#!/usr/bin/env python """ asciidoc - converts an AsciiDoc text file to HTML or DocBook Copyright (C) 2002-2010 Stuart Rackham. Free use of this software is granted under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL). """ import sys, os, re, time, traceback, tempfile, subprocess, codecs, locale, unicodedata, copy ### Used by asciidocapi.py ### VERSION = '8.6.8' # See CHANGLOG file for version history. MIN_PYTHON_VERSION = '2.4' # Require this version of Python or better. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Program constants. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFAULT_BACKEND = 'html' DEFAULT_DOCTYPE = 'article' # Allowed substitution options for List, Paragraph and DelimitedBlock # definition subs entry. SUBS_OPTIONS = ('specialcharacters','quotes','specialwords', 'replacements', 'attributes','macros','callouts','normal','verbatim', 'none','replacements2','replacements3') # Default value for unspecified subs and presubs configuration file entries. SUBS_NORMAL = ('specialcharacters','quotes','attributes', 'specialwords','replacements','macros','replacements2') SUBS_VERBATIM = ('specialcharacters','callouts') NAME_RE = r'(?u)[^\W\d][-\w]*' # Valid section or attribute name. OR, AND = ',', '+' # Attribute list separators. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Utility functions and classes. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class EAsciiDoc(Exception): pass class OrderedDict(dict): """ Dictionary ordered by insertion order. Python Cookbook: Ordered Dictionary, Submitter: David Benjamin. http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/107747 """ def __init__(self, d=None, **kwargs): self._keys = [] if d is None: d = kwargs dict.__init__(self, d) def __delitem__(self, key): dict.__delitem__(self, key) self._keys.remove(key) def __setitem__(self, key, item): dict.__setitem__(self, key, item) if key not in self._keys: self._keys.append(key) def clear(self): dict.clear(self) self._keys = [] def copy(self): d = dict.copy(self) d._keys = self._keys[:] return d def items(self): return zip(self._keys, self.values()) def keys(self): return self._keys def popitem(self): try: key = self._keys[-1] except IndexError: raise KeyError('dictionary is empty') val = self[key] del self[key] return (key, val) def setdefault(self, key, failobj = None): dict.setdefault(self, key, failobj) if key not in self._keys: self._keys.append(key) def update(self, d=None, **kwargs): if d is None: d = kwargs dict.update(self, d) for key in d.keys(): if key not in self._keys: self._keys.append(key) def values(self): return map(self.get, self._keys) class AttrDict(dict): """ Like a dictionary except values can be accessed as attributes i.e. obj.foo can be used in addition to obj['foo']. If an item is not present None is returned. """ def __getattr__(self, key): try: return self[key] except KeyError: return None def __setattr__(self, key, value): self[key] = value def __delattr__(self, key): try: del self[key] except KeyError, k: raise AttributeError, k def __repr__(self): return '' def __getstate__(self): return dict(self) def __setstate__(self,value): for k,v in value.items(): self[k]=v class InsensitiveDict(dict): """ Like a dictionary except key access is case insensitive. Keys are stored in lower case. """ def __getitem__(self, key): return dict.__getitem__(self, key.lower()) def __setitem__(self, key, value): dict.__setitem__(self, key.lower(), value) def has_key(self, key): return dict.has_key(self,key.lower()) def get(self, key, default=None): return dict.get(self, key.lower(), default) def update(self, dict): for k,v in dict.items(): self[k] = v def setdefault(self, key, default = None): return dict.setdefault(self, key.lower(), default) class Trace(object): """ Used in conjunction with the 'trace' attribute to generate diagnostic output. There is a single global instance of this class named trace. """ SUBS_NAMES = ('specialcharacters','quotes','specialwords', 'replacements', 'attributes','macros','callouts', 'replacements2','replacements3') def __init__(self): self.name_re = '' # Regexp pattern to match trace names. self.linenos = True self.offset = 0 def __call__(self, name, before, after=None): """ Print trace message if tracing is on and the trace 'name' matches the document 'trace' attribute (treated as a regexp). 'before' is the source text before substitution; 'after' text is the source text after substitutuion. The 'before' and 'after' messages are only printed if they differ. """ name_re = document.attributes.get('trace') if name_re == 'subs': # Alias for all the inline substitutions. name_re = '|'.join(self.SUBS_NAMES) self.name_re = name_re if self.name_re is not None: msg = message.format(name, 'TRACE: ', self.linenos, offset=self.offset) if before != after and re.match(self.name_re,name): if is_array(before): before = '\n'.join(before) if after is None: msg += '\n%s\n' % before else: if is_array(after): after = '\n'.join(after) msg += '\n<<<\n%s\n>>>\n%s\n' % (before,after) message.stderr(msg) class Message: """ Message functions. """ PROG = os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(__file__)[0]) def __init__(self): # Set to True or False to globally override line numbers method # argument. Has no effect when set to None. self.linenos = None self.messages = [] self.prev_msg = '' def stdout(self,msg): print msg def stderr(self,msg=''): if msg == self.prev_msg: # Suppress repeated messages. return self.messages.append(msg) if __name__ == '__main__': sys.stderr.write('%s: %s%s' % (self.PROG, msg, os.linesep)) self.prev_msg = msg def verbose(self, msg,linenos=True): if config.verbose: msg = self.format(msg,linenos=linenos) self.stderr(msg) def warning(self, msg,linenos=True,offset=0): msg = self.format(msg,'WARNING: ',linenos,offset=offset) document.has_warnings = True self.stderr(msg) def deprecated(self, msg, linenos=True): msg = self.format(msg, 'DEPRECATED: ', linenos) self.stderr(msg) def format(self, msg, prefix='', linenos=True, cursor=None, offset=0): """Return formatted message string.""" if self.linenos is not False and ((linenos or self.linenos) and reader.cursor): if cursor is None: cursor = reader.cursor prefix += '%s: line %d: ' % (os.path.basename(cursor[0]),cursor[1]+offset) return prefix + msg def error(self, msg, cursor=None, halt=False): """ Report fatal error. If halt=True raise EAsciiDoc exception. If halt=False don't exit application, continue in the hope of reporting all fatal errors finishing with a non-zero exit code. """ if halt: raise EAsciiDoc, self.format(msg,linenos=False,cursor=cursor) else: msg = self.format(msg,'ERROR: ',cursor=cursor) self.stderr(msg) document.has_errors = True def unsafe(self, msg): self.error('unsafe: '+msg) def userdir(): """ Return user's home directory or None if it is not defined. """ result = os.path.expanduser('~') if result == '~': result = None return result def localapp(): """ Return True if we are not executing the system wide version i.e. the configuration is in the executable's directory. """ return os.path.isfile(os.path.join(APP_DIR, 'asciidoc.conf')) def file_in(fname, directory): """Return True if file fname resides inside directory.""" assert os.path.isfile(fname) # Empty directory (not to be confused with None) is the current directory. if directory == '': directory = os.getcwd() else: assert os.path.isdir(directory) directory = os.path.realpath(directory) fname = os.path.realpath(fname) return os.path.commonprefix((directory, fname)) == directory def safe(): return document.safe def is_safe_file(fname, directory=None): # A safe file must reside in 'directory' (defaults to the source # file directory). if directory is None: if document.infile == '': return not safe() directory = os.path.dirname(document.infile) elif directory == '': directory = '.' return ( not safe() or file_in(fname, directory) or file_in(fname, APP_DIR) or file_in(fname, CONF_DIR) ) def safe_filename(fname, parentdir): """ Return file name which must reside in the parent file directory. Return None if file is not safe. """ if not os.path.isabs(fname): # Include files are relative to parent document # directory. fname = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(parentdir,fname)) if not is_safe_file(fname, parentdir): message.unsafe('include file: %s' % fname) return None return fname def assign(dst,src): """Assign all attributes from 'src' object to 'dst' object.""" for a,v in src.__dict__.items(): setattr(dst,a,v) def strip_quotes(s): """Trim white space and, if necessary, quote characters from s.""" s = s.strip() # Strip quotation mark characters from quoted strings. if len(s) >= 3 and s[0] == '"' and s[-1] == '"': s = s[1:-1] return s def is_re(s): """Return True if s is a valid regular expression else return False.""" try: re.compile(s) except: return False else: return True def re_join(relist): """Join list of regular expressions re1,re2,... to single regular expression (re1)|(re2)|...""" if len(relist) == 0: return None result = [] # Delete named groups to avoid ambiguity. for s in relist: result.append(re.sub(r'\?P<\S+?>','',s)) result = ')|('.join(result) result = '('+result+')' return result def lstrip_list(s): """ Return list with empty items from start of list removed. """ for i in range(len(s)): if s[i]: break else: return [] return s[i:] def rstrip_list(s): """ Return list with empty items from end of list removed. """ for i in range(len(s)-1,-1,-1): if s[i]: break else: return [] return s[:i+1] def strip_list(s): """ Return list with empty items from start and end of list removed. """ s = lstrip_list(s) s = rstrip_list(s) return s def is_array(obj): """ Return True if object is list or tuple type. """ return isinstance(obj,list) or isinstance(obj,tuple) def dovetail(lines1, lines2): """ Append list or tuple of strings 'lines2' to list 'lines1'. Join the last non-blank item in 'lines1' with the first non-blank item in 'lines2' into a single string. """ assert is_array(lines1) assert is_array(lines2) lines1 = strip_list(lines1) lines2 = strip_list(lines2) if not lines1 or not lines2: return list(lines1) + list(lines2) result = list(lines1[:-1]) result.append(lines1[-1] + lines2[0]) result += list(lines2[1:]) return result def dovetail_tags(stag,content,etag): """Merge the end tag with the first content line and the last content line with the end tag. This ensures verbatim elements don't include extraneous opening and closing line breaks.""" return dovetail(dovetail(stag,content), etag) # The following functions are so we don't have to use the dangerous # built-in eval() function. if float(sys.version[:3]) >= 2.6 or sys.platform[:4] == 'java': # Use AST module if CPython >= 2.6 or Jython. import ast from ast import literal_eval def get_args(val): d = {} args = ast.parse("d(" + val + ")", mode='eval').body.args i = 1 for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, ast.Name): d[str(i)] = literal_eval(arg.id) else: d[str(i)] = literal_eval(arg) i += 1 return d def get_kwargs(val): d = {} args = ast.parse("d(" + val + ")", mode='eval').body.keywords for arg in args: d[arg.arg] = literal_eval(arg.value) return d def parse_to_list(val): values = ast.parse("[" + val + "]", mode='eval').body.elts return [literal_eval(v) for v in values] else: # Use deprecated CPython compiler module. import compiler from compiler.ast import Const, Dict, Expression, Name, Tuple, UnarySub, Keyword # Code from: # http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2009-September/1219992.html # Modified to use compiler.ast.List as this module has a List def literal_eval(node_or_string): """ Safely evaluate an expression node or a string containing a Python expression. The string or node provided may only consist of the following Python literal structures: strings, numbers, tuples, lists, dicts, booleans, and None. """ _safe_names = {'None': None, 'True': True, 'False': False} if isinstance(node_or_string, basestring): node_or_string = compiler.parse(node_or_string, mode='eval') if isinstance(node_or_string, Expression): node_or_string = node_or_string.node def _convert(node): if isinstance(node, Const) and isinstance(node.value, (basestring, int, float, long, complex)): return node.value elif isinstance(node, Tuple): return tuple(map(_convert, node.nodes)) elif isinstance(node, compiler.ast.List): return list(map(_convert, node.nodes)) elif isinstance(node, Dict): return dict((_convert(k), _convert(v)) for k, v in node.items) elif isinstance(node, Name): if node.name in _safe_names: return _safe_names[node.name] elif isinstance(node, UnarySub): return -_convert(node.expr) raise ValueError('malformed string') return _convert(node_or_string) def get_args(val): d = {} args = compiler.parse("d(" + val + ")", mode='eval').node.args i = 1 for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, Keyword): break d[str(i)] = literal_eval(arg) i = i + 1 return d def get_kwargs(val): d = {} args = compiler.parse("d(" + val + ")", mode='eval').node.args i = 0 for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, Keyword): break i += 1 args = args[i:] for arg in args: d[str(arg.name)] = literal_eval(arg.expr) return d def parse_to_list(val): values = compiler.parse("[" + val + "]", mode='eval').node.asList() return [literal_eval(v) for v in values] def parse_attributes(attrs,dict): """Update a dictionary with name/value attributes from the attrs string. The attrs string is a comma separated list of values and keyword name=value pairs. Values must preceed keywords and are named '1','2'... The entire attributes list is named '0'. If keywords are specified string values must be quoted. Examples: attrs: '' dict: {} attrs: 'hello,world' dict: {'2': 'world', '0': 'hello,world', '1': 'hello'} attrs: '"hello", planet="earth"' dict: {'planet': 'earth', '0': '"hello",planet="earth"', '1': 'hello'} """ def f(*args,**keywords): # Name and add aguments '1','2'... to keywords. for i in range(len(args)): if not str(i+1) in keywords: keywords[str(i+1)] = args[i] return keywords if not attrs: return dict['0'] = attrs # Replace line separators with spaces so line spanning works. s = re.sub(r'\s', ' ', attrs) d = {} try: d.update(get_args(s)) d.update(get_kwargs(s)) for v in d.values(): if not (isinstance(v,str) or isinstance(v,int) or isinstance(v,float) or v is None): raise Exception except Exception: s = s.replace('"','\\"') s = s.split(',') s = map(lambda x: '"' + x.strip() + '"', s) s = ','.join(s) try: d = {} d.update(get_args(s)) d.update(get_kwargs(s)) except Exception: return # If there's a syntax error leave with {0}=attrs. for k in d.keys(): # Drop any empty positional arguments. if d[k] == '': del d[k] dict.update(d) assert len(d) > 0 def parse_named_attributes(s,attrs): """Update a attrs dictionary with name="value" attributes from the s string. Returns False if invalid syntax. Example: attrs: 'star="sun",planet="earth"' dict: {'planet':'earth', 'star':'sun'} """ def f(**keywords): return keywords try: d = {} d = get_kwargs(s) attrs.update(d) return True except Exception: return False def parse_list(s): """Parse comma separated string of Python literals. Return a tuple of of parsed values.""" try: result = tuple(parse_to_list(s)) except Exception: raise EAsciiDoc,'malformed list: '+s return result def parse_options(options,allowed,errmsg): """Parse comma separated string of unquoted option names and return as a tuple of valid options. 'allowed' is a list of allowed option values. If allowed=() then all legitimate names are allowed. 'errmsg' is an error message prefix if an illegal option error is thrown.""" result = [] if options: for s in re.split(r'\s*,\s*',options): if (allowed and s not in allowed) or not is_name(s): raise EAsciiDoc,'%s: %s' % (errmsg,s) result.append(s) return tuple(result) def symbolize(s): """Drop non-symbol characters and convert to lowercase.""" return re.sub(r'(?u)[^\w\-_]', '', s).lower() def is_name(s): """Return True if s is valid attribute, macro or tag name (starts with alpha containing alphanumeric and dashes only).""" return re.match(r'^'+NAME_RE+r'$',s) is not None def subs_quotes(text): """Quoted text is marked up and the resulting text is returned.""" keys = config.quotes.keys() for q in keys: i = q.find('|') if i != -1 and q != '|' and q != '||': lq = q[:i] # Left quote. rq = q[i+1:] # Right quote. else: lq = rq = q tag = config.quotes[q] if not tag: continue # Unconstrained quotes prefix the tag name with a hash. if tag[0] == '#': tag = tag[1:] # Unconstrained quotes can appear anywhere. reo = re.compile(r'(?msu)(^|.)(\[(?P[^[\]]+?)\])?' \ + r'(?:' + re.escape(lq) + r')' \ + r'(?P.+?)(?:'+re.escape(rq)+r')') else: # The text within constrained quotes must be bounded by white space. # Non-word (\W) characters are allowed at boundaries to accomodate # enveloping quotes and punctuation e.g. a='x', ('x'), 'x', ['x']. reo = re.compile(r'(?msu)(^|[^\w;:}])(\[(?P[^[\]]+?)\])?' \ + r'(?:' + re.escape(lq) + r')' \ + r'(?P\S|\S.*?\S)(?:'+re.escape(rq)+r')(?=\W|$)') pos = 0 while True: mo = reo.search(text,pos) if not mo: break if text[mo.start()] == '\\': # Delete leading backslash. text = text[:mo.start()] + text[mo.start()+1:] # Skip past start of match. pos = mo.start() + 1 else: attrlist = {} parse_attributes(mo.group('attrlist'), attrlist) stag,etag = config.tag(tag, attrlist) s = mo.group(1) + stag + mo.group('content') + etag text = text[:mo.start()] + s + text[mo.end():] pos = mo.start() + len(s) return text def subs_tag(tag,dict={}): """Perform attribute substitution and split tag string returning start, end tag tuple (c.f. Config.tag()).""" if not tag: return [None,None] s = subs_attrs(tag,dict) if not s: message.warning('tag \'%s\' dropped: contains undefined attribute' % tag) return [None,None] result = s.split('|') if len(result) == 1: return result+[None] elif len(result) == 2: return result else: raise EAsciiDoc,'malformed tag: %s' % tag def parse_entry(entry, dict=None, unquote=False, unique_values=False, allow_name_only=False, escape_delimiter=True): """Parse name=value entry to dictionary 'dict'. Return tuple (name,value) or None if illegal entry. If name= then value is set to ''. If name and allow_name_only=True then value is set to ''. If name! and allow_name_only=True then value is set to None. Leading and trailing white space is striped from 'name' and 'value'. 'name' can contain any printable characters. If the '=' delimiter character is allowed in the 'name' then it must be escaped with a backslash and escape_delimiter must be True. If 'unquote' is True leading and trailing double-quotes are stripped from 'name' and 'value'. If unique_values' is True then dictionary entries with the same value are removed before the parsed entry is added.""" if escape_delimiter: mo = re.search(r'(?:[^\\](=))',entry) else: mo = re.search(r'(=)',entry) if mo: # name=value entry. if mo.group(1): name = entry[:mo.start(1)] if escape_delimiter: name = name.replace(r'\=','=') # Unescape \= in name. value = entry[mo.end(1):] elif allow_name_only and entry: # name or name! entry. name = entry if name[-1] == '!': name = name[:-1] value = None else: value = '' else: return None if unquote: name = strip_quotes(name) if value is not None: value = strip_quotes(value) else: name = name.strip() if value is not None: value = value.strip() if not name: return None if dict is not None: if unique_values: for k,v in dict.items(): if v == value: del dict[k] dict[name] = value return name,value def parse_entries(entries, dict, unquote=False, unique_values=False, allow_name_only=False,escape_delimiter=True): """Parse name=value entries from from lines of text in 'entries' into dictionary 'dict'. Blank lines are skipped.""" entries = config.expand_templates(entries) for entry in entries: if entry and not parse_entry(entry, dict, unquote, unique_values, allow_name_only, escape_delimiter): raise EAsciiDoc,'malformed section entry: %s' % entry def dump_section(name,dict,f=sys.stdout): """Write parameters in 'dict' as in configuration file section format with section 'name'.""" f.write('[%s]%s' % (name,writer.newline)) for k,v in dict.items(): k = str(k) k = k.replace('=',r'\=') # Escape = in name. # Quote if necessary. if len(k) != len(k.strip()): k = '"'+k+'"' if v and len(v) != len(v.strip()): v = '"'+v+'"' if v is None: # Don't dump undefined attributes. continue else: s = k+'='+v if s[0] == '#': s = '\\' + s # Escape so not treated as comment lines. f.write('%s%s' % (s,writer.newline)) f.write(writer.newline) def update_attrs(attrs,dict): """Update 'attrs' dictionary with parsed attributes in dictionary 'dict'.""" for k,v in dict.items(): if not is_name(k): raise EAsciiDoc,'illegal attribute name: %s' % k attrs[k] = v def is_attr_defined(attrs,dic): """ Check if the sequence of attributes is defined in dictionary 'dic'. Valid 'attrs' sequence syntax: Return True if single attrbiute is defined. ,,... Return True if one or more attributes are defined. ++... Return True if all the attributes are defined. """ if OR in attrs: for a in attrs.split(OR): if dic.get(a.strip()) is not None: return True else: return False elif AND in attrs: for a in attrs.split(AND): if dic.get(a.strip()) is None: return False else: return True else: return dic.get(attrs.strip()) is not None def filter_lines(filter_cmd, lines, attrs={}): """ Run 'lines' through the 'filter_cmd' shell command and return the result. The 'attrs' dictionary contains additional filter attributes. """ def findfilter(name,dir,filter): """Find filter file 'fname' with style name 'name' in directory 'dir'. Return found file path or None if not found.""" if name: result = os.path.join(dir,'filters',name,filter) if os.path.isfile(result): return result result = os.path.join(dir,'filters',filter) if os.path.isfile(result): return result return None # Return input lines if there's not filter. if not filter_cmd or not filter_cmd.strip(): return lines # Perform attributes substitution on the filter command. s = subs_attrs(filter_cmd, attrs) if not s: message.error('undefined filter attribute in command: %s' % filter_cmd) return [] filter_cmd = s.strip() # Parse for quoted and unquoted command and command tail. # Double quoted. mo = re.match(r'^"(?P[^"]+)"(?P.*)$', filter_cmd) if not mo: # Single quoted. mo = re.match(r"^'(?P[^']+)'(?P.*)$", filter_cmd) if not mo: # Unquoted catch all. mo = re.match(r'^(?P\S+)(?P.*)$', filter_cmd) cmd = mo.group('cmd').strip() found = None if not os.path.dirname(cmd): # Filter command has no directory path so search filter directories. filtername = attrs.get('style') d = document.attributes.get('docdir') if d: found = findfilter(filtername, d, cmd) if not found: if USER_DIR: found = findfilter(filtername, USER_DIR, cmd) if not found: if localapp(): found = findfilter(filtername, APP_DIR, cmd) else: found = findfilter(filtername, CONF_DIR, cmd) else: if os.path.isfile(cmd): found = cmd else: message.warning('filter not found: %s' % cmd) if found: filter_cmd = '"' + found + '"' + mo.group('tail') if found: if cmd.endswith('.py'): filter_cmd = '"%s" %s' % (document.attributes['python'], filter_cmd) elif cmd.endswith('.rb'): filter_cmd = 'ruby ' + filter_cmd message.verbose('filtering: ' + filter_cmd) if os.name == 'nt': # Remove redundant quoting -- this is not just # cosmetic, unnecessary quoting appears to cause # command line truncation. filter_cmd = re.sub(r'"([^ ]+?)"', r'\1', filter_cmd) try: p = subprocess.Popen(filter_cmd, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) output = p.communicate(os.linesep.join(lines))[0] except Exception: raise EAsciiDoc,'filter error: %s: %s' % (filter_cmd, sys.exc_info()[1]) if output: result = [s.rstrip() for s in output.split(os.linesep)] else: result = [] filter_status = p.wait() if filter_status: message.warning('filter non-zero exit code: %s: returned %d' % (filter_cmd, filter_status)) if lines and not result: message.warning('no output from filter: %s' % filter_cmd) return result def system(name, args, is_macro=False, attrs=None): """ Evaluate a system attribute ({name:args}) or system block macro (name::[args]). If is_macro is True then we are processing a system block macro otherwise it's a system attribute. The attrs dictionary is updated by the counter and set system attributes. NOTE: The include1 attribute is used internally by the include1::[] macro and is not for public use. """ if is_macro: syntax = '%s::[%s]' % (name,args) separator = '\n' else: syntax = '{%s:%s}' % (name,args) separator = writer.newline if name not in ('eval','eval3','sys','sys2','sys3','include','include1','counter','counter2','set','set2','template'): if is_macro: msg = 'illegal system macro name: %s' % name else: msg = 'illegal system attribute name: %s' % name message.warning(msg) return None if is_macro: s = subs_attrs(args) if s is None: message.warning('skipped %s: undefined attribute in: %s' % (name,args)) return None args = s if name != 'include1': message.verbose('evaluating: %s' % syntax) if safe() and name not in ('include','include1'): message.unsafe(syntax) return None result = None if name in ('eval','eval3'): try: result = eval(args) if result is True: result = '' elif result is False: result = None elif result is not None: result = str(result) except Exception: message.warning('%s: evaluation error' % syntax) elif name in ('sys','sys2','sys3'): result = '' fd,tmp = tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(fd) try: cmd = args cmd = cmd + (' > "%s"' % tmp) if name == 'sys2': cmd = cmd + ' 2>&1' if os.name == 'nt': # Remove redundant quoting -- this is not just # cosmetic, unnecessary quoting appears to cause # command line truncation. cmd = re.sub(r'"([^ ]+?)"', r'\1', cmd) message.verbose('shelling: %s' % cmd) if os.system(cmd): message.warning('%s: non-zero exit status' % syntax) try: if os.path.isfile(tmp): f = open(tmp) try: lines = [s.rstrip() for s in f] finally: f.close() else: lines = [] except Exception: raise EAsciiDoc,'%s: temp file read error' % syntax result = separator.join(lines) finally: if os.path.isfile(tmp): os.remove(tmp) elif name in ('counter','counter2'): mo = re.match(r'^(?P[^:]*?)(:(?P.*))?$', args) attr = mo.group('attr') seed = mo.group('seed') if seed and (not re.match(r'^\d+$', seed) and len(seed) > 1): message.warning('%s: illegal counter seed: %s' % (syntax,seed)) return None if not is_name(attr): message.warning('%s: illegal attribute name' % syntax) return None value = document.attributes.get(attr) if value: if not re.match(r'^\d+$', value) and len(value) > 1: message.warning('%s: illegal counter value: %s' % (syntax,value)) return None if re.match(r'^\d+$', value): expr = value + '+1' else: expr = 'chr(ord("%s")+1)' % value try: result = str(eval(expr)) except Exception: message.warning('%s: evaluation error: %s' % (syntax, expr)) else: if seed: result = seed else: result = '1' document.attributes[attr] = result if attrs is not None: attrs[attr] = result if name == 'counter2': result = '' elif name in ('set','set2'): mo = re.match(r'^(?P[^:]*?)(:(?P.*))?$', args) attr = mo.group('attr') value = mo.group('value') if value is None: value = '' if attr.endswith('!'): attr = attr[:-1] value = None if not is_name(attr): message.warning('%s: illegal attribute name' % syntax) else: if attrs is not None: attrs[attr] = value if name != 'set2': # set2 only updates local attributes. document.attributes[attr] = value if value is None: result = None else: result = '' elif name == 'include': if not os.path.exists(args): message.warning('%s: file does not exist' % syntax) elif not is_safe_file(args): message.unsafe(syntax) else: f = open(args) try: result = [s.rstrip() for s in f] finally: f.close() if result: result = subs_attrs(result) result = separator.join(result) result = result.expandtabs(reader.tabsize) else: result = '' elif name == 'include1': result = separator.join(config.include1[args]) elif name == 'template': if not args in config.sections: message.warning('%s: template does not exist' % syntax) else: result = [] for line in config.sections[args]: line = subs_attrs(line) if line is not None: result.append(line) result = '\n'.join(result) else: assert False if result and name in ('eval3','sys3'): macros.passthroughs.append(result) result = '\x07' + str(len(macros.passthroughs)-1) + '\x07' return result def subs_attrs(lines, dictionary=None): """Substitute 'lines' of text with attributes from the global document.attributes dictionary and from 'dictionary' ('dictionary' entries take precedence). Return a tuple of the substituted lines. 'lines' containing undefined attributes are deleted. If 'lines' is a string then return a string. - Attribute references are substituted in the following order: simple, conditional, system. - Attribute references inside 'dictionary' entry values are substituted. """ def end_brace(text,start): """Return index following end brace that matches brace at start in text.""" assert text[start] == '{' n = 0 result = start for c in text[start:]: # Skip braces that are followed by a backslash. if result == len(text)-1 or text[result+1] != '\\': if c == '{': n = n + 1 elif c == '}': n = n - 1 result = result + 1 if n == 0: break return result if type(lines) == str: string_result = True lines = [lines] else: string_result = False if dictionary is None: attrs = document.attributes else: # Remove numbered document attributes so they don't clash with # attribute list positional attributes. attrs = {} for k,v in document.attributes.items(): if not re.match(r'^\d+$', k): attrs[k] = v # Substitute attribute references inside dictionary values. for k,v in dictionary.items(): if v is None: del dictionary[k] else: v = subs_attrs(str(v)) if v is None: del dictionary[k] else: dictionary[k] = v attrs.update(dictionary) # Substitute all attributes in all lines. result = [] for line in lines: # Make it easier for regular expressions. line = line.replace('\\{','{\\') line = line.replace('\\}','}\\') # Expand simple attributes ({name}). # Nested attributes not allowed. reo = re.compile(r'(?su)\{(?P[^\\\W][-\w]*?)\}(?!\\)') pos = 0 while True: mo = reo.search(line,pos) if not mo: break s = attrs.get(mo.group('name')) if s is None: pos = mo.end() else: s = str(s) line = line[:mo.start()] + s + line[mo.end():] pos = mo.start() + len(s) # Expand conditional attributes. # Single name -- higher precedence. reo1 = re.compile(r'(?su)\{(?P[^\\\W][-\w]*?)' \ r'(?P\=|\?|!|#|%|@|\$)' \ r'(?P.*?)\}(?!\\)') # Multiple names (n1,n2,... or n1+n2+...) -- lower precedence. reo2 = re.compile(r'(?su)\{(?P[^\\\W][-\w'+OR+AND+r']*?)' \ r'(?P\=|\?|!|#|%|@|\$)' \ r'(?P.*?)\}(?!\\)') for reo in [reo1,reo2]: pos = 0 while True: mo = reo.search(line,pos) if not mo: break attr = mo.group() name = mo.group('name') if reo == reo2: if OR in name: sep = OR else: sep = AND names = [s.strip() for s in name.split(sep) if s.strip() ] for n in names: if not re.match(r'^[^\\\W][-\w]*$',n): message.error('illegal attribute syntax: %s' % attr) if sep == OR: # Process OR name expression: n1,n2,... for n in names: if attrs.get(n) is not None: lval = '' break else: lval = None else: # Process AND name expression: n1+n2+... for n in names: if attrs.get(n) is None: lval = None break else: lval = '' else: lval = attrs.get(name) op = mo.group('op') # mo.end() not good enough because '{x={y}}' matches '{x={y}'. end = end_brace(line,mo.start()) rval = line[mo.start('value'):end-1] UNDEFINED = '{zzzzz}' if lval is None: if op == '=': s = rval elif op == '?': s = '' elif op == '!': s = rval elif op == '#': s = UNDEFINED # So the line is dropped. elif op == '%': s = rval elif op in ('@','$'): s = UNDEFINED # So the line is dropped. else: assert False, 'illegal attribute: %s' % attr else: if op == '=': s = lval elif op == '?': s = rval elif op == '!': s = '' elif op == '#': s = rval elif op == '%': s = UNDEFINED # So the line is dropped. elif op in ('@','$'): v = re.split(r'(?@:[:]} else: if len(v) == 3: # {@::} s = v[2] else: # {@:} s = '' else: if re_mo: if len(v) == 2: # {$:} s = v[1] elif v[1] == '': # {$::} s = UNDEFINED # So the line is dropped. else: # {$::} s = v[1] else: if len(v) == 2: # {$:} s = UNDEFINED # So the line is dropped. else: # {$::} s = v[2] else: assert False, 'illegal attribute: %s' % attr s = str(s) line = line[:mo.start()] + s + line[end:] pos = mo.start() + len(s) # Drop line if it contains unsubstituted {name} references. skipped = re.search(r'(?su)\{[^\\\W][-\w]*?\}(?!\\)', line) if skipped: trace('dropped line', line) continue; # Expand system attributes (eval has precedence). reos = [ re.compile(r'(?su)\{(?Peval):(?P.*?)\}(?!\\)'), re.compile(r'(?su)\{(?P[^\\\W][-\w]*?):(?P.*?)\}(?!\\)'), ] skipped = False for reo in reos: pos = 0 while True: mo = reo.search(line,pos) if not mo: break expr = mo.group('expr') action = mo.group('action') expr = expr.replace('{\\','{') expr = expr.replace('}\\','}') s = system(action, expr, attrs=dictionary) if dictionary is not None and action in ('counter','counter2','set','set2'): # These actions create and update attributes. attrs.update(dictionary) if s is None: # Drop line if the action returns None. skipped = True break line = line[:mo.start()] + s + line[mo.end():] pos = mo.start() + len(s) if skipped: break if not skipped: # Remove backslash from escaped entries. line = line.replace('{\\','{') line = line.replace('}\\','}') result.append(line) if string_result: if result: return '\n'.join(result) else: return None else: return tuple(result) def char_encoding(): encoding = document.attributes.get('encoding') if encoding: try: codecs.lookup(encoding) except LookupError,e: raise EAsciiDoc,str(e) return encoding def char_len(s): return len(char_decode(s)) east_asian_widths = {'W': 2, # Wide 'F': 2, # Full-width (wide) 'Na': 1, # Narrow 'H': 1, # Half-width (narrow) 'N': 1, # Neutral (not East Asian, treated as narrow) 'A': 1} # Ambiguous (s/b wide in East Asian context, # narrow otherwise, but that doesn't work) """Mapping of result codes from `unicodedata.east_asian_width()` to character column widths.""" def column_width(s): text = char_decode(s) if isinstance(text, unicode): width = 0 for c in text: width += east_asian_widths[unicodedata.east_asian_width(c)] return width else: return len(text) def char_decode(s): if char_encoding(): try: return s.decode(char_encoding()) except Exception: raise EAsciiDoc, \ "'%s' codec can't decode \"%s\"" % (char_encoding(), s) else: return s def char_encode(s): if char_encoding(): return s.encode(char_encoding()) else: return s def time_str(t): """Convert seconds since the Epoch to formatted local time string.""" t = time.localtime(t) s = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S',t) if time.daylight and t.tm_isdst == 1: result = s + ' ' + time.tzname[1] else: result = s + ' ' + time.tzname[0] # Attempt to convert the localtime to the output encoding. try: result = char_encode(result.decode(locale.getdefaultlocale()[1])) except Exception: pass return result def date_str(t): """Convert seconds since the Epoch to formatted local date string.""" t = time.localtime(t) return time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d',t) class Lex: """Lexical analysis routines. Static methods and attributes only.""" prev_element = None prev_cursor = None def __init__(self): raise AssertionError,'no class instances allowed' @staticmethod def next(): """Returns class of next element on the input (None if EOF). The reader is assumed to be at the first line following a previous element, end of file or line one. Exits with the reader pointing to the first line of the next element or EOF (leading blank lines are skipped).""" reader.skip_blank_lines() if reader.eof(): return None # Optimization: If we've already checked for an element at this # position return the element. if Lex.prev_element and Lex.prev_cursor == reader.cursor: return Lex.prev_element if AttributeEntry.isnext(): result = AttributeEntry elif AttributeList.isnext(): result = AttributeList elif BlockTitle.isnext() and not tables_OLD.isnext(): result = BlockTitle elif Title.isnext(): if AttributeList.style() == 'float': result = FloatingTitle else: result = Title elif macros.isnext(): result = macros.current elif lists.isnext(): result = lists.current elif blocks.isnext(): result = blocks.current elif tables_OLD.isnext(): result = tables_OLD.current elif tables.isnext(): result = tables.current else: if not paragraphs.isnext(): raise EAsciiDoc,'paragraph expected' result = paragraphs.current # Optimization: Cache answer. Lex.prev_cursor = reader.cursor Lex.prev_element = result return result @staticmethod def canonical_subs(options): """Translate composite subs values.""" if len(options) == 1: if options[0] == 'none': options = () elif options[0] == 'normal': options = config.subsnormal elif options[0] == 'verbatim': options = config.subsverbatim return options @staticmethod def subs_1(s,options): """Perform substitution specified in 'options' (in 'options' order).""" if not s: return s if document.attributes.get('plaintext') is not None: options = ('specialcharacters',) result = s options = Lex.canonical_subs(options) for o in options: if o == 'specialcharacters': result = config.subs_specialchars(result) elif o == 'attributes': result = subs_attrs(result) elif o == 'quotes': result = subs_quotes(result) elif o == 'specialwords': result = config.subs_specialwords(result) elif o in ('replacements','replacements2','replacements3'): result = config.subs_replacements(result,o) elif o == 'macros': result = macros.subs(result) elif o == 'callouts': result = macros.subs(result,callouts=True) else: raise EAsciiDoc,'illegal substitution option: %s' % o trace(o, s, result) if not result: break return result @staticmethod def subs(lines,options): """Perform inline processing specified by 'options' (in 'options' order) on sequence of 'lines'.""" if not lines or not options: return lines options = Lex.canonical_subs(options) # Join lines so quoting can span multiple lines. para = '\n'.join(lines) if 'macros' in options: para = macros.extract_passthroughs(para) for o in options: if o == 'attributes': # If we don't substitute attributes line-by-line then a single # undefined attribute will drop the entire paragraph. lines = subs_attrs(para.split('\n')) para = '\n'.join(lines) else: para = Lex.subs_1(para,(o,)) if 'macros' in options: para = macros.restore_passthroughs(para) return para.splitlines() @staticmethod def set_margin(lines, margin=0): """Utility routine that sets the left margin to 'margin' space in a block of non-blank lines.""" # Calculate width of block margin. lines = list(lines) width = len(lines[0]) for s in lines: i = re.search(r'\S',s).start() if i < width: width = i # Strip margin width from all lines. for i in range(len(lines)): lines[i] = ' '*margin + lines[i][width:] return lines #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Document element classes parse AsciiDoc reader input and write DocBook writer # output. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Document(object): # doctype property. def getdoctype(self): return self.attributes.get('doctype') def setdoctype(self,doctype): self.attributes['doctype'] = doctype doctype = property(getdoctype,setdoctype) # backend property. def getbackend(self): return self.attributes.get('backend') def setbackend(self,backend): if backend: backend = self.attributes.get('backend-alias-' + backend, backend) self.attributes['backend'] = backend backend = property(getbackend,setbackend) def __init__(self): self.infile = None # Source file name. self.outfile = None # Output file name. self.attributes = InsensitiveDict() self.level = 0 # 0 => front matter. 1,2,3 => sect1,2,3. self.has_errors = False # Set true if processing errors were flagged. self.has_warnings = False # Set true if warnings were flagged. self.safe = False # Default safe mode. def update_attributes(self,attrs=None): """ Set implicit attributes and attributes in 'attrs'. """ t = time.time() self.attributes['localtime'] = time_str(t) self.attributes['localdate'] = date_str(t) self.attributes['asciidoc-version'] = VERSION self.attributes['asciidoc-file'] = APP_FILE self.attributes['asciidoc-dir'] = APP_DIR if localapp(): self.attributes['asciidoc-confdir'] = APP_DIR else: self.attributes['asciidoc-confdir'] = CONF_DIR self.attributes['user-dir'] = USER_DIR if config.verbose: self.attributes['verbose'] = '' # Update with configuration file attributes. if attrs: self.attributes.update(attrs) # Update with command-line attributes. self.attributes.update(config.cmd_attrs) # Extract miscellaneous configuration section entries from attributes. if attrs: config.load_miscellaneous(attrs) config.load_miscellaneous(config.cmd_attrs) self.attributes['newline'] = config.newline # File name related attributes can't be overridden. if self.infile is not None: if self.infile and os.path.exists(self.infile): t = os.path.getmtime(self.infile) elif self.infile == '': t = time.time() else: t = None if t: self.attributes['doctime'] = time_str(t) self.attributes['docdate'] = date_str(t) if self.infile != '': self.attributes['infile'] = self.infile self.attributes['indir'] = os.path.dirname(self.infile) self.attributes['docfile'] = self.infile self.attributes['docdir'] = os.path.dirname(self.infile) self.attributes['docname'] = os.path.splitext( os.path.basename(self.infile))[0] if self.outfile: if self.outfile != '': self.attributes['outfile'] = self.outfile self.attributes['outdir'] = os.path.dirname(self.outfile) if self.infile == '': self.attributes['docname'] = os.path.splitext( os.path.basename(self.outfile))[0] ext = os.path.splitext(self.outfile)[1][1:] elif config.outfilesuffix: ext = config.outfilesuffix[1:] else: ext = '' if ext: self.attributes['filetype'] = ext self.attributes['filetype-'+ext] = '' def load_lang(self): """ Load language configuration file. """ lang = self.attributes.get('lang') if lang is None: filename = 'lang-en.conf' # Default language file. else: filename = 'lang-' + lang + '.conf' if config.load_from_dirs(filename): self.attributes['lang'] = lang # Reinstate new lang attribute. else: if lang is None: # The default language file must exist. message.error('missing conf file: %s' % filename, halt=True) else: message.warning('missing language conf file: %s' % filename) def set_deprecated_attribute(self,old,new): """ Ensures the 'old' name of an attribute that was renamed to 'new' is still honored. """ if self.attributes.get(new) is None: if self.attributes.get(old) is not None: self.attributes[new] = self.attributes[old] else: self.attributes[old] = self.attributes[new] def consume_attributes_and_comments(self,comments_only=False,noblanks=False): """ Returns True if one or more attributes or comments were consumed. If 'noblanks' is True then consumation halts if a blank line is encountered. """ result = False finished = False while not finished: finished = True if noblanks and not reader.read_next(): return result if blocks.isnext() and 'skip' in blocks.current.options: result = True finished = False blocks.current.translate() if noblanks and not reader.read_next(): return result if macros.isnext() and macros.current.name == 'comment': result = True finished = False macros.current.translate() if not comments_only: if AttributeEntry.isnext(): result = True finished = False AttributeEntry.translate() if AttributeList.isnext(): result = True finished = False AttributeList.translate() return result def parse_header(self,doctype,backend): """ Parses header, sets corresponding document attributes and finalizes document doctype and backend properties. Returns False if the document does not have a header. 'doctype' and 'backend' are the doctype and backend option values passed on the command-line, None if no command-line option was not specified. """ assert self.level == 0 # Skip comments and attribute entries that preceed the header. self.consume_attributes_and_comments() if doctype is not None: # Command-line overrides header. self.doctype = doctype elif self.doctype is None: # Was not set on command-line or in document header. self.doctype = DEFAULT_DOCTYPE # Process document header. has_header = (Title.isnext() and Title.level == 0 and AttributeList.style() != 'float') if self.doctype == 'manpage' and not has_header: message.error('manpage document title is mandatory',halt=True) if has_header: Header.parse() # Command-line entries override header derived entries. self.attributes.update(config.cmd_attrs) # DEPRECATED: revision renamed to revnumber. self.set_deprecated_attribute('revision','revnumber') # DEPRECATED: date renamed to revdate. self.set_deprecated_attribute('date','revdate') if doctype is not None: # Command-line overrides header. self.doctype = doctype if backend is not None: # Command-line overrides header. self.backend = backend elif self.backend is None: # Was not set on command-line or in document header. self.backend = DEFAULT_BACKEND else: # Has been set in document header. self.backend = self.backend # Translate alias in header. assert self.doctype in ('article','manpage','book'), 'illegal document type' return has_header def translate(self,has_header): if self.doctype == 'manpage': # Translate mandatory NAME section. if Lex.next() is not Title: message.error('name section expected') else: Title.translate() if Title.level != 1: message.error('name section title must be at level 1') if not isinstance(Lex.next(),Paragraph): message.error('malformed name section body') lines = reader.read_until(r'^$') s = ' '.join(lines) mo = re.match(r'^(?P.*?)\s+-\s+(?P.*)$',s) if not mo: message.error('malformed name section body') self.attributes['manname'] = mo.group('manname').strip() self.attributes['manpurpose'] = mo.group('manpurpose').strip() names = [s.strip() for s in self.attributes['manname'].split(',')] if len(names) > 9: message.warning('too many manpage names') for i,name in enumerate(names): self.attributes['manname%d' % (i+1)] = name if has_header: # Do postponed substitutions (backend confs have been loaded). self.attributes['doctitle'] = Title.dosubs(self.attributes['doctitle']) if config.header_footer: hdr = config.subs_section('header',{}) writer.write(hdr,trace='header') if 'title' in self.attributes: del self.attributes['title'] self.consume_attributes_and_comments() if self.doctype in ('article','book'): # Translate 'preamble' (untitled elements between header # and first section title). if Lex.next() is not Title: stag,etag = config.section2tags('preamble') writer.write(stag,trace='preamble open') Section.translate_body() writer.write(etag,trace='preamble close') elif self.doctype == 'manpage' and 'name' in config.sections: writer.write(config.subs_section('name',{}), trace='name') else: self.process_author_names() if config.header_footer: hdr = config.subs_section('header',{}) writer.write(hdr,trace='header') if Lex.next() is not Title: Section.translate_body() # Process remaining sections. while not reader.eof(): if Lex.next() is not Title: raise EAsciiDoc,'section title expected' Section.translate() Section.setlevel(0) # Write remaining unwritten section close tags. # Substitute document parameters and write document footer. if config.header_footer: ftr = config.subs_section('footer',{}) writer.write(ftr,trace='footer') def parse_author(self,s): """ Return False if the author is malformed.""" attrs = self.attributes # Alias for readability. s = s.strip() mo = re.match(r'^(?P[^<>\s]+)' '(\s+(?P[^<>\s]+))?' '(\s+(?P[^<>\s]+))?' '(\s+<(?P\S+)>)?$',s) if not mo: # Names that don't match the formal specification. if s: attrs['firstname'] = s return firstname = mo.group('name1') if mo.group('name3'): middlename = mo.group('name2') lastname = mo.group('name3') else: middlename = None lastname = mo.group('name2') firstname = firstname.replace('_',' ') if middlename: middlename = middlename.replace('_',' ') if lastname: lastname = lastname.replace('_',' ') email = mo.group('email') if firstname: attrs['firstname'] = firstname if middlename: attrs['middlename'] = middlename if lastname: attrs['lastname'] = lastname if email: attrs['email'] = email return def process_author_names(self): """ Calculate any missing author related attributes.""" attrs = self.attributes # Alias for readability. firstname = attrs.get('firstname','') middlename = attrs.get('middlename','') lastname = attrs.get('lastname','') author = attrs.get('author') initials = attrs.get('authorinitials') if author and not (firstname or middlename or lastname): self.parse_author(author) attrs['author'] = author.replace('_',' ') self.process_author_names() return if not author: author = '%s %s %s' % (firstname, middlename, lastname) author = author.strip() author = re.sub(r'\s+',' ', author) if not initials: initials = (char_decode(firstname)[:1] + char_decode(middlename)[:1] + char_decode(lastname)[:1]) initials = char_encode(initials).upper() names = [firstname,middlename,lastname,author,initials] for i,v in enumerate(names): v = config.subs_specialchars(v) v = subs_attrs(v) names[i] = v firstname,middlename,lastname,author,initials = names if firstname: attrs['firstname'] = firstname if middlename: attrs['middlename'] = middlename if lastname: attrs['lastname'] = lastname if author: attrs['author'] = author if initials: attrs['authorinitials'] = initials if author: attrs['authored'] = '' class Header: """Static methods and attributes only.""" REV_LINE_RE = r'^(\D*(?P.*?),)?(?P.*?)(:\s*(?P.*))?$' RCS_ID_RE = r'^\$Id: \S+ (?P\S+) (?P\S+) \S+ (?P\S+) (\S+ )?\$$' def __init__(self): raise AssertionError,'no class instances allowed' @staticmethod def parse(): assert Lex.next() is Title and Title.level == 0 attrs = document.attributes # Alias for readability. # Postpone title subs until backend conf files have been loaded. Title.translate(skipsubs=True) attrs['doctitle'] = Title.attributes['title'] document.consume_attributes_and_comments(noblanks=True) s = reader.read_next() mo = None if s: # Process first header line after the title that is not a comment # or an attribute entry. s = reader.read() mo = re.match(Header.RCS_ID_RE,s) if not mo: document.parse_author(s) document.consume_attributes_and_comments(noblanks=True) if reader.read_next(): # Process second header line after the title that is not a # comment or an attribute entry. s = reader.read() s = subs_attrs(s) if s: mo = re.match(Header.RCS_ID_RE,s) if not mo: mo = re.match(Header.REV_LINE_RE,s) document.consume_attributes_and_comments(noblanks=True) s = attrs.get('revnumber') if s: mo = re.match(Header.RCS_ID_RE,s) if mo: revnumber = mo.group('revnumber') if revnumber: attrs['revnumber'] = revnumber.strip() author = mo.groupdict().get('author') if author and 'firstname' not in attrs: document.parse_author(author) revremark = mo.groupdict().get('revremark') if revremark is not None: revremark = [revremark] # Revision remarks can continue on following lines. while reader.read_next(): if document.consume_attributes_and_comments(noblanks=True): break revremark.append(reader.read()) revremark = Lex.subs(revremark,['normal']) revremark = '\n'.join(revremark).strip() attrs['revremark'] = revremark revdate = mo.group('revdate') if revdate: attrs['revdate'] = revdate.strip() elif revnumber or revremark: # Set revision date to ensure valid DocBook revision. attrs['revdate'] = attrs['docdate'] document.process_author_names() if document.doctype == 'manpage': # manpage title formatted like mantitle(manvolnum). mo = re.match(r'^(?P.*)\((?P.*)\)$', attrs['doctitle']) if not mo: message.error('malformed manpage title') else: mantitle = mo.group('mantitle').strip() mantitle = subs_attrs(mantitle) if mantitle is None: message.error('undefined attribute in manpage title') # mantitle is lowered only if in ALL CAPS if mantitle == mantitle.upper(): mantitle = mantitle.lower() attrs['mantitle'] = mantitle; attrs['manvolnum'] = mo.group('manvolnum').strip() class AttributeEntry: """Static methods and attributes only.""" pattern = None subs = None name = None name2 = None value = None attributes = {} # Accumulates all the parsed attribute entries. def __init__(self): raise AssertionError,'no class instances allowed' @staticmethod def isnext(): result = False # Assume not next. if not AttributeEntry.pattern: pat = document.attributes.get('attributeentry-pattern') if not pat: message.error("[attributes] missing 'attributeentry-pattern' entry") AttributeEntry.pattern = pat line = reader.read_next() if line: # Attribute entry formatted like :[.]:[ ] mo = re.match(AttributeEntry.pattern,line) if mo: AttributeEntry.name = mo.group('attrname') AttributeEntry.name2 = mo.group('attrname2') AttributeEntry.value = mo.group('attrvalue') or '' AttributeEntry.value = AttributeEntry.value.strip() result = True return result @staticmethod def translate(): assert Lex.next() is AttributeEntry attr = AttributeEntry # Alias for brevity. reader.read() # Discard attribute entry from reader. while attr.value.endswith(' +'): if not reader.read_next(): break attr.value = attr.value[:-1] + reader.read().strip() if attr.name2 is not None: # Configuration file attribute. if attr.name2 != '': # Section entry attribute. section = {} # Some sections can have name! syntax. if attr.name in ('attributes','miscellaneous') and attr.name2[-1] == '!': section[attr.name] = [attr.name2] else: section[attr.name] = ['%s=%s' % (attr.name2,attr.value)] config.load_sections(section) config.load_miscellaneous(config.conf_attrs) else: # Markup template section attribute. config.sections[attr.name] = [attr.value] else: # Normal attribute. if attr.name[-1] == '!': # Names like name! undefine the attribute. attr.name = attr.name[:-1] attr.value = None # Strip white space and illegal name chars. attr.name = re.sub(r'(?u)[^\w\-_]', '', attr.name).lower() # Don't override most command-line attributes. if attr.name in config.cmd_attrs \ and attr.name not in ('trace','numbered'): return # Update document attributes with attribute value. if attr.value is not None: mo = re.match(r'^pass:(?P.*)\[(?P.*)\]$', attr.value) if mo: # Inline passthrough syntax. attr.subs = mo.group('attrs') attr.value = mo.group('value') # Passthrough. else: # Default substitution. # DEPRECATED: attributeentry-subs attr.subs = document.attributes.get('attributeentry-subs', 'specialcharacters,attributes') attr.subs = parse_options(attr.subs, SUBS_OPTIONS, 'illegal substitution option') attr.value = Lex.subs((attr.value,), attr.subs) attr.value = writer.newline.join(attr.value) document.attributes[attr.name] = attr.value elif attr.name in document.attributes: del document.attributes[attr.name] attr.attributes[attr.name] = attr.value class AttributeList: """Static methods and attributes only.""" pattern = None match = None attrs = {} def __init__(self): raise AssertionError,'no class instances allowed' @staticmethod def initialize(): if not 'attributelist-pattern' in document.attributes: message.error("[attributes] missing 'attributelist-pattern' entry") AttributeList.pattern = document.attributes['attributelist-pattern'] @staticmethod def isnext(): result = False # Assume not next. line = reader.read_next() if line: mo = re.match(AttributeList.pattern, line) if mo: AttributeList.match = mo result = True return result @staticmethod def translate(): assert Lex.next() is AttributeList reader.read() # Discard attribute list from reader. attrs = {} d = AttributeList.match.groupdict() for k,v in d.items(): if v is not None: if k == 'attrlist': v = subs_attrs(v) if v: parse_attributes(v, attrs) else: AttributeList.attrs[k] = v AttributeList.subs(attrs) AttributeList.attrs.update(attrs) @staticmethod def subs(attrs): '''Substitute single quoted attribute values normally.''' reo = re.compile(r"^'.*'$") for k,v in attrs.items(): if reo.match(str(v)): attrs[k] = Lex.subs_1(v[1:-1], config.subsnormal) @staticmethod def style(): return AttributeList.attrs.get('style') or AttributeList.attrs.get('1') @staticmethod def consume(d={}): """Add attribute list to the dictionary 'd' and reset the list.""" if AttributeList.attrs: d.update(AttributeList.attrs) AttributeList.attrs = {} # Generate option attributes. if 'options' in d: options = parse_options(d['options'], (), 'illegal option name') for option in options: d[option+'-option'] = '' class BlockTitle: """Static methods and attributes only.""" title = None pattern = None def __init__(self): raise AssertionError,'no class instances allowed' @staticmethod def isnext(): result = False # Assume not next. line = reader.read_next() if line: mo = re.match(BlockTitle.pattern,line) if mo: BlockTitle.title = mo.group('title') result = True return result @staticmethod def translate(): assert Lex.next() is BlockTitle reader.read() # Discard title from reader. # Perform title substitutions. if not Title.subs: Title.subs = config.subsnormal s = Lex.subs((BlockTitle.title,), Title.subs) s = writer.newline.join(s) if not s: message.warning('blank block title') BlockTitle.title = s @staticmethod def consume(d={}): """If there is a title add it to dictionary 'd' then reset title.""" if BlockTitle.title: d['title'] = BlockTitle.title BlockTitle.title = None class Title: """Processes Header and Section titles. Static methods and attributes only.""" # Class variables underlines = ('==','--','~~','^^','++') # Levels 0,1,2,3,4. subs = () pattern = None level = 0 attributes = {} sectname = None section_numbers = [0]*len(underlines) dump_dict = {} linecount = None # Number of lines in title (1 or 2). def __init__(self): raise AssertionError,'no class instances allowed' @staticmethod def translate(skipsubs=False): """Parse the Title.attributes and Title.level from the reader. The real work has already been done by parse().""" assert Lex.next() in (Title,FloatingTitle) # Discard title from reader. for i in range(Title.linecount): reader.read() Title.setsectname() if not skipsubs: Title.attributes['title'] = Title.dosubs(Title.attributes['title']) @staticmethod def dosubs(title): """ Perform title substitutions. """ if not Title.subs: Title.subs = config.subsnormal title = Lex.subs((title,), Title.subs) title = writer.newline.join(title) if not title: message.warning('blank section title') return title @staticmethod def isnext(): lines = reader.read_ahead(2) return Title.parse(lines) @staticmethod def parse(lines): """Parse title at start of lines tuple.""" if len(lines) == 0: return False if len(lines[0]) == 0: return False # Title can't be blank. # Check for single-line titles. result = False for level in range(len(Title.underlines)): k = 'sect%s' % level if k in Title.dump_dict: mo = re.match(Title.dump_dict[k], lines[0]) if mo: Title.attributes = mo.groupdict() Title.level = level Title.linecount = 1 result = True break if not result: # Check for double-line titles. if not Title.pattern: return False # Single-line titles only. if len(lines) < 2: return False title,ul = lines[:2] title_len = column_width(title) ul_len = char_len(ul) if ul_len < 2: return False # Fast elimination check. if ul[:2] not in Title.underlines: return False # Length of underline must be within +-3 of title. if not ((ul_len-3 < title_len < ul_len+3) # Next test for backward compatibility. or (ul_len-3 < char_len(title) < ul_len+3)): return False # Check for valid repetition of underline character pairs. s = ul[:2]*((ul_len+1)/2) if ul != s[:ul_len]: return False # Don't be fooled by back-to-back delimited blocks, require at # least one alphanumeric character in title. if not re.search(r'(?u)\w',title): return False mo = re.match(Title.pattern, title) if mo: Title.attributes = mo.groupdict() Title.level = list(Title.underlines).index(ul[:2]) Title.linecount = 2 result = True # Check for expected pattern match groups. if result: if not 'title' in Title.attributes: message.warning('[titles] entry has no group') Title.attributes['title'] = lines[0] for k,v in Title.attributes.items(): if v is None: del Title.attributes[k] try: Title.level += int(document.attributes.get('leveloffset','0')) except: pass Title.attributes['level'] = str(Title.level) return result @staticmethod def load(entries): """Load and validate [titles] section entries dictionary.""" if 'underlines' in entries: errmsg = 'malformed [titles] underlines entry' try: underlines = parse_list(entries['underlines']) except Exception: raise EAsciiDoc,errmsg if len(underlines) != len(Title.underlines): raise EAsciiDoc,errmsg for s in underlines: if len(s) !=2: raise EAsciiDoc,errmsg Title.underlines = tuple(underlines) Title.dump_dict['underlines'] = entries['underlines'] if 'subs' in entries: Title.subs = parse_options(entries['subs'], SUBS_OPTIONS, 'illegal [titles] subs entry') Title.dump_dict['subs'] = entries['subs'] if 'sectiontitle' in entries: pat = entries['sectiontitle'] if not pat or not is_re(pat): raise EAsciiDoc,'malformed [titles] sectiontitle entry' Title.pattern = pat Title.dump_dict['sectiontitle'] = pat if 'blocktitle' in entries: pat = entries['blocktitle'] if not pat or not is_re(pat): raise EAsciiDoc,'malformed [titles] blocktitle entry' BlockTitle.pattern = pat Title.dump_dict['blocktitle'] = pat # Load single-line title patterns. for k in ('sect0','sect1','sect2','sect3','sect4'): if k in entries: pat = entries[k] if not pat or not is_re(pat): raise EAsciiDoc,'malformed [titles] %s entry' % k Title.dump_dict[k] = pat # TODO: Check we have either a Title.pattern or at least one # single-line title pattern -- can this be done here or do we need # check routine like the other block checkers? @staticmethod def dump(): dump_section('titles',Title.dump_dict) @staticmethod def setsectname(): """ Set Title section name: If the first positional or 'template' attribute is set use it, next search for section title in [specialsections], if not found use default 'sect<level>' name. """ sectname = AttributeList.attrs.get('1') if sectname and sectname != 'float': Title.sectname = sectname elif 'template' in AttributeList.attrs: Title.sectname = AttributeList.attrs['template'] else: for pat,sect in config.specialsections.items(): mo = re.match(pat,Title.attributes['title']) if mo: title = mo.groupdict().get('title') if title is not None: Title.attributes['title'] = title.strip() else: Title.attributes['title'] = mo.group().strip() Title.sectname = sect break else: Title.sectname = 'sect%d' % Title.level @staticmethod def getnumber(level): """Return next section number at section 'level' formatted like""" number = '' for l in range(len(Title.section_numbers)): n = Title.section_numbers[l] if l == 0: continue elif l < level: number = '%s%d.' % (number, n) elif l == level: number = '%s%d.' % (number, n + 1) Title.section_numbers[l] = n + 1 elif l > level: # Reset unprocessed section levels. Title.section_numbers[l] = 0 return number class FloatingTitle(Title): '''Floated titles are translated differently.''' @staticmethod def isnext(): return Title.isnext() and AttributeList.style() == 'float' @staticmethod def translate(): assert Lex.next() is FloatingTitle Title.translate() Section.set_id() AttributeList.consume(Title.attributes) template = 'floatingtitle' if template in config.sections: stag,etag = config.section2tags(template,Title.attributes) writer.write(stag,trace='floating title') else: message.warning('missing template section: [%s]' % template) class Section: """Static methods and attributes only.""" endtags = [] # Stack of currently open section (level,endtag) tuples. ids = [] # List of already used ids. def __init__(self): raise AssertionError,'no class instances allowed' @staticmethod def savetag(level,etag): """Save section end.""" Section.endtags.append((level,etag)) @staticmethod def setlevel(level): """Set document level and write open section close tags up to level.""" while Section.endtags and Section.endtags[-1][0] >= level: writer.write(Section.endtags.pop()[1],trace='section close') document.level = level @staticmethod def gen_id(title): """ The normalized value of the id attribute is an NCName according to the 'Namespaces in XML' Recommendation: NCName ::= NCNameStartChar NCNameChar* NCNameChar ::= NameChar - ':' NCNameStartChar ::= Letter | '_' NameChar ::= Letter | Digit | '.' | '-' | '_' | ':' """ # Replace non-alpha numeric characters in title with underscores and # convert to lower case. base_id = re.sub(r'(?u)\W+', '_', char_decode(title)).strip('_').lower() if 'ascii-ids' in document.attributes: # Replace non-ASCII characters with ASCII equivalents. import unicodedata base_id = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', base_id).encode('ascii','ignore') base_id = char_encode(base_id) # Prefix the ID name with idprefix attribute or underscore if not # defined. Prefix ensures the ID does not clash with existing IDs. idprefix = document.attributes.get('idprefix','_') base_id = idprefix + base_id i = 1 while True: if i == 1: id = base_id else: id = '%s_%d' % (base_id, i) if id not in Section.ids: Section.ids.append(id) return id else: id = base_id i += 1 @staticmethod def set_id(): if not document.attributes.get('sectids') is None \ and 'id' not in AttributeList.attrs: # Generate ids for sections. AttributeList.attrs['id'] = Section.gen_id(Title.attributes['title']) @staticmethod def translate(): assert Lex.next() is Title prev_sectname = Title.sectname Title.translate() if Title.level == 0 and document.doctype != 'book': message.error('only book doctypes can contain level 0 sections') if Title.level > document.level \ and 'basebackend-docbook' in document.attributes \ and prev_sectname in ('colophon','abstract', \ 'dedication','glossary','bibliography'): message.error('%s section cannot contain sub-sections' % prev_sectname) if Title.level > document.level+1: # Sub-sections of multi-part book level zero Preface and Appendices # are meant to be out of sequence. if document.doctype == 'book' \ and document.level == 0 \ and Title.level == 2 \ and prev_sectname in ('preface','appendix'): pass else: message.warning('section title out of sequence: ' 'expected level %d, got level %d' % (document.level+1, Title.level)) Section.set_id() Section.setlevel(Title.level) if 'numbered' in document.attributes: Title.attributes['sectnum'] = Title.getnumber(document.level) else: Title.attributes['sectnum'] = '' AttributeList.consume(Title.attributes) stag,etag = config.section2tags(Title.sectname,Title.attributes) Section.savetag(Title.level,etag) writer.write(stag,trace='section open: level %d: %s' % (Title.level, Title.attributes['title'])) Section.translate_body() @staticmethod def translate_body(terminator=Title): isempty = True next = Lex.next() while next and next is not terminator: if isinstance(terminator,DelimitedBlock) and next is Title: message.error('section title not permitted in delimited block') next.translate() next = Lex.next() isempty = False # The section is not empty if contains a subsection. if next and isempty and Title.level > document.level: isempty = False # Report empty sections if invalid markup will result. if isempty: if document.backend == 'docbook' and Title.sectname != 'index': message.error('empty section is not valid') class AbstractBlock: blocknames = [] # Global stack of names for push_blockname() and pop_blockname(). def __init__(self): # Configuration parameter names common to all blocks. self.CONF_ENTRIES = ('delimiter','options','subs','presubs','postsubs', 'posattrs','style','.*-style','template','filter') self.start = None # File reader cursor at start delimiter. self.defname=None # Configuration file block definition section name. # Configuration parameters. self.delimiter=None # Regular expression matching block delimiter. self.delimiter_reo=None # Compiled delimiter. self.template=None # template section entry. self.options=() # options entry list. self.presubs=None # presubs/subs entry list. self.postsubs=() # postsubs entry list. self.filter=None # filter entry. self.posattrs=() # posattrs entry list. self.style=None # Default style. self.styles=OrderedDict() # Each entry is a styles dictionary. # Before a block is processed it's attributes (from it's # attributes list) are merged with the block configuration parameters # (by self.merge_attributes()) resulting in the template substitution # dictionary (self.attributes) and the block's processing parameters # (self.parameters). self.attributes={} # The names of block parameters. self.PARAM_NAMES=('template','options','presubs','postsubs','filter') self.parameters=None # Leading delimiter match object. self.mo=None def short_name(self): """ Return the text following the first dash in the section name.""" i = self.defname.find('-') if i == -1: return self.defname else: return self.defname[i+1:] def error(self, msg, cursor=None, halt=False): message.error('[%s] %s' % (self.defname,msg), cursor, halt) def is_conf_entry(self,param): """Return True if param matches an allowed configuration file entry name.""" for s in self.CONF_ENTRIES: if re.match('^'+s+'$',param): return True return False def load(self,defname,entries): """Update block definition from section 'entries' dictionary.""" self.defname = defname self.update_parameters(entries, self, all=True) def update_parameters(self, src, dst=None, all=False): """ Parse processing parameters from src dictionary to dst object. dst defaults to self.parameters. If all is True then copy src entries that aren't parameter names. """ dst = dst or self.parameters msg = '[%s] malformed entry %%s: %%s' % self.defname def copy(obj,k,v): if isinstance(obj,dict): obj[k] = v else: setattr(obj,k,v) for k,v in src.items(): if not re.match(r'\d+',k) and not is_name(k): raise EAsciiDoc, msg % (k,v) if k == 'template': if not is_name(v): raise EAsciiDoc, msg % (k,v) copy(dst,k,v) elif k == 'filter': copy(dst,k,v) elif k == 'options': if isinstance(v,str): v = parse_options(v, (), msg % (k,v)) # Merge with existing options. v = tuple(set(dst.options).union(set(v))) copy(dst,k,v) elif k in ('subs','presubs','postsubs'): # Subs is an alias for presubs. if k == 'subs': k = 'presubs' if isinstance(v,str): v = parse_options(v, SUBS_OPTIONS, msg % (k,v)) copy(dst,k,v) elif k == 'delimiter': if v and is_re(v): copy(dst,k,v) else: raise EAsciiDoc, msg % (k,v) elif k == 'style': if is_name(v): copy(dst,k,v) else: raise EAsciiDoc, msg % (k,v) elif k == 'posattrs': v = parse_options(v, (), msg % (k,v)) copy(dst,k,v) else: mo = re.match(r'^(?P<style>.*)-style$',k) if mo: if not v: raise EAsciiDoc, msg % (k,v) style = mo.group('style') if not is_name(style): raise EAsciiDoc, msg % (k,v) d = {} if not parse_named_attributes(v,d): raise EAsciiDoc, msg % (k,v) if 'subs' in d: # Subs is an alias for presubs. d['presubs'] = d['subs'] del d['subs'] self.styles[style] = d elif all or k in self.PARAM_NAMES: copy(dst,k,v) # Derived class specific entries. def get_param(self,name,params=None): """ Return named processing parameter from params dictionary. If the parameter is not in params look in self.parameters. """ if params and name in params: return params[name] elif name in self.parameters: return self.parameters[name] else: return None def get_subs(self,params=None): """ Return (presubs,postsubs) tuple. """ presubs = self.get_param('presubs',params) postsubs = self.get_param('postsubs',params) return (presubs,postsubs) def dump(self): """Write block definition to stdout.""" write = lambda s: sys.stdout.write('%s%s' % (s,writer.newline)) write('['+self.defname+']') if self.is_conf_entry('delimiter'): write('delimiter='+self.delimiter) if self.template: write('template='+self.template) if self.options: write('options='+','.join(self.options)) if self.presubs: if self.postsubs: write('presubs='+','.join(self.presubs)) else: write('subs='+','.join(self.presubs)) if self.postsubs: write('postsubs='+','.join(self.postsubs)) if self.filter: write('filter='+self.filter) if self.posattrs: write('posattrs='+','.join(self.posattrs)) if self.style: write('style='+self.style) if self.styles: for style,d in self.styles.items(): s = '' for k,v in d.items(): s += '%s=%r,' % (k,v) write('%s-style=%s' % (style,s[:-1])) def validate(self): """Validate block after the complete configuration has been loaded.""" if self.is_conf_entry('delimiter') and not self.delimiter: raise EAsciiDoc,'[%s] missing delimiter' % self.defname if self.style: if not is_name(self.style): raise EAsciiDoc, 'illegal style name: %s' % self.style if not self.style in self.styles: if not isinstance(self,List): # Lists don't have templates. message.warning('[%s] \'%s\' style not in %s' % ( self.defname,self.style,self.styles.keys())) # Check all styles for missing templates. all_styles_have_template = True for k,v in self.styles.items(): t = v.get('template') if t and not t in config.sections: # Defer check if template name contains attributes. if not re.search(r'{.+}',t): message.warning('missing template section: [%s]' % t) if not t: all_styles_have_template = False # Check we have a valid template entry or alternatively that all the # styles have templates. if self.is_conf_entry('template') and not 'skip' in self.options: if self.template: if not self.template in config.sections: # Defer check if template name contains attributes. if not re.search(r'{.+}',self.template): message.warning('missing template section: [%s]' % self.template) elif not all_styles_have_template: if not isinstance(self,List): # Lists don't have templates. message.warning('missing styles templates: [%s]' % self.defname) def isnext(self): """Check if this block is next in document reader.""" result = False reader.skip_blank_lines() if reader.read_next(): if not self.delimiter_reo: # Cache compiled delimiter optimization. self.delimiter_reo = re.compile(self.delimiter) mo = self.delimiter_reo.match(reader.read_next()) if mo: self.mo = mo result = True return result def translate(self): """Translate block from document reader.""" if not self.presubs: self.presubs = config.subsnormal if reader.cursor: self.start = reader.cursor[:] def push_blockname(self, blockname=None): ''' On block entry set the 'blockname' attribute. Only applies to delimited blocks, lists and tables. ''' if blockname is None: blockname = self.attributes.get('style', self.short_name()).lower() trace('push blockname', blockname) self.blocknames.append(blockname) document.attributes['blockname'] = blockname def pop_blockname(self): ''' On block exits restore previous (parent) 'blockname' attribute or undefine it if we're no longer inside a block. ''' assert len(self.blocknames) > 0 blockname = self.blocknames.pop() trace('pop blockname', blockname) if len(self.blocknames) == 0: document.attributes['blockname'] = None else: document.attributes['blockname'] = self.blocknames[-1] def merge_attributes(self,attrs,params=[]): """ Use the current block's attribute list (attrs dictionary) to build a dictionary of block processing parameters (self.parameters) and tag substitution attributes (self.attributes). 1. Copy the default parameters (self.*) to self.parameters. self.parameters are used internally to render the current block. Optional params array of additional parameters. 2. Copy attrs to self.attributes. self.attributes are used for template and tag substitution in the current block. 3. If a style attribute was specified update self.parameters with the corresponding style parameters; if there are any style parameters remaining add them to self.attributes (existing attribute list entries take precedence). 4. Set named positional attributes in self.attributes if self.posattrs was specified. 5. Finally self.parameters is updated with any corresponding parameters specified in attrs. """ def check_array_parameter(param): # Check the parameter is a sequence type. if not is_array(self.parameters[param]): message.error('malformed %s parameter: %s' % (param, self.parameters[param])) # Revert to default value. self.parameters[param] = getattr(self,param) params = list(self.PARAM_NAMES) + params self.attributes = {} if self.style: # If a default style is defined make it available in the template. self.attributes['style'] = self.style self.attributes.update(attrs) # Calculate dynamic block parameters. # Start with configuration file defaults. self.parameters = AttrDict() for name in params: self.parameters[name] = getattr(self,name) # Load the selected style attributes. posattrs = self.posattrs if posattrs and posattrs[0] == 'style': # Positional attribute style has highest precedence. style = self.attributes.get('1') else: style = None if not style: # Use explicit style attribute, fall back to default style. style = self.attributes.get('style',self.style) if style: if not is_name(style): message.error('illegal style name: %s' % style) style = self.style # Lists have implicit styles and do their own style checks. elif style not in self.styles and not isinstance(self,List): message.warning('missing style: [%s]: %s' % (self.defname,style)) style = self.style if style in self.styles: self.attributes['style'] = style for k,v in self.styles[style].items(): if k == 'posattrs': posattrs = v elif k in params: self.parameters[k] = v elif not k in self.attributes: # Style attributes don't take precedence over explicit. self.attributes[k] = v # Set named positional attributes. for i,v in enumerate(posattrs): if str(i+1) in self.attributes: self.attributes[v] = self.attributes[str(i+1)] # Override config and style attributes with attribute list attributes. self.update_parameters(attrs) check_array_parameter('options') check_array_parameter('presubs') check_array_parameter('postsubs') class AbstractBlocks: """List of block definitions.""" PREFIX = '' # Conf file section name prefix set in derived classes. BLOCK_TYPE = None # Block type set in derived classes. def __init__(self): self.current=None self.blocks = [] # List of Block objects. self.default = None # Default Block. self.delimiters = None # Combined delimiters regular expression. def load(self,sections): """Load block definition from 'sections' dictionary.""" for k in sections.keys(): if re.match(r'^'+ self.PREFIX + r'.+$',k): d = {} parse_entries(sections.get(k,()),d) for b in self.blocks: if b.defname == k: break else: b = self.BLOCK_TYPE() self.blocks.append(b) try: b.load(k,d) except EAsciiDoc,e: raise EAsciiDoc,'[%s] %s' % (k,str(e)) def dump(self): for b in self.blocks: b.dump() def isnext(self): for b in self.blocks: if b.isnext(): self.current = b return True; return False def validate(self): """Validate the block definitions.""" # Validate delimiters and build combined lists delimiter pattern. delimiters = [] for b in self.blocks: assert b.__class__ is self.BLOCK_TYPE b.validate() if b.delimiter: delimiters.append(b.delimiter) self.delimiters = re_join(delimiters) class Paragraph(AbstractBlock): def __init__(self): AbstractBlock.__init__(self) self.text=None # Text in first line of paragraph. def load(self,name,entries): AbstractBlock.load(self,name,entries) def dump(self): AbstractBlock.dump(self) write = lambda s: sys.stdout.write('%s%s' % (s,writer.newline)) write('') def isnext(self): result = AbstractBlock.isnext(self) if result: self.text = self.mo.groupdict().get('text') return result def translate(self): AbstractBlock.translate(self) attrs = self.mo.groupdict().copy() if 'text' in attrs: del attrs['text'] BlockTitle.consume(attrs) AttributeList.consume(attrs) self.merge_attributes(attrs) reader.read() # Discard (already parsed item first line). body = reader.read_until(paragraphs.terminators) if 'skip' in self.parameters.options: return body = [self.text] + list(body) presubs = self.parameters.presubs postsubs = self.parameters.postsubs if document.attributes.get('plaintext') is None: body = Lex.set_margin(body) # Move body to left margin. body = Lex.subs(body,presubs) template = self.parameters.template template = subs_attrs(template,attrs) stag = config.section2tags(template, self.attributes,skipend=True)[0] if self.parameters.filter: body = filter_lines(self.parameters.filter,body,self.attributes) body = Lex.subs(body,postsubs) etag = config.section2tags(template, self.attributes,skipstart=True)[1] # Write start tag, content, end tag. writer.write(dovetail_tags(stag,body,etag),trace='paragraph') class Paragraphs(AbstractBlocks): """List of paragraph definitions.""" BLOCK_TYPE = Paragraph PREFIX = 'paradef-' def __init__(self): AbstractBlocks.__init__(self) self.terminators=None # List of compiled re's. def initialize(self): self.terminators = [ re.compile(r'^\+$|^$'), re.compile(AttributeList.pattern), re.compile(blocks.delimiters), re.compile(tables.delimiters), re.compile(tables_OLD.delimiters), ] def load(self,sections): AbstractBlocks.load(self,sections) def validate(self): AbstractBlocks.validate(self) # Check we have a default paragraph definition, put it last in list. for b in self.blocks: if b.defname == 'paradef-default': self.blocks.append(b) self.default = b self.blocks.remove(b) break else: raise EAsciiDoc,'missing section: [paradef-default]' class List(AbstractBlock): NUMBER_STYLES= ('arabic','loweralpha','upperalpha','lowerroman', 'upperroman') def __init__(self): AbstractBlock.__init__(self) self.CONF_ENTRIES += ('type','tags') self.PARAM_NAMES += ('tags',) # listdef conf file parameters. self.type=None self.tags=None # Name of listtags-<tags> conf section. # Calculated parameters. self.tag=None # Current tags AttrDict. self.label=None # List item label (labeled lists). self.text=None # Text in first line of list item. self.index=None # Matched delimiter 'index' group (numbered lists). self.type=None # List type ('numbered','bulleted','labeled'). self.ordinal=None # Current list item ordinal number (1..) self.number_style=None # Current numbered list style ('arabic'..) def load(self,name,entries): AbstractBlock.load(self,name,entries) def dump(self): AbstractBlock.dump(self) write = lambda s: sys.stdout.write('%s%s' % (s,writer.newline)) write('type='+self.type) write('tags='+self.tags) write('') def validate(self): AbstractBlock.validate(self) tags = [self.tags] tags += [s['tags'] for s in self.styles.values() if 'tags' in s] for t in tags: if t not in lists.tags: self.error('missing section: [listtags-%s]' % t,halt=True) def isnext(self): result = AbstractBlock.isnext(self) if result: self.label = self.mo.groupdict().get('label') self.text = self.mo.groupdict().get('text') self.index = self.mo.groupdict().get('index') return result def translate_entry(self): assert self.type == 'labeled' entrytag = subs_tag(self.tag.entry, self.attributes) labeltag = subs_tag(self.tag.label, self.attributes) writer.write(entrytag[0],trace='list entry open') writer.write(labeltag[0],trace='list label open') # Write labels. while Lex.next() is self: reader.read() # Discard (already parsed item first line). writer.write_tag(self.tag.term, [self.label], self.presubs, self.attributes,trace='list term') if self.text: break writer.write(labeltag[1],trace='list label close') # Write item text. self.translate_item() writer.write(entrytag[1],trace='list entry close') def translate_item(self): if self.type == 'callout': self.attributes['coids'] = calloutmap.calloutids(self.ordinal) itemtag = subs_tag(self.tag.item, self.attributes) writer.write(itemtag[0],trace='list item open') # Write ItemText. text = reader.read_until(lists.terminators) if self.text: text = [self.text] + list(text) if text: writer.write_tag(self.tag.text, text, self.presubs, self.attributes,trace='list text') # Process explicit and implicit list item continuations. while True: continuation = reader.read_next() == '+' if continuation: reader.read() # Discard continuation line. while Lex.next() in (BlockTitle,AttributeList): # Consume continued element title and attributes. Lex.next().translate() if not continuation and BlockTitle.title: # Titled elements terminate the list. break next = Lex.next() if next in lists.open: break elif isinstance(next,List): next.translate() elif isinstance(next,Paragraph) and 'listelement' in next.options: next.translate() elif continuation: # This is where continued elements are processed. if next is Title: message.error('section title not allowed in list item',halt=True) next.translate() else: break writer.write(itemtag[1],trace='list item close') @staticmethod def calc_style(index): """Return the numbered list style ('arabic'...) of the list item index. Return None if unrecognized style.""" if re.match(r'^\d+[\.>]$', index): style = 'arabic' elif re.match(r'^[ivx]+\)$', index): style = 'lowerroman' elif re.match(r'^[IVX]+\)$', index): style = 'upperroman' elif re.match(r'^[a-z]\.$', index): style = 'loweralpha' elif re.match(r'^[A-Z]\.$', index): style = 'upperalpha' else: assert False return style @staticmethod def calc_index(index,style): """Return the ordinal number of (1...) of the list item index for the given list style.""" def roman_to_int(roman): roman = roman.lower() digits = {'i':1,'v':5,'x':10} result = 0 for i in range(len(roman)): digit = digits[roman[i]] # If next digit is larger this digit is negative. if i+1 < len(roman) and digits[roman[i+1]] > digit: result -= digit else: result += digit return result index = index[:-1] if style == 'arabic': ordinal = int(index) elif style == 'lowerroman': ordinal = roman_to_int(index) elif style == 'upperroman': ordinal = roman_to_int(index) elif style == 'loweralpha': ordinal = ord(index) - ord('a') + 1 elif style == 'upperalpha': ordinal = ord(index) - ord('A') + 1 else: assert False return ordinal def check_index(self): """Check calculated self.ordinal (1,2,...) against the item number in the document (self.index) and check the number style is the same as the first item (self.number_style).""" assert self.type in ('numbered','callout') if self.index: style = self.calc_style(self.index) if style != self.number_style: message.warning('list item style: expected %s got %s' % (self.number_style,style), offset=1) ordinal = self.calc_index(self.index,style) if ordinal != self.ordinal: message.warning('list item index: expected %s got %s' % (self.ordinal,ordinal), offset=1) def check_tags(self): """ Check that all necessary tags are present. """ tags = set(Lists.TAGS) if self.type != 'labeled': tags = tags.difference(['entry','label','term']) missing = tags.difference(self.tag.keys()) if missing: self.error('missing tag(s): %s' % ','.join(missing), halt=True) def translate(self): AbstractBlock.translate(self) if self.short_name() in ('bibliography','glossary','qanda'): message.deprecated('old %s list syntax' % self.short_name()) lists.open.append(self) attrs = self.mo.groupdict().copy() for k in ('label','text','index'): if k in attrs: del attrs[k] if self.index: # Set the numbering style from first list item. attrs['style'] = self.calc_style(self.index) BlockTitle.consume(attrs) AttributeList.consume(attrs) self.merge_attributes(attrs,['tags']) self.push_blockname() if self.type in ('numbered','callout'): self.number_style = self.attributes.get('style') if self.number_style not in self.NUMBER_STYLES: message.error('illegal numbered list style: %s' % self.number_style) # Fall back to default style. self.attributes['style'] = self.number_style = self.style self.tag = lists.tags[self.parameters.tags] self.check_tags() if 'width' in self.attributes: # Set horizontal list 'labelwidth' and 'itemwidth' attributes. v = str(self.attributes['width']) mo = re.match(r'^(\d{1,2})%?$',v) if mo: labelwidth = int(mo.group(1)) self.attributes['labelwidth'] = str(labelwidth) self.attributes['itemwidth'] = str(100-labelwidth) else: self.error('illegal attribute value: width="%s"' % v) stag,etag = subs_tag(self.tag.list, self.attributes) if stag: writer.write(stag,trace='list open') self.ordinal = 0 # Process list till list syntax changes or there is a new title. while Lex.next() is self and not BlockTitle.title: self.ordinal += 1 document.attributes['listindex'] = str(self.ordinal) if self.type in ('numbered','callout'): self.check_index() if self.type in ('bulleted','numbered','callout'): reader.read() # Discard (already parsed item first line). self.translate_item() elif self.type == 'labeled': self.translate_entry() else: raise AssertionError,'illegal [%s] list type' % self.defname if etag: writer.write(etag,trace='list close') if self.type == 'callout': calloutmap.validate(self.ordinal) calloutmap.listclose() lists.open.pop() if len(lists.open): document.attributes['listindex'] = str(lists.open[-1].ordinal) self.pop_blockname() class Lists(AbstractBlocks): """List of List objects.""" BLOCK_TYPE = List PREFIX = 'listdef-' TYPES = ('bulleted','numbered','labeled','callout') TAGS = ('list', 'entry','item','text', 'label','term') def __init__(self): AbstractBlocks.__init__(self) self.open = [] # A stack of the current and parent lists. self.tags={} # List tags dictionary. Each entry is a tags AttrDict. self.terminators=None # List of compiled re's. def initialize(self): self.terminators = [ re.compile(r'^\+$|^$'), re.compile(AttributeList.pattern), re.compile(lists.delimiters), re.compile(blocks.delimiters), re.compile(tables.delimiters), re.compile(tables_OLD.delimiters), ] def load(self,sections): AbstractBlocks.load(self,sections) self.load_tags(sections) def load_tags(self,sections): """ Load listtags-* conf file sections to self.tags. """ for section in sections.keys(): mo = re.match(r'^listtags-(?P<name>\w+)$',section) if mo: name = mo.group('name') if name in self.tags: d = self.tags[name] else: d = AttrDict() parse_entries(sections.get(section,()),d) for k in d.keys(): if k not in self.TAGS: message.warning('[%s] contains illegal list tag: %s' % (section,k)) self.tags[name] = d def validate(self): AbstractBlocks.validate(self) for b in self.blocks: # Check list has valid type. if not b.type in Lists.TYPES: raise EAsciiDoc,'[%s] illegal type' % b.defname b.validate() def dump(self): AbstractBlocks.dump(self) for k,v in self.tags.items(): dump_section('listtags-'+k, v) class DelimitedBlock(AbstractBlock): def __init__(self): AbstractBlock.__init__(self) def load(self,name,entries): AbstractBlock.load(self,name,entries) def dump(self): AbstractBlock.dump(self) write = lambda s: sys.stdout.write('%s%s' % (s,writer.newline)) write('') def isnext(self): return AbstractBlock.isnext(self) def translate(self): AbstractBlock.translate(self) reader.read() # Discard delimiter. self.merge_attributes(AttributeList.attrs) if not 'skip' in self.parameters.options: BlockTitle.consume(self.attributes) AttributeList.consume() self.push_blockname() options = self.parameters.options if 'skip' in options: reader.read_until(self.delimiter,same_file=True) elif safe() and self.defname == 'blockdef-backend': message.unsafe('Backend Block') reader.read_until(self.delimiter,same_file=True) else: template = self.parameters.template template = subs_attrs(template,self.attributes) name = self.short_name()+' block' if 'sectionbody' in options: # The body is treated like a section body. stag,etag = config.section2tags(template,self.attributes) writer.write(stag,trace=name+' open') Section.translate_body(self) writer.write(etag,trace=name+' close') else: stag = config.section2tags(template,self.attributes,skipend=True)[0] body = reader.read_until(self.delimiter,same_file=True) presubs = self.parameters.presubs postsubs = self.parameters.postsubs body = Lex.subs(body,presubs) if self.parameters.filter: body = filter_lines(self.parameters.filter,body,self.attributes) body = Lex.subs(body,postsubs) # Write start tag, content, end tag. etag = config.section2tags(template,self.attributes,skipstart=True)[1] writer.write(dovetail_tags(stag,body,etag),trace=name) trace(self.short_name()+' block close',etag) if reader.eof(): self.error('missing closing delimiter',self.start) else: delimiter = reader.read() # Discard delimiter line. assert re.match(self.delimiter,delimiter) self.pop_blockname() class DelimitedBlocks(AbstractBlocks): """List of delimited blocks.""" BLOCK_TYPE = DelimitedBlock PREFIX = 'blockdef-' def __init__(self): AbstractBlocks.__init__(self) def load(self,sections): """Update blocks defined in 'sections' dictionary.""" AbstractBlocks.load(self,sections) def validate(self): AbstractBlocks.validate(self) class Column: """Table column.""" def __init__(self, width=None, align_spec=None, style=None): self.width = width or '1' self.halign, self.valign = Table.parse_align_spec(align_spec) self.style = style # Style name or None. # Calculated attribute values. self.abswidth = None # 1.. (page units). self.pcwidth = None # 1..99 (percentage). class Cell: def __init__(self, data, span_spec=None, align_spec=None, style=None): self.data = data self.span, self.vspan = Table.parse_span_spec(span_spec) self.halign, self.valign = Table.parse_align_spec(align_spec) self.style = style self.reserved = False def __repr__(self): return '<Cell: %d.%d %s.%s %s "%s">' % ( self.span, self.vspan, self.halign, self.valign, self.style or '', self.data) def clone_reserve(self): """Return a clone of self to reserve vertically spanned cell.""" result = copy.copy(self) result.vspan = 1 result.reserved = True return result class Table(AbstractBlock): ALIGN = {'<':'left', '>':'right', '^':'center'} VALIGN = {'<':'top', '>':'bottom', '^':'middle'} FORMATS = ('psv','csv','dsv') SEPARATORS = dict( csv=',', dsv=r':|\n', # The count and align group matches are not exact. psv=r'((?<!\S)((?P<span>[\d.]+)(?P<op>[*+]))?(?P<align>[<\^>.]{,3})?(?P<style>[a-z])?)?\|' ) def __init__(self): AbstractBlock.__init__(self) self.CONF_ENTRIES += ('format','tags','separator') # tabledef conf file parameters. self.format='psv' self.separator=None self.tags=None # Name of tabletags-<tags> conf section. # Calculated parameters. self.abswidth=None # 1.. (page units). self.pcwidth = None # 1..99 (percentage). self.rows=[] # Parsed rows, each row is a list of Cells. self.columns=[] # List of Columns. @staticmethod def parse_align_spec(align_spec): """ Parse AsciiDoc cell alignment specifier and return 2-tuple with horizonatal and vertical alignment names. Unspecified alignments set to None. """ result = (None, None) if align_spec: mo = re.match(r'^([<\^>])?(\.([<\^>]))?$', align_spec) if mo: result = (Table.ALIGN.get(mo.group(1)), Table.VALIGN.get(mo.group(3))) return result @staticmethod def parse_span_spec(span_spec): """ Parse AsciiDoc cell span specifier and return 2-tuple with horizonatal and vertical span counts. Set default values (1,1) if not specified. """ result = (None, None) if span_spec: mo = re.match(r'^(\d+)?(\.(\d+))?$', span_spec) if mo: result = (mo.group(1) and int(mo.group(1)), mo.group(3) and int(mo.group(3))) return (result[0] or 1, result[1] or 1) def load(self,name,entries): AbstractBlock.load(self,name,entries) def dump(self): AbstractBlock.dump(self) write = lambda s: sys.stdout.write('%s%s' % (s,writer.newline)) write('format='+self.format) write('') def validate(self): AbstractBlock.validate(self) if self.format not in Table.FORMATS: self.error('illegal format=%s' % self.format,halt=True) self.tags = self.tags or 'default' tags = [self.tags] tags += [s['tags'] for s in self.styles.values() if 'tags' in s] for t in tags: if t not in tables.tags: self.error('missing section: [tabletags-%s]' % t,halt=True) if self.separator: # Evaluate escape characters. self.separator = literal_eval('"'+self.separator+'"') #TODO: Move to class Tables # Check global table parameters. elif config.pagewidth is None: self.error('missing [miscellaneous] entry: pagewidth') elif config.pageunits is None: self.error('missing [miscellaneous] entry: pageunits') def validate_attributes(self): """Validate and parse table attributes.""" # Set defaults. format = self.format tags = self.tags separator = self.separator abswidth = float(config.pagewidth) pcwidth = 100.0 for k,v in self.attributes.items(): if k == 'format': if v not in self.FORMATS: self.error('illegal %s=%s' % (k,v)) else: format = v elif k == 'tags': if v not in tables.tags: self.error('illegal %s=%s' % (k,v)) else: tags = v elif k == 'separator': separator = v elif k == 'width': if not re.match(r'^\d{1,3}%$',v) or int(v[:-1]) > 100: self.error('illegal %s=%s' % (k,v)) else: abswidth = float(v[:-1])/100 * config.pagewidth pcwidth = float(v[:-1]) # Calculate separator if it has not been specified. if not separator: separator = Table.SEPARATORS[format] if format == 'csv': if len(separator) > 1: self.error('illegal csv separator=%s' % separator) separator = ',' else: if not is_re(separator): self.error('illegal regular expression: separator=%s' % separator) self.parameters.format = format self.parameters.tags = tags self.parameters.separator = separator self.abswidth = abswidth self.pcwidth = pcwidth def get_tags(self,params): tags = self.get_param('tags',params) assert(tags and tags in tables.tags) return tables.tags[tags] def get_style(self,prefix): """ Return the style dictionary whose name starts with 'prefix'. """ if prefix is None: return None names = self.styles.keys() names.sort() for name in names: if name.startswith(prefix): return self.styles[name] else: self.error('missing style: %s*' % prefix) return None def parse_cols(self, cols, halign, valign): """ Build list of column objects from table 'cols', 'halign' and 'valign' attributes. """ # [<multiplier>*][<align>][<width>][<style>] COLS_RE1 = r'^((?P<count>\d+)\*)?(?P<align>[<\^>.]{,3})?(?P<width>\d+%?)?(?P<style>[a-z]\w*)?$' # [<multiplier>*][<width>][<align>][<style>] COLS_RE2 = r'^((?P<count>\d+)\*)?(?P<width>\d+%?)?(?P<align>[<\^>.]{,3})?(?P<style>[a-z]\w*)?$' reo1 = re.compile(COLS_RE1) reo2 = re.compile(COLS_RE2) cols = str(cols) if re.match(r'^\d+$',cols): for i in range(int(cols)): self.columns.append(Column()) else: for col in re.split(r'\s*,\s*',cols): mo = reo1.match(col) if not mo: mo = reo2.match(col) if mo: count = int(mo.groupdict().get('count') or 1) for i in range(count): self.columns.append( Column(mo.group('width'), mo.group('align'), self.get_style(mo.group('style'))) ) else: self.error('illegal column spec: %s' % col,self.start) # Set column (and indirectly cell) default alignments. for col in self.columns: col.halign = col.halign or halign or document.attributes.get('halign') or 'left' col.valign = col.valign or valign or document.attributes.get('valign') or 'top' # Validate widths and calculate missing widths. n = 0; percents = 0; props = 0 for col in self.columns: if col.width: if col.width[-1] == '%': percents += int(col.width[:-1]) else: props += int(col.width) n += 1 if percents > 0 and props > 0: self.error('mixed percent and proportional widths: %s' % cols,self.start) pcunits = percents > 0 # Fill in missing widths. if n < len(self.columns) and percents < 100: if pcunits: width = float(100 - percents)/float(len(self.columns) - n) else: width = 1 for col in self.columns: if not col.width: if pcunits: col.width = str(int(width))+'%' percents += width else: col.width = str(width) props += width # Calculate column alignment and absolute and percent width values. percents = 0 for col in self.columns: if pcunits: col.pcwidth = float(col.width[:-1]) else: col.pcwidth = (float(col.width)/props)*100 col.abswidth = self.abswidth * (col.pcwidth/100) if config.pageunits in ('cm','mm','in','em'): col.abswidth = '%.2f' % round(col.abswidth,2) else: col.abswidth = '%d' % round(col.abswidth) percents += col.pcwidth col.pcwidth = int(col.pcwidth) if round(percents) > 100: self.error('total width exceeds 100%%: %s' % cols,self.start) elif round(percents) < 100: self.error('total width less than 100%%: %s' % cols,self.start) def build_colspecs(self): """ Generate column related substitution attributes. """ cols = [] i = 1 for col in self.columns: colspec = self.get_tags(col.style).colspec if colspec: self.attributes['halign'] = col.halign self.attributes['valign'] = col.valign self.attributes['colabswidth'] = col.abswidth self.attributes['colpcwidth'] = col.pcwidth self.attributes['colnumber'] = str(i) s = subs_attrs(colspec, self.attributes) if not s: message.warning('colspec dropped: contains undefined attribute') else: cols.append(s) i += 1 if cols: self.attributes['colspecs'] = writer.newline.join(cols) def parse_rows(self, text): """ Parse the table source text into self.rows (a list of rows, each row is a list of Cells. """ reserved = {} # Reserved cells generated by rowspans. if self.parameters.format in ('psv','dsv'): colcount = len(self.columns) parsed_cells = self.parse_psv_dsv(text) ri = 0 # Current row index 0.. ci = 0 # Column counter 0..colcount row = [] i = 0 while True: resv = reserved.get(ri) and reserved[ri].get(ci) if resv: # We have a cell generated by a previous row span so # process it before continuing with the current parsed # cell. cell = resv else: if i >= len(parsed_cells): break # No more parsed or reserved cells. cell = parsed_cells[i] i += 1 if cell.vspan > 1: # Generate ensuing reserved cells spanned vertically by # the current cell. for j in range(1, cell.vspan): if not ri+j in reserved: reserved[ri+j] = {} reserved[ri+j][ci] = cell.clone_reserve() ci += cell.span if ci <= colcount: row.append(cell) if ci >= colcount: self.rows.append(row) ri += 1 row = [] ci = 0 elif self.parameters.format == 'csv': self.rows = self.parse_csv(text) else: assert True,'illegal table format' # Check for empty rows containing only reserved (spanned) cells. for ri,row in enumerate(self.rows): empty = True for cell in row: if not cell.reserved: empty = False break if empty: message.warning('table row %d: empty spanned row' % (ri+1)) # Check that all row spans match. for ri,row in enumerate(self.rows): row_span = 0 for cell in row: row_span += cell.span if ri == 0: header_span = row_span if row_span < header_span: message.warning('table row %d: does not span all columns' % (ri+1)) if row_span > header_span: message.warning('table row %d: exceeds columns span' % (ri+1)) def subs_rows(self, rows, rowtype='body'): """ Return a string of output markup from a list of rows, each row is a list of raw data text. """ tags = tables.tags[self.parameters.tags] if rowtype == 'header': rtag = tags.headrow elif rowtype == 'footer': rtag = tags.footrow else: rtag = tags.bodyrow result = [] stag,etag = subs_tag(rtag,self.attributes) for row in rows: result.append(stag) result += self.subs_row(row,rowtype) result.append(etag) return writer.newline.join(result) def subs_row(self, row, rowtype): """ Substitute the list of Cells using the data tag. Returns a list of marked up table cell elements. """ result = [] i = 0 for cell in row: if cell.reserved: # Skip vertically spanned placeholders. i += cell.span continue if i >= len(self.columns): break # Skip cells outside the header width. col = self.columns[i] self.attributes['halign'] = cell.halign or col.halign self.attributes['valign'] = cell.valign or col.valign self.attributes['colabswidth'] = col.abswidth self.attributes['colpcwidth'] = col.pcwidth self.attributes['colnumber'] = str(i+1) self.attributes['colspan'] = str(cell.span) self.attributes['colstart'] = self.attributes['colnumber'] self.attributes['colend'] = str(i+cell.span) self.attributes['rowspan'] = str(cell.vspan) self.attributes['morerows'] = str(cell.vspan-1) # Fill missing column data with blanks. if i > len(self.columns) - 1: data = '' else: data = cell.data if rowtype == 'header': # Use table style unless overriden by cell style. colstyle = cell.style else: # If the cell style is not defined use the column style. colstyle = cell.style or col.style tags = self.get_tags(colstyle) presubs,postsubs = self.get_subs(colstyle) data = [data] data = Lex.subs(data, presubs) data = filter_lines(self.get_param('filter',colstyle), data, self.attributes) data = Lex.subs(data, postsubs) if rowtype != 'header': ptag = tags.paragraph if ptag: stag,etag = subs_tag(ptag,self.attributes) text = '\n'.join(data).strip() data = [] for para in re.split(r'\n{2,}',text): data += dovetail_tags([stag],para.split('\n'),[etag]) if rowtype == 'header': dtag = tags.headdata elif rowtype == 'footer': dtag = tags.footdata else: dtag = tags.bodydata stag,etag = subs_tag(dtag,self.attributes) result = result + dovetail_tags([stag],data,[etag]) i += cell.span return result def parse_csv(self,text): """ Parse the table source text and return a list of rows, each row is a list of Cells. """ import StringIO import csv rows = [] rdr = csv.reader(StringIO.StringIO('\r\n'.join(text)), delimiter=self.parameters.separator, skipinitialspace=True) try: for row in rdr: rows.append([Cell(data) for data in row]) except Exception: self.error('csv parse error: %s' % row) return rows def parse_psv_dsv(self,text): """ Parse list of PSV or DSV table source text lines and return a list of Cells. """ def append_cell(data, span_spec, op, align_spec, style): op = op or '+' if op == '*': # Cell multiplier. span = Table.parse_span_spec(span_spec)[0] for i in range(span): cells.append(Cell(data, '1', align_spec, style)) elif op == '+': # Column spanner. cells.append(Cell(data, span_spec, align_spec, style)) else: self.error('illegal table cell operator') text = '\n'.join(text) separator = '(?msu)'+self.parameters.separator format = self.parameters.format start = 0 span = None op = None align = None style = None cells = [] data = '' for mo in re.finditer(separator,text): data += text[start:mo.start()] if data.endswith('\\'): data = data[:-1]+mo.group() # Reinstate escaped separators. else: append_cell(data, span, op, align, style) span = mo.groupdict().get('span') op = mo.groupdict().get('op') align = mo.groupdict().get('align') style = mo.groupdict().get('style') if style: style = self.get_style(style) data = '' start = mo.end() # Last cell follows final separator. data += text[start:] append_cell(data, span, op, align, style) # We expect a dummy blank item preceeding first PSV cell. if format == 'psv': if cells[0].data.strip() != '': self.error('missing leading separator: %s' % separator, self.start) else: cells.pop(0) return cells def translate(self): AbstractBlock.translate(self) reader.read() # Discard delimiter. # Reset instance specific properties. self.columns = [] self.rows = [] attrs = {} BlockTitle.consume(attrs) # Mix in document attribute list. AttributeList.consume(attrs) self.merge_attributes(attrs) self.validate_attributes() # Add global and calculated configuration parameters. self.attributes['pagewidth'] = config.pagewidth self.attributes['pageunits'] = config.pageunits self.attributes['tableabswidth'] = int(self.abswidth) self.attributes['tablepcwidth'] = int(self.pcwidth) # Read the entire table. text = reader.read_until(self.delimiter) if reader.eof(): self.error('missing closing delimiter',self.start) else: delimiter = reader.read() # Discard closing delimiter. assert re.match(self.delimiter,delimiter) if len(text) == 0: message.warning('[%s] table is empty' % self.defname) return self.push_blockname('table') cols = attrs.get('cols') if not cols: # Calculate column count from number of items in first line. if self.parameters.format == 'csv': cols = text[0].count(self.parameters.separator) + 1 else: cols = 0 for cell in self.parse_psv_dsv(text[:1]): cols += cell.span self.parse_cols(cols, attrs.get('halign'), attrs.get('valign')) # Set calculated attributes. self.attributes['colcount'] = len(self.columns) self.build_colspecs() self.parse_rows(text) # The 'rowcount' attribute is used by the experimental LaTeX backend. self.attributes['rowcount'] = str(len(self.rows)) # Generate headrows, footrows, bodyrows. # Headrow, footrow and bodyrow data replaces same named attributes in # the table markup template. In order to ensure this data does not get # a second attribute substitution (which would interfere with any # already substituted inline passthroughs) unique placeholders are used # (the tab character does not appear elsewhere since it is expanded on # input) which are replaced after template attribute substitution. headrows = footrows = bodyrows = None for option in self.parameters.options: self.attributes[option+'-option'] = '' if self.rows and 'header' in self.parameters.options: headrows = self.subs_rows(self.rows[0:1],'header') self.attributes['headrows'] = '\x07headrows\x07' self.rows = self.rows[1:] if self.rows and 'footer' in self.parameters.options: footrows = self.subs_rows( self.rows[-1:], 'footer') self.attributes['footrows'] = '\x07footrows\x07' self.rows = self.rows[:-1] if self.rows: bodyrows = self.subs_rows(self.rows) self.attributes['bodyrows'] = '\x07bodyrows\x07' table = subs_attrs(config.sections[self.parameters.template], self.attributes) table = writer.newline.join(table) # Before we finish replace the table head, foot and body place holders # with the real data. if headrows: table = table.replace('\x07headrows\x07', headrows, 1) if footrows: table = table.replace('\x07footrows\x07', footrows, 1) if bodyrows: table = table.replace('\x07bodyrows\x07', bodyrows, 1) writer.write(table,trace='table') self.pop_blockname() class Tables(AbstractBlocks): """List of tables.""" BLOCK_TYPE = Table PREFIX = 'tabledef-' TAGS = ('colspec', 'headrow','footrow','bodyrow', 'headdata','footdata', 'bodydata','paragraph') def __init__(self): AbstractBlocks.__init__(self) # Table tags dictionary. Each entry is a tags dictionary. self.tags={} def load(self,sections): AbstractBlocks.load(self,sections) self.load_tags(sections) def load_tags(self,sections): """ Load tabletags-* conf file sections to self.tags. """ for section in sections.keys(): mo = re.match(r'^tabletags-(?P<name>\w+)$',section) if mo: name = mo.group('name') if name in self.tags: d = self.tags[name] else: d = AttrDict() parse_entries(sections.get(section,()),d) for k in d.keys(): if k not in self.TAGS: message.warning('[%s] contains illegal table tag: %s' % (section,k)) self.tags[name] = d def validate(self): AbstractBlocks.validate(self) # Check we have a default table definition, for i in range(len(self.blocks)): if self.blocks[i].defname == 'tabledef-default': default = self.blocks[i] break else: raise EAsciiDoc,'missing section: [tabledef-default]' # Propagate defaults to unspecified table parameters. for b in self.blocks: if b is not default: if b.format is None: b.format = default.format if b.template is None: b.template = default.template # Check tags and propagate default tags. if not 'default' in self.tags: raise EAsciiDoc,'missing section: [tabletags-default]' default = self.tags['default'] for tag in ('bodyrow','bodydata','paragraph'): # Mandatory default tags. if tag not in default: raise EAsciiDoc,'missing [tabletags-default] entry: %s' % tag for t in self.tags.values(): if t is not default: if t.colspec is None: t.colspec = default.colspec if t.headrow is None: t.headrow = default.headrow if t.footrow is None: t.footrow = default.footrow if t.bodyrow is None: t.bodyrow = default.bodyrow if t.headdata is None: t.headdata = default.headdata if t.footdata is None: t.footdata = default.footdata if t.bodydata is None: t.bodydata = default.bodydata if t.paragraph is None: t.paragraph = default.paragraph # Use body tags if header and footer tags are not specified. for t in self.tags.values(): if not t.headrow: t.headrow = t.bodyrow if not t.footrow: t.footrow = t.bodyrow if not t.headdata: t.headdata = t.bodydata if not t.footdata: t.footdata = t.bodydata # Check table definitions are valid. for b in self.blocks: b.validate() def dump(self): AbstractBlocks.dump(self) for k,v in self.tags.items(): dump_section('tabletags-'+k, v) class Macros: # Default system macro syntax. SYS_RE = r'(?u)^(?P<name>[\\]?\w(\w|-)*?)::(?P<target>\S*?)' + \ r'(\[(?P<attrlist>.*?)\])$' def __init__(self): self.macros = [] # List of Macros. self.current = None # The last matched block macro. self.passthroughs = [] # Initialize default system macro. m = Macro() m.pattern = self.SYS_RE m.prefix = '+' m.reo = re.compile(m.pattern) self.macros.append(m) def load(self,entries): for entry in entries: m = Macro() m.load(entry) if m.name is None: # Delete undefined macro. for i,m2 in enumerate(self.macros): if m2.pattern == m.pattern: del self.macros[i] break else: message.warning('unable to delete missing macro: %s' % m.pattern) else: # Check for duplicates. for m2 in self.macros: if m2.pattern == m.pattern: message.verbose('macro redefinition: %s%s' % (m.prefix,m.name)) break else: self.macros.append(m) def dump(self): write = lambda s: sys.stdout.write('%s%s' % (s,writer.newline)) write('[macros]') # Dump all macros except the first (built-in system) macro. for m in self.macros[1:]: # Escape = in pattern. macro = '%s=%s%s' % (m.pattern.replace('=',r'\='), m.prefix, m.name) if m.subslist is not None: macro += '[' + ','.join(m.subslist) + ']' write(macro) write('') def validate(self): # Check all named sections exist. if config.verbose: for m in self.macros: if m.name and m.prefix != '+': m.section_name() def subs(self,text,prefix='',callouts=False): # If callouts is True then only callout macros are processed, if False # then all non-callout macros are processed. result = text for m in self.macros: if m.prefix == prefix: if callouts ^ (m.name != 'callout'): result = m.subs(result) return result def isnext(self): """Return matching macro if block macro is next on reader.""" reader.skip_blank_lines() line = reader.read_next() if line: for m in self.macros: if m.prefix == '#': if m.reo.match(line): self.current = m return m return False def match(self,prefix,name,text): """Return re match object matching 'text' with macro type 'prefix', macro name 'name'.""" for m in self.macros: if m.prefix == prefix: mo = m.reo.match(text) if mo: if m.name == name: return mo if re.match(name, mo.group('name')): return mo return None def extract_passthroughs(self,text,prefix=''): """ Extract the passthrough text and replace with temporary placeholders.""" self.passthroughs = [] for m in self.macros: if m.has_passthrough() and m.prefix == prefix: text = m.subs_passthroughs(text, self.passthroughs) return text def restore_passthroughs(self,text): """ Replace passthough placeholders with the original passthrough text.""" for i,v in enumerate(self.passthroughs): text = text.replace('\x07'+str(i)+'\x07', self.passthroughs[i]) return text class Macro: def __init__(self): self.pattern = None # Matching regular expression. self.name = '' # Conf file macro name (None if implicit). self.prefix = '' # '' if inline, '+' if system, '#' if block. self.reo = None # Compiled pattern re object. self.subslist = [] # Default subs for macros passtext group. def has_passthrough(self): return self.pattern.find(r'(?P<passtext>') >= 0 def section_name(self,name=None): """Return macro markup template section name based on macro name and prefix. Return None section not found.""" assert self.prefix != '+' if not name: assert self.name name = self.name if self.prefix == '#': suffix = '-blockmacro' else: suffix = '-inlinemacro' if name+suffix in config.sections: return name+suffix else: message.warning('missing macro section: [%s]' % (name+suffix)) return None def load(self,entry): e = parse_entry(entry) if e is None: # Only the macro pattern was specified, mark for deletion. self.name = None self.pattern = entry return if not is_re(e[0]): raise EAsciiDoc,'illegal macro regular expression: %s' % e[0] pattern, name = e if name and name[0] in ('+','#'): prefix, name = name[0], name[1:] else: prefix = '' # Parse passthrough subslist. mo = re.match(r'^(?P<name>[^[]*)(\[(?P<subslist>.*)\])?$', name) name = mo.group('name') if name and not is_name(name): raise EAsciiDoc,'illegal section name in macro entry: %s' % entry subslist = mo.group('subslist') if subslist is not None: # Parse and validate passthrough subs. subslist = parse_options(subslist, SUBS_OPTIONS, 'illegal subs in macro entry: %s' % entry) self.pattern = pattern self.reo = re.compile(pattern) self.prefix = prefix self.name = name self.subslist = subslist or [] def subs(self,text): def subs_func(mo): """Function called to perform macro substitution. Uses matched macro regular expression object and returns string containing the substituted macro body.""" # Check if macro reference is escaped. if mo.group()[0] == '\\': return mo.group()[1:] # Strip leading backslash. d = mo.groupdict() # Delete groups that didn't participate in match. for k,v in d.items(): if v is None: del d[k] if self.name: name = self.name else: if not 'name' in d: message.warning('missing macro name group: %s' % mo.re.pattern) return '' name = d['name'] section_name = self.section_name(name) if not section_name: return '' # If we're dealing with a block macro get optional block ID and # block title. if self.prefix == '#' and self.name != 'comment': AttributeList.consume(d) BlockTitle.consume(d) # Parse macro attributes. if 'attrlist' in d: if d['attrlist'] in (None,''): del d['attrlist'] else: if self.prefix == '': # Unescape ] characters in inline macros. d['attrlist'] = d['attrlist'].replace('\\]',']') parse_attributes(d['attrlist'],d) # Generate option attributes. if 'options' in d: options = parse_options(d['options'], (), '%s: illegal option name' % name) for option in options: d[option+'-option'] = '' # Substitute single quoted attribute values in block macros. if self.prefix == '#': AttributeList.subs(d) if name == 'callout': listindex =int(d['index']) d['coid'] = calloutmap.add(listindex) # The alt attribute is the first image macro positional attribute. if name == 'image' and '1' in d: d['alt'] = d['1'] # Unescape special characters in LaTeX target file names. if document.backend == 'latex' and 'target' in d and d['target']: if not '0' in d: d['0'] = d['target'] d['target']= config.subs_specialchars_reverse(d['target']) # BUG: We've already done attribute substitution on the macro which # means that any escaped attribute references are now unescaped and # will be substituted by config.subs_section() below. As a partial # fix have withheld {0} from substitution but this kludge doesn't # fix it for other attributes containing unescaped references. # Passthrough macros don't have this problem. a0 = d.get('0') if a0: d['0'] = chr(0) # Replace temporarily with unused character. body = config.subs_section(section_name,d) if len(body) == 0: result = '' elif len(body) == 1: result = body[0] else: if self.prefix == '#': result = writer.newline.join(body) else: # Internally processed inline macros use UNIX line # separator. result = '\n'.join(body) if a0: result = result.replace(chr(0), a0) return result return self.reo.sub(subs_func, text) def translate(self): """ Block macro translation.""" assert self.prefix == '#' s = reader.read() before = s if self.has_passthrough(): s = macros.extract_passthroughs(s,'#') s = subs_attrs(s) if s: s = self.subs(s) if self.has_passthrough(): s = macros.restore_passthroughs(s) if s: trace('macro block',before,s) writer.write(s) def subs_passthroughs(self, text, passthroughs): """ Replace macro attribute lists in text with placeholders. Substitute and append the passthrough attribute lists to the passthroughs list.""" def subs_func(mo): """Function called to perform inline macro substitution. Uses matched macro regular expression object and returns string containing the substituted macro body.""" # Don't process escaped macro references. if mo.group()[0] == '\\': return mo.group() d = mo.groupdict() if not 'passtext' in d: message.warning('passthrough macro %s: missing passtext group' % d.get('name','')) return mo.group() passtext = d['passtext'] if re.search('\x07\\d+\x07', passtext): message.warning('nested inline passthrough') return mo.group() if d.get('subslist'): if d['subslist'].startswith(':'): message.error('block macro cannot occur here: %s' % mo.group(), halt=True) subslist = parse_options(d['subslist'], SUBS_OPTIONS, 'illegal passthrough macro subs option') else: subslist = self.subslist passtext = Lex.subs_1(passtext,subslist) if passtext is None: passtext = '' if self.prefix == '': # Unescape ] characters in inline macros. passtext = passtext.replace('\\]',']') passthroughs.append(passtext) # Tabs guarantee the placeholders are unambiguous. result = ( text[mo.start():mo.start('passtext')] + '\x07' + str(len(passthroughs)-1) + '\x07' + text[mo.end('passtext'):mo.end()] ) return result return self.reo.sub(subs_func, text) class CalloutMap: def __init__(self): self.comap = {} # key = list index, value = callouts list. self.calloutindex = 0 # Current callout index number. self.listnumber = 1 # Current callout list number. def listclose(self): # Called when callout list is closed. self.listnumber += 1 self.calloutindex = 0 self.comap = {} def add(self,listindex): # Add next callout index to listindex map entry. Return the callout id. self.calloutindex += 1 # Append the coindex to a list in the comap dictionary. if not listindex in self.comap: self.comap[listindex] = [self.calloutindex] else: self.comap[listindex].append(self.calloutindex) return self.calloutid(self.listnumber, self.calloutindex) @staticmethod def calloutid(listnumber,calloutindex): return 'CO%d-%d' % (listnumber,calloutindex) def calloutids(self,listindex): # Retieve list of callout indexes that refer to listindex. if listindex in self.comap: result = '' for coindex in self.comap[listindex]: result += ' ' + self.calloutid(self.listnumber,coindex) return result.strip() else: message.warning('no callouts refer to list item '+str(listindex)) return '' def validate(self,maxlistindex): # Check that all list indexes referenced by callouts exist. for listindex in self.comap.keys(): if listindex > maxlistindex: message.warning('callout refers to non-existent list item ' + str(listindex)) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Input stream Reader and output stream writer classes. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- UTF8_BOM = '\xef\xbb\xbf' class Reader1: """Line oriented AsciiDoc input file reader. Processes include and conditional inclusion system macros. Tabs are expanded and lines are right trimmed.""" # This class is not used directly, use Reader class instead. READ_BUFFER_MIN = 10 # Read buffer low level. def __init__(self): self.f = None # Input file object. self.fname = None # Input file name. self.next = [] # Read ahead buffer containing # [filename,linenumber,linetext] lists. self.cursor = None # Last read() [filename,linenumber,linetext]. self.tabsize = 8 # Tab expansion number of spaces. self.parent = None # Included reader's parent reader. self._lineno = 0 # The last line read from file object f. self.current_depth = 0 # Current include depth. self.max_depth = 10 # Initial maxiumum allowed include depth. self.bom = None # Byte order mark (BOM). self.infile = None # Saved document 'infile' attribute. self.indir = None # Saved document 'indir' attribute. def open(self,fname): self.fname = fname message.verbose('reading: '+fname) if fname == '<stdin>': self.f = sys.stdin self.infile = None self.indir = None else: self.f = open(fname,'rb') self.infile = fname self.indir = os.path.dirname(fname) document.attributes['infile'] = self.infile document.attributes['indir'] = self.indir self._lineno = 0 # The last line read from file object f. self.next = [] # Prefill buffer by reading the first line and then pushing it back. if Reader1.read(self): if self.cursor[2].startswith(UTF8_BOM): self.cursor[2] = self.cursor[2][len(UTF8_BOM):] self.bom = UTF8_BOM self.unread(self.cursor) self.cursor = None def closefile(self): """Used by class methods to close nested include files.""" self.f.close() self.next = [] def close(self): self.closefile() self.__init__() def read(self, skip=False): """Read next line. Return None if EOF. Expand tabs. Strip trailing white space. Maintain self.next read ahead buffer. If skip=True then conditional exclusion is active (ifdef and ifndef macros).""" # Top up buffer. if len(self.next) <= self.READ_BUFFER_MIN: s = self.f.readline() if s: self._lineno = self._lineno + 1 while s: if self.tabsize != 0: s = s.expandtabs(self.tabsize) s = s.rstrip() self.next.append([self.fname,self._lineno,s]) if len(self.next) > self.READ_BUFFER_MIN: break s = self.f.readline() if s: self._lineno = self._lineno + 1 # Return first (oldest) buffer entry. if len(self.next) > 0: self.cursor = self.next[0] del self.next[0] result = self.cursor[2] # Check for include macro. mo = macros.match('+',r'^include[1]?$',result) if mo and not skip: # Parse include macro attributes. attrs = {} parse_attributes(mo.group('attrlist'),attrs) warnings = attrs.get('warnings', True) # Don't process include macro once the maximum depth is reached. if self.current_depth >= self.max_depth: message.warning('maximum include depth exceeded') return result # Perform attribute substitution on include macro file name. fname = subs_attrs(mo.group('target')) if not fname: return Reader1.read(self) # Return next input line. if self.fname != '<stdin>': fname = os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(fname)) fname = safe_filename(fname, os.path.dirname(self.fname)) if not fname: return Reader1.read(self) # Return next input line. if not os.path.isfile(fname): if warnings: message.warning('include file not found: %s' % fname) return Reader1.read(self) # Return next input line. if mo.group('name') == 'include1': if not config.dumping: if fname not in config.include1: message.verbose('include1: ' + fname, linenos=False) # Store the include file in memory for later # retrieval by the {include1:} system attribute. f = open(fname) try: config.include1[fname] = [ s.rstrip() for s in f] finally: f.close() return '{include1:%s}' % fname else: # This is a configuration dump, just pass the macro # call through. return result # Clone self and set as parent (self assumes the role of child). parent = Reader1() assign(parent,self) self.parent = parent # Set attributes in child. if 'tabsize' in attrs: try: val = int(attrs['tabsize']) if not val >= 0: raise ValueError, 'not >= 0' self.tabsize = val except ValueError: raise EAsciiDoc, 'illegal include macro tabsize argument' else: self.tabsize = config.tabsize if 'depth' in attrs: try: val = int(attrs['depth']) if not val >= 1: raise ValueError, 'not >= 1' self.max_depth = self.current_depth + val except ValueError: raise EAsciiDoc, "include macro: illegal 'depth' argument" # Process included file. message.verbose('include: ' + fname, linenos=False) self.open(fname) self.current_depth = self.current_depth + 1 result = Reader1.read(self) else: if not Reader1.eof(self): result = Reader1.read(self) else: result = None return result def eof(self): """Returns True if all lines have been read.""" if len(self.next) == 0: # End of current file. if self.parent: self.closefile() assign(self,self.parent) # Restore parent reader. document.attributes['infile'] = self.infile document.attributes['indir'] = self.indir return Reader1.eof(self) else: return True else: return False def read_next(self): """Like read() but does not advance file pointer.""" if Reader1.eof(self): return None else: return self.next[0][2] def unread(self,cursor): """Push the line (filename,linenumber,linetext) tuple back into the read buffer. Note that it's up to the caller to restore the previous cursor.""" assert cursor self.next.insert(0,cursor) class Reader(Reader1): """ Wraps (well, sought of) Reader1 class and implements conditional text inclusion.""" def __init__(self): Reader1.__init__(self) self.depth = 0 # if nesting depth. self.skip = False # true if we're skipping ifdef...endif. self.skipname = '' # Name of current endif macro target. self.skipto = -1 # The depth at which skipping is reenabled. def read_super(self): result = Reader1.read(self,self.skip) if result is None and self.skip: raise EAsciiDoc,'missing endif::%s[]' % self.skipname return result def read(self): result = self.read_super() if result is None: return None while self.skip: mo = macros.match('+',r'ifdef|ifndef|ifeval|endif',result) if mo: name = mo.group('name') target = mo.group('target') attrlist = mo.group('attrlist') if name == 'endif': self.depth -= 1 if self.depth < 0: raise EAsciiDoc,'mismatched macro: %s' % result if self.depth == self.skipto: self.skip = False if target and self.skipname != target: raise EAsciiDoc,'mismatched macro: %s' % result else: if name in ('ifdef','ifndef'): if not target: raise EAsciiDoc,'missing macro target: %s' % result if not attrlist: self.depth += 1 elif name == 'ifeval': if not attrlist: raise EAsciiDoc,'missing ifeval condition: %s' % result self.depth += 1 result = self.read_super() if result is None: return None mo = macros.match('+',r'ifdef|ifndef|ifeval|endif',result) if mo: name = mo.group('name') target = mo.group('target') attrlist = mo.group('attrlist') if name == 'endif': self.depth = self.depth-1 else: if not target and name in ('ifdef','ifndef'): raise EAsciiDoc,'missing macro target: %s' % result defined = is_attr_defined(target, document.attributes) if name == 'ifdef': if attrlist: if defined: return attrlist else: self.skip = not defined elif name == 'ifndef': if attrlist: if not defined: return attrlist else: self.skip = defined elif name == 'ifeval': if safe(): message.unsafe('ifeval invalid') raise EAsciiDoc,'ifeval invalid safe document' if not attrlist: raise EAsciiDoc,'missing ifeval condition: %s' % result cond = False attrlist = subs_attrs(attrlist) if attrlist: try: cond = eval(attrlist) except Exception,e: raise EAsciiDoc,'error evaluating ifeval condition: %s: %s' % (result, str(e)) message.verbose('ifeval: %s: %r' % (attrlist, cond)) self.skip = not cond if not attrlist or name == 'ifeval': if self.skip: self.skipto = self.depth self.skipname = target self.depth = self.depth+1 result = self.read() if result: # Expand executable block macros. mo = macros.match('+',r'eval|sys|sys2',result) if mo: action = mo.group('name') cmd = mo.group('attrlist') result = system(action, cmd, is_macro=True) self.cursor[2] = result # So we don't re-evaluate. if result: # Unescape escaped system macros. if macros.match('+',r'\\eval|\\sys|\\sys2|\\ifdef|\\ifndef|\\endif|\\include|\\include1',result): result = result[1:] return result def eof(self): return self.read_next() is None def read_next(self): save_cursor = self.cursor result = self.read() if result is not None: self.unread(self.cursor) self.cursor = save_cursor return result def read_lines(self,count=1): """Return tuple containing count lines.""" result = [] i = 0 while i < count and not self.eof(): result.append(self.read()) return tuple(result) def read_ahead(self,count=1): """Same as read_lines() but does not advance the file pointer.""" result = [] putback = [] save_cursor = self.cursor try: i = 0 while i < count and not self.eof(): result.append(self.read()) putback.append(self.cursor) i = i+1 while putback: self.unread(putback.pop()) finally: self.cursor = save_cursor return tuple(result) def skip_blank_lines(self): reader.read_until(r'\s*\S+') def read_until(self,terminators,same_file=False): """Like read() but reads lines up to (but not including) the first line that matches the terminator regular expression, regular expression object or list of regular expression objects. If same_file is True then the terminating pattern must occur in the file the was being read when the routine was called.""" if same_file: fname = self.cursor[0] result = [] if not isinstance(terminators,list): if isinstance(terminators,basestring): terminators = [re.compile(terminators)] else: terminators = [terminators] while not self.eof(): save_cursor = self.cursor s = self.read() if not same_file or fname == self.cursor[0]: for reo in terminators: if reo.match(s): self.unread(self.cursor) self.cursor = save_cursor return tuple(result) result.append(s) return tuple(result) class Writer: """Writes lines to output file.""" def __init__(self): self.newline = '\r\n' # End of line terminator. self.f = None # Output file object. self.fname = None # Output file name. self.lines_out = 0 # Number of lines written. self.skip_blank_lines = False # If True don't output blank lines. def open(self,fname,bom=None): ''' bom is optional byte order mark. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byte-order_mark ''' self.fname = fname if fname == '<stdout>': self.f = sys.stdout else: self.f = open(fname,'wb+') message.verbose('writing: '+writer.fname,False) if bom: self.f.write(bom) self.lines_out = 0 def close(self): if self.fname != '<stdout>': self.f.close() def write_line(self, line=None): if not (self.skip_blank_lines and (not line or not line.strip())): self.f.write((line or '') + self.newline) self.lines_out = self.lines_out + 1 def write(self,*args,**kwargs): """Iterates arguments, writes tuple and list arguments one line per element, else writes argument as single line. If no arguments writes blank line. If argument is None nothing is written. self.newline is appended to each line.""" if 'trace' in kwargs and len(args) > 0: trace(kwargs['trace'],args[0]) if len(args) == 0: self.write_line() self.lines_out = self.lines_out + 1 else: for arg in args: if is_array(arg): for s in arg: self.write_line(s) elif arg is not None: self.write_line(arg) def write_tag(self,tag,content,subs=None,d=None,**kwargs): """Write content enveloped by tag. Substitutions specified in the 'subs' list are perform on the 'content'.""" if subs is None: subs = config.subsnormal stag,etag = subs_tag(tag,d) content = Lex.subs(content,subs) if 'trace' in kwargs: trace(kwargs['trace'],[stag]+content+[etag]) if stag: self.write(stag) if content: self.write(content) if etag: self.write(etag) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Configuration file processing. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _subs_specialwords(mo): """Special word substitution function called by Config.subs_specialwords().""" word = mo.re.pattern # The special word. template = config.specialwords[word] # The corresponding markup template. if not template in config.sections: raise EAsciiDoc,'missing special word template [%s]' % template if mo.group()[0] == '\\': return mo.group()[1:] # Return escaped word. args = {} args['words'] = mo.group() # The full match string is argument 'words'. args.update(mo.groupdict()) # Add other named match groups to the arguments. # Delete groups that didn't participate in match. for k,v in args.items(): if v is None: del args[k] lines = subs_attrs(config.sections[template],args) if len(lines) == 0: result = '' elif len(lines) == 1: result = lines[0] else: result = writer.newline.join(lines) return result class Config: """Methods to process configuration files.""" # Non-template section name regexp's. ENTRIES_SECTIONS= ('tags','miscellaneous','attributes','specialcharacters', 'specialwords','macros','replacements','quotes','titles', r'paradef-.+',r'listdef-.+',r'blockdef-.+',r'tabledef-.+', r'tabletags-.+',r'listtags-.+','replacements[23]', r'old_tabledef-.+') def __init__(self): self.sections = OrderedDict() # Keyed by section name containing # lists of section lines. # Command-line options. self.verbose = False self.header_footer = True # -s, --no-header-footer option. # [miscellaneous] section. self.tabsize = 8 self.textwidth = 70 # DEPRECATED: Old tables only. self.newline = '\r\n' self.pagewidth = None self.pageunits = None self.outfilesuffix = '' self.subsnormal = SUBS_NORMAL self.subsverbatim = SUBS_VERBATIM self.tags = {} # Values contain (stag,etag) tuples. self.specialchars = {} # Values of special character substitutions. self.specialwords = {} # Name is special word pattern, value is macro. self.replacements = OrderedDict() # Key is find pattern, value is #replace pattern. self.replacements2 = OrderedDict() self.replacements3 = OrderedDict() self.specialsections = {} # Name is special section name pattern, value # is corresponding section name. self.quotes = OrderedDict() # Values contain corresponding tag name. self.fname = '' # Most recently loaded configuration file name. self.conf_attrs = {} # Attributes entries from conf files. self.cmd_attrs = {} # Attributes from command-line -a options. self.loaded = [] # Loaded conf files. self.include1 = {} # Holds include1::[] files for {include1:}. self.dumping = False # True if asciidoc -c option specified. self.filters = [] # Filter names specified by --filter option. def init(self, cmd): """ Check Python version and locate the executable and configuration files directory. cmd is the asciidoc command or asciidoc.py path. """ if float(sys.version[:3]) < float(MIN_PYTHON_VERSION): message.stderr('FAILED: Python %s or better required' % MIN_PYTHON_VERSION) sys.exit(1) if not os.path.exists(cmd): message.stderr('FAILED: Missing asciidoc command: %s' % cmd) sys.exit(1) global APP_FILE APP_FILE = os.path.realpath(cmd) global APP_DIR APP_DIR = os.path.dirname(APP_FILE) global USER_DIR USER_DIR = userdir() if USER_DIR is not None: USER_DIR = os.path.join(USER_DIR,'.asciidoc') if not os.path.isdir(USER_DIR): USER_DIR = None def load_file(self, fname, dir=None, include=[], exclude=[]): """ Loads sections dictionary with sections from file fname. Existing sections are overlaid. The 'include' list contains the section names to be loaded. The 'exclude' list contains section names not to be loaded. Return False if no file was found in any of the locations. """ def update_section(section): """ Update section in sections with contents. """ if section and contents: if section in sections and self.entries_section(section): if ''.join(contents): # Merge entries. sections[section] += contents else: del sections[section] else: if section.startswith('+'): # Append section. if section in sections: sections[section] += contents else: sections[section] = contents else: # Replace section. sections[section] = contents if dir: fname = os.path.join(dir, fname) # Sliently skip missing configuration file. if not os.path.isfile(fname): return False # Don't load conf files twice (local and application conf files are the # same if the source file is in the application directory). if os.path.realpath(fname) in self.loaded: return True rdr = Reader() # Reader processes system macros. message.linenos = False # Disable document line numbers. rdr.open(fname) message.linenos = None self.fname = fname reo = re.compile(r'(?u)^\[(?P<section>\+?[^\W\d][\w-]*)\]\s*$') sections = OrderedDict() section,contents = '',[] while not rdr.eof(): s = rdr.read() if s and s[0] == '#': # Skip comment lines. continue if s[:2] == '\\#': # Unescape lines starting with '#'. s = s[1:] s = s.rstrip() found = reo.findall(s) if found: update_section(section) # Store previous section. section = found[0].lower() contents = [] else: contents.append(s) update_section(section) # Store last section. rdr.close() if include: for s in set(sections) - set(include): del sections[s] if exclude: for s in set(sections) & set(exclude): del sections[s] attrs = {} self.load_sections(sections,attrs) if not include: # If all sections are loaded mark this file as loaded. self.loaded.append(os.path.realpath(fname)) document.update_attributes(attrs) # So they are available immediately. return True def load_sections(self,sections,attrs=None): """ Loads sections dictionary. Each dictionary entry contains a list of lines. Updates 'attrs' with parsed [attributes] section entries. """ # Delete trailing blank lines from sections. for k in sections.keys(): for i in range(len(sections[k])-1,-1,-1): if not sections[k][i]: del sections[k][i] elif not self.entries_section(k): break # Update new sections. for k,v in sections.items(): if k.startswith('+'): # Append section. k = k[1:] if k in self.sections: self.sections[k] += v else: self.sections[k] = v else: # Replace section. self.sections[k] = v self.parse_tags() # Internally [miscellaneous] section entries are just attributes. d = {} parse_entries(sections.get('miscellaneous',()), d, unquote=True, allow_name_only=True) parse_entries(sections.get('attributes',()), d, unquote=True, allow_name_only=True) update_attrs(self.conf_attrs,d) if attrs is not None: attrs.update(d) d = {} parse_entries(sections.get('titles',()),d) Title.load(d) parse_entries(sections.get('specialcharacters',()),self.specialchars,escape_delimiter=False) parse_entries(sections.get('quotes',()),self.quotes) self.parse_specialwords() self.parse_replacements() self.parse_replacements('replacements2') self.parse_replacements('replacements3') self.parse_specialsections() paragraphs.load(sections) lists.load(sections) blocks.load(sections) tables_OLD.load(sections) tables.load(sections) macros.load(sections.get('macros',())) def get_load_dirs(self): """ Return list of well known paths with conf files. """ result = [] if localapp(): # Load from folders in asciidoc executable directory. result.append(APP_DIR) else: # Load from global configuration directory. result.append(CONF_DIR) # Load configuration files from ~/.asciidoc if it exists. if USER_DIR is not None: result.append(USER_DIR) return result def find_in_dirs(self, filename, dirs=None): """ Find conf files from dirs list. Return list of found file paths. Return empty list if not found in any of the locations. """ result = [] if dirs is None: dirs = self.get_load_dirs() for d in dirs: f = os.path.join(d,filename) if os.path.isfile(f): result.append(f) return result def load_from_dirs(self, filename, dirs=None, include=[]): """ Load conf file from dirs list. If dirs not specified try all the well known locations. Return False if no file was sucessfully loaded. """ count = 0 for f in self.find_in_dirs(filename,dirs): if self.load_file(f, include=include): count += 1 return count != 0 def load_backend(self, dirs=None): """ Load the backend configuration files from dirs list. If dirs not specified try all the well known locations. If a <backend>.conf file was found return it's full path name, if not found return None. """ result = None if dirs is None: dirs = self.get_load_dirs() conf = document.backend + '.conf' conf2 = document.backend + '-' + document.doctype + '.conf' # First search for filter backends. for d in [os.path.join(d, 'backends', document.backend) for d in dirs]: if self.load_file(conf,d): result = os.path.join(d, conf) self.load_file(conf2,d) if not result: # Search in the normal locations. for d in dirs: if self.load_file(conf,d): result = os.path.join(d, conf) self.load_file(conf2,d) return result def load_filters(self, dirs=None): """ Load filter configuration files from 'filters' directory in dirs list. If dirs not specified try all the well known locations. Suppress loading if a file named __noautoload__ is in same directory as the conf file unless the filter has been specified with the --filter command-line option (in which case it is loaded unconditionally). """ if dirs is None: dirs = self.get_load_dirs() for d in dirs: # Load filter .conf files. filtersdir = os.path.join(d,'filters') for dirpath,dirnames,filenames in os.walk(filtersdir): subdirs = dirpath[len(filtersdir):].split(os.path.sep) # True if processing a filter specified by a --filter option. filter_opt = len(subdirs) > 1 and subdirs[1] in self.filters if '__noautoload__' not in filenames or filter_opt: for f in filenames: if re.match(r'^.+\.conf$',f): self.load_file(f,dirpath) def find_config_dir(self, *dirnames): """ Return path of configuration directory. Try all the well known locations. Return None if directory not found. """ for d in [os.path.join(d, *dirnames) for d in self.get_load_dirs()]: if os.path.isdir(d): return d return None def set_theme_attributes(self): theme = document.attributes.get('theme') if theme and 'themedir' not in document.attributes: themedir = self.find_config_dir('themes', theme) if themedir: document.attributes['themedir'] = themedir iconsdir = os.path.join(themedir, 'icons') if 'data-uri' in document.attributes and os.path.isdir(iconsdir): document.attributes['iconsdir'] = iconsdir else: message.warning('missing theme: %s' % theme, linenos=False) def load_miscellaneous(self,d): """Set miscellaneous configuration entries from dictionary 'd'.""" def set_if_int_gt_zero(name, d): if name in d: try: val = int(d[name]) if not val > 0: raise ValueError, "not > 0" if val > 0: setattr(self, name, val) except ValueError: raise EAsciiDoc, 'illegal [miscellaneous] %s entry' % name set_if_int_gt_zero('tabsize', d) set_if_int_gt_zero('textwidth', d) # DEPRECATED: Old tables only. if 'pagewidth' in d: try: val = float(d['pagewidth']) self.pagewidth = val except ValueError: raise EAsciiDoc, 'illegal [miscellaneous] pagewidth entry' if 'pageunits' in d: self.pageunits = d['pageunits'] if 'outfilesuffix' in d: self.outfilesuffix = d['outfilesuffix'] if 'newline' in d: # Convert escape sequences to their character values. self.newline = literal_eval('"'+d['newline']+'"') if 'subsnormal' in d: self.subsnormal = parse_options(d['subsnormal'],SUBS_OPTIONS, 'illegal [%s] %s: %s' % ('miscellaneous','subsnormal',d['subsnormal'])) if 'subsverbatim' in d: self.subsverbatim = parse_options(d['subsverbatim'],SUBS_OPTIONS, 'illegal [%s] %s: %s' % ('miscellaneous','subsverbatim',d['subsverbatim'])) def validate(self): """Check the configuration for internal consistancy. Called after all configuration files have been loaded.""" message.linenos = False # Disable document line numbers. # Heuristic to validate that at least one configuration file was loaded. if not self.specialchars or not self.tags or not lists: raise EAsciiDoc,'incomplete configuration files' # Check special characters are only one character long. for k in self.specialchars.keys(): if len(k) != 1: raise EAsciiDoc,'[specialcharacters] ' \ 'must be a single character: %s' % k # Check all special words have a corresponding inline macro body. for macro in self.specialwords.values(): if not is_name(macro): raise EAsciiDoc,'illegal special word name: %s' % macro if not macro in self.sections: message.warning('missing special word macro: [%s]' % macro) # Check all text quotes have a corresponding tag. for q in self.quotes.keys()[:]: tag = self.quotes[q] if not tag: del self.quotes[q] # Undefine quote. else: if tag[0] == '#': tag = tag[1:] if not tag in self.tags: message.warning('[quotes] %s missing tag definition: %s' % (q,tag)) # Check all specialsections section names exist. for k,v in self.specialsections.items(): if not v: del self.specialsections[k] elif not v in self.sections: message.warning('missing specialsections section: [%s]' % v) paragraphs.validate() lists.validate() blocks.validate() tables_OLD.validate() tables.validate() macros.validate() message.linenos = None def entries_section(self,section_name): """ Return True if conf file section contains entries, not a markup template. """ for name in self.ENTRIES_SECTIONS: if re.match(name,section_name): return True return False def dump(self): """Dump configuration to stdout.""" # Header. hdr = '' hdr = hdr + '#' + writer.newline hdr = hdr + '# Generated by AsciiDoc %s for %s %s.%s' % \ (VERSION,document.backend,document.doctype,writer.newline) t = time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time())) hdr = hdr + '# %s%s' % (t,writer.newline) hdr = hdr + '#' + writer.newline sys.stdout.write(hdr) # Dump special sections. # Dump only the configuration file and command-line attributes. # [miscellanous] entries are dumped as part of the [attributes]. d = {} d.update(self.conf_attrs) d.update(self.cmd_attrs) dump_section('attributes',d) Title.dump() dump_section('quotes',self.quotes) dump_section('specialcharacters',self.specialchars) d = {} for k,v in self.specialwords.items(): if v in d: d[v] = '%s "%s"' % (d[v],k) # Append word list. else: d[v] = '"%s"' % k dump_section('specialwords',d) dump_section('replacements',self.replacements) dump_section('replacements2',self.replacements2) dump_section('replacements3',self.replacements3) dump_section('specialsections',self.specialsections) d = {} for k,v in self.tags.items(): d[k] = '%s|%s' % v dump_section('tags',d) paragraphs.dump() lists.dump() blocks.dump() tables_OLD.dump() tables.dump() macros.dump() # Dump remaining sections. for k in self.sections.keys(): if not self.entries_section(k): sys.stdout.write('[%s]%s' % (k,writer.newline)) for line in self.sections[k]: sys.stdout.write('%s%s' % (line,writer.newline)) sys.stdout.write(writer.newline) def subs_section(self,section,d): """Section attribute substitution using attributes from document.attributes and 'd'. Lines containing undefinded attributes are deleted.""" if section in self.sections: return subs_attrs(self.sections[section],d) else: message.warning('missing section: [%s]' % section) return () def parse_tags(self): """Parse [tags] section entries into self.tags dictionary.""" d = {} parse_entries(self.sections.get('tags',()),d) for k,v in d.items(): if v is None: if k in self.tags: del self.tags[k] elif v == '': self.tags[k] = (None,None) else: mo = re.match(r'(?P<stag>.*)\|(?P<etag>.*)',v) if mo: self.tags[k] = (mo.group('stag'), mo.group('etag')) else: raise EAsciiDoc,'[tag] %s value malformed' % k def tag(self, name, d=None): """Returns (starttag,endtag) tuple named name from configuration file [tags] section. Raise error if not found. If a dictionary 'd' is passed then merge with document attributes and perform attribute substitution on tags.""" if not name in self.tags: raise EAsciiDoc, 'missing tag: %s' % name stag,etag = self.tags[name] if d is not None: # TODO: Should we warn if substitution drops a tag? if stag: stag = subs_attrs(stag,d) if etag: etag = subs_attrs(etag,d) if stag is None: stag = '' if etag is None: etag = '' return (stag,etag) def parse_specialsections(self): """Parse specialsections section to self.specialsections dictionary.""" # TODO: This is virtually the same as parse_replacements() and should # be factored to single routine. d = {} parse_entries(self.sections.get('specialsections',()),d,unquote=True) for pat,sectname in d.items(): pat = strip_quotes(pat) if not is_re(pat): raise EAsciiDoc,'[specialsections] entry ' \ 'is not a valid regular expression: %s' % pat if sectname is None: if pat in self.specialsections: del self.specialsections[pat] else: self.specialsections[pat] = sectname def parse_replacements(self,sect='replacements'): """Parse replacements section into self.replacements dictionary.""" d = OrderedDict() parse_entries(self.sections.get(sect,()), d, unquote=True) for pat,rep in d.items(): if not self.set_replacement(pat, rep, getattr(self,sect)): raise EAsciiDoc,'[%s] entry in %s is not a valid' \ ' regular expression: %s' % (sect,self.fname,pat) @staticmethod def set_replacement(pat, rep, replacements): """Add pattern and replacement to replacements dictionary.""" pat = strip_quotes(pat) if not is_re(pat): return False if rep is None: if pat in replacements: del replacements[pat] else: replacements[pat] = strip_quotes(rep) return True def subs_replacements(self,s,sect='replacements'): """Substitute patterns from self.replacements in 's'.""" result = s for pat,rep in getattr(self,sect).items(): result = re.sub(pat, rep, result) return result def parse_specialwords(self): """Parse special words section into self.specialwords dictionary.""" reo = re.compile(r'(?:\s|^)(".+?"|[^"\s]+)(?=\s|$)') for line in self.sections.get('specialwords',()): e = parse_entry(line) if not e: raise EAsciiDoc,'[specialwords] entry in %s is malformed: %s' \ % (self.fname,line) name,wordlist = e if not is_name(name): raise EAsciiDoc,'[specialwords] name in %s is illegal: %s' \ % (self.fname,name) if wordlist is None: # Undefine all words associated with 'name'. for k,v in self.specialwords.items(): if v == name: del self.specialwords[k] else: words = reo.findall(wordlist) for word in words: word = strip_quotes(word) if not is_re(word): raise EAsciiDoc,'[specialwords] entry in %s ' \ 'is not a valid regular expression: %s' \ % (self.fname,word) self.specialwords[word] = name def subs_specialchars(self,s): """Perform special character substitution on string 's'.""" """It may seem like a good idea to escape special characters with a '\' character, the reason we don't is because the escape character itself then has to be escaped and this makes including code listings problematic. Use the predefined {amp},{lt},{gt} attributes instead.""" result = '' for ch in s: result = result + self.specialchars.get(ch,ch) return result def subs_specialchars_reverse(self,s): """Perform reverse special character substitution on string 's'.""" result = s for k,v in self.specialchars.items(): result = result.replace(v, k) return result def subs_specialwords(self,s): """Search for word patterns from self.specialwords in 's' and substitute using corresponding macro.""" result = s for word in self.specialwords.keys(): result = re.sub(word, _subs_specialwords, result) return result def expand_templates(self,entries): """Expand any template::[] macros in a list of section entries.""" result = [] for line in entries: mo = macros.match('+',r'template',line) if mo: s = mo.group('attrlist') if s in self.sections: result += self.expand_templates(self.sections[s]) else: message.warning('missing section: [%s]' % s) result.append(line) else: result.append(line) return result def expand_all_templates(self): for k,v in self.sections.items(): self.sections[k] = self.expand_templates(v) def section2tags(self, section, d={}, skipstart=False, skipend=False): """Perform attribute substitution on 'section' using document attributes plus 'd' attributes. Return tuple (stag,etag) containing pre and post | placeholder tags. 'skipstart' and 'skipend' are used to suppress substitution.""" assert section is not None if section in self.sections: body = self.sections[section] else: message.warning('missing section: [%s]' % section) body = () # Split macro body into start and end tag lists. stag = [] etag = [] in_stag = True for s in body: if in_stag: mo = re.match(r'(?P<stag>.*)\|(?P<etag>.*)',s) if mo: if mo.group('stag'): stag.append(mo.group('stag')) if mo.group('etag'): etag.append(mo.group('etag')) in_stag = False else: stag.append(s) else: etag.append(s) # Do attribute substitution last so {brkbar} can be used to escape |. # But don't do attribute substitution on title -- we've already done it. title = d.get('title') if title: d['title'] = chr(0) # Replace with unused character. if not skipstart: stag = subs_attrs(stag, d) if not skipend: etag = subs_attrs(etag, d) # Put the {title} back. if title: stag = map(lambda x: x.replace(chr(0), title), stag) etag = map(lambda x: x.replace(chr(0), title), etag) d['title'] = title return (stag,etag) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Deprecated old table classes follow. # Naming convention is an _OLD name suffix. # These will be removed from future versions of AsciiDoc def join_lines_OLD(lines): """Return a list in which lines terminated with the backslash line continuation character are joined.""" result = [] s = '' continuation = False for line in lines: if line and line[-1] == '\\': s = s + line[:-1] continuation = True continue if continuation: result.append(s+line) s = '' continuation = False else: result.append(line) if continuation: result.append(s) return result class Column_OLD: """Table column.""" def __init__(self): self.colalign = None # 'left','right','center' self.rulerwidth = None self.colwidth = None # Output width in page units. class Table_OLD(AbstractBlock): COL_STOP = r"(`|'|\.)" # RE. ALIGNMENTS = {'`':'left', "'":'right', '.':'center'} FORMATS = ('fixed','csv','dsv') def __init__(self): AbstractBlock.__init__(self) self.CONF_ENTRIES += ('template','fillchar','format','colspec', 'headrow','footrow','bodyrow','headdata', 'footdata', 'bodydata') # Configuration parameters. self.fillchar=None self.format=None # 'fixed','csv','dsv' self.colspec=None self.headrow=None self.footrow=None self.bodyrow=None self.headdata=None self.footdata=None self.bodydata=None # Calculated parameters. self.underline=None # RE matching current table underline. self.isnumeric=False # True if numeric ruler. self.tablewidth=None # Optional table width scale factor. self.columns=[] # List of Columns. # Other. self.check_msg='' # Message set by previous self.validate() call. def load(self,name,entries): AbstractBlock.load(self,name,entries) """Update table definition from section entries in 'entries'.""" for k,v in entries.items(): if k == 'fillchar': if v and len(v) == 1: self.fillchar = v else: raise EAsciiDoc,'malformed table fillchar: %s' % v elif k == 'format': if v in Table_OLD.FORMATS: self.format = v else: raise EAsciiDoc,'illegal table format: %s' % v elif k == 'colspec': self.colspec = v elif k == 'headrow': self.headrow = v elif k == 'footrow': self.footrow = v elif k == 'bodyrow': self.bodyrow = v elif k == 'headdata': self.headdata = v elif k == 'footdata': self.footdata = v elif k == 'bodydata': self.bodydata = v def dump(self): AbstractBlock.dump(self) write = lambda s: sys.stdout.write('%s%s' % (s,writer.newline)) write('fillchar='+self.fillchar) write('format='+self.format) if self.colspec: write('colspec='+self.colspec) if self.headrow: write('headrow='+self.headrow) if self.footrow: write('footrow='+self.footrow) write('bodyrow='+self.bodyrow) if self.headdata: write('headdata='+self.headdata) if self.footdata: write('footdata='+self.footdata) write('bodydata='+self.bodydata) write('') def validate(self): AbstractBlock.validate(self) """Check table definition and set self.check_msg if invalid else set self.check_msg to blank string.""" # Check global table parameters. if config.textwidth is None: self.check_msg = 'missing [miscellaneous] textwidth entry' elif config.pagewidth is None: self.check_msg = 'missing [miscellaneous] pagewidth entry' elif config.pageunits is None: self.check_msg = 'missing [miscellaneous] pageunits entry' elif self.headrow is None: self.check_msg = 'missing headrow entry' elif self.footrow is None: self.check_msg = 'missing footrow entry' elif self.bodyrow is None: self.check_msg = 'missing bodyrow entry' elif self.headdata is None: self.check_msg = 'missing headdata entry' elif self.footdata is None: self.check_msg = 'missing footdata entry' elif self.bodydata is None: self.check_msg = 'missing bodydata entry' else: # No errors. self.check_msg = '' def isnext(self): return AbstractBlock.isnext(self) def parse_ruler(self,ruler): """Parse ruler calculating underline and ruler column widths.""" fc = re.escape(self.fillchar) # Strip and save optional tablewidth from end of ruler. mo = re.match(r'^(.*'+fc+r'+)([\d\.]+)$',ruler) if mo: ruler = mo.group(1) self.tablewidth = float(mo.group(2)) self.attributes['tablewidth'] = str(float(self.tablewidth)) else: self.tablewidth = None self.attributes['tablewidth'] = '100.0' # Guess whether column widths are specified numerically or not. if ruler[1] != self.fillchar: # If the first column does not start with a fillchar then numeric. self.isnumeric = True elif ruler[1:] == self.fillchar*len(ruler[1:]): # The case of one column followed by fillchars is numeric. self.isnumeric = True else: self.isnumeric = False # Underlines must be 3 or more fillchars. self.underline = r'^' + fc + r'{3,}$' splits = re.split(self.COL_STOP,ruler)[1:] # Build self.columns. for i in range(0,len(splits),2): c = Column_OLD() c.colalign = self.ALIGNMENTS[splits[i]] s = splits[i+1] if self.isnumeric: # Strip trailing fillchars. s = re.sub(fc+r'+$','',s) if s == '': c.rulerwidth = None else: try: val = int(s) if not val > 0: raise ValueError, 'not > 0' c.rulerwidth = val except ValueError: raise EAsciiDoc, 'malformed ruler: bad width' else: # Calculate column width from inter-fillchar intervals. if not re.match(r'^'+fc+r'+$',s): raise EAsciiDoc,'malformed ruler: illegal fillchars' c.rulerwidth = len(s)+1 self.columns.append(c) # Fill in unspecified ruler widths. if self.isnumeric: if self.columns[0].rulerwidth is None: prevwidth = 1 for c in self.columns: if c.rulerwidth is None: c.rulerwidth = prevwidth prevwidth = c.rulerwidth def build_colspecs(self): """Generate colwidths and colspecs. This can only be done after the table arguments have been parsed since we use the table format.""" self.attributes['cols'] = len(self.columns) # Calculate total ruler width. totalwidth = 0 for c in self.columns: totalwidth = totalwidth + c.rulerwidth if totalwidth <= 0: raise EAsciiDoc,'zero width table' # Calculate marked up colwidths from rulerwidths. for c in self.columns: # Convert ruler width to output page width. width = float(c.rulerwidth) if self.format == 'fixed': if self.tablewidth is None: # Size proportional to ruler width. colfraction = width/config.textwidth else: # Size proportional to page width. colfraction = width/totalwidth else: # Size proportional to page width. colfraction = width/totalwidth c.colwidth = colfraction * config.pagewidth # To page units. if self.tablewidth is not None: c.colwidth = c.colwidth * self.tablewidth # Scale factor. if self.tablewidth > 1: c.colwidth = c.colwidth/100 # tablewidth is in percent. # Build colspecs. if self.colspec: cols = [] i = 0 for c in self.columns: i += 1 self.attributes['colalign'] = c.colalign self.attributes['colwidth'] = str(int(c.colwidth)) self.attributes['colnumber'] = str(i + 1) s = subs_attrs(self.colspec,self.attributes) if not s: message.warning('colspec dropped: contains undefined attribute') else: cols.append(s) self.attributes['colspecs'] = writer.newline.join(cols) def split_rows(self,rows): """Return a two item tuple containing a list of lines up to but not including the next underline (continued lines are joined ) and the tuple of all lines after the underline.""" reo = re.compile(self.underline) i = 0 while not reo.match(rows[i]): i = i+1 if i == 0: raise EAsciiDoc,'missing table rows' if i >= len(rows): raise EAsciiDoc,'closing [%s] underline expected' % self.defname return (join_lines_OLD(rows[:i]), rows[i+1:]) def parse_rows(self, rows, rtag, dtag): """Parse rows list using the row and data tags. Returns a substituted list of output lines.""" result = [] # Source rows are parsed as single block, rather than line by line, to # allow the CSV reader to handle multi-line rows. if self.format == 'fixed': rows = self.parse_fixed(rows) elif self.format == 'csv': rows = self.parse_csv(rows) elif self.format == 'dsv': rows = self.parse_dsv(rows) else: assert True,'illegal table format' # Substitute and indent all data in all rows. stag,etag = subs_tag(rtag,self.attributes) for row in rows: result.append(' '+stag) for data in self.subs_row(row,dtag): result.append(' '+data) result.append(' '+etag) return result def subs_row(self, data, dtag): """Substitute the list of source row data elements using the data tag. Returns a substituted list of output table data items.""" result = [] if len(data) < len(self.columns): message.warning('fewer row data items then table columns') if len(data) > len(self.columns): message.warning('more row data items than table columns') for i in range(len(self.columns)): if i > len(data) - 1: d = '' # Fill missing column data with blanks. else: d = data[i] c = self.columns[i] self.attributes['colalign'] = c.colalign self.attributes['colwidth'] = str(int(c.colwidth)) self.attributes['colnumber'] = str(i + 1) stag,etag = subs_tag(dtag,self.attributes) # Insert AsciiDoc line break (' +') where row data has newlines # ('\n'). This is really only useful when the table format is csv # and the output markup is HTML. It's also a bit dubious in that it # assumes the user has not modified the shipped line break pattern. subs = self.get_subs()[0] if 'replacements2' in subs: # Insert line breaks in cell data. d = re.sub(r'(?m)\n',r' +\n',d) d = d.split('\n') # So writer.newline is written. else: d = [d] result = result + [stag] + Lex.subs(d,subs) + [etag] return result def parse_fixed(self,rows): """Parse the list of source table rows. Each row item in the returned list contains a list of cell data elements.""" result = [] for row in rows: data = [] start = 0 # build an encoded representation row = char_decode(row) for c in self.columns: end = start + c.rulerwidth if c is self.columns[-1]: # Text in last column can continue forever. # Use the encoded string to slice, but convert back # to plain string before further processing data.append(char_encode(row[start:]).strip()) else: data.append(char_encode(row[start:end]).strip()) start = end result.append(data) return result def parse_csv(self,rows): """Parse the list of source table rows. Each row item in the returned list contains a list of cell data elements.""" import StringIO import csv result = [] rdr = csv.reader(StringIO.StringIO('\r\n'.join(rows)), skipinitialspace=True) try: for row in rdr: result.append(row) except Exception: raise EAsciiDoc,'csv parse error: %s' % row return result def parse_dsv(self,rows): """Parse the list of source table rows. Each row item in the returned list contains a list of cell data elements.""" separator = self.attributes.get('separator',':') separator = literal_eval('"'+separator+'"') if len(separator) != 1: raise EAsciiDoc,'malformed dsv separator: %s' % separator # TODO If separator is preceeded by an odd number of backslashes then # it is escaped and should not delimit. result = [] for row in rows: # Skip blank lines if row == '': continue # Unescape escaped characters. row = literal_eval('"'+row.replace('"','\\"')+'"') data = row.split(separator) data = [s.strip() for s in data] result.append(data) return result def translate(self): message.deprecated('old tables syntax') AbstractBlock.translate(self) # Reset instance specific properties. self.underline = None self.columns = [] attrs = {} BlockTitle.consume(attrs) # Add relevant globals to table substitutions. attrs['pagewidth'] = str(config.pagewidth) attrs['pageunits'] = config.pageunits # Mix in document attribute list. AttributeList.consume(attrs) # Validate overridable attributes. for k,v in attrs.items(): if k == 'format': if v not in self.FORMATS: raise EAsciiDoc, 'illegal [%s] %s: %s' % (self.defname,k,v) self.format = v elif k == 'tablewidth': try: self.tablewidth = float(attrs['tablewidth']) except Exception: raise EAsciiDoc, 'illegal [%s] %s: %s' % (self.defname,k,v) self.merge_attributes(attrs) # Parse table ruler. ruler = reader.read() assert re.match(self.delimiter,ruler) self.parse_ruler(ruler) # Read the entire table. table = [] while True: line = reader.read_next() # Table terminated by underline followed by a blank line or EOF. if len(table) > 0 and re.match(self.underline,table[-1]): if line in ('',None): break; if line is None: raise EAsciiDoc,'closing [%s] underline expected' % self.defname table.append(reader.read()) # EXPERIMENTAL: The number of lines in the table, requested by Benjamin Klum. self.attributes['rows'] = str(len(table)) if self.check_msg: # Skip if table definition was marked invalid. message.warning('skipping [%s] table: %s' % (self.defname,self.check_msg)) return self.push_blockname('table') # Generate colwidths and colspecs. self.build_colspecs() # Generate headrows, footrows, bodyrows. # Headrow, footrow and bodyrow data replaces same named attributes in # the table markup template. In order to ensure this data does not get # a second attribute substitution (which would interfere with any # already substituted inline passthroughs) unique placeholders are used # (the tab character does not appear elsewhere since it is expanded on # input) which are replaced after template attribute substitution. headrows = footrows = [] bodyrows,table = self.split_rows(table) if table: headrows = bodyrows bodyrows,table = self.split_rows(table) if table: footrows,table = self.split_rows(table) if headrows: headrows = self.parse_rows(headrows, self.headrow, self.headdata) headrows = writer.newline.join(headrows) self.attributes['headrows'] = '\x07headrows\x07' if footrows: footrows = self.parse_rows(footrows, self.footrow, self.footdata) footrows = writer.newline.join(footrows) self.attributes['footrows'] = '\x07footrows\x07' bodyrows = self.parse_rows(bodyrows, self.bodyrow, self.bodydata) bodyrows = writer.newline.join(bodyrows) self.attributes['bodyrows'] = '\x07bodyrows\x07' table = subs_attrs(config.sections[self.template],self.attributes) table = writer.newline.join(table) # Before we finish replace the table head, foot and body place holders # with the real data. if headrows: table = table.replace('\x07headrows\x07', headrows, 1) if footrows: table = table.replace('\x07footrows\x07', footrows, 1) table = table.replace('\x07bodyrows\x07', bodyrows, 1) writer.write(table,trace='table') self.pop_blockname() class Tables_OLD(AbstractBlocks): """List of tables.""" BLOCK_TYPE = Table_OLD PREFIX = 'old_tabledef-' def __init__(self): AbstractBlocks.__init__(self) def load(self,sections): AbstractBlocks.load(self,sections) def validate(self): # Does not call AbstractBlocks.validate(). # Check we have a default table definition, for i in range(len(self.blocks)): if self.blocks[i].defname == 'old_tabledef-default': default = self.blocks[i] break else: raise EAsciiDoc,'missing section: [OLD_tabledef-default]' # Set default table defaults. if default.format is None: default.subs = 'fixed' # Propagate defaults to unspecified table parameters. for b in self.blocks: if b is not default: if b.fillchar is None: b.fillchar = default.fillchar if b.format is None: b.format = default.format if b.template is None: b.template = default.template if b.colspec is None: b.colspec = default.colspec if b.headrow is None: b.headrow = default.headrow if b.footrow is None: b.footrow = default.footrow if b.bodyrow is None: b.bodyrow = default.bodyrow if b.headdata is None: b.headdata = default.headdata if b.footdata is None: b.footdata = default.footdata if b.bodydata is None: b.bodydata = default.bodydata # Check all tables have valid fill character. for b in self.blocks: if not b.fillchar or len(b.fillchar) != 1: raise EAsciiDoc,'[%s] missing or illegal fillchar' % b.defname # Build combined tables delimiter patterns and assign defaults. delimiters = [] for b in self.blocks: # Ruler is: # (ColStop,(ColWidth,FillChar+)?)+, FillChar+, TableWidth? b.delimiter = r'^(' + Table_OLD.COL_STOP \ + r'(\d*|' + re.escape(b.fillchar) + r'*)' \ + r')+' \ + re.escape(b.fillchar) + r'+' \ + '([\d\.]*)$' delimiters.append(b.delimiter) if not b.headrow: b.headrow = b.bodyrow if not b.footrow: b.footrow = b.bodyrow if not b.headdata: b.headdata = b.bodydata if not b.footdata: b.footdata = b.bodydata self.delimiters = re_join(delimiters) # Check table definitions are valid. for b in self.blocks: b.validate() if config.verbose: if b.check_msg: message.warning('[%s] table definition: %s' % (b.defname,b.check_msg)) # End of deprecated old table classes. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # filter and theme plugin commands. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- import shutil, zipfile def die(msg): message.stderr(msg) sys.exit(1) def extract_zip(zip_file, destdir): """ Unzip Zip file to destination directory. Throws exception if error occurs. """ zipo = zipfile.ZipFile(zip_file, 'r') try: for zi in zipo.infolist(): outfile = zi.filename if not outfile.endswith('/'): d, outfile = os.path.split(outfile) directory = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(destdir, d)) if not os.path.isdir(directory): os.makedirs(directory) outfile = os.path.join(directory, outfile) perms = (zi.external_attr >> 16) & 0777 message.verbose('extracting: %s' % outfile) flags = os.O_CREAT | os.O_WRONLY if sys.platform == 'win32': flags |= os.O_BINARY if perms == 0: # Zip files created under Windows do not include permissions. fh = os.open(outfile, flags) else: fh = os.open(outfile, flags, perms) try: os.write(fh, zipo.read(zi.filename)) finally: os.close(fh) finally: zipo.close() def create_zip(zip_file, src, skip_hidden=False): """ Create Zip file. If src is a directory archive all contained files and subdirectories, if src is a file archive the src file. Files and directories names starting with . are skipped if skip_hidden is True. Throws exception if error occurs. """ zipo = zipfile.ZipFile(zip_file, 'w') try: if os.path.isfile(src): arcname = os.path.basename(src) message.verbose('archiving: %s' % arcname) zipo.write(src, arcname, zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) elif os.path.isdir(src): srcdir = os.path.abspath(src) if srcdir[-1] != os.path.sep: srcdir += os.path.sep for root, dirs, files in os.walk(srcdir): arcroot = os.path.abspath(root)[len(srcdir):] if skip_hidden: for d in dirs[:]: if d.startswith('.'): message.verbose('skipping: %s' % os.path.join(arcroot, d)) del dirs[dirs.index(d)] for f in files: filename = os.path.join(root,f) arcname = os.path.join(arcroot, f) if skip_hidden and f.startswith('.'): message.verbose('skipping: %s' % arcname) continue message.verbose('archiving: %s' % arcname) zipo.write(filename, arcname, zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) else: raise ValueError,'src must specify directory or file: %s' % src finally: zipo.close() class Plugin: """ --filter and --theme option commands. """ CMDS = ('install','remove','list','build') type = None # 'backend', 'filter' or 'theme'. @staticmethod def get_dir(): """ Return plugins path (.asciidoc/filters or .asciidoc/themes) in user's home direcory or None if user home not defined. """ result = userdir() if result: result = os.path.join(result, '.asciidoc', Plugin.type+'s') return result @staticmethod def install(args): """ Install plugin Zip file. args[0] is plugin zip file path. args[1] is optional destination plugins directory. """ if len(args) not in (1,2): die('invalid number of arguments: --%s install %s' % (Plugin.type, ' '.join(args))) zip_file = args[0] if not os.path.isfile(zip_file): die('file not found: %s' % zip_file) reo = re.match(r'^\w+',os.path.split(zip_file)[1]) if not reo: die('file name does not start with legal %s name: %s' % (Plugin.type, zip_file)) plugin_name = reo.group() if len(args) == 2: plugins_dir = args[1] if not os.path.isdir(plugins_dir): die('directory not found: %s' % plugins_dir) else: plugins_dir = Plugin.get_dir() if not plugins_dir: die('user home directory is not defined') plugin_dir = os.path.join(plugins_dir, plugin_name) if os.path.exists(plugin_dir): die('%s is already installed: %s' % (Plugin.type, plugin_dir)) try: os.makedirs(plugin_dir) except Exception,e: die('failed to create %s directory: %s' % (Plugin.type, str(e))) try: extract_zip(zip_file, plugin_dir) except Exception,e: if os.path.isdir(plugin_dir): shutil.rmtree(plugin_dir) die('failed to extract %s: %s' % (Plugin.type, str(e))) @staticmethod def remove(args): """ Delete plugin directory. args[0] is plugin name. args[1] is optional plugin directory (defaults to ~/.asciidoc/<plugin_name>). """ if len(args) not in (1,2): die('invalid number of arguments: --%s remove %s' % (Plugin.type, ' '.join(args))) plugin_name = args[0] if not re.match(r'^\w+$',plugin_name): die('illegal %s name: %s' % (Plugin.type, plugin_name)) if len(args) == 2: d = args[1] if not os.path.isdir(d): die('directory not found: %s' % d) else: d = Plugin.get_dir() if not d: die('user directory is not defined') plugin_dir = os.path.join(d, plugin_name) if not os.path.isdir(plugin_dir): die('cannot find %s: %s' % (Plugin.type, plugin_dir)) try: message.verbose('removing: %s' % plugin_dir) shutil.rmtree(plugin_dir) except Exception,e: die('failed to delete %s: %s' % (Plugin.type, str(e))) @staticmethod def list(args): """ List all plugin directories (global and local). """ for d in [os.path.join(d, Plugin.type+'s') for d in config.get_load_dirs()]: if os.path.isdir(d): for f in os.walk(d).next()[1]: message.stdout(os.path.join(d,f)) @staticmethod def build(args): """ Create plugin Zip file. args[0] is Zip file name. args[1] is plugin directory. """ if len(args) != 2: die('invalid number of arguments: --%s build %s' % (Plugin.type, ' '.join(args))) zip_file = args[0] plugin_source = args[1] if not (os.path.isdir(plugin_source) or os.path.isfile(plugin_source)): die('plugin source not found: %s' % plugin_source) try: create_zip(zip_file, plugin_source, skip_hidden=True) except Exception,e: die('failed to create %s: %s' % (zip_file, str(e))) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Application code. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Constants # --------- APP_FILE = None # This file's full path. APP_DIR = None # This file's directory. USER_DIR = None # ~/.asciidoc # Global configuration files directory (set by Makefile build target). CONF_DIR = '/etc/asciidoc' HELP_FILE = 'help.conf' # Default (English) help file. # Globals # ------- document = Document() # The document being processed. config = Config() # Configuration file reader. reader = Reader() # Input stream line reader. writer = Writer() # Output stream line writer. message = Message() # Message functions. paragraphs = Paragraphs() # Paragraph definitions. lists = Lists() # List definitions. blocks = DelimitedBlocks() # DelimitedBlock definitions. tables_OLD = Tables_OLD() # Table_OLD definitions. tables = Tables() # Table definitions. macros = Macros() # Macro definitions. calloutmap = CalloutMap() # Coordinates callouts and callout list. trace = Trace() # Implements trace attribute processing. ### Used by asciidocapi.py ### # List of message strings written to stderr. messages = message.messages def asciidoc(backend, doctype, confiles, infile, outfile, options): """Convert AsciiDoc document to DocBook document of type doctype The AsciiDoc document is read from file object src the translated DocBook file written to file object dst.""" def load_conffiles(include=[], exclude=[]): # Load conf files specified on the command-line and by the conf-files attribute. files = document.attributes.get('conf-files','') files = [f.strip() for f in files.split('|') if f.strip()] files += confiles if files: for f in files: if os.path.isfile(f): config.load_file(f, include=include, exclude=exclude) else: raise EAsciiDoc,'missing configuration file: %s' % f try: document.attributes['python'] = sys.executable for f in config.filters: if not config.find_config_dir('filters', f): raise EAsciiDoc,'missing filter: %s' % f if doctype not in (None,'article','manpage','book'): raise EAsciiDoc,'illegal document type' # Set processing options. for o in options: if o == '-c': config.dumping = True if o == '-s': config.header_footer = False if o == '-v': config.verbose = True document.update_attributes() if '-e' not in options: # Load asciidoc.conf files in two passes: the first for attributes # the second for everything. This is so that locally set attributes # available are in the global asciidoc.conf if not config.load_from_dirs('asciidoc.conf',include=['attributes']): raise EAsciiDoc,'configuration file asciidoc.conf missing' load_conffiles(include=['attributes']) config.load_from_dirs('asciidoc.conf') if infile != '<stdin>': indir = os.path.dirname(infile) config.load_file('asciidoc.conf', indir, include=['attributes','titles','specialchars']) else: load_conffiles(include=['attributes','titles','specialchars']) document.update_attributes() # Check the infile exists. if infile != '<stdin>': if not os.path.isfile(infile): raise EAsciiDoc,'input file %s missing' % infile document.infile = infile AttributeList.initialize() # Open input file and parse document header. reader.tabsize = config.tabsize reader.open(infile) has_header = document.parse_header(doctype,backend) # doctype is now finalized. document.attributes['doctype-'+document.doctype] = '' config.set_theme_attributes() # Load backend configuration files. if '-e' not in options: f = document.backend + '.conf' conffile = config.load_backend() if not conffile: raise EAsciiDoc,'missing backend conf file: %s' % f document.attributes['backend-confdir'] = os.path.dirname(conffile) # backend is now known. document.attributes['backend-'+document.backend] = '' document.attributes[document.backend+'-'+document.doctype] = '' doc_conffiles = [] if '-e' not in options: # Load filters and language file. config.load_filters() document.load_lang() if infile != '<stdin>': # Load local conf files (files in the source file directory). config.load_file('asciidoc.conf', indir) config.load_backend([indir]) config.load_filters([indir]) # Load document specific configuration files. f = os.path.splitext(infile)[0] doc_conffiles = [ f for f in (f+'.conf', f+'-'+document.backend+'.conf') if os.path.isfile(f) ] for f in doc_conffiles: config.load_file(f) load_conffiles() # Build asciidoc-args attribute. args = '' # Add custom conf file arguments. for f in doc_conffiles + confiles: args += ' --conf-file "%s"' % f # Add command-line and header attributes. attrs = {} attrs.update(AttributeEntry.attributes) attrs.update(config.cmd_attrs) if 'title' in attrs: # Don't pass the header title. del attrs['title'] for k,v in attrs.items(): if v: args += ' --attribute "%s=%s"' % (k,v) else: args += ' --attribute "%s"' % k document.attributes['asciidoc-args'] = args # Build outfile name. if outfile is None: outfile = os.path.splitext(infile)[0] + '.' + document.backend if config.outfilesuffix: # Change file extension. outfile = os.path.splitext(outfile)[0] + config.outfilesuffix document.outfile = outfile # Document header attributes override conf file attributes. document.attributes.update(AttributeEntry.attributes) document.update_attributes() # Set the default embedded icons directory. if 'data-uri' in document.attributes and not os.path.isdir(document.attributes['iconsdir']): document.attributes['iconsdir'] = os.path.join( document.attributes['asciidoc-confdir'], 'images/icons') # Configuration is fully loaded. config.expand_all_templates() # Check configuration for consistency. config.validate() # Initialize top level block name. if document.attributes.get('blockname'): AbstractBlock.blocknames.append(document.attributes['blockname']) paragraphs.initialize() lists.initialize() if config.dumping: config.dump() else: writer.newline = config.newline try: writer.open(outfile, reader.bom) try: document.translate(has_header) # Generate the output. finally: writer.close() finally: reader.closefile() except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except Exception,e: # Cleanup. if outfile and outfile != '<stdout>' and os.path.isfile(outfile): os.unlink(outfile) # Build and print error description. msg = 'FAILED: ' if reader.cursor: msg = message.format('', msg) if isinstance(e, EAsciiDoc): message.stderr('%s%s' % (msg,str(e))) else: if __name__ == '__main__': message.stderr(msg+'unexpected error:') message.stderr('-'*60) traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr) message.stderr('-'*60) else: message.stderr('%sunexpected error: %s' % (msg,str(e))) sys.exit(1) def usage(msg=''): if msg: message.stderr(msg) show_help('default', sys.stderr) def show_help(topic, f=None): """Print help topic to file object f.""" if f is None: f = sys.stdout # Select help file. lang = config.cmd_attrs.get('lang') if lang and lang != 'en': help_file = 'help-' + lang + '.conf' else: help_file = HELP_FILE # Print [topic] section from help file. config.load_from_dirs(help_file) if len(config.sections) == 0: # Default to English if specified language help files not found. help_file = HELP_FILE config.load_from_dirs(help_file) if len(config.sections) == 0: message.stderr('no help topics found') sys.exit(1) n = 0 for k in config.sections: if re.match(re.escape(topic), k): n += 1 lines = config.sections[k] if n == 0: if topic != 'topics': message.stderr('help topic not found: [%s] in %s' % (topic, help_file)) message.stderr('available help topics: %s' % ', '.join(config.sections.keys())) sys.exit(1) elif n > 1: message.stderr('ambiguous help topic: %s' % topic) else: for line in lines: print >>f, line ### Used by asciidocapi.py ### def execute(cmd,opts,args): """ Execute asciidoc with command-line options and arguments. cmd is asciidoc command or asciidoc.py path. opts and args conform to values returned by getopt.getopt(). Raises SystemExit if an error occurs. Doctests: 1. Check execution: >>> import StringIO >>> infile = StringIO.StringIO('Hello *{author}*') >>> outfile = StringIO.StringIO() >>> opts = [] >>> opts.append(('--backend','html4')) >>> opts.append(('--no-header-footer',None)) >>> opts.append(('--attribute','author=Joe Bloggs')) >>> opts.append(('--out-file',outfile)) >>> execute(__file__, opts, [infile]) >>> print outfile.getvalue() <p>Hello <strong>Joe Bloggs</strong></p> >>> """ config.init(cmd) if len(args) > 1: usage('Too many arguments') sys.exit(1) backend = None doctype = None confiles = [] outfile = None options = [] help_option = False for o,v in opts: if o in ('--help','-h'): help_option = True #DEPRECATED: --unsafe option. if o == '--unsafe': document.safe = False if o == '--safe': document.safe = True if o == '--version': print('asciidoc %s' % VERSION) sys.exit(0) if o in ('-b','--backend'): backend = v if o in ('-c','--dump-conf'): options.append('-c') if o in ('-d','--doctype'): doctype = v if o in ('-e','--no-conf'): options.append('-e') if o in ('-f','--conf-file'): confiles.append(v) if o == '--filter': config.filters.append(v) if o in ('-n','--section-numbers'): o = '-a' v = 'numbered' if o == '--theme': o = '-a' v = 'theme='+v if o in ('-a','--attribute'): e = parse_entry(v, allow_name_only=True) if not e: usage('Illegal -a option: %s' % v) sys.exit(1) k,v = e # A @ suffix denotes don't override existing document attributes. if v and v[-1] == '@': document.attributes[k] = v[:-1] else: config.cmd_attrs[k] = v if o in ('-o','--out-file'): outfile = v if o in ('-s','--no-header-footer'): options.append('-s') if o in ('-v','--verbose'): options.append('-v') if help_option: if len(args) == 0: show_help('default') else: show_help(args[-1]) sys.exit(0) if len(args) == 0 and len(opts) == 0: usage() sys.exit(0) if len(args) == 0: usage('No source file specified') sys.exit(1) stdin,stdout = sys.stdin,sys.stdout try: infile = args[0] if infile == '-': infile = '<stdin>' elif isinstance(infile, str): infile = os.path.abspath(infile) else: # Input file is file object from API call. sys.stdin = infile infile = '<stdin>' if outfile == '-': outfile = '<stdout>' elif isinstance(outfile, str): outfile = os.path.abspath(outfile) elif outfile is None: if infile == '<stdin>': outfile = '<stdout>' else: # Output file is file object from API call. sys.stdout = outfile outfile = '<stdout>' # Do the work. asciidoc(backend, doctype, confiles, infile, outfile, options) if document.has_errors: sys.exit(1) finally: sys.stdin,sys.stdout = stdin,stdout if __name__ == '__main__': # Process command line options. import getopt try: #DEPRECATED: --unsafe option. opts,args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'a:b:cd:ef:hno:svw:', ['attribute=','backend=','conf-file=','doctype=','dump-conf', 'help','no-conf','no-header-footer','out-file=', 'section-numbers','verbose','version','safe','unsafe', 'doctest','filter=','theme=']) except getopt.GetoptError: message.stderr('illegal command options') sys.exit(1) opt_names = [opt[0] for opt in opts] if '--doctest' in opt_names: # Run module doctests. import doctest options = doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE + doctest.ELLIPSIS failures,tries = doctest.testmod(optionflags=options) if failures == 0: message.stderr('All doctests passed') sys.exit(0) else: sys.exit(1) # Look for plugin management commands. count = 0 for o,v in opts: if o in ('-b','--backend','--filter','--theme'): if o == '-b': o = '--backend' plugin = o[2:] cmd = v if cmd not in Plugin.CMDS: continue count += 1 if count > 1: die('--backend, --filter and --theme options are mutually exclusive') if count == 1: # Execute plugin management commands. if not cmd: die('missing --%s command' % plugin) if cmd not in Plugin.CMDS: die('illegal --%s command: %s' % (plugin, cmd)) Plugin.type = plugin config.init(sys.argv[0]) config.verbose = bool(set(['-v','--verbose']) & set(opt_names)) getattr(Plugin,cmd)(args) else: # Execute asciidoc. try: execute(sys.argv[0],opts,args) except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(1)