# $Id: libs.mk,v 1.2 2007/04/30 17:39:27 sjg Exp $ # # @(#) Copyright (c) 2006, Simon J. Gerraty # # This file is provided in the hope that it will # be of use. There is absolutely NO WARRANTY. # Permission to copy, redistribute or otherwise # use this file is hereby granted provided that # the above copyright notice and this notice are # left intact. # # Please send copies of changes and bug-fixes to: # sjg@crufty.net # .MAIN: all .if defined(LIBS) .ifndef LIB .for t in ${LIBS:R:T:S,^lib,,} .if make(lib$t) LIB?= $t lib$t: all .endif .endfor .endif .if defined(LIB) # just one of many .for v in DPADD SRCS CFLAGS ${LIB_VARS} $v += ${${v}_lib${LIB}} .endfor # ensure that we don't clobber each other's dependencies DEPENDFILE?= .depend.${LIB} # lib.mk will do the rest .else all: ${LIBS:S,^lib,,:@t@lib$t.a@} .MAKE .endif .endif # handle being called [bsd.]libs.mk .include <${.PARSEFILE:S,libs,lib,}> .ifndef LIB .for t in ${LIBS:R:T:S,^lib,,} lib$t.a: ${SRCS} ${DPADD} ${SRCS_lib$t} ${DPADD_lib$t} (cd ${.CURDIR} && ${.MAKE} -f ${MAKEFILE} LIB=$t) clean: $t.clean $t.clean: (cd ${.CURDIR} && ${.MAKE} -f ${MAKEFILE} LIB=$t ${@:E}) .endfor .endif