// Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library) // Unit Test // Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Barend Gehrels, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. // Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License, // Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // Tests with-strategies, especially point-in-polygon #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include template void test_point_in_polygon(std::string const& case_id, Point const& point, Polygon const& polygon, Strategy const& strategy, std::string const& strategy_id, bool expected) { BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT( (bg::concept::WithinStrategyPolygonal) ); bool detected = bg::within(point, polygon, strategy); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(detected == expected, "within: " << case_id << " strategy: " << strategy_id // typeid(strategy).name() is too long << " output expected: " << int(expected) << " detected: " << int(detected) ); } template void test_geometry(std::string const& case_id, std::string const& wkt_point , std::string const& wkt_polygon , bool expected , std::string const& deviations = "" ) { Point point; Polygon polygon; bg::read_wkt(wkt_point, point); bg::read_wkt(wkt_polygon, polygon); namespace sw = bg::strategy::within; test_point_in_polygon(case_id, point, polygon, sw::winding(), "winding", expected); test_point_in_polygon(case_id, point, polygon, sw::franklin(), "franklin", boost::contains(deviations, "f") ? !expected : expected); test_point_in_polygon(case_id, point, polygon, sw::crossings_multiply(), "cross.mult", boost::contains(deviations, "c") ? !expected : expected); } template void test_box_of(std::string const& wkt_point, std::string const& wkt_box, bool expected_within, bool expected_covered_by) { typedef bg::model::box box_type; Point point; box_type box; bg::read_wkt(wkt_point, point); bg::read_wkt(wkt_box, box); bool detected_within = bg::within(point, box); bool detected_covered_by = bg::covered_by(point, box); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(detected_within, expected_within); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(detected_covered_by, expected_covered_by); // Also test with the non-default agnostic side version namespace wi = bg::strategy::within; wi::point_in_box_by_side within_strategy; wi::point_in_box_by_side covered_by_strategy; detected_within = bg::within(point, box, within_strategy); detected_covered_by = bg::covered_by(point, box, covered_by_strategy); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(detected_within, expected_within); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(detected_covered_by, expected_covered_by); // We might exchange strategies between within/covered by. // So the lines below might seem confusing, but are as intended detected_within = bg::covered_by(point, box, within_strategy); detected_covered_by = bg::within(point, box, covered_by_strategy); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(detected_within, expected_within); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(detected_covered_by, expected_covered_by); // Finally we call the strategies directly detected_within = within_strategy.apply(point, box); detected_covered_by = covered_by_strategy.apply(point, box); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(detected_within, expected_within); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(detected_covered_by, expected_covered_by); } template void test_box() { test_box_of("POINT(1 1)", "BOX(0 0,2 2)", true, true); test_box_of("POINT(0 0)", "BOX(0 0,2 2)", false, true); test_box_of("POINT(2 2)", "BOX(0 0,2 2)", false, true); test_box_of("POINT(0 1)", "BOX(0 0,2 2)", false, true); test_box_of("POINT(1 0)", "BOX(0 0,2 2)", false, true); test_box_of("POINT(3 3)", "BOX(0 0,2 2)", false, false); } template void test_all() { test_box(); typedef bg::model::polygon polygon; std::string const box = "POLYGON((0 0,0 2,2 2,2 0,0 0))"; std::string const triangle = "POLYGON((0 0,0 4,6 0,0 0))"; std::string const with_hole = "POLYGON((0 0,0 3,3 3,3 0,0 0),(1 1,2 1,2 2,1 2,1 1))"; test_geometry("b1", "POINT(1 1)", box, true); test_geometry("b2", "POINT(3 3)", box, false); // Test ALL corners (officialy false but some strategies might answer true) test_geometry("b3a", "POINT(0 0)", box, false, "f"); test_geometry("b3b", "POINT(0 2)", box, false); test_geometry("b3c", "POINT(2 2)", box, false); test_geometry("b3d", "POINT(2 0)", box, false); // Test ALL sides (officialy false but some strategies might answer true) test_geometry("b4a", "POINT(0 1)", box, false, "f"); test_geometry("b4b", "POINT(1 2)", box, false, "c"); test_geometry("b4c", "POINT(2 1)", box, false); test_geometry("b4d", "POINT(1 0)", box, false, "f"); test_geometry("t1", "POINT(1 1)", triangle, true); test_geometry("t2", "POINT(3 3)", triangle, false); test_geometry("t3a", "POINT(0 0)", triangle, false, "f"); test_geometry("t3b", "POINT(0 4)", triangle, false, "c"); test_geometry("t3c", "POINT(5 0)", triangle, false, "f"); test_geometry("t4a", "POINT(0 2)", triangle, false, "f"); test_geometry("t4b", "POINT(3 2)", triangle, false); test_geometry("t4c", "POINT(2 0)", triangle, false, "f"); test_geometry("h1", "POINT(0.5 0.5)", with_hole, true); test_geometry("h2a", "POINT(1.5 1.5)", with_hole, false); test_geometry("h2b", "POINT(5 5)", with_hole, false); test_geometry("h3a", "POINT(1 1)", with_hole, false, "c"); test_geometry("h3b", "POINT(2 2)", with_hole, false, "f"); test_geometry("h3c", "POINT(0 0)", with_hole, false, "f"); test_geometry("h4a", "POINT(1 1.5)", with_hole, false); test_geometry("h4b", "POINT(1.5 2)", with_hole, false, "f"); // Lying ON (one of the sides of) interior ring test_geometry("#77-1", "POINT(6 3.5)", "POLYGON((5 3,5 4,4 4,4 5,3 5,3 6,5 6,5 5,7 5,7 6,8 6,8 5,9 5,9 2,8 2,8 1,7 1,7 2,5 2,5 3),(6 3,8 3,8 4,6 4,6 3))", false); } int test_main(int, char* []) { test_all >(); test_all >(); #if defined(HAVE_TTMATH) test_all >(); #endif return 0; }