// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later /* * * BlueZ - Bluetooth protocol stack for Linux * * Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include "mesh/mesh-defs.h" #include "mesh/crypto.h" #include "mesh/net.h" #include "mesh/mesh-io.h" #include "mesh/mesh.h" #include "mesh/prov.h" #include "mesh/provision.h" #include "mesh/pb-adv.h" struct pb_adv_session { mesh_prov_open_func_t open_cb; mesh_prov_close_func_t close_cb; mesh_prov_receive_func_t rx_cb; mesh_prov_ack_func_t ack_cb; struct l_timeout *tx_timeout; struct pb_adv_session *loop; uint32_t link_id; uint16_t exp_len; uint8_t exp_fcs; uint8_t exp_segs; uint8_t got_segs; uint8_t trans_num; uint8_t local_acked; uint8_t local_trans_num; uint8_t peer_trans_num; uint8_t last_peer_trans_num; uint8_t sar[80]; uint8_t uuid[16]; bool initiator; bool opened; void *user_data; }; #define PB_ADV_ACK 0x01 #define PB_ADV_OPEN_REQ 0x03 #define PB_ADV_OPEN_CFM 0x07 #define PB_ADV_CLOSE 0x0B #define PB_ADV_MTU 24 struct pb_ack { uint8_t ad_type; uint32_t link_id; uint8_t trans_num; uint8_t opcode; } __packed; struct pb_open_req{ uint8_t ad_type; uint32_t link_id; uint8_t trans_num; uint8_t opcode; uint8_t uuid[16]; } __packed; struct pb_open_cfm{ uint8_t ad_type; uint32_t link_id; uint8_t trans_num; uint8_t opcode; } __packed; struct pb_close_ind { uint8_t ad_type; uint32_t link_id; uint8_t trans_num; uint8_t opcode; uint8_t reason; } __packed; struct idle_rx { struct pb_adv_session *session; uint16_t len; uint8_t data[PB_ADV_MTU + 6]; }; static struct l_queue *pb_sessions = NULL; static const uint8_t filter[1] = { MESH_AD_TYPE_PROVISION }; static void pb_adv_packet(void *user_data, const uint8_t *pkt, uint16_t len); static void idle_rx_adv(void *user_data) { struct idle_rx *rx = user_data; pb_adv_packet(rx->session, rx->data, rx->len); l_free(rx); } static void pb_adv_send(struct pb_adv_session *session, uint8_t count, uint16_t interval, void *data, uint16_t len) { struct idle_rx *rx; if (session->loop) { rx = l_new(struct idle_rx, 1); rx->session = session->loop; rx->len = len; memcpy(rx->data, data, len); l_idle_oneshot(idle_rx_adv, rx, NULL); } else mesh_send_pkt(count, interval, data, len); } static void send_adv_segs(struct pb_adv_session *session, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t size) { uint16_t init_size; uint8_t buf[PB_ADV_MTU + 6] = { MESH_AD_TYPE_PROVISION }; uint8_t max_seg; uint8_t consumed; int i; if (!size) return; mesh_send_cancel(filter, sizeof(filter)); l_put_be32(session->link_id, buf + 1); buf[1 + 4] = ++session->local_trans_num; if (size > PB_ADV_MTU - 4) { max_seg = 1 + (((size - (PB_ADV_MTU - 4)) - 1) / (PB_ADV_MTU - 1)); init_size = PB_ADV_MTU - 4; } else { max_seg = 0; init_size = size; } l_debug("Sending %u fragments for %u octets", max_seg + 1, size); buf[6] = max_seg << 2; l_put_be16(size, buf + 7); buf[9] = mesh_crypto_compute_fcs(data, size); memcpy(buf + 10, data, init_size); l_debug("max_seg: %2.2x", max_seg); l_debug("size: %2.2x, CRC: %2.2x", size, buf[9]); pb_adv_send(session, MESH_IO_TX_COUNT_UNLIMITED, 200, buf, init_size + 10); consumed = init_size; for (i = 1; i <= max_seg; i++) { uint8_t seg_size; /* Amount of payload data being sent */ if (size - consumed > PB_ADV_MTU - 1) seg_size = PB_ADV_MTU - 1; else seg_size = size - consumed; buf[6] = (i << 2) | 0x02; memcpy(buf + 7, data + consumed, seg_size); pb_adv_send(session, MESH_IO_TX_COUNT_UNLIMITED, 200, buf, seg_size + 7); consumed += seg_size; } } static bool session_match (const void *a, const void *b) { return a == b; } static bool uuid_match (const void *a, const void *b) { const struct pb_adv_session *session = a; const uint8_t *uuid = b; return !memcmp(session->uuid, uuid, sizeof(session->uuid)); } static bool user_match (const void *a, const void *b) { const struct pb_adv_session *session = a; return session->user_data == b; } static void tx_timeout(struct l_timeout *timeout, void *user_data) { struct pb_adv_session *session = user_data; mesh_prov_close_func_t cb; if (!l_queue_find(pb_sessions, session_match, session)) return; mesh_send_cancel(filter, sizeof(filter)); l_debug("TX timeout"); cb = session->close_cb; user_data = session->user_data; cb(user_data, 1); } static void pb_adv_tx(void *user_data, void *data, uint16_t len) { struct pb_adv_session *session = user_data; if (!l_queue_find(pb_sessions, session_match, session)) return; l_timeout_remove(session->tx_timeout); session->tx_timeout = l_timeout_create(30, tx_timeout, session, NULL); send_adv_segs(session, data, len); } static void send_open_req(struct pb_adv_session *session) { struct pb_open_req open_req = { MESH_AD_TYPE_PROVISION }; l_put_be32(session->link_id, &open_req.link_id); open_req.trans_num = 0; open_req.opcode = PB_ADV_OPEN_REQ; memcpy(open_req.uuid, session->uuid, 16); mesh_send_cancel(filter, sizeof(filter)); pb_adv_send(session, MESH_IO_TX_COUNT_UNLIMITED, 500, &open_req, sizeof(open_req)); } static void send_open_cfm(struct pb_adv_session *session) { struct pb_open_cfm open_cfm = { MESH_AD_TYPE_PROVISION }; l_put_be32(session->link_id, &open_cfm.link_id); open_cfm.trans_num = 0; open_cfm.opcode = PB_ADV_OPEN_CFM; mesh_send_cancel(filter, sizeof(filter)); pb_adv_send(session, MESH_IO_TX_COUNT_UNLIMITED, 500, &open_cfm, sizeof(open_cfm)); } static void send_ack(struct pb_adv_session *session, uint8_t trans_num) { struct pb_ack ack = { MESH_AD_TYPE_PROVISION }; if (!l_queue_find(pb_sessions, session_match, session)) return; l_put_be32(session->link_id, &ack.link_id); ack.trans_num = trans_num; ack.opcode = PB_ADV_ACK; pb_adv_send(session, 1, 100, &ack, sizeof(ack)); } static void send_close_ind(struct pb_adv_session *session, uint8_t reason) { struct pb_close_ind close_ind = { MESH_AD_TYPE_PROVISION }; if (!l_queue_find(pb_sessions, session_match, session)) return; l_put_be32(session->link_id, &close_ind.link_id); close_ind.trans_num = 0; close_ind.opcode = PB_ADV_CLOSE; close_ind.reason = reason; mesh_send_cancel(filter, sizeof(filter)); pb_adv_send(session, 10, 100, &close_ind, sizeof(close_ind)); } static void pb_adv_packet(void *user_data, const uint8_t *pkt, uint16_t len) { struct pb_adv_session *session = user_data; uint32_t link_id; size_t offset; uint8_t trans_num; uint8_t type; bool first; if (!l_queue_find(pb_sessions, session_match, session)) return; link_id = l_get_be32(pkt + 1); type = l_get_u8(pkt + 6); /* Validate new or existing Connection ID */ if (session->link_id) { if (session->link_id != link_id) return; } else if (type != 0x03) return; else if (!link_id) return; trans_num = l_get_u8(pkt + 5); pkt += 7; len -= 7; switch (type) { case PB_ADV_OPEN_CFM: /* * Ignore if: * 1. We are acceptor * 2. We are already provisioning on different link_id */ if (!session->initiator) return; first = !session->opened; session->opened = true; /* Only call Open callback once */ if (first) { l_debug("PB-ADV open confirmed"); session->local_trans_num = 0xFF; session->open_cb(session->user_data, pb_adv_tx, session, PB_ADV); } return; case PB_ADV_OPEN_REQ: /* * Ignore if: * 1. We are initiator * 2. Open request not addressed to us * 3. We are already provisioning on different link_id */ if (session->initiator) return; if (memcmp(pkt, session->uuid, 16)) return; first = !session->link_id; session->link_id = link_id; session->last_peer_trans_num = 0xFF; session->local_acked = 0xFF; session->peer_trans_num = 0x00; session->local_trans_num = 0x7F; session->opened = true; /* Only call Open callback once */ if (first) { l_debug("PB-ADV open requested"); session->open_cb(session->user_data, pb_adv_tx, session, PB_ADV); } /* Send CFM once per received request */ send_open_cfm(session); break; case PB_ADV_CLOSE: l_debug("Link closed notification: %2.2x", pkt[0]); session->close_cb(session->user_data, pkt[0]); break; case PB_ADV_ACK: if (!session->opened) return; if (trans_num != session->local_trans_num) return; if (session->local_acked > trans_num) return; mesh_send_cancel(filter, sizeof(filter)); session->local_acked = trans_num; session->ack_cb(session->user_data, trans_num); break; default: /* DATA SEGMENT */ if (!session->opened) return; if (trans_num == session->last_peer_trans_num) { send_ack(session, trans_num); return; } switch(type & 0x03) { case 0x00: session->peer_trans_num = trans_num; session->exp_len = l_get_be16(pkt); l_debug("PB-ADV start with %u fragments, %d octets", type >> 2, session->exp_len); if (session->exp_len > sizeof(session->sar)) { l_debug("Incoming length exceeded: %d", session->exp_len); return; } session->exp_fcs = l_get_u8(pkt + 2); session->exp_segs = 0xff >> (7 - (type >> 2)); /* Save first segment */ memcpy(session->sar, pkt + 3, len - 3); session->got_segs |= 1; break; case 0x02: session->peer_trans_num = trans_num; offset = 20 + (((type >> 2) - 1) * 23); if (offset + len - 3 > sizeof(session->sar)) { l_debug("Length exceeded: %d", session->exp_len); return; } l_debug("Processing fragment %u", type >> 2); memcpy(session->sar + offset, pkt, len); session->got_segs |= 1 << (type >> 2); break; default: /* Malformed or unrecognized */ return; } if (session->got_segs != session->exp_segs) return; /* Validate RXed packet and pass up to Provisioning */ if (!mesh_crypto_check_fcs(session->sar, session->exp_len, session->exp_fcs)) { /* This can be a false negative if first * segment missed, and can almost always * be ignored. */ l_debug("Invalid FCS"); return; } send_ack(session, session->peer_trans_num); if (session->last_peer_trans_num != session->peer_trans_num) { session->got_segs = 0; session->last_peer_trans_num = session->peer_trans_num; session->rx_cb(session->user_data, session->sar, session->exp_len); } } } bool pb_adv_reg(bool initiator, mesh_prov_open_func_t open_cb, mesh_prov_close_func_t close_cb, mesh_prov_receive_func_t rx_cb, mesh_prov_ack_func_t ack_cb, uint8_t uuid[16], void *user_data) { struct pb_adv_session *session, *old_session; if (!pb_sessions) pb_sessions = l_queue_new(); old_session = l_queue_find(pb_sessions, uuid_match, uuid); /* Reject 2nd session if not looping back */ if (l_queue_length(pb_sessions) && !old_session) return false; /* Reject looping to more than one session or with same role*/ if (old_session && (old_session->loop || old_session->initiator == initiator)) return false; session = l_new(struct pb_adv_session, 1); session->open_cb = open_cb; session->close_cb = close_cb; session->rx_cb = rx_cb; session->ack_cb = ack_cb; session->user_data = user_data; session->initiator = initiator; memcpy(session->uuid, uuid, 16); l_queue_push_head(pb_sessions, session); if (initiator) { l_getrandom(&session->link_id, sizeof(session->link_id)); session->tx_timeout = l_timeout_create(60, tx_timeout, session, NULL); } /* Setup Loop-back if complementary session with same UUID */ if (old_session) { session->loop = old_session; old_session->loop = session; mesh_unreg_prov_rx(pb_adv_packet); if (initiator) send_open_req(session); else send_open_req(old_session); return true; } mesh_reg_prov_rx(pb_adv_packet, session); if (initiator) send_open_req(session); return true; } void pb_adv_unreg(void *user_data) { struct pb_adv_session *session = l_queue_find(pb_sessions, user_match, user_data); if (!session) return; l_timeout_remove(session->tx_timeout); session->tx_timeout = NULL; send_close_ind(session, 0); l_queue_remove(pb_sessions, session); l_free(session); if (!l_queue_length(pb_sessions)) { l_queue_destroy(pb_sessions, l_free); pb_sessions = NULL; } }