path: root/plugins/openxc/openxcplugin.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/openxc/openxcplugin.cpp')
1 files changed, 498 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/openxc/openxcplugin.cpp b/plugins/openxc/openxcplugin.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..75c75487
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/openxc/openxcplugin.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,498 @@
+Copyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Lesser General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+#include "openxcplugin.h"
+#include "timestamp.h"
+#include <iostream>
+#include <boost/assert.hpp>
+#include <glib.h>
+#include "bluetooth.hpp"
+using namespace std;
+#include "debugout.h"
+bool gioPollingFunc(GIOChannel *source,GIOCondition condition,gpointer data)
+ if (condition == G_IO_HUP)
+ {
+ //Hang up. Returning false closes out the GIOChannel.
+ //printf("Callback on G_IO_HUP\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ OpenXCPlugin* plugin = static_cast<OpenXCPlugin*>(data);
+ if(!plugin)
+ {
+ throw std::runtime_error("Bad cast to OpenXCPlugin*");
+ }
+ plugin->processData();
+ return true;
+OpenXCPlugin::OpenXCPlugin(AbstractRoutingEngine* re, map<string, string> config)
+:AbstractSource(re, config)
+ re->setSupported(supported(), this);
+ /// populate the openxc to amb map:
+ openXC2AmbMap["steering_wheel_angle"] = VehicleProperty::SteeringWheelAngle;
+ //openXC2AmbMap["torque_at_transmission"] = VehicleProperty::Engine;
+ openXC2AmbMap["engine_speed"] = VehicleProperty::EngineSpeed;
+ openXC2AmbMap["vehicle_speed"] = VehicleProperty::VehicleSpeed;
+ openXC2AmbMap["accelerator_pedal_position"] = VehicleProperty::ThrottlePosition;
+ openXC2AmbMap["parking_brake_status"] = VehicleProperty::ParkingBrakeStatus;
+ openXC2AmbMap["brake_pedal_status"] = VehicleProperty::LightBrake;
+ openXC2AmbMap["transmission_gear_position"] = VehicleProperty::TransmissionGearPosition;
+ openXC2AmbMap["odometer"] = VehicleProperty::Odometer;
+ openXC2AmbMap["ignition_status"] = VehicleProperty::VehiclePowerMode;
+ openXC2AmbMap["fuel_level"] = VehicleProperty::FuelLevel;
+ openXC2AmbMap["fuel_consumed_since_restart"] = VehicleProperty::FuelConsumption;
+ openXC2AmbMap["headlamp_status"] = VehicleProperty::LightHead;
+ openXC2AmbMap["high_beam_status"] = VehicleProperty::LightHighBeam;
+ openXC2AmbMap["windshield_wiper_status"] = VehicleProperty::WindshieldWiper;
+ openXC2AmbMap["latitude"] = VehicleProperty::Latitude;
+ openXC2AmbMap["longitude"] = VehicleProperty::Longitude;
+ openXC2AmbMap["button_event"] = VehicleProperty::ButtonEvent;
+ bool test = false;
+ if(config.find("test") != config.end())
+ {
+ test = config["test"] == "true";
+ }
+ if(test)
+ {
+ testParseEngine();
+ }
+ std::string bluetoothAddy = config["device"];
+ std::string bluetoothAdapter = config["bluetoothAdapter"];
+ std::string serialDevice;
+ if(bluetoothAddy != "")
+ {
+ BluetoothDevice btDevice;
+ serialDevice = btDevice.getDeviceForAddress(bluetoothAddy, bluetoothAdapter);
+ }
+ device = new SerialPort(serialDevice);
+ if(!device->open())
+ {
+ throw std::runtime_error("unable to open serial device " + serialDevice);
+ }
+ GIOChannel *chan = g_io_channel_unix_new(device->fileDescriptor());
+ g_io_add_watch(chan, G_IO_IN,(GIOFunc)gioPollingFunc, this);
+ g_io_add_watch(chan,G_IO_HUP,(GIOFunc)gioPollingFunc,this);
+ g_io_add_watch(chan,G_IO_ERR,(GIOFunc)gioPollingFunc,this);
+ g_io_channel_unref(chan); //Pass ownership of the GIOChannel to the watch.
+extern "C" AbstractSource * create(AbstractRoutingEngine* routingengine, map<string, string> config)
+ return new OpenXCPlugin(routingengine, config);
+const string OpenXCPlugin::uuid()
+ return "openxc";
+void OpenXCPlugin::getPropertyAsync(AsyncPropertyReply *reply)
+void OpenXCPlugin::getRangePropertyAsync(AsyncRangePropertyReply *reply)
+AsyncPropertyReply *OpenXCPlugin::setProperty(AsyncSetPropertyRequest request )
+void OpenXCPlugin::subscribeToPropertyChanges(VehicleProperty::Property property)
+ mRequests.push_back(property);
+PropertyList OpenXCPlugin::supported()
+ PropertyList props;
+ return props;
+int OpenXCPlugin::supportedOperations()
+ return Get;
+void OpenXCPlugin::unsubscribeToPropertyChanges(VehicleProperty::Property property)
+ mRequests.remove(property);
+bool OpenXCPlugin::translateOpenXCEvent(string json)
+ /// signal:
+ /// {"name": "steering_wheel_angle", "value": 45}
+ /// event:
+ /// {"name": "button_event", "value": "up", "event": "pressed"}
+ json_object *rootobject;
+ json_tokener *tokener = json_tokener_new();
+ ///TODO: we have several json leaks here
+ enum json_tokener_error err;
+ do
+ {
+ rootobject = json_tokener_parse_ex(tokener, json.c_str(),json.length());
+ } while ((err = json_tokener_get_error(tokener)) == json_tokener_continue);
+ if (err != json_tokener_success)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", json_tokener_error_desc(err));
+ // Handle errors, as appropriate for your application.
+ }
+ if (tokener->char_offset < json.length()) // XXX shouldn't access internal fields
+ {
+ // Handle extra characters after parsed object as desired.
+ // e.g. issue an error, parse another object from that point, etc...
+ }
+ VehicleProperty::Property property;
+ json_object *name = json_object_object_get(rootobject,"name");
+ if (name)
+ {
+ string namestr = string(json_object_get_string(name));
+ property = openXC2AmbMap[namestr];
+ }
+ json_object *value = json_object_object_get(rootobject, "value");
+ if(value)
+ {
+ if (property == VehicleProperty::SteeringWheelAngle)
+ {
+ int val = json_object_get_int(value);
+ VehicleProperty::SteeringWheelAngleType ambVal(val);
+ routingEngine->updateProperty(property, &ambVal,uuid());
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if (property == VehicleProperty::EngineSpeed)
+ {
+ int val = json_object_get_int(value);
+ VehicleProperty::EngineSpeedType ambVal(val);
+ routingEngine->updateProperty(property, &ambVal,uuid());
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if (property == VehicleProperty::VehicleSpeed)
+ {
+ int val = json_object_get_int(value);
+ VehicleProperty::VehicleSpeedType ambVal(val);
+ routingEngine->updateProperty(property, &ambVal,uuid());
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if (property == VehicleProperty::ThrottlePosition)
+ {
+ int val = json_object_get_int(value);
+ VehicleProperty::ThrottlePositionType ambVal(val);
+ routingEngine->updateProperty(property, &ambVal,uuid());
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if (property == VehicleProperty::LightBrake)
+ {
+ bool val = json_object_get_boolean(value);
+ VehicleProperty::LightBrakeType ambVal(val);
+ routingEngine->updateProperty(property, &ambVal,uuid());
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if (property == VehicleProperty::ParkingBrakeStatus)
+ {
+ bool val = json_object_get_boolean(value);
+ VehicleProperty::ParkingBrakeStatusType ambVal(val);
+ routingEngine->updateProperty(property, &ambVal,uuid());
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if (property == VehicleProperty::TransmissionGearPosition)
+ {
+ /// TODO: implement
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if (property == VehicleProperty::Odometer)
+ {
+ int val = json_object_get_int(value);
+ VehicleProperty::OdometerType ambVal(val);
+ routingEngine->updateProperty(property, &ambVal,uuid());
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if (property == VehicleProperty::VehiclePowerMode)
+ {
+ /// TODO: implement
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if (property == VehicleProperty::FuelLevel)
+ {
+ int val = json_object_get_int(value);
+ VehicleProperty::FuelLevelType ambVal(val);
+ routingEngine->updateProperty(property, &ambVal,uuid());
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if (property == VehicleProperty::FuelConsumption)
+ {
+ /// This is a different concept than our 'instant' fuel consumption.
+ /// TODO: we should probably do a CumulativeFuelConsuption
+ }
+ else if (property == VehicleProperty::DoorStatus)
+ {
+ }
+ else if (property == VehicleProperty::LightHead)
+ {
+ bool val = json_object_get_boolean(value);
+ VehicleProperty::LightHeadType ambVal(val);
+ routingEngine->updateProperty(property, &ambVal,uuid());
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if (property == VehicleProperty::LightHighBeam)
+ {
+ bool val = json_object_get_boolean(value);
+ VehicleProperty::LightHighBeamType ambVal(val);
+ routingEngine->updateProperty(property, &ambVal, uuid());
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if (property == VehicleProperty::WindshieldWiper)
+ {
+ bool val = json_object_get_boolean(value);
+ if(val)
+ {
+ Window::WiperSpeed speed = Window::Auto;
+ VehicleProperty::WindshieldWiperType ambVal(speed);
+ routingEngine->updateProperty(property, &ambVal, uuid());
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Window::WiperSpeed speed = Window::Off;
+ VehicleProperty::WindshieldWiperType ambVal(speed);
+ routingEngine->updateProperty(property, &ambVal, uuid());
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (property == VehicleProperty::Latitude)
+ {
+ double val = json_object_get_double(value);
+ VehicleProperty::LatitudeType ambVal(val);
+ routingEngine->updateProperty(property, &ambVal, uuid());
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if (property == VehicleProperty::Longitude)
+ {
+ double val = json_object_get_double(value);
+ VehicleProperty::LongitudeType ambVal(val);
+ routingEngine->updateProperty(property, &ambVal, uuid());
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if (property == VehicleProperty::ButtonEvent)
+ {
+ /// TODO: implement
+ DebugOut(DebugOut::Error)<<"OpenXC button event not implemented"<<endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+void OpenXCPlugin::testParseEngine()
+ bool passed = true;
+ if(!translateOpenXCEvent("{\"name\": \"steering_wheel_angle\", \"value\": 45}"))
+ {
+ DebugOut(0)<<"OpenXC Parse Test (steering_wheel_angle): \tFailed"<<endl;
+ passed = false;
+ }
+ else DebugOut(0)<<"OpenXC Parse Test (steering_wheel_angle): \tPassed"<<endl;
+ if(!translateOpenXCEvent("{\"name\": \"engine_speed\", \"value\": 5000}"))
+ {
+ DebugOut(0)<<"OpenXC Parse Test (engine_speed): \t\tFailed"<<endl;
+ passed = false;
+ }
+ else DebugOut(0)<<"OpenXC Parse Test (engine_speed): \t\tPassed"<<endl;
+ if(!translateOpenXCEvent("{\"name\": \"vehicle_speed\", \"value\": 100}"))
+ {
+ DebugOut(0)<<"OpenXC Parse Test (vehicle_speed): \t\tFailed"<<endl;
+ passed = false;
+ }
+ else DebugOut(0)<<"OpenXC Parse Test (vehicle_speed): \t\tPassed"<<endl;
+ if(!translateOpenXCEvent("{\"name\": \"accelerator_pedal_position\", \"value\": 90}"))
+ {
+ DebugOut(0)<<"OpenXC Parse Test (accelerator_pedal_position): tFailed"<<endl;
+ passed = false;
+ }
+ else DebugOut(0)<<"OpenXC Parse Test (accelerator_pedal_position):\tPassed"<<endl;
+ if(!translateOpenXCEvent("{\"name\": \"parking_brake_status\", \"value\": \"false\" }"))
+ {
+ DebugOut(0)<<"OpenXC Parse Test (parking_brake_status):\tFailed"<<endl;
+ passed = false;
+ }
+ else DebugOut(0)<<"OpenXC Parse Test (parking_brake_status):\tPassed"<<endl;
+ if(!translateOpenXCEvent("{\"name\": \"brake_pedal_status\", \"value\": \"false\" }"))
+ {
+ DebugOut(0)<<"OpenXC Parse Test (brake_pedal_status):\tFailed"<<endl;
+ passed = false;
+ }
+ else DebugOut(0)<<"OpenXC Parse Test (brake_pedal_status):\tPassed"<<endl;
+ if(!translateOpenXCEvent("{\"name\": \"transmission_gear_position\", \"value\": \"fourth\"}"))
+ {
+ DebugOut(0)<<"OpenXC Parse Test (transmission_gear_position):\tFailed"<<endl;
+ passed = false;
+ }
+ else DebugOut(0)<<"OpenXC Parse Test (transmission_gear_position):\tPassed"<<endl;
+ if(!translateOpenXCEvent("{\"name\": \"odometer\", \"value\": 1000}"))
+ {
+ DebugOut(0)<<"OpenXC Parse Test (odometer): \t\tFailed"<<endl;
+ passed = false;
+ }
+ else DebugOut(0)<<"OpenXC Parse Test (odometer): \t\tPassed"<<endl;
+ if(!translateOpenXCEvent("{\"name\": \"ignition_status\", \"value\": \"run\"}"))
+ {
+ DebugOut(0)<<"OpenXC Parse Test (ignition_status): \t\tFailed"<<endl;
+ passed = false;
+ }
+ else DebugOut(0)<<"OpenXC Parse Test (ignition_status): \t\tPassed"<<endl;
+ if(!translateOpenXCEvent("{\"name\": \"fuel_level\", \"value\": 30}"))
+ {
+ DebugOut(0)<<"OpenXC Parse Test (fuel_level): \t\tFailed"<<endl;
+ passed = false;
+ }
+ else DebugOut(0)<<"OpenXC Parse Test (fuel_level): \t\tPassed"<<endl;
+ if(!translateOpenXCEvent("{\"name\": \"fuel_consumed_since_restart\", \"value\": 45}"))
+ {
+ DebugOut(0)<<"OpenXC Parse Test (fuel_consumed_since_restart):\tFailed"<<endl;
+ passed = false;
+ }
+ else DebugOut(0)<<"OpenXC Parse Test (fuel_consumed_since_restart):\tPassed"<<endl;
+ if(!translateOpenXCEvent("{\"name\": \"headlamp_status\", \"value\": \"true\"}"))
+ {
+ DebugOut(0)<<"OpenXC Parse Test (headlamp_status): \t\tFailed"<<endl;
+ passed = false;
+ }
+ else DebugOut(0)<<"OpenXC Parse Test (headlamp_status): \t\tPassed"<<endl;
+ if(!translateOpenXCEvent("{\"name\": \"latitude\", \"value\": 88.12125}"))
+ {
+ DebugOut(0)<<"OpenXC Parse Test (latitude): \t\tFailed"<<endl;
+ passed = false;
+ }
+ else DebugOut(0)<<"OpenXC Parse Test (latitude): \t\tPassed"<<endl;
+ if(!translateOpenXCEvent("{\"name\": \"longitude\", \"value\": 108.12125}"))
+ {
+ DebugOut(0)<<"OpenXC Parse Test (longitude): \t\tFailed"<<endl;
+ passed = false;
+ }
+ else DebugOut(0)<<"OpenXC Parse Test (longitude): \t\tPassed"<<endl;
+ if(!translateOpenXCEvent("{\"name\": \"button_event\", \"value\": \"up\", \"event\": \"pressed\"}"))
+ {
+ DebugOut(0)<<"OpenXC Parse Test (button_event): \t\tFailed"<<endl;
+ passed = false;
+ }
+ else DebugOut(0)<<"OpenXC Parse Test (button_event): \t\tPassed"<<endl;
+ if(!passed)
+ {
+ DebugOut(0)<<"Some OpenXC Parse Tests failed. Aborting";
+ throw std::runtime_error("OpenXC Parse tests failed.");
+ }
+void OpenXCPlugin::processData()
+ std::string data = device->read();
+ translateOpenXCEvent(data);