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authorLorry Tar Creator <>2013-06-25 22:59:01 +0000
committer <>2013-09-27 11:49:28 +0000
commit8c4528713d907ee2cfd3bfcbbad272c749867f84 (patch)
treec09e2ce80f47b90c85cc720f5139089ad9c8cfff /libs/tuple
Imported from /home/lorry/working-area/delta_boost-tarball/boost_1_54_0.tar.bz2.boost_1_54_0baserock/morph
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9 files changed, 1664 insertions, 0 deletions
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+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
+<title>Design decisions rationale for Boost Tuple Library</title>
+<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000">
+<IMG SRC="../../../boost.png"
+ ALT="C++ Boost" width="277" height="86">
+<h1>Tuple Library : design decisions rationale</h1>
+<h2>About namespaces</h2>
+There was a discussion about whether tuples should be in a separate namespace or directly in the <code>boost</code> namespace.
+The common principle is that domain libraries (like <i>graph</i>, <i>python</i>) should be on a separate
+subnamespace, while utility like libraries directly in the <code>boost</code> namespace.
+Tuples are somewhere in between, as the tuple template is clearly a general utility, but the library introduces quite a lot of names in addition to just the tuple template.
+Tuples were originally under a subnamespace.
+As a result of the discussion, tuple definitions were moved directly under the <code>boost</code> namespace.
+As a result of a continued discussion, the subnamespace was reintroduced.
+The final (I truly hope so) solution is now to have all definitions in namespace <code>::boost::tuples</code>, and the most common names in the <code>::boost</code> namespace as well.
+This is accomplished with using declarations (suggested by Dave Abrahams):</p>
+<pre><code>namespace boost {
+ namespace tuples {
+ ...
+ // All library code
+ ...
+ }
+ using tuples::tuple;
+ using tuples::make_tuple;
+ using tuples::tie;
+ using tuples::get;
+<p>With this arrangement, tuple creation with direct constructor calls, <code>make_tuple</code> or <code>tie</code> functions do not need the namespace qualifier.
+Further, all functions that manipulate tuples are found with Koenig-lookup.
+The only exceptions are the <code>get&lt;N&gt;</code> functions, which are always called with an explicitly qualified template argument, and thus Koenig-lookup does not apply.
+Therefore, get is lifted to <code>::boost</code> namespace with a using declaration.
+Hence, the interface for an application programmer is in practice under the namespace <code>::boost</code>.
+The other names, forming an interface for library writers (cons lists, metafunctions manipulating cons lists, ...) remain in the subnamespace <code>::boost::tuples</code>.
+Note, that the names <code>ignore</code>, <code>set_open</code>, <code>set_close</code> and <code>set_delimiter</code> are considered to be part of the application programmer's interface, but are still not under <code>boost</code> namespace.
+The reason being the danger for name clashes for these common names.
+Further, the usage of these features is probably not very frequent.
+<h4>For those who are really interested in namespaces</h4>
+The subnamespace name <i>tuples</i> raised some discussion.
+The rationale for not using the most natural name 'tuple' is to avoid having an identical name with the tuple template.
+Namespace names are, however, not generally in plural form in boost libraries.
+First, no real trouble was reported for using the same name for a namespace and a class and we considered changing the name 'tuples' to 'tuple'.
+But we found some trouble after all.
+Both gcc and edg compilers reject using declarations where the namespace and class names are identical:</p>
+<pre><code>namespace boost {
+ namespace tuple {
+ ... tie(...);
+ class tuple;
+&nbsp; ...
+ }
+ using tuple::tie; // ok
+ using tuple::tuple; // error
+ ...
+<p>Note, however, that a corresponding using declaration in the global namespace seems to be ok:</p>
+using boost::tuple::tuple; // ok;
+<h2>The end mark of the cons list (nil, null_type, ...)</h2>
+Tuples are internally represented as <code>cons</code> lists:
+<pre><code>tuple&lt;int, int&gt;
+<p>inherits from</p>
+<pre><code>cons&lt;int, cons&lt;int, null_type&gt; &gt;
+<code>null_type</code> is the end mark of the list. Original proposition was <code>nil</code>, but the name is used in MacOS, and might have caused problems, so <code>null_type</code> was chosen instead.
+Other names considered were <i>null_t</i> and <i>unit</i> (the empty tuple type in SML).</p>
+Note that <code>null_type</code> is the internal representation of an empty tuple: <code>tuple&lt;&gt;</code> inherits from <code>null_type</code>.
+<h2>Element indexing</h2>
+Whether to use 0- or 1-based indexing was discussed more than thoroughly, and the following observations were made:</p>
+<li> 0-based indexing is 'the C++ way' and used with arrays etc.</li>
+<li> 1-based 'name like' indexing exists as well, eg. <code>bind1st</code>, <code>bind2nd</code>, <code>pair::first</code>, etc.</li>
+<p>Tuple access with the syntax <code>get&lt;N&gt;(a)</code>, or <code>a.get&lt;N&gt;()</code> (where <code>a</code> is a tuple and <code>N</code> an index), was considered to be of the first category, hence, the index of the first element in a tuple is 0.</p>
+A suggestion to provide 1-based 'name like' indexing with constants like <code>_1st</code>, <code>_2nd</code>, <code>_3rd</code>, ... was made.
+By suitably chosen constant types, this would allow alternative syntaxes:
+<pre><code>a.get&lt;0&gt;() == a.get(_1st) == a[_1st] == a(_1st);
+<p>We chose not to provide more than one indexing method for the following reasons:</p>
+<li>0-based indexing might not please everyone, but once its fixed, it is less confusing than having two different methods (would anyone want such constants for arrays?).</li>
+<li>Adding the other indexing scheme doesn't really provide anything new (like a new feature) to the user of the library.</li>
+<li>C++ variable and constant naming rules don't give many possibilities for defining short and nice index constants (like <code>_1st</code>, ...).
+Let the binding and lambda libraries use these for a better purpose.</li>
+<li>The access syntax <code>a[_1st]</code> (or <code>a(_1st)</code>) is appealing, and almost made us add the index constants after all. However, 0-based subscripting is so deep in C++, that we had a fear for confusion.</li>
+Such constants are easy to add.
+<h2>Tuple comparison</h2>
+<p>The comparison operator implements lexicographical order.
+Other orderings were considered, mainly dominance (<i>a &lt; b iff for each i a(i) &lt; b(i)</i>).
+Our belief is, that lexicographical ordering, though not mathematically the most natural one, is the most frequently needed ordering in everyday programming.</p>
+The characters specified with tuple stream manipulators are stored within the space allocated by <code>ios_base::xalloc</code>, which allocates storage for <code>long</code> type objects.
+<code>static_cast</code> is used in casting between <code>long</code> and the stream's character type.
+Streams that have character types not convertible back and forth to long thus fail to compile.</p>
+<p>This may be revisited at some point. The two possible solutions are:</p>
+<li>Allow only plain <code>char</code> types as the tuple delimiters and use <code>widen</code> and <code>narrow</code> to convert between the real character type of the stream.
+This would always compile, but some calls to set manipulators might result in a different
+ character than expected (some default character).</li>
+<li>Allocate enough space to hold the real character type of the stream.
+This means memory for holding the delimiter characters must be allocated separately, and that pointers to this memory are stored in the space allocated with <code>ios_base::xalloc</code>.
+Any volunteers?</li>
+<A href="tuple_users_guide.html">Back to the user's guide</A>
+<hr><p>&copy; Copyright Jaakko J&auml;rvi 2001.
diff --git a/libs/tuple/doc/tuple_advanced_interface.html b/libs/tuple/doc/tuple_advanced_interface.html
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+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
+ <head>
+ <title>Tuple library advanced features</title>
+ </head>
+<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000">
+<IMG SRC="../../../boost.png"
+ ALT="C++ Boost" width="277" height="86">
+ <h1>Tuple library advanced features</h1>
+The advanced features described in this document are all under namespace <code>::boost::tuples</code>
+<h2>Metafunctions for tuple types</h2>
+Suppose <code>T</code> is a tuple type, and <code>N</code> is a constant integral expression.</p>
+<pre><code>element&lt;N, T&gt;::type</code></pre>
+<p>gives the type of the <code>N</code>th element in the tuple type <code>T</code>. If <code>T</code> is const, the resulting type is const qualified as well.
+Note that the constness of <code>T</code> does not affect reference type
+<p>gives the length of the tuple type <code>T</code>.
+<h2>Cons lists</h2>
+Tuples are internally represented as <i>cons lists</i>.
+For example, the tuple </p>
+<pre><code>tuple&lt;A, B, C, D&gt;</code></pre>
+<p>inherits from the type</p>
+<pre><code>cons&lt;A, cons&lt;B, cons&lt;C, cons&lt;D, null_type&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;
+<p>The tuple template provides the typedef <code>inherited</code> to access the cons list representation. E.g.:
+<code>tuple&lt;A&gt;::inherited</code> is the type <code>cons&lt;A, null_type&gt;</code>.
+<h4>Empty tuple</h4>
+The internal representation of the empty tuple <code>tuple&lt;&gt;</code> is <code>null_type</code>.
+<h4>Head and tail</h4>
+Both tuple template and the cons templates provide the typedefs <code>head_type</code> and <code>tail_type</code>.
+The <code>head_type</code> typedef gives the type of the first element of the tuple (or the cons list).
+<code>tail_type</code> typedef gives the remaining cons list after removing the first element.
+The head element is stored in the member variable <code>head</code> and the tail list in the member variable <code>tail</code>.
+Cons lists provide the member function <code>get_head()</code> for getting a reference to the head of a cons list, and <code>get_tail()</code> for getting a reference to the tail.
+There are const and non-const versions of both functions.
+Note that in a one element tuple, <code>tail_type</code> equals <code>null_type</code> and the <code>get_tail()</code> function returns an object of type <code>null_type</code>.
+The empty tuple (<code>null_type</code>) has no head or tail, hence the <code>get_head</code> and <code>get_tail</code> functions are not provided.
+Treating tuples as cons lists gives a convenient means to define generic functions to manipulate tuples. For example, the following pair of function templates assign 0 to each element of a tuple (obviously, the assignments must be valid operations for the element types):
+<pre><code>inline void set_to_zero(const null_type&amp;) {};
+template &lt;class H, class T&gt;
+inline void set_to_zero(cons&lt;H, T&gt;&amp; x) { x.get_head() = 0; set_to_zero(x.get_tail()); }
+<h4>Constructing cons lists</h4>
+A cons list can be default constructed provided that all its elements can be default constructed.
+A cons list can be constructed from its head and tail. The prototype of the constructor is:</p>
+<pre><code>cons(typename access_traits&lt;head_type&gt;::parameter_type h,
+ const tail_type&amp; t)
+<p>The traits template for the head parameter selects correct parameter types for different kinds of element types (for reference elements the parameter type equals the element type, for non-reference types the parameter type is a reference to const non-volatile element type).
+For a one-element cons list the tail argument (<code>null_type</code>) can be omitted.
+<h2>Traits classes for tuple element types</h2>
+The template <code>access_traits</code> defines three type functions. Let <code>T</code> be a type of an element in a tuple:</p>
+<li><code>access_traits&lt;T&gt;::non_const_type</code> maps <code>T</code> to the return type of the non-const access functions (nonmember and member <code>get</code> functions, and the <code>get_head</code> function).</li>
+<li><code>access_traits&lt;T&gt;::const_type</code> maps <code>T</code> to the return type of the const access functions.</li>
+<li><code>access_traits&lt;T&gt;::parameter_type</code> maps <code>T</code> to the parameter type of the tuple constructor.</li>
+<p>The element types of the tuples that are created with the <code>make_tuple</code> functions are computed with the type function <code>make_tuple_traits</code>.
+The type function call <code>make_tuple_traits&lt;T&gt;::type</code> implements the following type mapping:</p>
+<li><i>any reference type</i> -&gt; <i>compile time error</i>
+<li><i>any array type</i> -&gt; <i>constant reference to the array type</i>
+<li><code>reference_wrapper&lt;T&gt;</code> -&gt; <code>T&amp;</code>
+<li><code>T</code> -&gt; <code>T</code>
+<p>Objects of type <code>reference_wrapper</code> are created with the <code>ref</code> and <code>cref</code> functions (see <A href="tuple_users_guide.html#make_tuple">The <code>make_tuple</code> function</A>.)
+<p>Reference wrappers were originally part of the tuple library, but they are now a general utility of boost.
+The <code>reference_wrapper</code> template and the <code>ref</code> and <code>cref</code> functions are defined in a separate file <code>ref.hpp</code> in the main boost include directory; and directly in the <code>boost</code> namespace.
+<A href="tuple_users_guide.html">Back to the user's guide</A>
+<p>&copy; Copyright Jaakko J&auml;rvi 2001.</p>
+ </body>
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+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
+<title>The Boost Tuple Library</title>
+<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000">
+<IMG SRC="../../../boost.png"
+ ALT="C++ Boost" width="277" height="86">
+<h1>The Boost Tuple Library</h1>
+A tuple (or <i>n</i>-tuple) is a fixed size collection of elements.
+Pairs, triples, quadruples etc. are tuples.
+In a programming language, a tuple is a data object containing other objects as elements.
+These element objects may be of different types.
+<p>Tuples are convenient in many circumstances.
+For instance, tuples make it easy to define functions that return more than one value.
+Some programming languages, such as ML, Python and Haskell, have built-in tuple constructs.
+Unfortunately C++ does not.
+To compensate for this &quot;deficiency&quot;, the Boost Tuple Library implements a tuple construct using templates.
+<h2>Table of Contents</h2>
+<li><a href = "#using_library">Using the library</a></li>
+<li><a href = "#tuple_types">Tuple types</a></li>
+<li><a href = "#constructing_tuples">Constructing tuples</a></li>
+<li><a href = "#accessing_elements">Accessing tuple elements</a></li>
+<li><a href = "#construction_and_assignment">Copy construction and tuple assignment</a></li>
+<li><a href = "#relational_operators">Relational operators</a></li>
+<li><a href = "#tiers">Tiers</a></li>
+<li><a href = "#streaming">Streaming</a></li>
+<li><a href = "#performance">Performance</a></li>
+<li><a href = "#portability">Portability</a></li>
+<li><a href = "#thanks">Acknowledgements</a></li>
+<li><a href = "#references">References</a></li>
+<h4>More details</h4>
+<a href = "tuple_advanced_interface.html">Advanced features</a> (describes some metafunctions etc.).</p>
+<a href = "design_decisions_rationale.html">Rationale behind some design/implementation decisions.</a></p>
+<h2><a name="using_library">Using the library</a></h2>
+<p>To use the library, just include:</p>
+<pre><code>#include &quot;boost/tuple/tuple.hpp&quot;</code></pre>
+<p>Comparison operators can be included with:</p>
+<pre><code>#include &quot;boost/tuple/tuple_comparison.hpp&quot;</code></pre>
+<p>To use tuple input and output operators,</p>
+<pre><code>#include &quot;boost/tuple/tuple_io.hpp&quot;</code></pre>
+<p>Both <code>tuple_io.hpp</code> and <code>tuple_comparison.hpp</code> include <code>tuple.hpp</code>.</p>
+<p>All definitions are in namespace <code>::boost::tuples</code>, but the most common names are lifted to namespace
+<code>::boost</code> with using declarations. These names are: <code>tuple</code>, <code>make_tuple</code>, <code>tie</code> and <code>get</code>.
+Further, <code>ref</code> and <code>cref</code> are defined directly under the <code>::boost</code> namespace.</p>
+<h2><a name = "tuple_types">Tuple types</a></h2>
+<p>A tuple type is an instantiation of the <code>tuple</code> template.
+The template parameters specify the types of the tuple elements.
+The current version supports tuples with 0-10 elements.
+If necessary, the upper limit can be increased up to, say, a few dozen elements.
+The data element can be any C++ type.
+Note that <code>void</code> and plain function types are valid
+C++ types, but objects of such types cannot exist.
+Hence, if a tuple type contains such types as elements, the tuple type
+can exist, but not an object of that type.
+There are natural limitations for element types that cannot
+be copied, or that are not default constructible (see 'Constructing tuples'
+ below). </p>
+For example, the following definitions are valid tuple instantiations (<code>A</code>, <code>B</code> and <code>C</code> are some user defined classes):</p>
+tuple&lt;double&amp;, const double&amp;, const double, double*, const double*&gt;
+tuple&lt;A, int(*)(char, int), B(A::*)(C&amp;), C&gt;
+tuple&lt;std::string, std::pair&lt;A, B&gt; &gt;
+tuple&lt;A*, tuple&lt;const A*, const B&amp;, C&gt;, bool, void*&gt;
+<h2><a name = "constructing_tuples">Constructing tuples</a></h2>
+The tuple constructor takes the tuple elements as arguments.
+For an <i>n</i>-element tuple, the constructor can be invoked with <i>k</i> arguments, where 0 &lt;= <i>k</i> &lt;= <i>n</i>.
+For example:</p>
+<pre><code>tuple&lt;int, double&gt;()
+tuple&lt;int, double&gt;(1)
+tuple&lt;int, double&gt;(1, 3.14)
+If no initial value for an element is provided, it is default initialized (and hence must be default initializable).
+For example.</p>
+<pre><code>class X {
+ X();
+ X(std::string);
+tuple&lt;X,X,X&gt;() // error: no default constructor for X
+tuple&lt;X,X,X&gt;(string(&quot;Jaba&quot;), string(&quot;Daba&quot;), string(&quot;Duu&quot;)) // ok
+<p>In particular, reference types do not have a default initialization: </p>
+<pre><code>tuple&lt;double&amp;&gt;() // error: reference must be
+ // initialized explicitly
+double d = 5;
+tuple&lt;double&amp;&gt;(d) // ok
+tuple&lt;double&amp;&gt;(d+3.14) // error: cannot initialize
+ // non-const reference with a temporary
+tuple&lt;const double&amp;&gt;(d+3.14) // ok, but dangerous:
+ // the element becomes a dangling reference
+<p>Using an initial value for an element that cannot be copied, is a compile
+time error:</p>
+<pre><code>class Y {
+ Y(const Y&amp;);
+ Y();
+char a[10];
+tuple&lt;char[10], Y&gt;(a, Y()); // error, neither arrays nor Y can be copied
+tuple&lt;char[10], Y&gt;(); // ok
+<p>Note particularly that the following is perfectly ok:</p>
+<pre><code>Y y;
+tuple&lt;char(&amp;)[10], Y&amp;&gt;(a, y);
+<p>It is possible to come up with a tuple type that cannot be constructed.
+This occurs if an element that cannot be initialized has a lower
+index than an element that requires initialization.
+For example: <code>tuple&lt;char[10], int&amp;&gt;</code>.</p>
+<p>In sum, the tuple construction is semantically just a group of individual elementary constructions.
+<h4><a name="make_tuple">The <code>make_tuple</code> function</a></h4>
+Tuples can also be constructed using the <code>make_tuple</code> (cf. <code>std::make_pair</code>) helper functions.
+This makes the construction more convenient, saving the programmer from explicitly specifying the element types:</p>
+<pre><code>tuple&lt;int, int, double&gt; add_multiply_divide(int a, int b) {
+ return make_tuple(a+b, a*b, double(a)/double(b));
+By default, the element types are deduced to the plain non-reference types. E.g.: </p>
+<pre><code>void foo(const A&amp; a, B&amp; b) {
+ ...
+ make_tuple(a, b);
+<p>The <code>make_tuple</code> invocation results in a tuple of type <code>tuple&lt;A, B&gt;</code>.</p>
+Sometimes the plain non-reference type is not desired, e.g. if the element type cannot be copied.
+Therefore, the programmer can control the type deduction and state that a reference to const or reference to
+non-const type should be used as the element type instead.
+This is accomplished with two helper template functions: <code>ref</code> and <code>cref</code>.
+Any argument can be wrapped with these functions to get the desired type.
+The mechanism does not compromise const correctness since a const object wrapped with <code>ref</code> results
+in a tuple element with const reference type (see the fifth example below).
+For example:</p>
+<pre><code>A a; B b; const A ca = a;
+make_tuple(cref(a), b); // creates tuple&lt;const A&amp;, B&gt;
+make_tuple(ref(a), b); // creates tuple&lt;A&amp;, B&gt;
+make_tuple(ref(a), cref(b)); // creates tuple&lt;A&amp;, const B&amp;&gt;
+make_tuple(cref(ca)); // creates tuple&lt;const A&amp;&gt;
+make_tuple(ref(ca)); // creates tuple&lt;const A&amp;&gt;
+Array arguments to <code>make_tuple</code> functions are deduced to reference to const types by default; there is no need to wrap them with <code>cref</code>. For example:</p>
+<pre><code>make_tuple(&quot;Donald&quot;, &quot;Daisy&quot;);
+<p>This creates an object of type <code>tuple&lt;const char (&amp;)[7], const char (&amp;)[6]&gt;</code>
+(note that the type of a string literal is an array of const characters, not <code>const char*</code>).
+However, to get <code>make_tuple</code> to create a tuple with an element of a
+non-const array type one must use the <code>ref</code> wrapper.</p>
+Function pointers are deduced to the plain non-reference type, that is, to plain function pointer.
+A tuple can also hold a reference to a function,
+but such a tuple cannot be constructed with <code>make_tuple</code> (a const qualified function type would result, which is illegal):</p>
+<pre><code>void f(int i);
+ ...
+make_tuple(&amp;f); // tuple&lt;void (*)(int)&gt;
+ ...
+tuple&lt;tuple&lt;void (&amp;)(int)&gt; &gt; a(f) // ok
+make_tuple(f); // not ok
+<h2><a name = "accessing_elements">Accessing tuple elements</a></h2>
+Tuple elements are accessed with the expression:</p>
+<p>where <code>t</code> is a tuple object and <code>N</code> is a constant integral expression specifying the index of the element to be accessed.
+Depending on whether <code>t</code> is const or not, <code>get</code> returns the <code>N</code>th element as a reference to const or
+non-const type.
+The index of the first element is 0 and thus<code>
+N</code> must be between 0 and <code>k-1</code>, where <code>k</code> is the number of elements in the tuple.
+Violations of these constraints are detected at compile time. Examples:</p>
+<pre><code>double d = 2.7; A a;
+tuple&lt;int, double&amp;, const A&amp;&gt; t(1, d, a);
+const tuple&lt;int, double&amp;, const A&amp;&gt; ct = t;
+ ...
+int i = get&lt;0&gt;(t); i = t.get&lt;0&gt;(); // ok
+int j = get&lt;0&gt;(ct); // ok
+get&lt;0&gt;(t) = 5; // ok
+get&lt;0&gt;(ct) = 5; // error, can't assign to const
+ ...
+double e = get&lt;1&gt;(t); // ok
+get&lt;1&gt;(t) = 3.14; // ok
+get&lt;2&gt;(t) = A(); // error, can't assign to const
+A aa = get&lt;3&gt;(t); // error: index out of bounds
+ ...
+++get&lt;0&gt;(t); // ok, can be used as any variable
+Note! The member get functions are not supported with MS Visual C++ compiler.
+Further, the compiler has trouble with finding the non-member get functions without an explicit namespace qualifier.
+Hence, all <code>get</code> calls should be qualified as: <code>tuples::get&lt;N&gt;(a_tuple)</code> when writing code that should compile with MSVC++ 6.0.
+<h2><a name = "construction_and_assignment">Copy construction and tuple assignment</a></h2>
+A tuple can be copy constructed from another tuple, provided that the element types are element-wise copy constructible.
+Analogously, a tuple can be assigned to another tuple, provided that the element types are element-wise assignable.
+For example:</p>
+<pre><code>class A {};
+class B : public A {};
+struct C { C(); C(const B&amp;); };
+struct D { operator C() const; };
+tuple&lt;char, B*, B, D&gt; t;
+ ...
+tuple&lt;int, A*, C, C&gt; a(t); // ok
+a = t; // ok
+<p>In both cases, the conversions performed are: <code>char -> int</code>, <code>B* -> A*</code> (derived class pointer to base class pointer), <code>B -> C</code> (a user defined conversion) and <code>D -> C</code> (a user defined conversion).</p>
+Note that assignment is also defined from <code>std::pair</code> types:</p>
+<pre><code>tuple&lt;float, int&gt; a = std::make_pair(1, 'a');
+<h2><a name = "relational_operators">Relational operators</a></h2>
+Tuples reduce the operators <code>==, !=, &lt;, &gt;, &lt;=</code> and <code>>=</code> to the corresponding elementary operators.
+This means, that if any of these operators is defined between all elements of two tuples, then the same operator is defined between the tuples as well.
+The equality operators for two tuples <code>a</code> and <code>b</code> are defined as:</p>
+<li><code>a == b</code> iff for each <code>i</code>: <code>a<sub>i</sub> == b<sub>i</sub></code></li>
+<li><code>a != b</code> iff exists <code>i</code>: <code>a<sub>i</sub> != b<sub>i</sub></code></li>
+<p>The operators <code>&lt;, &gt;, &lt;=</code> and <code>&gt;=</code> implement a lexicographical ordering.</p>
+Note that an attempt to compare two tuples of different lengths results in a compile time error.
+Also, the comparison operators are <i>"short-circuited"</i>: elementary comparisons start from the first elements and are performed only until the result is clear.</p>
+<pre><code>tuple&lt;std::string, int, A&gt; t1(std::string(&quot;same?&quot;), 2, A());
+tuple&lt;std::string, long, A&gt; t2(std::string(&quot;same?&quot;), 2, A());
+tuple&lt;std::string, long, A&gt; t3(std::string(&quot;different&quot;), 3, A());
+bool operator==(A, A) { std::cout &lt;&lt; &quot;All the same to me...&quot;; return true; }
+t1 == t2; // true
+t1 == t3; // false, does not print &quot;All the...&quot;
+<h2><a name = "tiers">Tiers</a></h2>
+<i>Tiers</i> are tuples, where all elements are of non-const reference types.
+They are constructed with a call to the <code>tie</code> function template (cf. <code>make_tuple</code>):</p>
+<pre><code>int i; char c; double d;
+ ...
+tie(i, c, a);
+The above <code>tie</code> function creates a tuple of type <code>tuple&lt;int&amp;, char&amp;, double&amp;&gt;</code>.
+The same result could be achieved with the call <code>make_tuple(ref(i), ref(c), ref(a))</code>.
+A tuple that contains non-const references as elements can be used to 'unpack' another tuple into variables. E.g.:</p>
+<pre><code>int i; char c; double d;
+tie(i, c, d) = make_tuple(1,'a', 5.5);
+std::cout &lt;&lt; i &lt;&lt; &quot; &quot; &lt;&lt; c &lt;&lt; &quot; &quot; &lt;&lt; d;
+<p>This code prints <code>1 a 5.5</code> to the standard output stream.
+A tuple unpacking operation like this is found for example in ML and Python.
+It is convenient when calling functions which return tuples.</p>
+The tying mechanism works with <code>std::pair</code> templates as well:</p>
+<pre><code>int i; char c;
+tie(i, c) = std::make_pair(1, 'a');
+<p>There is also an object called <code>ignore</code> which allows you to ignore an element assigned by a tuple.
+The idea is that a function may return a tuple, only part of which you are interested in. For example (note, that <code>ignore</code> is under the <code>tuples</code> subnamespace):</p>
+<pre><code>char c;
+tie(tuples::ignore, c) = std::make_pair(1, 'a');
+<h2><a name = "streaming">Streaming</a></h2>
+The global <code>operator&lt;&lt;</code> has been overloaded for <code>std::ostream</code> such that tuples are
+output by recursively calling <code>operator&lt;&lt;</code> for each element.
+Analogously, the global <code>operator&gt;&gt;</code> has been overloaded to extract tuples from <code>std::istream</code> by recursively calling <code>operator&gt;&gt;</code> for each element.
+The default delimiter between the elements is space, and the tuple is enclosed
+in parenthesis.
+For Example:
+<pre><code>tuple&lt;float, int, std::string&gt; a(1.0f, 2, std::string(&quot;Howdy folks!&quot;);
+cout &lt;&lt; a;
+<p>outputs the tuple as: <code>(1.0 2 Howdy folks!)</code></p>
+The library defines three <i>manipulators</i> for changing the default behavior:</p>
+<li><code>set_open(char)</code> defines the character that is output before the first
+<li><code>set_close(char)</code> defines the character that is output after the
+last element.</li>
+<li><code>set_delimiter(char)</code> defines the delimiter character between
+<p>Note, that these manipulators are defined in the <code>tuples</code> subnamespace.
+For example:</p>
+<pre><code>cout &lt;&lt; tuples::set_open('[') &lt;&lt; tuples::set_close(']') &lt;&lt; tuples::set_delimiter(',') &lt;&lt; a;
+<p>outputs the same tuple <code>a</code> as: <code>[1.0,2,Howdy folks!]</code></p>
+<p>The same manipulators work with <code>operator&gt;&gt;</code> and <code>istream</code> as well. Suppose the <code>cin</code> stream contains the following data:
+<pre><code>(1 2 3) [4:5]</code></pre>
+<p>The code:</p>
+<pre><code>tuple&lt;int, int, int&gt; i;
+tuple&lt;int, int&gt; j;
+cin &gt;&gt; i;
+cin &gt;&gt; tuples::set_open('[') &gt;&gt; tuples::set_close(']') &gt;&gt; tuples::set_delimiter(':');
+cin &gt;&gt; j;
+<p>reads the data into the tuples <code>i</code> and <code>j</code>.</p>
+Note that extracting tuples with <code>std::string</code> or C-style string
+elements does not generally work, since the streamed tuple representation may not be unambiguously
+<h2><a name = "performance">Performance</a></h2>
+<p>All tuple access and construction functions are small inlined one-liners.
+Therefore, a decent compiler can eliminate any extra cost of using tuples compared to using hand-written tuple like classes.
+Particularly, with a decent compiler there is no performance difference between this code:</p>
+<pre><code>class hand_made_tuple {
+ A a; B b; C c;
+ hand_made_tuple(const A&amp; aa, const B&amp; bb, const C&amp; cc)
+ : a(aa), b(bb), c(cc) {};
+ A&amp; getA() { return a; };
+ B&amp; getB() { return b; };
+ C&amp; getC() { return c; };
+hand_made_tuple hmt(A(), B(), C());
+hmt.getA(); hmt.getB(); hmt.getC();
+<p>and this code:</p>
+<pre><code>tuple&lt;A, B, C&gt; t(A(), B(), C());
+t.get&lt;0&gt;(); t.get&lt;1&gt;(); t.get&lt;2&gt;();
+<p>Note, that there are widely used compilers (e.g. bcc 5.5.1) which fail to optimize this kind of tuple usage.
+Depending on the optimizing ability of the compiler, the tier mechanism may have a small performance penalty compared to using
+non-const reference parameters as a mechanism for returning multiple values from a function.
+For example, suppose that the following functions <code>f1</code> and <code>f2</code> have equivalent functionalities:</p>
+<pre><code>void f1(int&amp;, double&amp;);
+tuple&lt;int, double&gt; f2();
+<p>Then, the call #1 may be slightly faster than #2 in the code below:</p>
+<pre><code>int i; double d;
+ ...
+f1(i,d); // #1
+tie(i,d) = f2(); // #2
+[<a href="#publ_1">1</a>,
+<a href="#publ_2">2</a>]
+ for more in-depth discussions about efficiency.</p>
+<h4>Effect on Compile Time</h4>
+Compiling tuples can be slow due to the excessive amount of template instantiations.
+Depending on the compiler and the tuple length, it may be more than 10 times slower to compile a tuple construct, compared to compiling an equivalent explicitly written class, such as the <code>hand_made_tuple</code> class above.
+However, as a realistic program is likely to contain a lot of code in addition to tuple definitions, the difference is probably unnoticeable.
+Compile time increases between 5 and 10 percent were measured for programs which used tuples very frequently.
+With the same test programs, memory consumption of compiling increased between 22% to 27%. See
+[<a href="#publ_1">1</a>,
+<a href="#publ_2">2</a>]
+for details.
+<h2><a name = "portability">Portability</a></h2>
+<p>The library code is(?) standard C++ and thus the library works with a standard conforming compiler.
+Below is a list of compilers and known problems with each compiler:
+<tr><td>gcc 2.95</td><td>-</td></tr>
+<tr><td>edg 2.44</td><td>-</td></tr>
+<tr><td>Borland 5.5</td><td>Can't use function pointers or member pointers as tuple elements</td></tr>
+<tr><td>Metrowerks 6.2</td><td>Can't use <code>ref</code> and <code>cref</code> wrappers</td></tr>
+<tr><td>MS Visual C++</td><td>No reference elements (<code>tie</code> still works). Can't use <code>ref</code> and <code>cref</code> wrappers</td></tr>
+<h2><a name = "thanks">Acknowledgements</a></h2>
+<p>Gary Powell has been an indispensable helping hand. In particular, stream manipulators for tuples were his idea. Doug Gregor came up with a working version for MSVC, David Abrahams found a way to get rid of most of the restrictions for compilers not supporting partial specialization. Thanks to Jeremy Siek, William Kempf and Jens Maurer for their help and suggestions.
+The comments by Vesa Karvonen, John Max Skaller, Ed Brey, Beman Dawes, David Abrahams and Hartmut Kaiser helped to improve the
+The idea for the tie mechanism came from an old usenet article by Ian McCulloch, where he proposed something similar for std::pairs.</p>
+<h2><a name = "references">References</a></h2>
+<a name="publ_1"></a>[1]
+J&auml;rvi J.: <i>Tuples and multiple return values in C++</i>, TUCS Technical Report No 249, 1999<!-- (<a href=""></a>)-->.
+<a name="publ_2"></a>[2]
+J&auml;rvi J.: <i>ML-Style Tuple Assignment in Standard C++ - Extending the Multiple Return Value Formalism</i>, TUCS Technical Report No 267, 1999<!-- (<a href=""></a>)-->.
+[3] J&auml;rvi J.:<i>Tuple Types and Multiple Return Values</i>, C/C++ Users Journal, August 2001.
+<p>Last modified 2003-09-07</p>
+<p>&copy; Copyright <a href=""> Jaakko J&auml;rvi</a> 2001.
+Permission to copy, use, modify, sell and distribute this software and its documentation is granted provided this copyright notice appears in all copies.
+This software and its documentation is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty, and with no claim as to its suitability for any purpose.
diff --git a/libs/tuple/index.html b/libs/tuple/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d8c1cf895
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/tuple/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL=doc/tuple_users_guide.html">
+Automatic redirection failed, please go to <a href="doc/tuple_users_guide.html">doc/tuple_users_guide.html</a>
+<p>© Copyright Beman Dawes, 2001</p>
+<p>Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+file <a href="../../LICENSE_1_0.txt">LICENSE_1_0.txt</a> or copy
+at <a href=""></a>)</p>
diff --git a/libs/tuple/test/Jamfile b/libs/tuple/test/Jamfile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..66574f691
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/tuple/test/Jamfile
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+project : requirements <library>/boost/test//boost_test_exec_monitor ;
+test-suite tuple :
+ [ run tuple_test_bench.cpp ]
+ [ run io_test.cpp ]
+ [ run another_tuple_test_bench.cpp ]
+ ; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libs/tuple/test/README b/libs/tuple/test/README
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6047c49aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/tuple/test/README
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+To compile the
+files, you need to set include paths
+for boost.
+For example, in libs/tuple/test directory you would type (using g++):
+g++ -I../../.. tuple_test_bench.cpp
+The following is not true anymore:
+ If you want to use tuple_io, you need to compile and link src/tuple.cpp:
+ g++ -I../../.. ../src/tuple.cpp io_test.cpp
+Thanks to Hartmut Kaiser's suggestion, the tuple.cpp is not needed anymore.
diff --git a/libs/tuple/test/another_tuple_test_bench.cpp b/libs/tuple/test/another_tuple_test_bench.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..15074daf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/tuple/test/another_tuple_test_bench.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+// Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Jaakko Jarvi (
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
+// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+// For more information, see
+// another_test_bench.cpp --------------------------------
+// This file has various tests to see that things that shouldn't
+// compile, don't compile.
+// Defining any of E1 to E5 or E7 to E11 opens some illegal code that
+// should cause the compliation to fail.
+#define BOOST_INCLUDE_MAIN // for testing, include rather than link
+#include <boost/test/test_tools.hpp> // see "Header Implementation Option"
+#include "boost/tuple/tuple.hpp"
+#include <string>
+#include <utility>
+using namespace boost;
+using namespace boost::tuples;
+template<class T> void dummy(const T&) {}
+class A {}; class B {}; class C {};
+// A non-copyable class
+class no_copy {
+ no_copy(const no_copy&) {}
+ no_copy() {};
+no_copy y;
+#ifdef E1
+tuple<no_copy> v1; // should faild
+#ifdef E2
+char cs[10];
+tuple<char[10]> v3; // should fail, arrays must be stored as references
+// a class without a public default constructor
+class no_def_constructor {
+ no_def_constructor() {}
+ no_def_constructor(std::string) {} // can be constructed with a string
+void foo1() {
+#ifdef E3
+ dummy(tuple<no_def_constructor, no_def_constructor, no_def_constructor>());
+ // should fail
+void foo2() {
+// testing default values
+#ifdef E4
+ dummy(tuple<double&>()); // should fail, not defaults for references
+ dummy(tuple<const double&>()); // likewise
+#ifdef E5
+ double dd = 5;
+ dummy(tuple<double&>(dd+3.14)); // should fail, temporary to non-const reference
+// make_tuple ------------------------------------------
+ void foo3() {
+#ifdef E7
+ std::make_pair("Doesn't","Work"); // fails
+ // make_tuple("Does", "Work"); // this should work
+// - testing element access
+void foo4()
+ double d = 2.7;
+ A a;
+ tuple<int, double&, const A&> t(1, d, a);
+ const tuple<int, double&, const A> ct = t;
+ (void)ct;
+#ifdef E8
+ get<0>(ct) = 5; // can't assign to const
+#ifdef E9
+ get<4>(t) = A(); // can't assign to const
+#ifdef E10
+ dummy(get<5>(ct)); // illegal index
+// testing copy and assignment with implicit conversions between elements
+// testing tie
+ class AA {};
+ class BB : public AA {};
+ struct CC { CC() {} CC(const BB& b) {} };
+ struct DD { operator CC() const { return CC(); }; };
+ void foo5() {
+ tuple<char, BB*, BB, DD> t;
+ (void)t;
+ tuple<char, char> aaa;
+ tuple<int, int> bbb(aaa);
+ (void)bbb;
+ // tuple<int, AA*, CC, CC> a = t;
+ // a = t;
+ }
+// testing tie
+// testing assignment from std::pair
+void foo7() {
+ tuple<int, int, float> a;
+#ifdef E11
+ a = std::make_pair(1, 2); // should fail, tuple is of length 3, not 2
+ dummy(a);
+// --------------------------------
+// ----------------------------
+int test_main(int, char *[]) {
+ foo1();
+ foo2();
+ foo3();
+ foo4();
+ foo5();
+ foo7();
+ return 0;
diff --git a/libs/tuple/test/io_test.cpp b/libs/tuple/test/io_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..382f8cc51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/tuple/test/io_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+// Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Jaakko Jarvi (
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
+// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+// For more information, see
+// -- io_test.cpp -----------------------------------------------
+// Testing the I/O facilities of tuples
+#define BOOST_INCLUDE_MAIN // for testing, include rather than link
+#include "boost/test/test_tools.hpp" // see "Header Implementation Option"
+#include "boost/tuple/tuple_io.hpp"
+#include "boost/tuple/tuple_comparison.hpp"
+#include <fstream>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <string>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <strstream>
+#include <sstream>
+using namespace boost;
+typedef std::ostrstream useThisOStringStream;
+typedef std::istrstream useThisIStringStream;
+typedef std::ostringstream useThisOStringStream;
+typedef std::istringstream useThisIStringStream;
+int test_main(int argc, char * argv[] ) {
+ (void)argc;
+ (void)argv;
+ using boost::tuples::set_close;
+ using boost::tuples::set_open;
+ using boost::tuples::set_delimiter;
+ useThisOStringStream os1;
+ // Set format [a, b, c] for os1
+ os1 << set_open('[');
+ os1 << set_close(']');
+ os1 << set_delimiter(',');
+ os1 << make_tuple(1, 2, 3);
+ BOOST_CHECK (os1.str() == std::string("[1,2,3]") );
+ {
+ useThisOStringStream os2;
+ // Set format (a:b:c) for os2;
+ os2 << set_open('(');
+ os2 << set_close(')');
+ os2 << set_delimiter(':');
+ os2 << make_tuple("TUPU", "HUPU", "LUPU", 4.5);
+ BOOST_CHECK (os2.str() == std::string("(TUPU:HUPU:LUPU:4.5)") );
+ }
+ // The format is still [a, b, c] for os1
+ os1 << make_tuple(1, 2, 3);
+ BOOST_CHECK (os1.str() == std::string("[1,2,3][1,2,3]") );
+ // check empty tuple.
+ useThisOStringStream os3;
+ os3 << make_tuple();
+ BOOST_CHECK (os3.str() == std::string("()") );
+ os3 << set_open('[');
+ os3 << set_close(']');
+ os3 << make_tuple();
+ BOOST_CHECK (os3.str() == std::string("()[]") );
+ // check width
+ useThisOStringStream os4;
+ os4 << std::setw(10) << make_tuple(1, 2, 3);
+ BOOST_CHECK (os4.str() == std::string(" (1 2 3)") );
+ std::ofstream tmp("temp.tmp");
+ tmp << make_tuple("One", "Two", 3);
+ tmp << set_delimiter(':');
+ tmp << make_tuple(1000, 2000, 3000) << std::endl;
+ tmp.close();
+ // When teading tuples from a stream, manipulators must be set correctly:
+ std::ifstream tmp3("temp.tmp");
+ tuple<std::string, std::string, int> j;
+ tmp3 >> j;
+ BOOST_CHECK (tmp3.good() );
+ tmp3 >> set_delimiter(':');
+ tuple<int, int, int> i;
+ tmp3 >> i;
+ BOOST_CHECK (tmp3.good() );
+ tmp3.close();
+ // reading tuple<int, int, int> in format (a b c);
+ useThisIStringStream is1("(100 200 300)");
+ tuple<int, int, int> ti1;
+ BOOST_CHECK(bool(is1 >> ti1));
+ BOOST_CHECK(ti1 == make_tuple(100, 200, 300));
+ useThisIStringStream is2("()");
+ tuple<> ti2;
+ BOOST_CHECK(bool(is2 >> ti2));
+ useThisIStringStream is3("[]");
+ is3 >> set_open('[');
+ is3 >> set_close(']');
+ BOOST_CHECK(bool(is3 >> ti2));
+ // Make sure that whitespace between elements
+ // is skipped.
+ useThisIStringStream is4("(100 200 300)");
+ BOOST_CHECK(bool(is4 >> std::noskipws >> ti1));
+ BOOST_CHECK(ti1 == make_tuple(100, 200, 300));
+ // Note that strings are problematic:
+ // writing a tuple on a stream and reading it back doesn't work in
+ // general. If this is wanted, some kind of a parseable string class
+ // should be used.
+ return 0;
diff --git a/libs/tuple/test/tuple_test_bench.cpp b/libs/tuple/test/tuple_test_bench.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8bf756f9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/tuple/test/tuple_test_bench.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,497 @@
+// Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Jaakko Jarvi (
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
+// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+// For more information, see
+// tuple_test_bench.cpp --------------------------------
+#define BOOST_INCLUDE_MAIN // for testing, include rather than link
+#include <boost/test/test_tools.hpp> // see "Header Implementation Option"
+#include "boost/tuple/tuple.hpp"
+#include "boost/tuple/tuple_comparison.hpp"
+#include "boost/type_traits/is_const.hpp"
+#include "boost/ref.hpp"
+#include <string>
+#include <utility>
+using namespace boost;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// helpers
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class A {};
+class B {};
+class C {};
+// classes with different kinds of conversions
+class AA {};
+class BB : public AA {};
+struct CC { CC() {} CC(const BB&) {} };
+struct DD { operator CC() const { return CC(); }; };
+// something to prevent warnings for unused variables
+template<class T> void dummy(const T&) {}
+// no public default constructor
+class foo {
+ explicit foo(int v) : val(v) {}
+ bool operator==(const foo& other) const {
+ return val == other.val;
+ }
+ foo() {}
+ int val;
+// another class without a public default constructor
+class no_def_constructor {
+ no_def_constructor() {}
+ no_def_constructor(std::string) {}
+// A non-copyable class
+class no_copy {
+ no_copy(const no_copy&) {}
+ no_copy() {};
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Testing different element types --------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+typedef tuple<int> t1;
+typedef tuple<double&, const double&, const double, double*, const double*> t2;
+typedef tuple<A, int(*)(char, int), C> t3;
+typedef tuple<std::string, std::pair<A, B> > t4;
+typedef tuple<A*, tuple<const A*, const B&, C>, bool, void*> t5;
+typedef tuple<volatile int, const volatile char&, int(&)(float) > t6;
+# if !defined(__BORLANDC__) || __BORLAND__ > 0x0551
+typedef tuple<B(A::*)(C&), A&> t7;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -tuple construction tests ---------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+no_copy y;
+tuple<no_copy&> x = tuple<no_copy&>(y); // ok
+char cs[10];
+tuple<char(&)[10]> v2(cs); // ok
+ // Note, the get function can be called without the tuples:: qualifier,
+ // as it is lifted to namespace boost with a "using tuples::get" but
+ // MSVC 6.0 just cannot find get without the namespace qualifier
+ tuple<int> t1;
+ BOOST_CHECK(get<0>(t1) == int());
+ tuple<float> t2(5.5f);
+ BOOST_CHECK(get<0>(t2) > 5.4f && get<0>(t2) < 5.6f);
+ tuple<foo> t3(foo(12));
+ BOOST_CHECK(get<0>(t3) == foo(12));
+ tuple<double> t4(t2);
+ BOOST_CHECK(get<0>(t4) > 5.4 && get<0>(t4) < 5.6);
+ tuple<int, float> t5;
+ BOOST_CHECK(get<0>(t5) == int());
+ BOOST_CHECK(get<1>(t5) == float());
+ tuple<int, float> t6(12, 5.5f);
+ BOOST_CHECK(get<0>(t6) == 12);
+ BOOST_CHECK(get<1>(t6) > 5.4f && get<1>(t6) < 5.6f);
+ tuple<int, float> t7(t6);
+ BOOST_CHECK(get<0>(t7) == 12);
+ BOOST_CHECK(get<1>(t7) > 5.4f && get<1>(t7) < 5.6f);
+ tuple<long, double> t8(t6);
+ BOOST_CHECK(get<0>(t8) == 12);
+ BOOST_CHECK(get<1>(t8) > 5.4f && get<1>(t8) < 5.6f);
+ dummy(
+ tuple<no_def_constructor, no_def_constructor, no_def_constructor>(
+ std::string("Jaba"), // ok, since the default
+ std::string("Daba"), // constructor is not used
+ std::string("Doo")
+ )
+ );
+// testing default values
+ dummy(tuple<int, double>());
+ dummy(tuple<int, double>(1));
+ dummy(tuple<int, double>(1,3.14));
+ // dummy(tuple<double&>()); // should fail, not defaults for references
+ // dummy(tuple<const double&>()); // likewise
+ double dd = 5;
+ dummy(tuple<double&>(dd)); // ok
+ dummy(tuple<const double&>(dd+3.14)); // ok, but dangerous
+ // dummy(tuple<double&>(dd+3.14)); // should fail,
+ // // temporary to non-const reference
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// - testing element access ---------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void element_access_test()
+ double d = 2.7;
+ A a;
+ tuple<int, double&, const A&, int> t(1, d, a, 2);
+ const tuple<int, double&, const A, int> ct = t;
+ int i = get<0>(t);
+ int i2 = get<3>(t);
+ BOOST_CHECK(i == 1 && i2 == 2);
+ int j = get<0>(ct);
+ BOOST_CHECK(j == 1);
+ get<0>(t) = 5;
+ BOOST_CHECK(t.head == 5);
+ // get<0>(ct) = 5; // can't assign to const
+ double e = get<1>(t);
+ BOOST_CHECK(e > 2.69 && e < 2.71);
+ get<1>(t) = 3.14+i;
+ BOOST_CHECK(get<1>(t) > 4.13 && get<1>(t) < 4.15);
+ // get<4>(t) = A(); // can't assign to const
+ // dummy(get<5>(ct)); // illegal index
+ ++get<0>(t);
+ BOOST_CHECK(get<0>(t) == 6);
+ BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((boost::is_const<boost::tuples::element<0, tuple<int, float> >::type>::value != true));
+ BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((boost::is_const<boost::tuples::element<0, const tuple<int, float> >::type>::value));
+ BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((boost::is_const<boost::tuples::element<1, tuple<int, float> >::type>::value != true));
+ BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((boost::is_const<boost::tuples::element<1, const tuple<int, float> >::type>::value));
+ dummy(i); dummy(i2); dummy(j); dummy(e); // avoid warns for unused variables
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// - copying tuples -----------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ tuple<int, char> t1(4, 'a');
+ tuple<int, char> t2(5, 'b');
+ t2 = t1;
+ BOOST_CHECK(get<0>(t1) == get<0>(t2));
+ BOOST_CHECK(get<1>(t1) == get<1>(t2));
+ tuple<long, std::string> t3(2, "a");
+ t3 = t1;
+ BOOST_CHECK((double)get<0>(t1) == get<0>(t3));
+ BOOST_CHECK(get<1>(t1) == get<1>(t3)[0]);
+// testing copy and assignment with implicit conversions between elements
+// testing tie
+ tuple<char, BB*, BB, DD> t;
+ tuple<int, AA*, CC, CC> a(t);
+ a = t;
+ int i; char c; double d;
+ tie(i, c, d) = make_tuple(1, 'a', 5.5);
+ BOOST_CHECK(i==1);
+ BOOST_CHECK(c=='a');
+ BOOST_CHECK(d>5.4 && d<5.6);
+ tuple<int, float, bool, foo> t1(5, 12.2f, true, foo(4));
+ get<0>(t1) = 6;
+ get<1>(t1) = 2.2f;
+ get<2>(t1) = false;
+ get<3>(t1) = foo(5);
+ BOOST_CHECK(get<0>(t1) == 6);
+ BOOST_CHECK(get<1>(t1) > 2.1f && get<1>(t1) < 2.3f);
+ BOOST_CHECK(get<2>(t1) == false);
+ BOOST_CHECK(get<3>(t1) == foo(5));
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// make_tuple tests -----------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ tuple<int, char> t1 = make_tuple(5, 'a');
+ BOOST_CHECK(get<0>(t1) == 5);
+ BOOST_CHECK(get<1>(t1) == 'a');
+ tuple<int, std::string> t2;
+ t2 = boost::make_tuple((short int)2, std::string("Hi"));
+ BOOST_CHECK(get<0>(t2) == 2);
+ BOOST_CHECK(get<1>(t2) == "Hi");
+ A a = A(); B b;
+ const A ca = a;
+ make_tuple(boost::cref(a), b);
+ make_tuple(boost::ref(a), b);
+ make_tuple(boost::ref(a), boost::cref(b));
+ make_tuple(boost::ref(ca));
+// the result of make_tuple is assignable:
+ BOOST_CHECK(make_tuple(2, 4, 6) ==
+ (make_tuple(1, 2, 3) = make_tuple(2, 4, 6)));
+ make_tuple("Donald", "Daisy"); // should work;
+ // std::make_pair("Doesn't","Work"); // fails
+// You can store a reference to a function in a tuple
+ tuple<void(&)()> adf(make_tuple_test);
+ dummy(adf); // avoid warning for unused variable
+// But make_tuple doesn't work
+// with function references, since it creates a const qualified function type
+// make_tuple(make_tuple_test);
+// With function pointers, make_tuple works just fine
+#if !defined(__BORLANDC__) || __BORLAND__ > 0x0551
+ make_tuple(&make_tuple_test);
+// NOTE:
+// wrapping it the function reference with ref helps on gcc 2.95.2.
+// on edg 2.43. it results in a catastrophic error?
+// make_tuple(ref(foo3));
+// It seems that edg can't use implicitly the ref's conversion operator, e.g.:
+// typedef void (&func_t) (void);
+// func_t fref = static_cast<func_t>(ref(make_tuple_test)); // works fine
+// func_t fref = ref(make_tuple_test); // error
+// This is probably not a very common situation, so currently
+// I don't know how which compiler is right (JJ)
+ int a;
+ char b;
+ foo c(5);
+ tie(a, b, c) = make_tuple(2, 'a', foo(3));
+ BOOST_CHECK(a == 2);
+ BOOST_CHECK(b == 'a');
+ BOOST_CHECK(c == foo(3));
+ tie(a, tuples::ignore, c) = make_tuple((short int)5, false, foo(5));
+ BOOST_CHECK(a == 5);
+ BOOST_CHECK(b == 'a');
+ BOOST_CHECK(c == foo(5));
+// testing assignment from std::pair
+ int i, j;
+ tie (i, j) = std::make_pair(1, 2);
+ BOOST_CHECK(i == 1 && j == 2);
+ tuple<int, int, float> ta;
+#ifdef E11
+ ta = std::make_pair(1, 2); // should fail, tuple is of length 3, not 2
+ dummy(ta);
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// - testing tuple equality -------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ tuple<int, char> t1(5, 'a');
+ tuple<int, char> t2(5, 'a');
+ BOOST_CHECK(t1 == t2);
+ tuple<int, char> t3(5, 'b');
+ tuple<int, char> t4(2, 'a');
+ BOOST_CHECK(t1 != t3);
+ BOOST_CHECK(t1 != t4);
+ BOOST_CHECK(!(t1 != t2));
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// - testing tuple comparisons -----------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ tuple<int, float> t1(4, 3.3f);
+ tuple<short, float> t2(5, 3.3f);
+ tuple<long, double> t3(5, 4.4);
+ BOOST_CHECK(t1 < t2);
+ BOOST_CHECK(t1 <= t2);
+ BOOST_CHECK(t2 > t1);
+ BOOST_CHECK(t2 >= t1);
+ BOOST_CHECK(t2 < t3);
+ BOOST_CHECK(t2 <= t3);
+ BOOST_CHECK(t3 > t2);
+ BOOST_CHECK(t3 >= t2);
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// - testing cons lists -------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void cons_test()
+ using tuples::cons;
+ using tuples::null_type;
+ cons<volatile float, null_type> a(1, null_type());
+ cons<const int, cons<volatile float, null_type> > b(2,a);
+ int i = 3;
+ cons<int&, cons<const int, cons<volatile float, null_type> > > c(i, b);
+ BOOST_CHECK(make_tuple(3,2,1)==c);
+ cons<char, cons<int, cons<float, null_type> > > x;
+ dummy(x);
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// - testing const tuples -----------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void const_tuple_test()
+ const tuple<int, float> t1(5, 3.3f);
+ BOOST_CHECK(get<0>(t1) == 5);
+ BOOST_CHECK(get<1>(t1) == 3.3f);
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// - testing length -----------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void tuple_length_test()
+ typedef tuple<int, float, double> t1;
+ using tuples::cons;
+ typedef cons<int, cons< float, cons <double, tuples::null_type> > > t1_cons;
+ typedef tuple<> t2;
+ typedef tuples::null_type t3;
+ BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(tuples::length<t1>::value == 3);
+ BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(tuples::length<t1_cons>::value == 3);
+ BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(tuples::length<t2>::value == 0);
+ BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(tuples::length<t3>::value == 0);
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// - testing swap -----------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void tuple_swap_test()
+ tuple<int, float, double> t1(1, 2.0f, 3.0), t2(4, 5.0f, 6.0);
+ swap(t1, t2);
+ BOOST_CHECK(get<0>(t1) == 4);
+ BOOST_CHECK(get<1>(t1) == 5.0f);
+ BOOST_CHECK(get<2>(t1) == 6.0);
+ BOOST_CHECK(get<0>(t2) == 1);
+ BOOST_CHECK(get<1>(t2) == 2.0f);
+ BOOST_CHECK(get<2>(t2) == 3.0);
+ int i = 1,j = 2;
+ boost::tuple<int&> t3(i), t4(j);
+ swap(t3, t4);
+ BOOST_CHECK(i == 2);
+ BOOST_CHECK(j == 1);
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// - main ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int test_main(int, char *[]) {
+ construction_test();
+ element_access_test();
+ copy_test();
+ mutate_test();
+ make_tuple_test();
+ tie_test();
+ equality_test();
+ ordering_test();
+ cons_test();
+ const_tuple_test();
+ tuple_length_test();
+ tuple_swap_test();
+ return 0;