// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later /* * * BlueZ - Bluetooth protocol stack for Linux * * Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation * Copyright (C) 2010 Marcel Holtmann * * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include "lib/bluetooth.h" #include "lib/uuid.h" #include "btio/btio.h" #include "src/log.h" #include "src/shared/util.h" #include "src/shared/att.h" #include "src/shared/gatt-helpers.h" #include "src/shared/queue.h" #include "src/shared/gatt-db.h" #include "src/shared/gatt-client.h" #include "attrib/att.h" #include "attrib/gattrib.h" struct _GAttrib { int ref_count; struct bt_att *att; struct bt_gatt_client *client; GIOChannel *io; GDestroyNotify destroy; gpointer destroy_user_data; struct queue *callbacks; uint8_t *buf; int buflen; struct queue *track_ids; }; struct attrib_callbacks { unsigned int id; GAttribResultFunc result_func; GAttribNotifyFunc notify_func; GDestroyNotify destroy_func; gpointer user_data; GAttrib *parent; uint16_t notify_handle; }; GAttrib *g_attrib_new(GIOChannel *io, guint16 mtu, bool ext_signed) { gint fd; GAttrib *attr; if (!io) return NULL; fd = g_io_channel_unix_get_fd(io); attr = new0(GAttrib, 1); if (!attr) return NULL; g_io_channel_ref(io); attr->io = io; attr->att = bt_att_new(fd, ext_signed); if (!attr->att) goto fail; bt_att_set_close_on_unref(attr->att, true); g_io_channel_set_close_on_unref(io, FALSE); if (!bt_att_set_mtu(attr->att, mtu)) goto fail; attr->buf = malloc0(mtu); attr->buflen = mtu; if (!attr->buf) goto fail; attr->callbacks = queue_new(); if (!attr->callbacks) goto fail; attr->track_ids = queue_new(); if (!attr->track_ids) goto fail; return g_attrib_ref(attr); fail: free(attr->buf); bt_att_unref(attr->att); g_io_channel_unref(io); free(attr); return NULL; } GAttrib *g_attrib_ref(GAttrib *attrib) { if (!attrib) return NULL; __sync_fetch_and_add(&attrib->ref_count, 1); DBG("%p: g_attrib_ref=%d ", attrib, attrib->ref_count); return attrib; } static void attrib_callbacks_destroy(void *data) { struct attrib_callbacks *cb = data; if (cb->destroy_func) cb->destroy_func(cb->user_data); free(data); } static void attrib_callbacks_remove(void *data) { struct attrib_callbacks *cb = data; if (!data || !queue_remove(cb->parent->callbacks, data)) return; attrib_callbacks_destroy(data); } void g_attrib_unref(GAttrib *attrib) { if (!attrib) return; DBG("%p: g_attrib_unref=%d ", attrib, attrib->ref_count - 1); if (__sync_sub_and_fetch(&attrib->ref_count, 1)) return; if (attrib->destroy) attrib->destroy(attrib->destroy_user_data); bt_gatt_client_unref(attrib->client); bt_att_unref(attrib->att); queue_destroy(attrib->callbacks, attrib_callbacks_destroy); queue_destroy(attrib->track_ids, NULL); free(attrib->buf); g_io_channel_unref(attrib->io); free(attrib); } GIOChannel *g_attrib_get_channel(GAttrib *attrib) { if (!attrib) return NULL; return attrib->io; } struct bt_att *g_attrib_get_att(GAttrib *attrib) { if (!attrib) return NULL; return attrib->att; } gboolean g_attrib_set_destroy_function(GAttrib *attrib, GDestroyNotify destroy, gpointer user_data) { if (!attrib) return FALSE; attrib->destroy = destroy; attrib->destroy_user_data = user_data; return TRUE; } static uint8_t *construct_full_pdu(uint8_t opcode, const void *pdu, uint16_t length) { uint8_t *buf = malloc0(length + 1); if (!buf) return NULL; buf[0] = opcode; if (pdu && length) memcpy(buf + 1, pdu, length); return buf; } static void attrib_callback_result(uint8_t opcode, const void *pdu, uint16_t length, void *user_data) { uint8_t *buf; struct attrib_callbacks *cb = user_data; guint8 status = 0; if (!cb) return; buf = construct_full_pdu(opcode, pdu, length); if (!buf) return; if (opcode == BT_ATT_OP_ERROR_RSP) { /* Error code is the third byte of the PDU data */ if (length < 4) status = BT_ATT_ERROR_UNLIKELY; else status = ((guint8 *)pdu)[3]; } if (cb->result_func) cb->result_func(status, buf, length + 1, cb->user_data); free(buf); } static void attrib_callback_notify(struct bt_att_chan *chan, uint8_t opcode, const void *pdu, uint16_t length, void *user_data) { uint8_t *buf; struct attrib_callbacks *cb = user_data; if (!cb || !cb->notify_func) return; if (cb->notify_handle != GATTRIB_ALL_HANDLES && length < 2) return; if (cb->notify_handle != GATTRIB_ALL_HANDLES && cb->notify_handle != get_le16(pdu)) return; buf = construct_full_pdu(opcode, pdu, length); if (!buf) return; cb->notify_func(buf, length + 1, cb->user_data); free(buf); } guint g_attrib_send(GAttrib *attrib, guint id, const guint8 *pdu, guint16 len, GAttribResultFunc func, gpointer user_data, GDestroyNotify notify) { struct attrib_callbacks *cb = NULL; bt_att_response_func_t response_cb = NULL; bt_att_destroy_func_t destroy_cb = NULL; if (!attrib) return 0; if (!pdu || !len) return 0; if (func || notify) { cb = new0(struct attrib_callbacks, 1); if (!cb) return 0; cb->result_func = func; cb->user_data = user_data; cb->destroy_func = notify; cb->parent = attrib; queue_push_head(attrib->callbacks, cb); response_cb = attrib_callback_result; destroy_cb = attrib_callbacks_remove; } if (id == 0) id = bt_att_send(attrib->att, pdu[0], (void *) pdu + 1, len - 1, response_cb, cb, destroy_cb); else { int err; err = bt_att_resend(attrib->att, id, pdu[0], (void *) pdu + 1, len - 1, response_cb, cb, destroy_cb); if (err) return 0; } if (!id) return id; /* * If user what us to use given id, lets keep track on that so we give * user a possibility to cancel ongoing request. */ if (cb) { cb->id = id; queue_push_tail(attrib->track_ids, UINT_TO_PTR(id)); } return id; } gboolean g_attrib_cancel(GAttrib *attrib, guint id) { if (!attrib) return FALSE; return bt_att_cancel(attrib->att, id); } static void cancel_request(void *data, void *user_data) { unsigned int id = PTR_TO_UINT(data); GAttrib *attrib = user_data; bt_att_cancel(attrib->att, id); } gboolean g_attrib_cancel_all(GAttrib *attrib) { if (!attrib) return FALSE; queue_foreach(attrib->track_ids, cancel_request, attrib); queue_remove_all(attrib->track_ids, NULL, NULL, NULL); return TRUE; } static void client_notify_cb(uint16_t value_handle, const uint8_t *value, uint16_t length, void *user_data) { uint8_t *buf = newa(uint8_t, length + 2); put_le16(value_handle, buf); if (length) memcpy(buf + 2, value, length); attrib_callback_notify(NULL, ATT_OP_HANDLE_NOTIFY, buf, length + 2, user_data); } guint g_attrib_register(GAttrib *attrib, guint8 opcode, guint16 handle, GAttribNotifyFunc func, gpointer user_data, GDestroyNotify notify) { struct attrib_callbacks *cb = NULL; if (!attrib) return 0; if (func || notify) { cb = new0(struct attrib_callbacks, 1); if (!cb) return 0; cb->notify_func = func; cb->notify_handle = handle; cb->user_data = user_data; cb->destroy_func = notify; cb->parent = attrib; queue_push_head(attrib->callbacks, cb); } if (opcode == ATT_OP_HANDLE_NOTIFY && attrib->client) { unsigned int id; id = bt_gatt_client_register_notify(attrib->client, handle, NULL, client_notify_cb, cb, attrib_callbacks_remove); if (id) return id; } if (opcode == GATTRIB_ALL_REQS) opcode = BT_ATT_ALL_REQUESTS; return bt_att_register(attrib->att, opcode, attrib_callback_notify, cb, attrib_callbacks_remove); } uint8_t *g_attrib_get_buffer(GAttrib *attrib, size_t *len) { uint16_t mtu; if (!attrib || !len) return NULL; mtu = bt_att_get_mtu(attrib->att); /* * Clients of this expect a buffer to use. * * Pdu encoding in shared/att verifies if whole buffer fits the mtu, * thus we should set the buflen also when mtu is reduced. But we * need to reallocate the buffer only if mtu is larger. */ if (mtu > attrib->buflen) attrib->buf = g_realloc(attrib->buf, mtu); attrib->buflen = mtu; *len = attrib->buflen; return attrib->buf; } gboolean g_attrib_set_mtu(GAttrib *attrib, int mtu) { if (!attrib) return FALSE; /* * Clients of this expect a buffer to use. * * Pdu encoding in sharred/att verifies if whole buffer fits the mtu, * thus we should set the buflen also when mtu is reduced. But we * need to reallocate the buffer only if mtu is larger. */ if (mtu > attrib->buflen) attrib->buf = g_realloc(attrib->buf, mtu); attrib->buflen = mtu; return bt_att_set_mtu(attrib->att, mtu); } gboolean g_attrib_attach_client(GAttrib *attrib, struct bt_gatt_client *client) { if (!attrib || !client) return FALSE; if (attrib->client) bt_gatt_client_unref(attrib->client); attrib->client = bt_gatt_client_clone(client); if (!attrib->client) return FALSE; return TRUE; } gboolean g_attrib_unregister(GAttrib *attrib, guint id) { if (!attrib) return FALSE; return bt_att_unregister(attrib->att, id); } gboolean g_attrib_unregister_all(GAttrib *attrib) { if (!attrib) return false; return bt_att_unregister_all(attrib->att); }