# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2015 Matt Martz # Copyright (C) 2015 Rackspace US, Inc. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . from __future__ import annotations import abc import argparse import ast import datetime import json import os import re import sys import traceback import warnings from collections import OrderedDict from collections.abc import Mapping from contextlib import contextmanager from fnmatch import fnmatch import yaml from voluptuous.humanize import humanize_error def setup_collection_loader(): """ Configure the collection loader if a collection is being tested. This must be done before the plugin loader is imported. """ if '--collection' not in sys.argv: return # noinspection PyProtectedMember from ansible.utils.collection_loader._collection_finder import _AnsibleCollectionFinder collections_paths = os.environ.get('ANSIBLE_COLLECTIONS_PATH', '').split(os.pathsep) collection_loader = _AnsibleCollectionFinder(collections_paths) # noinspection PyProtectedMember collection_loader._install() # pylint: disable=protected-access warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore", "AnsibleCollectionFinder has already been configured") setup_collection_loader() from ansible import __version__ as ansible_version from ansible.executor.module_common import REPLACER_WINDOWS, NEW_STYLE_PYTHON_MODULE_RE from ansible.module_utils.common.parameters import DEFAULT_TYPE_VALIDATORS from ansible.module_utils.compat.version import StrictVersion, LooseVersion from ansible.module_utils.basic import to_bytes from ansible.module_utils.six import PY3, with_metaclass, string_types from ansible.plugins.loader import fragment_loader from ansible.plugins.list import IGNORE as REJECTLIST from ansible.utils.plugin_docs import add_collection_to_versions_and_dates, add_fragments, get_docstring from ansible.utils.version import SemanticVersion from .module_args import AnsibleModuleImportError, AnsibleModuleNotInitialized, get_argument_spec from .schema import ansible_module_kwargs_schema, doc_schema, return_schema from .utils import CaptureStd, NoArgsAnsibleModule, compare_unordered_lists, is_empty, parse_yaml, parse_isodate if PY3: # Because there is no ast.TryExcept in Python 3 ast module TRY_EXCEPT = ast.Try # REPLACER_WINDOWS from ansible.executor.module_common is byte # string but we need unicode for Python 3 REPLACER_WINDOWS = REPLACER_WINDOWS.decode('utf-8') else: TRY_EXCEPT = ast.TryExcept REJECTLIST_DIRS = frozenset(('.git', 'test', '.github', '.idea')) INDENT_REGEX = re.compile(r'([\t]*)') TYPE_REGEX = re.compile(r'.*(if|or)(\s+[^"\']*|\s+)(? bool | None: """Return True if the content is new, False if it is not and None if the information is not available.""" return self.git_cache.is_new(self.path) def _check_interpreter(self, powershell=False): if powershell: if not self.text.startswith('#!powershell\n'): self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='missing-powershell-interpreter', msg='Interpreter line is not "#!powershell"' ) return missing_python_interpreter = False if not self.text.startswith('#!/usr/bin/python'): if NEW_STYLE_PYTHON_MODULE_RE.search(to_bytes(self.text)): missing_python_interpreter = self.text.startswith('#!') # shebang optional, but if present must match else: missing_python_interpreter = True # shebang required if missing_python_interpreter: self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='missing-python-interpreter', msg='Interpreter line is not "#!/usr/bin/python"', ) def _check_type_instead_of_isinstance(self, powershell=False): if powershell: return for line_no, line in enumerate(self.text.splitlines()): typekeyword = TYPE_REGEX.match(line) if typekeyword: # TODO: add column self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='unidiomatic-typecheck', msg=('Type comparison using type() found. ' 'Use isinstance() instead'), line=line_no + 1 ) def _check_for_sys_exit(self): # Optimize out the happy path if 'sys.exit' not in self.text: return for line_no, line in enumerate(self.text.splitlines()): sys_exit_usage = SYS_EXIT_REGEX.match(line) if sys_exit_usage: # TODO: add column self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='use-fail-json-not-sys-exit', msg='sys.exit() call found. Should be exit_json/fail_json', line=line_no + 1 ) def _check_gpl3_header(self): header = '\n'.join(self.text.split('\n')[:20]) if ('GNU General Public License' not in header or ('version 3' not in header and 'v3.0' not in header)): self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='missing-gplv3-license', msg='GPLv3 license header not found in the first 20 lines of the module' ) elif self._is_new_module(): if len([line for line in header if 'GNU General Public License' in line]) > 1: self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='use-short-gplv3-license', msg='Found old style GPLv3 license header: ' 'https://docs.ansible.com/ansible-core/devel/dev_guide/developing_modules_documenting.html#copyright' ) def _check_for_subprocess(self): for child in self.ast.body: if isinstance(child, ast.Import): if child.names[0].name == 'subprocess': for line_no, line in enumerate(self.text.splitlines()): sp_match = SUBPROCESS_REGEX.search(line) if sp_match: self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='use-run-command-not-popen', msg=('subprocess.Popen call found. Should be module.run_command'), line=(line_no + 1), column=(sp_match.span()[0] + 1) ) def _check_for_os_call(self): if 'os.call' in self.text: for line_no, line in enumerate(self.text.splitlines()): os_call_match = OS_CALL_REGEX.search(line) if os_call_match: self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='use-run-command-not-os-call', msg=('os.call() call found. Should be module.run_command'), line=(line_no + 1), column=(os_call_match.span()[0] + 1) ) def _find_rejectlist_imports(self): for child in self.ast.body: names = [] if isinstance(child, ast.Import): names.extend(child.names) elif isinstance(child, TRY_EXCEPT): bodies = child.body for handler in child.handlers: bodies.extend(handler.body) for grandchild in bodies: if isinstance(grandchild, ast.Import): names.extend(grandchild.names) for name in names: # TODO: Add line/col for rejectlist_import, options in REJECTLIST_IMPORTS.items(): if re.search(rejectlist_import, name.name): new_only = options['new_only'] if self._is_new_module() and new_only: self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, **options['error'] ) elif not new_only: self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, **options['error'] ) def _find_module_utils(self): linenos = [] found_basic = False for child in self.ast.body: if isinstance(child, (ast.Import, ast.ImportFrom)): names = [] try: names.append(child.module) if child.module.endswith('.basic'): found_basic = True except AttributeError: pass names.extend([n.name for n in child.names]) if [n for n in names if n.startswith('ansible.module_utils')]: linenos.append(child.lineno) for name in child.names: if ('module_utils' in getattr(child, 'module', '') and isinstance(name, ast.alias) and name.name == '*'): msg = ( 'module-utils-specific-import', ('module_utils imports should import specific ' 'components, not "*"') ) if self._is_new_module(): self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code=msg[0], msg=msg[1], line=child.lineno ) else: self.reporter.warning( path=self.object_path, code=msg[0], msg=msg[1], line=child.lineno ) if (isinstance(name, ast.alias) and name.name == 'basic'): found_basic = True if not found_basic: self.reporter.warning( path=self.object_path, code='missing-module-utils-basic-import', msg='Did not find "ansible.module_utils.basic" import' ) return linenos def _get_first_callable(self): linenos = [] for child in self.ast.body: if isinstance(child, (ast.FunctionDef, ast.ClassDef)): linenos.append(child.lineno) return min(linenos) if linenos else None def _find_has_import(self): for child in self.ast.body: found_try_except_import = False found_has = False if isinstance(child, TRY_EXCEPT): bodies = child.body for handler in child.handlers: bodies.extend(handler.body) for grandchild in bodies: if isinstance(grandchild, ast.Import): found_try_except_import = True if isinstance(grandchild, ast.Assign): for target in grandchild.targets: if not isinstance(target, ast.Name): continue if target.id.lower().startswith('has_'): found_has = True if found_try_except_import and not found_has: # TODO: Add line/col self.reporter.warning( path=self.object_path, code='try-except-missing-has', msg='Found Try/Except block without HAS_ assignment' ) def _ensure_imports_below_docs(self, doc_info, first_callable): min_doc_line = min(doc_info[key]['lineno'] for key in doc_info) max_doc_line = max(doc_info[key]['end_lineno'] for key in doc_info) import_lines = [] for child in self.ast.body: if isinstance(child, (ast.Import, ast.ImportFrom)): if isinstance(child, ast.ImportFrom) and child.module == '__future__': # allowed from __future__ imports for future_import in child.names: if future_import.name not in self.ACCEPTLIST_FUTURE_IMPORTS: self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='illegal-future-imports', msg=('Only the following from __future__ imports are allowed: %s' % ', '.join(self.ACCEPTLIST_FUTURE_IMPORTS)), line=child.lineno ) break else: # for-else. If we didn't find a problem nad break out of the loop, then this is a legal import continue import_lines.append(child.lineno) if child.lineno < min_doc_line: self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='import-before-documentation', msg=('Import found before documentation variables. ' 'All imports must appear below ' 'DOCUMENTATION/EXAMPLES/RETURN.'), line=child.lineno ) break elif isinstance(child, TRY_EXCEPT): bodies = child.body for handler in child.handlers: bodies.extend(handler.body) for grandchild in bodies: if isinstance(grandchild, (ast.Import, ast.ImportFrom)): import_lines.append(grandchild.lineno) if grandchild.lineno < min_doc_line: self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='import-before-documentation', msg=('Import found before documentation ' 'variables. All imports must appear below ' 'DOCUMENTATION/EXAMPLES/RETURN.'), line=child.lineno ) break for import_line in import_lines: if not (max_doc_line < import_line < first_callable): msg = ( 'import-placement', ('Imports should be directly below DOCUMENTATION/EXAMPLES/' 'RETURN.') ) if self._is_new_module(): self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code=msg[0], msg=msg[1], line=import_line ) else: self.reporter.warning( path=self.object_path, code=msg[0], msg=msg[1], line=import_line ) def _validate_ps_replacers(self): # loop all (for/else + error) # get module list for each # check "shape" of each module name module_requires = r'(?im)^#\s*requires\s+\-module(?:s?)\s*(Ansible\.ModuleUtils\..+)' csharp_requires = r'(?im)^#\s*ansiblerequires\s+\-csharputil\s*(Ansible\..+)' found_requires = False for req_stmt in re.finditer(module_requires, self.text): found_requires = True # this will bomb on dictionary format - "don't do that" module_list = [x.strip() for x in req_stmt.group(1).split(',')] if len(module_list) > 1: self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='multiple-utils-per-requires', msg='Ansible.ModuleUtils requirements do not support multiple modules per statement: "%s"' % req_stmt.group(0) ) continue module_name = module_list[0] if module_name.lower().endswith('.psm1'): self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='invalid-requires-extension', msg='Module #Requires should not end in .psm1: "%s"' % module_name ) for req_stmt in re.finditer(csharp_requires, self.text): found_requires = True # this will bomb on dictionary format - "don't do that" module_list = [x.strip() for x in req_stmt.group(1).split(',')] if len(module_list) > 1: self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='multiple-csharp-utils-per-requires', msg='Ansible C# util requirements do not support multiple utils per statement: "%s"' % req_stmt.group(0) ) continue module_name = module_list[0] if module_name.lower().endswith('.cs'): self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='illegal-extension-cs', msg='Module #AnsibleRequires -CSharpUtil should not end in .cs: "%s"' % module_name ) # also accept the legacy #POWERSHELL_COMMON replacer signal if not found_requires and REPLACER_WINDOWS not in self.text: self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='missing-module-utils-import-csharp-requirements', msg='No Ansible.ModuleUtils or C# Ansible util requirements/imports found' ) def _find_ps_docs_file(self): sidecar = self._find_sidecar_docs() if sidecar: return sidecar py_path = self.path.replace('.ps1', '.py') if not os.path.isfile(py_path): self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='missing-documentation', msg='No DOCUMENTATION provided' ) return py_path def _find_sidecar_docs(self): base_path = os.path.splitext(self.path)[0] for ext in ('.yml', '.yaml'): doc_path = f"{base_path}{ext}" if os.path.isfile(doc_path): return doc_path def _get_py_docs(self): docs = { 'DOCUMENTATION': { 'value': None, 'lineno': 0, 'end_lineno': 0, }, 'EXAMPLES': { 'value': None, 'lineno': 0, 'end_lineno': 0, }, 'RETURN': { 'value': None, 'lineno': 0, 'end_lineno': 0, }, } for child in self.ast.body: if isinstance(child, ast.Assign): for grandchild in child.targets: if not isinstance(grandchild, ast.Name): continue if grandchild.id == 'DOCUMENTATION': docs['DOCUMENTATION']['value'] = child.value.s docs['DOCUMENTATION']['lineno'] = child.lineno docs['DOCUMENTATION']['end_lineno'] = ( child.lineno + len(child.value.s.splitlines()) ) elif grandchild.id == 'EXAMPLES': docs['EXAMPLES']['value'] = child.value.s docs['EXAMPLES']['lineno'] = child.lineno docs['EXAMPLES']['end_lineno'] = ( child.lineno + len(child.value.s.splitlines()) ) elif grandchild.id == 'RETURN': docs['RETURN']['value'] = child.value.s docs['RETURN']['lineno'] = child.lineno docs['RETURN']['end_lineno'] = ( child.lineno + len(child.value.s.splitlines()) ) return docs def _validate_docs_schema(self, doc, schema, name, error_code): # TODO: Add line/col errors = [] try: schema(doc) except Exception as e: for error in e.errors: error.data = doc errors.extend(e.errors) for error in errors: path = [str(p) for p in error.path] local_error_code = getattr(error, 'ansible_error_code', error_code) if isinstance(error.data, dict): error_message = humanize_error(error.data, error) else: error_message = error if path: combined_path = '%s.%s' % (name, '.'.join(path)) else: combined_path = name self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code=local_error_code, msg='%s: %s' % (combined_path, error_message) ) def _validate_docs(self): doc = None # We have three ways of marking deprecated/removed files. Have to check each one # individually and then make sure they all agree filename_deprecated_or_removed = False deprecated = False doc_deprecated = None # doc legally might not exist routing_says_deprecated = False if self.object_name.startswith('_') and not os.path.islink(self.object_path): filename_deprecated_or_removed = True # We are testing a collection if self.routing: routing_deprecation = self.routing.get('plugin_routing', {}) routing_deprecation = routing_deprecation.get('modules' if self.plugin_type == 'module' else self.plugin_type, {}) routing_deprecation = routing_deprecation.get(self.name, {}).get('deprecation', {}) if routing_deprecation: # meta/runtime.yml says this is deprecated routing_says_deprecated = True deprecated = True if self._python_module(): doc_info = self._get_py_docs() else: doc_info = None sidecar_text = None if self._sidecar_doc(): sidecar_text = self.text elif sidecar_path := self._find_sidecar_docs(): with open(sidecar_path, mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as fd: sidecar_text = fd.read() if sidecar_text: sidecar_doc, errors, traces = parse_yaml(sidecar_text, 0, self.name, 'DOCUMENTATION') for error in errors: self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='documentation-syntax-error', **error ) for trace in traces: self.reporter.trace( path=self.object_path, tracebk=trace ) doc = sidecar_doc.get('DOCUMENTATION', None) examples_raw = sidecar_doc.get('EXAMPLES', None) examples_lineno = 1 returns = sidecar_doc.get('RETURN', None) elif doc_info: if bool(doc_info['DOCUMENTATION']['value']): doc, errors, traces = parse_yaml( doc_info['DOCUMENTATION']['value'], doc_info['DOCUMENTATION']['lineno'], self.name, 'DOCUMENTATION' ) for error in errors: self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='documentation-syntax-error', **error ) for trace in traces: self.reporter.trace( path=self.object_path, tracebk=trace ) examples_raw = doc_info['EXAMPLES']['value'] examples_lineno = doc_info['EXAMPLES']['lineno'] returns = None if bool(doc_info['RETURN']['value']): returns, errors, traces = parse_yaml(doc_info['RETURN']['value'], doc_info['RETURN']['lineno'], self.name, 'RETURN') for error in errors: self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='return-syntax-error', **error ) for trace in traces: self.reporter.trace( path=self.object_path, tracebk=trace ) if doc: add_collection_to_versions_and_dates(doc, self.collection_name, is_module=self.plugin_type == 'module') missing_fragment = False with CaptureStd(): try: get_docstring(self.path, fragment_loader=fragment_loader, verbose=True, collection_name=self.collection_name, plugin_type=self.plugin_type) except AssertionError: fragment = doc['extends_documentation_fragment'] self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='missing-doc-fragment', msg='DOCUMENTATION fragment missing: %s' % fragment ) missing_fragment = True except Exception as e: self.reporter.trace( path=self.object_path, tracebk=traceback.format_exc() ) self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='documentation-error', msg='Unknown DOCUMENTATION error, see TRACE: %s' % e ) if not missing_fragment: add_fragments(doc, self.object_path, fragment_loader=fragment_loader, is_module=self.plugin_type == 'module') if 'options' in doc and doc['options'] is None: self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='invalid-documentation-options', msg='DOCUMENTATION.options must be a dictionary/hash when used', ) if 'deprecated' in doc and doc.get('deprecated'): doc_deprecated = True doc_deprecation = doc['deprecated'] documentation_collection = doc_deprecation.get('removed_from_collection') if documentation_collection != self.collection_name: self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='deprecation-wrong-collection', msg='"DOCUMENTATION.deprecation.removed_from_collection must be the current collection name: %r vs. %r' % ( documentation_collection, self.collection_name) ) else: doc_deprecated = False if os.path.islink(self.object_path): # This module has an alias, which we can tell as it's a symlink # Rather than checking for `module: $filename` we need to check against the true filename self._validate_docs_schema( doc, doc_schema( os.readlink(self.object_path).split('.')[0], for_collection=bool(self.collection), deprecated_module=deprecated, plugin_type=self.plugin_type, ), 'DOCUMENTATION', 'invalid-documentation', ) else: # This is the normal case self._validate_docs_schema( doc, doc_schema( self.object_name.split('.')[0], for_collection=bool(self.collection), deprecated_module=deprecated, plugin_type=self.plugin_type, ), 'DOCUMENTATION', 'invalid-documentation', ) if not self.collection: existing_doc = self._check_for_new_args(doc) self._check_version_added(doc, existing_doc) else: self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='missing-documentation', msg='No DOCUMENTATION provided', ) if not examples_raw and self.plugin_type in PLUGINS_WITH_EXAMPLES: if self.plugin_type in PLUGINS_WITH_EXAMPLES: self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='missing-examples', msg='No EXAMPLES provided' ) elif self.plugin_type in PLUGINS_WITH_YAML_EXAMPLES: dummy, errors, traces = parse_yaml(examples_raw, examples_lineno, self.name, 'EXAMPLES', load_all=True, ansible_loader=True) for error in errors: self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='invalid-examples', **error ) for trace in traces: self.reporter.trace( path=self.object_path, tracebk=trace ) if returns: if returns: add_collection_to_versions_and_dates( returns, self.collection_name, is_module=self.plugin_type == 'module', return_docs=True) self._validate_docs_schema( returns, return_schema(for_collection=bool(self.collection), plugin_type=self.plugin_type), 'RETURN', 'return-syntax-error') elif self.plugin_type in PLUGINS_WITH_RETURN_VALUES: if self._is_new_module(): self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='missing-return', msg='No RETURN provided' ) else: self.reporter.warning( path=self.object_path, code='missing-return-legacy', msg='No RETURN provided' ) # Check for mismatched deprecation if not self.collection: mismatched_deprecation = True if not (filename_deprecated_or_removed or deprecated or doc_deprecated): mismatched_deprecation = False else: if (filename_deprecated_or_removed and doc_deprecated): mismatched_deprecation = False if (filename_deprecated_or_removed and not doc): mismatched_deprecation = False if mismatched_deprecation: self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='deprecation-mismatch', msg='Module deprecation/removed must agree in documentation, by prepending filename with' ' "_", and setting DOCUMENTATION.deprecated for deprecation or by removing all' ' documentation for removed' ) else: # We are testing a collection if self.object_name.startswith('_'): self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='collections-no-underscore-on-deprecation', msg='Deprecated content in collections MUST NOT start with "_", update meta/runtime.yml instead', ) if not (doc_deprecated == routing_says_deprecated): # DOCUMENTATION.deprecated and meta/runtime.yml disagree self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='deprecation-mismatch', msg='"meta/runtime.yml" and DOCUMENTATION.deprecation do not agree.' ) elif routing_says_deprecated: # Both DOCUMENTATION.deprecated and meta/runtime.yml agree that the module is deprecated. # Make sure they give the same version or date. routing_date = routing_deprecation.get('removal_date') routing_version = routing_deprecation.get('removal_version') # The versions and dates in the module documentation are auto-tagged, so remove the tag # to make comparison possible and to avoid confusing the user. documentation_date = doc_deprecation.get('removed_at_date') documentation_version = doc_deprecation.get('removed_in') if not compare_dates(routing_date, documentation_date): self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='deprecation-mismatch', msg='"meta/runtime.yml" and DOCUMENTATION.deprecation do not agree on removal date: %r vs. %r' % ( routing_date, documentation_date) ) if routing_version != documentation_version: self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='deprecation-mismatch', msg='"meta/runtime.yml" and DOCUMENTATION.deprecation do not agree on removal version: %r vs. %r' % ( routing_version, documentation_version) ) # In the future we should error if ANSIBLE_METADATA exists in a collection return doc_info, doc def _check_version_added(self, doc, existing_doc): version_added_raw = doc.get('version_added') try: collection_name = doc.get('version_added_collection') version_added = self._create_strict_version( str(version_added_raw or '0.0'), collection_name=collection_name) except ValueError as e: version_added = version_added_raw or '0.0' if self._is_new_module() or version_added != 'historical': # already reported during schema validation, except: if version_added == 'historical': self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='module-invalid-version-added', msg='version_added is not a valid version number: %r. Error: %s' % (version_added, e) ) return if existing_doc and str(version_added_raw) != str(existing_doc.get('version_added')): self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='module-incorrect-version-added', msg='version_added should be %r. Currently %r' % (existing_doc.get('version_added'), version_added_raw) ) if not self._is_new_module(): return should_be = '.'.join(ansible_version.split('.')[:2]) strict_ansible_version = self._create_strict_version(should_be, collection_name='ansible.builtin') if (version_added < strict_ansible_version or strict_ansible_version < version_added): self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='module-incorrect-version-added', msg='version_added should be %r. Currently %r' % (should_be, version_added_raw) ) def _validate_ansible_module_call(self, docs): try: spec, kwargs = get_argument_spec(self.path, self.collection) except AnsibleModuleNotInitialized: self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='ansible-module-not-initialized', msg="Execution of the module did not result in initialization of AnsibleModule", ) return except AnsibleModuleImportError as e: self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='import-error', msg="Exception attempting to import module for argument_spec introspection, '%s'" % e ) self.reporter.trace( path=self.object_path, tracebk=traceback.format_exc() ) return schema = ansible_module_kwargs_schema(self.object_name.split('.')[0], for_collection=bool(self.collection)) self._validate_docs_schema(kwargs, schema, 'AnsibleModule', 'invalid-ansiblemodule-schema') self._validate_argument_spec(docs, spec, kwargs) def _validate_list_of_module_args(self, name, terms, spec, context): if terms is None: return if not isinstance(terms, (list, tuple)): # This is already reported by schema checking return for check in terms: if not isinstance(check, (list, tuple)): # This is already reported by schema checking continue bad_term = False for term in check: if not isinstance(term, string_types): msg = name if context: msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context) msg += " must contain strings in the lists or tuples; found value %r" % (term, ) self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code=name + '-type', msg=msg, ) bad_term = True if bad_term: continue if len(set(check)) != len(check): msg = name if context: msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context) msg += " has repeated terms" self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code=name + '-collision', msg=msg, ) if not set(check) <= set(spec): msg = name if context: msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context) msg += " contains terms which are not part of argument_spec: %s" % ", ".join(sorted(set(check).difference(set(spec)))) self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code=name + '-unknown', msg=msg, ) def _validate_required_if(self, terms, spec, context, module): if terms is None: return if not isinstance(terms, (list, tuple)): # This is already reported by schema checking return for check in terms: if not isinstance(check, (list, tuple)) or len(check) not in [3, 4]: # This is already reported by schema checking continue if len(check) == 4 and not isinstance(check[3], bool): msg = "required_if" if context: msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context) msg += " must have forth value omitted or of type bool; got %r" % (check[3], ) self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='required_if-is_one_of-type', msg=msg, ) requirements = check[2] if not isinstance(requirements, (list, tuple)): msg = "required_if" if context: msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context) msg += " must have third value (requirements) being a list or tuple; got type %r" % (requirements, ) self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='required_if-requirements-type', msg=msg, ) continue bad_term = False for term in requirements: if not isinstance(term, string_types): msg = "required_if" if context: msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context) msg += " must have only strings in third value (requirements); got %r" % (term, ) self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='required_if-requirements-type', msg=msg, ) bad_term = True if bad_term: continue if len(set(requirements)) != len(requirements): msg = "required_if" if context: msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context) msg += " has repeated terms in requirements" self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='required_if-requirements-collision', msg=msg, ) if not set(requirements) <= set(spec): msg = "required_if" if context: msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context) msg += " contains terms in requirements which are not part of argument_spec: %s" % ", ".join(sorted(set(requirements).difference(set(spec)))) self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='required_if-requirements-unknown', msg=msg, ) key = check[0] if key not in spec: msg = "required_if" if context: msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context) msg += " must have its key %s in argument_spec" % key self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='required_if-unknown-key', msg=msg, ) continue if key in requirements: msg = "required_if" if context: msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context) msg += " contains its key %s in requirements" % key self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='required_if-key-in-requirements', msg=msg, ) value = check[1] if value is not None: _type = spec[key].get('type', 'str') if callable(_type): _type_checker = _type else: _type_checker = DEFAULT_TYPE_VALIDATORS.get(_type) try: with CaptureStd(): dummy = _type_checker(value) except (Exception, SystemExit): msg = "required_if" if context: msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context) msg += " has value %r which does not fit to %s's parameter type %r" % (value, key, _type) self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='required_if-value-type', msg=msg, ) def _validate_required_by(self, terms, spec, context): if terms is None: return if not isinstance(terms, Mapping): # This is already reported by schema checking return for key, value in terms.items(): if isinstance(value, string_types): value = [value] if not isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): # This is already reported by schema checking continue for term in value: if not isinstance(term, string_types): # This is already reported by schema checking continue if len(set(value)) != len(value) or key in value: msg = "required_by" if context: msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context) msg += " has repeated terms" self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='required_by-collision', msg=msg, ) if not set(value) <= set(spec) or key not in spec: msg = "required_by" if context: msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context) msg += " contains terms which are not part of argument_spec: %s" % ", ".join(sorted(set(value).difference(set(spec)))) self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='required_by-unknown', msg=msg, ) def _validate_argument_spec(self, docs, spec, kwargs, context=None, last_context_spec=None): if not self.analyze_arg_spec: return if docs is None: docs = {} if context is None: context = [] if last_context_spec is None: last_context_spec = kwargs try: if not context: add_fragments(docs, self.object_path, fragment_loader=fragment_loader, is_module=self.plugin_type == 'module') except Exception: # Cannot merge fragments return # Use this to access type checkers later module = NoArgsAnsibleModule({}) self._validate_list_of_module_args('mutually_exclusive', last_context_spec.get('mutually_exclusive'), spec, context) self._validate_list_of_module_args('required_together', last_context_spec.get('required_together'), spec, context) self._validate_list_of_module_args('required_one_of', last_context_spec.get('required_one_of'), spec, context) self._validate_required_if(last_context_spec.get('required_if'), spec, context, module) self._validate_required_by(last_context_spec.get('required_by'), spec, context) provider_args = set() args_from_argspec = set() deprecated_args_from_argspec = set() doc_options = docs.get('options', {}) if doc_options is None: doc_options = {} for arg, data in spec.items(): restricted_argument_names = ('message', 'syslog_facility') if arg.lower() in restricted_argument_names: msg = "Argument '%s' in argument_spec " % arg if context: msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context) msg += "must not be one of %s as it is used " \ "internally by Ansible Core Engine" % (",".join(restricted_argument_names)) self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='invalid-argument-name', msg=msg, ) continue if 'aliases' in data: for al in data['aliases']: if al.lower() in restricted_argument_names: msg = "Argument alias '%s' in argument_spec " % al if context: msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context) msg += "must not be one of %s as it is used " \ "internally by Ansible Core Engine" % (",".join(restricted_argument_names)) self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='invalid-argument-name', msg=msg, ) continue # Could this a place where secrets are leaked? # If it is type: path we know it's not a secret key as it's a file path. # If it is type: bool it is more likely a flag indicating that something is secret, than an actual secret. if all(( data.get('no_log') is None, is_potential_secret_option(arg), data.get('type') not in ("path", "bool"), data.get('choices') is None, )): msg = "Argument '%s' in argument_spec could be a secret, though doesn't have `no_log` set" % arg if context: msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context) self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='no-log-needed', msg=msg, ) if not isinstance(data, dict): msg = "Argument '%s' in argument_spec" % arg if context: msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context) msg += " must be a dictionary/hash when used" self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='invalid-argument-spec', msg=msg, ) continue removed_at_date = data.get('removed_at_date', None) if removed_at_date is not None: try: if parse_isodate(removed_at_date, allow_date=False) < datetime.date.today(): msg = "Argument '%s' in argument_spec" % arg if context: msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context) msg += " has a removed_at_date '%s' before today" % removed_at_date self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='deprecated-date', msg=msg, ) except ValueError: # This should only happen when removed_at_date is not in ISO format. Since schema # validation already reported this as an error, don't report it a second time. pass deprecated_aliases = data.get('deprecated_aliases', None) if deprecated_aliases is not None: for deprecated_alias in deprecated_aliases: if 'name' in deprecated_alias and 'date' in deprecated_alias: try: date = deprecated_alias['date'] if parse_isodate(date, allow_date=False) < datetime.date.today(): msg = "Argument '%s' in argument_spec" % arg if context: msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context) msg += " has deprecated aliases '%s' with removal date '%s' before today" % ( deprecated_alias['name'], deprecated_alias['date']) self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='deprecated-date', msg=msg, ) except ValueError: # This should only happen when deprecated_alias['date'] is not in ISO format. Since # schema validation already reported this as an error, don't report it a second # time. pass has_version = False if self.collection and self.collection_version is not None: compare_version = self.collection_version version_of_what = "this collection (%s)" % self.collection_version_str code_prefix = 'collection' has_version = True elif not self.collection: compare_version = LOOSE_ANSIBLE_VERSION version_of_what = "Ansible (%s)" % ansible_version code_prefix = 'ansible' has_version = True removed_in_version = data.get('removed_in_version', None) if removed_in_version is not None: try: collection_name = data.get('removed_from_collection') removed_in = self._create_version(str(removed_in_version), collection_name=collection_name) if has_version and collection_name == self.collection_name and compare_version >= removed_in: msg = "Argument '%s' in argument_spec" % arg if context: msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context) msg += " has a deprecated removed_in_version %r," % removed_in_version msg += " i.e. the version is less than or equal to the current version of %s" % version_of_what self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code=code_prefix + '-deprecated-version', msg=msg, ) except ValueError as e: msg = "Argument '%s' in argument_spec" % arg if context: msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context) msg += " has an invalid removed_in_version number %r: %s" % (removed_in_version, e) self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='invalid-deprecated-version', msg=msg, ) except TypeError: msg = "Argument '%s' in argument_spec" % arg if context: msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context) msg += " has an invalid removed_in_version number %r: " % (removed_in_version, ) msg += " error while comparing to version of %s" % version_of_what self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='invalid-deprecated-version', msg=msg, ) if deprecated_aliases is not None: for deprecated_alias in deprecated_aliases: if 'name' in deprecated_alias and 'version' in deprecated_alias: try: collection_name = deprecated_alias.get('collection_name') version = self._create_version(str(deprecated_alias['version']), collection_name=collection_name) if has_version and collection_name == self.collection_name and compare_version >= version: msg = "Argument '%s' in argument_spec" % arg if context: msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context) msg += " has deprecated aliases '%s' with removal in version %r," % ( deprecated_alias['name'], deprecated_alias['version']) msg += " i.e. the version is less than or equal to the current version of %s" % version_of_what self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code=code_prefix + '-deprecated-version', msg=msg, ) except ValueError as e: msg = "Argument '%s' in argument_spec" % arg if context: msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context) msg += " has deprecated aliases '%s' with invalid removal version %r: %s" % ( deprecated_alias['name'], deprecated_alias['version'], e) self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='invalid-deprecated-version', msg=msg, ) except TypeError: msg = "Argument '%s' in argument_spec" % arg if context: msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context) msg += " has deprecated aliases '%s' with invalid removal version %r:" % ( deprecated_alias['name'], deprecated_alias['version']) msg += " error while comparing to version of %s" % version_of_what self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='invalid-deprecated-version', msg=msg, ) aliases = data.get('aliases', []) if arg in aliases: msg = "Argument '%s' in argument_spec" % arg if context: msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context) msg += " is specified as its own alias" self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='parameter-alias-self', msg=msg ) if len(aliases) > len(set(aliases)): msg = "Argument '%s' in argument_spec" % arg if context: msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context) msg += " has at least one alias specified multiple times in aliases" self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='parameter-alias-repeated', msg=msg ) if not context and arg == 'state': bad_states = set(['list', 'info', 'get']) & set(data.get('choices', set())) for bad_state in bad_states: self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='parameter-state-invalid-choice', msg="Argument 'state' includes the value '%s' as a choice" % bad_state) if not data.get('removed_in_version', None) and not data.get('removed_at_date', None): args_from_argspec.add(arg) args_from_argspec.update(aliases) else: deprecated_args_from_argspec.add(arg) deprecated_args_from_argspec.update(aliases) if arg == 'provider' and self.object_path.startswith('lib/ansible/modules/network/'): if data.get('options') is not None and not isinstance(data.get('options'), Mapping): self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='invalid-argument-spec-options', msg="Argument 'options' in argument_spec['provider'] must be a dictionary/hash when used", ) elif data.get('options'): # Record provider options from network modules, for later comparison for provider_arg, provider_data in data.get('options', {}).items(): provider_args.add(provider_arg) provider_args.update(provider_data.get('aliases', [])) if data.get('required') and data.get('default', object) != object: msg = "Argument '%s' in argument_spec" % arg if context: msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context) msg += " is marked as required but specifies a default. Arguments with a" \ " default should not be marked as required" self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='no-default-for-required-parameter', msg=msg ) if arg in provider_args: # Provider args are being removed from network module top level # don't validate docs<->arg_spec checks below continue _type = data.get('type', 'str') if callable(_type): _type_checker = _type else: _type_checker = DEFAULT_TYPE_VALIDATORS.get(_type) _elements = data.get('elements') if (_type == 'list') and not _elements: msg = "Argument '%s' in argument_spec" % arg if context: msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context) msg += " defines type as list but elements is not defined" self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='parameter-list-no-elements', msg=msg ) if _elements: if not callable(_elements): DEFAULT_TYPE_VALIDATORS.get(_elements) if _type != 'list': msg = "Argument '%s' in argument_spec" % arg if context: msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context) msg += " defines elements as %s but it is valid only when value of parameter type is list" % _elements self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='parameter-invalid-elements', msg=msg ) arg_default = None if 'default' in data and not is_empty(data['default']): try: with CaptureStd(): arg_default = _type_checker(data['default']) except (Exception, SystemExit): msg = "Argument '%s' in argument_spec" % arg if context: msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context) msg += " defines default as (%r) but this is incompatible with parameter type %r" % (data['default'], _type) self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='incompatible-default-type', msg=msg ) continue doc_options_args = [] for alias in sorted(set([arg] + list(aliases))): if alias in doc_options: doc_options_args.append(alias) if len(doc_options_args) == 0: # Undocumented arguments will be handled later (search for undocumented-parameter) doc_options_arg = {} else: doc_options_arg = doc_options[doc_options_args[0]] if len(doc_options_args) > 1: msg = "Argument '%s' in argument_spec" % arg if context: msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context) msg += " with aliases %s is documented multiple times, namely as %s" % ( ", ".join([("'%s'" % alias) for alias in aliases]), ", ".join([("'%s'" % alias) for alias in doc_options_args]) ) self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='parameter-documented-multiple-times', msg=msg ) try: doc_default = None if 'default' in doc_options_arg and not is_empty(doc_options_arg['default']): with CaptureStd(): doc_default = _type_checker(doc_options_arg['default']) except (Exception, SystemExit): msg = "Argument '%s' in documentation" % arg if context: msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context) msg += " defines default as (%r) but this is incompatible with parameter type %r" % (doc_options_arg.get('default'), _type) self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='doc-default-incompatible-type', msg=msg ) continue if arg_default != doc_default: msg = "Argument '%s' in argument_spec" % arg if context: msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context) msg += " defines default as (%r) but documentation defines default as (%r)" % (arg_default, doc_default) self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='doc-default-does-not-match-spec', msg=msg ) doc_type = doc_options_arg.get('type') if 'type' in data and data['type'] is not None: if doc_type is None: if not arg.startswith('_'): # hidden parameter, for example _raw_params msg = "Argument '%s' in argument_spec" % arg if context: msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context) msg += " defines type as %r but documentation doesn't define type" % (data['type']) self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='parameter-type-not-in-doc', msg=msg ) elif data['type'] != doc_type: msg = "Argument '%s' in argument_spec" % arg if context: msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context) msg += " defines type as %r but documentation defines type as %r" % (data['type'], doc_type) self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='doc-type-does-not-match-spec', msg=msg ) else: if doc_type is None: msg = "Argument '%s' in argument_spec" % arg if context: msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context) msg += " uses default type ('str') but documentation doesn't define type" self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='doc-missing-type', msg=msg ) elif doc_type != 'str': msg = "Argument '%s' in argument_spec" % arg if context: msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context) msg += " implies type as 'str' but documentation defines as %r" % doc_type self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='implied-parameter-type-mismatch', msg=msg ) doc_choices = [] try: for choice in doc_options_arg.get('choices', []): try: with CaptureStd(): doc_choices.append(_type_checker(choice)) except (Exception, SystemExit): msg = "Argument '%s' in documentation" % arg if context: msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context) msg += " defines choices as (%r) but this is incompatible with argument type %r" % (choice, _type) self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='doc-choices-incompatible-type', msg=msg ) raise StopIteration() except StopIteration: continue arg_choices = [] try: for choice in data.get('choices', []): try: with CaptureStd(): arg_choices.append(_type_checker(choice)) except (Exception, SystemExit): msg = "Argument '%s' in argument_spec" % arg if context: msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context) msg += " defines choices as (%r) but this is incompatible with argument type %r" % (choice, _type) self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='incompatible-choices', msg=msg ) raise StopIteration() except StopIteration: continue if not compare_unordered_lists(arg_choices, doc_choices): msg = "Argument '%s' in argument_spec" % arg if context: msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context) msg += " defines choices as (%r) but documentation defines choices as (%r)" % (arg_choices, doc_choices) self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='doc-choices-do-not-match-spec', msg=msg ) doc_required = doc_options_arg.get('required', False) data_required = data.get('required', False) if (doc_required or data_required) and not (doc_required and data_required): msg = "Argument '%s' in argument_spec" % arg if context: msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context) if doc_required: msg += " is not required, but is documented as being required" else: msg += " is required, but is not documented as being required" self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='doc-required-mismatch', msg=msg ) doc_elements = doc_options_arg.get('elements', None) doc_type = doc_options_arg.get('type', 'str') data_elements = data.get('elements', None) if (doc_elements or data_elements) and not (doc_elements == data_elements): msg = "Argument '%s' in argument_spec" % arg if context: msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context) if data_elements: msg += " specifies elements as %s," % data_elements else: msg += " does not specify elements," if doc_elements: msg += "but elements is documented as being %s" % doc_elements else: msg += "but elements is not documented" self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='doc-elements-mismatch', msg=msg ) spec_suboptions = data.get('options') doc_suboptions = doc_options_arg.get('suboptions', {}) if spec_suboptions: if not doc_suboptions: msg = "Argument '%s' in argument_spec" % arg if context: msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context) msg += " has sub-options but documentation does not define it" self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='missing-suboption-docs', msg=msg ) self._validate_argument_spec({'options': doc_suboptions}, spec_suboptions, kwargs, context=context + [arg], last_context_spec=data) for arg in args_from_argspec: if not str(arg).isidentifier(): msg = "Argument '%s' in argument_spec" % arg if context: msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context) msg += " is not a valid python identifier" self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='parameter-invalid', msg=msg ) if docs: args_from_docs = set() for arg, data in doc_options.items(): args_from_docs.add(arg) args_from_docs.update(data.get('aliases', [])) args_missing_from_docs = args_from_argspec.difference(args_from_docs) docs_missing_from_args = args_from_docs.difference(args_from_argspec | deprecated_args_from_argspec) for arg in args_missing_from_docs: if arg in provider_args: # Provider args are being removed from network module top level # So they are likely not documented on purpose continue msg = "Argument '%s'" % arg if context: msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context) msg += " is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation" self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='undocumented-parameter', msg=msg ) for arg in docs_missing_from_args: msg = "Argument '%s'" % arg if context: msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context) msg += " is listed in DOCUMENTATION.options, but not accepted by the module argument_spec" self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='nonexistent-parameter-documented', msg=msg ) def _check_for_new_args(self, doc): if not self.base_module: return with CaptureStd(): try: existing_doc, dummy_examples, dummy_return, existing_metadata = get_docstring( self.base_module, fragment_loader, verbose=True, collection_name=self.collection_name, is_module=self.plugin_type == 'module') existing_options = existing_doc.get('options', {}) or {} except AssertionError: fragment = doc['extends_documentation_fragment'] self.reporter.warning( path=self.object_path, code='missing-existing-doc-fragment', msg='Pre-existing DOCUMENTATION fragment missing: %s' % fragment ) return except Exception as e: self.reporter.warning_trace( path=self.object_path, tracebk=e ) self.reporter.warning( path=self.object_path, code='unknown-doc-fragment', msg=('Unknown pre-existing DOCUMENTATION error, see TRACE. Submodule refs may need updated') ) return try: mod_collection_name = existing_doc.get('version_added_collection') mod_version_added = self._create_strict_version( str(existing_doc.get('version_added', '0.0')), collection_name=mod_collection_name) except ValueError: mod_collection_name = self.collection_name mod_version_added = self._create_strict_version('0.0') options = doc.get('options', {}) or {} should_be = '.'.join(ansible_version.split('.')[:2]) strict_ansible_version = self._create_strict_version(should_be, collection_name='ansible.builtin') for option, details in options.items(): try: names = [option] + details.get('aliases', []) except (TypeError, AttributeError): # Reporting of this syntax error will be handled by schema validation. continue if any(name in existing_options for name in names): # The option already existed. Make sure version_added didn't change. for name in names: existing_collection_name = existing_options.get(name, {}).get('version_added_collection') existing_version = existing_options.get(name, {}).get('version_added') if existing_version: break current_collection_name = details.get('version_added_collection') current_version = details.get('version_added') if current_collection_name != existing_collection_name: self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='option-incorrect-version-added-collection', msg=('version_added for existing option (%s) should ' 'belong to collection %r. Currently belongs to %r' % (option, current_collection_name, existing_collection_name)) ) elif str(current_version) != str(existing_version): self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='option-incorrect-version-added', msg=('version_added for existing option (%s) should ' 'be %r. Currently %r' % (option, existing_version, current_version)) ) continue try: collection_name = details.get('version_added_collection') version_added = self._create_strict_version( str(details.get('version_added', '0.0')), collection_name=collection_name) except ValueError as e: # already reported during schema validation continue builtin = self.collection_name == 'ansible.builtin' and collection_name in ('ansible.builtin', None) if not builtin and collection_name != self.collection_name: continue if (strict_ansible_version != mod_version_added and (version_added < strict_ansible_version or strict_ansible_version < version_added)): self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='option-incorrect-version-added', msg=('version_added for new option (%s) should ' 'be %r. Currently %r' % (option, should_be, version_added)) ) return existing_doc @staticmethod def is_on_rejectlist(path): base_name = os.path.basename(path) file_name = os.path.splitext(base_name)[0] if file_name.startswith('_') and os.path.islink(path): return True if not frozenset((base_name, file_name)).isdisjoint(ModuleValidator.REJECTLIST): return True for pat in ModuleValidator.REJECTLIST_PATTERNS: if fnmatch(base_name, pat): return True return False def validate(self): super(ModuleValidator, self).validate() if not self._python_module() and not self._powershell_module() and not self._sidecar_doc(): self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='invalid-extension', msg=('Official Ansible modules must have a .py ' 'extension for python modules or a .ps1 ' 'for powershell modules') ) self._python_module_override = True if self._python_module() and self.ast is None: self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='python-syntax-error', msg='Python SyntaxError while parsing module' ) try: compile(self.text, self.path, 'exec') except Exception: self.reporter.trace( path=self.object_path, tracebk=traceback.format_exc() ) return end_of_deprecation_should_be_removed_only = False doc_info = None if self._python_module() or self._sidecar_doc(): doc_info, docs = self._validate_docs() # See if current version => deprecated.removed_in, ie, should be docs only if docs and docs.get('deprecated', False): if 'removed_in' in docs['deprecated']: removed_in = None collection_name = docs['deprecated'].get('removed_from_collection') version = docs['deprecated']['removed_in'] if collection_name != self.collection_name: self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='invalid-module-deprecation-source', msg=('The deprecation version for a module must be added in this collection') ) else: try: removed_in = self._create_strict_version(str(version), collection_name=collection_name) except ValueError as e: self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='invalid-module-deprecation-version', msg=('The deprecation version %r cannot be parsed: %s' % (version, e)) ) if removed_in: if not self.collection: strict_ansible_version = self._create_strict_version( '.'.join(ansible_version.split('.')[:2]), self.collection_name) end_of_deprecation_should_be_removed_only = strict_ansible_version >= removed_in if end_of_deprecation_should_be_removed_only: self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='ansible-deprecated-module', msg='Module is marked for removal in version %s of Ansible when the current version is %s' % ( version, ansible_version), ) elif self.collection_version: strict_ansible_version = self.collection_version end_of_deprecation_should_be_removed_only = strict_ansible_version >= removed_in if end_of_deprecation_should_be_removed_only: self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='collection-deprecated-module', msg='Module is marked for removal in version %s of this collection when the current version is %s' % ( version, self.collection_version_str), ) # handle deprecation by date if 'removed_at_date' in docs['deprecated']: try: removed_at_date = docs['deprecated']['removed_at_date'] if parse_isodate(removed_at_date, allow_date=True) < datetime.date.today(): msg = "Module's deprecated.removed_at_date date '%s' is before today" % removed_at_date self.reporter.error(path=self.object_path, code='deprecated-date', msg=msg) except ValueError: # This happens if the date cannot be parsed. This is already checked by the schema. pass if self._python_module() and not self._just_docs() and not end_of_deprecation_should_be_removed_only: if self.plugin_type == 'module': self._validate_ansible_module_call(docs) self._check_for_sys_exit() self._find_rejectlist_imports() if self.plugin_type == 'module': self._find_module_utils() self._find_has_import() if doc_info: first_callable = self._get_first_callable() or 1000000 # use a bogus "high" line number if no callable exists self._ensure_imports_below_docs(doc_info, first_callable) if self.plugin_type == 'module': self._check_for_subprocess() self._check_for_os_call() if self._powershell_module(): self._validate_ps_replacers() docs_path = self._find_ps_docs_file() # We can only validate PowerShell arg spec if it is using the new Ansible.Basic.AnsibleModule util pattern = r'(?im)^#\s*ansiblerequires\s+\-csharputil\s*Ansible\.Basic' if re.search(pattern, self.text) and self.object_name not in self.PS_ARG_VALIDATE_REJECTLIST: with ModuleValidator(docs_path, git_cache=self.git_cache) as docs_mv: docs = docs_mv._validate_docs()[1] self._validate_ansible_module_call(docs) self._check_gpl3_header() if not self._just_docs() and not self._sidecar_doc() and not end_of_deprecation_should_be_removed_only: if self.plugin_type == 'module': self._check_interpreter(powershell=self._powershell_module()) self._check_type_instead_of_isinstance( powershell=self._powershell_module() ) class PythonPackageValidator(Validator): REJECTLIST_FILES = frozenset(('__pycache__',)) def __init__(self, path, reporter=None): super(PythonPackageValidator, self).__init__(reporter=reporter or Reporter()) self.path = path self.basename = os.path.basename(path) @property def object_name(self): return self.basename @property def object_path(self): return self.path def validate(self): super(PythonPackageValidator, self).validate() if self.basename in self.REJECTLIST_FILES: return init_file = os.path.join(self.path, '__init__.py') if not os.path.exists(init_file): self.reporter.error( path=self.object_path, code='subdirectory-missing-init', msg='Ansible module subdirectories must contain an __init__.py' ) class GitCache(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Base class for access to original files.""" @abc.abstractmethod def get_original_path(self, path: str) -> str | None: """Return the path to the original version of the specified file, or None if there isn't one.""" @abc.abstractmethod def is_new(self, path: str) -> bool | None: """Return True if the content is new, False if it is not and None if the information is not available.""" @staticmethod def create(original_plugins: str | None, plugin_type: str) -> GitCache: return CoreGitCache(original_plugins, plugin_type) if original_plugins else NoOpGitCache() class CoreGitCache(GitCache): """Provides access to original files when testing core.""" def __init__(self, original_plugins: str | None, plugin_type: str) -> None: super().__init__() self.original_plugins = original_plugins rel_path = 'lib/ansible/modules/' if plugin_type == 'module' else f'lib/ansible/plugins/{plugin_type}/' head_tree = self._find_files(rel_path) head_aliased_modules = set() for path in head_tree: filename = os.path.basename(path) if filename.startswith('_') and filename != '__init__.py': if os.path.islink(path): head_aliased_modules.add(os.path.basename(os.path.realpath(path))) self._head_aliased_modules = head_aliased_modules def get_original_path(self, path: str) -> str | None: """Return the path to the original version of the specified file, or None if there isn't one.""" path = os.path.join(self.original_plugins, path) if not os.path.exists(path): path = None return path def is_new(self, path: str) -> bool | None: """Return True if the content is new, False if it is not and None if the information is not available.""" if os.path.basename(path).startswith('_'): return False if os.path.basename(path) in self._head_aliased_modules: return False return not self.get_original_path(path) @staticmethod def _find_files(path: str) -> list[str]: """Return a list of files found in the specified directory.""" paths = [] for (dir_path, dir_names, file_names) in os.walk(path): for file_name in file_names: paths.append(os.path.join(dir_path, file_name)) return sorted(paths) class NoOpGitCache(GitCache): """Provides a no-op interface for access to original files.""" def get_original_path(self, path: str) -> str | None: """Return the path to the original version of the specified file, or None if there isn't one.""" return None def is_new(self, path: str) -> bool | None: """Return True if the content is new, False if it is not and None if the information is not available.""" return None def re_compile(value): """ Argparse expects things to raise TypeError, re.compile raises an re.error exception This function is a shorthand to convert the re.error exception to a TypeError """ try: return re.compile(value) except re.error as e: raise TypeError(e) def run(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="validate-modules") parser.add_argument('plugins', nargs='+', help='Path to module/plugin or module/plugin directory') parser.add_argument('-w', '--warnings', help='Show warnings', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--exclude', help='RegEx exclusion pattern', type=re_compile) parser.add_argument('--arg-spec', help='Analyze module argument spec', action='store_true', default=False) parser.add_argument('--format', choices=['json', 'plain'], default='plain', help='Output format. Default: "%(default)s"') parser.add_argument('--output', default='-', help='Output location, use "-" for stdout. ' 'Default "%(default)s"') parser.add_argument('--collection', help='Specifies the path to the collection, when ' 'validating files within a collection. Ensure ' 'that ANSIBLE_COLLECTIONS_PATH is set so the ' 'contents of the collection can be located') parser.add_argument('--collection-version', help='The collection\'s version number used to check ' 'deprecations') parser.add_argument('--plugin-type', default='module', help='The plugin type to validate. Defaults to %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--original-plugins') args = parser.parse_args() args.plugins = [m.rstrip('/') for m in args.plugins] reporter = Reporter() git_cache = GitCache.create(args.original_plugins, args.plugin_type) check_dirs = set() routing = None if args.collection: routing_file = 'meta/runtime.yml' # Load meta/runtime.yml if it exists, as it may contain deprecation information if os.path.isfile(routing_file): try: with open(routing_file) as f: routing = yaml.safe_load(f) except yaml.error.MarkedYAMLError as ex: print('%s:%d:%d: YAML load failed: %s' % (routing_file, ex.context_mark.line + 1, ex.context_mark.column + 1, re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', str(ex)))) except Exception as ex: # pylint: disable=broad-except print('%s:%d:%d: YAML load failed: %s' % (routing_file, 0, 0, re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', str(ex)))) for plugin in args.plugins: if os.path.isfile(plugin): path = plugin if args.exclude and args.exclude.search(path): continue if ModuleValidator.is_on_rejectlist(path): continue with ModuleValidator(path, collection=args.collection, collection_version=args.collection_version, analyze_arg_spec=args.arg_spec, git_cache=git_cache, reporter=reporter, routing=routing, plugin_type=args.plugin_type) as mv1: mv1.validate() check_dirs.add(os.path.dirname(path)) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(plugin): basedir = root[len(plugin) + 1:].split('/', 1)[0] if basedir in REJECTLIST_DIRS: continue for dirname in dirs: if root == plugin and dirname in REJECTLIST_DIRS: continue path = os.path.join(root, dirname) if args.exclude and args.exclude.search(path): continue check_dirs.add(path) for filename in files: path = os.path.join(root, filename) if args.exclude and args.exclude.search(path): continue if ModuleValidator.is_on_rejectlist(path): continue with ModuleValidator(path, collection=args.collection, collection_version=args.collection_version, analyze_arg_spec=args.arg_spec, git_cache=git_cache, reporter=reporter, routing=routing, plugin_type=args.plugin_type) as mv2: mv2.validate() if not args.collection and args.plugin_type == 'module': for path in sorted(check_dirs): pv = PythonPackageValidator(path, reporter=reporter) pv.validate() if args.format == 'plain': sys.exit(reporter.plain(warnings=args.warnings, output=args.output)) else: sys.exit(reporter.json(warnings=args.warnings, output=args.output)) def main(): try: run() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass