from asciidoc import utils from asciidoc.asciidoc import DEFAULT_NEWLINE, Config, Document, Lex, Macros, Trace from asciidoc.asciidoc import is_attr_defined, safe, subs_tag, safe_filename from asciidoc.asciidoc import subs_attrs, system from asciidoc.attrs import parse_attributes from asciidoc.exceptions import EAsciiDoc from asciidoc.message import Message import os import re import sys UTF8_BOM = b'\xef\xbb\xbf'.decode('utf-8') class Reader1: """Line oriented AsciiDoc input file reader. Processes include and conditional inclusion system macros. Tabs are expanded and lines are right trimmed.""" # This class is not used directly, use Reader class instead. READ_BUFFER_MIN = 10 # Read buffer low level. def __init__( self, message: Message, document: Document, macros: Macros, config: Config, ): self.f = None # Input file object. self.fname = None # Input file name. # Read ahead buffer containing [filename,linenumber,linetext] lists. = [] self.cursor = None # Last read() [filename,linenumber,linetext]. self.tabsize = 8 # Tab expansion number of spaces. self.parent = None # Included reader's parent reader. self._lineno = 0 # The last line read from file object f. self.line_ranges = None # line ranges to include self.current_depth = 0 # Current include depth. self.max_depth = 10 # Initial maximum allowed include depth. = None # Byte order mark (BOM). self.infile = None # Saved document 'infile' attribute. self.indir = None # Saved document 'indir' attribute. self.message = message self.document = document self.macros = macros self.config = config def open(self, fname): self.fname = fname self.message.verbose('reading: ' + fname) if fname == '': self.f = sys.stdin self.infile = None self.indir = None else: self.f = open(fname, 'r', encoding='utf-8') self.infile = fname self.indir = os.path.dirname(fname) self.document.attributes['infile'] = self.infile self.document.attributes['indir'] = self.indir self._lineno = 0 # The last line read from file object f. = [] # Pre-fill buffer by reading the first line and then pushing it back. if if self.cursor[2].startswith(UTF8_BOM): self.cursor[2] = self.cursor[2][len(UTF8_BOM):] = UTF8_BOM self.unread(self.cursor) self.cursor = None def closefile(self): """Used by class methods to close nested include files.""" self.f.close() = [] def close(self): self.closefile() self.__init__() def readline(self): while True: s = self.f.readline() if s: self._lineno = self._lineno + 1 else: break if self.line_ranges is not None: for line_range in self.line_ranges: if len(line_range) == 1 and self._lineno == line_range[0]: break elif len(line_range) == 2 and line_range[0] <= self._lineno and \ (line_range[1] == -1 or self._lineno <= line_range[1]): break else: continue break else: break return s def read(self, skip=False): """Read next line. Return None if EOF. Expand tabs. Strip trailing white space. Maintain read ahead buffer. If skip=True then conditional exclusion is active (ifdef and ifndef macros).""" # Top up buffer. if len( <= self.READ_BUFFER_MIN: s = self.readline() while s: if self.tabsize != 0: s = s.expandtabs(self.tabsize) s = s.rstrip()[self.fname, self._lineno, s]) if len( > self.READ_BUFFER_MIN: break s = self.readline() # Return first (oldest) buffer entry. if len( > 0: self.cursor =[0] del[0] result = self.cursor[2] # Check for include macro. mo = self.macros.match('+', r'^include[1]?$', result) if mo and not skip: # Parse include macro attributes. attrs = {} parse_attributes('attrlist'), attrs) warnings = attrs.get('warnings', True) # Don't process include macro once the maximum depth is reached. if self.current_depth >= self.max_depth: self.message.warning('maximum include depth exceeded') return result # Perform attribute substitution on include macro file name. fname = subs_attrs('target')) if not fname: return # Return next input line. if self.fname != '': fname = os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(fname)) fname = safe_filename(fname, os.path.dirname(self.fname)) if not fname: return # Return next input line. if not os.path.isfile(fname): if warnings: self.message.warning('include file not found: %s' % fname) return # Return next input line. if'name') == 'include1': if not self.config.dumping: if fname not in self.config.include1: self.message.verbose( 'include1: ' + fname, linenos=False, ) # Store the include file in memory for later # retrieval by the {include1:} system attribute. with open(fname, encoding='utf-8') as f: self.config.include1[fname] = [ s.rstrip() for s in f ] return '{include1:%s}' % fname else: # This is a configuration dump, just pass the macro # call through. return result # Clone self and set as parent (self assumes the role of child). parent = Reader1() utils.assign(parent, self) self.parent = parent # Set attributes in child. if 'tabsize' in attrs: try: val = int(attrs['tabsize']) if not val >= 0: raise ValueError('not >= 0') self.tabsize = val except ValueError: raise EAsciiDoc('illegal include macro tabsize argument') else: self.tabsize = self.config.tabsize if 'depth' in attrs: try: val = int(attrs['depth']) if not val >= 1: raise ValueError('not >= 1') self.max_depth = self.current_depth + val except ValueError: raise EAsciiDoc("include macro: illegal 'depth' argument") if 'lines' in attrs: try: if ';' in attrs['lines']: ranges = attrs['lines'].split(';') else: ranges = attrs['lines'].split(',') for idx in range(len(ranges)): ranges[idx] = [int(x) for x in ranges[idx].split('..')] self.line_ranges = ranges except ValueError: raise EAsciiDoc("include macro: illegal 'lines' argument") # Process included file. self.message.verbose('include: ' + fname, linenos=False) self.current_depth = self.current_depth + 1 result = else: if not Reader1.eof(self): result = else: result = None return result def eof(self): """Returns True if all lines have been read.""" if len( == 0: # End of current file. if self.parent: self.closefile() utils.assign(self, self.parent) # Restore parent reader. self.document.attributes['infile'] = self.infile self.document.attributes['indir'] = self.indir return Reader1.eof(self) else: return True else: return False def read_next(self): """Like read() but does not advance file pointer.""" if Reader1.eof(self): return None else: return[0][2] def unread(self, cursor): """Push the line (filename,linenumber,linetext) tuple back into the read buffer. Note that it's up to the caller to restore the previous cursor.""" assert cursor, cursor) class Reader(Reader1): """ Wraps (well, sought of) Reader1 class and implements conditional text inclusion.""" def __init__( self, message: Message, document: Document, macros: Macros, config: Config, ): Reader1.__init__(self, message, document, macros, config) self.depth = 0 # if nesting depth. self.skip = False # true if we're skipping ifdef...endif. self.skipname = '' # Name of current endif macro target. self.skipto = -1 # The depth at which skipping is re-enabled. def read_super(self): result =, self.skip) if result is None and self.skip: raise EAsciiDoc('missing endif::%s[]' % self.skipname) return result def read(self): result = self.read_super() if result is None: return None while self.skip: mo = self.macros.match('+', r'ifdef|ifndef|ifeval|endif', result) if mo: name ='name') target ='target') attrlist ='attrlist') if name == 'endif': self.depth -= 1 if self.depth < 0: raise EAsciiDoc('mismatched macro: %s' % result) if self.depth == self.skipto: self.skip = False if target and self.skipname != target: raise EAsciiDoc('mismatched macro: %s' % result) else: if name in ('ifdef', 'ifndef'): if not target: raise EAsciiDoc('missing macro target: %s' % result) if not attrlist: self.depth += 1 elif name == 'ifeval': if not attrlist: raise EAsciiDoc('missing ifeval condition: %s' % result) self.depth += 1 result = self.read_super() if result is None: return None mo = self.macros.match('+', r'ifdef|ifndef|ifeval|endif', result) if mo: name ='name') target ='target') attrlist ='attrlist') if name == 'endif': self.depth = self.depth - 1 else: if not target and name in ('ifdef', 'ifndef'): raise EAsciiDoc('missing macro target: %s' % result) defined = is_attr_defined(target, self.document.attributes) if name == 'ifdef': if attrlist: if defined: return attrlist else: self.skip = not defined elif name == 'ifndef': if attrlist: if not defined: return attrlist else: self.skip = defined elif name == 'ifeval': if safe(): self.message.unsafe('ifeval invalid') raise EAsciiDoc('ifeval invalid safe document') if not attrlist: raise EAsciiDoc('missing ifeval condition: %s' % result) cond = False attrlist = subs_attrs(attrlist) if attrlist: try: cond = eval(attrlist) except Exception as e: raise EAsciiDoc( 'error evaluating ifeval condition: %s: %s' % ( result, str(e) ) ) self.message.verbose('ifeval: %s: %r' % (attrlist, cond)) self.skip = not cond if not attrlist or name == 'ifeval': if self.skip: self.skipto = self.depth self.skipname = target self.depth = self.depth + 1 result = if result: # Expand executable block macros. mo = self.macros.match('+', r'eval|sys|sys2', result) if mo: action ='name') cmd ='attrlist') result = system(action, cmd, is_macro=True) self.cursor[2] = result # So we don't re-evaluate. if result: # Un=escape escaped system macros. if self.macros.match('+', r'\\eval|\\sys|\\sys2|\\ifdef|\\ifndef|\\endif|\\include|\\include1', result): # noqa=E501 result = result[1:] return result def eof(self): return self.read_next() is None def read_next(self): save_cursor = self.cursor result = if result is not None: self.unread(self.cursor) self.cursor = save_cursor return result def read_lines(self, count=1): """Return tuple containing count lines.""" result = [] i = 0 while i < count and not self.eof(): result.append( return tuple(result) def read_ahead(self, count=1): """Same as read_lines() but does not advance the file pointer.""" result = [] putback = [] save_cursor = self.cursor try: i = 0 while i < count and not self.eof(): result.append( putback.append(self.cursor) i = i + 1 while putback: self.unread(putback.pop()) finally: self.cursor = save_cursor return tuple(result) def skip_blank_lines(self): self.read_until(r'\s*\S+') def read_until(self, terminators, same_file=False): """Like read() but reads lines up to (but not including) the first line that matches the terminator regular expression, regular expression object or list of regular expression objects. If same_file is True then the terminating pattern must occur in the file the was being read when the routine was called.""" if same_file: fname = self.cursor[0] result = [] if not isinstance(terminators, list): if isinstance(terminators, str): terminators = [re.compile(terminators)] else: terminators = [terminators] while not self.eof(): save_cursor = self.cursor s = if not same_file or fname == self.cursor[0]: for reo in terminators: if reo.match(s): self.unread(self.cursor) self.cursor = save_cursor return tuple(result) result.append(s) return tuple(result) class Writer: """Writes lines to output file.""" def __init__(self, message: Message, trace: Trace, config: Config): self.newline = DEFAULT_NEWLINE # End of line terminator. self.f = None # Output file object. self.fname = None # Output file name. self.lines_out = 0 # Number of lines written. self.skip_blank_lines = False # If True don't output blank lines. self.message = message self.trace = trace self.config = config def open(self, fname, bom=None): """ bom is optional byte order mark. """ self.fname = fname if fname == '': self.f = sys.stdout else: self.f = open(fname, 'w+', encoding='utf-8', newline="") self.message.verbose('writing: ' + self.fname, False) if bom: self.f.write(bom) self.lines_out = 0 def close(self): if self.fname != '': self.f.close() def write_line(self, line=None): if not (self.skip_blank_lines and (not line or not line.strip())): # Replace out any escaped attributes with non-escaped versions self.f.write((re.sub(r'\\({[a-zA-Z0-9_][a-zA-Z0-9_\-]*)', '\\1', line) or '') + self.newline) # noqa=E501 self.lines_out = self.lines_out + 1 def write(self, *args, **kwargs): """Iterates arguments, writes tuple and list arguments one line per element, else writes argument as single line. If no arguments writes blank line. If argument is None nothing is written. self.newline is appended to each line.""" if 'trace' in kwargs and len(args) > 0: self.trace(kwargs['trace'], args[0]) if len(args) == 0: self.write_line() self.lines_out = self.lines_out + 1 else: for arg in args: if utils.is_array(arg): for s in arg: self.write_line(s) elif arg is not None: self.write_line(arg) def write_tag(self, tag, content, subs=None, d=None, **kwargs): """Write content enveloped by tag. Substitutions specified in the 'subs' list are perform on the 'content'.""" if subs is None: subs = self.config.subsnormal stag, etag = subs_tag(tag, d) content = Lex.subs(content, subs) if 'trace' in kwargs: self.trace(kwargs['trace'], [stag] + content + [etag]) if stag: self.write(stag) if content: self.write(content) if etag: self.write(etag)