/* Allocate input grammar variables for Bison. Copyright (C) 1984, 1986, 1989, 2001-2003, 2005-2015, 2018-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of Bison, the GNU Compiler Compiler. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include "system.h" #include "complain.h" #include "getargs.h" #include "glyphs.h" #include "gram.h" #include "print-xml.h" #include "reader.h" #include "reduce.h" #include "symtab.h" /* Comments for these variables are in gram.h. */ item_number *ritem = NULL; int nritems = 0; rule *rules = NULL; rule_number nrules = 0; symbol **symbols = NULL; int nsyms = 0; int ntokens = 1; int nnterms = 0; symbol_number *token_translations = NULL; int max_code = 256; int required_version = 0; void item_print (item_number *item, rule const *previous_rule, FILE *out) { rule const *r = item_rule (item); rule_lhs_print (r, previous_rule ? previous_rule->lhs : NULL, out); for (item_number *sp = r->rhs; sp < item; sp++) fprintf (out, " %s", symbols[*sp]->tag); fprintf (out, " %s", dot); if (0 <= *r->rhs) for (item_number *sp = item; 0 <= *sp; ++sp) fprintf (out, " %s", symbols[*sp]->tag); else fprintf (out, " %%empty"); } bool rule_useful_in_grammar_p (rule const *r) { return r->number < nrules; } bool rule_useless_in_grammar_p (rule const *r) { return !rule_useful_in_grammar_p (r); } bool rule_useless_in_parser_p (rule const *r) { return !r->useful && rule_useful_in_grammar_p (r); } bool rule_useless_chain_p (rule const *r) { return rule_rhs_length (r) == 1 && !r->action; } void rule_lhs_print (rule const *r, sym_content const *previous_lhs, FILE *out) { fprintf (out, " %3d ", r->number); if (previous_lhs != r->lhs) fprintf (out, "%s:", r->lhs->symbol->tag); else fprintf (out, "%*s|", (int) strlen (previous_lhs->symbol->tag), ""); } void rule_lhs_print_xml (rule const *r, FILE *out, int level) { xml_printf (out, level, "%s", r->lhs->symbol->tag); } size_t rule_rhs_length (rule const *r) { size_t res = 0; for (item_number *rhsp = r->rhs; 0 <= *rhsp; ++rhsp) ++res; return res; } void rule_rhs_print (rule const *r, FILE *out) { if (0 <= *r->rhs) for (item_number *rhsp = r->rhs; 0 <= *rhsp; ++rhsp) fprintf (out, " %s", symbols[*rhsp]->tag); else fputs (" %empty", out); } static void rule_rhs_print_xml (rule const *r, FILE *out, int level) { if (*r->rhs >= 0) { xml_puts (out, level, ""); for (item_number *rhsp = r->rhs; 0 <= *rhsp; ++rhsp) xml_printf (out, level + 1, "%s", xml_escape (symbols[*rhsp]->tag)); xml_puts (out, level, ""); } else { xml_puts (out, level, ""); xml_puts (out, level + 1, ""); xml_puts (out, level, ""); } } void rule_print (rule const *r, rule const *prev_rule, FILE *out) { rule_lhs_print (r, prev_rule ? prev_rule->lhs : NULL, out); rule_rhs_print (r, out); } void ritem_print (FILE *out) { fputs ("RITEM\n", out); for (int i = 0; i < nritems; ++i) if (ritem[i] >= 0) fprintf (out, " %s", symbols[ritem[i]]->tag); else fprintf (out, " (rule %d)\n", item_number_as_rule_number (ritem[i])); fputs ("\n\n", out); } size_t ritem_longest_rhs (void) { int max = 0; for (rule_number r = 0; r < nrules; ++r) { size_t length = rule_rhs_length (&rules[r]); if (length > max) max = length; } return max; } void grammar_rules_partial_print (FILE *out, const char *title, rule_filter filter) { bool first = true; rule *previous_rule = NULL; /* rule # : LHS -> RHS */ for (rule_number r = 0; r < nrules + nuseless_productions; r++) { if (filter && !filter (&rules[r])) continue; if (first) fprintf (out, "%s\n\n", title); else if (previous_rule && previous_rule->lhs != rules[r].lhs) putc ('\n', out); first = false; rule_print (&rules[r], previous_rule, out); putc ('\n', out); previous_rule = &rules[r]; } if (!first) fputs ("\n\n", out); } void grammar_rules_print (FILE *out) { grammar_rules_partial_print (out, _("Grammar"), rule_useful_in_grammar_p); } void grammar_rules_print_xml (FILE *out, int level) { bool first = true; for (rule_number r = 0; r < nrules + nuseless_productions; r++) { if (first) xml_puts (out, level + 1, ""); first = false; { char const *usefulness = rule_useless_in_grammar_p (&rules[r]) ? "useless-in-grammar" : rule_useless_in_parser_p (&rules[r]) ? "useless-in-parser" : "useful"; xml_indent (out, level + 2); fprintf (out, "symbol->tag)); fputs (">\n", out); } rule_lhs_print_xml (&rules[r], out, level + 3); rule_rhs_print_xml (&rules[r], out, level + 3); xml_puts (out, level + 2, ""); } if (!first) xml_puts (out, level + 1, ""); else xml_puts (out, level + 1, ""); } static void section (FILE *out, const char *s) { fprintf (out, "%s\n", s); for (int i = strlen (s); 0 < i; --i) putc ('-', out); putc ('\n', out); putc ('\n', out); } void grammar_dump (FILE *out, const char *title) { fprintf (out, "%s\n\n", title); fprintf (out, "ntokens = %d, nnterms = %d, nsyms = %d, nrules = %d, nritems = %d\n\n", ntokens, nnterms, nsyms, nrules, nritems); section (out, "Tokens"); { fprintf (out, "Value Sprec Sassoc Tag\n"); for (symbol_number i = 0; i < ntokens; i++) fprintf (out, "%5d %5d %5d %s\n", i, symbols[i]->content->prec, symbols[i]->content->assoc, symbols[i]->tag); fprintf (out, "\n\n"); } section (out, "Nonterminals"); { fprintf (out, "Value Tag\n"); for (symbol_number i = ntokens; i < nsyms; i++) fprintf (out, "%5d %s\n", i, symbols[i]->tag); fprintf (out, "\n\n"); } section (out, "Rules"); { fprintf (out, "Num (Prec, Assoc, Useful, UselessChain) Lhs" " -> (Ritem Range) Rhs\n"); for (rule_number i = 0; i < nrules + nuseless_productions; ++i) { rule const *rule_i = &rules[i]; int const rhs_itemno = rule_i->rhs - ritem; int length = rule_rhs_length (rule_i); aver (item_number_as_rule_number (rule_i->rhs[length]) == i); fprintf (out, "%3d (%2d, %2d, %2s, %2s) %2d -> (%2u-%2u)", i, rule_i->prec ? rule_i->prec->prec : 0, rule_i->prec ? rule_i->prec->assoc : 0, rule_i->useful ? "t" : "f", rule_useless_chain_p (rule_i) ? "t" : "f", rule_i->lhs->number, rhs_itemno, rhs_itemno + length - 1); /* Dumped the RHS. */ for (item_number *rhsp = rule_i->rhs; 0 <= *rhsp; ++rhsp) fprintf (out, " %3d", *rhsp); putc ('\n', out); } } fprintf (out, "\n\n"); section (out, "Rules interpreted"); for (rule_number r = 0; r < nrules + nuseless_productions; ++r) { fprintf (out, "%-5d %s:", r, rules[r].lhs->symbol->tag); rule_rhs_print (&rules[r], out); putc ('\n', out); } fprintf (out, "\n\n"); } void grammar_rules_useless_report (const char *message) { for (rule_number r = 0; r < nrules; ++r) /* Don't complain about rules whose LHS is useless, we already complained about it. */ if (!reduce_nonterminal_useless_in_grammar (rules[r].lhs) && !rules[r].useful) complain (&rules[r].location, Wother, "%s", message); } void grammar_free (void) { if (ritem) free (ritem - 1); free (rules); free (token_translations); /* Free the symbol table data structure. */ symbols_free (); free_merger_functions (); }