/* * AT-SPI - Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface * (Gnome Accessibility Project; http://developer.gnome.org/projects/gap) * * Copyright 2009, 2010 Codethink Ltd. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include #include "accessible-cache.h" #include "accessible-register.h" #include "bridge.h" SpiCache *spi_global_cache = NULL; static gboolean child_added_listener (GSignalInvocationHint * signal_hint, guint n_param_values, const GValue * param_values, gpointer data); static void toplevel_added_listener (AtkObject * accessible, guint index, AtkObject * child); static void remove_object (GObject * source, GObject * gobj, gpointer data); static void add_object (SpiCache * cache, GObject * gobj); static void add_subtree (SpiCache *cache, AtkObject * accessible); static gboolean add_pending_items (gpointer data); /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void spi_cache_finalize (GObject * object); /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ enum { OBJECT_ADDED, OBJECT_REMOVED, LAST_SIGNAL }; static guint cache_signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 }; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ G_DEFINE_TYPE (SpiCache, spi_cache, G_TYPE_OBJECT) static void spi_cache_class_init (SpiCacheClass * klass) { GObjectClass *object_class = (GObjectClass *) klass; spi_cache_parent_class = g_type_class_ref (G_TYPE_OBJECT); object_class->finalize = spi_cache_finalize; cache_signals [OBJECT_ADDED] = \ g_signal_new ("object-added", SPI_CACHE_TYPE, G_SIGNAL_ACTION, 0, NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__OBJECT, G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_OBJECT); cache_signals [OBJECT_REMOVED] = \ g_signal_new ("object-removed", SPI_CACHE_TYPE, G_SIGNAL_ACTION, 0, NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__OBJECT, G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_OBJECT); } static void spi_cache_init (SpiCache * cache) { cache->objects = g_hash_table_new (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal); cache->add_traversal = g_queue_new (); #ifdef SPI_ATK_DEBUG if (g_thread_supported ()) g_message ("AT-SPI: Threads enabled"); g_debug ("AT-SPI: Initial Atk tree regisration"); #endif g_signal_connect (spi_global_register, "object-deregistered", (GCallback) remove_object, cache); add_subtree (cache, spi_global_app_data->root); cache->child_added_listener = atk_add_global_event_listener (child_added_listener, "Gtk:AtkObject:children-changed"); g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (spi_global_app_data->root), "children-changed::add", (GCallback) toplevel_added_listener, NULL); } static void spi_cache_finalize (GObject * object) { SpiCache *cache = SPI_CACHE (object); while (!g_queue_is_empty (cache->add_traversal)) g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (g_queue_pop_head (cache->add_traversal))); g_queue_free (cache->add_traversal); g_hash_table_unref (cache->objects); g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (spi_global_register, (GCallback) remove_object, cache); g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (G_OBJECT (spi_global_app_data->root), (GCallback) toplevel_added_listener, NULL); atk_remove_global_event_listener (cache->child_added_listener); G_OBJECT_CLASS (spi_cache_parent_class)->finalize (object); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void remove_object (GObject * source, GObject * gobj, gpointer data) { SpiCache *cache = SPI_CACHE (data); if (spi_cache_in (cache, gobj)) { #ifdef SPI_ATK_DEBUG g_debug ("CACHE REM - %s - %d - %s\n", atk_object_get_name (ATK_OBJECT (gobj)), atk_object_get_role (ATK_OBJECT (gobj)), spi_register_object_to_path (spi_global_register, gobj)); #endif g_signal_emit (cache, cache_signals [OBJECT_REMOVED], 0, gobj); g_hash_table_remove (cache->objects, gobj); } else if (g_queue_remove (cache->add_traversal, gobj)) { g_object_unref (gobj); } } static void add_object (SpiCache * cache, GObject * gobj) { g_return_if_fail (G_IS_OBJECT (gobj)); g_hash_table_insert (cache->objects, gobj, NULL); #ifdef SPI_ATK_DEBUG g_debug ("CACHE ADD - %s - %d - %s\n", atk_object_get_name (ATK_OBJECT (gobj)), atk_object_get_role (ATK_OBJECT (gobj)), spi_register_object_to_path (spi_global_register, gobj)); #endif g_signal_emit (cache, cache_signals [OBJECT_ADDED], 0, gobj); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static GRecMutex cache_mutex; #ifdef SPI_ATK_DEBUG static GStaticMutex recursion_check_guard = G_STATIC_MUTEX_INIT; static gboolean recursion_check = FALSE; static gboolean recursion_check_and_set () { gboolean ret; g_static_mutex_lock (&recursion_check_guard); ret = recursion_check; recursion_check = TRUE; g_static_mutex_unlock (&recursion_check_guard); return ret; } static void recursion_check_unset () { g_static_mutex_lock (&recursion_check_guard); recursion_check = FALSE; g_static_mutex_unlock (&recursion_check_guard); } #endif /* SPI_ATK_DEBUG */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void append_children (AtkObject * accessible, GQueue * traversal) { AtkObject *current; guint i; gint count = atk_object_get_n_accessible_children (accessible); if (count < 0) count = 0; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { current = atk_object_ref_accessible_child (accessible, i); if (current) { g_queue_push_tail (traversal, current); } } } /* * Adds a subtree of accessible objects * to the cache at the accessible object provided. * * The leaf nodes do not have their children * registered. A node is considered a leaf * if it has the state "manages-descendants" * or if it has already been registered. */ static void add_subtree (SpiCache *cache, AtkObject * accessible) { g_return_if_fail (ATK_IS_OBJECT (accessible)); g_object_ref (accessible); g_queue_push_tail (cache->add_traversal, accessible); add_pending_items (cache); } static gboolean add_pending_items (gpointer data) { SpiCache *cache = SPI_CACHE (data); AtkObject *current; GQueue *to_add; to_add = g_queue_new (); while (!g_queue_is_empty (cache->add_traversal)) { AtkStateSet *set; /* cache->add_traversal holds a ref to current */ current = g_queue_pop_head (cache->add_traversal); set = atk_object_ref_state_set (current); if (set && !atk_state_set_contains_state (set, ATK_STATE_TRANSIENT)) { /* transfer the ref into to_add */ g_queue_push_tail (to_add, current); if (!spi_cache_in (cache, G_OBJECT (current)) && !atk_state_set_contains_state (set, ATK_STATE_MANAGES_DESCENDANTS) && !atk_state_set_contains_state (set, ATK_STATE_DEFUNCT)) { append_children (current, cache->add_traversal); } } else { /* drop the ref for the removed object */ g_object_unref (current); } if (set) g_object_unref (set); } while (!g_queue_is_empty (to_add)) { current = g_queue_pop_head (to_add); /* Make sure object is registerd so we are notified if it goes away */ g_free (spi_register_object_to_path (spi_global_register, G_OBJECT (current))); add_object (cache, G_OBJECT(current)); g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (current)); } g_queue_free (to_add); cache->add_pending_idle = 0; return FALSE; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static gboolean child_added_listener (GSignalInvocationHint * signal_hint, guint n_param_values, const GValue * param_values, gpointer data) { SpiCache *cache = spi_global_cache; AtkObject *accessible; const gchar *detail = NULL; g_rec_mutex_lock (&cache_mutex); /* * Ensure that only accessibles already in the cache * have their signals processed. */ accessible = ATK_OBJECT (g_value_get_object (¶m_values[0])); g_return_val_if_fail (ATK_IS_OBJECT (accessible), TRUE); if (spi_cache_in (cache, G_OBJECT(accessible))) { #ifdef SPI_ATK_DEBUG if (recursion_check_and_set ()) g_warning ("AT-SPI: Recursive use of cache module"); g_debug ("AT-SPI: Tree update listener"); #endif if (signal_hint->detail) detail = g_quark_to_string (signal_hint->detail); if (detail && !strncmp (detail, "add", 3)) { gpointer child; child = g_value_get_pointer (param_values + 2); if (!child) { g_rec_mutex_unlock (&cache_mutex); return TRUE; } g_object_ref (child); g_queue_push_tail (cache->add_traversal, child); if (cache->add_pending_idle == 0) cache->add_pending_idle = g_idle_add (add_pending_items, cache); } #ifdef SPI_ATK_DEBUG recursion_check_unset (); #endif } g_rec_mutex_unlock (&cache_mutex); return TRUE; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void toplevel_added_listener (AtkObject * accessible, guint index, AtkObject * child) { SpiCache *cache = spi_global_cache; g_rec_mutex_lock (&cache_mutex); g_return_if_fail (ATK_IS_OBJECT (accessible)); if (spi_cache_in (cache, G_OBJECT(accessible))) { #ifdef SPI_ATK_DEBUG if (recursion_check_and_set ()) g_warning ("AT-SPI: Recursive use of registration module"); g_debug ("AT-SPI: Toplevel added listener"); #endif if (!ATK_IS_OBJECT (child)) { child = atk_object_ref_accessible_child (accessible, index); } else g_object_ref (child); g_queue_push_tail (cache->add_traversal, child); if (cache->add_pending_idle == 0) cache->add_pending_idle = g_idle_add (add_pending_items, cache); #ifdef SPI_ATK_DEBUG recursion_check_unset (); #endif } g_rec_mutex_unlock (&cache_mutex); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void spi_cache_foreach (SpiCache * cache, GHFunc func, gpointer data) { g_hash_table_foreach (cache->objects, func, data); } gboolean spi_cache_in (SpiCache * cache, GObject * object) { if (!cache) return FALSE; if (g_hash_table_lookup_extended (cache->objects, object, NULL, NULL)) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } #ifdef SPI_ATK_DEBUG void spi_cache_print_info (GObject * obj) { char * path = spi_register_object_to_path (spi_global_register, obj); if (spi_cache_in (spi_global_cache, obj)) g_printf ("%s IC\n", path); else g_printf ("%s NC\n", path); if (path) g_free (path); } #endif /*END------------------------------------------------------------------------*/