/* Counterexample Generation Search Nodes Copyright (C) 2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of Bison, the GNU Compiler Compiler. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include "state-item.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "closure.h" #include "getargs.h" #include "nullable.h" size_t nstate_items; state_item_number *state_item_map; state_item *state_items; // Hash functions for index -> bitset hash maps. typedef struct { int key; bitset l; } hash_pair; static size_t hash_pair_hasher (const hash_pair *sl, size_t max) { return sl->key % max; } static bool hash_pair_comparator (const hash_pair *l, const hash_pair *r) { return l->key == r->key; } static void hash_pair_free (hash_pair *hp) { bitset_free (hp->l); free (hp); } static Hash_table * hash_pair_table_create (int size) { return hash_xinitialize (size, NULL, (Hash_hasher) hash_pair_hasher, (Hash_comparator) hash_pair_comparator, (Hash_data_freer) hash_pair_free); } static bitset hash_pair_lookup (Hash_table *tab, int key) { hash_pair probe; probe.key = key; hash_pair *hp = hash_lookup (tab, &probe); return hp ? hp->l : NULL; } static void hash_pair_insert (Hash_table *tab, int key, bitset val) { hash_pair *hp = xmalloc (sizeof *hp); hp->key = key; hp->l = val; hash_pair *res = hash_xinsert (tab, hp); // This must be the first insertion. (void) res; assert (res == hp); } /* A state_item from a state's id and the offset of the item within the state. */ state_item * state_item_lookup (state_number s, state_item_number off) { return &state_items[state_item_index_lookup (s, off)]; } static inline void state_item_set (state_item_number sidx, const state *s, item_number off) { state_items[sidx].state = s; state_items[sidx].item = &ritem[off]; state_items[sidx].lookahead = NULL; state_items[sidx].trans = -1; state_items[sidx].prods = NULL; state_items[sidx].revs = bitset_create (nstate_items, BITSET_SPARSE); } /** * Initialize state_items set */ static void init_state_items (void) { nstate_items = 0; bitsetv production_items = bitsetv_create (nstates, nritems, BITSET_SPARSE); for (int i = 0; i < nstates; ++i) { const state *s = states[i]; nstate_items += s->nitems; closure (s->items, s->nitems); for (size_t j = 0; j < nitemset; ++j) if (0 < itemset[j] && item_number_is_rule_number (ritem[itemset[j] - 1])) { bitset_set (production_items[i], itemset[j]); ++nstate_items; } } state_item_map = xnmalloc (nstates + 1, sizeof (state_item_number)); state_items = xnmalloc (nstate_items, sizeof (state_item)); state_item_number sidx = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nstates; ++i) { state_item_map[i] = sidx; int rule_search_idx = 0; const state *s = states[i]; const reductions *red = s->reductions; for (int j = 0; j < s->nitems; ++j) { state_item_set (sidx, s, s->items[j]); state_item *si = &state_items[sidx]; const rule *r = item_rule (si->item); if (rule_search_idx < red->num && red->rules[rule_search_idx] < r) ++rule_search_idx; if (rule_search_idx < red->num && r == red->rules[rule_search_idx]) { bitsetv lookahead = red->lookaheads; if (lookahead) si->lookahead = lookahead[rule_search_idx]; } ++sidx; } bitset_iterator biter; item_number off; BITSET_FOR_EACH (biter, production_items[i], off, 0) { state_item_set (sidx, s, off); if (item_number_is_rule_number (ritem[off])) { bitsetv lookahead = red->lookaheads; if (lookahead) state_items[sidx].lookahead = lookahead[rule_search_idx]; ++rule_search_idx; } ++sidx; } } state_item_map[nstates] = nstate_items; bitsetv_free (production_items); } static size_t state_sym_hasher (const void *st, size_t max) { return ((state *) st)->accessing_symbol % max; } static bool state_sym_comparator (const void *s1, const void *s2) { return ((state *) s1)->accessing_symbol == ((state *) s2)->accessing_symbol; } static state * state_sym_lookup (symbol_number sym, Hash_table *h) { state probe; probe.accessing_symbol = sym; return hash_lookup (h, &probe); } static void init_trans (void) { for (state_number i = 0; i < nstates; ++i) { // Generate a hash set that maps from accepting symbols to the states // this state transitions to. state *s = states[i]; transitions *t = s->transitions; Hash_table *transition_set = hash_xinitialize (t->num, NULL, (Hash_hasher) state_sym_hasher, (Hash_comparator) state_sym_comparator, NULL); for (int j = 0; j < t->num; ++j) if (!TRANSITION_IS_DISABLED (t, j)) hash_xinsert (transition_set, t->states[j]); for (state_item_number j = state_item_map[i]; j < state_item_map[i + 1]; ++j) { item_number *item = state_items[j].item; if (item_number_is_rule_number (*item)) continue; state *dst = state_sym_lookup (*item, transition_set); if (!dst) continue; // find the item in the destination state that corresponds // to the transition of item for (int k = 0; k < dst->nitems; ++k) if (item + 1 == ritem + dst->items[k]) { state_item_number dstSI = state_item_index_lookup (dst->number, k); state_items[j].trans = dstSI; bitset_set (state_items[dstSI].revs, j); break; } } hash_free (transition_set); } } static void init_prods (void) { for (int i = 0; i < nstates; ++i) { state *s = states[i]; // closure_map is a hash map from nonterminals to a set // of the items that produce those nonterminals Hash_table *closure_map = hash_pair_table_create (nsyms - ntokens); // Add the nitems of state to skip to the production portion // of that state's state_items for (state_item_number j = state_item_map[i] + s->nitems; j < state_item_map[i + 1]; ++j) { state_item *src = &state_items[j]; item_number *item = src->item; symbol_number lhs = item_rule (item)->lhs->number; bitset itms = hash_pair_lookup (closure_map, lhs); if (!itms) { itms = bitset_create (nstate_items, BITSET_SPARSE); hash_pair_insert (closure_map, lhs, itms); } bitset_set (itms, j); } // For each item with a dot followed by a nonterminal, // try to create a production edge. for (state_item_number j = state_item_map[i]; j < state_item_map[i + 1]; ++j) { state_item *src = &state_items[j]; item_number item = *(src->item); // Skip reduce items and items with terminals after the dot if (item_number_is_rule_number (item) || ISTOKEN (item)) continue; symbol_number sym = item_number_as_symbol_number (item); bitset lb = hash_pair_lookup (closure_map, sym); if (lb) { bitset copy = bitset_create (nstate_items, BITSET_SPARSE); bitset_copy (copy, lb); // update prods. state_items[j].prods = copy; // update revs. bitset_iterator biter; state_item_number prod; BITSET_FOR_EACH (biter, copy, prod, 0) bitset_set (state_items[prod].revs, j); } } hash_free (closure_map); } } /* Since lookaheads are only generated for reductions, we need to propagate lookahead sets backwards as the searches require each state_item to have a lookahead. */ static inline void gen_lookaheads (void) { for (state_item_number i = 0; i < nstate_items; ++i) { state_item *si = &state_items[i]; if (item_number_is_symbol_number (*(si->item)) || !si->lookahead) continue; bitset lookahead = si->lookahead; state_item_list queue = gl_list_create (GL_LINKED_LIST, NULL, NULL, NULL, true, 1, (const void **) &si); // For each reduction item, traverse through all state_items // accessible through reverse transition steps, and set their // lookaheads to the reduction items lookahead while (gl_list_size (queue) > 0) { state_item *prev = (state_item *) gl_list_get_at (queue, 0); gl_list_remove_at (queue, 0); prev->lookahead = lookahead; if (SI_TRANSITION (prev)) { bitset rsi = state_items[prev - state_items].revs; bitset_iterator biter; state_item_number sin; BITSET_FOR_EACH (biter, rsi, sin, 0) gl_list_add_first (queue, &state_items[sin]); } } gl_list_free (queue); } } bitsetv firsts = NULL; static void init_firsts (void) { firsts = bitsetv_create (nnterms, nsyms, BITSET_FIXED); for (rule_number i = 0; i < nrules; ++i) { rule *r = &rules[i]; item_number *n = r->rhs; // Iterate through nullable nonterminals to try to find a terminal. while (item_number_is_symbol_number (*n) && ISVAR (*n) && nullable[*n - ntokens]) ++n; if (item_number_is_rule_number (*n) || ISVAR (*n)) continue; symbol_number lhs = r->lhs->number; bitset_set (FIRSTS (lhs), *n); } bool change = true; while (change) { change = false; for (rule_number i = 0; i < nrules; ++i) { rule *r = &rules[i]; symbol_number lhs = r->lhs->number; bitset f_lhs = FIRSTS (lhs); for (item_number *n = r->rhs; item_number_is_symbol_number (*n) && ISVAR (*n); ++n) { bitset f = FIRSTS (*n); if (!bitset_subset_p (f_lhs, f)) { change = true; bitset_union (f_lhs, f_lhs, f); } if (!nullable[*n - ntokens]) break; } } } } static inline void disable_state_item (state_item *si) { si->trans = -2; bitset_free (si->revs); if (si->prods) bitset_free (si->prods); } /* disable all transitions and productions that can only be * reached through this state_item. */ static void prune_forward (const state_item *si) { state_item_list queue = gl_list_create (GL_LINKED_LIST, NULL, NULL, NULL, true, 1, (const void **) &si); while (gl_list_size (queue) > 0) { state_item *dsi = (state_item *) gl_list_get_at (queue, 0); gl_list_remove_at (queue, 0); if (dsi->trans >= 0) gl_list_add_last (queue, &state_items[dsi->trans]); if (dsi->prods) { bitset_iterator biter; state_item_number sin; BITSET_FOR_EACH (biter, dsi->prods, sin, 0) { const state_item *prod = &state_items[sin]; bitset_reset (prod->revs, dsi - state_items); if (bitset_empty_p (prod->revs)) gl_list_add_last (queue, prod); } } if (dsi != si) disable_state_item (dsi); } gl_list_free (queue); } /* disable all state_item paths that lead to * si and nowhere else. */ static void prune_backward (const state_item *si) { state_item_list queue = gl_list_create (GL_LINKED_LIST, NULL, NULL, NULL, true, 1, (const void **) &si); while (gl_list_size (queue) > 0) { state_item *dsi = (state_item *) gl_list_get_at (queue, 0); gl_list_remove_at (queue, 0); bitset_iterator biter; state_item_number sin; BITSET_FOR_EACH (biter, dsi->revs, sin, 0) { if (SI_DISABLED (sin)) continue; state_item *rev = &state_items[sin]; if (rev->prods) { bitset_reset (rev->prods, dsi - state_items); if (bitset_empty_p (rev->prods)) gl_list_add_last (queue, rev); } else gl_list_add_last (queue, rev); } if (dsi != si) disable_state_item (dsi); } gl_list_free (queue); } /* To make searches more efficient, we can prune away paths that are caused by disabled transitions. */ static void prune_disabled_paths (void) { for (int i = nstate_items - 1; i >= 0; --i) { state_item *si = &state_items[i]; if (si->trans == -1 && item_number_is_symbol_number (*si->item)) { prune_forward (si); prune_backward (si); disable_state_item (si); } } } void state_item_print (const state_item *si, FILE *out, const char *prefix) { fputs (prefix, out); item_print (si->item, NULL, out); putc ('\n', out); } /** * Report the state_item graph */ static void state_items_report (void) { printf ("# state items: %zu\n", nstate_items); for (state_number i = 0; i < nstates; ++i) { printf ("State %d:\n", i); for (state_item_number j = state_item_map[i]; j < state_item_map[i + 1]; ++j) { state_item *si = &state_items[j]; item_print (si->item, NULL, stdout); if (SI_DISABLED (j)) { item_print (si->item, NULL, stdout); puts (" DISABLED"); continue; } puts (""); if (si->trans >= 0) { fputs (" -> ", stdout); state_item_print (&state_items[si->trans], stdout, ""); } bitset sets[2] = { si->prods, si->revs }; const char *txt[2] = { " => ", " <- " }; for (int seti = 0; seti < 2; ++seti) { bitset b = sets[seti]; if (b) { bitset_iterator biter; state_item_number sin; BITSET_FOR_EACH (biter, b, sin, 0) { fputs (txt[seti], stdout); state_item_print (&state_items[sin], stdout, ""); } } } puts (""); } } printf ("FIRSTS\n"); for (symbol_number i = ntokens; i < nsyms; ++i) { printf (" %s firsts\n", symbols[i]->tag); bitset_iterator iter; symbol_number j; BITSET_FOR_EACH (iter, FIRSTS (i), j, 0) printf (" %s\n", symbols[j]->tag); } puts ("\n"); } void state_items_init (void) { time_t start = time (NULL); init_state_items (); init_trans (); init_prods (); gen_lookaheads (); init_firsts (); prune_disabled_paths (); if (trace_flag & trace_cex) { printf ("init: %f\n", difftime (time (NULL), start)); state_items_report (); } } void state_items_free (void) { for (state_item_number i = 0; i < nstate_items; ++i) if (!SI_DISABLED (i)) { state_item *si = &state_items[i]; if (si->prods) bitset_free (si->prods); bitset_free (si->revs); } free (state_items); bitsetv_free (firsts); } /** * Determine, using precedence and associativity, whether the next * production is allowed from the current production. */ bool production_allowed (const state_item *si, const state_item *next) { sym_content *s1 = item_rule (si->item)->lhs; sym_content *s2 = item_rule (next->item)->lhs; int prec1 = s1->prec; int prec2 = s2->prec; if (prec1 >= 0 && prec2 >= 0) { // Do not expand if lower precedence. if (prec1 > prec2) return false; // Do not expand if same precedence, but left-associative. if (prec1 == prec2 && s1->assoc == left_assoc) return false; } return true; }