path: root/examples/functions/newdirstack.bsh
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Diffstat (limited to 'examples/functions/newdirstack.bsh')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 165 deletions
diff --git a/examples/functions/newdirstack.bsh b/examples/functions/newdirstack.bsh
deleted file mode 100644
index 86b4060f..00000000
--- a/examples/functions/newdirstack.bsh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-# @(#) newdirstack.bsh
-# Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2012 16:28:52 +0100
-# Subject: A Bash source code example
-# From: Eric Sanchis <>
-# To:
-# Using Bash everyday, I developped an enhanced implementation of the
-# cd/dir functions described in the Bolsky & Korn book, which
-# illustrates several specific Bash syntax elements.
-# It works fine with a non empty CDPATH and cdable variables. In
-# addition, a directory name is indexed only once into the stack.
-# If you find this code snippet useful, would it be possible to include
-# it into the bash-doc section of future bash packages ?
-# Sincerely yours,
-# Eric
-# IUT Rodez
-# University of Toulouse (France)
-# Another implementation of the directory manipulation functions
-# published in the Bolsky & Korn book : "The new Korn shell" :
-# cd, to change current directory
-# d, to display the stack content
-# Eric Sanchis (, 2012
-shopt -s expand_aliases
-shopt -s extglob
-shopt -s cdable_vars
-alias integer='declare -i'
- integer MAX=32
- integer INDMAX=MAX-1
- integer INDTOP=0
-unalias cd 2>/dev/null
-alias cd=cdir
-unset tab
-function cdir
- local -i ind
-case "$dir" in
- - ) # cd - => equivalent to : cd -1
- ind=INDTOP-1
- cd_by_number $ind
- ;;
- -+([[:digit:]]) ) # cd -n
- ind=$INDTOP-${dir#-}
- cd_by_number $ind
- ;;
- *) # cd ~ or cd dir_name
- cd_by_name "$dir"
-function cd_by_number
- local -i k=$1
- local -i j
- local dirtmp
-if (( k < 0 ))
- then
- echo Impossible to change directory >&2
- return 1
- else
- dirtmp="${tab[k]}"
- j=k+1
- while (( j <= INDTOP ))
- do
- tab[j-1]="${tab[j]}"
- j=j+1
- done
- tab[INDTOP]="$dirtmp"
- \cd "${tab[INDTOP]}"
-function cd_by_name
- local -i i
- local rep
-rep=$( \cd "$1" &>/dev/null && pwd)
-if [[ -z "$rep" ]]
- then
- echo cd : "$1" unknown >&2
- return 1
- while (( i >= 0 ))
- do
- if [[ "${tab[i]}" == "$rep" ]]
- then break
- fi
- i=i-1
- done
-if (( i == INDTOP ))
- then # cd -0 => we do nothing !
- return 0
- elif (( i == -1 ))
- then # the directory isn't in the stack
- if (( INDTOP == INDMAX ))
- then # the stack is FULL
- # the oldest directory is removed
- local -i m
- m=1
- while (( m <= INDMAX ))
- do
- tab[m-1]="${tab[m]}"
- m=m+1
- done
- else # the new directory is added to the top of the stack
- fi
- tab[INDTOP]="$rep"
- \cd "${tab[INDTOP]}"
- return 0
- else # the directory is already in the stack
- # $i gives its index
- cd_by_number $i
-function d # display the directory stack
- local -i i
- local rep
-while (( $i <= $INDTOP ))
- do
- rep="${tab[INDTOP-i]#$HOME/}"
- case "$rep" in
- $HOME) rep="~" ;;
- /* ) : ;;
- * ) rep="~/$rep"
- esac
- echo "$i ) $rep"
- i=i+1
- done