diff options
authorJeremy Siek <>2000-12-17 20:25:27 +0000
committerJeremy Siek <>2000-12-17 20:25:27 +0000
commita31c297c138790ad4203f3c977e709d0285beea4 (patch)
parent9e73fa5ea7b7f321b5914a24ee10ece09b51072a (diff)
new files, C++ version of
[SVN r8468]
2 files changed, 458 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libs/regrtest.cpp b/libs/regrtest.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6161689257
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/regrtest.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,424 @@
+// boost compilation regression test
+// Usage: regrtest [*|compiler] [*|library/program]
+// Default: regrtest * *
+// Compilers: bcc = Borland 5.5.1
+// cw = Metrowerks CodeWarrior
+// gcc = GNU GCC
+// gcc-stlport = GNU GCC with STLport library
+// como = Comeau C++
+// vc = Microsoft Visual C++
+// vcstlport = Microsoft Visual C++ with STLport library
+// Examples: regrtest
+// regrtest
+// regrtest gcc
+// regrtest * smart_ptr/smart_ptr_test.cpp
+// regrtest gcc smart_ptr/smart_ptr_test.cpp
+// If the program argument is * or left out, then the file
+// ./regrtest_files.txt will be used as the list of files to be
+// tested. Each line of regrtest_files.txt must have the form:
+// file-name mode [input-file]
+// Where mode is
+// C compile
+// F compile, expecting failure
+// R compile and run
+// The path to the input-file should be relative to where regrtest is
+// running.
+// Required environment variables:
+// BOOST_PATH The directory containing the "boost/" header file directory.
+// OSTYPE The operating system, should be one of ...
+// BOOST_STLPORT_PATH The directory containing STLport headers
+// BOOST_BCC55_PATH The directory container Borland headers
+// Note: use the following command line syntax if output is to be redirected:
+// python [*|compiler] [*|library/program] >log 2>&1
+// Revision history:
+// 17 Dec 00 Rewrote in C++ and retrieve file list from a file. (Jeremy Siek)
+// 21 Jun 00 Redesign to allow specifying compiler and program (Beman Dawes)
+// 18 Jun 00 Initial Version (Beman Dawes)
+// The Metrowerks and Microsoft compilers require various environment variables be set.
+// See mwcc -help
+// See
+// Others:
+// See bcb4.hlp. Don't bother with bcb4tools.hlp; it has a bad link to the command line options
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <string>
+#include <stdlib.h> // for getenv()
+#include <time.h> // for ctime()
+#include <stdio.h> // for sscanf()
+// Enumerated Types
+// Global variables
+std::string path, compiler_arg, program_arg,
+ exe_suffix, exe_invoke_prefix = "./";
+std::ofstream outfile;
+std::string platform()
+ char* os_ptr = getenv("OSTYPE");
+ if (os_ptr == 0) {
+ std::cerr << "The \"OSTYPE\" environment variable is not defined"
+ << std::endl;
+ exit(1);
+ return "unknown";
+ } else {
+ std::string os = os_ptr;
+ if (os == "linux")
+ return "linux";
+ else if (os == "solaris")
+ return "sunos";
+ else
+ return "unknown";
+ }
+void invoke(std::string desc,
+ std::string command,
+ char invoke_mode,
+ std::string invoke_args,
+ std::string program_name)
+ std::cout << " " << desc << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " invoke mode: " << invoke_mode << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " " << command << std::endl;
+ outfile << "<td>";
+ int rs = system(command.c_str());
+ std::cout << " compile return status: " << rs << std::endl;
+ switch (invoke_mode) {
+ case 'C': // compile
+ if (rs==0)
+ outfile << "<FONT COLOR=#008000>succeeded: compiled as expected</FONT>";
+ else
+ outfile << "<FONT COLOR=#800000>failed: did not compile</FONT>";
+ break;
+ case 'F': // compile, fail expected
+ if (rs==0)
+ outfile
+ << "<FONT COLOR=#800000>failed: expected compiler error</FONT>";
+ else
+ outfile
+ << "<FONT COLOR=#008000>succeeded: compiler error as expected</FONT>";
+ break;
+ case 'R': // run
+ if (rs==0) {
+ //script debugging aid
+ std::cout << " executing: " << exe_invoke_prefix << program_name
+ << " " << invoke_args << std::endl;
+ std::string cmd_line = exe_invoke_prefix + program_name
+ + " " + invoke_args;
+ rs = system(cmd_line.c_str());
+ if (rs==0)
+ outfile
+ << "<FONT COLOR=#008000>succeeded: built and ran</FONT>";
+ else
+ outfile << "<FONT COLOR=#800000>failed: exited with code "
+ << rs << "</FONT>";
+ } else
+ outfile << "<FONT COLOR=#800000>failed: did not compile</FONT>";
+ break;
+ default:
+ outfile << "scripting error";
+ } // switch (invoke_mode)
+ outfile << "</td>" << std::endl;
+void compile(std::string program,
+ char invoke_mode,
+ std::string invoke_args,
+ std::string program_name)
+ std::string fullpath = path + "/libs/" + program;
+ std::cout << std::endl
+ << "*****" << program << "*****" << std::endl;
+ outfile << "<tr>" << std::endl
+ << "<td><a href=\"" << program << "\">" << program << "</a></td>"
+ << std::endl;
+ std::string gcc_flags
+ = "-Wall -pedantic -ftemplate-depth-30 -Wno-long-long";
+ // should add -Werror
+ std::string kcc_flags
+ // = "--strict";
+ = "--strict_warnings";
+ std::string mwcc_flags = "-maxerrors 10 -cwd source";
+ //John Maddock says use /Zm400 switch; it increases compiler memory
+ std::string msvc_flags = "/nologo /Zm400 /MDd /W3 /GR /GX /GZ /D \"WIN32\" /D \"_DEBUG\" /D \"_MBCS\" /D \"_CONSOLE\"";
+ if (platform() == "linux") {
+ if (compiler_arg == "*" || compiler_arg == "gcc")
+ invoke("GCC 2.95.2", "g++ " + gcc_flags
+ + " -o " + program_name
+ + " -I" + path + " " + fullpath,
+ invoke_mode, invoke_args, program_name);
+ if (compiler_arg == "*" || compiler_arg == "gcc-stlport")
+ invoke( "GCC 2.95.2 STLport 4.0",
+ "g++ -V 2.95.2-stlport " + gcc_flags
+ + " -o " + program_name
+ + " -I" + path + " " + fullpath,
+ invoke_mode, invoke_args, program_name );
+ if (compiler_arg == "*" || compiler_arg == "como")
+ invoke( "Comeau C++ 4.2.44 beta3", "como -o " + program_name
+ + " -I" + path + " " + fullpath,
+ invoke_mode, invoke_args, program_name);
+ } else if (platform() == "sunos") {
+ if (compiler_arg == "*" || compiler_arg == "gcc")
+ invoke("GCC 2.95.2",
+ "g++ " + gcc_flags
+ + " -o " + program_name
+ + " -I" + path + " " + fullpath,
+ invoke_mode, invoke_args, program_name);
+ if (compiler_arg == "*" || compiler_arg == "kcc")
+ invoke("KCC 3.4g", "KCC " + kcc_flags
+ + " -o " + program_name
+ + " -I" + path + " " + fullpath,
+ invoke_mode, invoke_args, program_name);
+ } else if (platform() == "beos") {
+ if (compiler_arg=="*" || compiler_arg=="gcc")
+ invoke( "GNU GCC", "c++ " + gcc_flags
+ +" -o " + program_name
+ + " -I" + path + " " + fullpath,
+ invoke_mode, invoke_args, program_name );
+ // shouldn't this next one be called gcc-stlport instead of gcc-sgi?
+ if (compiler_arg=="*" || compiler_arg=="gcc-sgi")
+ invoke("GNU GCC", "c++ " + gcc_flags
+ + " -o " + program_name
+ + " -I/boot/home/config/stlport/stl330 -I" + path
+ + " " + fullpath,
+ invoke_mode, invoke_args, program_name );
+ } else {
+ if (compiler_arg=="*" || compiler_arg=="bcc") {
+ char* path_ptr = getenv("BOOST_BCC55_PATH");
+ if (path_ptr == 0) {
+ std::cerr << "Environment variable BOOST_BCC55_PATH not defined"
+ << std::endl;
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ std::string bcc55_path = path_ptr;
+ invoke( "Borland C++ 5.5.1", "\"" + bcc55_path
+ + "/bcc32\" -e" + program_name
+ + " -I" + path + " -j10 -q -Ve" + fullpath,
+ invoke_mode, invoke_args, program_name );
+ }
+ if (compiler_arg=="gcc") {
+ // TODO: fix the absolute STLport paths
+ invoke( "GNU GCC", "c++ " + gcc_flags
+ + " -o " + program_name
+ + " -I" + path + " -IC:/stl/STLport-4.0b8/stlport "
+ + fullpath
+ + " c:/stl/STLport-4.0b8/lib/libstlport_gcc.a",
+ invoke_mode, invoke_args, program_name );
+ }
+ if (compiler_arg=="*" || compiler_arg=="cw")
+ invoke( "Metrowerks CodeWarrior",
+ "mwcc " + mwcc_flags
+ + " -I- -o " + program_name
+ + " -I" + path + " " + fullpath,
+ invoke_mode, invoke_args, program_name );
+ if (compiler_arg=="*" || compiler_arg=="vc")
+ invoke( "VC++ with MS library",
+ "cl -o " + program_name
+ + " " + msvc_flags
+ + " /I " + path + fullpath + " user32.lib",
+ invoke_mode, invoke_args, program_name );
+ if (compiler_arg=="*" || compiler_arg=="vcstlport") {
+ char* path_ptr = getenv("BOOST_STLPORT_PATH");
+ if (path_ptr == 0) {
+ std::cerr << "Environment variable BOOST_STLPORT_PATH not defined"
+ << std::endl;
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ std::string stlport = path_ptr;
+ invoke( "VC++ with STLport library",
+ "cl -o " + program_name + msvc_flags
+ + "/I " + stlport + " /I " + path + fullpath + " user32.lib",
+ invoke_mode, invoke_args, program_name );
+ }
+ }
+ outfile << "</tr>" << std::endl;
+void library()
+ std::cout << std::endl
+ << "***** Boost Library *****" << std::endl;
+ outfile << "<tr>" << std::endl
+ << "<td>Boost library build</td>" << std::endl;
+ // ...
+ outfile << "</tr>" << std::endl;
+int main(int argc, char* argv[])
+ char* path_ptr = getenv("BOOST_PATH");
+ if (path_ptr == 0) {
+ std::cerr << "Environment variable BOOST_PATH not defined" << std::endl;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ path = path_ptr;
+ compiler_arg = "*";
+ if (argc > 1)
+ compiler_arg = argv[1];
+ program_arg = "*";
+ if (argc > 2)
+ program_arg = argv[2];
+ if (platform() == "unkown") {
+ std::cerr << "**** Error: unknown platform ****" << std::endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ std::string filename = "cs-" + platform() + ".htm";
+ time_t today;
+ time(&today);
+ outfile << "<html>\n<head>\n<title>\nCompiler Status: " << platform() << "\n</title>\n</head>"
+ << "<body bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\" text=\"#000000\">" << std::endl
+ << "<h1><img border=\"0\" src=\"../c++boost.gif\" width=\"277\" height=\"86\"></h1>" << std::endl
+ << "<h1>Compiler Status: " << platform() << "</h1>" << std::endl
+ << "<p><b>Run Date:</b> " << ctime(&today)
+ << "</p>" << std::endl
+ << "<p>" << std::endl
+ << "<table border=\"1\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"5\">" << std::endl
+ << "<tr>" << std::endl
+ << "<td>Program</td>" << std::endl;
+ if (platform() == "linux") {
+ if (compiler_arg == "*" || compiler_arg == "gcc")
+ outfile << "<td>GNU<br>GCC<br>2.95.2</td>" << std::endl;
+ if (compiler_arg == "*" || compiler_arg == "gcc-stlport")
+ outfile << "<td>GNU<br>GCC<br>2.95.2<br>STLport<br>4.0</td>"
+ << std::endl;
+#if 0
+ if (compiler_arg == "*" || compiler_arg == "gcc-exp")
+ outfile << "<td>GNU<br>GCC<br>pre-2.97 experimental</td>" << std::endl;
+ if (compiler_arg == "*" || compiler_arg == "como")
+ outfile << "<td>Comeau C++<br>4.2.44 beta3<br>STLport<br>4.0</td>"
+ << std::endl;
+#if 0
+ if (compiler_arg == "*" || compiler_arg == "occ")
+ outfile << "<td>OpenC++<br>2.5.9</td>" << std::endl;
+ } else if (platform() == "sunos") {
+ if (compiler_arg == "*" || compiler_arg == "suncc")
+ outfile << "<td>Sun C++<br>Sun WorkShop 6, C++ 5.1</td>" << std::endl;
+ if (compiler_arg == "*" || compiler_arg == "gcc")
+ outfile << "<td>GNU<br>GCC<br>2.95.2</td>" << std::endl;
+ if (compiler_arg == "*" || compiler_arg == "kcc")
+ outfile << "<td>KAI<br>KCC<br>3.4g</td>" << std::endl;
+ } else if (platform() == "beos") {
+ if (compiler_arg == "*" || compiler_arg == "gcc")
+ outfile << "<td>GNUPro<br>GCC&nbsp;2.9</td>" << std::endl;
+ if (compiler_arg == "*" || compiler_arg == "gcc-sgi")
+ outfile
+ << "<td>GNUPro<br>GCC&nbsp;2.9<br>+<br>SGI&nbsp;STL&nbsp;3.3</td>"
+ << std::endl;
+ } else {
+#if 0
+ if (compiler_arg=="*" || compiler_arg=="bcc54")
+ outfile << "<td>Borland<br>BCC<br>5.4 up2</td>" << std::endl;
+ if (compiler_arg=="*" || compiler_arg=="bcc")
+ outfile << "<td>Borland<br>BCC<br>5.5.1</td>" << std::endl;
+ // GCC 2.95.2 is looping on some tests, so only invoke if asked
+ // for by name
+ if (compiler_arg=="gcc")
+ outfile << "<td>GNU<br>GCC<br>2.95.2<br>STLport<br>4.0 beta 8</td>"
+ << std::endl;
+ if (compiler_arg=="*" || compiler_arg=="cw")
+ outfile << "<td>Metrowerks<br>CodeWarrior<br>6.0</td>" << std::endl;
+ if (compiler_arg=="*" || compiler_arg=="vc")
+ outfile << "<td>Microsoft<br>VC++<br>6.0 SP4</td>" << std::endl;
+ if (compiler_arg=="*" || compiler_arg=="vcstlport")
+ outfile << "<td>Microsoft<br>VC++<br>6.0 SP4<br>STLport<br>4.0</td>"
+ << std::endl;
+ }
+ outfile << "</tr>" << std::endl;
+ if (program_arg == "*") {
+ std::string filelist = "regrtest_files.txt";
+ std::ifstream regr_files(filelist.c_str());
+ if (regr_files) {
+ std::string line;
+ while (std::getline(regr_files, line)) {
+ char* program_buf = new char[line.size()];
+ char mode;
+ char* arg_buf = new char[line.size()];
+ sscanf(line.c_str(), "%s %c %s", program_buf, &mode, arg_buf);
+ compile(program_buf, mode, arg_buf,
+ "regress" + exe_suffix);
+ delete program_buf;
+ delete arg_buf;
+ }
+ } else {
+ std::cerr << "Could not open regression test file list: "
+ << filelist << std::endl;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ } else
+ compile(program_arg, 'C', "", "regress" + exe_suffix);
+ outfile << "</table>" << std::endl;
+ if (platform() == "linux")
+ outfile << "<p>\nNote: A hand-crafted &lt;limits&gt; "
+ << "Standard header has been applied to all configurations."
+ << std::endl;
+ outfile << "</body>\n</html>" << std::endl;
+ return 0;
diff --git a/libs/regrtest_files.txt b/libs/regrtest_files.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..48686687f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/regrtest_files.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+config/config_test.cpp C
+array/array1.cpp R
+concept_check/concept_check_test.cpp C
+concept_check/class_concept_check_test.cpp C
+concept_check/concept_check_fail_expected.cpp F
+concept_check/class_concept_fail_expected.cpp F
+functional/function_test.cpp R
+graph/test/graph.cpp R
+integer/cstdint_test.cpp R
+integer/integer_test.cpp R
+integer/integer_traits_test.cpp R
+rational/rational_example.cpp R
+random/random_test.cpp R
+random/random_demo.cpp R
+regex/demo/regress/regex_test.cpp R regex/demo/regress/tests.txt
+regex/demo/regress/wregex_test.cpp R regex/demo/regress/tests.txt
+smart_ptr/smart_ptr_test.cpp R
+static_assert/static_assert_test.cpp C
+static_assert/static_assert_test_fail_1.cpp F
+static_assert/static_assert_test_fail_2.cpp F
+static_assert/static_assert_test_fail_3.cpp F
+static_assert/static_assert_test_fail_4.cpp F
+static_assert/static_assert_test_fail_5.cpp F
+static_assert/static_assert_test_fail_6.cpp F
+static_assert/static_assert_test_fail_7.cpp F
+static_assert/static_assert_test_fail_8.cpp F
+utility/call_traits_test.cpp C
+utility/cast_test.cpp R
+utility/compressed_pair_test.cpp C
+utility/iterator_adaptor_test.cpp R
+utility/iterators_test.cpp R
+utility/operators_test.cpp R
+utility/tie_example.cpp R
+utility/type_traits_test.cpp C