pkgg = import('pkgconfig') asbuilder_cargs = [ '-DG_LOG_DOMAIN="Asb"', '-DASB_PLUGIN_DIR=' + '"' + plugindir + '"', ] deps = [ glib, gmodule, gdkpixbuf, libarchive, soup, ] if get_option('enable-dep11') deps = deps + [yaml] endif if get_option('enable-rpm') deps = deps + [rpm] endif if get_option('enable-alpm') deps = deps + [alpm] endif headers = [ 'appstream-builder.h', 'asb-app.h', ] install_headers(headers, subdir : 'libappstream-builder') sources = [ 'asb-app.c', 'asb-context.c', 'asb-package.c', 'asb-package-cab.c', 'asb-package-deb.c', 'asb-task.c', 'asb-utils.c', 'asb-plugin.c', 'asb-plugin-loader.c', ] if get_option('enable-rpm') sources = sources + ['asb-package-rpm.c'] endif if get_option('enable-alpm') sources = sources + ['asb-package-alpm.c'] endif top_build_incdir = include_directories('..') mapfile = '' vflag = '-Wl,--version-script,@0@/@1@'.format(meson.current_source_dir(), mapfile) asbuilder = shared_library( 'appstream-builder', sources, soversion : lt_current, version : lt_version, dependencies : deps, c_args : asbuilder_cargs, include_directories : [ top_build_incdir, asglib_incdir, ], link_args : vflag, link_depends : mapfile, link_with : asglib, install : true, ) asbuilder_incdir = include_directories('.') subdir('plugins') pkgg.generate( version : as_version, libraries : asbuilder, requires : [ 'glib-2.0', 'gobject-2.0', 'gdk-pixbuf-2.0', ], name : 'appstream-builder', description : 'Objects and helper methods to help reading and writing AppStream metadata', filebase : 'appstream-builder', subdirs : 'libappstream-builder' ) deps = [ firmware200, firmware201, firmware202, ] asb_self_test = executable( 'asb-self-test', deps, 'asb-self-test.c', include_directories : [ include_directories('..'), asglib_incdir, ], dependencies : [glib, gdkpixbuf, soup], c_args : cargs + [ '-DTESTDIRSRC="@0@/../data/tests"'.format(meson.current_source_dir()), '-DTESTDIRBUILD="@0@/../data/tests"'.format(meson.current_build_dir()), '-DTESTPLUGINDIR="@0@/plugins"'.format(meson.current_build_dir()), ], link_with : [ asbuilder, asglib, ], ) test('asb-self-test', asb_self_test) asbuilder_introspection_srcs = [ 'asb-app.c', 'asb-app.h', 'asb-context.c', 'asb-context.h', 'asb-context-private.h', 'asb-package.c', 'asb-package.h', 'asb-task.c', 'asb-task.h', ] if get_option('enable-introspection') asglib_gir_dep = declare_dependency(sources: asglib_gir) gnome.generate_gir(asbuilder, sources : asbuilder_introspection_srcs, nsversion : '1.0', namespace : 'AppStreamBuilder', symbol_prefix : 'asb_', identifier_prefix : 'Asb', export_packages : 'appstream-builder', dependencies: asglib_gir_dep, includes : [ 'AppStreamGlib-1.0', 'GdkPixbuf-2.0', 'Gio-2.0', 'GObject-2.0', ], install : true ) endif