path: root/tests/data/source-highlight-filter-docbook.xml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/data/source-highlight-filter-docbook.xml')
1 files changed, 348 insertions, 348 deletions
diff --git a/tests/data/source-highlight-filter-docbook.xml b/tests/data/source-highlight-filter-docbook.xml
index 61448dc..2c419fe 100644
--- a/tests/data/source-highlight-filter-docbook.xml
+++ b/tests/data/source-highlight-filter-docbook.xml
@@ -1,348 +1,348 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN" "">
-<article lang="en">
- <title>Source Code Highlight Filter</title>
-<simpara>The AsciiDoc distribution includes a <emphasis>source</emphasis> filter for highlighting
-code syntax.</simpara>
-<section id="_docbook_outputs">
-<title>DocBook Outputs</title>
-<simpara>AsciiDoc encloses the source code in a DocBook <emphasis>programlisting</emphasis>
-element and leaves source code highlighting to the DocBook toolchain
-(dblatex has a particularly nice programlisting highlighter). The
-DocBook programlisting element is assigned two attributes:</simpara>
-<orderedlist numeration="arabic">
-The <emphasis>language</emphasis> attribute is set to the AsciiDoc <emphasis>language</emphasis>
- attribute.
-The <emphasis>linenumbering</emphasis> attribute is set to the AsciiDoc <emphasis>src_numbered</emphasis>
- attribute (<emphasis>numbered</emphasis> or <emphasis>unnumbered</emphasis>).
-<section id="_html_outputs">
-<title>HTML Outputs</title>
-<simpara>You have the choice of three HTML source code highlighters, your
-selection is determined by the <emphasis>source-highlighter</emphasis> attribute (defaults
-to <emphasis>source-highlight</emphasis>):</simpara>
-<note><simpara>Set the <emphasis>source-highlighter</emphasis> attribute from the <literal>asciidoc(1)</literal>
-command-line or in the document header (not in the document body,
-because the configuration file conditional macros are processed at
-load time).</simpara></note>
-<section id="_gnu_source_highlight">
-<title>GNU Source Highlight</title>
-<simpara>The default highlighter is the
-<ulink url="">GNU source-highlight</ulink> which
-can highlight <emphasis>html4</emphasis>, <emphasis>html5</emphasis> and <emphasis>xhtml11</emphasis> outputs. The GNU
-source-highlight must be installed and the <emphasis>source-highlight</emphasis> command
-must reside in the shell search <emphasis>PATH</emphasis>.</simpara>
-<section id="_highlight">
-<simpara>You can use
-<ulink url="">Highlight</ulink>
-syntax highlighter for <emphasis>xhtml11</emphasis>, <emphasis>html5</emphasis> and <emphasis>html4</emphasis> outputs (set the
-<emphasis>source-highlighter</emphasis> attribute to <emphasis>highlighter</emphasis>).</simpara>
-The <emphasis>highlight</emphasis> command must reside in the shell search <emphasis>PATH</emphasis>.
-To make Highlighter your default highlighter put the following line
- your <literal>~/.asciidoc/asciidoc.conf</literal> file:
-<literallayout class="monospaced">source-highlighter=highlight</literallayout>
-The AsciiDoc <emphasis>encoding</emphasis> attribute is passed to Highlighter using the
- <literal>--encoding</literal> command-line option.
-<section id="_pygments">
-<simpara>The <ulink url="">Pygments</ulink> syntax highlighter can be used for
-<emphasis>xhtml11</emphasis> and <emphasis>html5</emphasis> outputs (set the <emphasis>source-highlighter</emphasis> attribute
-to <emphasis>pygments</emphasis>).</simpara>
-The <emphasis>pygmentize</emphasis> command must reside in the shell search <emphasis>PATH</emphasis>.
-You can customize Pygments CSS styles by editing
- <literal>./stylesheets/pygments.css</literal>. The <literal>pygments.css</literal> CSS file was
- generated with:
-<literallayout class="monospaced">from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter
-print HtmlFormatter().get_style_defs('.highlight')</literallayout>
-To make Pygments your default highlighter put the following line
- your <literal>~/.asciidoc/asciidoc.conf</literal> file:
-<literallayout class="monospaced">source-highlighter=pygments</literallayout>
-The AsciiDoc <emphasis>encoding</emphasis> attribute is passed to Pygments using the
- <literal>-O</literal> command-line option.
-<section id="_block_attributes">
-<title>Block attributes</title>
-<simpara>The following attributes can be included in source code block
-attribute lists.</simpara>
-<emphasis>style</emphasis> and <emphasis>language</emphasis> are mandatory.
-<emphasis>style</emphasis>, <emphasis>language</emphasis> and <emphasis>src_numbered</emphasis> are the first three
- positional attributes in that order.
-The <emphasis>args</emphasis> attribute allows the inclusion of arbitrary (highlighter
- dependent) command options.
- Set to <emphasis>source</emphasis>.
- The source code language name.
-<note><simpara>The language names vary between highlighters&#8201;&#8212;&#8201;consult the
-selected highlighter manual.</simpara></note>
- Set to <emphasis>numbered</emphasis> to include line numbers.
- Set tab size (GNU source-highlight only).
- Include this attribute value in the highlighter command-line (HTML
- outputs) or in the <literal>programlisting</literal> element (DocBook).
-<section id="_testing">
-<simpara>Test the filter by converting the test file to HTML with AsciiDoc:</simpara>
-<literallayout class="monospaced">$ asciidoc -v ./filters/source/source-highlight-filter-test.txt
-$ firefox ./filters/source/source-highlight-filter-test.html &amp;</literallayout>
-<section id="_examples">
-<section id="_source_code_paragraphs">
-<title>Source code paragraphs</title>
-<simpara>The <literal>source</literal> paragraph style will highlight a paragraph of source
-code. These three code paragraphs:</simpara>
-if n &lt; 0: print 'Hello World!'
-:language: python
-if n &lt; 0: print 'Hello World!'
-[true, false].cycle([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]) do |a, b|
- puts "#{a.inspect} =&gt; #{b.inspect}"</screen>
-<simpara>Render this highlighted source code:</simpara>
-<programlisting language="python" linenumbering="unnumbered">if n &lt; 0: print 'Hello World!'</programlisting>
-<programlisting language="python" linenumbering="unnumbered">if n &lt; 0: print 'Hello World!'</programlisting>
-<programlisting language="ruby" linenumbering="numbered">[true, false].cycle([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]) do |a, b|
- puts "#{a.inspect} =&gt; #{b.inspect}"</programlisting>
-<section id="_unnumbered_source_code_listing">
-<title>Unnumbered source code listing</title>
-<simpara>This source-highlight filtered block:</simpara>
-<screen> [source,python]
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ''' A multi-line
- comment.'''
- def sub_word(mo):
- ''' Single line comment.'''
- word ='word') # Inline comment
- if word in keywords[language]:
- return quote + word + quote
- else:
- return word
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------</screen>
-<simpara>Renders this highlighted source code:</simpara>
-<programlisting language="python" linenumbering="unnumbered">''' A multi-line
- comment.'''
-def sub_word(mo):
- ''' Single line comment.'''
- word ='word') # Inline comment
- if word in keywords[language]:
- return quote + word + quote
- else:
- return word</programlisting>
-<section id="_numbered_source_code_listing_with_callouts">
-<title>Numbered source code listing with callouts</title>
-<simpara>This source-highlight filtered block:</simpara>
-<screen> [source,ruby,numbered]
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # Useful Ruby base class extensions.
- #
- class Array
- # Execute a block passing it corresponding items in
- # +self+ and +other_array+.
- # If self has less items than other_array it is repeated.
- def cycle(other_array) # :yields: item, other_item
- other_array.each_with_index do |item, index|
- yield(self[index % self.length], item)
- end
- end
- end
- if $0 == __FILE__ # &lt;1&gt;
- # Array#cycle test
- # true =&gt; 0
- # false =&gt; 1
- # true =&gt; 2
- # false =&gt; 3
- # true =&gt; 4
- puts 'Array#cycle test' # &lt;2&gt;
- [true, false].cycle([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]) do |a, b|
- puts "#{a.inspect} =&gt; #{b.inspect}"
- end
- end
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- &lt;1&gt; First callout.
- &lt;2&gt; Second callout.</screen>
-<simpara>Renders this highlighted source code:</simpara>
-<programlisting language="ruby" linenumbering="numbered">#
-# Useful Ruby base class extensions.
-class Array
- # Execute a block passing it corresponding items in
- # +self+ and +other_array+.
- # If self has less items than other_array it is repeated.
- def cycle(other_array) # :yields: item, other_item
- other_array.each_with_index do |item, index|
- yield(self[index % self.length], item)
- end
- end
-if $0 == __FILE__ # <co id="CO1-1"/>
- # Array#cycle test
- # true =&gt; 0
- # false =&gt; 1
- # true =&gt; 2
- # false =&gt; 3
- # true =&gt; 4
- puts 'Array#cycle test' # <co id="CO1-2"/>
- [true, false].cycle([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]) do |a, b|
- puts "#{a.inspect} =&gt; #{b.inspect}"
- end
-<callout arearefs="CO1-1">
-First callout.
-<callout arearefs="CO1-2">
-Second callout.
-If the source <emphasis>language</emphasis> attribute has been set (using an
- <emphasis>AttributeEntry</emphasis> or from the command-line) you don&#8217;t have to specify
- it in each source code block.
-You should place callout markers inside source code comments to
- ensure they are not misinterpreted and mangled by the highlighter.
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN" "">
+<article lang="en">
+ <title>Source Code Highlight Filter</title>
+<simpara>The AsciiDoc distribution includes a <emphasis>source</emphasis> filter for highlighting
+code syntax.</simpara>
+<section id="_docbook_outputs">
+<title>DocBook Outputs</title>
+<simpara>AsciiDoc encloses the source code in a DocBook <emphasis>programlisting</emphasis>
+element and leaves source code highlighting to the DocBook toolchain
+(dblatex has a particularly nice programlisting highlighter). The
+DocBook programlisting element is assigned two attributes:</simpara>
+<orderedlist numeration="arabic">
+The <emphasis>language</emphasis> attribute is set to the AsciiDoc <emphasis>language</emphasis>
+ attribute.
+The <emphasis>linenumbering</emphasis> attribute is set to the AsciiDoc <emphasis>src_numbered</emphasis>
+ attribute (<emphasis>numbered</emphasis> or <emphasis>unnumbered</emphasis>).
+<section id="_html_outputs">
+<title>HTML Outputs</title>
+<simpara>You have the choice of three HTML source code highlighters, your
+selection is determined by the <emphasis>source-highlighter</emphasis> attribute (defaults
+to <emphasis>source-highlight</emphasis>):</simpara>
+<note><simpara>Set the <emphasis>source-highlighter</emphasis> attribute from the <literal>asciidoc(1)</literal>
+command-line or in the document header (not in the document body,
+because the configuration file conditional macros are processed at
+load time).</simpara></note>
+<section id="_gnu_source_highlight">
+<title>GNU Source Highlight</title>
+<simpara>The default highlighter is the
+<ulink url="">GNU source-highlight</ulink> which
+can highlight <emphasis>html4</emphasis>, <emphasis>html5</emphasis> and <emphasis>xhtml11</emphasis> outputs. The GNU
+source-highlight must be installed and the <emphasis>source-highlight</emphasis> command
+must reside in the shell search <emphasis>PATH</emphasis>.</simpara>
+<section id="_highlight">
+<simpara>You can use
+<ulink url="">Highlight</ulink>
+syntax highlighter for <emphasis>xhtml11</emphasis>, <emphasis>html5</emphasis> and <emphasis>html4</emphasis> outputs (set the
+<emphasis>source-highlighter</emphasis> attribute to <emphasis>highlighter</emphasis>).</simpara>
+The <emphasis>highlight</emphasis> command must reside in the shell search <emphasis>PATH</emphasis>.
+To make Highlighter your default highlighter put the following line
+ your <literal>~/.asciidoc/asciidoc.conf</literal> file:
+<literallayout class="monospaced">source-highlighter=highlight</literallayout>
+The AsciiDoc <emphasis>encoding</emphasis> attribute is passed to Highlighter using the
+ <literal>--encoding</literal> command-line option.
+<section id="_pygments">
+<simpara>The <ulink url="">Pygments</ulink> syntax highlighter can be used for
+<emphasis>xhtml11</emphasis> and <emphasis>html5</emphasis> outputs (set the <emphasis>source-highlighter</emphasis> attribute
+to <emphasis>pygments</emphasis>).</simpara>
+The <emphasis>pygmentize</emphasis> command must reside in the shell search <emphasis>PATH</emphasis>.
+You can customize Pygments CSS styles by editing
+ <literal>./stylesheets/pygments.css</literal>. The <literal>pygments.css</literal> CSS file was
+ generated with:
+<literallayout class="monospaced">from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter
+print HtmlFormatter().get_style_defs('.highlight')</literallayout>
+To make Pygments your default highlighter put the following line
+ your <literal>~/.asciidoc/asciidoc.conf</literal> file:
+<literallayout class="monospaced">source-highlighter=pygments</literallayout>
+The AsciiDoc <emphasis>encoding</emphasis> attribute is passed to Pygments using the
+ <literal>-O</literal> command-line option.
+<section id="_block_attributes">
+<title>Block attributes</title>
+<simpara>The following attributes can be included in source code block
+attribute lists.</simpara>
+<emphasis>style</emphasis> and <emphasis>language</emphasis> are mandatory.
+<emphasis>style</emphasis>, <emphasis>language</emphasis> and <emphasis>src_numbered</emphasis> are the first three
+ positional attributes in that order.
+The <emphasis>args</emphasis> attribute allows the inclusion of arbitrary (highlighter
+ dependent) command options.
+ Set to <emphasis>source</emphasis>.
+ The source code language name.
+<note><simpara>The language names vary between highlighters&#8201;&#8212;&#8201;consult the
+selected highlighter manual.</simpara></note>
+ Set to <emphasis>numbered</emphasis> to include line numbers.
+ Set tab size (GNU source-highlight only).
+ Include this attribute value in the highlighter command-line (HTML
+ outputs) or in the <literal>programlisting</literal> element (DocBook).
+<section id="_testing">
+<simpara>Test the filter by converting the test file to HTML with AsciiDoc:</simpara>
+<literallayout class="monospaced">$ asciidoc -v ./filters/source/source-highlight-filter-test.txt
+$ firefox ./filters/source/source-highlight-filter-test.html &amp;</literallayout>
+<section id="_examples">
+<section id="_source_code_paragraphs">
+<title>Source code paragraphs</title>
+<simpara>The <literal>source</literal> paragraph style will highlight a paragraph of source
+code. These three code paragraphs:</simpara>
+if n &lt; 0: print 'Hello World!'
+:language: python
+if n &lt; 0: print 'Hello World!'
+[true, false].cycle([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]) do |a, b|
+ puts "#{a.inspect} =&gt; #{b.inspect}"</screen>
+<simpara>Render this highlighted source code:</simpara>
+<programlisting language="python" linenumbering="unnumbered">if n &lt; 0: print 'Hello World!'</programlisting>
+<programlisting language="python" linenumbering="unnumbered">if n &lt; 0: print 'Hello World!'</programlisting>
+<programlisting language="ruby" linenumbering="numbered">[true, false].cycle([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]) do |a, b|
+ puts "#{a.inspect} =&gt; #{b.inspect}"</programlisting>
+<section id="_unnumbered_source_code_listing">
+<title>Unnumbered source code listing</title>
+<simpara>This source-highlight filtered block:</simpara>
+<screen> [source,python]
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ''' A multi-line
+ comment.'''
+ def sub_word(mo):
+ ''' Single line comment.'''
+ word ='word') # Inline comment
+ if word in keywords[language]:
+ return quote + word + quote
+ else:
+ return word
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------</screen>
+<simpara>Renders this highlighted source code:</simpara>
+<programlisting language="python" linenumbering="unnumbered">''' A multi-line
+ comment.'''
+def sub_word(mo):
+ ''' Single line comment.'''
+ word ='word') # Inline comment
+ if word in keywords[language]:
+ return quote + word + quote
+ else:
+ return word</programlisting>
+<section id="_numbered_source_code_listing_with_callouts">
+<title>Numbered source code listing with callouts</title>
+<simpara>This source-highlight filtered block:</simpara>
+<screen> [source,ruby,numbered]
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ #
+ # Useful Ruby base class extensions.
+ #
+ class Array
+ # Execute a block passing it corresponding items in
+ # +self+ and +other_array+.
+ # If self has less items than other_array it is repeated.
+ def cycle(other_array) # :yields: item, other_item
+ other_array.each_with_index do |item, index|
+ yield(self[index % self.length], item)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if $0 == __FILE__ # &lt;1&gt;
+ # Array#cycle test
+ # true =&gt; 0
+ # false =&gt; 1
+ # true =&gt; 2
+ # false =&gt; 3
+ # true =&gt; 4
+ puts 'Array#cycle test' # &lt;2&gt;
+ [true, false].cycle([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]) do |a, b|
+ puts "#{a.inspect} =&gt; #{b.inspect}"
+ end
+ end
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ &lt;1&gt; First callout.
+ &lt;2&gt; Second callout.</screen>
+<simpara>Renders this highlighted source code:</simpara>
+<programlisting language="ruby" linenumbering="numbered">#
+# Useful Ruby base class extensions.
+class Array
+ # Execute a block passing it corresponding items in
+ # +self+ and +other_array+.
+ # If self has less items than other_array it is repeated.
+ def cycle(other_array) # :yields: item, other_item
+ other_array.each_with_index do |item, index|
+ yield(self[index % self.length], item)
+ end
+ end
+if $0 == __FILE__ # <co id="CO1-1"/>
+ # Array#cycle test
+ # true =&gt; 0
+ # false =&gt; 1
+ # true =&gt; 2
+ # false =&gt; 3
+ # true =&gt; 4
+ puts 'Array#cycle test' # <co id="CO1-2"/>
+ [true, false].cycle([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]) do |a, b|
+ puts "#{a.inspect} =&gt; #{b.inspect}"
+ end
+<callout arearefs="CO1-1">
+First callout.
+<callout arearefs="CO1-2">
+Second callout.
+If the source <emphasis>language</emphasis> attribute has been set (using an
+ <emphasis>AttributeEntry</emphasis> or from the command-line) you don&#8217;t have to specify
+ it in each source code block.
+You should place callout markers inside source code comments to
+ ensure they are not misinterpreted and mangled by the highlighter.