path: root/documentation/readline.txt
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1122 deletions
diff --git a/documentation/readline.txt b/documentation/readline.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 653a9842..00000000
--- a/documentation/readline.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1122 +0,0 @@
- readline - get a line from a user with editing
- #include <readline.h>
- #include <history.h>
- typedef int Function ();
- char *readline (prompt)
- char *prompt;
- int rl_add_defun (name, function, key)
- char *name;
- Function *function;
- int key;
- int rl_bind_key (key, function)
- int key;
- Function *function;
- int rl_unbind_key (key)
- int key;
- int rl_bind_key_in_map (key, function, keymap)
- int key;
- Function *function;
- Keymap keymap;
- int rl_unbind_key_in_map (key, keymap)
- int key;
- Keymap keymap;
- int rl_macro_bind (keyseq, macro, keymap)
- char *keyseq, *macro;
- Keymap keymap;
- int rl_variable_bind (variable, value)
- char *variable, *value;
- int rl_parse_and_bind (line)
- char *line;
- int rl_translate_keyseq (keyseq, array, len)
- char *keyseq, *array;
- int *len;
- Function *rl_named_function (command)
- char *command;
- Function *rl_function_of_keyseq (keyseq, keymap, type)
- char *keyseq;
-GNU Last change: 1994 July 26 1
- Keymap keymap;
- int *type;
- char **rl_invoking_keyseqs (function)
- Function *function;
- char **rl_invoking_keyseqs_in_map (function, keymap)
- Function *function;
- Keymap keymap;
- void rl_function_dumper (readable)
- int readable;
- char **rl_funmap_names ()
- Readline is Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 by the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc.
- readline will read a line from the terminal and return it,
- using prompt as a prompt. If prompt is null, no prompt is
- issued. The line returned is allocated with _m_a_l_l_o_c(3), so
- the caller must free it when finished. The line returned
- has the final newline removed, so only the text of the line
- remains.
- readline offers editing capabilities while the user is
- entering the line. By default, the line editing commands
- are similar to those of emacs. A vi-style line editing
- interface is also available.
- In the following descriptions, keymap can be one of
- _e_m_a_c_s__k_e_y_m_a_p, _e_m_a_c_s__m_e_t_a__k_e_y_m_a_p, _e_m_a_c_s__c_t_l_x__k_e_y_m_a_p,
- _v_i__i_n_s_e_r_t_i_o_n__k_e_y_m_a_p, _o_r _v_i__m_o_v_e_m_e_n_t__k_e_y_m_a_p.
- rl_add_defun makes name appear as a bindable readline com-
- mand, and makes function be the function called when that
- command is invoked. If key is not -1, it is bound to func-
- tion in the current keymap.
- rl_bind_key causes key to invoke function. The binding is
- made in the current keymap.
- rl_unbind_key removes the binding for key in the current
- keymap.
- rl_bind_key_in_map makes the key entry in keymap invoke
- function.
- rl_unbind_key_in_map removes the binding for key in keymap
- keymap.
-GNU Last change: 1994 July 26 2
- rl_macro_bind makes keyseq insert the string macro. The
- binding is performed in keymap.
- rl_variable_bind sets the value of the readline variable
- variable to value.
- rl_parse_and_bind takes as an argument a line of the same
- form as the readline startup file (see INITIALIZATION FILE
- below) and executes the commands therein.
- rl_translate_keyseq converts keyseq into a new string, stor-
- ing the result in array. This translates control and meta
- prefixes and the readline character escape sequences (see
- Key Bindings below). The length of the translated sequence
- is returned in *len.
- rl_named_function returns the function that is executed when
- the readline command command is invoked.
- rl_function_of_keyseq returns the function that is executed
- when keyseq is read and keymap is the current keymap. type
- is set to indicate whether the return value corresponds to a
- function, macro, or auxiliary keymap.
- rl_invoking_keyseqs returns all of the key sequences in the
- current keymap that invoke function.
- rl_invoking_keyseqs_in_map returns all of the key sequences
- in keymap that invoke function.
- rl_function_dumper prints all of the readline functions and
- their bindings to the readline output stream. If readable
- is non-zero, the output is formattted so that it can be read
- back in to restore the bindings.
- rl_funmap_names returns an array of all known readline bind-
- able function names. The array is sorted.
- readline returns the text of the line read. A blank line
- returns the empty string. If EOF is encountered while read-
- ing a line, and the line is empty, NULL is returned. If an
- EOF is read with a non-empty line, it is treated as a new-
- line.
- Unless otherwise stated, the other functions return 0 on
- success and non-zero on failure.
- An emacs-style notation is used to denote keystrokes. Con-
- trol keys are denoted by C-_k_e_y, e.g., C-n means Control-N.
- Similarly, _m_e_t_a keys are denoted by M-_k_e_y, so M-x means
-GNU Last change: 1994 July 26 3
- Meta-X. (On keyboards without a _m_e_t_a key, M-_x means ESC _x,
- i.e., press the Escape key then the _x key. This makes ESC
- the _m_e_t_a _p_r_e_f_i_x. The combination M-C-_x means ESC-Control-_x,
- or press the Escape key then hold the Control key while
- pressing the _x key.)
- Readline commands may be given numeric _a_r_g_u_m_e_n_t_s, which nor-
- mally act as a repeat count. Sometimes, however, it is the
- sign of the argument that is significant. Passing a nega-
- tive argument to a command that acts in the forward direc-
- tion (e.g., kill-line) causes that command to act in a back-
- ward direction. Commands whose behavior with arguments
- deviates from this are noted.
- When a command is described as _k_i_l_l_i_n_g text, the text
- deleted is saved for possible future retrieval (_y_a_n_k_i_n_g).
- The killed text is saved in a _k_i_l_l-_r_i_n_g. Consecutive kills
- cause the text to be accumulated into one unit, which can be
- yanked all at once. Commands which do not kill text separate
- the chunks of text on the kill-ring.
- Readline is customized by putting commands in an initializa-
- tion file. The name of this file is taken from the value of
- the INPUTRC variable. If that variable is unset, the
- default is ~/._i_n_p_u_t_r_c. When a program which uses the read-
- line library starts up, the init file is read, and the key
- bindings and variables are set. There are only a few basic
- constructs allowed in the readline init file. Blank lines
- are ignored. Lines beginning with a # are comments. Lines
- beginning with a $ indicate conditional constructs. Other
- lines denote key bindings and variable settings. Each pro-
- gram using this library may add its own commands and bind-
- ings.
- For example, placing
- M-Control-u: universal-argument
- or
- C-Meta-u: universal-argument
- into the ~/._i_n_p_u_t_r_c would make M-C-u execute the readline
- command _u_n_i_v_e_r_s_a_l-_a_r_g_u_m_e_n_t.
- The following symbolic character names are recognized while
- processing key bindings: _R_U_B_O_U_T, _D_E_L, _E_S_C, _L_F_D, _N_E_W_L_I_N_E,
- _R_E_T, _R_E_T_U_R_N, _S_P_C, _S_P_A_C_E, and _T_A_B. In addition to command
- names, readline allows keys to be bound to a string that is
- inserted when the key is pressed (a _m_a_c_r_o).
- Key Bindings
- The syntax for controlling key bindings in the ~/._i_n_p_u_t_r_c
- file is simple. All that is required is the name of the
-GNU Last change: 1994 July 26 4
- command or the text of a macro and a key sequence to which
- it should be bound. The name may be specified in one of two
- ways: as a symbolic key name, possibly with _M_e_t_a- or _C_o_n_-
- _t_r_o_l- prefixes, or as a key sequence. When using the form
- keyname:_f_u_n_c_t_i_o_n-_n_a_m_e or _m_a_c_r_o, _k_e_y_n_a_m_e is the name of a key
- spelled out in English. For example:
- Control-u: universal-argument
- Meta-Rubout: backward-kill-word
- Control-o: ">&output"
- In the above example, _C-_u is bound to the function
- universal-argument, _M-_D_E_L is bound to the function
- backward-kill-word, and _C-_o is bound to run the macro
- expressed on the right hand side (that is, to insert the
- text >&_o_u_t_p_u_t into the line).
- In the second form, "keyseq":_f_u_n_c_t_i_o_n-_n_a_m_e or _m_a_c_r_o, keyseq
- differs from keyname above in that strings denoting an
- entire key sequence may be specified by placing the sequence
- within double quotes. Some GNU Emacs style key escapes can
- be used, as in the following example.
- "\C-u": universal-argument
- "\C-x\C-r": re-read-init-file
- "\e[11~": "Function Key 1"
- In this example, _C-_u is again bound to the function
- universal-argument. _C-_x _C-_r is bound to the function
- re-read-init-file, and _E_S_C [ _1 _1 ~ is bound to insert the
- text Function Key 1. The full set of escape sequences is
- \C- control prefix
- \M- meta prefix
- \e an escape character
- \\ backslash
- " \" literal "
- \' literal '
- When entering the text of a macro, single or double quotes
- should be used to indicate a macro definition. Unquoted
- text is assumed to be a function name. Backslash will quote
- any character in the macro text, including " and '.
- Bash allows the current readline key bindings to be
- displayed or modified with the bind builtin command. The
- editing mode may be switched during interactive use by using
-GNU Last change: 1994 July 26 5
- the -o option to the set builtin command. Other programs
- using this library provide similar mechanisms. The _i_n_p_u_t_r_c
- file may be edited and re-read if a program does not provide
- any other means to incorporate new bindings.
- Variables
- Readline has variables that can be used to further customize
- its behavior. A variable may be set in the _i_n_p_u_t_r_c file
- with a statement of the form
- set _v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e-_n_a_m_e _v_a_l_u_e
- Except where noted, readline variables can take the values
- On or Off. The variables and their default values are:
- horizontal-scroll-mode (Off)
- When set to On, makes readline use a single line for
- display, scrolling the input horizontally on a single
- screen line when it becomes longer than the screen
- width rather than wrapping to a new line.
- editing-mode (emacs)
- Controls whether readline begins with a set of key
- bindings similar to _e_m_a_c_s or _v_i. editing-mode can be
- set to either emacs or vi.
- mark-modified-lines (Off)
- If set to On, history lines that have been modified are
- displayed with a preceding asterisk (*).
- bell-style (audible)
- Controls what happens when readline wants to ring the
- terminal bell. If set to none, readline never rings
- the bell. If set to visible, readline uses a visible
- bell if one is available. If set to audible, readline
- attempts to ring the terminal's bell.
- comment-begin (``#'')
- The string that is inserted in vi mode when the
- vi-comment command is executed.
- meta-flag (Off)
- If set to On, readline will enable eight-bit input
- (that is, it will not strip the high bit from the char-
- acters it reads), regardless of what the terminal
- claims it can support.
- convert-meta (On)
- If set to On, readline will convert characters with the
- eighth bit set to an ASCII key sequence by stripping
- the eighth bit and prepending an escape character (in
- effect, using escape as the _m_e_t_a _p_r_e_f_i_x).
- output-meta (Off)
- If set to On, readline will display characters with the
- eighth bit set directly rather than as a meta-prefixed
- escape sequence.
- completion-query-items (100)
- This determines when the user is queried about viewing
-GNU Last change: 1994 July 26 6
- the number of possible completions generated by the
- possible-completions command. It may be set to any
- integer value greater than or equal to zero. If the
- number of possible completions is greater than or equal
- to the value of this variable, the user is asked
- whether or not he wishes to view them; otherwise they
- are simply listed on the terminal.
- keymap (emacs)
- Set the current readline keymap. The set of legal key-
- map names is _e_m_a_c_s, _e_m_a_c_s-_s_t_a_n_d_a_r_d, _e_m_a_c_s-_m_e_t_a, _e_m_a_c_s-
- _c_t_l_x, _v_i, _v_i-_m_o_v_e, _v_i-_c_o_m_m_a_n_d, and _v_i-_i_n_s_e_r_t. _v_i is
- equivalent to _v_i-_c_o_m_m_a_n_d; _e_m_a_c_s is equivalent to
- _e_m_a_c_s-_s_t_a_n_d_a_r_d. The default value is _e_m_a_c_s; the value
- of editing-mode also affects the default keymap.
- show-all-if-ambiguous (Off)
- This alters the default behavior of the completion
- functions. If set to on, words which have more than
- one possible completion cause the matches to be listed
- immediately instead of ringing the bell.
- expand-tilde (Off)
- If set to on, tilde expansion is performed when read-
- line attempts word completion.
- Conditional Constructs
- Readline implements a facility similar in spirit to the con-
- ditional compilation features of the C preprocessor which
- allows key bindings and variable settings to be performed as
- the result of tests. There are three parser directives
- used.
- $if The $if construct allows bindings to be made based on
- the editing mode, the terminal being used, or the
- application using readline. The text of the test
- extends to the end of the line; no characters are
- required to isolate it.
- mode The mode= form of the $if directive is used to
- test whether readline is in emacs or vi mode.
- This may be used in conjunction with the set key-
- map command, for instance, to set bindings in the
- _e_m_a_c_s-_s_t_a_n_d_a_r_d and _e_m_a_c_s-_c_t_l_x keymaps only if
- readline is starting out in emacs mode.
- term The term= form may be used to include terminal-
- specific key bindings, perhaps to bind the key
- sequences output by the terminal's function keys.
- The word on the right side of the = is tested
- against the full name of the terminal and the por-
- tion of the terminal name before the first -.
- This allows _s_u_n to match both _s_u_n and _s_u_n-_c_m_d, for
- instance.
-GNU Last change: 1994 July 26 7
- application
- The application construct is used to include
- application-specific settings. Each program using
- the readline library sets the _a_p_p_l_i_c_a_t_i_o_n _n_a_m_e,
- and an initialization file can test for a particu-
- lar value. This could be used to bind key
- sequences to functions useful for a specific pro-
- gram. For instance, the following command adds a
- key sequence that quotes the current or previous
- word in Bash:
- $if bash
- # Quote the current or previous word
- "\C-xq": "\eb\"\ef\""
- $endif
- $endif
- This command, as you saw in the previous example, ter-
- minates an $if command.
- $else
- Commands in this branch of the $if directive are exe-
- cuted if the test fails.
- The following is a list of the names of the commands and the
- default key sequences to which they are bound.
- Commands for Moving
- beginning-of-line (C-a)
- Move to the start of the current line.
- end-of-line (C-e)
- Move to the end of the line.
- forward-char (C-f)
- Move forward a character.
- backward-char (C-b)
- Move back a character.
- forward-word (M-f)
- Move forward to the end of the next word. Words are
- composed of alphanumeric characters (letters and
- digits).
- backward-word (M-b)
- Move back to the start of this, or the previous, word.
- Words are composed of alphanumeric characters (letters
- and digits).
- clear-screen (C-l)
- Clear the screen leaving the current line at the top of
- the screen. With an argument, refresh the current line
- without clearing the screen.
- redraw-current-line
- Refresh the current line. By default, this is unbound.
-GNU Last change: 1994 July 26 8
- Commands for Manipulating the History
- accept-line (Newline, Return)
- Accept the line regardless of where the cursor is. If
- this line is non-empty, add it to the history list. If
- the line is a modified history line, then restore the
- history line to its original state.
- previous-history (C-p)
- Fetch the previous command from the history list, mov-
- ing back in the list.
- next-history (C-n)
- Fetch the next command from the history list, moving
- forward in the list.
- beginning-of-history (M-<)
- Move to the first line in the history.
- end-of-history (M->)
- Move to the end of the input history, i.e., the line
- currently being entered.
- reverse-search-history (C-r)
- Search backward starting at the current line and moving
- `up' through the history as necessary. This is an
- incremental search.
- forward-search-history (C-s)
- Search forward starting at the current line and moving
- `down' through the history as necessary. This is an
- incremental search.
- non-incremental-reverse-search-history (M-p)
- Search backward through the history starting at the
- current line using a non-incremental search for a
- string supplied by the user.
- non-incremental-forward-search-history (M-n)
- Search forward through the history using a
- non-incremental search for a string supplied by the
- user.
- history-search-forward
- Search forward through the history for the string of
- characters between the start of the current line and
- the current point. This is a non-incremental search.
- By default, this command is unbound.
- history-search-backward
- Search backward through the history for the string of
- characters between the start of the current line and
- the current point. This is a non-incremental search.
- By default, this command is unbound.
- yank-nth-arg (M-C-y)
- Insert the first argument to the previous command (usu-
- ally the second word on the previous line) at point
- (the current cursor position). With an argument _n,
- insert the _nth word from the previous command (the
- words in the previous command begin with word 0). A
- negative argument inserts the _nth word from the end of
- the previous command.
- yank-last-arg (M-., M-_)
-GNU Last change: 1994 July 26 9
- Insert the last argument to the previous command (the
- last word on the previous line). With an argument,
- behave exactly like yank-nth-arg.
- Commands for Changing Text
- delete-char (C-d)
- Delete the character under the cursor. If point is at
- the beginning of the line, there are no characters in
- the line, and the last character typed was not C-d,
- then return EOF.
- backward-delete-char (Rubout)
- Delete the character behind the cursor. When given a
- numeric argument, save the deleted text on the
- kill-ring.
- quoted-insert (C-q, C-v)
- Add the next character that you type to the line verba-
- tim. This is how to insert characters like C-q, for
- example.
- tab-insert (M-TAB)
- Insert a tab character.
- self-insert (a, b, A, 1, !, ...)
- Insert the character typed.
- transpose-chars (C-t)
- Drag the character before point forward over the char-
- acter at point. Point moves forward as well. If point
- is at the end of the line, then transpose the two char-
- acters before point. Negative arguments don't work.
- transpose-words (M-t)
- Drag the word behind the cursor past the word in front
- of the cursor moving the cursor over that word as well.
- upcase-word (M-u)
- Uppercase the current (or following) word. With a
- negative argument, do the previous word, but do not
- move point.
- downcase-word (M-l)
- Lowercase the current (or following) word. With a
- negative argument, do the previous word, but do not
- move point.
- capitalize-word (M-c)
- Capitalize the current (or following) word. With a
- negative argument, do the previous word, but do not
- move point.
- Killing and Yanking
- kill-line (C-k)
- Kill the text from the current cursor position to the
- end of the line.
- backward-kill-line (C-x Rubout)
- Kill backward to the beginning of the line.
- unix-line-discard (C-u)
- Kill backward from point to the beginning of the line.
- kill-whole-line
-GNU Last change: 1994 July 26 10
- Kill all characters on the current line, no matter
- where the cursor is. By default, this is unbound.
- kill-word (M-d)
- Kill from the cursor to the end of the current word, or
- if between words, to the end of the next word. Word
- boundaries are the same as those used by forward-word.
- backward-kill-word (M-Rubout)
- Kill the word behind the cursor. Word boundaries are
- the same as those used by backward-word.
- unix-word-rubout (C-w)
- Kill the word behind the cursor, using white space as a
- word boundary. The word boundaries are different from
- backward-kill-word.
- delete-horizontal-space
- Delete all spaces and tabs around point. By default,
- this is unbound.
- yank (C-y)
- Yank the top of the kill ring into the buffer at the
- cursor.
- yank-pop (M-y)
- Rotate the kill-ring, and yank the new top. Only works
- following yank or yank-pop.
- Numeric Arguments
- digit-argument (M-0, M-1, ..., M--)
- Add this digit to the argument already accumulating, or
- start a new argument. M-- starts a negative argument.
- universal-argument
- Each time this is executed, the argument count is mul-
- tiplied by four. The argument count is initially one,
- so executing this function the first time makes the
- argument count four. By default, this is not bound to
- a key.
- Completing
- complete (TAB)
- Attempt to perform completion on the text before point.
- The actual completion performed is application-
- specific. Bash, for instance, attempts completion
- treating the text as a variable (if the text begins
- with $), username (if the text begins with ~), hostname
- (if the text begins with @), or command (including
- aliases and functions) in turn. If none of these pro-
- duces a match, filename completion is attempted. Gdb,
- on the other hand, allows completion of program func-
- tions and variables, and only attempts filename comple-
- tion under certain circumstances.
- possible-completions (M-?)
- List the possible completions of the text before point.
- insert-completions
- Insert all completions of the text before point that
- would have been generated by possible-completions. By
-GNU Last change: 1994 July 26 11
- default, this is not bound to a key.
- Keyboard Macros
- start-kbd-macro (C-x ()
- Begin saving the characters typed into the current key-
- board macro.
- end-kbd-macro (C-x ))
- Stop saving the characters typed into the current key-
- board macro and save the definition.
- call-last-kbd-macro (C-x e)
- Re-execute the last keyboard macro defined, by making
- the characters in the macro appear as if typed at the
- keyboard.
- Miscellaneous
- re-read-init-file (C-x C-r)
- Read in the contents of your init file, and incorporate
- any bindings or variable assignments found there.
- abort (C-g)
- Abort the current editing command and ring the
- terminal's bell (subject to the setting of bell-style).
- do-uppercase-version (M-a, M-b, ...)
- Run the command that is bound to the corresponding
- uppercase character.
- prefix-meta (ESC)
- Metafy the next character typed. ESC f is equivalent
- to Meta-f.
- undo (C-_, C-x C-u)
- Incremental undo, separately remembered for each line.
- revert-line (M-r)
- Undo all changes made to this line. This is like typ-
- ing the undo command enough times to return the line to
- its initial state.
- tilde-expand (M-~)
- Perform tilde expansion on the current word.
- dump-functions
- Print all of the functions and their key bindings to
- the readline output stream. If a numeric argument is
- supplied, the output is formatted in such a way that it
- can be made part of an _i_n_p_u_t_r_c file.
- emacs-editing-mode (C-e)
- When in vi editing mode, this causes a switch to emacs
- editing mode.
- vi-editing-mode (M-C-j)
- When in emacs editing mode, this causes a switch to vi
- editing mode.
- The following is a list of the default emacs and vi bind-
- ings. Characters with the 8th bit set are written as M-
- <character>, and are referred to as _m_e_t_a_f_i_e_d characters.
- The printable ASCII characters not mentioned in the list of
-GNU Last change: 1994 July 26 12
- emacs standard bindings are bound to the _s_e_l_f-_i_n_s_e_r_t func-
- tion, which just inserts the given character into the input
- line. In vi insertion mode, all characters not specifically
- mentioned are bound to _s_e_l_f-_i_n_s_e_r_t. Characters assigned to
- signal generation by _s_t_t_y(1) or the terminal driver, such as
- C-Z or C-C, retain that function. Upper and lower case
- _m_e_t_a_f_i_e_d characters are bound to the same function in the
- emacs mode meta keymap. The remaining characters are
- unbound, which causes readline to ring the bell (subject to
- the setting of the bell-style variable).
- Emacs Mode
- Emacs Standard bindings
- "C-A" -> beginning-of-line
- "C-B" -> backward-char
- "C-D" -> delete-char
- "C-E" -> end-of-line
- "C-F" -> forward-char
- "C-G" -> abort
- "C-H" -> backward-delete-char
- "C-I" -> complete
- "C-J" -> accept-line
- "C-K" -> kill-line
- "C-L" -> clear-screen
- "C-M" -> accept-line
- "C-N" -> next-history
- "C-P" -> previous-history
- "C-Q" -> quoted-insert
- "C-R" -> reverse-search-history
- "C-S" -> forward-search-history
- "C-T" -> transpose-chars
- "C-U" -> unix-line-discard
- "C-V" -> quoted-insert
- "C-W" -> unix-word-rubout
- "C-Y" -> yank
- "C-_" -> undo
- " " to "/" -> self-insert
- "0" to "9" -> self-insert
- ":" to "~" -> self-insert
- "C-?" -> backward-delete-char
- Emacs Meta bindings
- "M-C-H" -> backward-kill-word
- "M-C-I" -> tab-insert
- "M-C-J" -> vi-editing-mode
- "M-C-M" -> vi-editing-mode
- "M-C-R" -> revert-line
- "M-C-Y" -> yank-nth-arg
- "M-C-[" -> complete
- "M-&" -> tilde-expand
-GNU Last change: 1994 July 26 13
- "M--" -> digit-argument
- "M-0" -> digit-argument
- "M-1" -> digit-argument
- "M-2" -> digit-argument
- "M-3" -> digit-argument
- "M-4" -> digit-argument
- "M-5" -> digit-argument
- "M-6" -> digit-argument
- "M-7" -> digit-argument
- "M-8" -> digit-argument
- "M-9" -> digit-argument
- "M-<" -> beginning-of-history
- "M->" -> end-of-history
- "M-?" -> possible-completions
- "M-B" -> backward-word
- "M-C" -> capitalize-word
- "M-D" -> kill-word
- "M-F" -> forward-word
- "M-L" -> downcase-word
- "M-N" -> non-incremental-forward-search-history
- "M-O" -> arrow-key-prefix
- "M-P" -> non-incremental-reverse-search-history
- "M-R" -> revert-line
- "M-T" -> transpose-words
- "M-U" -> upcase-word
- "M-Y" -> yank-pop
- "M-C-Y" -> yank-nth-arg
- "M-C-?" -> backward-delete-word
- Emacs Control-X bindings
- "C-XC-G" -> abort
- "C-XC-R" -> re-read-init-file
- "C-XC-U" -> undo
- "C-X(" -> start-kbd-macro
- "C-X)" -> end-kbd-macro
- "C-Xe" -> call-last-kbd-macro
- "C-XC-?" -> backward-kill-line
- VI Mode bindings
- VI Insert Mode functions
- "C-D" -> vi-eof-maybe
- "C-H" -> backward-delete-char
- "C-I" -> complete
- "C-J" -> accept-line
- "C-K" -> kill-line
- "C-L" -> clear-screen
- "C-M" -> accept-line
- "C-N" -> next-history
- "C-P" -> previous-history
-GNU Last change: 1994 July 26 14
- "C-Q" -> quoted-insert
- "C-R" -> reverse-search-history
- "C-S" -> forward-search-history
- "C-T" -> transpose-chars
- "C-U" -> unix-line-discard
- "C-V" -> quoted-insert
- "C-W" -> unix-word-rubout
- "C-Y" -> yank
- "C-[" -> vi-movement-mode
- " " to "~" -> self-insert
- "C-?" -> backward-delete-char
- VI Command Mode functions
- "C-D" -> vi-eof-maybe
- "C-E" -> emacs-editing-mode
- "C-G" -> abort
- "C-H" -> backward-char
- "C-J" -> accept-line
- "C-K" -> kill-line
- "C-L" -> clear-screen
- "C-M" -> accept-line
- "C-N" -> next-history
- "C-P" -> previous-history
- "C-Q" -> quoted-insert
- "C-R" -> reverse-search-history
- "C-S" -> forward-search-history
- "C-T" -> transpose-chars
- "C-U" -> unix-line-discard
- "C-V" -> quoted-insert
- "C-W" -> unix-word-rubout
- "C-Y" -> yank
- "C-[" -> abort
- " " -> forward-char
- "#" -> vi-comment
- "$" -> end-of-line
- "%" -> vi-match
- "&" -> vi-tilde-expand
- "*" -> vi-complete
- "+" -> down-history
- "," -> vi-char-search
- "-" -> previous-history
- "." -> vi-redo
- "/" -> vi-search
- "0" -> beginning-of-line
- "1" to "9" -> vi-arg-digit
- ";" -> vi-char-search
- "=" -> vi-complete
- "?" -> vi-search
- "@" -> is undefined
- "A" -> vi-append-eol
- "B" -> vi-prev-word
-GNU Last change: 1994 July 26 15
- "C" -> vi-change-to
- "D" -> vi-delete-to
- "E" -> vi-end-word
- "F" -> vi-char-search
- "I" -> vi-insert-beg
- "N" -> vi-search-again
- "P" -> vi-put
- "R" -> vi-replace
- "S" -> vi-subst
- "T" -> vi-char-search
- "U" -> revert-line
- "W" -> vi-next-word
- "X" -> backward-delete-char
- "Y" -> vi-yank-to
- "\" -> vi-complete
- "^" -> vi-first-print
- "_" -> vi-yank-arg
- "a" -> vi-append-mode
- "b" -> vi-prev-word
- "c" -> vi-change-to
- "d" -> vi-delete-to
- "e" -> vi-end-word
- "f" -> vi-char-search
- "h" -> backward-char
- "i" -> vi-insertion-mode
- "j" -> next-history
- "k" -> prev-history
- "l" -> forward-char
- "n" -> vi-search-again
- "r" -> vi-change-char
- "s" -> vi-subst
- "t" -> vi-char-search
- "u" -> undo
- "w" -> vi-next-word
- "x" -> vi-delete
- "y" -> vi-yank-to
- "|" -> vi-column
- "~" -> vi-change-case
- _T_h_e _G_n_u _R_e_a_d_l_i_n_e _L_i_b_r_a_r_y, Brian Fox and Chet Ramey
- _T_h_e _G_n_u _H_i_s_t_o_r_y _L_i_b_r_a_r_y, Brian Fox and Chet Ramey
- _b_a_s_h(1)
- ~/._i_n_p_u_t_r_c
- Individual readline initialization file
- Brian Fox, Free Software Foundation (primary author)
- bfox@ai.MIT.Edu
-GNU Last change: 1994 July 26 16
- Chet Ramey, Case Western Reserve University
- chet@ins.CWRU.Edu
- If you find a bug in readline, you should report it. But
- first, you should make sure that it really is a bug, and
- that it appears in the latest version of the readline
- library that you have.
- Once you have determined that a bug actually exists, mail a
- bug report to _b_a_s_h-_m_a_i_n_t_a_i_n_e_r_s@_p_r_e_p._a_i._M_I_T._E_d_u. If you have
- a fix, you are welcome to mail that as well! Suggestions
- and `philosophical' bug reports may be mailed to _b_u_g-
- _b_a_s_h@_p_r_e_p._a_i._M_I_T._E_d_u or posted to the Usenet newsgroup
- gnu.bash.bug.
- Comments and bug reports concerning this manual page should
- be directed to _c_h_e_t@_i_n_s._C_W_R_U._E_d_u.
- It's too big and too slow.
-GNU Last change: 1994 July 26 17