import locale import ast import math import os import re import time from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union import unicodedata def userdir() -> Optional[str]: """ Return user's home directory or None if it is not defined. """ result = os.path.expanduser('~') if result == '~': result = None return result def file_in(fname, directory) -> bool: """Return True if file fname resides inside directory.""" assert os.path.isfile(fname) # Empty directory (not to be confused with None) is the current directory. if directory == '': directory = os.getcwd() else: assert os.path.isdir(directory) directory = os.path.realpath(directory) fname = os.path.realpath(fname) return os.path.commonprefix((directory, fname)) == directory def assign(dst, src): """Assign all attributes from 'src' object to 'dst' object.""" for a, v in list(src.__dict__.items()): setattr(dst, a, v) def strip_quotes(s: str) -> str: """Trim white space and, if necessary, quote characters from s.""" s = s.strip() # Strip quotation mark characters from quoted strings. if len(s) >= 3 and s[0] == '"' and s[-1] == '"': s = s[1:-1] return s def is_re(s) -> bool: """Return True if s is a valid regular expression else return False.""" try: re.compile(s) return True except BaseException: return False def re_join(relist: List) -> List: """Join list of regular expressions re1,re2,... to single regular expression (re1)|(re2)|...""" if len(relist) == 0: return None result = [] # Delete named groups to avoid ambiguity. for s in relist: result.append(re.sub(r'\?P<\S+?>', '', s)) result = ')|('.join(result) result = '(' + result + ')' return result def lstrip_list(s: Union[List, Tuple]) -> Union[List, Tuple]: """ Return list with empty items from start of list removed. """ for i in range(len(s)): if s[i]: break else: return [] return s[i:] def rstrip_list(s: Union[List, Tuple]) -> Union[List, Tuple]: """ Return list with empty items from end of list removed. """ for i in range(len(s) - 1, -1, -1): if s[i]: break else: return [] return s[:i + 1] def strip_list(s: Union[List, Tuple]) -> Union[List, Tuple]: """ Return list with empty items from start and end of list removed. """ s = lstrip_list(s) s = rstrip_list(s) return s def is_array(obj) -> bool: """ Return True if object is list or tuple type. """ return isinstance(obj, list) or isinstance(obj, tuple) def dovetail(lines1, lines2): """ Append list or tuple of strings 'lines2' to list 'lines1'. Join the last non-blank item in 'lines1' with the first non-blank item in 'lines2' into a single string. """ assert is_array(lines1) assert is_array(lines2) lines1 = strip_list(lines1) lines2 = strip_list(lines2) if not lines1 or not lines2: return list(lines1) + list(lines2) result = list(lines1[:-1]) result.append(lines1[-1] + lines2[0]) result += list(lines2[1:]) return result def dovetail_tags(stag, content, etag): """Merge the end tag with the first content line and the last content line with the end tag. This ensures verbatim elements don't include extraneous opening and closing line breaks.""" return dovetail(dovetail(stag, content), etag) def py2round(n: Union[float, int], d: int = 0) -> int: """Utility function to get python2 rounding in python3. Python3 changed it such that given two equally close multiples, it'll round towards the even choice. For example, round(42.5) == 42 instead of the expected round(42.5) == 43). This function gives us back that functionality.""" p = 10 ** d return float(math.floor((n * p) + math.copysign(0.5, n))) / p east_asian_widths = { 'W': 2, # Wide 'F': 2, # Full-width (wide) 'Na': 1, # Narrow 'H': 1, # Half-width (narrow) 'N': 1, # Neutral (not East Asian, treated as narrow) 'A': 1, # Ambiguous (s/b wide in East Asian context, narrow otherwise, but that # doesn't work) } """Mapping of result codes from `unicodedata.east_asian_width()` to character column widths.""" def column_width(s: str) -> int: width = 0 for c in s: width += east_asian_widths[unicodedata.east_asian_width(c)] return width def date_time_str(t: float) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Convert seconds since the Epoch to formatted local date and time strings.""" source_date_epoch = os.environ.get('SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH') if source_date_epoch is not None: t = time.gmtime(min(t, int(source_date_epoch))) else: t = time.localtime(t) date_str = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', t) time_str = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', t) if source_date_epoch is not None: time_str += ' UTC' elif time.daylight and t.tm_isdst == 1: time_str += ' ' + time.tzname[1] else: time_str += ' ' + time.tzname[0] # Attempt to convert the localtime to the output encoding. try: time_str = time_str.decode(locale.getdefaultlocale()[1]) except Exception: pass return date_str, time_str def get_args(val): d = {} args = ast.parse("d(" + val + ")", mode='eval').body.args i = 1 for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, ast.Name): d[str(i)] = ast.literal_eval( else: d[str(i)] = ast.literal_eval(arg) i += 1 return d def get_kwargs(val): d = {} args = ast.parse("d(" + val + ")", mode='eval').body.keywords for arg in args: d[arg.arg] = ast.literal_eval(arg.value) return d def parse_to_list(val): values = ast.parse("[" + val + "]", mode='eval').body.elts return [ast.literal_eval(v) for v in values]