path: root/gas/testsuite/gas/ppc/common.s
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gas/testsuite/gas/ppc/common.s')
1 files changed, 182 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/ppc/common.s b/gas/testsuite/gas/ppc/common.s
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d079cb2fefd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/ppc/common.s
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+ .section ".text"
+ and. 3,4,5
+ and 3,4,5
+ andc 13,14,15
+ andc. 16,17,18
+ ba label_abs
+ bc 0,1,foo
+ bca 4,5,foo_abs
+ bcl 2,3,foo
+ bcla 10,7,foo_abs
+ bctr
+ bctrl
+ bdza foo_abs
+ bdz foo
+ bdzla foo_abs
+ bdzl foo
+ beq 0,foo
+ beqa 2,foo_abs
+ beql 1,foo
+ beqla 3,foo_abs
+ bge 0,foo
+ bgea 4,foo_abs
+ bgel 2,foo
+ bgela 6,foo_abs
+ bgt 4,foo
+ bgta 6,foo_abs
+ bgtl 5,foo
+ bgtla 7,foo_abs
+ b label
+ bla label_abs
+ ble 0,foo
+ blea 4,foo
+ blel 2,foo
+ blela 6,foo_abs
+ bl label
+ blt 0,foo
+ blta 2,foo_abs
+ bltl 1,foo
+ bltla 3,foo_abs
+ bne 0,foo
+ bnea 2,foo
+ bnel 1,foo
+ bnela 3,foo_abs
+ bng 1,foo
+ bnga 5,foo_abs
+ bngl 3,foo
+ bngla 7,foo_abs
+ bnl 1,foo
+ bnla 5,foo_abs
+ bnll 3,foo
+ bnlla 7,foo_abs
+ bns 4,foo
+ bnsa 6,foo_abs
+ bnsl 5,foo
+ bnsla 7,foo_abs
+ bso 4,foo
+ bsoa 6,foo_abs
+ bsol 5,foo
+ bsola 7,foo_abs
+ crand 4,5,6
+ crandc 3,4,5
+ creqv 7,0,1
+ crnand 1,2,3
+ crnor 0,1,2
+ cror 5,6,7
+ crorc 2,3,4
+ crxor 6,7,0
+ eqv. 10,11,12
+ eqv 10,11,12
+ fabs. 21,31
+ fabs 21,31
+ fcmpo 3,10,11
+ fcmpu 3,4,5
+ fmr. 3,4
+ fmr 3,4
+ fnabs. 20,30
+ fnabs 20,30
+ fneg. 3,4
+ fneg 3,4
+ frsp 6,7
+ frsp. 8,9
+ lbz 9,0(1)
+ lbzu 10,1(1)
+ lbzux 20,21,22
+ lbzx 3,4,5
+ lfd 21,8(1)
+ lfdu 22,16(1)
+ lfdux 20,21,22
+ lfdx 13,14,15
+ lfs 19,0(1)
+ lfsu 20,4(1)
+ lfsux 10,11,12
+ lfsx 10,11,12
+ lha 15,6(1)
+ lhau 16,8(1)
+ lhaux 9,10,11
+ lhax 9,10,11
+ lhbrx 3,4,5
+ lhz 13,0(1)
+ lhzu 14,2(1)
+ lhzux 20,22,24
+ lhzx 23,24,25
+ mcrf 0,1
+ mcrfs 3,4
+ mcrxr 3
+ mfcr 3
+ mfctr 3
+ mfdar 5
+ mfdsisr 4
+ mffs 30
+ mffs. 31
+ mflr 2
+ mfmsr 19
+ mfocrf 3,0x80
+ mfrtcl 1
+ mfrtcu 0
+ mfsdr1 6
+ mfspr 3,0x80
+ mfsrr0 7
+ mfsrr1 8
+ mfxer 30
+ mr. 30,31
+ mr 30,31
+ mtcr 3
+ mtcrf 0x80,3
+ mtctr 19
+ mtdar 21
+ mtdec 24
+ mtdsisr 20
+ mtfsb0. 3
+ mtfsb0 3
+ mtfsb1. 3
+ mtfsb1 3
+ mtfsf 6,10
+ mtfsf. 6,11
+ mtfsfi 6,0
+ mtfsfi. 6,15
+ mtlr 18
+ mtmsr 10
+ mtocrf 0x80,3
+ mtrtcl 23
+ mtrtcu 22
+ mtsdr1 25
+ mtspr 0x80,3
+ mtsrr0 26
+ mtsrr1 27
+ mtxer 17
+ nand. 28,29,30
+ nand 28,29,30
+ neg. 3,4
+ neg 3,4
+ nego 16,17
+ nego. 18,19
+ nor. 20,21,22
+ nor 20,21,22
+ not. 20,21
+ not 20,21
+ or 0,2,4
+ or. 12,14,16
+ orc 15,16,17
+ orc. 18,19,20
+ rfi
+ stb 11,2(1)
+ stbu 12,3(1)
+ stbux 13,14,15
+ stbx 3,4,5
+ stfd 25,32(1)
+ stfdu 26,40(1)
+ stfdux 0,1,2
+ stfdx 29,30,31
+ stfs 23,20(1)
+ stfsu 24,24(1)
+ stfsux 26,27,28
+ stfsx 23,24,25
+ sth 17,10(1)
+ sthbrx 6,7,8
+ sthu 18,12(1)
+ sthux 21,22,23
+ sthx 12,13,14
+ xor. 29,30,31
+ xor 29,30,31