[= AutoGen5 template -*- Mode: texinfo -*- texi # Documentation template # # Time-stamp: "2012-08-11 08:33:08 bkorb" # Author: Bruce Korb # # This file is part of AutoOpts, a companion to AutoGen. # AutoOpts is free software. # AutoOpts is Copyright (c) 1992-2012 by Bruce Korb - all rights reserved # # AutoOpts is available under any one of two licenses. The license # in use must be one of these two and the choice is under the control # of the user of the license. # # The GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3 or later # See the files "COPYING.lgplv3" and "COPYING.gplv3" # # The Modified Berkeley Software Distribution License # See the file "COPYING.mbsd" # # These files have the following md5sums: # # 43b91e8ca915626ed3818ffb1b71248b COPYING.gplv3 # 06a1a2e4760c90ea5e1dad8dfaac4d39 COPYING.lgplv3 # 66a5cedaf62c4b2637025f049f9b826f COPYING.mbsd =][= INVOKE initialization =][= (out-push-new (string-substitute (out-name) ".texi" ".menu")) (ag-fprintf 0 "* %-32s Invoking %s\n" (string-append program-name " Invocation::") program-name ) (out-pop) (if (exist? "explain") (emit (string-append "\n" (get "explain") "\n")) ) (set! tmp-str (get "option-doc-format" "texi")) (divert-convert tmp-str) =][= IF (match-value? == "doc-section.ds-type" "DESCRIPTION") =][= FOR doc-section =][= IF (== (get "ds-type") "DESCRIPTION") =][= (define cvt-fn (get "ds-format" "texi")) (if (not (== cvt-fn "texi")) (divert-convert cvt-fn) ) =][= (emit (string-append "\n" (get "ds-text") "\n")) (convert-divert) =][= BREAK =][= ENDIF =][= ENDFOR =][= ELSE =][= (join "\n\n" (if (exist? "prog-info-descrip") (stack "prog-info-descrip") (if (exist? "prog-man-descrip") (stack "prog-man-descrip") (if (exist? "prog-descrip") (stack "prog-descrip") (stack "detail") ) ) ) ) =][= ENDIF =][= (convert-divert) =] This [=(string-downcase doc-level)=] was generated by @strong{AutoGen}, using the @code{agtexi-cmd} template and the option descriptions for the [=(. coded-prog-name)=] program.[= (name-copyright) =] @menu [= (out-push-new) (out-suspend "menu") (out-push-new) =][= INVOKE emit-usage-opt =][= ;; FOR all options, ... ;; (define opt-name "") (define extra-ct 0) (define extra-text "") (define optname-from "A-Z_^") (define optname-to "a-z--") (define invalid-doc "* INVALID *") (if (exist? "preserve-case") (begin (set! optname-from "_^") (set! optname-to "--") )) (if (and have-doc-options (not (exist? "flag[].documentation"))) (begin (ag-fprintf "menu" menu-entry-fmt "base-options:: " "Base options") (print-node opt-name "Base options") ) ) =][=# @c = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =][= FOR flag =][= (set! opt-name (string-tr! (get "name") optname-from optname-to)) (if (exist? "documentation") (begin (set! label-str (string-append opt-name " options")) (ag-fprintf "menu" menu-entry-fmt (string-append opt-name ":: ") label-str) (print-node opt-name label-str) (ag-fprintf 0 "\n%s." (get "descrip")) (set! tmp-str (get "documentation")) (if (> (string-length tmp-str) 1) (ag-fprintf 0 "\n%s" tmp-str)) ) (begin (set! tmp-str (get "doc" invalid-doc)) (if (< 0 (string-length tmp-str)) (begin (set! label-str (string-append opt-name " option" (if (exist? "value") (string-append " (-" (get "value") ")") "" ) )) (if have-doc-options (ag-fprintf 0 opt-node-fmt opt-name label-str) (begin (ag-fprintf "menu" menu-entry-fmt (string-append opt-name ":: ") label-str) (print-node opt-name label-str) ) ) (ag-fprintf 0 "\n@cindex %s-%s" down-prog-name opt-name) ) ) ) ) =][= IF (and (not (exist? "documentation")) (< 0 (string-length tmp-str)) ) =][= IF (exist? "aliases") =][= INVOKE emit-aliases =][= ELSE =][= INVOKE emit-opt-text =][= ENDIF =][= ENDIF =][= ENDFOR flag =][= IF (define home-rc-files (exist? "homerc")) (define environ-init (exist? "environrc")) (or home-rc-files environ-init) =][= INVOKE emit-presets =][= ENDIF =][= INVOKE emit-exit-status =][= INVOKE emit-doc-sections =][= (out-suspend "opt-desc") (out-resume "menu") (emit (out-pop #t)) (emit "@end menu\n") (out-resume "opt-desc") (out-pop #t) =][=# @c = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =][= DEFINE emit-doc-sections =][= FOR doc-section =][= IF (define opt-name (string-capitalize! (get "ds-type"))) (or (== opt-name "Exit Status") (== opt-name "Description") (exist? "omit-texi")) =][= CONTINUE =][= ENDIF =][= (ag-fprintf "menu" menu-entry-fmt (string-append opt-name "::") opt-name) (set! label-str (string-append down-prog-name " " (string-capitalize opt-name))) (print-node opt-name label-str) (define cvt-fn (get "ds-format" "texi")) (if (not (== cvt-fn "texi")) (divert-convert cvt-fn) ) =][= (emit (string-append "\n" (get "ds-text") "\n")) (convert-divert) =][= ENDFOR doc-section =][= ENDDEF emit-doc-sections @c = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =][= DEFINE emit-exit-status =][= (ag-fprintf "menu" menu-entry-fmt "exit status::" "exit status") (print-node "exit status" (string-append program-name " exit status")) =] One of the following exit values will be returned: @table @samp @item 0 (EXIT_[= (set! tmp-str (get "exit-name[0]" "SUCCESS")) (string-upcase (string->c-name! tmp-str)) =]) [= (define need-ex-noinput (exist? "homerc")) (define need-ex-software #t) (get "exit-desc[0]" "Successful program execution.")=] @item 1 (EXIT_[= (set! tmp-str (get "exit-name[1]" "FAILURE")) (string-upcase (string->c-name! tmp-str))=]) [= (get "exit-desc[1]" "The operation failed or the command syntax was not valid.") =][= FOR exit-desc (for-from 2) =][= (if (= (for-index) 66) (set! need-ex-noinput #f) (if (= (for-index) 70) (set! need-ex-software #f) )) (set! tmp-str (get (sprintf "exit-name[%d]" (for-index)) "* unnamed *")) (sprintf "\n@item %d (EXIT_%s)\n%s" (for-index) (string-upcase (string->c-name! tmp-str)) (get (sprintf "exit-desc[%d]" (for-index)))) =][= ENDFOR exit-desc =][= (if need-ex-noinput (emit "\n@item 66 (EX_NOINPUT) A specified configuration file could not be loaded.")) (if need-ex-noinput (emit "\n@item 70 (EX_SOFTWARE) libopts had an internal operational error. Please report it to autogen-users@@lists.sourceforge.net. Thank you.")) =] @end table[= ENDDEF emit-exit-status @c = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =][= DEFINE emit-aliases =] This is an alias for the [= aliases =] option, [= (sprintf "@pxref{%1$s %2$s, the %2$s option documentation}.\n" down-prog-name (get "aliases")) =][= ENDDEF emit-aliases @c = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =][= DEFINE emit-opt-text =] This is the ``[=(string-downcase! (get "descrip"))=]'' option.[= IF (exist? "arg-type") =] This option takes an [= (if (exist? "arg-optional") "optional " "") =]argument [= arg-type =][= (if (exist? "arg-name") (string-append " @file{" (string-substitute (get "arg-name") "@" "@@") "}")) =].[= ENDIF =][= (set! extra-ct 0) (out-push-new) =][= IF (exist? "min") =]@item is required to appear on the command line. [= (set! extra-ct (+ extra-ct 1)) =][= ENDIF=][= IF (exist? "max") =]@item may appear [= IF % max (== "%s" "NOLIMIT") =]an unlimited number of times[= ELSE =]up to [=max=] times[= ENDIF=]. [= (set! extra-ct (+ extra-ct 1)) =][= ENDIF=][= IF (exist? "enabled") =]@item is enabled by default. [= (set! extra-ct (+ extra-ct 1)) =][= ENDIF=][= IF (exist? "ifdef") =]@item must be compiled in by defining @code{[=(get "ifdef") =]} during the compilation. [= (set! extra-ct (+ extra-ct 1)) =][= ENDIF =][= IF (exist? "ifndef") =]@item must be compiled in by @strong{un}-defining @code{[=(get "ifndef") =]} during the compilation. [= (set! extra-ct (+ extra-ct 1)) =][= ENDIF=][= IF (exist? "no_preset") =]@item may not be preset with environment variables or configuration (rc/ini) files. [= (set! extra-ct (+ extra-ct 1)) =][= ENDIF=][= IF (exist? "equivalence") =]@item is a member of the [=equivalence=] class of options. [= (set! extra-ct (+ extra-ct 1)) =][= ENDIF=][= IF (exist? "flags_must") =]@item must appear in combination with the following options: [= FOR flags_must ", " =][=flags_must=][= ENDFOR=]. [= (set! extra-ct (+ extra-ct 1)) =][= ENDIF=][= IF (exist? "flags_cant") =]@item must not appear in combination with any of the following options: [= FOR flags_cant ", " =][=flags_cant=][= ENDFOR=]. [= (set! extra-ct (+ extra-ct 1)) =][= ENDIF=][= IF (~* (get "arg-type") "key|set") =]@item This option takes a keyword as its argument[= CASE arg-type =][= =* key =][= (set! extra-ct (+ extra-ct 1)) =]. The argument sets an enumeration value that can be tested by comparing[= =* set =][= (set! extra-ct (+ extra-ct 1)) =] list. Each entry turns on or off membership bits. These bits can be tested with bit tests against[= ESAC arg-type =] the option value macro ([= (string-upcase (string-append (if (exist? "prefix") (string-append (get "prefix") "_") "") "OPT_VALUE_" (get "name") )) =]). The available keywords are: @example [= (shell (string-append "${CLexe:-columns} -I4 --spread=1 -W50 <<\\" heredoc-marker (join "\n" (stack "keyword") "\n") heredoc-marker ) ) =] @end example [= IF (=* (get "arg-type") "key") =] or their numeric equivalent.[= ENDIF =][= ENDIF key/set arg =][= IF (> extra-ct 0) =][= (set! extra-text (out-pop #t)) =] @noindent This option has some usage constraints. It: @itemize @bullet [=(. extra-text) =]@end itemize [= ELSE =][= (out-pop) =][= ENDIF =][= ?% doc "\n%s" "\nThis option has no @samp{doc} documentation." =][= IF (exist? "deprecated") =] @strong{NOTE: THIS OPTION IS DEPRECATED}[= ENDIF =][= ENDDEF emit-opt-text @c = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =][= DEFINE set-home-rc-vars =][= CASE homerc =][= ==* '$@' =][= (set! explain-pkgdatadir #t) (set! cfg-file-name (string-substitute (get "homerc") "$@" "$(pkgdatadir)")) =][= == '.' =][= (set! cfg-file-name "$PWD") (set! env-var-list (string-append env-var-list "PWD, ")) =][= ==* './' =][= (set! explain-pkgdatadir #t) (set! env-var-list (string-append env-var-list "PWD, ")) (set! cfg-file-name (string-append "$PWD" (substring (get "homerc") 1))) =][= ~~* '\$[A-Za-z]' =][= (set! cfg-file-name (get "homerc")) (set! env-var-list (string-append env-var-list (shellf "echo '%s' | sed 's/^.//;s#/.*##'" cfg-file-name) ", " )) =][= == "" =][= (set! cfg-file-name "") =][= * =][= (set! cfg-file-name (get "homerc")) =][= ESAC =][= ENDDEF set-home-rc-vars @c = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =][= DEFINE emit-multiple-rc \=] [= (define explain-pkgdatadir #f) (define env-var-list "") rc-count =] places for configuration files: @itemize @bullet[= FOR homerc =][= INVOKE set-home-rc-vars =][= (if (> (string-length cfg-file-name) 0) (sprintf "\n@item\n%s" cfg-file-name )) =][= ENDFOR homerc =] @end itemize[= (if explain-pkgdatadir (ag-fprintf 0 "\nThe value for @code{$(pkgdatadir)} is recorded at package configure time and replaced by @file{libopts} when @file{%s} runs." program-name)) (if (> (string-length env-var-list) 1) (shell (string-append "list='@code{'`echo '" env-var-list "' | \ sed -e 's#, $##' \ -e 's#, #}, @code{#g' \ -e 's#, \\([^ ][^ ]*\\)$#, and \\1#'`\\} echo echo 'The environment variables' ${list} echo 'are expanded and replaced when @file{" program-name "} runs.'" )) ) =] For any of these that are plain files, they are simply processed. For any that are directories, then a file named @file{[= (if (exist? "rcfile") (get "rcfile") (string-append "." program-name "rc"))=]} is searched for within that directory and processed. [= ENDDEF emit-multiple-rc @c = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =][= DEFINE emit-one-rc-dir =][= (define env-var-list "") (define explain-pkgdatadir #f) =][= INVOKE set-home-rc-vars =]@file{[=(. cfg-file-name) =]} for configuration (option) data.[= IF (. explain-pkgdatadir) =] The value for @code{$(pkgdatadir)} is recorded at package configure time and replaced by @file{libopts} when @file{[=prog-name=]} runs. [=ENDIF=][= (if (> (string-length env-var-list) 1) (sprintf "\nThe environment variable @code{%s} is expanded and replaced when the program runs" env-var-list)) =] If this is a plain file, it is simply processed. If it is a directory, then a file named @file{[= (if (exist? "rcfile") (get "rcfile") (string-append "." program-name "rc")) =]} is searched for within that directory.[= ENDDEF emit-one-rc-dir @c = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =][= DEFINE emit-rc-file-info =] @noindent @code{libopts} will search in [= IF (define rc-count (count "homerc")) (define cfg-file-name "") (> rc-count 1) =][= INVOKE emit-multiple-rc =][= ELSE =][= INVOKE emit-one-rc-dir =][= ENDIF (> rc-count 1) =] Configuration files may be in a wide variety of formats. The basic format is an option name followed by a value (argument) on the same line. Values may be separated from the option name with a colon, equal sign or simply white space. Values may be continued across multiple lines by escaping the newline with a backslash. Multiple programs may also share the same initialization file. Common options are collected at the top, followed by program specific segments. The segments are separated by lines like: @example [[=(. UP-PROG-NAME)=]] @end example @noindent or by @example @end example @noindent Do not mix these styles within one configuration file. Compound values and carefully constructed string values may also be specified using XML syntax: @example ...<...>... @end example @noindent yielding an @code{option-name.sub-opt} string value of @example "...<...>..." @end example @code{AutoOpts} does not track suboptions. You simply note that it is a hierarchicly valued option. @code{AutoOpts} does provide a means for searching the associated name/value pair list (see: optionFindValue).[= ENDDEF emit-rc-file-info @c = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =][= DEFINE emit-presets =] [= (ag-fprintf "menu" menu-entry-fmt "config::" (string-append "presetting/configuring " down-prog-name) ) (print-node "config" (string-append "presetting/configuring " program-name) ) =] Any option that is not marked as @i{not presettable} may be preset by loading values from [= IF (if home-rc-files (emit "configuration (\"rc\" or \"ini\") files")) environ-init =][= (if home-rc-files (emit ", and values from ")) =]environment variables named @code{[=(. UP-PROG-NAME)=]} and @code{[= (. UP-PROG-NAME)=]_}. @code{} must be one of the options listed above in upper case and segmented with underscores. The @code{[=(. UP-PROG-NAME)=]} variable will be tokenized and parsed like the command line. The remaining variables are tested for existence and their values are treated like option arguments[= ENDIF have environment inits =]. [= IF (. home-rc-files) =][= INVOKE emit-rc-file-info =][= ENDIF home-rc-files =] The command line options relating to configuration and/or usage help are: [= IF (exist? "version") =] @[= (. head-level) =] version[= (flag-string "version-value" "v") =] Print the program version to standard out, optionally with licensing information, then exit 0. The optional argument specifies how much licensing detail to provide. The default is to print [= (if (exist? "gnu-usage") "the license name with the version" "just the version") =]. The licensing infomation may be selected with an option argument. Only the first letter of the argument is examined: @table @samp @item version Only print the version.[= (if (not (exist? "gnu-usage")) " This is the default.")=] @item copyright Name the copyright usage licensing terms.[= (if (exist? "gnu-usage") " This is the default.")=] @item verbose Print the full copyright usage licensing terms. @end table [= ENDIF version =][= IF (exist? "usage-opt") =] @[= (. head-level) =] usage[= (flag-string "usage-value" "u") =] Print abbreviated usage to standard out, then exit 0. [= ENDIF usage-opt =][= IF (exist? "vendor-opt") =] @[= (. head-level) =] vendor-option (-W) Options that do not have flag values specified must be specified with @code{-W} and the long option name. That long name is the argument to this option. Any options so named that require an argument must have that argument attached to the option name either with quoting or an equal sign. [= ENDIF vendor-opt =][= IF (exist? "resettable") =] @[= (. head-level) =] reset-option[= (flag-string "reset-value" "R") =] Resets the specified option to the compiled-in initial state. This will undo anything that may have been set by configuration files. The option argument may be either the option flag character or its long name. [= ENDIF resettable =][= IF (exist? "home-rc") =][= IF (exist? "disable-save") =] @[= (. head-level) =] save-opts[= (flag-string "save-opts-value" ">") =] Saves the final, configured option state to the specified file (the optional option argument). If no file is specified, then it will be saved to the highest priority (last named) @file{rc-file} in the search list. [= ENDIF disable-save =][= IF (exist? "disable-load") =] @[= (. head-level) =] load-opts[= (flag-string "load-opts-value" "<") =] Loads the named configuration file. [= ENDIF disable-load =][= ENDIF home-rc =][= ENDDEF emit-presets @c = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =][= DEFINE header \=] \input texinfo @c -*-texinfo-*- @c %**start of header @setfilename [= (string-append down-prog-name ".info") =] @settitle [= (sprintf (if (exist? "package") "%2$s - %1$s" "%s") (get "package") (get "prog-title")) =] @c %**end of header @setchapternewpage off @titlepage @sp 10 @comment The title is printed in a large font. @center @titlefont{Sample Title} @c The following two commands start the copyright page. @page @vskip 0pt plus 1filll [= (name-copyright) =][= IF (exist? "copyright.type") =] [= (license-full (get "copyright.type") program-name "" (get "copyright.owner" (get "copyright.author" "")) (get "copyright.date") ) =][= ENDIF =] @end titlepage @node Top, [= prog-name =] usage, , (dir) @top [= prog-title =] [= ENDDEF header @c = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =][= DEFINE emit-usage-opt =][= (define label-str (string-append program-name " help/usage (@option{" help-opt "})")) (ag-fprintf "menu" menu-entry-fmt "usage::" label-str) (sprintf node-fmt "usage" label-str) =] @cindex [=(. down-prog-name)=] help This is the automatically generated usage text for [= prog-name =]. The text printed is the same whether selected with the @code{help} option (@option{[= (. help-opt) =]}) or the @code{more-help} option (@option{[= (. more-help-opt) =]}). @code{more-help} will print the usage text by passing it through a pager program. @code{more-help} is disabled on platforms without a working @code{fork(2)} function. The @code{PAGER} environment variable is used to select the program, defaulting to @file{more}. Both will exit with a status code of 0. @exampleindent 0 @example [= (out-push-new) =] prog_name=[= (. program-name) =] PROG=./${prog_name} test -f ${PROG} || { PROG=`echo $PROG | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'` test -f ${PROG} || PROG=`echo $PROG | tr x_ x-` } if [ ! -f ${PROG} ] then if [= (string-append program-name " " help-opt) =] > /dev/null 2>&1 then PROG=`command -v ${prog_name}` else PROG="echo ${prog_name} is unavailable - no " fi fi ${PROG} [=(. help-opt)=] 2>&1 | \ sed -e "s/USAGE: lt-${prog_name} /USAGE: ${prog_name} /" \ -e 's/@/@@/g;s/{/@{/g;s/}/@}/g' \ -e 's/ / /g' [= (shell (out-pop #t)) =] @end example @exampleindent 4 [= ENDDEF emit-usage-opt @c = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =][= DEFINE initialization =][= ;;# START-BUILDTREE-ISMS ;; (shell "CLexe=${AGexe%/agen5/*}/columns/columns test -x \"${CLexe}\" || { CLexe=${AGexe%/autogen}/columns test -x \"${CLexe}\" || die 'columns program is not findable' }") =][= # END-BUILDTREE-ISMS (shell "CLexe=${AGexe%/autogen}/columns") # END-INSTALL-ONLY-CODE =][= ;; divert-convert divert text for conversion to .texi format ;; convert-divert convert the diversion done with divert-convert ;; (define divert-convert (lambda (diversion-type) (begin (set! was-diverted (not (or (== diversion-type "texi") (== diversion-type "")))) (if was-diverted (begin (set! cvt-script (find-file (string-append diversion-type "2texi"))) (if (not (defined? 'cvt-script)) (error (sprintf "unknown source format type: %s" diversion-type)) ) (out-push-new) )) ))) (define heredoc-marker "_Unlikely_Here_Doc_Marker_\n") (define convert-divert (lambda () (if was-diverted (shell (string-append cvt-script "<<\\" heredoc-marker (out-pop #t) "\n" heredoc-marker )) ))) (define was-diverted #f) (define diversion-type "") (define cvt-script "") (define tmp-str "") (define name-copyright (lambda () (if (exist? "copyright") (string-append "\nThis software is released under " (license-name (get "copyright.type" "an unknown copyright")) "." ) ) )) (make-tmp-dir) (define program-name (get "prog-name")) (define down-prog-name (string-downcase program-name)) (define UP-PROG-NAME (string-upcase program-name)) (shellf "export AG_DEF_PROG_NAME=%s" program-name) (define doc-level (getenv "LEVEL")) (if (not (string? doc-level)) (set! doc-level "section")) (define file-name (string-append down-prog-name ".texi")) (define coded-prog-name (string-append "@code{" down-prog-name "}")) (define replace-prog-name (lambda (nm) (string-substitute (get nm) down-prog-name coded-prog-name ) )) (define have-doc-options (exist? "flag.documentation")) (define print-menu #t) (define do-doc-nodes #f) (define menu-entry-fmt (string-append "* " down-prog-name " %-24s %s\n")) (define emit-menu-entry (lambda (is-doc) (not is-doc))) (if have-doc-options (set! emit-menu-entry (lambda (is-doc) is-doc)) ) (define chk-flag-val (exist? "flag.value")) (define flag-string (lambda (v-nm v-df) (if (not chk-flag-val) "" (string-append " (-" (if (exist? v-nm) (get v-nm) v-df) ")") ))) (define help-opt "") (if (exist? "long-opts") (set! help-opt "--help") (if (not (exist? "flag.value")) (set! help-opt "help") (if (not (exist? "help-value")) (set! help-opt "-?") (begin (set! tmp-str (get "help-value")) (if (> (string-length tmp-str) 0) (set! help-opt (string-append "-" tmp-str)) (set! help-opt "--help") ) ) ))) (define more-help-opt "") (if (exist? "long-opts") (set! more-help-opt "--more-help") (if (not (exist? "flag.value")) (set! more-help-opt "more-help") (if (not (exist? "more-help-value")) (set! more-help-opt "-!") (begin (set! tmp-str (get "more-help-value")) (if (> (string-length tmp-str) 0) (set! help-opt (string-append "-" tmp-str)) (set! help-opt "--more-help") ) ) ))) =][= CASE (. doc-level) =][= == document =][= INVOKE header =][= (define sub-level "chapter") (define head-level "heading") =][= == chapter =][= (define sub-level "section") (define head-level "subheading") =][= == section =][= (define sub-level "subsection") (define head-level "subsubheading") =][= == subsection =][= (define sub-level "subsubsection") (define head-level "subsubheading") =][= * =][=(error (sprintf "invalid doc level: %s\n" doc-level)) =][= ESAC doc level =][= (define node-fmt (string-append "\n@node " down-prog-name " %s\n@" sub-level " %s")) (define print-node (lambda (a b) (ag-fprintf 0 node-fmt a b) )) (define opt-node-fmt (if have-doc-options (string-append "\n@" head-level " %2$s.\n@anchor{" down-prog-name " %1$s}") node-fmt )) (define exit-sts-fmt "\n\n@node %1$s %2$s\n@%3$s %1$s %2$s\n") =][= IF (not (== doc-level "document")) =][= (set! file-name (string-append "invoke-" file-name)) \=] @node [= prog-name =] Invocation @[=(. doc-level) =] Invoking [= prog-name =] @pindex [= prog-name =] @cindex [= prog-title =][= FOR concept =] @cindex [= concept =][= ENDFOR =][= ENDIF document component =] @ignore [= (out-move file-name) (dne "# " "# ") =] @end ignore [= ENDDEF initialization @c agtexi-cmd.tpl ends here =]