@echo off :: Helper script to build BDB products for binary release :: Assumes current directory is /dist :: Current version of Visual Studio for binaries is 2008. :: This is enforced but if testing is desired for other releases :: it's possible to edit. :: :: Try to find different versions of Visual Studio ::call :TryBat "%VS80COMNTOOLS%\vsvars32.bat" && goto VS80 call :TryBat "%VS90COMNTOOLS%\vsvars32.bat" && goto VS90 :: no luck goto batnotfound :VS80 echo Using Visual Studio format 8.0 (Visual Studio 2005) @echo "" > winbld.out @echo devenv /build Release ..\build_windows\Berkeley_DB.sln @devenv /build Release ..\build_windows\Berkeley_DB.sln >> winbld.out @echo devenv /build Release ..\build_windows\Berkeley_DB.sln /project VS8\db_java.vcproj @devenv /build Release ..\build_windows\Berkeley_DB.sln /project VS8\db_java.vcproj @echo devenv /build Release ..\build_windows\BDB_dotNet.sln @devenv /build Release ..\build_windows\BDB_dotNet.sln >> winbld.out @echo devenv /build Release ..\build_windows\VS8\db_sql_jdbc.vcproj @devenv /build Release ..\build_windows\VS8\db_sql_jdbc.vcproj >> winbld.out @echo devenv /build Release ..\build_windows\VS8\db_sql_odbc.vcproj @devenv /build Release ..\build_windows\VS8\db_sql_odbc.vcproj >> winbld.out goto :eof :VS90 @echo Note these build commands will not work with the express @echo editions of VS2008 which do not appear to include "devenv." @echo Express editions can be built with lines like: @echo "VCExpress Berkeley_DB.sln /build" or @echo "VCSExpress BDB_dotNet.sln /build" ::goto :batnotfound @echo Using Visual Studio format 9.0 (Visual Studio 2008) @echo "" > winbld.out @echo devenv /upgrade ..\build_windows\Berkeley_DB.sln @devenv /upgrade ..\build_windows\Berkeley_DB.sln >> winbld.out @echo devenv /build Release ..\build_windows\Berkeley_DB.sln @devenv /build Release ..\build_windows\Berkeley_DB.sln >> winbld.out @echo devenv /build Release ..\build_windows\Berkeley_DB.sln /project VS8\db_java.vcproj @devenv /build Release ..\build_windows\Berkeley_DB.sln /project VS8\db_java.vcproj @echo devenv /upgrade ..\build_windows\BDB_dotNet.sln @devenv /upgrade ..\build_windows\BDB_dotNet.sln >> winbld.out @echo devenv /build Release ..\build_windows\BDB_dotNet.sln @devenv /build Release ..\build_windows\BDB_dotNet.sln >> winbld.out @echo devenv /build Release ..\build_windows\Berkeley_DB.sln /project VS8\db_sql_java.vcproj @devenv /build Release ..\build_windows\Berkeley_DB.sln /project VS8\db_sql_java.vcproj >> winbld.out @echo devenv /build Release ..\build_windows\VS8\db_sql_odbc.vcproj @devenv /build Release ..\build_windows\VS8\db_sql_odbc.vcproj >> winbld.out goto :eof :batnotfound echo *********** ERROR: Visual Studio Config batch file not found ************* exit 3 goto end :: TryBat(BATPATH) :: If the BATPATH exists, use it and return 0, :: otherwise, return 1. :TryBat :: Filename = "%1" if not exist %1 exit /b 1 call %1 exit /b 0 goto :eof :end