Version 0.2.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2014-06-19 Notes: - This is the first release that merges the createrepo_as project with this one. A new experimental command 'appstream-builder' has been added and can be used by distributors to build metadata. Normal users don't need this or the shared library libappstream-bulder, and this can be split off into a subpackage by downstream if required. - We're slowly merging parts of appdata-tools into this project too, but we'll provide more details when the merge is complete. New Features: - Add an m4 file to easily validate AppData and MetaInfo files (Richard Hughes) - Add a --nonet option to appstream-util (Richard Hughes) - Add 'appstream appdata-from-desktop' to autogenerate a boilerplate file (Richard Hughes) - Add as_app_get_mimetypes() (Richard Hughes) - Add as_app_get_pkgname_default() (Richard Hughes) - Add as_app_guess_source_kind() (Richard Hughes) - Add as_app_to_file() (Richard Hughes) - Add as_node_remove_attribute() (Richard Hughes) - Add as_node_to_file() (Richard Hughes) - Add bash-completion files for appstream-builder and appstream-util (Igor Gnatenko) - Add from the draft AppStream 0.7 specification (Richard Hughes) - Add manpages for appstream-util and appstream-builder (Richard Hughes) - Add Russian translation (Igor Gnatenko) - Allow installing AppData and MetaInfo files using appstream-util (Richard Hughes) - Allow validating more types of files (Richard Hughes) - Make the project translatable using transifex (Igor Gnatenko) Bugfixes: - Accept slightly truncated SPDX IDs (Richard Hughes) - Add a AsAppParseFlags flag to be able to append non-duplicate data (Richard Hughes) - Add appstream-build from the createrepo_as project (Richard Hughes) - Allow any SPDX license when validating in relaxed mode (Richard Hughes) - Allow 'appstream-util convert' to work with two AppData files (Richard Hughes) - Allow as_node_get_attribute_as_int() to parse negative numbers (Richard Hughes) - Allow comments on the root XML node (Richard Hughes) - Allow dumping .desktop, .appdata.xml and .metainfo.xml files in appstream-util (Richard Hughes) - Do not add addons that are packaged in the parent package (Richard Hughes) - Do not require a content license to be included into the metadata (Richard Hughes) - Don't add the fake ApplicationAddon category for addons (Richard Hughes) - Inherit search tokens from the addon to the main application (Richard Hughes) - Return the URL in the validation error when screenshots fail to be loaded (Richard Hughes) - Validate the tag values (Richard Hughes) Version 0.1.7 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2014-06-12 New Features: - Add from the draft AppStream 0.7 specification (Richard Hughes) - Add support for the 'dbus' AsProvideKind (Richard Hughes) - Add support for validating metainfo.xml files (Richard Hughes) Bugfixes: - Allow 'appstream-util validate' to validate multiple files (Richard Hughes) - Automatically demangle the update contact (Richard Hughes) - Correctly use convert-translatable when the source kind is already set (Richard Hughes) - Do not log a critical warning in as_store_to_xml() (Richard Hughes) - Do not write a screenshot type of 'normal' as it's the default value (Richard Hughes) - Don't include the filename in the error output (Richard Hughes) - Fail to validate AppData files with URLs in the descriptions (Richard Hughes) - Fix a crash when we try to validate

(Richard Hughes) - Support the non-standard X-Ubuntu-Software-Center-Name (Richard Hughes) Version 0.1.6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2014-05-28 New Features: - Add as_app_get_names() (Richard Hughes) - Add as_image_get_basename() (Richard Hughes) - Add as_image_get_md5() (Richard Hughes) - Add as_image_load_filename() (Richard Hughes) - Add as_image_save_filename() (Richard Hughes) - Add as_image_save_pixbuf() (Richard Hughes) - Add as_image_set_pixbuf() (Richard Hughes) - Add as_node_get_comment() (Richard Hughes) - Add AsProvide (Richard Hughes, Kalev Lember) - Add as_screenshot_get_source() convenience helper (Richard Hughes) - Add AS_TAG_FLAG_USE_TRANSLATED (Richard Hughes) - Add validation for (Richard Hughes) Bugfixes: - Also support validating files (Richard Hughes) - Correctly parse the localized descriptions from AppData files (Richard Hughes) - Export as_app_set_source_kind() (Richard Hughes) - Fix validation of old-style AppData files without screenshot sizes (Richard Hughes) - Only autodetect the AsAppSourceKind when unknown (Richard Hughes) - Only require when being strict (Richard Hughes) - Only show the thumbnail when creating the HTML status page (Richard Hughes) - Retain comments in .desktop and .appdata.xml files when required (Richard Hughes) - Subsume more properties in AsApp (Richard Hughes) Version 0.1.5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2014-05-12 New Features: - Add as_app_has_category() (Richard Hughes) - Add as_utils_check_url_exists() (Richard Hughes) - Add as_utils_spdx_license_tokenize() (Richard Hughes) - Add the new 'help' url type (Richard Hughes) - Check the licenses against the SPDX list when validating (Richard Hughes) Bugfixes: - Be less strict with the case of the XML header (Richard Hughes) - Do not save the 'xx' locale (Richard Hughes) - Do not validate AppData files without (Richard Hughes) - Don't crash when doing 'status-html' on an empty XML file (Richard Hughes) - LXDE uses X-LXDE-Settings for settings panels (Richard Hughes) - Only count desktop applications when doing the overview stats (Richard Hughes) - Support AppData version 0.6 files too (Richard Hughes) - Use SPDX license IDs in (Richard Hughes) Version 0.1.4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2014-04-25 Notes: - This release adds a utility 'appstream-util' that can do simple operations on AppStream metadata including generating status pages or converting the metadata from one version to another. New Features: - Add AsProblem to report non-critical problems with metadata - Add as_app_get_metadata_license() - Add as_app_get_source_kind() - Add as_app_get_update_contact() - Add as_app_subsume_full() - Add as_app_validate() to validate AppStream and AppData files - Add as_node_reflow_text() to reflow XML text properly - Add as_node_set_name() internal method - Add as_store_get_apps_by_metadata() - Add as_util_get_possible_kudos() - Add a flag to as_node_to_xml() so it can process all children - Add a 'html-status' command to appstream-util - Add a 'non-package-yaml' command to appstream-util - Add a 'validate' command to appstream-util - Parse AppData files when using as_app_parse_file() - Read AppStream metadata from the per-machine location Bugfixes: - Allow writing AppStream entries with an unknown type - Do not add a 'type' attribute if the component type is unknown - Do not crash if an AppStream entry has no ID - Do not save metadata keys with an 'x-test' locale - Do not try to parse non-application tags as applicatons - Do not write xml:lang key versions when the same as the 'C' version - Return -1 from as_app_get_language() if the language is not found - Sort the application languages by name so they are predictable - Support sections without 's - Support the AppStream 0.6.1 priority attribute - Support translated
      tags when normalizing - When adding a duplicate AppStream application merge the entries Version 0.1.3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2014-04-10 New Features: - Add as_app_search_matches_all() - Add as_utils_is_stock_icon_name() Bugfixes: - Actually add mimetype data to the AsApp object - Do not allow applications without icons - Ignore settings panels when parsing desktop files - Load AppStream files assuming literal text strings - Only set app-install icons to cached if not already stock - Set the icon kind to stock if it matches any stock icon - Use the legacy names when using as_node_get_tag() Version 0.1.2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2014-03-26 Notes: - This release adds basic Ubuntu app-install support, speeds up the time taken to parse large metadata files and reduces the amount of memory used to load the AppStream metadata. New Features: - Add as_app_parse_file() which parses a .desktop file into an AsApp - Add as_node_get_tag() and only store the name when the tag is unknown - Add as_node_take_attribute() to reduce allocations during parse - Add as_store_load() to load system and user locations - Add as_tag_from_string_full() to control whether fallback names are used - Load the Ubuntu app-install data which uses - Use gperf to generate a perfect hash for the tag names Bugfixes: - Do not use GHashTable to store node attributes - Reduce the number of small attr key allocations - Use the full ID for the AsStore hash Version 0.1.1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2014-03-21 New Features: - Add an 'api-version' property to AsStore - Add as_store_from_xml() to load text XML not from a file - Add the new AsUrlKind's and from API 0.6 - Speed up as_tag_to_string() by using a table and a single lookup - Support old-style markup-less tags - Support the 'origin' attribute on the root node Bugfixes: - Do not crash when using getting an unset description - Do not depend on functions introduced in Glib 2.39.1 - Fix parsing incompletely translated AppData files - The 'appcategories' tag is now deprecated for 'categories' Version 0.1.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2014-03-18 Notes: - This library provides GObjects and helper methods to make it easy to read and write AppStream metadata. New Features: - Add and search for applications in an application store - Easily retrieve the best application data for the current locale - Efficiently interface with more heavy-weight parsers like expat - Get screenshot image data and release announcements - Read and write compressed AppStream XML files