package Automake::Requires; use Automake::ChannelDefs; use Automake::Channels; use Automake::Condition qw (TRUE FALSE); use Automake::Config; use Automake::FileUtils; use Automake::Global; use Automake::Location; use Automake::Options; use Automake::Rule; use Automake::Utils; use Automake::Variable; use File::Basename; use Exporter; use vars '@ISA', '@EXPORT'; @ISA = qw (Exporter); @EXPORT = qw (require_file require_file_with_macro require_libsource_with_macro require_queued_file_check_or_copy require_conf_file require_conf_file_with_macro require_build_directory require_build_directory_maybe); # push_required_file ($DIR, $FILE, $FULLFILE) # ------------------------------------------- # Push the given file onto DIST_COMMON. sub push_required_file { my ($dir, $file, $fullfile) = @_; # If the file to be distributed is in the same directory of the # currently processed, then we want to distribute it # from this same if ($dir eq $relative_dir) { push_dist_common ($file); } # This is needed to allow a construct in a non-top-level # to require a file in the build-aux directory (see at least the test # script ''). This is related to the # automake bug#9546. Note that the use of $config_aux_dir instead # of $am_config_aux_dir here is deliberate and necessary. elsif ($dir eq $config_aux_dir) { push_dist_common ("$am_config_aux_dir/$file"); } # FIXME: another spacial case, for AC_LIBOBJ/AC_LIBSOURCE support. # We probably need some refactoring of this function and its callers, # to have a more explicit and systematic handling of all the special # cases; but, since there are only two of them, this is low-priority # ATM. elsif ($config_libobj_dir && $dir eq $config_libobj_dir) { # Avoid unsightly '/.'s. my $am_config_libobj_dir = '$(top_srcdir)' . ($config_libobj_dir eq '.' ? "" : "/$config_libobj_dir"); $am_config_libobj_dir =~ s|/*$||; push_dist_common ("$am_config_libobj_dir/$file"); } elsif ($relative_dir eq '.' && ! is_make_dir ($dir)) { # If we are doing the topmost directory, and the file is in a # subdir which does not have a Makefile, then we distribute it # here. # If a required file is above the source tree, it is important # to prefix it with '$(srcdir)' so that no VPATH search is # performed. Otherwise problems occur with Make implementations # that rewrite and simplify rules whose dependencies are found in a # VPATH location. Here is an example with OSF1/Tru64 Make. # # % cat Makefile # VPATH = sub # distdir: ../a # echo ../a # % ls # Makefile a # % make # echo a # a # # Dependency '../a' was found in 'sub/../a', but this make # implementation simplified it as 'a'. (Note that the sub/ # directory does not even exist.) # # This kind of VPATH rewriting seems hard to cancel. The # hack against VPATH rewriting works only when no # simplification is done, i.e., for dependencies which are in # subdirectories, not in enclosing directories. Hence, in # the latter case we use a full path to make sure no VPATH # search occurs. $fullfile = '$(srcdir)/' . $fullfile if $dir =~ m,^\.\.(?:$|/),; push_dist_common ($fullfile); } else { prog_error "a Makefile in relative directory $relative_dir " . "can't add files in directory $dir to DIST_COMMON"; } } # If a file name appears as a key in this hash, then it has already # been checked for. This allows us not to report the same error more # than once. my %required_file_not_found = (); # required_file_check_or_copy ($WHERE, $DIRECTORY, $FILE) # ------------------------------------------------------- # Verify that the file must exist in $DIRECTORY, or install it. sub required_file_check_or_copy { my ($where, $dir, $file) = @_; my $fullfile = "$dir/$file"; my $found_it = 0; my $dangling_sym = 0; if (-l $fullfile && ! -f $fullfile) { $dangling_sym = 1; } elsif (dir_has_case_matching_file ($dir, $file)) { $found_it = 1; } # '--force-missing' only has an effect if '--add-missing' is # specified. return if $found_it && (! $add_missing || ! $force_missing); # If we've already looked for it, we're done. You might wonder why we # don't do this before searching for the file. If we do that, then # something like AC_OUTPUT([subdir/foo foo]) will fail to put '' # into $(DIST_COMMON). if (! $found_it) { return if defined $required_file_not_found{$fullfile}; $required_file_not_found{$fullfile} = 1; } if ($dangling_sym && $add_missing) { unlink ($fullfile); } my $trailer = ''; my $trailer2 = ''; my $suppress = 0; # Only install missing files according to our desired # strictness level. my $message = "required file '$fullfile' not found"; if ($add_missing) { if (-f "$libdir/$file") { $suppress = 1; # Install the missing file. Symlink if we # can, copy if we must. Note: delete the file # first, in case it is a dangling symlink. $message = "installing '$fullfile'"; # The license file should not be volatile. if ($file eq "COPYING") { $message .= " using GNU General Public License v3 file"; $trailer2 = "\n Consider adding the COPYING file" . " to the version control system" . "\n for your code, to avoid questions" . " about which license your project uses"; } # Windows Perl will hang if we try to delete a # file that doesn't exist. unlink ($fullfile) if -f $fullfile; if ($symlink_exists && ! $copy_missing) { if (! symlink ("$libdir/$file", $fullfile) || ! -e $fullfile) { $suppress = 0; $trailer = "; error while making link: $!"; } } elsif (system ('cp', "$libdir/$file", $fullfile)) { $suppress = 0; $trailer = "\n error while copying"; } set_dir_cache_file ($dir, $file); } } else { $trailer = "\n 'automake --add-missing' can install '$file'" if -f "$libdir/$file"; } # If --force-missing was specified, and we have # actually found the file, then do nothing. return if $found_it && $force_missing; # If we couldn't install the file, but it is a target in # the Makefile, don't print anything. This allows files # like README, AUTHORS, or THANKS to be generated. return if !$suppress && rule $file; msg ($suppress ? 'note' : 'error', $where, "$message$trailer$trailer2"); } # require_file_internal ($WHERE, $MYSTRICT, $DIRECTORY, $QUEUE, @FILES) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Verify that the file must exist in $DIRECTORY, or install it. # $MYSTRICT is the strictness level at which this file becomes required. # Worker threads may queue up the action to be serialized by the master, # if $QUEUE is true sub require_file_internal { my ($where, $mystrict, $dir, $queue, @files) = @_; return unless $strictness >= $mystrict; foreach my $file (@files) { push_required_file ($dir, $file, "$dir/$file"); if ($queue) { queue_required_file_check_or_copy ($required_conf_file_queue, QUEUE_CONF_FILE, $relative_dir, $where, $mystrict, @files); } else { required_file_check_or_copy ($where, $dir, $file); } } } # require_file ($WHERE, $MYSTRICT, @FILES) # ---------------------------------------- sub require_file { my ($where, $mystrict, @files) = @_; require_file_internal ($where, $mystrict, $relative_dir, 0, @files); } # require_file_with_macro ($COND, $MACRO, $MYSTRICT, @FILES) # ---------------------------------------------------------- sub require_file_with_macro { my ($cond, $macro, $mystrict, @files) = @_; $macro = rvar ($macro) unless ref $macro; require_file ($macro->rdef ($cond)->location, $mystrict, @files); } # require_libsource_with_macro ($COND, $MACRO, $MYSTRICT, @FILES) # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Require an AC_LIBSOURCEd file. If AC_CONFIG_LIBOBJ_DIR was called, it # must be in that directory. Otherwise expect it in the current directory. sub require_libsource_with_macro { my ($cond, $macro, $mystrict, @files) = @_; $macro = rvar ($macro) unless ref $macro; if ($config_libobj_dir) { require_file_internal ($macro->rdef ($cond)->location, $mystrict, $config_libobj_dir, 0, @files); } else { require_file ($macro->rdef ($cond)->location, $mystrict, @files); } } # queue_required_file_check_or_copy ($QUEUE, $KEY, $DIR, $WHERE, # $MYSTRICT, @FILES) # -------------------------------------------------------------- sub queue_required_file_check_or_copy { my ($queue, $key, $dir, $where, $mystrict, @files) = @_; my @serial_loc; if (ref $where) { @serial_loc = (QUEUE_LOCATION, $where->serialize ()); } else { @serial_loc = (QUEUE_STRING, $where); } $queue->enqueue ($key, $dir, @serial_loc, $mystrict, 0 + @files, @files); } # require_queued_file_check_or_copy ($QUEUE) # ------------------------------------------ sub require_queued_file_check_or_copy { my ($queue) = @_; my $where; my $dir = $queue->dequeue (); my $loc_key = $queue->dequeue (); if ($loc_key eq QUEUE_LOCATION) { $where = Automake::Location::deserialize ($queue); } elsif ($loc_key eq QUEUE_STRING) { $where = $queue->dequeue (); } else { prog_error "unexpected key $loc_key"; } my $mystrict = $queue->dequeue (); my $nfiles = $queue->dequeue (); my @files; push @files, $queue->dequeue () foreach (1 .. $nfiles); return unless $strictness >= $mystrict; foreach my $file (@files) { required_file_check_or_copy ($where, $config_aux_dir, $file); } } # require_conf_file ($WHERE, $MYSTRICT, @FILES) # --------------------------------------------- # Looks in configuration path, as specified by AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR. sub require_conf_file { my ($where, $mystrict, @files) = @_; my $queue = defined $required_conf_file_queue ? 1 : 0; require_file_internal ($where, $mystrict, $config_aux_dir, $queue, @files); } # require_conf_file_with_macro ($COND, $MACRO, $MYSTRICT, @FILES) # --------------------------------------------------------------- sub require_conf_file_with_macro { my ($cond, $macro, $mystrict, @files) = @_; require_conf_file (rvar ($macro)->rdef ($cond)->location, $mystrict, @files); } ################################################################ # require_build_directory ($DIRECTORY) # ------------------------------------ # Emit rules to create $DIRECTORY if needed, and return # the file that any target requiring this directory should be made # dependent upon. # We don't want to emit the rule twice, and want to reuse it # for directories with equivalent names (e.g., 'foo/bar' and './foo//bar'). sub require_build_directory { my $directory = shift; return $directory_map{$directory} if exists $directory_map{$directory}; my $cdir = File::Spec->canonpath ($directory); if (exists $directory_map{$cdir}) { my $stamp = $directory_map{$cdir}; $directory_map{$directory} = $stamp; return $stamp; } my $dirstamp = "$cdir/\$(am__dirstamp)"; $directory_map{$directory} = $dirstamp; $directory_map{$cdir} = $dirstamp; # Set a variable for the dirstamp basename. define_pretty_variable ('am__dirstamp', TRUE, INTERNAL, '$(am__leading_dot)dirstamp'); # Directory must be removed by 'make distclean'. $clean_files{$dirstamp} = DIST_CLEAN; $output_rules .= ("$dirstamp:\n" . "\t\@\$(MKDIR_P) $directory\n" . "\t\@: > $dirstamp\n"); return $dirstamp; } # require_build_directory_maybe ($FILE) # ------------------------------------- # If $FILE lies in a subdirectory, emit a rule to create this # directory and return the file that $FILE should be made # dependent upon. Otherwise, just return the empty string. sub require_build_directory_maybe { my $file = shift; my $directory = dirname ($file); if ($directory ne '.') { return require_build_directory ($directory); } else { return ''; } } 1;