path: root/contrib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib')
9 files changed, 480 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/ b/contrib/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9f04983
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+pod2man -n bt-adapter -c "bluez-tools" -r "" man/bt-adapter.pod > ../src/bt-adapter.1
+pod2man -n bt-agent -c "bluez-tools" -r "" man/bt-agent.pod > ../src/bt-agent.1
+pod2man -n bt-device -c "bluez-tools" -r "" man/bt-device.pod > ../src/bt-device.1
diff --git a/contrib/man/bt-adapter.pod b/contrib/man/bt-adapter.pod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d03e274
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/man/bt-adapter.pod
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+=head1 NAME
+bt-adapter - a bluetooth adapter manager
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+bt-adapter [OPTION...]
+Help Options:
+ -h, --help
+Application Options:
+ -l, --list
+ -a, --adapter=<name|mac>
+ -i, --info
+ -d, --discover
+ --set <property> <value>
+This utility is used to manage Bluetooth adapters. You can list all available adapters,
+show information about adapter, change adapter properties or discover remote devices.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+B<-h, --help>
+ Show help
+B<-l, --list>
+ List all available adapters
+B<-a, --adapter E<lt>name|macE<gt>>
+ Specify adapter to use by his Name or MAC address
+ (if this option does not defined - default adapter used)
+B<-i, --info>
+ Show information about adapter (returns all properties)
+B<-d, --discover>
+ Discover remote devices (with remote device name resolving)
+B<--set E<lt>propertyE<gt> E<lt>valueE<gt>>
+ Change adapter properties (see PROPERTIES section for list of
+ available properties)
+string Address [ro]
+ The Bluetooth adapter address (MAC).
+string Name [rw]
+ The Bluetooth adapter friendly name.
+uint32 Class [ro]
+ The Bluetooth class of device.
+boolean Powered [rw]
+ Switch an adapter on or off. This will also set the
+ appropiate connectable state.
+boolean Discoverable [rw]
+ Switch an adapter to discoverable or non-discoverable
+ to either make it visible or hide it.
+ If the DiscoverableTimeout is set to a non-zero
+ value then the system will set this value back to
+ false after the timer expired.
+ In case the adapter is switched off, setting this
+ value will fail.
+boolean Pairable [rw]
+ Switch an adapter to pairable or non-pairable.
+ Note that this property only affects incoming pairing
+ requests.
+uint32 PaireableTimeout [rw]
+ The pairable timeout in seconds. A value of zero
+ means that the timeout is disabled and it will stay in
+ pareable mode forever.
+uint32 DiscoverableTimeout [rw]
+ The discoverable timeout in seconds. A value of zero
+ means that the timeout is disabled and it will stay in
+ discoverable/limited mode forever.
+ The default value for the discoverable timeout should
+ be 180 seconds (3 minutes).
+boolean Discovering [ro]
+ Indicates that a device discovery procedure is active.
+list UUIDs [ro]
+ List of 128-bit UUIDs that represents the available local
+ services.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Alexander Orlenko <>.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+bt-agent(1) bt-device(1)
diff --git a/contrib/man/bt-agent.pod b/contrib/man/bt-agent.pod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d2764f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/man/bt-agent.pod
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+=head1 NAME
+bt-adapter - a bluetooth agent
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+bt-agent [OPTION...]
+Help Options:
+ -h, --help
+Application Options:
+ -a, --adapter=<name|mac>
+This interactive utility is used to manage incoming Bluetooth requests
+(eg. request of pincode, request of authorize a connection/service request, etc).
+=head1 OPTIONS
+B<-h, --help>
+ Show help
+B<-a, --adapter E<lt>name|macE<gt>>
+ Specify adapter to use by his Name or MAC address
+ (if this option does not defined - default adapter used)
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Alexander Orlenko <>.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+bt-adapter(1) bt-device(1)
diff --git a/contrib/man/bt-audio.pod b/contrib/man/bt-audio.pod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2eb3bf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/man/bt-audio.pod
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+=head1 NAME
+bt-adapter - a bluetooth generic audio manager
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+bt-audio [OPTION...]
+Help Options:
+ -h, --help
+Application Options:
+ -a, --adapter=<name|mac>
+ -c, --connect=<name|mac>
+ -d, --disconnect=<name|mac>
+This utility is used to manage outgoing audio service connections.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+B<-h, --help>
+ Show help
+B<-a, --adapter E<lt>name|macE<gt>>
+ Specify adapter to use by his Name or MAC address
+ (if this option does not defined - default adapter used)
+B<-c, --connect E<lt>name|macE<gt>>
+ Connect all supported audio profiles on the device
+B<-d, --disconnect E<lt>name|macE<gt>>
+ Disconnect all audio profiles on the device
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Alexander Orlenko <>.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+bt-agent(1) bt-device(1)
diff --git a/contrib/man/bt-device.pod b/contrib/man/bt-device.pod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50f4221
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/man/bt-device.pod
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+=head1 NAME
+bt-device - a bluetooth device manager
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+bt-device [OPTION...]
+Help Options:
+ -h, --help
+Application Options:
+ -a, --adapter=<name|mac>
+ -l, --list
+ -c, --connect=<mac>
+ -r, --remove=<name|mac>
+ -i, --info=<name|mac>
+ -s, --services <name|mac> [<pattern>]
+ --set <name|mac> <property> <value>
+ -v, --verbose
+This utility is used to manage Bluetooth devices. You can list added devices,
+connect to a new device, remove added device, show info about device,
+discover remote device services or change device properties.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+B<-h, --help>
+ Show help
+B<-a, --adapter E<lt>name|macE<gt>>
+ Specify adapter to use by his Name or MAC address
+ (if this option does not defined - default adapter used)
+B<-l, --list>
+ List added devices
+B<-c, --connect E<lt>macE<gt>>
+ Connect to the remote device by his MAC and retrieve all SDP
+ records and then initiate the pairing
+B<-r, --remove>
+ Remove device (and also the pairing information)
+B<-i, --info>
+ Show information about device (returns all properties)
+B<-s, --services E<lt>name|macE<gt> [E<lt>patternE<gt>]>
+ Starts the service discovery to retrieve remote service records,
+ the `pattern` parameter can be used to specify specific UUIDs
+B<--set E<lt>propertyE<gt> E<lt>valueE<gt>>
+ Change device properties (see PROPERTIES section for list of
+ available properties)
+B<-v, --verbose>
+ Verbosely display remote service records (affect to service
+ discovery mode)
+string Address [ro]
+ The Bluetooth device address (MAC) of the remote device.
+string Name [ro]
+ The Bluetooth remote device name.
+string Icon [ro]
+ Proposed icon name according to the
+ icon naming specification.
+uint32 Class [ro]
+ The Bluetooth class of device of the remote device.
+list UUIDs [ro]
+ List of 128-bit UUIDs that represents the available
+ remote services.
+boolean Paired [ro]
+ Indicates if the remote device is paired.
+boolean Connected [ro]
+ Indicates if the remote device is currently connected.
+boolean Trusted [rw]
+ Indicates if the remote is seen as trusted.
+boolean Blocked [rw]
+ If set to true any incoming connections from the
+ device will be immediately rejected.
+string Alias [rw]
+ The name alias for the remote device. The alias can
+ be used to have a different friendly name for the
+ remote device.
+ In case no alias is set, it will return the remote
+ device name. Setting an empty string as alias will
+ convert it back to the remote device name.
+boolean LegacyPairing [ro]
+ Set to true if the device only supports the pre-2.1
+ pairing mechanism.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Alexander Orlenko <>.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+bt-agent(1) bt-adapter(1)
diff --git a/contrib/man/bt-input.pod b/contrib/man/bt-input.pod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0309e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/man/bt-input.pod
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+=head1 NAME
+bt-adapter - a bluetooth input manager
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+bt-input [OPTION...]
+Help Options:
+ -h, --help
+Application Options:
+ -a, --adapter=<name|mac>
+ -c, --connect=<name|mac>
+ -d, --disconnect=<name|mac>
+This utility is used to manage outgoing input (HID) service connections.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+B<-h, --help>
+ Show help
+B<-a, --adapter E<lt>name|macE<gt>>
+ Specify adapter to use by his Name or MAC address
+ (if this option does not defined - default adapter used)
+B<-c, --connect E<lt>name|macE<gt>>
+ Connect to the input device
+B<-d, --disconnect E<lt>name|macE<gt>>
+ Disconnect from the input device
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Alexander Orlenko <>.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+bt-audio(1) bt-device(1)
diff --git a/contrib/man/bt-monitor.pod b/contrib/man/bt-monitor.pod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6058f68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/man/bt-monitor.pod
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+=head1 NAME
+bt-device - a bluetooth monitor
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+bt-monitor [OPTION...]
+Help Options:
+ -h, --help
+Application Options:
+ -a, --adapter=<name|mac>
+This utility is used to capture DBus signals of bluetoothd. Captured next signals:
+B<Manager signals>:
+ AdapterAdded
+ AdapterRemoved
+ DefaultAdapterChanged
+B<Adapter signals>:
+ DeviceCreated
+ DeviceDisappeared
+ DeviceFound
+ DeviceRemoved
+ AdapterPropertyChanged
+B<Device signals>:
+ DisconnectRequested
+ DevicePropertyChanged
+B<Services signals>:
+ AudioServiceConnected
+ InputServiceConnected
+ NetworkServiceConnected
+=head1 OPTIONS
+B<-h, --help>
+ Show help
+B<-a, --adapter E<lt>name|macE<gt>>
+ Specify adapter to capture by his Name or MAC address
+ (if this option does not defined - all adapters captured)
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Alexander Orlenko <>.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+bt-adapter(1) bt-device(1) bt-audio(1) bt-input(1) bt-network(1)
diff --git a/contrib/man/bt-network.pod b/contrib/man/bt-network.pod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..814375a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/man/bt-network.pod
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+=head1 NAME
+bt-adapter - a bluetooth network manager
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+bt-input [OPTION...]
+Help Options:
+ -h, --help
+Application Options:
+ -a, --adapter=<name|mac>
+ -c, --connect=<name|mac>
+ -d, --disconnect=<name|mac>
+This utility is used to manage outgoing input (HID) service connections.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+B<-h, --help>
+ Show help
+B<-a, --adapter E<lt>name|macE<gt>>
+ Specify adapter to use by his Name or MAC address
+ (if this option does not defined - default adapter used)
+B<-c, --connect E<lt>name|macE<gt>>
+ Connect to the input device
+B<-d, --disconnect E<lt>name|macE<gt>>
+ Disconnect from the input device
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Alexander Orlenko <>.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+bt-agent(1) bt-device(1)
diff --git a/contrib/man/bt-serial.pod b/contrib/man/bt-serial.pod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..edeba53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/man/bt-serial.pod
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+=head1 NAME
+bt-adapter - a bluetooth input manager
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+bt-input [OPTION...]
+Help Options:
+ -h, --help
+Application Options:
+ -a, --adapter=<name|mac>
+ -c, --connect=<name|mac>
+ -d, --disconnect=<name|mac>
+This utility is used to manage outgoing input (HID) service connections.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+B<-h, --help>
+ Show help
+B<-a, --adapter E<lt>name|macE<gt>>
+ Specify adapter to use by his Name or MAC address
+ (if this option does not defined - default adapter used)
+B<-c, --connect E<lt>name|macE<gt>>
+ Connect to the input device
+B<-d, --disconnect E<lt>name|macE<gt>>
+ Disconnect from the input device
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Alexander Orlenko <>.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+bt-agent(1) bt-device(1)