/* Copyright 2000-2004 The Apache Software Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include "apr_network_io.h" #include "apr_errno.h" #include "apr_general.h" #include #define STRLEN 15 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { apr_pool_t *context; apr_socket_t *sock; apr_size_t length; apr_status_t stat; char datasend[STRLEN] = "Send data test"; char datarecv[STRLEN]; char msgbuf[80]; char *local_ipaddr, *remote_ipaddr; char *dest = ""; apr_port_t local_port, remote_port; apr_interval_time_t timeout = apr_time_from_sec(2); apr_sockaddr_t *local_sa, *remote_sa; setbuf(stdout, NULL); if (argc > 1) { dest = argv[1]; } if (argc > 2) { timeout = atoi(argv[2]); } fprintf(stdout, "Initializing........."); if (apr_initialize() != APR_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "Something went wrong\n"); exit(-1); } fprintf(stdout, "OK\n"); atexit(apr_terminate); fprintf(stdout, "Creating context......."); if (apr_pool_create(&context, NULL) != APR_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "Something went wrong\n"); exit(-1); } fprintf(stdout, "OK\n"); fprintf(stdout,"\tClient: Making socket address..............."); if ((stat = apr_sockaddr_info_get(&remote_sa, dest, APR_UNSPEC, 8021, 0, context)) != APR_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stdout, "Failed!\n"); fprintf(stdout, "Address resolution failed for %s: %s\n", dest, apr_strerror(stat, msgbuf, sizeof(msgbuf))); exit(-1); } fprintf(stdout,"OK\n"); fprintf(stdout, "\tClient: Creating new socket......."); if (apr_socket_create(&sock, remote_sa->family, SOCK_STREAM, 0, context) != APR_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't create socket\n"); exit(-1); } fprintf(stdout, "OK\n"); fprintf(stdout, "\tClient: Setting socket timeout......."); stat = apr_socket_timeout_set(sock, timeout); if (stat) { fprintf(stderr, "Problem setting timeout: %d\n", stat); exit(-1); } fprintf(stdout, "OK\n"); fprintf(stdout, "\tClient: Connecting to socket......."); stat = apr_socket_connect(sock, remote_sa); if (stat != APR_SUCCESS) { apr_socket_close(sock); fprintf(stderr, "Could not connect: %s (%d)\n", apr_strerror(stat, msgbuf, sizeof(msgbuf)), stat); fflush(stderr); exit(-1); } fprintf(stdout, "OK\n"); apr_socket_addr_get(&remote_sa, APR_REMOTE, sock); apr_sockaddr_ip_get(&remote_ipaddr, remote_sa); remote_port = remote_sa->port; apr_socket_addr_get(&local_sa, APR_LOCAL, sock); apr_sockaddr_ip_get(&local_ipaddr, local_sa); local_port = local_sa->port; fprintf(stdout, "\tClient socket: %s:%u -> %s:%u\n", local_ipaddr, local_port, remote_ipaddr, remote_port); fprintf(stdout, "\tClient: Trying to send data over socket......."); length = STRLEN; if ((stat = apr_socket_send(sock, datasend, &length) != APR_SUCCESS)) { apr_socket_close(sock); fprintf(stderr, "Problem sending data: %s (%d)\n", apr_strerror(stat, msgbuf, sizeof(msgbuf)), stat); exit(-1); } fprintf(stdout, "OK\n"); length = STRLEN; fprintf(stdout, "\tClient: Trying to receive data over socket......."); if ((stat = apr_socket_recv(sock, datarecv, &length)) != APR_SUCCESS) { apr_socket_close(sock); fprintf(stderr, "Problem receiving data: %s (%d)\n", apr_strerror(stat, msgbuf, sizeof(msgbuf)), stat); exit(-1); } if (strcmp(datarecv, "Recv data test")) { apr_socket_close(sock); fprintf(stderr, "I did not receive the correct data %s\n", datarecv); exit(-1); } fprintf(stdout, "OK\n"); fprintf(stdout, "\tClient: Shutting down socket......."); if (apr_socket_shutdown(sock, APR_SHUTDOWN_WRITE) != APR_SUCCESS) { apr_socket_close(sock); fprintf(stderr, "Could not shutdown socket\n"); exit(-1); } fprintf(stdout, "OK\n"); fprintf(stdout, "\tClient: Closing down socket......."); if (apr_socket_close(sock) != APR_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not shutdown socket\n"); exit(-1); } fprintf(stdout, "OK\n"); return 1; }