path: root/examples/scripts.v2/pages
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/scripts.v2/pages')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 187 deletions
diff --git a/examples/scripts.v2/pages b/examples/scripts.v2/pages
deleted file mode 100644
index 66ebc5f9..00000000
--- a/examples/scripts.v2/pages
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/bash
-# original from:
-# @(#) 1.0 92/09/26
-# 92/09/05 John H. DuBois III (
-# 92/09/26 Added help
-# conversion to bash v2 syntax by Chet Ramey
-Usage="$0 [-h] [-n lines/page] page-ranges [file ...]"
- echo "$Usage" 1>&2
-echo "$0: print selected pages.
-Usage: $Usage
-If no file names are given, the standard input is read.
-The input is grouped into pages and a selected subset of them is printed.
-Formfeeds are acted on correctly.
-If the output device does automatic line wrap, lines that longer than
-the width of the output device will result in incorrect output.
-The first non-option argument is a list of pages to print.
-Pages are given as a list of ranges separated by commas.
-A range is either one number, two numbers separted by a dash,
-or one number followed by a dash. A range consisting of one
-number followed by a dash extends to the end of the document.
--n sets the number of lines per page to n. The default is 66."
-while getopts "n:h" opt; do
- case "$opt" in
- n) LinesPerPage=$OPTARG;;
- h) phelp; exit 0;;
- *) usage; exit 2;;
- esac
-shift $(($OPTIND - 1))
-if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
- echo $0: no page ranges given. 1>&2
- usage
- exit 1
-gawk "
- PageList = \"$PageList\"; LinesPerPage = \"$LinesPerPage\""'
- if (LinesPerPage == "")
- LinesPerPage = 66
- else
- if (LinesPerPage !~ "[1-9][0-9]*")
- ErrExit("Bad value for lines per page: " LinesPerPage)
- LinesPerPage += 0
- NumRanges = split(PageList,Ranges,",")
- for (i = 1; i <= NumRanges; i++) {
- if ((StartRange = EndRange = Ranges[i]) !~ "^[0-9]+(-([0-9]+)?)?$")
- ErrExit("Bad range \"" StartRange "\"")
- sub("-.*","",StartRange)
- sub(".*-","",EndRange)
- if (EndRange == "")
- EndRange = 2 ^ 30
- # Force StartRange and EndRange to be numeric values
- if ((StartRange += 0) == 0 || (EndRange += 0) == 0)
- ErrExit("Invalid page number \"0\" in range " Ranges[i])
- if (StartRange > EndRange)
- ErrExit("Start page comes after end page in range " Ranges[i])
- TmpRangeStarts[i] = StartRange
- TmpRangeEnds[i] = EndRange
- }
- # Sort ranges
- qsort(TmpRangeStarts,k)
- RangeEnds[0] = 0
- for (i = 1; i <= NumRanges; i++) {
- RangeEnds[i] = TmpRangeEnds[k[i]]
- if ((RangeStarts[i] = TmpRangeStarts[k[i]]) <= RangeEnds[i - 1])
- ErrExit("Overlapping ranges: " Ranges[k[i]] "," Ranges[k[i - 1]])
- }
- RangeNum = LineNum = PageNum = 1
- InRange = In(PageNum,RangeStarts[RangeNum],RangeEnds[RangeNum])
- FS = "\014"
- if (LineNum > LinesPerPage)
- NewPage()
- if (InRange)
- printf "%s",$1
- # Deal with formfeeds
- for (i = 2; i <= NF; i++) {
- if (InRange)
- printf "\014"
- NewPage()
- if (InRange)
- printf "%s",$i
- }
- if (InRange)
- print ""
- LineNum++
-function NewPage() {
- PageNum++
- LineNum = 1
- # At the start of each page, check whether we are in a print range
- WereInRange = InRange
- InRange = In(PageNum,RangeStarts[RangeNum],RangeEnds[RangeNum])
- # If last page was in range and we no longer are, move to next range
- if (WereInRange && !InRange && ++RangeNum > NumRanges)
- exit
-function In(a,Min,Max) {
- return (Min <= a && a <= Max)
-function ErrExit(S) {
- print S > "/dev/stderr"
- Err = 1
- exit 1
-# Arr is an array of values with arbitrary indices.
-# Array k is returned with numeric indices 1..n.
-# The values in k are the indices of array arr,
-# ordered so that if array arr is stepped through
-# in the order arr[k[1]] .. arr[k[n]], it will be stepped
-# through in order of the values of its elements.
-# The return value is the number of elements in the array (n).
-function qsort(arr,k, ArrInd,end) {
- end = 0
- for (ArrInd in arr)
- k[++end] = ArrInd;
- qsortseg(arr,k,1,end);
- return end
-function qsortseg(arr,k,start,end, left,right,sepval,tmp,tmpe,tmps) {
- # handle two-element case explicitely for a tiny speedup
- if ((end - start) == 1) {
- if (arr[tmps = k[start]] > arr[tmpe = k[end]]) {
- k[start] = tmpe
- k[end] = tmps
- }
- return
- }
- left = start;
- right = end;
- sepval = arr[k[int((left + right) / 2)]]
- # Make every element <= sepval be to the left of every element > sepval
- while (left < right) {
- while (arr[k[left]] < sepval)
- left++
- while (arr[k[right]] > sepval)
- right--
- if (left < right) {
- tmp = k[left]
- k[left++] = k[right]
- k[right--] = tmp
- }
- }
- if (left == right)
- if (arr[k[left]] < sepval)
- left++
- else
- right--
- if (start < right)
- qsortseg(arr,k,start,right)
- if (left < end)
- qsortseg(arr,k,left,end)
-' "$@"