path: root/plugins/database/databasesink.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/database/databasesink.cpp')
1 files changed, 559 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/database/databasesink.cpp b/plugins/database/databasesink.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8a6f3b1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/database/databasesink.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,559 @@
+#include "databasesink.h"
+#include "abstractroutingengine.h"
+#include "listplusplus.h"
+#include "superptr.hpp"
+#include "uuidhelper.h"
+#include "ambplugin.h"
+#include <dbusplugin.h>
+#include <dbusexport.h>
+#include <picojson.h>
+#include <thread>
+int bufferLength = 100;
+int timeout=1000;
+extern "C" void create(AbstractRoutingEngine* routingengine, map<string, string> config)
+ auto plugin = new AmbPlugin<DatabaseSink>(routingengine, config);
+ plugin->init();
+class DataLogger: public DBusSink
+ DataLogger(VehicleProperty::Property, AbstractRoutingEngine* re, GDBusConnection* connection)
+ :DBusSink("DataLogger", re, connection, map<string, string>())
+ {
+ wantPropertyVariant(DatabaseLogging, "LogFile", VariantType::ReadWrite);
+ wantPropertyVariant(DatabasePlayback, "Playback", VariantType::ReadWrite);
+ wantPropertyVariant(DatabaseLogging, "Logging", VariantType::ReadWrite);
+ }
+static void * cbFunc(Shared* shared)
+ if(!shared)
+ {
+ throw std::runtime_error("Could not get shared object.");
+ }
+ ///new tripID:
+ shared->tripId = amb::createUuid();
+ vector<DictionaryList<string> > insertList;
+ double startTime = amb::currentTime();
+ while(1)
+ {
+ DBObject obj = shared->queue.pop();
+ if( obj.quit )
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ DictionaryList<string> dict;
+ NameValuePair<string> one("key", obj.key);
+ NameValuePair<string> two("value", obj.value);
+ NameValuePair<string> three("source", obj.source);
+ NameValuePair<string> zone("zone", boost::lexical_cast<string>(;
+ NameValuePair<string> four("time", boost::lexical_cast<string>(amb::Timestamp::instance()->epochTime(obj.time)));
+ NameValuePair<string> five("sequence", boost::lexical_cast<string>(obj.sequence));
+ NameValuePair<string> six("tripId", shared->tripId);
+ dict.push_back(one);
+ dict.push_back(two);
+ dict.push_back(three);
+ dict.push_back(zone);
+ dict.push_back(four);
+ dict.push_back(five);
+ dict.push_back(six);
+ insertList.push_back(dict);
+ if(insertList.size() >= bufferLength && amb::currentTime() - startTime >= timeout / 1000)
+ {
+ startTime = amb::currentTime();
+ shared->db->exec("BEGIN IMMEDIATE TRANSACTION");
+ for(int i=0; i< insertList.size(); i++)
+ {
+ DictionaryList<string> d = insertList[i];
+ shared->db->insert(d);
+ }
+ shared->db->exec("END TRANSACTION");
+ insertList.clear();
+ }
+ //delete obj;
+ }
+ /// final flush of whatever is still in the queue:
+ shared->db->exec("BEGIN IMMEDIATE TRANSACTION");
+ for(auto d : insertList)
+ {
+ shared->db->insert(d);
+ }
+ shared->db->exec("END TRANSACTION");
+ return NULL;
+int getNextEvent(gpointer data)
+ PlaybackShared* pbshared = static_cast<PlaybackShared*>(data);
+ if(!pbshared)
+ throw std::runtime_error("failed to cast PlaybackShared object");
+ if(pbshared->stop)
+ return 0;
+ auto itr = pbshared->playbackQueue.begin();
+ if(itr == pbshared->playbackQueue.end())
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ DBObject obj = *itr;
+ auto value = amb::make_unique(VehicleProperty::getPropertyTypeForPropertyNameValue(obj.key, obj.value));
+ if(value)
+ {
+ value->priority = AbstractPropertyType::Instant;
+ value->timestamp = obj.time;
+ value->sequence = obj.sequence;
+ value->sourceUuid = obj.source;
+ value->zone =;
+ pbshared->routingEngine->updateProperty(value.get(), pbshared->uuid);
+ }
+ if(++itr != pbshared->playbackQueue.end())
+ {
+ DBObject o2 = *itr;
+ double t = o2.time - obj.time;
+ if(t > 0)
+ g_timeout_add((t*1000) / pbshared->playBackMultiplier, getNextEvent, pbshared);
+ else
+ g_timeout_add(1, getNextEvent, pbshared);
+ }
+ pbshared->playbackQueue.remove(obj);
+ DebugOut()<<"playback Queue size: "<<pbshared->playbackQueue.size()<<endl;
+ return 0;
+DatabaseSink::DatabaseSink(AbstractRoutingEngine *engine, map<std::string, std::string> config, AbstractSource &parent)
+ :AmbPluginImpl(engine, config, parent), shared(nullptr), playback(false), playbackShared(nullptr), playbackMultiplier(1)
+ tablename = "data";
+ tablecreate = database_table_create;
+ if(config.find("bufferLength") != config.end())
+ {
+ bufferLength = boost::lexical_cast<int>(config["bufferLength"]);
+ }
+ if(config.find("frequency") != config.end())
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ int t = boost::lexical_cast<int>(config["frequency"]);
+ timeout = 1000 / t;
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ DebugOut(DebugOut::Error)<<"Failed to parse frequency: Invalid value "<<config["frequency"]<<endl;
+ }
+ }
+ if(config.find("properties") != config.end())
+ {
+ parseConfig();
+ }
+ for(auto itr : propertiesToSubscribeTo)
+ {
+ engine->subscribeToProperty(itr, &parent);
+ }
+ databaseName = addPropertySupport(Zone::None, [](){ return new DatabaseFileType("storage"); });
+ playback = addPropertySupport(Zone::None, [](){ return new DatabasePlaybackType(false); });
+ databaseLogging = addPropertySupport(Zone::None, [](){ return new DatabaseLoggingType(false); });
+ if(config.find("startOnLoad")!= config.end())
+ {
+ DebugOut() << "start on load? " << config["startOnLoad"] << endl;
+ databaseLogging->setValue(config["startOnLoad"] == "true");
+ }
+ if(config.find("playbackMultiplier")!= config.end())
+ {
+ playbackMultiplier = boost::lexical_cast<uint>(config["playbackMultiplier"]);
+ }
+ if(config.find("playbackOnLoad")!= config.end())
+ {
+ playback->setValue(config["playbackOnLoad"] == "true");
+ }
+ if(shared)
+ {
+ stopDb();
+ }
+ if(playbackShared)
+ {
+ delete playbackShared;
+ }
+void DatabaseSink::supportedChanged(const PropertyList &supportedProperties)
+void DatabaseSink::parseConfig()
+ std::string properties = configuration["properties"];
+ std::string jsonError;
+ picojson::value value;
+ picojson::parse (value, properties.begin(), properties.end(), &jsonError);
+ picojson::array array = value.get<picojson::array>();
+ for(auto i : array)
+ {
+ std::string prop = i.to_str();
+ propertiesToSubscribeTo.push_back(prop);
+ DebugOut()<<"DatabaseSink logging: "<<prop<<endl;
+ }
+void DatabaseSink::stopDb()
+ databaseLogging->setValue(false);
+ if(!shared)
+ return;
+ DBObject obj;
+ obj.quit = true;
+ shared->queue.append(obj);
+ if(thread && thread->joinable())
+ thread->join();
+ delete shared;
+ shared = NULL;
+ routingEngine->updateProperty(databaseLogging.get(), source.uuid());
+void DatabaseSink::startDb()
+ if(playback->value<bool>())
+ {
+ DebugOut(DebugOut::Error)<<"ERROR: tried to start logging during playback. Only logging or playback can be used at one time"<<endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ if(shared)
+ {
+ DebugOut(DebugOut::Warning)<<"WARNING: logging already started. doing nothing."<<endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ initDb();
+ if(thread && thread->joinable())
+ thread->detach();
+ thread = amb::make_unique(new std::thread(cbFunc, shared));
+ databaseLogging->setValue(true);
+ routingEngine->updateProperty(databaseLogging.get(), source.uuid());
+void DatabaseSink::startPlayback()
+ if(playback->value<bool>())
+ return;
+ playback->setValue(true);
+ initDb();
+ /// populate playback queue:
+ vector<vector<string> > results = shared->db->select("SELECT * FROM "+tablename);
+ stopDb();
+ if(playbackShared)
+ {
+ delete playbackShared;
+ }
+ playbackShared = new PlaybackShared(routingEngine, uuid(), playbackMultiplier);
+ for(int i=0;i<results.size();i++)
+ {
+ if(results[i].size() < 5)
+ {
+ throw std::runtime_error("column mismatch in query");
+ }
+ DBObject obj;
+ obj.key = results[i][0];
+ obj.value = results[i][1];
+ obj.source = results[i][2];
+ = boost::lexical_cast<int>(results[i][3]);
+ obj.time = boost::lexical_cast<double>(results[i][4]);
+ obj.sequence = boost::lexical_cast<double>(results[i][5]);
+ playbackShared->playbackQueue.push_back(obj);
+ }
+ g_timeout_add(0, getNextEvent, playbackShared);
+void DatabaseSink::initDb()
+ if(shared) delete shared;
+ shared = new Shared;
+ shared->db->init(databaseName->value<std::string>(), tablename, tablecreate);
+void DatabaseSink::updateForNewDbFilename()
+ bool wasLogging = databaseLogging->value<bool>();
+ stopDb();
+ initDb();
+ vector<vector<string> > supportedStr = shared->db->select("SELECT DISTINCT key, zone, source FROM " + tablename);
+ for(int i=0; i < supportedStr.size(); i++)
+ {
+ std::string name = supportedStr[i][0];
+ if(!contains(supported(), name))
+ {
+ std::string zoneStr = supportedStr[i][1];
+ std::string sourceStr = supportedStr[i][2];
+ DebugOut() << "adding property " << name << " in zone: " << zoneStr << "for source: " << sourceStr << endl;
+ Zone::Type zone = boost::lexical_cast<Zone::Type>(zoneStr);
+ auto property = addPropertySupport(zone, [name]() { return VehicleProperty::getPropertyTypeForPropertyNameValue(name); });
+ property->sourceUuid = sourceStr;
+ }
+ }
+ if(wasLogging)
+ {
+ stopDb();
+ startDb();
+ }
+ routingEngine->updateSupported(supported(), PropertyList(), &source);
+void DatabaseSink::propertyChanged(AbstractPropertyType *value)
+ VehicleProperty::Property property = value->name;
+ DebugOut() << "Received property change for " << property << endl;
+ if(!shared)
+ return;
+ if(!contains(supported(), property))
+ {
+ addPropertySupport(value->zone, [property]() { return VehicleProperty::getPropertyTypeForPropertyNameValue(property);});
+ routingEngine->updateSupported(supported(), PropertyList(), &source);
+ }
+ DBObject obj;
+ obj.key = property;
+ obj.value = value->toString();
+ obj.source = value->sourceUuid;
+ obj.time = value->timestamp;
+ obj.sequence = value->sequence;
+ = value->zone;
+ shared->queue.append(obj);
+const std::string DatabaseSink::uuid() const
+ return "9f88156e-cb92-4472-8775-9c08addf50d3";
+void DatabaseSink::init()
+ if(configuration.find("databaseFile") != configuration.end())
+ {
+ setValue(databaseName, configuration["databaseFile"]);
+ updateForNewDbFilename();
+ }
+ DebugOut() << "databaseLogging: " << databaseLogging->value<bool>() << endl;
+ routingEngine->updateSupported(supported(), PropertyList(), &source);
+ routingEngine->subscribeToProperty(DBusConnected, [this](AbstractPropertyType* value)
+ {
+ if(value->name == DBusConnected)
+ {
+ if(value->value<bool>())
+ {
+ amb::Exporter::instance()->exportProperty<DataLogger>(routingEngine);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+void DatabaseSink::getRangePropertyAsync(AsyncRangePropertyReply *reply)
+ BaseDB * db = new BaseDB();
+ db->init(databaseName->value<std::string>(), tablename, tablecreate);
+ ostringstream query;
+ query.precision(15);
+ query<<"SELECT * from "<<tablename<<" WHERE (";
+ for(auto itr = reply->properties.begin(); itr != reply->properties.end(); itr++)
+ {
+ DebugOut() << "prop: " << (*itr) << endl;
+ if(itr != reply->properties.begin())
+ query<<" OR ";
+ query<<"key='"<<(*itr)<<"'";
+ }
+ query<<")";
+ if(reply->timeEnd)
+ {
+ query<<" AND time BETWEEN "<<reply->timeBegin<<" AND "<<reply->timeEnd;
+ }
+ if(reply->sequenceBegin >= 0 && reply->sequenceEnd >=0)
+ {
+ query<<" AND sequence BETWEEN "<<reply->sequenceBegin<<" AND "<<reply->sequenceEnd;
+ }
+ if(reply->sourceUuid != "")
+ query<<" AND source='"<<reply->sourceUuid<<"'";
+ query<<" AND zone="<<reply->zone;
+ std::vector<std::vector<string>> data = db->select(query.str());
+ DebugOut()<<"Dataset size "<<data.size()<<endl;
+ if(!data.size())
+ {
+ reply->success = false;
+ reply->error = AsyncPropertyReply::InvalidOperation;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ reply->success = true;
+ }
+ for(auto i=0; i<data.size(); i++)
+ {
+ if(data[i].size() != 7)
+ continue;
+ DBObject dbobj;
+ dbobj.key = data[i][0];
+ dbobj.value = data[i][1];
+ dbobj.source = data[i][2];
+ = boost::lexical_cast<double>(data[i][3]);
+ dbobj.time = boost::lexical_cast<double>(data[i][4]);
+ dbobj.sequence = boost::lexical_cast<double>(data[i][5]);
+ dbobj.tripId = data[i][6];
+ AbstractPropertyType* property = VehicleProperty::getPropertyTypeForPropertyNameValue(dbobj.key, dbobj.value);
+ if(property)
+ {
+ property->timestamp = dbobj.time;
+ property->sequence = dbobj.sequence;
+ reply->values.push_back(property);
+ }
+ }
+ reply->completed(reply);
+ delete db;
+AsyncPropertyReply *DatabaseSink::setProperty(const AsyncSetPropertyRequest &request)
+ AsyncPropertyReply* reply = AmbPluginImpl::setProperty(request);
+ if( == DatabaseLogging)
+ {
+ if(databaseLogging->value<bool>())
+ {
+ startDb();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ stopDb();
+ }
+ }
+ else if( == DatabaseFile)
+ {
+ updateForNewDbFilename();
+ }
+ else if( == DatabasePlayback)
+ {
+ if(playback->value<bool>())
+ {
+ startPlayback();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(playbackShared)
+ playbackShared->stop = true;
+ playback = false;
+ }
+ }
+ return reply;
+void DatabaseSink::subscribeToPropertyChanges(VehicleProperty::Property )
+void DatabaseSink::unsubscribeToPropertyChanges(VehicleProperty::Property )