#!/usr/bin/python # (c) 2017, Ansible Project # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # most of it copied from AWX's scan_packages module from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = ''' module: package_facts short_description: Package information as facts description: - Return information about installed packages as facts. options: manager: description: - The package manager used by the system so we can query the package information. - Since 2.8 this is a list and can support multiple package managers per system. - The 'portage' and 'pkg' options were added in version 2.8. - The 'apk' option was added in version 2.11. default: ['auto'] choices: ['auto', 'rpm', 'apt', 'portage', 'pkg', 'pacman', 'apk'] type: list elements: str strategy: description: - This option controls how the module queries the package managers on the system. C(first) means it will return only information for the first supported package manager available. C(all) will return information for all supported and available package managers on the system. choices: ['first', 'all'] default: 'first' type: str version_added: "2.8" version_added: "2.5" requirements: - For 'portage' support it requires the C(qlist) utility, which is part of 'app-portage/portage-utils'. - For Debian-based systems C(python-apt) package must be installed on targeted hosts. author: - Matthew Jones (@matburt) - Brian Coca (@bcoca) - Adam Miller (@maxamillion) notes: - Supports C(check_mode). ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - name: Gather the package facts ansible.builtin.package_facts: manager: auto - name: Print the package facts ansible.builtin.debug: var: ansible_facts.packages - name: Check whether a package called foobar is installed ansible.builtin.debug: msg: "{{ ansible_facts.packages['foobar'] | length }} versions of foobar are installed!" when: "'foobar' in ansible_facts.packages" ''' RETURN = ''' ansible_facts: description: Facts to add to ansible_facts. returned: always type: complex contains: packages: description: - Maps the package name to a non-empty list of dicts with package information. - Every dict in the list corresponds to one installed version of the package. - The fields described below are present for all package managers. Depending on the package manager, there might be more fields for a package. returned: when operating system level package manager is specified or auto detected manager type: dict contains: name: description: The package's name. returned: always type: str version: description: The package's version. returned: always type: str source: description: Where information on the package came from. returned: always type: str sample: |- { "packages": { "kernel": [ { "name": "kernel", "source": "rpm", "version": "3.10.0", ... }, { "name": "kernel", "source": "rpm", "version": "3.10.0", ... }, ... ], "kernel-tools": [ { "name": "kernel-tools", "source": "rpm", "version": "3.10.0", ... } ], ... } } # Sample rpm { "packages": { "kernel": [ { "arch": "x86_64", "epoch": null, "name": "kernel", "release": "514.26.2.el7", "source": "rpm", "version": "3.10.0" }, { "arch": "x86_64", "epoch": null, "name": "kernel", "release": "514.16.1.el7", "source": "rpm", "version": "3.10.0" }, { "arch": "x86_64", "epoch": null, "name": "kernel", "release": "514.10.2.el7", "source": "rpm", "version": "3.10.0" }, { "arch": "x86_64", "epoch": null, "name": "kernel", "release": "514.21.1.el7", "source": "rpm", "version": "3.10.0" }, { "arch": "x86_64", "epoch": null, "name": "kernel", "release": "693.2.2.el7", "source": "rpm", "version": "3.10.0" } ], "kernel-tools": [ { "arch": "x86_64", "epoch": null, "name": "kernel-tools", "release": "693.2.2.el7", "source": "rpm", "version": "3.10.0" } ], "kernel-tools-libs": [ { "arch": "x86_64", "epoch": null, "name": "kernel-tools-libs", "release": "693.2.2.el7", "source": "rpm", "version": "3.10.0" } ], } } # Sample deb { "packages": { "libbz2-1.0": [ { "version": "1.0.6-5", "source": "apt", "arch": "amd64", "name": "libbz2-1.0" } ], "patch": [ { "version": "2.7.1-4ubuntu1", "source": "apt", "arch": "amd64", "name": "patch" } ], } } ''' import re from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native, to_text from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, missing_required_lib from ansible.module_utils.common.process import get_bin_path from ansible.module_utils.common.respawn import has_respawned, probe_interpreters_for_module, respawn_module from ansible.module_utils.facts.packages import LibMgr, CLIMgr, get_all_pkg_managers class RPM(LibMgr): LIB = 'rpm' def list_installed(self): return self._lib.TransactionSet().dbMatch() def get_package_details(self, package): return dict(name=package[self._lib.RPMTAG_NAME], version=package[self._lib.RPMTAG_VERSION], release=package[self._lib.RPMTAG_RELEASE], epoch=package[self._lib.RPMTAG_EPOCH], arch=package[self._lib.RPMTAG_ARCH],) def is_available(self): ''' we expect the python bindings installed, but this gives warning if they are missing and we have rpm cli''' we_have_lib = super(RPM, self).is_available() try: get_bin_path('rpm') if not we_have_lib and not has_respawned(): # try to locate an interpreter with the necessary lib interpreters = ['/usr/libexec/platform-python', '/usr/bin/python3', '/usr/bin/python2'] interpreter_path = probe_interpreters_for_module(interpreters, self.LIB) if interpreter_path: respawn_module(interpreter_path) # end of the line for this process; this module will exit when the respawned copy completes if not we_have_lib: module.warn('Found "rpm" but %s' % (missing_required_lib(self.LIB))) except ValueError: pass return we_have_lib class APT(LibMgr): LIB = 'apt' def __init__(self): self._cache = None super(APT, self).__init__() @property def pkg_cache(self): if self._cache is not None: return self._cache self._cache = self._lib.Cache() return self._cache def is_available(self): ''' we expect the python bindings installed, but if there is apt/apt-get give warning about missing bindings''' we_have_lib = super(APT, self).is_available() if not we_have_lib: for exe in ('apt', 'apt-get', 'aptitude'): try: get_bin_path(exe) except ValueError: continue else: if not has_respawned(): # try to locate an interpreter with the necessary lib interpreters = ['/usr/bin/python3', '/usr/bin/python2'] interpreter_path = probe_interpreters_for_module(interpreters, self.LIB) if interpreter_path: respawn_module(interpreter_path) # end of the line for this process; this module will exit here when respawned copy completes module.warn('Found "%s" but %s' % (exe, missing_required_lib('apt'))) break return we_have_lib def list_installed(self): # Store the cache to avoid running pkg_cache() for each item in the comprehension, which is very slow cache = self.pkg_cache return [pk for pk in cache.keys() if cache[pk].is_installed] def get_package_details(self, package): ac_pkg = self.pkg_cache[package].installed return dict(name=package, version=ac_pkg.version, arch=ac_pkg.architecture, category=ac_pkg.section, origin=ac_pkg.origins[0].origin) class PACMAN(CLIMgr): CLI = 'pacman' def list_installed(self): rc, out, err = module.run_command([self._cli, '-Qi'], environ_update=dict(LC_ALL='C')) if rc != 0 or err: raise Exception("Unable to list packages rc=%s : %s" % (rc, err)) return out.split("\n\n")[:-1] def get_package_details(self, package): # parse values of details that might extend over several lines raw_pkg_details = {} last_detail = None for line in package.splitlines(): m = re.match(r"([\w ]*[\w]) +: (.*)", line) if m: last_detail = m.group(1) raw_pkg_details[last_detail] = m.group(2) else: # append value to previous detail raw_pkg_details[last_detail] = raw_pkg_details[last_detail] + " " + line.lstrip() provides = None if raw_pkg_details['Provides'] != 'None': provides = [ p.split('=')[0] for p in raw_pkg_details['Provides'].split(' ') ] return { 'name': raw_pkg_details['Name'], 'version': raw_pkg_details['Version'], 'arch': raw_pkg_details['Architecture'], 'provides': provides, } class PKG(CLIMgr): CLI = 'pkg' atoms = ['name', 'version', 'origin', 'installed', 'automatic', 'arch', 'category', 'prefix', 'vital'] def list_installed(self): rc, out, err = module.run_command([self._cli, 'query', "%%%s" % '\t%'.join(['n', 'v', 'R', 't', 'a', 'q', 'o', 'p', 'V'])]) if rc != 0 or err: raise Exception("Unable to list packages rc=%s : %s" % (rc, err)) return out.splitlines() def get_package_details(self, package): pkg = dict(zip(self.atoms, package.split('\t'))) if 'arch' in pkg: try: pkg['arch'] = pkg['arch'].split(':')[2] except IndexError: pass if 'automatic' in pkg: pkg['automatic'] = bool(int(pkg['automatic'])) if 'category' in pkg: pkg['category'] = pkg['category'].split('/', 1)[0] if 'version' in pkg: if ',' in pkg['version']: pkg['version'], pkg['port_epoch'] = pkg['version'].split(',', 1) else: pkg['port_epoch'] = 0 if '_' in pkg['version']: pkg['version'], pkg['revision'] = pkg['version'].split('_', 1) else: pkg['revision'] = '0' if 'vital' in pkg: pkg['vital'] = bool(int(pkg['vital'])) return pkg class PORTAGE(CLIMgr): CLI = 'qlist' atoms = ['category', 'name', 'version', 'ebuild_revision', 'slots', 'prefixes', 'sufixes'] def list_installed(self): rc, out, err = module.run_command(' '.join([self._cli, '-Iv', '|', 'xargs', '-n', '1024', 'qatom']), use_unsafe_shell=True) if rc != 0: raise RuntimeError("Unable to list packages rc=%s : %s" % (rc, to_native(err))) return out.splitlines() def get_package_details(self, package): return dict(zip(self.atoms, package.split())) class APK(CLIMgr): CLI = 'apk' def list_installed(self): rc, out, err = module.run_command([self._cli, 'info', '-v']) if rc != 0 or err: raise Exception("Unable to list packages rc=%s : %s" % (rc, err)) return out.splitlines() def get_package_details(self, package): raw_pkg_details = {'name': package, 'version': '', 'release': ''} nvr = package.rsplit('-', 2) try: return { 'name': nvr[0], 'version': nvr[1], 'release': nvr[2], } except IndexError: return raw_pkg_details def main(): # get supported pkg managers PKG_MANAGERS = get_all_pkg_managers() PKG_MANAGER_NAMES = [x.lower() for x in PKG_MANAGERS.keys()] # start work global module module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=dict(manager={'type': 'list', 'elements': 'str', 'default': ['auto']}, strategy={'choices': ['first', 'all'], 'default': 'first'}), supports_check_mode=True) packages = {} results = {'ansible_facts': {}} managers = [x.lower() for x in module.params['manager']] strategy = module.params['strategy'] if 'auto' in managers: # keep order from user, we do dedupe below managers.extend(PKG_MANAGER_NAMES) managers.remove('auto') unsupported = set(managers).difference(PKG_MANAGER_NAMES) if unsupported: if 'auto' in module.params['manager']: msg = 'Could not auto detect a usable package manager, check warnings for details.' else: msg = 'Unsupported package managers requested: %s' % (', '.join(unsupported)) module.fail_json(msg=msg) found = 0 seen = set() for pkgmgr in managers: if found and strategy == 'first': break # dedupe as per above if pkgmgr in seen: continue seen.add(pkgmgr) try: try: # manager throws exception on init (calls self.test) if not usable. manager = PKG_MANAGERS[pkgmgr]() if manager.is_available(): found += 1 packages.update(manager.get_packages()) except Exception as e: if pkgmgr in module.params['manager']: module.warn('Requested package manager %s was not usable by this module: %s' % (pkgmgr, to_text(e))) continue except Exception as e: if pkgmgr in module.params['manager']: module.warn('Failed to retrieve packages with %s: %s' % (pkgmgr, to_text(e))) if found == 0: msg = ('Could not detect a supported package manager from the following list: %s, ' 'or the required Python library is not installed. Check warnings for details.' % managers) module.fail_json(msg=msg) # Set the facts, this will override the facts in ansible_facts that might exist from previous runs # when using operating system level or distribution package managers results['ansible_facts']['packages'] = packages module.exit_json(**results) if __name__ == '__main__': main()