automotive-message-broker  0.14.0
Public Member Functions | List of all members
AmbPlugin< T > Class Template Reference

#include <ambplugin.h>

Inheritance diagram for AmbPlugin< T >:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for AmbPlugin< T >:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 AmbPlugin (AbstractRoutingEngine *re, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &config)
virtual void getPropertyAsync (AsyncPropertyReply *reply)
 getPropertyAsync is called when a sink requests the value for given property. This is only called if the source supports the Get operation. More...
virtual void getRangePropertyAsync (AsyncRangePropertyReply *reply)
 getRangePropertyAsync is called when a sink requests a series of values for a given property within a specified time or sequencial range. This will only be called if the source support the Ranged Operation. More...
virtual AsyncPropertyReplysetProperty (AsyncSetPropertyRequest request)
 setProperty is called when a sink requests to set a value for a given property. This is only called if the source supports the Set Operation. More...
virtual void subscribeToPropertyChanges (VehicleProperty::Property property)
 subscribeToPropertyChanges is called when a sink requests a subscription. Source plugins can keep track of subscriptions and may wish to sleep if there are no subscriptions. More...
virtual void unsubscribeToPropertyChanges (VehicleProperty::Property property)
 unsubscribeToPropertyChanges is called when a sink requests to unsubscribe from a given property's changes. More...
virtual PropertyList supported ()
 supported is called by the routingEngine to understand what properties this source supports More...
virtual int supportedOperations ()
 supportedOperations More...
virtual PropertyInfo getPropertyInfo (const VehicleProperty::Property &property)
 getPropertyInfo used to return specific information about a property. The source should override this otherwise a PropertyInfo::invalid() will be returned for the property. More...
virtual const string uuid ()
virtual void propertyChanged (AbstractPropertyType *value)
virtual void supportedChanged (const PropertyList &supportedProperties)
void init ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from AbstractSource
 AbstractSource (AbstractRoutingEngine *engine, map< string, string > config)
- Public Member Functions inherited from AbstractSink
 AbstractSink (AbstractRoutingEngine *engine, map< string, string > config)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from AbstractSource
enum  Operations { Get = 0x01, Set = 0x02, GetRanged = 0x04 }
 The Operations enum is a bitmask flag used to specify which operations are supported by the source plugin.
- Protected Attributes inherited from AbstractSource
 routingEngine the core routing engine used to send property updates to sink plugins. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from AbstractSink
 routingEngine is the core of AMB. It is used to pass plugin and property information to other plugins
map< string, string > configuration

Detailed Description

template<class T>
class AmbPlugin< T >

AmbPlugin class contains common code used in plugins for Automotive message broker(AMB). For the AMB library API please visit Automotive Message Broker Library Documentation.

Example of the minimal code to write a new plugin using AmbPlugin:

#include "ambpluginimpl.h"
class MyPlugin: public AmbPluginImpl {
MyPlugin(AbstractRoutingEngine* re, const std::map<std::string, std::string>& config, AbstractSource& parent);
const std::string uuid() const { return "plugin_uuid"; }
// library exported function for plugin loader
extern "C" void create(AbstractRoutingEngine* routingengine, std::map<std::string, std::string> config)
new AmbPlugin<MyPlugin>(routingengine, config);

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