# (c) 2012-2014, Michael DeHaan # (c) 2017 Ansible Project # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # Make coding more python3-ish from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = ''' callback: minimal type: stdout short_description: minimal Ansible screen output version_added: historical description: - This is the default output callback used by the ansible command (ad-hoc) ''' from ansible.plugins.callback import CallbackBase from ansible import constants as C class CallbackModule(CallbackBase): ''' This is the default callback interface, which simply prints messages to stdout when new callback events are received. ''' CALLBACK_VERSION = 2.0 CALLBACK_TYPE = 'stdout' CALLBACK_NAME = 'minimal' def _command_generic_msg(self, host, result, caption): ''' output the result of a command run ''' buf = "%s | %s | rc=%s >>\n" % (host, caption, result.get('rc', -1)) buf += result.get('stdout', '') buf += result.get('stderr', '') buf += result.get('msg', '') return buf + "\n" def v2_runner_on_failed(self, result, ignore_errors=False): self._handle_exception(result._result) self._handle_warnings(result._result) if result._task.action in C.MODULE_NO_JSON and 'module_stderr' not in result._result: self._display.display(self._command_generic_msg(result._host.get_name(), result._result, "FAILED"), color=C.COLOR_ERROR) else: self._display.display("%s | FAILED! => %s" % (result._host.get_name(), self._dump_results(result._result, indent=4)), color=C.COLOR_ERROR) def v2_runner_on_ok(self, result): self._clean_results(result._result, result._task.action) self._handle_warnings(result._result) if result._result.get('changed', False): color = C.COLOR_CHANGED state = 'CHANGED' else: color = C.COLOR_OK state = 'SUCCESS' if result._task.action in C.MODULE_NO_JSON: self._display.display(self._command_generic_msg(result._host.get_name(), result._result, state), color=color) else: self._display.display("%s | %s => %s" % (result._host.get_name(), state, self._dump_results(result._result, indent=4)), color=color) def v2_runner_on_skipped(self, result): self._display.display("%s | SKIPPED" % (result._host.get_name()), color=C.COLOR_SKIP) def v2_runner_on_unreachable(self, result): self._display.display("%s | UNREACHABLE! => %s" % (result._host.get_name(), self._dump_results(result._result, indent=4)), color=C.COLOR_UNREACHABLE) def v2_on_file_diff(self, result): if 'diff' in result._result and result._result['diff']: self._display.display(self._get_diff(result._result['diff']))