Cycling Speed and Cadence API description ***************************************** Cycling Speed and Cadence Manager hierarchy =========================================== Service org.bluez Interface org.bluez.CyclingSpeedManager1 Object path [variable prefix]/{hci0,hci1,...} Methods RegisterWatcher(object agent) Registers a watcher to monitor cycling speed and cadence measurements. Possible Errors: org.bluez.Error.InvalidArguments UnregisterWatcher(object agent) Unregisters a watcher. Cycling Speed and Cadence Profile hierarchy =========================================== Service org.bluez Interface org.bluez.CyclingSpeed1 Object path [variable prefix]/{hci0,hci1,...}/dev_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX Methods SetCumulativeWheelRevolutions(uint32 value) Sets cumulative wheel revolutions value if Cumulative Wheel Revolutions feature is supported. Possible Errors: org.bluez.Error.NotSupported Properties string Location (optional) [readwrite] Current sensor location, if supported. If Multiple Sensor Locations feature is supported, this property can be set to one of values read from SupportedLocations property. Possible values: "other", "top-of-shoe", "in-shoe", "hip", "front-wheel", "left-crank", "right-crank", "left-pedal", "right-pedal", "front-hub", "rear-dropout", "chainstay", "rear-wheel", "rear-hub" array{string} SupportedLocations (optional) [readonly] List of locations supported by sensor, only present if Multiple Sensor Locations feature is supported. boolean WheelRevolutionDataSupported [readonly] true if sensor can read and set Cumulative Wheel Revolutions value, false otherwise. boolean MultipleLocationsSupported [readonly] true if sensor supports Multiple Sensor Locations feature and can set Location, false otherwise. Cycling Speed and Cadence Watcher hierarchy =========================================== Service unique name Interface org.bluez.CyclingSpeedWatcher1 Object path freely definable Methods void MeasurementReceived(object device, dict measurement) This callback is called whenever wheel and/or crank revolutions measurement is received from sensor. Measurement: uint32 WheelRevolutions (optional): Cumulative number of wheel revolutions. uint16 LastWheelEventTime (optional): Time of last event from wheel sensor. Value is expressed in 1/1024 second units and can roll over during a ride. uint16 CrankRevolutions (optional): Cumulative number of crank revolutions. This value can occasionally roll over. uint16 LastCrankEventTime (optional): Time of last event from crank sensor. Value is expressed in 1/1024 second units and can roll over during a ride.