#objdump: -dr #as: -march=armv8-a .*: file format .* Disassembly of section .text: 0000000000000000 <.*>: 0: 9ac32041 lsl x1, x2, x3 4: d340fc41 lsr x1, x2, #0 8: d37ff841 lsl x1, x2, #1 c: 93c30441 extr x1, x2, x3, #1 10: 93c3fc41 extr x1, x2, x3, #63 14: 93c30041 extr x1, x2, x3, #0 18: 13837c41 extr w1, w2, w3, #31 1c: 9a9f17e1 cset x1, eq // eq = none 20: da9f13e1 csetm x1, eq // eq = none 24: 71000021 subs w1, w1, #0x0 28: 7100003f cmp w1, #0x0 2c: 4b0203e1 neg w1, w2 30: 51000041 sub w1, w2, #0x0 34: f100003f cmp x1, #0x0 38: f1000021 subs x1, x1, #0x0 3c: 32000fe1 orr w1, wzr, #0xf 40: aa0203e1 mov x1, x2 44: 18000061 ldr w1, 50 48: 18000621 ldr w1, 10c 4c: 58000621 ldr x1, 110 0000000000000050 : 50: 12345678 .word 0x12345678 54: d65f03c0 ret 58: d65f03c0 ret 5c: d65f0040 ret x2 60: 8b22603f add sp, x1, x2 64: 91401ca5 add x5, x5, #0x7, lsl #12 68: 8b430441 add x1, x2, x3, lsr #1 6c: 91001ca5 add x5, x5, #0x7 70: 71000421 subs w1, w1, #0x1 74: d2800c82 mov x2, #0x64 // #100 78: d2800c82 mov x2, #0x64 // #100 7c: d2800c82 mov x2, #0x64 // #100 80: d2a00c82 mov x2, #0x640000 // #6553600 84: d2a00c82 mov x2, #0x640000 // #6553600 88: d2c00c82 mov x2, #0x6400000000 // #429496729600 8c: d2c00c82 mov x2, #0x6400000000 // #429496729600 90: d2e00c82 mov x2, #0x64000000000000 // #28147497671065600 94: d2e00c82 mov x2, #0x64000000000000 // #28147497671065600 98: 52800c81 mov w1, #0x64 // #100 9c: 52800c81 mov w1, #0x64 // #100 a0: 52a00c81 mov w1, #0x640000 // #6553600 a4: 8a030041 and x1, x2, x3 a8: 0a0f015e and w30, w10, w15 ac: 12000041 and w1, w2, #0x1 b0: 8a430441 and x1, x2, x3, lsr #1 b4: 32000021 orr w1, w1, #0x1 b8: 32000021 orr w1, w1, #0x1 bc: b2400021 orr x1, x1, #0x1 c0: 92400c41 and x1, x2, #0xf c4: 12000c41 and w1, w2, #0xf c8: 92610041 and x1, x2, #0x80000000 cc: 12010041 and w1, w2, #0x80000000 d0: 925d0041 and x1, x2, #0x800000000 d4: 92400c85 and x5, x4, #0xf d8: 0a230041 bic w1, w2, w3 dc: 8a230041 bic x1, x2, x3 e0: 54000001 b\.ne e0 // b\.any e4: 17ffffff b e0 e8: 14000001 b ec ec: 54ffffa0 b\.eq e0 // b\.none f0: 54000001 b\.ne f0 // b\.any f4: 17ffffff b f0 f8: 14000001 b fc fc: 54ffffa0 b\.eq f0 // b\.none 100: d61f0040 br x2 104: 54ffffc2 b\.cs fc // b\.hs, b\.nlast 108: 54ffffa3 b\.cc fc // b\.lo, b\.ul, b\.last ... 10c: R_AARCH64_ABS32 .text\+0x50 110: R_AARCH64_ABS64 .text\+0x50