path: root/tools/AmbSignalMapper/lib/Intel/IviPoc/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/AmbSignalMapper/lib/Intel/IviPoc/')
1 files changed, 718 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/AmbSignalMapper/lib/Intel/IviPoc/ b/tools/AmbSignalMapper/lib/Intel/IviPoc/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..88fb7088
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/AmbSignalMapper/lib/Intel/IviPoc/
@@ -0,0 +1,718 @@
+#Copyright (C) 2014 Intel Corporation
+#This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+#modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+#License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+#version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+#This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#Lesser General Public License for more details.
+#You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+#License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+#Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+package Intel::IviPoc::AmbPluginGenerator;
+our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
+our @EXPORT = qw(processPlugin);
+use 5.006;
+use strict;
+use warnings FATAL => 'all';
+use Exporter;
+use JSON;
+use Data::UUID;
+use File::Spec;
+use Digest::SHA qw(sha1_hex);
+use Intel::IviPoc::AmbCommon qw(readFileContent);
+=head1 NAME
+Intel::IviPoc::AmbPluginGenerator - The great new Intel::IviPoc::AmbPluginGenerator!
+=head1 VERSION
+Version 0.01
+our $VERSION = '0.01';
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+Module provides subroutines for reading input JSON file and generating Automotive Message Broker
+plugin project.
+The following little code snippet shows the module usage.
+ use Intel::IviPoc::AmbPluginGenerator qw(processPlugin);
+ my $hashingAllowed = "E";
+ my $inputfile = "myfile.json";
+ my $targetDir = '/home/user/project/automotive-message-broker/plugins';
+ processPlugin ( $hashingAllowed, $inputfile, $targetDir );
+ ...
+=head1 EXPORT
+The following convenience methods are provided by this module. They are
+exported by default:
+=over 4
+=item C<processPlugin $json_filename>
+For given json file name generates the Automotive Message Broker plugin
+=head2 processPlugin
+Copies all template files into target folder while replacing the name
+with newly generated plugin name. Then generates C++ and IDL definitions
+based on information comming from input JSON file.
+my $hashingAllowed = 'E'; # Enabled by default
+sub processPlugin {
+ $hashingAllowed = $_[0];
+ my $jsonfile = $_[1];
+ my $targetDir = $_[2];
+ # Load the json
+ my $json_text = &readFileContent( $jsonfile );
+ my $json = JSON->new;
+ $json = $json->utf8;
+ my $dbcjson = $json->decode( $json_text );
+ if ($hashingAllowed eq 'E' ) {
+ &encryptAmbPropertyNames( $dbcjson );
+ }
+ my $pluginName = $dbcjson->{'pluginName'};
+ my $templatesDir = 'templates/';
+ my $pluginDir = File::Spec->catdir( ($targetDir, lc($pluginName). '_plugin/') );
+ # make new folder
+ &createDirectory( $pluginDir );
+ my @templatesFiles = ( "CMakeLists.txt"
+ , "ambtmpl_cansignal.h"
+ , "ambtmpl_cansignal.cpp"
+ , "ambtmpl_plugin.h"
+ , "ambtmpl_plugin.cpp"
+ , "ambtmpl_cansignals.h"
+ , "ambtmpl_plugin.idl"
+ );
+ my @pluginFiles = ( "CMakeLists.txt"
+ , lc ($pluginName) . "_cansignal.h"
+ , lc ($pluginName) . "_cansignal.cpp"
+ , lc ($pluginName) . "_plugin.h"
+ , lc ($pluginName) . "_plugin.cpp"
+ , lc ($pluginName) . "_cansignals.h"
+ , lc ($pluginName) . "_plugin.idl"
+ );
+ my @generationSubs = ( undef
+ , undef
+ , undef
+ , \&generateUuid
+ , \&generateCppImplTypes
+ , \&generateSignalsTypes
+ , \&generateIdlTypes
+ );
+ my $templateFile = '';
+ my $pluginFile = '';
+ my ($volume, $directory) = File::Spec->splitpath( $INC{'Intel/IviPoc/'} );
+ for my $i (0..scalar(@pluginFiles)-1) {
+ # First join templates folder and filename
+ $templateFile = File::Spec->catfile( ($templatesDir), $templatesFiles[$i] );
+ # Now prepend the module full path
+ $templateFile = File::Spec->catpath( $volume, $directory, $templateFile );
+ # Join target directory with target filename
+ $pluginFile = File::Spec->catfile( ($pluginDir), $pluginFiles[$i] );
+ # Generate each plugin files
+ &generatePluginFile( $templateFile, $pluginFile, $dbcjson, $generationSubs[$i]);
+ }
+=head2 generatePluginFile
+Copies one template file into target folder while replacing the name
+with newly generated plugin name. Then generates definitions
+based on information comming from input JSON file.
+sub generatePluginFile {
+ my $srcFileName = $_[0];
+ my $dstFileName = $_[1];
+ my $dbcjson = $_[2];
+ my $generationSub = $_[3];
+ my $pluginName = $dbcjson->{'pluginName'};
+ # Open template file
+ my $content = &readFileContent( $srcFileName );
+ $content = &replaceTemplateStrings( $content, $pluginName );
+ if (defined $generationSub) {
+ my $generatedCode = $generationSub->( $dbcjson );
+ my $place = '\/\*GENERATED_CODE\*\/';
+ $content =~ s/$place/$generatedCode/g;
+ }
+ # Create new file
+ my $pluginFileHandle = &createFile( $dstFileName );
+ # Copy data from one file to another.
+ print $pluginFileHandle $content;
+ # close the file
+ close ($pluginFileHandle);
+=head2 createDirectory
+Creates directory for plugin.
+sub createDirectory {
+ my $dirName = $_[0];
+ unless(-e $dirName or mkdir $dirName) {
+ die "Unable to create directory '$dirName' $!";
+ }
+=head2 createFile
+Creates file and returns a file handle to it.
+sub createFile {
+ my $fileName = $_[0];
+ # Open file or die
+ open(my $fileHandle, '>', $fileName)
+ or die "Could not open file '$fileName' $!";
+ return $fileHandle;
+=head2 replaceTemplateStrings
+Replaces all occurencies of template specific symbols with plugin name.
+sub replaceTemplateStrings {
+ my $text = $_[0];
+ my $pluginName = $_[1];
+ $text =~ s/AmbTmpl/$pluginName/g;
+ $pluginName = lc ($pluginName);
+ $text =~ s/ambtmpl/$pluginName/g;
+ $pluginName = uc ($pluginName);
+ $text =~ s/AMBTMPL/$pluginName/g;
+ return $text;
+=head2 generateUuid
+For all signals generates C++ property instantiation.
+Returns C++ code to be placed into the target plugin.
+sub generateUuid {
+ my $dbcjson = $_[0];
+ my $ug = new Data::UUID;
+ my $uuidText = $ug->create_str();
+ return $uuidText;
+=head2 generateCppImplTypes
+For all signals generates C++ property instantiation.
+Returns C++ code to be placed into the target plugin.
+sub generateCppImplTypes {
+ my $dbcjson = $_[0];
+ my $registerMessageText = '';
+ my $hexValue = ();
+ my @engineControlUnits = @{$dbcjson->{'electronicControlUnits'}};
+ for my $ecui (0..scalar(@engineControlUnits)-1) {
+ if ( exists( $engineControlUnits[$ecui]{'messages'} ) ) {
+ my @messages = @{$engineControlUnits[$ecui]{'messages'}};
+ for my $msgi (0..scalar(@messages)-1) {
+ $hexValue = '0x' . uc ( sprintf( "%x", $messages[$msgi]{'canId'} ) );
+ $registerMessageText .= " registerMessage($hexValue, $messages[$msgi]{'canDlc'}";
+ my @signals = @{$messages[$msgi]{'signals'}};
+ foreach my $signal ( @signals ) {
+ my $type = $signal->{'AMBPropertyType'};
+ $registerMessageText .= &generateCppProperty( $signal, $type);
+ }
+ $registerMessageText .= "\n );\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $registerMessageText;
+=head2 generateCppProperty
+For given signal generates ADDPROPERTY calls and returns C++ property
+sub generateCppProperty {
+ my $signal = $_[0];
+ my $type = $_[1];
+ my $generatedText = '';
+ my $zonesInUse = 0; # TODO this needs to be in config file
+ if ( exists( $signal->{'AMBPropertyName'} ) ) {
+ my $ambPropertyName = $signal->{'AMBPropertyName'};
+ # TODO CANSignal needs to take zone as argument
+ #my $zone = 'Zone::None';
+ #if ($zonesInUse) {
+ # $zone = &calculateZone( $ambPropertyName );
+ #}
+ $generatedText .= "\n , new ${ambPropertyName}Type()";
+ }
+ return $generatedText;
+=head2 generateSignalsTypes
+For all signals generates C++ property definitions.
+Returns C++ code to be placed into the target plugin.
+sub generateSignalsTypes {
+ my $dbcjson = $_[0];
+ my $enumsText = '';
+ my $propertiesText = '';
+ # First generate the c++ enums from signals with values
+ my @engineControlUnits = @{$dbcjson->{'electronicControlUnits'}};
+ for my $ecui (0..scalar(@engineControlUnits)-1) {
+ if ( exists( $engineControlUnits[$ecui]{'messages'} ) ) {
+ my @messages = @{$engineControlUnits[$ecui]{'messages'}};
+ for my $msgi (0..scalar(@messages)-1) {
+ my @signals = @{$messages[$msgi]{'signals'}};
+ foreach my $signal ( @signals ) {
+ my $type = $signal->{'AMBPropertyType'};
+ $enumsText .= &generateEnumOrValues( $signal, $type);
+ $propertiesText .= &generatePropertyClasses( $signal, $type );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $enumsText . $propertiesText;
+=head2 generateEnumOrValues
+For given signal generates enums or c++ constants and returns C++ types
+sub generateEnumOrValues {
+ my $signal = $_[0];
+ my $type = $_[1];
+ my $generatedText = "";
+ my $ambPropertyName = $signal->{'canId'};
+ if ( exists( $signal->{'AMBPropertyName'} ) ) {
+ $ambPropertyName = $signal->{'AMBPropertyName'};
+ }
+ if ( exists( $signal->{'values'} ) ) {
+ my @dupvalues = @{$signal->{'values'}};
+ my @values = sort { $$a{'value'} <=> $$b{'value'} } (&removeDuplicates (\@dupvalues));
+ my $hexValue = ();
+ if ( $type eq 'enum' or $type =~ m/int/) {
+ # Start with comments
+ $generatedText .= "/**< $ambPropertyName\n";
+ for my $vali (0..scalar(@values) -1 ) {
+ $hexValue = '0x' . uc ( sprintf( "%x", $values[$vali]->{'value'} ) );
+ $generatedText .= " * $hexValue = $values[$vali]->{'description'}\n";
+ }
+ $generatedText .= " */\n";
+ }
+ if ( $type eq 'enum' ) {
+ # Enum definition
+ $generatedText .= "namespace ${ambPropertyName}s {\n";
+ $generatedText .= "enum ${ambPropertyName}Type {\n";
+ # Generate enum values
+ for my $vali (0..scalar(@values) -1 ) {
+ $hexValue = '0x' . uc ( sprintf( "%x", $values[$vali]->{'value'} ) );
+ $generatedText .= " $values[$vali]->{'name'} = $hexValue";
+ if ($vali != scalar(@values)-1 ) {
+ $generatedText .= ",";
+ }
+ $generatedText .= "\n";
+ }
+ $generatedText .= "};\n";
+ $generatedText .= "}\n\n";
+ } elsif ( $type =~ m/int/ ) {
+ $generatedText .= "namespace ${ambPropertyName}s {\n";
+ # Generate values
+ for my $vali (0..scalar(@values) -1 ) {
+ $hexValue = '0x' . uc ( sprintf( "%x", $values[$vali]->{'value'} ) );
+ $generatedText .= "static const $type $values[$vali]->{'name'} = $hexValue;";
+ $generatedText .= "\n";
+ }
+ $generatedText .= "}\n\n";
+ }
+ }
+ return $generatedText;
+=head2 generatePropertyClasses
+For given signal generates documentation, VehicleProperty::Property
+properties with values of stringified properties names.
+lastly using CANSIGNAL macro generates C++ classes
+for given signal.
+Returns C++ definitions of one signal property.
+sub generatePropertyClasses {
+ my $signal = $_[0];
+ my $type = $_[1];
+ my $generatedText = '';
+ my $ambPropertyName = $signal->{'canId'};
+ if ( exists( $signal->{'AMBPropertyName'} ) ) {
+ $ambPropertyName = $signal->{'AMBPropertyName'};
+ }
+ my $byteOrdering = "Endian::Intel"; # LittleEndian by default
+ if ( exists( $signal->{'byteOrdering'} ) and $signal->{'byteOrdering'} eq '0') {
+ $byteOrdering = "Endian::Motorola"; # BigEndian
+ }
+ my $signedness;
+ if ($signal->{'signedness'} eq '+') {
+ $signedness = "Signedness::Unsigned"; # Unsigned
+ } else {
+ $signedness = "Signedness::Signed"; # Signed
+ }
+ my $convertFromFunction = "nullptr";
+ if ( exists( $signal->{'AMBConversionFrom'} ) ) {
+ $convertFromFunction = $signal->{'AMBConversionFrom'};
+ }
+ my $convertToFunction = "nullptr";
+ if ( exists( $signal->{'AMBConversionTo'} ) ) {
+ $convertToFunction = $signal->{'AMBConversionTo'};
+ }
+ $generatedText .= "\n";
+ $generatedText .= "/**< $ambPropertyName.\n";
+ my $typeBasedText = '';
+ my $cppType;
+ if ( $type =~ m/enum/ ) {
+ if ( exists( $signal->{'values'} ) ) {
+ $generatedText .= " *\@see ${ambPropertyName}s::${ambPropertyName}Type\n";
+ $cppType = "${ambPropertyName}s::${ambPropertyName}Type";
+ }
+ } elsif ( $type =~ m/bool/ ) {
+ if ( exists( $signal->{'values'} ) ) {
+ my @dupvalues = @{$signal->{'values'}};
+ my @values = sort { $$a{'value'} <=> $$b{'value'} } (&removeDuplicates (\@dupvalues));
+ my $hexValue = ();
+ for my $vali (0..scalar(@values) -1 ) {
+ $hexValue = '0x' . uc ( sprintf( "%x", $values[$vali]->{'value'} ) );
+ $generatedText .= " * $hexValue = $values[$vali]->{'description'}\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $cppType = "$type";
+ } elsif ( $type =~ m/int8/ ) {
+ $cppType = "char";
+ } elsif ( $type =~ m/int32/ ) {
+ if ( $type eq 'uint32_t' ) {
+ $cppType = "$type";
+ } else {
+ $cppType = "int";
+ }
+ } else { # (u)int16, (u)int64
+ $cppType = "$type";
+ }
+ $typeBasedText .= "CANSIGNAL($ambPropertyName, $cppType, $signal->{'startBit'}, $signal->{'length'}, $byteOrdering, $signedness, $signal->{'factor'}, $signal->{'offset'}, static_cast<$cppType>($signal->{'minValue'}), static_cast<$cppType>($signal->{'maxValue'}), $convertFromFunction, $convertToFunction)\n";
+ $generatedText .= " */\n";
+ my $shownPropertyName = $ambPropertyName;
+ if ($hashingAllowed eq 'E' ) {
+ $shownPropertyName = $signal->{'AMBPropertyNameEnc'};
+ }
+ $generatedText .= "const VehicleProperty::Property $ambPropertyName = \"$shownPropertyName\";\n";
+ $generatedText .= $typeBasedText;
+ return $generatedText;
+=head2 generateIdlTypes
+For all signals generates WebIDL property documentation.
+Returns IDL code to be placed into the target plugin.
+sub generateIdlTypes {
+ my $dbcjson = $_[0];
+ my $generatedText = '';
+ my @engineControlUnits = @{$dbcjson->{'electronicControlUnits'}};
+ for my $ecui (0..scalar(@engineControlUnits)-1) {
+ if ( exists( $engineControlUnits[$ecui]{'messages'} ) ) {
+ my @messages = @{$engineControlUnits[$ecui]{'messages'}};
+ for my $msgi (0..scalar(@messages)-1) {
+ my @signals = @{$messages[$msgi]{'signals'}};
+ foreach my $signal ( @signals ) {
+ my $type = $signal->{'AMBPropertyType'};
+ $generatedText .= &generateIdlProperty( $signal, $type);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $generatedText;
+=head2 generateIdlProperty
+For given signal generates WebIDL documentation and returns WebIDL
+definitions of one signal property.
+sub generateIdlProperty {
+ my $signal = $_[0];
+ my $type = $_[1];
+ my $generatedText = '';
+ my $ambPropertyName = $signal->{'canId'};
+ if ( exists( $signal->{'AMBPropertyName'} ) ) {
+ $ambPropertyName = $signal->{'AMBPropertyName'};
+ }
+ $generatedText .= "[NoInterfaceObject]\n";
+ $generatedText .= "interface org.automotive.${ambPropertyName} : VehiclePropertyType {\n";
+ if ( $type eq 'enum' ) {
+ if ( exists( $signal->{'values'} ) ) {
+ my @dupvalues = @{$signal->{'values'}};
+ my @values = sort { $$a{'value'} <=> $$b{'value'} } (&removeDuplicates (\@dupvalues));
+ my $hexValue = ();
+ for my $vali (0..scalar(@values) -1 ) {
+ # TODO const unsigned short migth be not enough, guess type based on values
+ $hexValue = '0x' . uc (sprintf( "%x", $values[$vali]->{'value'} ) );
+ $generatedText .= " const unsigned short " . uc($values[$vali]->{'name'}) . " = $hexValue;\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $generatedText .= "\n";
+ $generatedText .= " /** ${ambPropertyName}\n";
+ $generatedText .= " * \\brief Returns ${ambPropertyName}\n";
+ $generatedText .= " **/\n";
+ my $unsigned = '';
+ if ( $type =~ m/uint/ ) {
+ $unsigned = 'unsigned ';
+ }
+ if ( $type =~ m/enum/ ) {
+ # TODO const unsigned short migth be not enough, guess type based on values
+ $generatedText .= " readonly attribute octet ${ambPropertyName};\n";
+ } elsif ( $type =~ m/bool/ ) {
+ $generatedText .= " readonly attribute boolean ${ambPropertyName};\n";
+ } elsif ( $type =~ m/int8/ ) {
+ $generatedText .= " readonly attribute ${unsigned}octet ${ambPropertyName};\n";
+ } elsif ( $type =~ m/int16/ ) {
+ $generatedText .= " readonly attribute ${unsigned}short ${ambPropertyName};\n";
+ } elsif ( $type =~ m/int32/ ) {
+ $generatedText .= " readonly attribute ${unsigned}long ${ambPropertyName};\n";
+ } else {
+ $generatedText .= " readonly attribute double ${ambPropertyName};\n";
+ }
+ $generatedText .= "};\n\n";
+ return $generatedText;
+=head2 encryptAmbPropertyNames
+Encrypt AmbPropertyNames.
+sub encryptAmbPropertyNames {
+ my $dbcjson = $_[0];
+ my @engineControlUnits = @{$dbcjson->{'electronicControlUnits'}};
+ for my $ecui (0..scalar(@engineControlUnits)-1) {
+ if ( exists( $engineControlUnits[$ecui]{'messages'} ) ) {
+ my @messages = @{$engineControlUnits[$ecui]{'messages'}};
+ for my $msgi (0..scalar(@messages)-1) {
+ my @signals = @{$messages[$msgi]{'signals'}};
+ foreach my $signal ( @signals ) {
+ my $shownPropertyName = sha1_hex( $signal->{'AMBPropertyName'} );
+ $signal->{'AMBPropertyNameEnc'} = 'S' . sha1_hex( $shownPropertyName );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+=head2 removeDuplicates
+Returns array of values witout duplicates.
+sub removeDuplicates {
+ my @arr = sort { $a->{'name'} cmp $b->{'name'} } @{$_[0]};
+ my @duplicates;
+ my $prev = pop @arr;
+ while (defined(my $x = pop @arr)) {
+ if ($prev->{'name'} eq $x->{'name'}) {
+ push @duplicates, $x;
+ while (defined(my $y = pop @arr)) {
+ if ($y->{'name'} ne $x->{'name'}) {
+ $prev = $y;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $prev = $x;
+ }
+ }
+ # Typically very small arrays
+ @arr = sort @{$_[0]};
+ if (scalar @duplicates > 0) {
+ foreach my $x (@arr) {
+ foreach my $y (@duplicates) {
+ if ($x->{'name'} eq $y->{'name'}) {
+ $x->{'name'} .= '_' . $x->{'value'};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return @arr;
+=head2 calculateZone
+Returns calculated Zone for given signal.
+sub calculateZone {
+ my $ambPropertyName = $_[0];
+ my $zone = 'Zone::None';
+ if ( $ambPropertyName =~ m/FrL/) {
+ $zone = 'Zone::FrontLeft';
+ } elsif ( $ambPropertyName =~ m/FrR/) {
+ $zone = 'Zone::FrontRight';
+ } elsif ( $ambPropertyName =~ m/ReL/) {
+ $zone = 'Zone::RearLeft';
+ } elsif ( $ambPropertyName =~ m/ReR/) {
+ $zone = 'Zone::RearRight';
+ }
+ return $zone;
+=head1 AUTHOR
+IntelIVIPoc, C<< <ivipoc at> >>
+=head1 SUPPORT
+You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
+ perldoc Intel::IVIPoc::AMBPluginGenerator
+Copyright 2011 - 2013 Intel Corporation All Rights Reserved.
+The source code contained or described herein and all documents related to the
+source code("Material") are owned by Intel Corporation or its suppliers or
+licensors.Title to the Material remains with Intel Corporation or its
+suppliers and licensors.The Material may contain trade secrets and proprietary
+and confidential information of Intel Corporation and its suppliers and
+licensors, and is protected by worldwide copyright and trade secret laws and
+treaty provisions.No part of the Material may be used, copied, reproduced,
+modified, published, uploaded, posted, transmitted, distributed, or disclosed
+in any way without Intels prior express written permission.
+No license under any patent, copyright, trade secret or other intellectual
+property right is granted to or conferred upon you by disclosure or delivery
+of the Materials, either expressly, by implication, inducement, estoppel or
+otherwise.Any license under such intellectual property rights must be
+express and approved by Intel in writing.
+Unless otherwise agreed by Intel in writing, you may not remove or alter this
+notice or any other notice embedded in Materials by Intel or Intels suppliers
+or licensors in any way.
+1; # End of Intel::IviPoc::AmbPluginGenerator