/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8 -*- * * Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Richard Hughes * * Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #include const gchar * asb_plugin_get_name (void) { return "appdata"; } void asb_plugin_add_globs (AsbPlugin *plugin, GPtrArray *globs) { asb_plugin_add_glob (globs, "/usr/share/appdata/*.metainfo.xml"); asb_plugin_add_glob (globs, "/usr/share/appdata/*.appdata.xml"); asb_plugin_add_glob (globs, "/usr/share/metainfo/*.metainfo.xml"); asb_plugin_add_glob (globs, "/usr/share/metainfo/*.appdata.xml"); } static gboolean _asb_plugin_check_filename (const gchar *filename) { if (asb_plugin_match_glob ("*.metainfo.xml", filename) || asb_plugin_match_glob ("/usr/share/appdata/*.metainfo.xml", filename) || asb_plugin_match_glob ("/usr/share/appdata/*.appdata.xml", filename) || asb_plugin_match_glob ("/usr/share/metainfo/*.metainfo.xml", filename) || asb_plugin_match_glob ("/usr/share/metainfo/*.appdata.xml", filename)) return TRUE; return FALSE; } gboolean asb_plugin_check_filename (AsbPlugin *plugin, const gchar *filename) { return _asb_plugin_check_filename (filename); } static gboolean asb_plugin_process_filename (AsbPlugin *plugin, AsbPackage *pkg, const gchar *filename, GList **apps, GError **error) { AsProblemKind problem_kind; AsProblem *problem; GPtrArray *icons; const gchar *tmp; guint i; g_autoptr(AsbApp) app = NULL; g_autoptr(GPtrArray) problems = NULL; app = asb_app_new (NULL, NULL); if (!as_app_parse_file (AS_APP (app), filename, AS_APP_PARSE_FLAG_USE_HEURISTICS, error)) return FALSE; if (as_app_get_kind (AS_APP (app)) == AS_APP_KIND_UNKNOWN) { g_set_error (error, ASB_PLUGIN_ERROR, ASB_PLUGIN_ERROR_FAILED, "%s has no recognised type", as_app_get_id (AS_APP (app))); return FALSE; } /* validate */ problems = as_app_validate (AS_APP (app), AS_APP_VALIDATE_FLAG_NO_NETWORK | AS_APP_VALIDATE_FLAG_RELAX, error); if (problems == NULL) return FALSE; asb_app_set_package (app, pkg); for (i = 0; i < problems->len; i++) { problem = g_ptr_array_index (problems, i); problem_kind = as_problem_get_kind (problem); asb_package_log (asb_app_get_package (app), ASB_PACKAGE_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "AppData problem: %s : %s", as_problem_kind_to_string (problem_kind), as_problem_get_message (problem)); } /* nuke things that do not belong */ icons = as_app_get_icons (AS_APP (app)); if (icons->len > 0) g_ptr_array_set_size (icons, 0); /* fix up the project license */ tmp = as_app_get_project_license (AS_APP (app)); if (tmp != NULL && !as_utils_is_spdx_license (tmp)) { g_autofree gchar *license_spdx = NULL; license_spdx = as_utils_license_to_spdx (tmp); if (as_utils_is_spdx_license (license_spdx)) { asb_package_log (asb_app_get_package (app), ASB_PACKAGE_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "project license fixup: %s -> %s", tmp, license_spdx); as_app_set_project_license (AS_APP (app), license_spdx); } else { asb_package_log (asb_app_get_package (app), ASB_PACKAGE_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "project license is invalid: %s", tmp); as_app_set_project_license (AS_APP (app), NULL); } } /* check license */ tmp = as_app_get_metadata_license (AS_APP (app)); if (tmp == NULL) { g_set_error (error, ASB_PLUGIN_ERROR, ASB_PLUGIN_ERROR_FAILED, "AppData %s has no licence", filename); return FALSE; } if (!as_utils_is_spdx_license (tmp)) { g_set_error (error, ASB_PLUGIN_ERROR, ASB_PLUGIN_ERROR_FAILED, "AppData %s license '%s' invalid", filename, tmp); return FALSE; } /* log updateinfo */ tmp = as_app_get_update_contact (AS_APP (app)); if (tmp != NULL) { asb_package_log (asb_app_get_package (app), ASB_PACKAGE_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Upstream contact <%s>", tmp); } /* fix up various components as required */ if (asb_context_get_flag (plugin->ctx, ASB_CONTEXT_FLAG_ADD_DEFAULT_ICONS)) { /* add icon for firmware */ if (as_app_get_kind (AS_APP (app)) == AS_APP_KIND_FIRMWARE) { g_autoptr(AsIcon) icon = NULL; icon = as_icon_new (); as_icon_set_kind (icon, AS_ICON_KIND_STOCK); as_icon_set_name (icon, "application-x-executable"); as_app_add_icon (AS_APP (app), icon); } /* fix up input methods */ if (as_app_get_kind (AS_APP (app)) == AS_APP_KIND_INPUT_METHOD) { g_autoptr(AsIcon) icon = NULL; icon = as_icon_new (); as_icon_set_kind (icon, AS_ICON_KIND_STOCK); as_icon_set_name (icon, "system-run-symbolic"); as_app_add_icon (AS_APP (app), icon); as_app_add_category (AS_APP (app), "Addons"); as_app_add_category (AS_APP (app), "InputSources"); } /* fix up codecs */ if (as_app_get_kind (AS_APP (app)) == AS_APP_KIND_CODEC) { g_autoptr(AsIcon) icon = NULL; icon = as_icon_new (); as_icon_set_kind (icon, AS_ICON_KIND_STOCK); as_icon_set_name (icon, "application-x-addon"); as_app_add_icon (AS_APP (app), icon); as_app_add_category (AS_APP (app), "Addons"); as_app_add_category (AS_APP (app), "Codecs"); } } /* success */ asb_app_set_hidpi_enabled (app, asb_context_get_flag (plugin->ctx, ASB_CONTEXT_FLAG_HIDPI_ICONS)); asb_plugin_add_app (apps, AS_APP (app)); return TRUE; } GList * asb_plugin_process (AsbPlugin *plugin, AsbPackage *pkg, const gchar *tmpdir, GError **error) { gboolean ret; GList *apps = NULL; guint i; gchar **filelist; filelist = asb_package_get_filelist (pkg); for (i = 0; filelist[i] != NULL; i++) { g_autofree gchar *filename_tmp = NULL; if (!_asb_plugin_check_filename (filelist[i])) continue; filename_tmp = g_build_filename (tmpdir, filelist[i], NULL); ret = asb_plugin_process_filename (plugin, pkg, filename_tmp, &apps, error); if (!ret) { g_list_free_full (apps, (GDestroyNotify) g_object_unref); return NULL; } } /* no desktop files we care about */ if (apps == NULL) { g_set_error (error, ASB_PLUGIN_ERROR, ASB_PLUGIN_ERROR_FAILED, "nothing interesting in %s", asb_package_get_basename (pkg)); return NULL; } return apps; } void asb_plugin_merge (AsbPlugin *plugin, GList *list) { AsApp *app; AsApp *found; GList *l; g_autoptr(GHashTable) hash = NULL; /* make a hash table of ID->AsApp */ hash = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, (GDestroyNotify) g_object_unref); for (l = list; l != NULL; l = l->next) { app = AS_APP (l->data); if (as_app_get_kind (app) != AS_APP_KIND_DESKTOP) continue; g_hash_table_insert (hash, g_strdup (as_app_get_id (app)), g_object_ref (app)); } /* add addons where the pkgname is different from the * main package */ for (l = list; l != NULL; l = l->next) { if (!ASB_IS_APP (l->data)) continue; app = AS_APP (l->data); if (as_app_get_kind (app) != AS_APP_KIND_ADDON) continue; found = g_hash_table_lookup (hash, as_app_get_id (app)); if (found == NULL) continue; if (g_strcmp0 (as_app_get_pkgname_default (app), as_app_get_pkgname_default (found)) != 0) continue; as_app_add_veto (app, "absorbing addon %s shipped in " "main package %s", as_app_get_id (app), as_app_get_pkgname_default (app)); as_app_subsume_full (found, app, AS_APP_SUBSUME_FLAG_MERGE); } }