path: root/gas/testsuite/gas/i386/sse2.d
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gas/testsuite/gas/i386/sse2.d')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 156 deletions
diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/i386/sse2.d b/gas/testsuite/gas/i386/sse2.d
deleted file mode 100644
index b7aa48909d..0000000000
--- a/gas/testsuite/gas/i386/sse2.d
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-#as: -J
-#objdump: -dw
-#name: i386 sse2
-.*: +file format .*
-Disassembly of section .text:
-0+ <foo>:
-[ ]+0: 0f c3 00[ ]+movnti %eax,\(%eax\)
-[ ]+3: 0f ae f8[ ]+sfence
-[ ]+6: 0f ae e8[ ]+lfence
-[ ]+9: 0f ae f0[ ]+mfence
-[ ]+c: 66 0f 58 01[ ]+addpd[ ]+\(%ecx\),%xmm0
-[ ]+10: 66 0f 58 ca[ ]+addpd[ ]+%xmm2,%xmm1
-[ ]+14: f2 0f 58 13[ ]+addsd[ ]+\(%ebx\),%xmm2
-[ ]+18: f2 0f 58 dc[ ]+addsd[ ]+%xmm4,%xmm3
-[ ]+1c: 66 0f 55 65 00[ ]+andnpd 0x0\(%ebp\),%xmm4
-[ ]+21: 66 0f 55 ee[ ]+andnpd %xmm6,%xmm5
-[ ]+25: 66 0f 54 37[ ]+andpd[ ]+\(%edi\),%xmm6
-[ ]+29: 66 0f 54 f8[ ]+andpd[ ]+%xmm0,%xmm7
-[ ]+2d: 66 0f c2 c1 02[ ]+cmplepd %xmm1,%xmm0
-[ ]+32: 66 0f c2 0a 03[ ]+cmpunordpd \(%edx\),%xmm1
-[ ]+37: f2 0f c2 d2 04[ ]+cmpneqsd %xmm2,%xmm2
-[ ]+3c: f2 0f c2 1c 24 05[ ]+cmpnltsd \(%esp,1\),%xmm3
-[ ]+42: 66 0f c2 e5 06[ ]+cmpnlepd %xmm5,%xmm4
-[ ]+47: 66 0f c2 2e 07[ ]+cmpordpd \(%esi\),%xmm5
-[ ]+4c: f2 0f c2 f7 00[ ]+cmpeqsd %xmm7,%xmm6
-[ ]+51: f2 0f c2 38 01[ ]+cmpltsd \(%eax\),%xmm7
-[ ]+56: 66 0f c2 c1 00[ ]+cmpeqpd %xmm1,%xmm0
-[ ]+5b: 66 0f c2 0a 00[ ]+cmpeqpd \(%edx\),%xmm1
-[ ]+60: f2 0f c2 d2 00[ ]+cmpeqsd %xmm2,%xmm2
-[ ]+65: f2 0f c2 1c 24 00[ ]+cmpeqsd \(%esp,1\),%xmm3
-[ ]+6b: 66 0f c2 e5 01[ ]+cmpltpd %xmm5,%xmm4
-[ ]+70: 66 0f c2 2e 01[ ]+cmpltpd \(%esi\),%xmm5
-[ ]+75: f2 0f c2 f7 01[ ]+cmpltsd %xmm7,%xmm6
-[ ]+7a: f2 0f c2 38 01[ ]+cmpltsd \(%eax\),%xmm7
-[ ]+7f: 66 0f c2 01 02[ ]+cmplepd \(%ecx\),%xmm0
-[ ]+84: 66 0f c2 ca 02[ ]+cmplepd %xmm2,%xmm1
-[ ]+89: f2 0f c2 13 02[ ]+cmplesd \(%ebx\),%xmm2
-[ ]+8e: f2 0f c2 dc 02[ ]+cmplesd %xmm4,%xmm3
-[ ]+93: 66 0f c2 65 00 03[ ]+cmpunordpd 0x0\(%ebp\),%xmm4
-[ ]+99: 66 0f c2 ee 03[ ]+cmpunordpd %xmm6,%xmm5
-[ ]+9e: f2 0f c2 37 03[ ]+cmpunordsd \(%edi\),%xmm6
-[ ]+a3: f2 0f c2 f8 03[ ]+cmpunordsd %xmm0,%xmm7
-[ ]+a8: 66 0f c2 c1 04[ ]+cmpneqpd %xmm1,%xmm0
-[ ]+ad: 66 0f c2 0a 04[ ]+cmpneqpd \(%edx\),%xmm1
-[ ]+b2: f2 0f c2 d2 04[ ]+cmpneqsd %xmm2,%xmm2
-[ ]+b7: f2 0f c2 1c 24 04[ ]+cmpneqsd \(%esp,1\),%xmm3
-[ ]+bd: 66 0f c2 e5 05[ ]+cmpnltpd %xmm5,%xmm4
-[ ]+c2: 66 0f c2 2e 05[ ]+cmpnltpd \(%esi\),%xmm5
-[ ]+c7: f2 0f c2 f7 05[ ]+cmpnltsd %xmm7,%xmm6
-[ ]+cc: f2 0f c2 38 05[ ]+cmpnltsd \(%eax\),%xmm7
-[ ]+d1: 66 0f c2 01 06[ ]+cmpnlepd \(%ecx\),%xmm0
-[ ]+d6: 66 0f c2 ca 06[ ]+cmpnlepd %xmm2,%xmm1
-[ ]+db: f2 0f c2 13 06[ ]+cmpnlesd \(%ebx\),%xmm2
-[ ]+e0: f2 0f c2 dc 06[ ]+cmpnlesd %xmm4,%xmm3
-[ ]+e5: 66 0f c2 65 00 07[ ]+cmpordpd 0x0\(%ebp\),%xmm4
-[ ]+eb: 66 0f c2 ee 07[ ]+cmpordpd %xmm6,%xmm5
-[ ]+f0: f2 0f c2 37 07[ ]+cmpordsd \(%edi\),%xmm6
-[ ]+f5: f2 0f c2 f8 07[ ]+cmpordsd %xmm0,%xmm7
-[ ]+fa: 66 0f 2f c1[ ]+comisd %xmm1,%xmm0
-[ ]+fe: 66 0f 2f 0a[ ]+comisd \(%edx\),%xmm1
- 102: 66 0f 2a d3[ ]+cvtpi2pd %xmm3,%xmm2
- 106: 66 0f 2a 1c 24[ ]+cvtpi2pd \(%esp,1\),%xmm3
- 10b: f2 0f 2a e5[ ]+cvtsi2sd %ebp,%xmm4
- 10f: f2 0f 2a 2e[ ]+cvtsi2sd \(%esi\),%xmm5
- 113: 66 0f 2d f7[ ]+cvtpd2pi %xmm7,%xmm6
- 117: 66 0f 2d 38[ ]+cvtpd2pi \(%eax\),%xmm7
- 11b: f2 0f 2d 01[ ]+cvtsd2si \(%ecx\),%eax
- 11f: f2 0f 2d ca[ ]+cvtsd2si %xmm2,%ecx
- 123: 66 0f 2c 13[ ]+cvttpd2pi \(%ebx\),%xmm2
- 127: 66 0f 2c dc[ ]+cvttpd2pi %xmm4,%xmm3
- 12b: f2 0f 2c 65 00[ ]+cvttsd2si 0x0\(%ebp\),%esp
- 130: f2 0f 2c ee[ ]+cvttsd2si %xmm6,%ebp
- 134: 66 0f 5e c1[ ]+divpd[ ]+%xmm1,%xmm0
- 138: 66 0f 5e 0a[ ]+divpd[ ]+\(%edx\),%xmm1
- 13c: f2 0f 5e d3[ ]+divsd[ ]+%xmm3,%xmm2
- 140: f2 0f 5e 1c 24[ ]+divsd[ ]+\(%esp,1\),%xmm3
- 145: 0f ae 55 00[ ]+ldmxcsr 0x0\(%ebp\)
- 149: 0f ae 1e[ ]+stmxcsr \(%esi\)
- 14c: 0f ae f8[ ]+sfence
- 14f: 66 0f 5f c1[ ]+maxpd[ ]+%xmm1,%xmm0
- 153: 66 0f 5f 0a[ ]+maxpd[ ]+\(%edx\),%xmm1
- 157: f2 0f 5f d3[ ]+maxsd[ ]+%xmm3,%xmm2
- 15b: f2 0f 5f 1c 24[ ]+maxsd[ ]+\(%esp,1\),%xmm3
- 160: 66 0f 5d e5[ ]+minpd[ ]+%xmm5,%xmm4
- 164: 66 0f 5d 2e[ ]+minpd[ ]+\(%esi\),%xmm5
- 168: f2 0f 5d f7[ ]+minsd[ ]+%xmm7,%xmm6
- 16c: f2 0f 5d 38[ ]+minsd[ ]+\(%eax\),%xmm7
- 170: 66 0f 28 c1[ ]+movapd %xmm1,%xmm0
- 174: 66 0f 29 11[ ]+movapd %xmm2,\(%ecx\)
- 178: 66 0f 28 12[ ]+movapd \(%edx\),%xmm2
- 17c: 66 0f 17 2c 24[ ]+movhpd %xmm5,\(%esp,1\)
- 181: 66 0f 16 2e[ ]+movhpd \(%esi\),%xmm5
- 185: 66 0f 13 07[ ]+movlpd %xmm0,\(%edi\)
- 189: 66 0f 12 00[ ]+movlpd \(%eax\),%xmm0
- 18d: 66 0f 50 ca[ ]+movmskpd %xmm2,%ecx
- 191: 66 0f 10 d3[ ]+movupd %xmm3,%xmm2
- 195: 66 0f 11 22[ ]+movupd %xmm4,\(%edx\)
- 199: 66 0f 10 65 00[ ]+movupd 0x0\(%ebp\),%xmm4
- 19e: f2 0f 10 ee[ ]+movsd[ ]+%xmm6,%xmm5
- 1a2: f2 0f 11 3e[ ]+movsd[ ]+%xmm7,\(%esi\)
- 1a6: f2 0f 10 38[ ]+movsd[ ]+\(%eax\),%xmm7
- 1aa: 66 0f 59 c1[ ]+mulpd[ ]+%xmm1,%xmm0
- 1ae: 66 0f 59 0a[ ]+mulpd[ ]+\(%edx\),%xmm1
- 1b2: f2 0f 59 d2[ ]+mulsd[ ]+%xmm2,%xmm2
- 1b6: f2 0f 59 1c 24[ ]+mulsd[ ]+\(%esp,1\),%xmm3
- 1bb: 66 0f 56 e5[ ]+orpd[ ]+%xmm5,%xmm4
- 1bf: 66 0f 56 2e[ ]+orpd[ ]+\(%esi\),%xmm5
- 1c3: 66 0f c6 37 02[ ]+shufpd \$0x2,\(%edi\),%xmm6
- 1c8: 66 0f c6 f8 03[ ]+shufpd \$0x3,%xmm0,%xmm7
- 1cd: 66 0f 51 c1[ ]+sqrtpd %xmm1,%xmm0
- 1d1: 66 0f 51 0a[ ]+sqrtpd \(%edx\),%xmm1
- 1d5: f2 0f 51 d2[ ]+sqrtsd %xmm2,%xmm2
- 1d9: f2 0f 51 1c 24[ ]+sqrtsd \(%esp,1\),%xmm3
- 1de: 66 0f 5c e5[ ]+subpd[ ]+%xmm5,%xmm4
- 1e2: 66 0f 5c 2e[ ]+subpd[ ]+\(%esi\),%xmm5
- 1e6: f2 0f 5c f7[ ]+subsd[ ]+%xmm7,%xmm6
- 1ea: f2 0f 5c 38[ ]+subsd[ ]+\(%eax\),%xmm7
- 1ee: 66 0f 2e 01[ ]+ucomisd \(%ecx\),%xmm0
- 1f2: 66 0f 2e ca[ ]+ucomisd %xmm2,%xmm1
- 1f6: 66 0f 15 13[ ]+unpckhpd \(%ebx\),%xmm2
- 1fa: 66 0f 15 dc[ ]+unpckhpd %xmm4,%xmm3
- 1fe: 66 0f 14 65 00[ ]+unpcklpd 0x0\(%ebp\),%xmm4
- 203: 66 0f 14 ee[ ]+unpcklpd %xmm6,%xmm5
- 207: 66 0f 57 37[ ]+xorpd[ ]+\(%edi\),%xmm6
- 20b: 66 0f 57 f8[ ]+xorpd[ ]+%xmm0,%xmm7
- 20f: 66 0f 2b 33[ ]+movntpd %xmm6,\(%ebx\)
- 213: 66 0f 57 c8[ ]+xorpd[ ]+%xmm0,%xmm1
- 217: f3 0f e6 c8[ ]+cvtdq2pd %xmm0,%xmm1
- 21b: f2 0f e6 c8[ ]+cvtpd2dq %xmm0,%xmm1
- 21f: 0f 5b c8[ ]+cvtdq2ps %xmm0,%xmm1
- 222: 66 0f 5a c8[ ]+cvtpd2ps %xmm0,%xmm1
- 226: 0f 5a c8[ ]+cvtps2pd %xmm0,%xmm1
- 229: 66 0f 5b c8[ ]+cvtps2dq %xmm0,%xmm1
- 22d: f2 0f 5a c8[ ]+cvtsd2ss %xmm0,%xmm1
- 231: f3 0f 5a c8[ ]+cvtss2sd %xmm0,%xmm1
- 235: 66 0f e6 c8[ ]+cvttpd2dq %xmm0,%xmm1
- 239: f3 0f 5b c8[ ]+cvttps2dq %xmm0,%xmm1
- 23d: 66 0f f7 c8[ ]+maskmovdqu %xmm0,%xmm1
- 241: 66 0f 6f c8[ ]+movdqa %xmm0,%xmm1
- 245: 66 0f 6f c8[ ]+movdqa %xmm0,%xmm1
- 249: f3 0f 6f c8[ ]+movdqu %xmm0,%xmm1
- 24d: f3 0f 6f c8[ ]+movdqu %xmm0,%xmm1
- 251: f2 0f d6 c8[ ]+movdq2q %xmm0,%mm1
- 255: f3 0f d6 c8[ ]+movq2dq %mm0,%xmm1
- 259: 66 0f f4 c8[ ]+pmuludq %xmm0,%xmm1
- 25d: 66 0f f4 c8[ ]+pmuludq %xmm0,%xmm1
- 261: 66 0f 70 c8 01[ ]+pshufd \$0x1,%xmm0,%xmm1
- 266: f3 0f 70 c8 01[ ]+pshufhw \$0x1,%xmm0,%xmm1
- 26b: f2 0f 70 c8 01[ ]+pshuflw \$0x1,%xmm0,%xmm1
- 270: 66 0f 73 f8 01[ ]+pslldq \$0x1,%xmm0
- 275: 66 0f 73 d8 01[ ]+psrldq \$0x1,%xmm0
- 27a: 66 0f 6d c8[ ]+punpckhqdq %xmm0,%xmm1
- 27e: 89 f6[ ]+mov[ ]+%esi,%esi