: msg: 'User {{ users.list.1.name }} has UID {{ users.list.1.uid }} and GID {{ users.list.1.gid }}' # Example CSV file without header and semi-colon delimiter # # dag;500;500 # jeroen;501;500 # Read a CSV file without headers - name: Read users from CSV file and return a list read_csv: path: users.csv fieldnames: name,uid,gid delimiter: ';' register: users delegate_to: localhost ''' RETURN = r''' dict: description: The CSV content as a dictionary. returned: success type: dict sample: dag: name: dag uid: 500 gid: 500 jeroen: name: jeroen uid: 501 gid: 500 list: description: The CSV content as a list. returned: success type: list sample: - name: dag uid: 500 gid: 500 - name: jeroen uid: 501 gid: 500 ''' import csv from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils._text import to_text # Add Unix dialect from Python 3 class unix_dialect(csv.Dialect): """Describe the usual properties of Unix-generated CSV files.""" delimiter = ',' quotechar = '"' doublequote = True skipinitialspace = False lineterminator = '\n' quoting = csv.QUOTE_ALL csv.register_dialect("unix", unix_dialect) def main(): module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=dict( path=dict(type='path', required=True, aliases=['filename']), dialect=dict(type='str', default='excel'), key=dict(type='str'), fieldnames=dict(type='list'), unique=dict(type='bool', default=True), delimiter=dict(type='str'), skipinitialspace=dict(type='bool'), strict=dict(type='bool'), ), supports_check_mode=True, ) path = module.params['path'] dialect = module.params['dialect'] key = module.params['key'] fieldnames = module.params['fieldnames'] unique = module.params['unique'] if dialect not in csv.list_dialects(): module.fail_json(msg="Dialect '%s' is not supported by your version of python." % dialect) dialect_options = dict( delimiter=module.params['delimiter'], skipinitialspace=module.params['skipinitialspace'], strict=module.params['strict'], ) # Create a dictionary from only set options dialect_params = dict((k, v) for k, v in dialect_options.items() if v is not None) if dialect_params: try: csv.register_dialect('custom', dialect, **dialect_params) except TypeError as e: module.fail_json(msg="Unable to create custom dialect: %s" % to_text(e)) dialect = 'custom' try: f = open(path, 'r') except (IOError, OSError) as e: module.fail_json(msg="Unable to open file: %s" % to_text(e)) reader = csv.DictReader(f, fieldnames=fieldnames, dialect=dialect) if key and key not in reader.fieldnames: module.fail_json(msg="Key '%s' was not found in the CSV header fields: %s" % (key, ', '.join(reader.fieldnames))) data_dict = dict() data_list = list() if key is None: try: for row in reader: data_list.append(row) except csv.Error as e: module.fail_json(msg="Unable to process file: %s" % to_text(e)) else: try: for row in reader: if unique and row[key] in data_dict: module.fail_json(msg="Key '%s' is not unique for value '%s'" % (key, row[key])) data_dict[row[key]] = row except csv.Error as e: module.fail_json(msg="Unable to process file: %s" % to_text(e)) module.exit_json(dict=data_dict, list=data_list) if __name__ == '__main__': main()