BlueZ D-Bus Mesh API description ******************************** Mesh Network Hierarchy ====================== Service org.bluez.mesh Interface org.bluez.mesh.Network1 Object path /org/bluez/mesh Methods: void Join(object app_root, array{byte}[16] uuid) This is the first method that an application has to call to become a provisioned node on a mesh network. The call will initiate broadcasting of Unprovisioned Device Beacon. The app_root parameter is a D-Bus object root path of the application that implements org.bluez.mesh.Application1 interface. The application represents a node where child mesh elements have their own objects that implement org.bluez.mesh.Element1 interface. The application hierarchy also contains a provision agent object that implements org.bluez.mesh.ProvisionAgent1 interface. The standard DBus.ObjectManager interface must be available on the app_root path. The uuid parameter is a 16-byte array that contains Device UUID. This UUID must be unique (at least from the daemon perspective), therefore attempting to call this function using already registered UUID results in an error. The composition of the UUID octets must be in compliance with RFC 4122. When provisioning finishes, the daemon will call either JoinComplete or JoinFailed method on object implementing org.bluez.mesh.Application1 interface. PossibleErrors: org.bluez.mesh.Error.InvalidArguments org.bluez.mesh.Error.AlreadyExists, void Cancel(void) Cancels an outstanding provisioning request initiated by Join() method. object node, array{byte, array{(uint16, dict)}} configuration Attach(object app_root, uint64 token) This is the first method that an application must call to get access to mesh node functionalities. The app_root parameter is a D-Bus object root path of the application that implements org.bluez.mesh.Application1 interface. The application represents a node where child mesh elements have their own objects that implement org.bluez.mesh.Element1 interface. The standard DBus.ObjectManager interface must be available on the app_root path. The token parameter is a 64-bit number that has been assigned to the application when it first got provisioned/joined mesh network, i.e. upon receiving JoinComplete() method. The daemon uses the token to verify whether the application is authorized to assume the mesh node identity. In case of success, the method call returns mesh node object (see Mesh Node Hierarchy section) and current configuration settings. The return value of configuration parameter is an array, where each entry is a structure that contains element configuration. The element configuration structure is organized as follows: byte Element index, identifies the element to which this configuration entry pertains. array{struct} Models array where each entry is a structure with the following members: uint16 Either a SIG Model Identifier or, if Vendor key is present in model configuration dictionary, a 16-bit vendor-assigned Model Identifier dict A dictionary that contains model configuration with the following keys defined: array{uint16} Bindings Indices of application keys bound to the model uint32 PublicationPeriod Model publication period in milliseconds uint16 Vendor A 16-bit Company ID as defined by the Bluetooth SIG array{variant} Subscriptions Addresses the model is subscribed to. Each address is provided either as uint16 for group addresses, or as array{byte} for virtual labels. PossibleErrors: org.bluez.mesh.Error.InvalidArguments org.bluez.mesh.Error.NotFound, org.bluez.mesh.Error.AlreadyExists, org.bluez.mesh.Error.Busy, org.bluez.mesh.Error.Failed void Leave(uint64 token) This removes the configuration information about the mesh node identified by the 64-bit token parameter. The token parameter has been obtained as a result of successful Join() method call. PossibleErrors: org.bluez.mesh.Error.InvalidArguments org.bluez.mesh.Error.NotFound org.bluez.mesh.Error.Busy void CreateNetwork(object app_root, array{byte}[16] uuid) This is the first method that an application calls to become a Provisioner node, and a Configuration Client on a newly created Mesh Network. The app_root parameter is a D-Bus object root path of the application that implements org.bluez.mesh.Application1 interface, and a org.bluez.mesh.Provisioner1 interface. The application represents a node where child mesh elements have their own objects that implement org.bluez.mesh.Element1 interface. The application hierarchy also contains a provision agent object that implements org.bluez.mesh.ProvisionAgent1 interface. The standard DBus.ObjectManager interface must be available on the app_root path. The uuid parameter is a 16-byte array that contains Device UUID. This UUID must be unique (at least from the daemon perspective), therefore attempting to call this function using already registered UUID results in an error. The composition of the UUID octets must be in compliance with RFC 4122. The other information the bluetooth-meshd daemon will preserve about the initial node, is to give it the initial primary unicast address (0x0001), and create and assign a net_key as the primary network net_index (0x000). Upon successful processing of Create() method, the daemon will call JoinComplete method on object implementing org.bluez.mesh.Application1. PossibleErrors: org.bluez.mesh.Error.InvalidArguments org.bluez.mesh.Error.AlreadyExists, void Import(object app_root, array{byte}[16] uuid, array{byte}[16] dev_key, array{byte}[16] net_key, uint16 net_index, dict flags, uint32 iv_index, uint16 unicast) This method creates a local mesh node based on node configuration that has been generated outside bluetooth-meshd. The app_root parameter is a D-Bus object root path of the application that implements org.bluez.mesh.Application1 interface. The uuid parameter is a 16-byte array that contains Device UUID. This UUID must be unique (at least from the daemon perspective), therefore attempting to call this function using already registered UUID results in an error. The composition of the UUID octets must be in compliance with RFC 4122. The dev_key parameter is the 16-byte value of the dev key of the imported mesh node. Remaining parameters correspond to provisioning data: The net_key and net_index parameters describe the network (or a subnet, if net_index is not 0) the imported mesh node belongs to. The flags parameter is a dictionary containing provisioning flags. Supported values are: boolean IvUpdate When true, indicates that the network is in the middle of IV Index Update procedure. boolean KeyRefresh When true, indicates that the specified net key is in the middle of a key refresh procedure. The iv_index parameter is the current IV Index value used by the network. This value is known by the provisioner. The unicast parameter is the primary unicast address of the imported node. Upon successful processing of Import() method, the daemon will call JoinComplete method on object implementing org.bluez.mesh.Application1 interface. PossibleErrors: org.bluez.mesh.Error.InvalidArguments, org.bluez.mesh.Error.AlreadyExists, org.bluez.mesh.Error.NotSupported, org.bluez.mesh.Error.Failed Mesh Node Hierarchy =================== Service org.bluez.mesh Interface org.bluez.mesh.Node1 Object path /org/bluez/mesh/node where is the Device UUID passed to Join(), CreateNetwork() or Import() Methods: void Send(object element_path, uint16 destination, uint16 key_index, dict options, array{byte} data) This method is used to send a message originated by a local model. The element_path parameter is the object path of an element from a collection of the application elements (see Mesh Application Hierarchy section). The destination parameter contains the destination address. This destination must be a uint16 to a unicast address, or a well known group address. The key_index parameter determines which application key to use for encrypting the message. The key_index must be valid for that element, i.e., the application key must be bound to a model on this element. Otherwise, org.bluez.mesh.Error.NotAuthorized will be returned. The options parameter is a dictionary with the following keys defined: bool ForceSegmented Specifies whether to force sending of a short message as one-segment payload. If not present, the default setting is "false". The data parameter is an outgoing message to be encypted by the bluetooth-meshd daemon and sent on. Possible errors: org.bluez.mesh.Error.NotAuthorized org.bluez.mesh.Error.InvalidArguments org.bluez.mesh.Error.NotFound void DevKeySend(object element_path, uint16 destination, boolean remote, uint16 net_index, dict options, array{byte} data) This method is used to send a message originated by a local model encoded with the device key of the remote node. The element_path parameter is the object path of an element from a collection of the application elements (see Mesh Application Hierarchy section). The destination parameter contains the destination address. This destination must be a uint16 to a unicast address, or a well known group address. The remote parameter, if true, looks up the device key by the destination address in the key database to encrypt the message. If remote is true, but requested key does not exist, a NotFound error will be returned. If set to false, the local node's device key is used. The net_index parameter is the subnet index of the network on which the message is to be sent. The options parameter is a dictionary with the following keys defined: bool ForceSegmented Specifies whether to force sending of a short message as one-segment payload. If not present, the default setting is "false". The data parameter is an outgoing message to be encypted by the meshd daemon and sent on. Possible errors: org.bluez.mesh.Error.InvalidArguments org.bluez.mesh.Error.NotFound void AddNetKey(object element_path, uint16 destination, uint16 subnet_index, uint16 net_index, boolean update) This method is used to send add or update network key originated by the local configuration client to a remote configuration server. The element_path parameter is the object path of an element from a collection of the application elements (see Mesh Application Hierarchy section). The destination parameter contains the destination address. This destination must be a uint16 to a nodes primary unicast address. The subnet_index parameter refers to the subnet index of the network that is being added or updated. This key must exist in the local key database. The net_index parameter is the subnet index of the network on which the message is to be sent. The update parameter indicates if this is an addition or an update. If true, the subnet key must be in the phase 1 state of the key update procedure. Possible errors: org.bluez.mesh.Error.InvalidArguments org.bluez.mesh.Error.NotFound void AddAppKey(object element_path, uint16 destination, uint16 app_index, uint16 net_index, boolean update) This method is used to send add or update network key originated by the local configuration client to a remote configuration server. The element_path parameter is the object path of an element from a collection of the application elements (see Mesh Application Hierarchy section). The destination parameter contains the destination address. This destination must be a uint16 to a nodes primary unicast address. The app_index parameter refers to the application key which is being added or updated. This key must exist in the local key database. The net_index parameter is the subnet index of the network on which the message is to be sent. The update parameter indicates if this is an addition or an update. If true, the subnet key must be in the phase 1 state of the key update procedure. Possible errors: org.bluez.mesh.Error.InvalidArguments org.bluez.mesh.Error.NotFound void Publish(object element_path, uint16 model, dict options, array{byte} data) This method is used to send a publication originated by a local model. If the model does not exist, or it has no publication record, the method returns org.bluez.mesh.Error.DoesNotExist error. The element_path parameter is the object path of an element from a collection of the application elements (see Mesh Application Hierarchy section). The model parameter contains a model ID, as defined by the Bluetooth SIG. If the options dictionary contains a "Vendor" key, then this ID is defined by the specified vendor. The options parameter is a dictionary with the following keys defined: bool ForceSegmented Specifies whether to force sending of a short message as one-segment payload. If not present, the default setting is "false". uint16 Vendor A 16-bit Company ID as defined by the Bluetooth SIG. This key should only exist when publishing on a Vendor defined model. The data parameter is an outgoing message to be encypted by the meshd daemon and sent on. Since only one Publish record may exist per element-model, the destination and key_index are obtained from the Publication record cached by the daemon. Possible errors: org.bluez.mesh.Error.DoesNotExist org.bluez.mesh.Error.InvalidArguments Properties: dict Features [read-only] The dictionary that contains information about feature support. The following keys are defined: boolean Friend Indicates the ability to establish a friendship with a Low Power node boolean LowPower Indicates support for operating in Low Power node mode boolean Proxy Indicates support for GATT proxy boolean Relay Indicates support for relaying messages If a key is absent from the dictionary, the feature is not supported. Otherwise, true means that the feature is enabled and false means that the feature is disabled. boolean Beacon [read-only] This property indicates whether the periodic beaconing is enabled (true) or disabled (false). boolean IvUpdate [read-only] When true, indicates that the network is in the middle of IV Index Update procedure. This information is only useful for provisioning. uint32 IvIndex [read-only] This property may be read at any time to determine the IV_Index that the current network is on. This information is only useful for provisioning. uint32 SecondsSinceLastHeard [read-only] This property may be read at any time to determine the number of seconds since mesh network layer traffic was last detected on this node's network. array{uint16} Addresses [read-only] This property contains unicast addresses of node's elements. uint32 SequenceNumber [read-only] This property may be read at any time to determine the sequence number. Mesh Provisioning Hierarchy ============================ Service org.bluez.mesh Interface org.bluez.mesh.Management1 Object path /org/bluez/mesh/node where is the Device UUID passed to Join(), CreateNetwork() or Import() Methods: void UnprovisionedScan(dict options) This method is used by the application that supports org.bluez.mesh.Provisioner1 interface to start listening (scanning) for unprovisioned devices in the area. The options parameter is a dictionary with the following keys defined: uint16 Seconds Specifies number of seconds for scanning to be active. If set to 0 or if this key is not present, then the scanning will continue until UnprovisionedScanCancel() or AddNode() methods are called. Each time a unique unprovisioned beacon is heard, the ScanResult() method on the app will be called with the result. PossibleErrors: org.bluez.mesh.Error.InvalidArguments org.bluez.mesh.Error.NotAuthorized org.bluez.mesh.Error.Busy void UnprovisionedScanCancel(void) This method is used by the application that supports org.bluez.mesh.Provisioner1 interface to stop listening (scanning) for unprovisioned devices in the area. PossibleErrors: org.bluez.mesh.Error.InvalidArguments org.bluez.mesh.Error.NotAuthorized void AddNode(array{byte}[16] uuid, dict options) This method is used by the application that supports org.bluez.mesh.Provisioner1 interface to add the unprovisioned device specified by uuid, to the Network. The uuid parameter is a 16-byte array that contains Device UUID of the unprovisioned device to be added to the network. The options parameter is a dictionary that may contain additional configuration info (currently an empty placeholder for forward compatibility). PossibleErrors: org.bluez.mesh.Error.InvalidArguments org.bluez.mesh.Error.NotAuthorized void CreateSubnet(uint16 net_index) This method is used by the application to generate and add a new network subnet key. The net_index parameter is a 12-bit value (0x001-0xFFF) specifying which net key to add. This call affects the local bluetooth-meshd key database only. PossibleErrors: org.bluez.mesh.Error.Failed org.bluez.mesh.Error.InvalidArguments org.bluez.mesh.Error.AlreadyExists void ImportSubnet(uint16 net_index, array{byte}[16] net_key) This method is used by the application to add a network subnet key, that was originally generated by a remote Config Client. The net_index parameter is a 12-bit value (0x000-0xFFF) specifying which net key to add. The net_key parameter is the 16-byte value of the net key being imported. This call affects the local bluetooth-meshd key database only. PossibleErrors: org.bluez.mesh.Error.Failed org.bluez.mesh.Error.InvalidArguments org.bluez.mesh.Error.AlreadyExists void UpdateSubnet(uint16 net_index) This method is used by the application to generate a new network subnet key, and set it's key refresh state to Phase 1. The net_index parameter is a 12-bit value (0x000-0xFFF) specifying which net key to update. Note that the subnet must exist prior to updating. This call affects the local bluetooth-meshd key database only. PossibleErrors: org.bluez.mesh.Error.Failed org.bluez.mesh.Error.InvalidArguments org.bluez.mesh.Error.DoesNotExist org.bluez.mesh.Error.Busy void DeleteSubnet(uint16 net_index) This method is used by the application that to delete a subnet. The net_index parameter is a 12-bit value (0x001-0xFFF) specifying which net key to delete. The primary net key (0x000) may not be deleted. This call affects the local bluetooth-meshd key database only. PossibleErrors: org.bluez.mesh.Error.InvalidArguments void SetKeyPhase(uint16 net_index, uint8 phase) This method is used to set the master key update phase of the given subnet. When finalizing the procedure, it is important to CompleteAppKeyUpdate() on all app keys that have been updated during the procedure prior to setting phase 3. The net_index parameter is a 12-bit value (0x000-0xFFF) specifying which subnet phase to set. The phase parameter is used to cycle the local key database through the phases as defined by the Mesh Profile Specification. Allowed values: 0 - Cancel Key Refresh (May only be called from Phase 1, and should never be called once the new key has started propagating) 1 - Invalid Argument (see NetKeyUpdate method) 2 - Go to Phase 2 (May only be called from Phase 1) 3 - Complete Key Refresh procedure (May only be called from Phase 2) This call affects the local bluetooth-meshd key database only. It is the responsibility of the application to maintain the key refresh phases per the Mesh Profile Specification. PossibleErrors: org.bluez.mesh.Error.Failed org.bluez.mesh.Error.InvalidArguments org.bluez.mesh.Error.DoesNotExist void CreateAppKey(uint16 net_index, uint16 app_index) This method is used by the application to generate and add a new application key. The net_index parameter is a 12-bit value (0x000-0xFFF) specifying which net key to bind the application key to. The app_index parameter is a 12-bit value (0x000-0xFFF) specifying which app key to add. This call affects the local bluetooth-meshd key database only. PossibleErrors: org.bluez.mesh.Error.Failed org.bluez.mesh.Error.InvalidArguments org.bluez.mesh.Error.AlreadyExists org.bluez.mesh.Error.DoesNotExist void ImportAppKey(uint16 net_index, uint16 app_index, array{byte}[16] app_key) This method is used by the application to add an application key, that was originally generated by a remote Config Client. The net_index parameter is a 12-bit value (0x000-0xFFF) specifying which net key to bind the application key to. The app_index parameter is a 12-bit value (0x000-0xFFF) specifying which app key to import. The app_key parameter is the 16-byte value of the key being imported. This call affects the local bluetooth-meshd key database only. PossibleErrors: org.bluez.mesh.Error.Failed org.bluez.mesh.Error.InvalidArguments org.bluez.mesh.Error.AlreadyExists org.bluez.mesh.Error.DoesNotExist void UpdateAppKey(uint16 app_index) This method is used by the application to generate a new application key. The app_index parameter is a 12-bit value (0x000-0xFFF) specifying which app key to update. Note that the subnet that the key is bound to must exist and be in Phase 1. This call affects the local bluetooth-meshd key database only. PossibleErrors: org.bluez.mesh.Error.Failed org.bluez.mesh.Error.InvalidArguments org.bluez.mesh.Error.DoesNotExist org.bluez.mesh.Error.InProgress void DeleteAppKey(uint16 app_index) This method is used by the application to delete an application key. The app_index parameter is a 12-bit value (0x000-0xFFF) specifying which app key to delete. This call affects the local bluetooth-meshd key database only. PossibleErrors: org.bluez.mesh.Error.InvalidArguments void ImportRemoteNode(uint16 primary, uint8 count, array{byte}[16] device_key) This method is used by the application to import a remote node that has been provisioned by an external process. The primary parameter specifies the unicast address of the the node being imported. The count parameter specifies the number of elements that are assigned to this remote node. The device_key parameter is the access layer key that will be will used to decrypt privledged messages from this remote node. This call affects the local bluetooth-meshd key database only. It is an error to call this with address range overlapping with local element addresses. PossibleErrors: org.bluez.mesh.Error.Failed org.bluez.mesh.Error.InvalidArguments void DeleteRemoteNode(uint16 primary, uint8 count) This method is used by the application to delete a remote node from the local device key database. The primary parameter specifies the unicast address of the the node being deleted. The count parameter specifies the number of elements that were assigned to the remote node. This call affects the local bluetooth-meshd key database only. It is an error to call this with address range overlapping with local element addresses. PossibleErrors: org.bluez.mesh.Error.InvalidArguments Mesh Application Hierarchy ========================== Service unique name Interface org.bluez.mesh.Application1 Object path An application is a collection of elements that host SIG defined and vendor specific models. It is expected that an application implements org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager interface at app_root path. An example mesh application hierarchy may look like this: -> /com/example | - org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager | -> /com/example/application | - org.bluez.mesh.Application1 | - org.bluez.mesh.Attention1 (optional) | - org.bluez.mesh.Provisioner1 (optional,Provisioner) | -> /com/example/agent | - org.bluez.mesh.ProvisionAgent1 | -> /com/example/ele00 | - org.bluez.mesh.Element1 | -> /com/example/ele01 | - org.bluez.mesh.Element1 | ... -> /com/example/elexx - org.bluez.mesh.Element1 Methods: void JoinComplete(uint64 token) This method is called when the node provisioning initiated by a Join() method call successfully completed. The token parameter serves as a unique identifier of the particular node. The token must be preserved by the application in order to authenticate itself to the mesh daemon and attach to the network as a mesh node by calling Attach() method or permanently remove the identity of the mesh node by calling Leave() method. If this method returns an error, the daemon will assume that the application failed to preserve the token, and will remove the freshly created node. void JoinFailed(string reason) This method is called when the node provisioning initiated by Join() has failed. The reason parameter identifies the reason for provisioning failure. The defined values are: "timeout", "bad-pdu", "confirmation-failed", "out-of-resources", "decryption-error", "unexpected-error", "cannot-assign-addresses". Properties: uint16 CompanyID [read-only] A 16-bit Bluetooth-assigned Company Identifier of the vendor as defined by Bluetooth SIG uint16 ProductID [read-only] A 16-bit vendor-assigned product identifier uint16 VersionID [read-only] A 16-bit vendor-assigned product version identifier uint16 CRPL [read-only, optional] A 16-bit minimum number of replay protection list entries Mesh Element Hierarchy ====================== Service unique name Interface org.bluez.mesh.Element1 Object path Methods: void MessageReceived(uint16 source, uint16 key_index, variant destination, array{byte} data) This method is called by bluetooth-meshd daemon when a message arrives addressed to the application. The source parameter is unicast address of the remote node-element that sent the message. The key_index parameter indicates which application key has been used to decode the incoming message. The same key_index should be used by the application when sending a response to this message (in case a response is expected). The destination parameter contains the destination address of received message. Underlying variant types are: uint16 Destination is an unicast address, or a well known group address array{byte} Destination is a virtual address label The data parameter is the incoming message. void DevKeyMessageReceived(uint16 source, boolean remote, uint16 net_index, array{byte} data) This method is called by meshd daemon when a message arrives addressed to the application, which was sent with the remote node's device key. The source parameter is unicast address of the remote node-element that sent the message. The remote parameter if true indicates that the device key used to decrypt the message was from the sender. False indicates that the local nodes device key was used, and the message has permissions to modify local states. The net_index parameter indicates what subnet the message was received on, and if a response is required, the same subnet must be used to send the response. The data parameter is the incoming message. void UpdateModelConfiguration(uint16 model_id, dict config) This method is called by bluetooth-meshd daemon when a model's configuration is updated. The model_id parameter contains BT SIG Model Identifier or, if Vendor key is present in config dictionary, a 16-bit vendor-assigned Model Identifier. The config parameter is a dictionary with the following keys defined: array{uint16} Bindings Indices of application keys bound to the model uint32 PublicationPeriod Model publication period in milliseconds uint16 Vendor A 16-bit Bluetooth-assigned Company Identifier of the vendor as defined by Bluetooth SIG array{variant} Subscriptions Addresses the model is subscribed to. Each address is provided either as uint16 for group addresses, or as array{byte} for virtual labels. Properties: uint8 Index [read-only] Element index. It is required that the application follows sequential numbering scheme for the elements, starting with 0. array{(uint16 id, dict caps)} Models [read-only] An array of SIG Models: id - SIG Model Identifier options - a dictionary that may contain additional model info. The following keys are defined: boolean Publish - indicates whether the model supports publication mechanism. If not present, publication is enabled. boolean Subscribe - indicates whether the model supports subscription mechanism. If not present, subscriptons are enabled. The array may be empty. array{(uint16 vendor, uint16 id, dict options)} VendorModels [read-only] An array of Vendor Models: vendor - a 16-bit Bluetooth-assigned Company ID as defined by Bluetooth SIG. id - a 16-bit vendor-assigned Model Identifier options - a dictionary that may contain additional model info. The following keys are defined: boolean Publish - indicates whether the model supports publication mechanism boolean Subscribe - indicates whether the model supports subscription mechanism The array may be empty. uint16 Location [read-only, optional] Location descriptor as defined in the GATT Bluetooth Namespace Descriptors section of the Bluetooth SIG Assigned Numbers Mesh Attention Hierarchy ======================== Service unique name Interface org.bluez.mesh.Attention1 Object path freely definable This is an optional interface that implements health attention timer. Methods: void SetTimer(uint8 element_index, uint16 time) The element_index parameter is the element's index within the node where the health server model is hosted. The time parameter indicates how many seconds the attention state shall be on. PossibleErrors: org.bluez.mesh.Error.NotSupported uint16 GetTimer(uint16 element) The element parameter is the unicast address within the node where the health server model is hosted. Returns the number of seconds for how long the attention action remains staying on. PossibleErrors: org.bluez.mesh.Error.NotSupported Mesh Provisioner Hierarchy ============================ Service unique name Interface org.bluez.mesh.Provisioner1 Object path freely definable void ScanResult(int16 rssi, array{byte} data, dict options) The method is called from the bluetooth-meshd daemon when a unique UUID has been seen during UnprovisionedScan() for unprovsioned devices. The rssi parameter is a signed, normalized measurement of the signal strength of the recieved unprovisioned beacon. The data parameter is a variable length byte array, that may have 1, 2 or 3 distinct fields contained in it including the 16 byte remote device UUID (always), a 16 bit mask of OOB authentication flags (optional), and a 32 bit URI hash (if URI bit set in OOB mask). Whether these fields exist or not is a decision of the remote device. The options parameter is a dictionary that may contain additional scan result info (currently an empty placeholder for forward compatibility). If a beacon with a UUID that has already been reported is recieved by the daemon, it will be silently discarded unless it was recieved at a higher rssi power level. uint16 net_index, uint16 unicast RequestProvData(uint8 count) This method is implemented by a Provisioner capable application and is called when the remote device has been fully authenticated and confirmed. The count parameter is the number of consecutive unicast addresses the remote device is requesting. Return Parameters are from the Mesh Profile Spec: net_index - Subnet index of the net_key unicast - Primary Unicast address of the new node PossibleErrors: org.bluez.mesh.Error.Abort void AddNodeComplete(array{byte}[16] uuid, uint16 unicast, uint8 count) This method is called when the node provisioning initiated by an AddNode() method call successfully completed. The unicast parameter is the primary address that has been assigned to the new node, and the address of it's config server. The count parameter is the number of unicast addresses assigned to the new node. The new node may now be sent messages using the credentials supplied by the RequestProvData method. void AddNodeFailed(array{byte}[16] uuid, string reason) This method is called when the node provisioning initiated by AddNode() has failed. Depending on how far Provisioning proceeded before failing, some cleanup of cached data may be required. The reason parameter identifies the reason for provisioning failure. The defined values are: "aborted", "timeout", "bad-pdu", "confirmation-failed", "out-of-resources", "decryption-error", "unexpected-error", "cannot-assign-addresses". Provisioning Agent Hierarchy ============================ Service unique name Interface org.bluez.mesh.ProvisionAgent1 Object path freely definable Methods: array{byte} PrivateKey() This method is called during provisioning if the Provisioner has requested Out-Of-Band ECC key exchange. The Private key is returned to the Daemon, and the Public Key is delivered to the remote Provisioner using a method that does not involve the Bluetooth Mesh system. The Private Key returned must be 32 octets in size, or the Provisioning procedure will fail and be canceled. This function will only be called if the Provisioner has requested pre-determined keys to be exchanged Out-of-Band, and the local role is Unprovisioned device. array{byte} PublicKey() This method is called during provisioning if the local device is the Provisioner, and is requestng Out-Of-Band ECC key exchange. The Public key is returned to the Daemon that is the matched pair of the Private key of the remote device. The Public Key returned must be 64 octets in size, or the Provisioning procedure will fail and be canceled. This function will only be called if the Provisioner has requested pre-determined keys to be exchanged Out-of-Band, and the local role is Provisioner. void DisplayString(string value) This method is called when the Daemon has something important for the Agent to Display, but does not require any additional input locally. For instance: "Enter "ABCDE" on remote device". void DisplayNumeric(string type, uint32 number) This method is called when the Daemon has something important for the Agent to Display, but does not require any additional input locally. For instance: "Enter 14939264 on remote device". The type parameter indicates the display method. Allowed values are: "blink" - Locally blink LED "beep" - Locally make a noise "vibrate" - Locally vibrate "out-numeric" - Display value to enter remotely "push" - Request pushes on remote button "twist" - Request twists on remote knob The number parameter is the specific value represented by the Prompt. uint32 PromptNumeric(string type) This method is called when the Daemon requests the user to enter a decimal value between 1-99999999. The type parameter indicates the input method. Allowed values are: "blink" - Enter times remote LED blinked "beep" - Enter times remote device beeped "vibrate" - Enter times remote device vibrated "in-numeric" - Enter remotely displayed value "push" - Push local button remotely requested times "twist" - Twist local knob remotely requested times This agent should prompt the user for specific input. For instance: "Enter value being displayed by remote device". array{byte}[16] PromptStatic(string type) This method is called when the Daemon requires a 16 octet byte array, as an Out-of-Band authentication. The type parameter indicates the input method. Allowed values are: "static-oob" - return 16 octet array "in-alpha" - return 16 octet alpha array The Static data returned must be 16 octets in size, or the Provisioning procedure will fail and be canceled. If input type is "in-alpha", the printable characters should be left-justified, with trailing 0x00 octets filling the remaining bytes. void Cancel() This method gets called by the daemon to cancel any existing Agent Requests. When called, any pending user input should be canceled, and any display requests removed. Properties: array{string} Capabilities [read-only] An array of strings with the following allowed values: "blink" "beep" "vibrate" "out-numeric" "out-alpha" "push" "twist" "in-numeric" "in-alpha" "static-oob" "public-oob" array{string} OutOfBandInfo [read-only, optional] Indicates availability of OOB data. An array of strings with the following allowed values: "other" "uri" "machine-code-2d" "bar-code" "nfc" "number" "string" "on-box" "in-box" "on-paper", "in-manual" "on-device" string URI [read-only, optional] Uniform Resource Identifier points to out-of-band (OOB) information (e.g., a public key)