AsciiDoc New tables =================== *New in version 8.3.0* I've finally come up with a 'new tables' syntax that I'm happy with and can at last remove this footnote from the 'User Guide': ``The current table syntax is overly complicated and unwieldy to edit, hopefully a more usable syntax will appear in future versions of AsciiDoc.'' .Update ********************************************************************* The following additions were made at AsciiDoc 8.4.4: - Cell column and row spanning. - Styles can be applied per cell. - Vertical cell alignment can be applied to columns and cells. See the examples at the end of this document. ********************************************************************* At first glance it doesn't look much different to the old syntax but it's a lot more flexible, easier to enter and supports a lot of column styles (for example the 'asciidoc' style supports AsciiDoc block and inline elements). The old tables syntax has been deprecated but is currently still processed. Here are some examples of AsciiDoc 'new tables': .Simple table [width="15%"] |======= |1 |2 |A |3 |4 |B |5 |6 |C |======= .AsciiDoc source --------------------------------------------------------------------- [width="15%"] |======= |1 |2 |A |3 |4 |B |5 |6 |C |======= --------------------------------------------------------------------- .Table with title, header and footer [width="40%",frame="topbot",options="header,footer"] |====================== |Column 1 |Column 2 |1 |Item 1 |2 |Item 2 |3 |Item 3 |6 |Three items |====================== .AsciiDoc source --------------------------------------------------------------------- .An example table [width="40%",frame="topbot",options="header,footer"] |====================== |Column 1 |Column 2 |1 |Item 1 |2 |Item 2 |3 |Item 3 |6 |Three items |====================== --------------------------------------------------------------------- .Columns formatted with strong, monospaced and emphasis styles [width="50%",cols=">s,^2m,^2e",frame="topbot",options="header,footer"] |========================== | 2+|Columns 2 and 3 |1 |Item 1 |Item 1 |2 |Item 2 |Item 2 |3 |Item 3 |Item 3 |4 |Item 4 |Item 4 |footer 1|footer 2|footer 3 |========================== .AsciiDoc source --------------------------------------------------------------------- .An example table [width="50%",cols=">s,^2m,^2e",frame="topbot",options="header,footer"] |========================== | 2+|Columns 2 and 3 |1 |Item 1 |Item 1 |2 |Item 2 |Item 2 |3 |Item 3 |Item 3 |4 |Item 4 |Item 4 |footer 1|footer 2|footer 3 |========================== --------------------------------------------------------------------- .A table with externally sourced CSV data [format="csv",cols="^1,4*2",options="header"] |=================================================== ID,Customer Name,Contact Name,Customer Address,Phone include::customers.csv[] |=================================================== .AsciiDoc source --------------------------------------------------------------------- [format="csv",cols="^1,4*2",options="header"] |=================================================== ID,Customer Name,Contact Name,Customer Address,Phone include::customers.csv[] |=================================================== --------------------------------------------------------------------- .DVS formatted table [width="70%",format="dsv"] |==================================== root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash daemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/bin/sh bin:x:2:2:bin:/bin:/bin/sh sys:x:3:3:sys:/dev:/bin/sh sync:x:4:65534:sync:/bin:/bin/sync games:x:5:60:games:/usr/games:/bin/sh |==================================== .AsciiDoc source --------------------------------------------------------------------- [width="70%",format="dsv"] |==================================== root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash daemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/bin/sh bin:x:2:2:bin:/bin:/bin/sh sys:x:3:3:sys:/dev:/bin/sh sync:x:4:65534:sync:/bin:/bin/sync games:x:5:60:games:/usr/games:/bin/sh |==================================== --------------------------------------------------------------------- .Horizontal and vertical source data [width="80%",cols="3,^2,^2,10",options="header"] |========================================================= |Date |Duration |Avg HR |Notes |22-Aug-08 |10:24 | 157 | Worked out MSHR (max sustainable heart rate) by going hard for this interval. |22-Aug-08 |23:03 | 152 | Back-to-back with previous interval. |24-Aug-08 |40:00 | 145 | Moderately hard interspersed with 3x 3min intervals (2min hard + 1min really hard taking the HR up to 160). |========================================================= Short cells can be entered horizontally, longer cells vertically. The default behavior is to strip leading and trailing blank lines within a cell. These characteristics aid readability and data entry. .AsciiDoc source --------------------------------------------------------------------- .Windtrainer workouts [width="80%",cols="3,^2,^2,10",options="header"] |========================================================= |Date |Duration |Avg HR |Notes |22-Aug-08 |10:24 | 157 | Worked out MSHR (max sustainable heart rate) by going hard for this interval. |22-Aug-08 |23:03 | 152 | Back-to-back with previous interval. |24-Aug-08 |40:00 | 145 | Moderately hard interspersed with 3x 3min intervals (2min hard + 1min really hard taking the HR up to 160). |========================================================= --------------------------------------------------------------------- .Default and verse styles [cols=",^v",options="header"] |=================================== |Default paragraphs |Centered verses 2*|Per id. Consul *necessitatibus* per id, consetetur, eu pro everti postulant homero verear ea mea, qui. Consul *necessitatibus* per id, consetetur, eu pro everti postulant homero verear ea mea, qui. |=================================== .AsciiDoc source --------------------------------------------------------------------- [cols=",^v",options="header"] |=================================== |Default paragraphs |Centered verses 2*|Per id. Consul *necessitatibus* per id, consetetur, eu pro everti postulant homero verear ea mea, qui. Consul *necessitatibus* per id, consetetur, eu pro everti postulant homero verear ea mea, qui. |=================================== --------------------------------------------------------------------- .Horizontal and vertial headings [cols="h,4*",options="header",width="50%"] |================================== | |West |Central |East | Total |Q1 |270 |292 |342 | 904 |Q2 |322 |276 |383 | 981 |Q3 |298 |252 |274 | 824 |Q4 |344 |247 |402 | 993 |================================== .AsciiDoc source --------------------------------------------------------------------- .Horizontal and vertial headings [cols="h,4*",options="header",width="50%"] |================================== | |West |Central |East | Total |Q1 |270 |292 |342 | 904 |Q2 |322 |276 |383 | 981 |Q3 |298 |252 |274 | 824 |Q4 |344 |247 |402 | 993 |================================== --------------------------------------------------------------------- .AsciiDoc style in first column, Literal in second [cols="asciidoc,literal",options="header",grid="cols"] |================================== |Output markup |AsciiDoc source 2*| Consul *necessitatibus* per id, consetetur, eu pro everti postulant homero verear ea mea, qui. ----------------------------------- Consul *necessitatibus* per id, consetetur, eu pro everti postulant homero verear ea mea, qui. ----------------------------------- .Code filter example [source,python] ----------------------------------- ''' A multi-line comment.''' def sub_word(mo): ''' Single line comment.''' word ='word') if word in keywords[language]: return quote + word + quote else: return word ----------------------------------- - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. * Fusce euismod commodo velit. * Qui in magna commodo, est labitur dolorum an. Est ne magna primis adolescens. Sit munere ponderum dignissim et. Minim luptatum et vel. * Vivamus fringilla mi eu lacus. * Donec eget arcu bibendum nunc consequat lobortis. - Nulla porttitor vulputate libero. . Fusce euismod commodo velit. . Vivamus fringilla mi eu lacus. |================================== .AsciiDoc source [listing] ..................................................................... [cols="asciidoc,literal",options="header",grid="cols"] |================================== |Output markup |AsciiDoc source 2*| Consul *necessitatibus* per id, consetetur, eu pro everti postulant homero verear ea mea, qui. ----------------------------------- Consul *necessitatibus* per id, consetetur, eu pro everti postulant homero verear ea mea, qui. ----------------------------------- .Code filter example [source,python] ----------------------------------- ''' A multi-line comment.''' def sub_word(mo): ''' Single line comment.''' word ='word') if word in keywords[language]: return quote + word + quote else: return word ----------------------------------- - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. * Fusce euismod commodo velit. * Qui in magna commodo, est labitur dolorum an. Est ne magna primis adolescens. Sit munere ponderum dignissim et. Minim luptatum et vel. * Vivamus fringilla mi eu lacus. * Donec eget arcu bibendum nunc consequat lobortis. - Nulla porttitor vulputate libero. . Fusce euismod commodo velit. . Vivamus fringilla mi eu lacus. |================================== ..................................................................... .Cell containing lots of example markup elements |==================================================================== |'URLs':[The AsciiDoc home page],,[email Joe Bloggs],, callto:joe.bloggs[]. 'Link': See <>. 'Emphasized text', *Strong text*, +Monospaced text+, ``Quoted text''. 'Subscripts and superscripts': e^{amp}#960;i^+1 = 0. H~2~O and x^10^. Some ^super text^ and ~some sub text~ 'Replacements': (C) copyright, (TM) trademark, (R) registered trademark, -- em dash, ... ellipsis, -> right arrow, <- left arrow, => right double arrow, <= left double arrow. |==================================================================== [[X1]] .AsciiDoc source --------------------------------------------------------------------- |==================================================================== |'URLs':[The AsciiDoc home page],,[email Joe Bloggs],, callto:joe.bloggs[]. 'Link': See <>. 'Emphasized text', *Strong text*, +Monospaced text+, ``Quoted text''. 'Subscripts and superscripts': e^{amp}#960;i^+1 = 0. H~2~O and x^10^. Some ^super text^ and ~some sub text~ 'Replacements': (C) copyright, (TM) trademark, (R) registered trademark, -- em dash, ... ellipsis, -> right arrow, <- left arrow, => right double arrow, <= left double arrow. |==================================================================== --------------------------------------------------------------------- .Nested table [width="75%",cols="1,2a"] |============================================== |Normal cell |Cell with nested table [cols="2,1"] !============================================== !Nested table cell 1 !Nested table cell 2 !============================================== |============================================== .AsciiDoc source --------------------------------------------------------------------- [width="75%",cols="1,2a"] |============================================== |Normal cell |Cell with nested table [cols="2,1"] !============================================== !Nested table cell 1 !Nested table cell 2 !============================================== |============================================== --------------------------------------------------------------------- .Spans, alignments and styles [cols="e,m,^,>s",width="25%"] |================ |1 >s|2 |3 |4 ^|5 2.2+^.^|6 .3+<.>m|7 ^|8 |9 2+>|10 |================ .AsciiDoc source --------------------------------------------------------------------- .Spans, alignments and styles [cols="e,m,^,>s",width="25%"] |================ |1 >s|2 |3 |4 ^|5 2.2+^.^|6 .3+<.>m|7 ^|8 |9 2+>|10 |================ --------------------------------------------------------------------- .Three panes [cols="a,2a"] |================================== | [float] Top Left Pane ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Consul *necessitatibus* per id, consetetur, eu pro everti postulant homero verear ea mea, qui. Consul *necessitatibus* per id, consetetur, eu pro everti postulant homero verear ea mea, qui. .2+| [float] Right Pane ~~~~~~~~~~ Consul *necessitatibus* per id, consetetur, eu pro everti postulant homero verear ea mea, qui. ----------------------------------- Consul *necessitatibus* per id, consetetur, eu pro everti postulant homero verear ea mea, qui. ----------------------------------- .Code filter example [source,python] ----------------------------------- ''' A multi-line comment.''' def sub_word(mo): ''' Single line comment.''' word ='word') if word in keywords[language]: return quote + word + quote else: return word ----------------------------------- - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. * Fusce euismod commodo velit. * Qui in magna commodo, est labitur dolorum an. Est ne magna primis adolescens. Sit munere ponderum dignissim et. Minim luptatum et vel. * Vivamus fringilla mi eu lacus. * Donec eget arcu bibendum nunc consequat lobortis. - Nulla porttitor vulputate libero. . Fusce euismod commodo velit. . Vivamus fringilla mi eu lacus. | [float] Bottom Left Pane ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Consul *necessitatibus* per id, consetetur, eu pro everti postulant homero verear ea mea, qui. Consul *necessitatibus* per id, consetetur, eu pro everti postulant homero verear ea mea, qui. - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. * Fusce euismod commodo velit. * Qui in magna commodo, est labitur dolorum an. Est ne magna primis adolescens. Sit munere ponderum dignissim et. Minim luptatum et vel. * Vivamus fringilla mi eu lacus. * Donec eget arcu bibendum nunc consequat lobortis. - Nulla porttitor vulputate libero. . Fusce euismod commodo velit. . Vivamus fringilla mi eu lacus. |================================== .AsciiDoc source [listing] ..................................................................... .Three panes [cols="a,2a"] |================================== | [float] Top Left Pane ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Consul *necessitatibus* per id, consetetur, eu pro everti postulant homero verear ea mea, qui. Consul *necessitatibus* per id, consetetur, eu pro everti postulant homero verear ea mea, qui. .2+| [float] Right Pane ~~~~~~~~~~ Consul *necessitatibus* per id, consetetur, eu pro everti postulant homero verear ea mea, qui. ----------------------------------- Consul *necessitatibus* per id, consetetur, eu pro everti postulant homero verear ea mea, qui. ----------------------------------- .Code filter example [source,python] ----------------------------------- ''' A multi-line comment.''' def sub_word(mo): ''' Single line comment.''' word ='word') if word in keywords[language]: return quote + word + quote else: return word ----------------------------------- - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. * Fusce euismod commodo velit. * Qui in magna commodo, est labitur dolorum an. Est ne magna primis adolescens. Sit munere ponderum dignissim et. Minim luptatum et vel. * Vivamus fringilla mi eu lacus. * Donec eget arcu bibendum nunc consequat lobortis. - Nulla porttitor vulputate libero. . Fusce euismod commodo velit. . Vivamus fringilla mi eu lacus. | [float] Bottom Left Pane ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Consul *necessitatibus* per id, consetetur, eu pro everti postulant homero verear ea mea, qui. Consul *necessitatibus* per id, consetetur, eu pro everti postulant homero verear ea mea, qui. - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. * Fusce euismod commodo velit. * Qui in magna commodo, est labitur dolorum an. Est ne magna primis adolescens. Sit munere ponderum dignissim et. Minim luptatum et vel. * Vivamus fringilla mi eu lacus. * Donec eget arcu bibendum nunc consequat lobortis. - Nulla porttitor vulputate libero. . Fusce euismod commodo velit. . Vivamus fringilla mi eu lacus. |================================== ..................................................................... == Combinations of 'align', 'frame', 'grid', 'valign' and 'halign' attributes :frame: all :grid: all :halign: left :valign: top [options="header"] |==== ||frame | grid |valign |halign v|      |{frame} | {grid} |{valign} |{halign} |==== .AsciiDoc source --------------------------------------------------------------------- :frame: all :grid: all :halign: left :valign: top [options="header"] |==== ||frame | grid |valign |halign v|      |{frame} | {grid} |{valign} |{halign} |==== --------------------------------------------------------------------- :frame: sides :grid: rows :halign: center :valign: middle .Table test [width="50%",options="header"] |==== ||frame | grid |valign |halign v|      |{frame} | {grid} |{valign} |{halign} |==== .AsciiDoc source --------------------------------------------------------------------- :frame: sides :grid: rows :halign: center :valign: middle .Table test [width="50%",options="header"] |==== ||frame | grid |valign |halign v|      |{frame} | {grid} |{valign} |{halign} |==== --------------------------------------------------------------------- :frame: topbot :grid: cols :halign: right :valign: bottom [align="right",width="50%",options="header"] |==== ||frame | grid |valign |halign v|      |{frame} | {grid} |{valign} |{halign} |==== .AsciiDoc source --------------------------------------------------------------------- :frame: topbot :grid: cols :halign: right :valign: bottom [align="right",width="50%",options="header"] |==== ||frame | grid |valign |halign v|      |{frame} | {grid} |{valign} |{halign} |==== --------------------------------------------------------------------- :frame: none :grid: none :halign: left :valign: top [align="center",width="50%",options="header"] |==== ||frame | grid |valign |halign v|      |{frame} | {grid} |{valign} |{halign} |==== .AsciiDoc source --------------------------------------------------------------------- :frame: none :grid: none :halign: left :valign: top [align="center",width="50%",options="header"] |==== ||frame | grid |valign |halign v|      |{frame} | {grid} |{valign} |{halign} |==== --------------------------------------------------------------------- :frame!: :grid!: :halign!: :valign!: