(: * This template is for changing SQLite.Interop/SQLite.Interop.vcproj * of ADO.NET :) declare variable $WINDOWS_PROJ_URL := '@BDB_PATH@/build_windows/VS8/db.vcproj'; declare variable $WINDOWS_FILES := fn:document($WINDOWS_PROJ_URL)/VisualStudioProject/Files; declare variable $WINCE_FILES := fn:document($WINCE_PROJ_URL)/VisualStudioProject/Files; (: Copy File List and adapt it :) declare function local:getFileList($fileList) { copy $newFileList := $fileList modify ( (: Remove build_windows files, e.g.: libdb.def and libdb.rc :) delete node $newFileList/File[fn:contains(@RelativePath, 'build_windows')], (: Remove useless lang files, e.g.: lang\cxx :) delete node $newFileList/File[fn:contains(@RelativePath, '..\lang')], (: Change file path :) for $filePath in $newFileList/File/@RelativePath return replace value of node $filePath with fn:replace($filePath, '..\\..\\src', $WIN_SRC) ) return $newFileList }; let $root := VisualStudioProject let $isWinCE := fn:contains($root/@Name, '.CE.') let $fileList := if ($isWinCE) then ($WINCE_FILES) else ($WINDOWS_FILES) let $cflags := if ($isWinCE) then ($WINCE_FLAGS) else ($WINDOWS_FLAGS) let $includes := if ($isWinCE) then ($WINCE_INCLUDE) else ($WINDOWS_INCLUDE) let $inputLib := if ($isWinCE) then ('') else ($WINDOWS_INPUT_LIB) return ( (: Add BDB Files :) ( let $newFileList := local:getFileList($fileList) for $fileEntry in $root/Files/Filter[@Name="Source Files"] for $fileItem in $newFileList/File return insert node $fileItem as last into $fileEntry ), (: Update Configurations :) ( for $config in $root/Configurations/Configuration let $VCCLCompilerTool := $config/Tool[@Name="VCCLCompilerTool"] let $VCLinkerTool := $config/Tool[@Name="VCLinkerTool"] let $VCManifestTool := $config/Tool[@Name="VCManifestTool"] let $PreprocessorDefinitions := $VCCLCompilerTool/@PreprocessorDefinitions let $AdditionalIncludeDirectories := $VCCLCompilerTool/@AdditionalIncludeDirectories let $WarningLevel := $VCCLCompilerTool/@WarningLevel let $AdditionalDependencies := $VCLinkerTool/@AdditionalDependencies let $iswincenode := (fn:contains($config/@Name, 'Pocket PC 2003 (ARMV4)') or fn:contains($config/@Name, 'Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)') or fn:contains($config/@Name, 'Windows Mobile 5.0 Smartphone SDK (ARMV4I)') or fn:contains($config/@Name, 'Smartphone 2003 (ARMV4)') or fn:contains($config/@Name, 'Windows Mobile 6 Professional SDK (ARMV4I)') or fn:contains($config/@Name, 'Windows Mobile 6.5.3 Professional DTK (ARMV4I)')) return ( (: For Win32/x64/WinCE :) if (fn:contains($config/@Name, "Win32") or fn:contains($config/@Name, "x64") or $iswincenode) then ( (: Update PreprocessorDefinitions :) ( for $node in $PreprocessorDefinitions let $additionalFlags := if (fn:contains($config/@Name, 'Debug')) then ( $DEBUG_ADDITIONAL_FLAGS ) else () let $combinedFlags := fn:concat($node/string(), $cflags, $additionalFlags) return replace value of node $node with $combinedFlags ), (: Update AdditionalIncludeDirectories :) ( if (fn:exists($AdditionalIncludeDirectories)) then ( (: Update the attribute if exist:) replace value of node $AdditionalIncludeDirectories with fn:concat($AdditionalIncludeDirectories/string(), ' ', $includes) ) else ( (: Insert the attribute otherwise :) insert node attribute AdditionalIncludeDirectories {$includes} into $VCCLCompilerTool ) ), (: Update AdditionalDependencies :) ( if (fn:exists($AdditionalDependencies)) then ( (: Update the attribute if exist:) replace value of node $AdditionalDependencies with fn:concat($AdditionalDependencies/string(), ' ', $inputLib) ) else if ($inputLib != '') then ( (: Insert the attribute otherwise :) insert node attribute AdditionalDependencies {$inputLib} into $VCLinkerTool ) else () ), (: Update WarningLevel :) ( for $node in $WarningLevel return replace value of node $node with '3' ), (: Set LinkTool for Windows CE/Mobile:) ( if ($iswincenode) then ( for $node in $VCLinkerTool (: Update the attribute if exist. Otherwise, insert it:) return ( ( (: Change SubSystem for Windows CE/Mobile :) let $value := $WINCE_SUB_SYSTEM let $attr := $node/@SubSystem return if (fn:exists($attr)) then ( replace value of node $attr with $value ) else ( insert node attribute SubSystem {$value} into $node ) ) ) ) else () ), (: Set ComplierTool for Windows CE/Mobile:) ( if ($iswincenode) then ( for $node in $VCCLCompilerTool (: Update the attribute if exist. Otherwise, insert it:) return ( ( (: Set RuntimeLibrary to Multi-threaded (/MT):) let $value := "0" let $attr := $node/@RuntimeLibrary return if (fn:exists($attr)) then ( replace value of node $attr with $value ) else ( insert node attribute RuntimeLibrary {$value} into $node ) ), ( (: Set WholeProgramOptimization to false :) let $value := "false" let $attr := $node/@WholeProgramOptimization return if (fn:exists($attr)) then ( replace value of node $attr with $value ) else ( insert node attribute WholeProgramOptimization {$value} into $node ) ), ( (: Set default Optimization from 3 to 2 :) let $value := "2" for $attr in $node/@Optimization[string() = "3"] return replace value of node $attr with $value ), ( (: Favor Small Code (/Os) for Windows CE/Mobile :) let $value := "2" let $attr := $node/@FavorSizeOrSpeed return if (fn:exists($attr)) then ( replace value of node $attr with $value ) else ( insert node attribute FavorSizeOrSpeed {$value} into $node ) ) ) ) else () ) ) else () ) ) )