/* * Copyright (c) 1991-1994 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. * * THIS MATERIAL IS PROVIDED AS IS, WITH ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED * OR IMPLIED. ANY USE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. * * Permission is hereby granted to use or copy this program * for any purpose, provided the above notices are retained on all copies. * Permission to modify the code and to distribute modified code is granted, * provided the above notices are retained, and a notice that the code was * modified is included with the above copyright notice. */ #include "private/gc_pmark.h" /* * These are checking routines calls to which could be inserted by a * preprocessor to validate C pointer arithmetic. */ STATIC void GC_CALLBACK GC_default_same_obj_print_proc(void * p, void * q) { ABORT_ARG2("GC_same_obj test failed", ": %p and %p are not in the same object", p, q); } GC_same_obj_print_proc_t GC_same_obj_print_proc = GC_default_same_obj_print_proc; GC_API void * GC_CALL GC_same_obj(void *p, void *q) { struct hblk *h; hdr *hhdr; ptr_t base, limit; word sz; if (!EXPECT(GC_is_initialized, TRUE)) GC_init(); hhdr = HDR((word)p); if (NULL == hhdr) { if (divHBLKSZ((word)p) != divHBLKSZ((word)q) && HDR((word)q) != NULL) { goto fail; } return p; } /* If it's a pointer to the middle of a large object, move it */ /* to the beginning. */ if (IS_FORWARDING_ADDR_OR_NIL(hhdr)) { h = HBLKPTR(p) - (word)hhdr; hhdr = HDR(h); while (IS_FORWARDING_ADDR_OR_NIL(hhdr)) { h = FORWARDED_ADDR(h, hhdr); hhdr = HDR(h); } limit = (ptr_t)h + hhdr -> hb_sz; if ((word)p >= (word)limit || (word)q >= (word)limit || (word)q < (word)h) { goto fail; } return p; } sz = hhdr -> hb_sz; if (sz > MAXOBJBYTES) { base = (ptr_t)HBLKPTR(p); limit = base + sz; if ((word)p >= (word)limit) { goto fail; } } else { size_t offset; size_t pdispl = HBLKDISPL(p); offset = pdispl % sz; if (HBLKPTR(p) != HBLKPTR(q)) goto fail; /* W/o this check, we might miss an error if */ /* q points to the first object on a page, and */ /* points just before the page. */ base = (ptr_t)p - offset; limit = base + sz; } /* [base, limit) delimits the object containing p, if any. */ /* If p is not inside a valid object, then either q is */ /* also outside any valid object, or it is outside */ /* [base, limit). */ if ((word)q >= (word)limit || (word)q < (word)base) { goto fail; } return p; fail: (*GC_same_obj_print_proc)((ptr_t)p, (ptr_t)q); return p; } STATIC void GC_CALLBACK GC_default_is_valid_displacement_print_proc(void *p) { ABORT_ARG1("GC_is_valid_displacement test failed", ": %p not valid", p); } GC_valid_ptr_print_proc_t GC_is_valid_displacement_print_proc = GC_default_is_valid_displacement_print_proc; GC_API void * GC_CALL GC_is_valid_displacement(void *p) { hdr *hhdr; word pdispl; word offset; struct hblk *h; word sz; if (!EXPECT(GC_is_initialized, TRUE)) GC_init(); if (NULL == p) return NULL; hhdr = HDR((word)p); if (NULL == hhdr) return p; h = HBLKPTR(p); if (GC_all_interior_pointers) { while (IS_FORWARDING_ADDR_OR_NIL(hhdr)) { h = FORWARDED_ADDR(h, hhdr); hhdr = HDR(h); } } else if (IS_FORWARDING_ADDR_OR_NIL(hhdr)) { goto fail; } sz = hhdr -> hb_sz; pdispl = HBLKDISPL(p); offset = pdispl % sz; if ((sz > MAXOBJBYTES && (word)p >= (word)h + sz) || !GC_valid_offsets[offset] || ((word)p + (sz - offset) > (word)(h + 1) && !IS_FORWARDING_ADDR_OR_NIL(HDR(h + 1)))) { goto fail; } return p; fail: (*GC_is_valid_displacement_print_proc)((ptr_t)p); return p; } STATIC void GC_CALLBACK GC_default_is_visible_print_proc(void * p) { ABORT_ARG1("GC_is_visible test failed", ": %p not GC-visible", p); } GC_valid_ptr_print_proc_t GC_is_visible_print_proc = GC_default_is_visible_print_proc; #ifndef THREADS /* Could p be a stack address? */ STATIC GC_bool GC_on_stack(void *p) { # ifdef STACK_GROWS_DOWN if ((word)p >= (word)GC_approx_sp() && (word)p < (word)GC_stackbottom) { return TRUE; } # else if ((word)p <= (word)GC_approx_sp() && (word)p > (word)GC_stackbottom) { return TRUE; } # endif return FALSE; } #endif /* !THREADS */ GC_API void * GC_CALL GC_is_visible(void *p) { hdr *hhdr; if ((word)p & (ALIGNMENT - 1)) goto fail; if (!EXPECT(GC_is_initialized, TRUE)) GC_init(); # ifdef THREADS hhdr = HDR((word)p); if (hhdr != NULL && NULL == GC_base(p)) { goto fail; } else { /* May be inside thread stack. We can't do much. */ return p; } # else /* Check stack first: */ if (GC_on_stack(p)) return p; hhdr = HDR((word)p); if (NULL == hhdr) { if (GC_is_static_root(p)) return p; /* Else do it again correctly: */ # if defined(DYNAMIC_LOADING) || defined(MSWIN32) \ || defined(MSWINCE) || defined(CYGWIN32) || defined(PCR) if (!GC_no_dls) { GC_register_dynamic_libraries(); if (GC_is_static_root(p)) return p; } # endif goto fail; } else { /* p points to the heap. */ word descr; ptr_t base = (ptr_t)GC_base(p); /* TODO: should GC_base be manually inlined? */ if (NULL == base) goto fail; if (HBLKPTR(base) != HBLKPTR(p)) hhdr = HDR(base); descr = hhdr -> hb_descr; retry: switch(descr & GC_DS_TAGS) { case GC_DS_LENGTH: if ((word)p - (word)base > descr) goto fail; break; case GC_DS_BITMAP: if ((word)p - (word)base >= WORDS_TO_BYTES(BITMAP_BITS) || ((word)p & (sizeof(word) - 1))) goto fail; if (!(((word)1 << (WORDSZ - ((ptr_t)p - (ptr_t)base) - 1)) & descr)) goto fail; break; case GC_DS_PROC: /* We could try to decipher this partially. */ /* For now we just punt. */ break; case GC_DS_PER_OBJECT: if (!(descr & SIGNB)) { descr = *(word *)((ptr_t)base + (descr & ~GC_DS_TAGS)); } else { ptr_t type_descr = *(ptr_t *)base; descr = *(word *)(type_descr - (descr - (word)(GC_DS_PER_OBJECT - GC_INDIR_PER_OBJ_BIAS))); } goto retry; } return p; } # endif fail: (*GC_is_visible_print_proc)((ptr_t)p); return p; } GC_API void * GC_CALL GC_pre_incr(void **p, ptrdiff_t how_much) { void * initial = *p; void * result = GC_same_obj((void *)((ptr_t)initial + how_much), initial); if (!GC_all_interior_pointers) { (void)GC_is_valid_displacement(result); } *p = result; return result; /* updated pointer */ } GC_API void * GC_CALL GC_post_incr(void **p, ptrdiff_t how_much) { void * initial = *p; void * result = GC_same_obj((void *)((ptr_t)initial + how_much), initial); if (!GC_all_interior_pointers) { (void)GC_is_valid_displacement(result); } *p = result; return initial; /* original *p */ } GC_API void GC_CALL GC_set_same_obj_print_proc(GC_same_obj_print_proc_t fn) { GC_ASSERT(NONNULL_ARG_NOT_NULL(fn)); LOCK(); GC_same_obj_print_proc = fn; UNLOCK(); } GC_API GC_same_obj_print_proc_t GC_CALL GC_get_same_obj_print_proc(void) { GC_same_obj_print_proc_t fn; LOCK(); fn = GC_same_obj_print_proc; UNLOCK(); return fn; } GC_API void GC_CALL GC_set_is_valid_displacement_print_proc( GC_valid_ptr_print_proc_t fn) { GC_ASSERT(NONNULL_ARG_NOT_NULL(fn)); LOCK(); GC_is_valid_displacement_print_proc = fn; UNLOCK(); } GC_API GC_valid_ptr_print_proc_t GC_CALL GC_get_is_valid_displacement_print_proc(void) { GC_valid_ptr_print_proc_t fn; LOCK(); fn = GC_is_valid_displacement_print_proc; UNLOCK(); return fn; } GC_API void GC_CALL GC_set_is_visible_print_proc(GC_valid_ptr_print_proc_t fn) { GC_ASSERT(NONNULL_ARG_NOT_NULL(fn)); LOCK(); GC_is_visible_print_proc = fn; UNLOCK(); } GC_API GC_valid_ptr_print_proc_t GC_CALL GC_get_is_visible_print_proc(void) { GC_valid_ptr_print_proc_t fn; LOCK(); fn = GC_is_visible_print_proc; UNLOCK(); return fn; }