// Test for lang-sv.conf language file. :lang: sv Languages Test ============== :revnumber: v1.0 :revdate: 2003-12-21 ifdef::doctype-article[] // Translate title. Sammanfattning -------------- Abstract special section. endif::doctype-article[] ifdef::doctype-book[] // Translate title. Dedikation ---------- Dedication special section. // Translate title. Förord ------ Preface special section. // Translate title. Kolofon ------- Colophon special section. endif::doctype-book[] The First Section ----------------- Admonishments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Do not translate in the source file -- they are translated to the output file NOTE: Lorum ipsum. TIP: Lorum ipsum. WARNING: Lorum ipsum. CAUTION: Lorum ipsum. IMPORTANT: Lorum ipsum. .Tiger image::../../images/tiger.png[Tiger image] Followed by an example table: .Table [width="60%",options="header"] |============================================== | Option | Description | -a 'USER GROUP' | Add 'USER' to 'GROUP'. | -R 'GROUP' | Disables access to 'GROUP'. |============================================== And now for something completely different: ((monkeys)), lions and tigers. // Translate title. Appendix A: Exempel-appendix ---------------------------- Appendix special section. // Translate title. Referenser ---------- Bibliography special section. [bibliography] - [[[taoup]]] Eric Steven Raymond. 'The Art of Unix Programming'. Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-13-142901-9. - [[[walsh-muellner]]] Norman Walsh & Leonard Muellner. 'DocBook - The Definitive Guide'. O'Reilly & Associates. 1999. ISBN 1-56592-580-7. // Translate title. Ordlista -------- Glossary special section. [glossary] A glossary term:: The corresponding (indented) definition. A second glossary term:: The corresponding (indented) definition. ifdef::basebackend-docbook[] // Translate title. Sakregister ----------- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Index special section. The index is normally left completely empty, it's contents being generated automatically by the DocBook toolchain. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// endif::basebackend-docbook[]