# Copyright (C) 2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . package Automake::File; use 5.006; use strict; use Exporter; use Automake::ChannelDefs; use Automake::Channels; use Automake::Condition qw (TRUE FALSE); use Automake::CondStack; use Automake::Config; use Automake::Global; use Automake::Location; use Automake::Rule; use Automake::RuleDef; use Automake::Utils; use Automake::VarDef; use Automake::Variable; use vars qw (@ISA @EXPORT); @ISA = qw (Exporter); @EXPORT = qw (file_contents_internal file_contents); # ($COMMENT, $VARIABLES, $RULES) # file_contents_internal ($IS_AM, $FILE, $WHERE, [%TRANSFORM]) # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Return contents of a file from $libdir/am, automatically skipping # macros or rules which are already known. $IS_AM iff the caller is # reading an Automake file (as opposed to the user's Makefile.am). sub file_contents_internal { my ($is_am, $file, $where, %transform) = @_; $where->set ($file); my $result_vars = ''; my $result_rules = ''; my $comment = ''; my $spacing = ''; # The following flags are used to track rules spanning across # multiple paragraphs. my $is_rule = 0; # 1 if we are processing a rule. my $discard_rule = 0; # 1 if the current rule should not be output. # We save the conditional stack on entry, and then check to make # sure it is the same on exit. This lets us conditionally include # other files. my @saved_cond_stack = @cond_stack; my $cond = new Automake::Condition (@cond_stack); foreach (make_paragraphs ($file, %transform)) { # FIXME: no line number available. $where->set ($file); # Sanity checks. error $where, "blank line following trailing backslash:\n$_" if /\\$/; error $where, "comment following trailing backslash:\n$_" if /\\#/; if (/^$/) { $is_rule = 0; # Stick empty line before the incoming macro or rule. $spacing = "\n"; } elsif (/$COMMENT_PATTERN/mso) { $is_rule = 0; # Stick comments before the incoming macro or rule. $comment = "$_\n"; } # Handle inclusion of other files. elsif (/$INCLUDE_PATTERN/o) { if ($cond != FALSE) { my $file = ($is_am ? "$libdir/am/" : '') . $1; $where->push_context ("'$file' included from here"); # N-ary '.=' fails. my ($com, $vars, $rules) = file_contents_internal ($is_am, $file, $where, %transform); $where->pop_context; $comment .= $com; $result_vars .= $vars; $result_rules .= $rules; } } # Handling the conditionals. elsif (/$IF_PATTERN/o) { $cond = cond_stack_if ($1, $2, $file); } elsif (/$ELSE_PATTERN/o) { $cond = cond_stack_else ($1, $2, $file); } elsif (/$ENDIF_PATTERN/o) { $cond = cond_stack_endif ($1, $2, $file); } # Handling rules. elsif (/$RULE_PATTERN/mso) { $is_rule = 1; $discard_rule = 0; # Separate relationship from optional actions: the first # `new-line tab" not preceded by backslash (continuation # line). my $paragraph = $_; /^(.*?)(?:(?subst_string/gme; $result_rules .= "$spacing$comment$condparagraph\n"; } if (scalar @undefined_conds == 0) { # Remember to discard next paragraphs # if they belong to this rule. # (but see also FIXME: #2 above.) $discard_rule = 1; } $comment = $spacing = ''; last; } } } elsif (/$ASSIGNMENT_PATTERN/mso) { my ($var, $type, $val) = ($1, $2, $3); error $where, "variable '$var' with trailing backslash" if /\\$/; $is_rule = 0; Automake::Variable::define ($var, $is_am ? VAR_AUTOMAKE : VAR_MAKEFILE, $type, $cond, $val, $comment, $where, VAR_ASIS) if $cond != FALSE; $comment = $spacing = ''; } else { # This isn't an error; it is probably some tokens which # configure is supposed to replace, such as '@SET-MAKE@', # or some part of a rule cut by an if/endif. if (! $cond->false && ! ($is_rule && $discard_rule)) { s/^/$cond->subst_string/gme; $result_rules .= "$spacing$comment$_\n"; } $comment = $spacing = ''; } } error ($where, @cond_stack ? "unterminated conditionals: @cond_stack" : "too many conditionals closed in include file") if "@saved_cond_stack" ne "@cond_stack"; return ($comment, $result_vars, $result_rules); } # $CONTENTS # file_contents ($BASENAME, $WHERE, [%TRANSFORM]) # ----------------------------------------------- # Return contents of a file from $libdir/am, automatically skipping # macros or rules which are already known. sub file_contents { my ($basename, $where, %transform) = @_; my ($comments, $variables, $rules) = file_contents_internal (1, "$libdir/am/$basename.am", $where, %transform); return "$comments$variables$rules"; } 1;